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The BG News January 27, 1994

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Thursday, January 27, 1994 Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 76, Issue 86 Collective bargaining debated Advantages, disadvantages of unionization discussed by Katie Simmont News staff writer

With only two weeks until voting, the collective bargaining is- sue is still in the debating stages. Wednesday night, that is exact- ly what Ryan Tweney and Milton Hakel did. The two men debated the issue of unionization and non- unionization for the University faculty. 'Tar too little open discussions are going into the issue of col- lective bargaining, and tonight we're going start," Tweney said. "What it all comes down to is what is good for the University is good for me, and on the same line what is good for me is good for the University." The focus of Tweney's discussion centered around the bene- fits of a organized union to the faculty of the University. In the recent University's history, Tweney pointed out three trends which have affected the role of the faculty members. He said those trends included: the major growth in bureau- cracy, the political climate which places a large emphasis on productivity, and the management culture which ultimately looks at the cost cutting in the labor area. Tweney added that having a union would increase the salary for faculty members, ultimately saving them money in the long run. Hakel, representing the side opposed to unionization, said the ideas of a union are not a guarantee and are promises that may not always deliver. The BG Ncwa/Rolf Wtltzner Hakel argued that the impacts of unionizing would affect Psychology professor Milton Hakel presents reasons not to form a zation as the two men debated the Issue In the Business Adminis- several aspects of the University including issues involving the faculty union while fellow psychology professor Ryan Twcney, tration Building. looks on Wednesday night. Tweney presented reasons for unlool- See Debate, page three. Glenn complains ofU.N. budget by Katharine Rlzzo money. He said he hoped to meet hasn't done a good enough Job of not the Independent outsider the cent. last year to publicly urge the The with Secretary General Boutros policing its $1 billion-a-year bud- United Nations needed to ade- Glenn joined Pressler in com- to keep its com- Boutros-Ghali. get. Boutros-Ghali admitted the quately attack fat and fraud. plaining that only independent mitments and warn that any re- WASHINGTON - Sen. John "U.S. taxpayers who foot a problems last year when he as- Pressler on Wednesday per- auditors can do effective in- duction could seriously under- Glenn is fanning the flames of a large portion of the bill for the signed a U.N. official to become suaded the Senate to withhold 10 vestigations. He said "We need to mine U.N. operations. iong-simmering dispute between U.N. budget have every right to an internal watchdog. percent of authorized U.S. con- send a clear signal to the U.N: "The United Nations needs the the United States and the United be angry about the wide-scale That official, Mohamed Aly tributions to the United Nations ignore the Congress and the con- United States," Boutros-Ghali Nations. corruption and fraud there," he Niazi, had been in charge of in- in 1994 if it does not appoint an cerns of the American people at said. "If the United States, de- Glenn, D-Ohio, said Wednesday said. ternal audits. Critics in Washing- independent inspector general. your peril." spite its legal obligations ... de- he's planning a trip to the U.N. to The United States has com- ton led by Sen. Larry Pressler, For the 1995 budget year, the re- The threat of cutbacks in U.S. complain about how it handles its plained that the United Nations R-S.D, complained that he was duction would go up to 20 per- contributions led Boutros-Ghali See Glenn, page three. Quake crisis dwindles No injuries take place Californians apply for emergency food stamps during fighter jet crash by Jett Meyer The stamps were distributed by an overwhelmed The Associated Press county Social Services Department. "We can't deal by James Hannah with the vast numbers here," said Gary Tipling, a The Associated Press LOS ANGELES - Thousands of people jostled In social services deputy district director who helped long lines Wednesday to receive emergency food control the crowd at the Panorama City center. stamps, and tent city populations dwindled as the DAYTON, Ohio - Two F-16 housing crisis caused by the Northridge earth- The food stamp program began Monday. Crowds fighter jets crashed as they quake showed some signs of easing. had swelled by Wednesday at the country's 29 dis- were taking off at Wright- Tempers flared as about 2,000 people converged tribution centers as word of the program spread, Patterson Air Force Base on a food stamp distribution center in the Panor- Tipling said. At least 9,300 people have applied so Wednesday. ama City area of the San Fernando Valley. People far, he said. Neither pilot was injured and wanted immediate help, but most had to wait for Tent cities kept emptying due to early morning there were no passengers application appointments that were stretching into temperatures In the 30s, the delivery of rental aboard either plane. early February. checks and homes being approved for occupancy. Lt. Col. Patrick Mullaney "Stop pushing! You're not going to move!" a said the Air Force was in- police officer barked through a megaphone to a More and more people were still seeking some vestigating the extent of the APPhoto/Mlckael Helm surging portion of the crowd. type of government aid. damage and what caused the Ground crew personnel from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base People formed lines four and five abreast that An estimated 4,300 people remained in tent cit- crash, reported at 3:08 p.m. near Dayton, Ohio, walk to one of the two F16 fighter jets that stretched down the block and around the corner. It ies, authorities