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June 10, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1173 familiesÐincluding the Riadys of IndonesiaÐrep- would also like to extend best wishes to Mr. TRIBUTE TO HANS CHRISTIAN resent enormously important economic and strate- gic assets to the PRC's leadership. Their huge net Oliver's descendents in this strong, stable, and ACKERMAN, RECIPIENT OF THE worth (measured by some observers to be in the tril- viable familyÐson, William H.L.; daughter, RHODES SCHOLARSHIP lions of dollars), their influence in their respective Gloria; granddaughters, Shelly and Krystal, countries and their ability to serve as indigenous and their husbands, Oran and Vincent; and surrogates, if not as ``Fifth Columns,'' for Beijing HON. HERBERT H. BATEMAN enormously complicates the task of responding to great-granddaughters, Kourtney and Madison; OF VIRGINIA China's predations. and the next great-grandchild to be born in 8According to the London Sunday Times of 6 April December. May God continue to keep and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1997, ``Norinco [is] a huge state-run arms manufac- bless each of you. turing conglomerate, which answers to the State Tuesday, June 10, 1997 Council, China's cabinet. Norinco has been impli- f cated in the supply to Iran of strategic materials Mr. BATEMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to that could help the Islamic regime develop weapons OKLAHOMA CITY NATIONAL commend and congratulate Mr. Hans Christian of mass destruction. Its ultimate boss is Li Peng, MEMORIAL ACT OF 1997 Ackerman, a recipient of the prestigious China's prime minister.'' Rhodes scholarship. Hans, a graduate of f HON. FRANK D. LUCAS Menchville High School in Virginia's First Dis- TRIBUTE TO WILLIAM H. OLIVER, OF OKLAHOMA trict and a 1997 graduate of the College of AN OUTSTANDING, UPSTANDING IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES William and Mary, is one of only 32 students AND UNDERSTANDING MAN Tuesday, June 10, 1997 nationwide to earn the much coveted scholar- ship in honor of philanthropist Cecil Rhodes. Mr. LUCAS of Oklahoma. Mr. Speaker, HON. DONALD M. PAYNE today I introduce legislation to establish a na- As an interdisciplinary studies major and a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Hans specialized OF NEW JERSEY tional memorial in Oklahoma City by establish- in molecular and cellular biology in college. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing the Oklahoma City National Memorial as a The Rhodes scholarship will enable him to Tuesday, June 10, 1997 unit of the National Park System and to des- ignate the Oklahoma City Memorial Trust. Few continue his research on infectious disease in Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, Thursday will events in the past quarter century have rocked Third World countries at Oxford University for mark a milestone in the life of one of my out- Americans perception of themselves and their the next 3 years. standing, upstanding, and understanding con- institutions, and brought together the people of Much of Hans' scientific curiosity and his stituents. This exceptional person is William H. our Nation with greater intensity than the April dedication to health in underdeveloped coun- Oliver. Mr. Oliver will celebrate his 85th birth- 19, 1995, bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah tries was fostered by living with his family in day on June 12. Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City. Zaire for 7 years. As a child, Hans witnessed Mr. Oliver has lived in East Orange, NJ for The results of the explosion resulted in the the ravages of rubella and malaria throughout 46 years. He is a native of Chase City, VA deaths of 168 people. Families and survivors the African populations and was disquieted by where he grew up. A true believer in the struggled and continue to struggle with the the inability to prevent such rampant disease. strength of family, Mr. Oliver has dedicated his suffering around them and with their own Last summer, Hans returned to Africa for 7 life to raising and supporting a family that con- physical and emotional injuries which ulti- weeks as a volunteer with the Kenya AIDS tinues to grow in terms of number, scope, and mately shaped their life beyond April 19. Al- Non-Governmental Organizations Consortium. purpose. Mr. Oliver's family reaches beyond though, these losses and struggles are per- In Kenya, he spent his time as an AIDS edu- his blood line and includes his church family sonal, they resulted from a public attack and cator and helped administer polio vaccina- and the community-at-large. are shared with the community, the Nation, tions. Mr. Oliver is a very active man. He is thank- and the world. The response of Oklahoma's As a result of his upbringing and his experi- ful for his good health and uses his energy public