Reusable End-User Customization for the Mobile Web
PageTailor: Reusable End-User Customization for the Mobile Web Nilton Bila, Troy Ronda, Iqbal Mohomed, Khai N. Truong and Eyal de Lara Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto Toronto, Canada {nilton, ronda, iq, khai, delara} ABSTRACT and render poorly on the small screens available on hand- Most pages on the Web are designed for the desktop en- held devices. For example, figures 1(a) and 1(b) show the vironment and render poorly on the small screens available homepage of the BBC Web site as it renders on a desktop on handheld devices. We introduce Reusable End-User Cus- computer and a PDA, respectively. The limited screen size tomization (REUC), a technique that lets end users adapt of the PDA causes significant frustration to users as they the layout of Web pages by removing, resizing and mov- have to perform considerable scrolling to locate items of in- ing page elements. REUC records the user’s customizations terest on the page or may find it difficult to see content that and automatically reapplies them on subsequent visits to the has been reduced in size. same page or to other, similar pages, on the same Web site. Some content providers support handheld devices with We present PageTailor, a REUC prototype based on the Mi- technologies such as WML [34] and cHTML [36], where ei- nimo Web browser that runs on Windows Mobile PDAs. We ther device-specific or low quality versions of pages are hand- show that users can utilize PageTailor to adapt sophisticated crafted for display on small screens.
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