said. One or both pilots apparently crashed during takeoff Wednesday. was generally calm, although some people encountered some difficulty as protested as police tried to escort them into the "The only ... number we see to decrease is the the planes were taking off. One sustain some fire damage. Capt. Keith Tackett, a spokes- proper line. About two dozen officers kept the number of people outside in the parks, in the tents, pilot ejected from his plane Mullaney said the plane off man for the 138th Both pilots crowd in check. in the temporary shelters," said Richard Andrews, while the other left his craft the runway sustained "signifi- live In Syracuse, he said. "We should make it. if not today, then we'll be director of the state Office of Emergency Ser- from the ground, Mullaney cant damage" while damage to Zaccaro and Bortiatynski here tomorrow to get our stamps and get out," said vices. "That number is beginning to go down. All said. the other plane had not been were examined at Wright- Denise Walker, who stayed in line with her hus- the other numbers are still going up." It was not known if the determined. Patterson Medical Center but band rather than accept an appointment card for planes collided or whether they Each plane cost about $20 neither was injured, Tackett Feb. 5. Officials said about 4,500 buildings in and crashed from the air or on the million, base spokeswoman Sue said. The Walkers got in line at 6 am. By noon, they around Los Angeles County had been declared un- ground, he said. Baker said. The planes were being trans- were nowhere near the front. They needed food inhabitable. In the city of Los Angeles alone, that One plane stayed on the run- The base's airfield remained ferred from Spangdahlem Air because all of theirs spoiled when power was lost amounted to 15,310 uninhabitable units. way, its nose tipped to the closed Wednesday night Force Base in Germany to Hill after the 6.6-magnitude quake on Jan. 17. ground. The other plane was in The pilots were Capt. Tony The U.S. Department of Agriculture authorized Government and industry officials said there a grassy area several hundred Zaccaro and Lt. Mark Bortia- Air Force Base in Utah The the one-time food stamp giveaway for earthquake was plenty of existing housing available. The su- yards from the runway, right tynski, both of the Air National planes were assigned to the victims. Applicants also had to show financial burban San Fernando Valley has a 12 percent va- aide up but without Its landing Guard's 138th Fighter Group, 56th Fighter Squadron at need, said Mary Robertson, an administrator of the cancy rate, said Tom Coyle of the state Depart- gear. Both planes appeared to based in Syracuse, N.Y said Spangdahlem. county Social Services Department. ment of Housing and Community Development.

Nancy Kubasek, a Uni- The men's basketball versity associate professor Republicans react to team lost a heart broker to Icy. Freezing rain in the has written an easy-to- President Clinton's state of the ninth place Central morning changing to rain. understand guide to envi- the union address. Michigan Chippewas. The High in the mid 30s. Chance ronmental law to benefit □Page eight. score was 58-53. of precipitation 90 percent. students. □Page nine □Page four. The Page Editorial The BG News page two Thursday, January 27, 1994 The BG News "A Commitment to Excellence"

Kirk Pavelich Glen Lubbert editor-in-chief managing editor

Julie Tagliaferro Eileen McNamara assistant managing editor news editor

Sharon Turco Michael Zawacki Scott DeKatch city editor editorial editor Insider editor Clinton's plans will be helpful With President Clinton's approval ratings on an upswing after some late year successes, one can only hope he uses the momentum to accomplish his goals for the new year. In his first state of the union address Tuesday, Clinton pledged to break the gridlock plaguing the nation's economy, health care and welfare re- forms and take a hard stand on the problem of vio- lence in American society. With health care, Clinton hopes to provide com- Open letter to Mr.Olscamp prehensive benefits that will cover preventive care and prescription drugs. In addition, he ambitiously wants to provide the freedom to choose a health plan Dear Mr. Olscamp, My name is guage he was studying, and wor- you stride humbly yet jubilantly and to choose your own doctor. David. I'm a non-traditional ried because the class is a re- onto the center of campus with In terms of welfare expenditures, the president senior at the University and a quirement. In conversation he open, inviting arms, while wants to provide the support, the job training and the journalism major with a minor In tried to laugh off his confusion, throngs of forgiving students history. I reside in the small town but the truth usually was painfu- swarm affectionately around child care that is needed for up to two years. After of Rossford, just a short drive up lly exposed during class exer- you. that, anyone who can work must work. Interstate 75. Each weekday I cises. Neither do I expect you to re- "We will make welfare what it ought to be: a sec- commute to school in a light blue In short, it's about real stu- linquish your personal privacy ond chance, not a way of life," Clinton said. We at 1989 Dodge Omni I purchased dents with dreams, expectations for the sake of chumming The News couldn't agree more. new. and fears who dutifully work around. What strikes us as most impressive is Clinton's Currently, I'm taking four through daily classes, homework, It's just that sometime during stance on violence in America. By seizing the initia- courses: Biology 101, which has David research papers and tests so your tenure as president you tive on crime, he has effectively knocked his Repub- an accompanying lab that makes eventually they can make some- seem to have forgotten whose in- lican counterparts off balance - by suddenly focus- me nervous; Spanish 202 (Me Coehrs thing of themselves. terests you're here to serve and ing on an issue that they