servants and private citizens, and those ences, Hans intends to dedicate his life to pre- and resources to better himself and the world throughout the Nation, remain as a testament ventive care medicine as a primary care pro- around him. He is a deacon and the treasurer to the sense of unity, compassion, heroism, vider in underdeveloped countries. of his church, Messiah Baptist Church, East that characterized the rescue and recovery fol- Hans' academic success an spirit of vol- Orange. He has held these positions for more lowing the bombing. unteerism are matched only by his achieve- than 20 years. His church activities have also Due to the national and international impact ments in the field of music. While at the Col- included being a member of the trustee board, and reaction, the Federal character of the site lege of William and Mary, he actively partici- the male chorus, and past chairman of the of the bombing, and the significant percentage pated in the Gentlemen of the College a cap- Flower Guild. His religion and the love and of the victims and survivors who were Federal pella group, the William and Mary Choir and teachings of Jesus have helped to sustain and employees, the Oklahoma City Memorial will the Early Music Ensemble. refresh him. He is also a Master Mason. His be established, designed, managed, and Hans has demonstrated outstanding scho- lodge, Jeptha 56, is very fortunate to have him maintained to educate present and future gen- lastic achievement, a dedication to the preven- involved in their activities. erations, through a public-private partnership, tion of the spread of deadly disease, and a When we become older our relationships to work together efficiently and respectfully in commitment to improving health care in under- with our children sometimes change, the pro- developing a national memorial relating to all developed countries. His variety of interests vider/dependent roles are switched. That is aspects of the April 19, 1995, bombing in prove him to be a strong role model for any not the case in Mr. Oliver's life. His two chil- Oklahoma City. The character of Oklahomans young American. In view of this young man's dren, William H.L. and Gloria are both accom- continue to be on display in their asking the special achievements, a hope you will join me plished, caring, and committed individuals who Federal Government for financial assistance in congratulating Mr. Hans Christian Ackerman serve the law enforcement community. His on this project. Although the memorial will on being chosen as one of the America's son is captain of investigators with the Essex need approximately $24 million to be estab- Rhodes scholars. County Prosecutor's Office and his daughter is lished, Oklahomans are asking that legislation lieutenant with the East Orange Police Depart- establish the Oklahoma City National Memo- f ment. They use their careers to truly serve, rial as a unit of the National Park System and protect, and guide. What is wonderful about authorize only $5 million in Federal funding. CAPTAIN BODGIT GAVE THIS these two is their relationship with their dad. In addition to the proposed Federal money, OWNER THRILL OF A LIFETIME They proudly and constantly display their love the Oklahoma City Memorial Foundation is and respect. It is not uncommon for them to seeking $5 million from the Oklahoma State seem like the boy and girl of their youth when Legislature and $14 million in private dona- HON. CLIFF STEARNS it comes to their dad. tions. The memorial will encompass the OF FLORIDA Captain Oliver can be seen raptly listening Murrah building site, Fifth Street between Rob- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to advice from his experienced elder. Lt. Oliver inson and Harvey, and the sites of the Water Tuesday, June 10, 1997 can be overheard extolling the virtues of her Resources and the Journal Record buildings. dad and saying how fortunate she is to have Both National Park Service and non-park serv- Mr. STEARNS. Mr. Speaker, a former col- him around. ice personnel will staff the grounds. league, Congressman Tom Evans has cap- Mr. Speaker, I am sure my colleagues will I ask that my colleagues join me in support- tured the essence of horseracing in America. want to join me as I wish Mr. William H. Oliver ing such a worthy piece of legislation. It is the I'm pleased to make this part of the RECORD a happy birthday and happy Father's Day. I right thing to do. because of its significance. E1174 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks June 10, 1997 [From the Daily Racing Form, June 7, 1997] probably caused by his all-out desire to win out their lives to see the fruits of their work CAPTAIN BODGIT GAVE THIS OWNER THRILL OF in Baltimore. Although the news was bad, I disappear into Uncle Sam's pockets. A LIFETIME believe most all of us feel that we are indeed That is why today I am introducing the Fam- (By Thomas B.