Synopsis of the Biological Data on the Pacific Mackerel, Scomber
XFWC-A 302 1-18 (1969) U.S. Fish Wildi. Serv. Circ. .r' F r!es Sy us No. 4: 4 Pacific rnackerel-1,75(01), 002,03 SYNOPIS OF TH BIOLQ1CAL DATA ON THE PACIF!C MACKEREL Scorn ber japonicus Houttuyn (Northeast Pacific) ITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FISH AND WILDUFE SiICE BUREAU OF COMWtERCIAL ISHERIES Circular 302 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE BUREAU OF COMMERCIAL FISHERIES y©p © h® a on k©rne ©uw d&) By DAVID KRAMER FAO Species Synopsis No, 40 Circular 30Z Washington, D,C. February 1969 CONTENTS Page Intrtion, i Identity i 1.1Nomenclature 1 1.2Taxonomy i 1.3Morphology 2 2 Distribution, 3 2.1 Total area 3 2,2Differential distribution 5 2.3Determinants of distribution changes 5 2.4Hybridization 5 3 Bionomics and life history 5 3,1Reproduction 5 3,2Preadult phase 7 3,3Adult phase 9 3,4Nutrition and growth 9 3,5Behavior 10 4 Population,,,,,,,..,,,,,,, , ,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,.........11 4,1Structure 11 4.2Abundance and density (of population) il 4,3Natality and recruitment,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,...,,,..,,, il 4.4Mortality and morbidity,.,,,.,...,,,,,...,..,,.,.,,,, 11 4,5Dynamics of population (as a whole) 11 4.6 The population in the community and the ecosystem 11 5 Fishery 13 5,1Fishingequipment 13 5,2Fishingareas,,,,,,,,..,,,,. 13 5.3Fishingseasons 13 5,4Fishingoperations and results 13 6 Protection and management 13 6.1Regulatory (legislative) measures 13 6.2 Control or alteration of physical features of the environment,,.., 17 6,3 Control or alteration of chemical features of the environment,,.. 17 6,4Control or alteration of the biological features of the environment,.
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