should have taken care of llamo David); Law of Mass Com- It's about young, hopeful, but whose concerns you're meant to munication 402, which will teach uncertain adults who sling hash, address. You also seem to have years ago. me the legalities of news report- self called you a reptile. Fellow repair cars, sell clothes and do dismissed the idea of forging and What needs to be realized is that the issue is too ing; and Documentary 430, which students were satisfied to use just about anything else to help maintaining a relationship with important to become one concerning partisan think- should prove to be quite chal- expletives and the term "weasel" finance a monumentally expen- the student body. ing. These differences need to be put aside so a tough lenging. but I corrected them. sive education that doesn't, in it- We're not simply social securi- new crime bill can be enacted and steps can be taken I have borrowed a truckload of "He's a reptile," I said. "Only a self, guarantee a career or al- ty numbers, Mr. Olscamp, and towards saving lives. money to attend this institution. I reptile is that cold-blooded." At ways sufficiently prepare for we're certainly not just faceless, Now we only hope that the president carries plan to graduate in August, at the time I really meant it. one. And it's about Paul, the Uni- nameless bodies scurrying pur- through on his ambitious agenda for 1994. It's one which time the money will stop This letter really isn't about versity president who few, if any, posefully across the grounds. thing to make promises and deliver good sound bites, flowing and I will be obligated to your decision last week. Dr. Ols- of these students have ever seen We're flesh and blood folks who but it's another to actually carry on the plan and pro- pay the piper. I'm hoping to be camp. You already have been or kept company with for even an would like to see you care enough vide the American people with needed change. employed by a news organiza- thoroughly lambasted with anger hour during their stay here. More to try and meet as many of us as Year after year, the American people witness simi- tion, but I've heard the opportun- and sarcasm over that incident. specifically, it's about what ap- your schedule will permit. ities are sparse for freshly- Believe me, I am tempted to use pears to be his appalling lack of Stop by the Union, sir. Visit the lar promises about the same issues. As of Wednes- scrubbed eager beaver rookies. sarcasm as well, but enough is concern over being so woefully Commuter Center. Browse in the day, a poll snowed that three out of every four Amer- I'm telling you about myself enough. out of touch with them. This was campus bookstore. Shake some icans supported Clinton for his decisions on crime, with the faint hope you'll be In- This letter is about you and the pitifully demonstrated when he hands, ask how we are, and offer health care and welfare. terested. I've been informed that 17,000 University students who kept the classroom doors open in a bit of encouragement. Show us Unlike some presidents of the past, Clinton has ac- you don't bother to read The BG regularly trudge to class sleepy- the midst of arctic temperatures. you're interested. tually seized the initiative on a number of key issues News; I've heard your secretary eyed on Monday mornings and Sir, my question is this: how do that have never been resolved. But words and prom- scans it and clips anything that with prickly anticipation for the you continue to tolerate the long If you won't respond to my let- ises are one thing. It doesn't mean a thing unless they might possibly be of interest. weekend on Friday afternoons. hours and interminable griev- ter with personal appearances, are backed by actions. Maybe she'll clip this column. It's about "Sue," the freshman ances associated with your posi- then do it in writing. I will gladly Lately, you've been mentioned I met who always seemed to be tion when you seem to display no yield this Thursday column a lot in this publication. Your rushing into her afternoon class genuine interest in the young space whenever you're ready to The BG News Staff name was linked to that business ten minutes late smelling faintly people whose lives you help to share your thoughts and opin- about keeping the University of fast food because her shift at orchestrate? ions. I'm certain the student body open during last week's sub-zero her restaurant job runs into her Why do you prefer to remain would be receptive. pholo editor Ross Wcilzncr weather. Your "...so long as cold school schedule. She needs the such an enigmatic figure to the assistant photo editor Nathan Wallace weather is the only problem at money, but work takes away very people whose tuition helps Mr. Olscamp, I apologize in sports editor Mark DcChant this campus..." statement really from her study time. If that to pay your salary, the people print for calling you a repUle. assistant sports editor Randy Setter frosted the students who had to wasn't enough, she's feeling who are most affected by your Now I encourage you to prove me assistant sports editor Mike Kazimorc confront the dangerous wind homesick. daily presidential decisions? wrong. It's about "Jeff," who felt very Mr. Olscamp, I am a realist. Insider managing editor Joe Pciffcr chill. embarrassed because he couldn't I'm not expecting a Scrooge-like Sincerely, Dawn Keller I heard a lot of people call you special projects editor a lot of unflattering things. I my- make sense of the foreign lan- transformation in you, wherein David Coehrs assistant special projects editor Leah Bamum copy chief Mcridilh McCrackcn The BG News Editorial Office A question of innocence editor 372-6966 Insider 372-6967 Was Michael Jackson's multi-million dollar payoff an admission of guilt? managing editor 372-2603 assistant managing editor 372-6968 There is no question that Michael Jackson is strange. You only need Michael Jackson and his money have once again left the world in news editor 372-2952 to look at him to realize that this guy has serious problems. But he awe. city editor 372-6968 hasn't been proven guilty of anything, and in this country you're in- First it was the purchase of 's bones; then he sports editor 372-2602 nocent until proven guilty. bought the entire Beatles catalogue; then it was The Neveriand editorial 372-2604 Jackson settling out of court with the boy's father doesn't exactly Ranch. Now he has managed to buy his way out of allegations of child inspire confidence in his innocence. Some will see this as proof of molestation. 204 West Hall Jackson's guilt and argue that Jackson bought his freedom for about It's hard to consider what is really going on because the dollar $10 million. Bowling Green Slate University signs keep getting in the way. It is quite possible Jackson did exactly that. It is true that nothing has been proven in a court of law, but than Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0726 If he is innocent it's understandable that he settled. The media has again, he wasn't going to court to face a misdemeanor charge. [email protected] already convicted him. His career is probably over for all intents and Child molestation is a heinous crime and any implications there of purposes (no corporation or record company is ever going to sponsor should be looked into seriously. him again). If the boy was in fact molested by Jackson, there is no amount of Copyright ©1994 by The BG News. Reprinting of any material in An innocent verdict at a trial would not have exonerated Michael money which can erase the scars left by sexual abuse. this publication without the permission of The BG News is strictly Jackson. He'd still be stuck in a celebrity leper colony with Fatty Ar- The 10 million-plus dollar signs keep pointing back to Jackson. Was prohibited. buckle, Charlie Chaplin and Shannen Doherty. It's quite possible this settlement actually a way for him to dodge sexual molestation The BG News is an independent student voice founded in 1920 and Jackson knows this and decided to cut his losses, pay off the kid and charges? It appears that way. is published daily during the academic year and Wednesdays in the avoid a long, lengthy and meaningless trial. When the police finally There should be no amount of money which will let anyone get summer. got around to questioning Jackson, they conducted an intensive strip away with sating their perversion for violating a young boy. The BG News encourages its readers to notify the paper of any search complete with photographs. Jackson later called it, "the most Jackson adamantly professed in his satellite news conference that errors in stories or photograph descriptions. humiliating experience I've ever been through in my life." he was not guilty. He pleaded for the world to believe that nothing Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the student It's quite possible that Jackson, who has been living in a celebrity dirty or insidious went on between himself and his young friend. So fishbowl for most of his life, finally decided to end it once and for all. body, faculty or University administration. Opinions expressed in why doesn't he face trial? The settlement is probably Michael Jackson's farewell to the world. I Representatives for Jackson have said he sometimes lives in the columns, cartoons and letters are not necessarily those of The BG don't know if Michael Jackson is guilty or not. But I do think it's dan- world of a child. I don't buy this excuse. News. Letters intended for publication must be between 200-300 gerous to make presumptions before all the facts are in. A lot of good Jackson is an adult who may have done terrible things to a small words long, typed and include the writer's name, phone number and and innocent people have been found guilty and sentenced to a life in boy. If he is guilty of these allegations, he should face the music like a University affiliation, if any. The BG News reserves the right to edit exile without ever going to court. man. any and all letters. Lawrence Hannan is the student government reporter for The BG Michael Zawacki is the opinion editor of The BG News News. S I Headlines The BG News page three Thursday, January 27,1994 THEY SAID IT

"Our country has health care prob- lems, but no health care crisis." -Bob Dole, Senate Republican leader. ITHREEa n u ACROSS THE CAMPUS Union issue to be de- Jazz pianist plays bated tomorrow WBGU Channel 27 will be Jazz pianist Jeff Hcllmer will televising the program "Special be a guest artist at the Universi- Journal - Collective Bargaining" ty's College of Musical Arts tonight at 10 p.m. The live call-in tomorrow. The free 8 p.m. con- show, hosted by Judy Pesralis, cert in Bryan Recital Hall will will feature University President feature Hellmer and music facul- Paul Olscamp and faculty mem- ty member Roger Schupp. bers Ron Stoner and George Twice named as a finalist in the Clemens. Stoner and Clemens Great American Jazz Piano Com- will debate the issue of whether petition, Hellmer has appeared the faculty should adopt collec- with artists ranging from Harvey tive bargaining during the first Pittel and the Smothers Brothers half of the program, with Ols- to Diahann Carroll. In addition to camp joining the discussion for arranging music for and conduct- the last thirty minutes. ing some of the nation's finest pops orchestras, Hellmer has re- corded music for Walt Disney Productions, Ruben Ramos and the Texas Revolution. Huron Playhouse seeks An associate professor of jazz actors studies at the University of The University theatre de- Texas, Hellmer has been director partment will hold open auditions of the Western Illinois University for the 1994 Huron Playhouse Jazz Piano Campus for the past Company at 12:30 p.m. Feb. 19 in six years. the Joe E. Brown Theatre in Uni- CompUcd from staff and wire versity Hall. reports. Application forms and refer- ences must be completed before Feb. 1. An appointment time for the audition must be scheduled Macintosh SEs through the theatre department For Rent at 372-2222.

Tvo 31/2" Disk Drive) & Republicans to host de- 1 MB Memory bate The University College Repub- licans have extended invitations AP PV«o«*rol Kra to host the first debate between Republican United States Senate hopefuls Lt. Gov. Mike DeWine, Michael Valentine, 7, center, Morgen Greenberg, 8, left, and Laura adelphia. With all of the Ice and snow this winter, doctors are re- $150 per semester porting a rash of serious sledding Injuries. Bernandine Healy and state Vloll, right, 8, crash while making a sled train Wednesday In Phil- Senator Eugene Watts. Plus tax and deposit The group, which was recog- nized in Washington, D.C. this Call 372-7496 for details. Debate Glenn past July as the Most Outstanding with the administration," Hakel College Republican Club in the Continued from page one. what such steps may mean for nation, proposed that the debate Continued from page one. said. American influence at the UN. Despite his arguments for op- take place on President's Day, .Alcohol quickly affects your judgmenL cides not to fulfill its financial and for the precedent it would set Monday, Feb. 21 at 7 p.m. The Academic Charter. posing unionization, Hakel undertaking, it can do so. for others." proposed debate, which would be balance, and coordination. Don'l In addition, by unionizing, the stressed the importance of coop- The U.S. pays a quarter of reg- drink and ride Or your lasl "But I ask that such steps not free and open to the public, would drink might be your last drink.' administration and the Universi- eration between all members of ular U.N. expenses and 30 per- take place at the University's be taken lightly. I ask that those WOTMCYCLE SAF ETf FOUHDJTIOtl ty as a whole would have to place the faculty and administration. who decide consider carefully cent of the peacekeeping tab. Kobacker Hall. more trust in the Faculty Asso- "Whatever happens on voting ciation, he said. day, [the University] will survive COUPON" Hakel also pointed out that a - it is important to remember negative aspect of collective that," Hakel said. ^ SPAGHETTI WITH bargaining would be the paying AXQ AXQ of union dues and other fees. Following the debates and re- MEATBALLS $3 99f He also questioned exactly how buttals, a question and answer Bed of spaghetti noodles topped with mea period was administered where long the faculty will wait for the vegetarian sauce and 3 meatballs, served with 2 slices proposed raise, resulting from such questions as fees, collegia- the choice to unionize. lity and other concerning issues of Garlic Bread b one trip to the salad bar! I "The bottom line is whether or were brought up and discussed Monday's 2-4-1 BREADSTICKS not you [the faculty] want to be by faculty members representat- L Inside only exp 1-31-94 locked in to a perpetual combat ing both sides of the issue. THE WINTER WEATHER MAY BE ROUGH. 352-9D3O NO other discounts Apply BUT AT AXfl's GRAB A DATE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 HE'S ABOUT TO GET CUFFED! 'i'i'i'i^iL'i'i ; !!!';!;^ -!.! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !'!-'!'! !'!'-!- -!-'-!!!'^ § HOWARDS club H ?T7.;■;.;■■■;■;■;.;■;■;■;■;■;.;.;.;■;.;.;.;. j.; ■; ■ ;■; ■ ;■ f ■; ■ '■' i ■ i' i' BE AT MUGS FRIDAY FROM 7-9

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MOORE MUSICAL ARTS CENTER 2 Campus The BG News page four Thursday, January 27,1994 History prof Professor publishes law guide Text provides students with information about environment

remembered by Larlssa Hrltsko "In the past, the course never placed on environmental legisla- their communities, she said. by Robin Coe cording to Kawashima. News staff writer had a textbook and was taught by tion in the Congressional agenda Business people can also benefit News staff writer David Harold, a senior his- the use of packets. Throughout for the next four years, Kubasek from knowing environmental tory and political science A University associate profes- my ten years of teaching the said. laws. A University professor major who had him for many sor has written an easy-to- course, I compiled the informa- The recent passage of the "The book can be beneficial to emeritus died with em- classes, said Roller thought of understand guide to environmen- tion and was then confronted by a North American Free Trade anyone who would like to know physema last week after himself as a "raconteur," or tal law. publisher to write the text book," Agreement brought up a lot of how the law and legal system months of serious illness. storyteller. He believed that Nancy Kubasek, associate functions," she said. David C. Roller, professor all historians must be good professor of legal studies, wrote Kubasek has also spoken on emeritus of history, was storytellers in order to get "Environmental Law," for those "The book tries to stimulate the reader to topics concerning her new book forced to re- their points across and he fre- without legal or scientific back- think about where the law should be going. It at national and regional meetings tire last quently used this philosophy ground. of the Academy of Legal Studies spring when provides background information on how the in class. "The book tries to stimulate and Business. he became "You want to learn for him - the reader to think about where legal system works, and some basic seriously ill. he was fantastic," Harold said. the law should be going," Ku- The book is also being used at He contin- "He was a good grader, great basek said. "It provides back- scientific knowledge necessary for ued to teach other universities, including the storyteller and it was fun to go ground information on how the understanding environmental law. University of New Mexico. in the fall of to class." legal system works, and some Nancy Kubasek, author of "E nvironmental Law." 1993, but Harold describes him as a basic scientific knowledge "Our department is very after a "nice, down-to-earth" teacher necessary for understanding en- pleased to have this book pub- month of who talked to students in and vironmental law." she said. environmental concerns. lished because it is making a con- teaching he Roller out of the classroom. The book was mainly published Environmental law is becom- Not only can the book be help- tribution to both the University had to stop when he began to "I wish I could have had him to provide students with a text ing a more popular topic due to ful in the classroom, but also to and the nation," said Donald get worse and had to be hospi- for more classes," Harold book on environmental law, Ku- the recent push to save the envi- citizens' groups that want to Boren, chairman and professor talized. said. "The history department basek said. ronment and the importance change environmental issues in of legal studies. According to Fujiya Kflwa and University will be at a shima, chairman of the history great loss without him." department, faculty members Roller joined the University sometimes suggested that Rol- in 1964 and had contributed Hospital presents programs ler not teach in his condition, services on numerous college but he wanted to continue and University committees, teaching despite his illness. including Chairman of the He brought his oxygen tank to Arts and Sciences Task Force Medical center employees todiscuss women's health issues the University and classes on Curriculum Redesign. He while he was ill, so that he had served as a member of the by Cynthia Kent 27 from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. It will The University also offers a transmitted diseases, pregnancy could continue teaching. Faculty Senate and as Chair- News staff writer be presented by Dr. David wide array of women's health tests and many other services for "He was a dedicated mem- man of the Faculty Senate in Fransblau, medical director of services. women," Navin said. ber of the University," Kawa- 1978-79. The Women's Life Center of St. Adult Psychiatric Services at St. According to Joann Navin, Pyschological counseling is shima said "He was a very se- He had received the Arts Vincent Medical Center is pre- Vincent Medical Center. nurse's assistant at the Student also offered by psychology grad- rious scholar, a good colleague and Sciences Instructional senting a series of educational His presentation will discuss Health Center, the health center uate students. and a good teacher." Excellence Award and an a- programs which explore wom- the differences in depression for gives treatment for mostly phys- He was famous with his stu- ward for co-editing and au- en's health issues like depression men and women. He will also ical ailments and conditions. "We also have medical practi- dents for presenting captivat- thoring essays in the Ency- and relationships. speak about the signs and symp- "We offer annual exams, con- tioners who counsel students ing lectures about history, ac- clopedia of Southern History. The first program "Women and toms of depression and the latest traceptive counseling, treatment with eating disorders and weight Depression," will take place Jan. treatment methods. and testing for sexually- problems," Navin said.

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Teleconference Return of the cold! covers resources for commuters by Courtney Gangeml News staff writer A teleconference between area colleges and universities will take place today to discuss the services and programs available to com- muter and adult students. The drive-in conference Is entitled "Commuter Students and Adult Learners: Making Sure That All Students Matter and Strategies for Making It Happen." It seeks to gather a consortium of nearby col- leges and universities to discuss the resources available in providing services, programs, advocacy and research for commuting and adult learners, according to Fiona Mackinnon Slaney. The conference will be live via satellite from Cincinnati, with the local portion of the conference taking place at the Days Inn, 1550 E. WoosterSt. It Is sponsored by the American College Personnel Association Commission XVII, in collaboration with various administrators and networks. The University's student affairs, continuing education, in- ternational and summer programs offices will co-sponsor the confer- ence. Other co-sponsors include divisions of Ashland University, the University of Toledo, Owens State Community College and North- The BC NCWI/RM> Wclu.tr west State Community College. As winter and iis ear-stinging wind returns from a short hiatus, students are reminded by their Instincts to take advantase of Coffee and registration begins at 9:30 am. at Days Inn, with Su- students speedily board the shuttle. When cold weather strikes, amenities like the packed, warm shuttle. zanne Crawford beginning the conference, addressing the needs of Time Bound, Place Bound students. She Is the dean of continuing ed- ucation, international and summer programs. "The keynote speaker of the luncheon will be Sir Ian MacKenzie, THE who promises to be an interesting speaker," said Joyce Kepke, direc- tor of continuing education. Professor ineligible for TANNING MacKenzie Is a British industrialist and labor relations expert, in- CENTER ternational financier, and former member of Margaret Thatcher's government. "He will address the relations between higher education, business, Master Teacher Award industry and labor management in today's world," said Adele Yung, a 20 visits $40 "The Board of Trustees de- HESA graduate student. by Katie Simmons portant issues prior to and in the 10 visits $25 The interactive teleconference features well-known educators ac- News staff writer same way as everyone else." rived the name of the award 12 5 visits $15 tive in the field of adult and commuter learning services in the after- The Master Teacher Award is years ago, and this is the very noon from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., Yung said. Some members of the Univer- given by the Alumni Association, first complaint we have ever Dennis Golden, Barbara Jacoby, Nancy K. Schossberg and Sylvis sity faculty have criticized the which is made up of graduate had," Weiss said. "We are very 248 N. Main- 10 Beds Ramos will be the four panelists. selection process used for the students who would like to serve proud of this award, and we are 354-1559 "The topics discussed will range from a variety of perspectives Master Teacher Award after an the University, according to Cyn- doing everything we can now to 993 S. Main - 5 Beds that Include professional strategies and student input," Yung said. ethnic studies professor nomi- thia Oxender, the assistant direc- correct our mistake. We have had 353 - 8826 Four well-known individuals in the field of adult learning will be nated for the award was found to tor of alumni affairs. women recipients in the past and "We honor local competitors the panelists of the afternoon conference, said Joyce Kepke of the be ineligible months after pre- "In regard to the mentioned again, up until now, we've never problems in The Monitor, we take had any complaints," Weiss said. advertised prices* continuing education office. paring for the award. 'our tanning professionals since 198C Golden is a frequent presenter at regional and national conferen- Lorna Gonsalves-Pinto was many suggestions under ad- ces. He has extensive experience in university administration, affir- disqualified after the board dis- visement and we do everything "We are sorry this whole thing mative action, alumni work, finances, community relations, profes- covered she did not meet the we can to correct them," she happened, what we want is peo- sional association service and strategic planning. Golden also teaches guideline requiring the recipient said. ple - students and faculty both - 1 FREE visit w/ this ad in the higher education/student personnel program, according to the to have taught for at least three Alumni Affairs Director Larry to understand the importance (when you purchase any package) office of public relations at the University. years at the University. Weiss said Gonsalves-Pinto's and significance of this distin- exp 1/29/94 Jacoby is on the board of directors of the Council for the Advance- Robert Perry, director of eth- case was an unusual one. guishing award," Oxender said. ment of Standards for Student Services/Development Programs. She nic studies, wrote a letter that "We had an unfortunate mi- has written and been consulted extensively and has made many pre- appeared in the Dec. 13 issue of shap with this case," Weiss said. sentations across the country. Her institution and various profes- the faculty newspaper The Moni- "Her application was ineligible sional associations have recognized her outstanding work on behalf tor about Gonsalves-Pinto, a se- and it slipped through our view, of commuter students on several occasions. mi-finalist for the award. and now all we can do is act upon Schlossberg was the first woman executive at the American Coun- "I responded to the fact that it our mistake - which we are." cil on Education (ACE), where she established the Office of Women in was Inappropriate the way the Higher Education. faculty members received the a- Perry also said in his letter that She has received the highest honors and awards from national or- ward," Perry said. "I feel every- the name of the award is gender PERM$ff& ganizations including the National Career Development Association, one should be told all the guide- inclusive. Gonsalves-Pinto did National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, American lines, restrictions and other im- not comment on this matter. College Personnel Association, National Association for Women's Deans, Administrators, and Counselors. The fourth panelist, Ramos, has addressed recruitment and reten- tion in testimony before the Select Committee on Higher Education and contributed extensively to The Mexican-American task force in This could be you March 18 Higher Education Report, which outlines strategies for increasing graduation rates among Hispanics. Sign up today in 330 Union go with W® to Stressed about the MCAT? Panama City Beach FL $256 hotel and bus $160 hotel only Call: 2-2343 You'll Loo^r^ for Classes start Feb 12! details FAMOUS \P 3«£ The Princeton Review can help! WE USE AND RECOMMEND For more info or to enroll, call 800-347-PREP ESSENTIALS As soon as you enrol], you will receive the Caduceus Science Review software (a S2S0 software product available FREE to FOODT0WN PLUS PLAZA • 352-1989 Come See Us In The Union Foyer No Appointment Necessary • Just Walk In Princeton Review students) and our Science Review so that 10-3 Today thru Friday you can get started right away. OPEN Mon.-Fri. 9-8; Sat. 8-6; Sun. 10-3

THE WORKS ■■ ADULT ncO0«* ■■ 00 Applications available for the Shampoo Ho»cu« SfyW Ov ■ »^™ ■^— HAIR CUT RegularlyhiK.co^ooog ( IJ PERM ONLY ■ • Pi»c*on CU> Ei'ra ■ ■ DELBERT L. LATTA SCHOLARSHIP «m t*a couoo" or*/ LOAQ*< M» f*t.O' i! lO" Is Regularly »3« oo The Delbert L. Latta Scholarship was created upon the 1988 retirement of Delbert Latta from the U.S. Congress, where he had served as Ohio's Fifth District Representative for 30 years. He also served three terms In the Ohio Senate. Up to two $1,000 scholarships (one to incoming freshman, one to continuing student who have a minimum of two more semesters of study to complete before graduation) will be awarded to law-abiding students who possess a minimum GPA of 3.0 and exhibit involement in campus and/or community organizations. ANY MAJOR IS ELIGIBLE. Application must reside in the geographic areas represented by Delbert Latta during his years in public service: the counties. Erie, Fulton. Hancock. Henry, Ottawa, Paulding, Putnam. Sandusky. Seneca, Van Wert, Williams, and Wood: also the townships of Lyme, Norwich. Richmond, Sherman and Bellevue City (Huron County), Harding, Jerusalem. Monclova, Oregon, Providence, Springfield, and Swanton (Lucas County). Applications are available at the Mlletl Alumni Center. DEADLINE MARCH 7. 1994 City The BG News page six Thursday, January 27, 1994 Board Recycling increases debates Bowling Green center collects more than ever olice

addition by Richard Leva tion to collecting recyclable material. News staff writer According to Craig Wittig, the University recy- cling coordinator, the student response to recy- to plant Both the city and the University are reporting cling has been excellent. large increases in the amounts of recyclable mate- "In our first year of recycling, back in 1986, we lotter by Jonathan Broadfoot rial collected in the past year. collected 4,400 pounds for the entire year," Wittig News staff writer A record 4.8 million pounds of recyclable mate- said. "Now we do five times that in one week, so rial was shipped through the Bowling Green Recy- the growth has just been incredible. I mean, 12 a A man reported to police that The Bowling Green cling Center in 1993. The previous record had been tons a week is a hell of a lot of material." man's cousin of being a child Board of Public Utilities is set in 1992, when slightly more than 4 million Most University areas, including residence halls his roommate pushed him down, molester. When the two men ar- causing his head to meet the considering a plan pro- pounds were collected. and academic buildings, have recycling bins where rived at the complex the subject ground. The roommate also posed by a consulting engi- The Bowling Green Curbside Recycling Collec- material such as cans, glass, plastic and news- told the cousin, "You do not be- neer firm to expand the ci- tion Program received a record 1.3 million pounds papers are collected. Dining halls also collect choked him and pushed him out long in this world." The subject the front door, causing him to ty's water treatment plant. of material last year. This broke the previous re- cardboard for recycling. told the two men to leave and cord of 1.1 million pounds set in 1991. Every residence hall room now has a small recy- hang from a railing. The man de- reached into his automobile Flnkbeiner, Pettis & cided to file a report in case his glove box. The subject then fol- Strout, Ltd. made its pro- According to Public Works Director Bill Blair, cling bin where students can collect their recycla- roommate decides to beat him up lowed the man around for awhile. posal to the board at its the increased recycling is due to increased educa- bles. Office paper is also collected at every Uni- again. The caller felt the man was very meeting Monday night. The tion and awareness. versity desk. □ A man reported to police that unstable and thought he may plan would add more "The education program that we have, the type treatment tanks, pipings of people we have being in a university community Even though recycling is neither cost-effective on two recent occasions a black have had a gun. and the awareness of the importance of recycling nor profit-driven, Blair said people do have a re- poodle and a large dog have 3 A man called police to inform and possibly a septic dump chased him and his dog down the them that someone threw a station to the Water Pollu- all melts into a very good program," Blair said. sponsibility for future generations to keep the University students have also made a contribu- earth clean. street. When the man complained snowball through his double- tion Control Facility. to the alleged owner of the dogs, paned front window, which is lo- The expansion of the the woman swore at him and told cated near his front door. The plant would involve three him to mind his own business. man said afterward an eight-inch phases of construction to Legal services to aid poor The man said the woman's yard hole appeared in the window. take place over a 50-year is fenced in, but the dogs are able fl A skinny, six-foot-tall male period. the battered mother and her to escape. with straight blond hair, wearing by Jonathan Broadfoot A statewide assessment on DA man reported to police that jeans and a waist-length green However, the Water Pol- news staff writer legal needs released in 1991 child receive capable repre- sentation in their efforts to be the woman upstairs keeps har- jacket, stole a 12-pack of Hud lution Control Facility will showed that only 17 percent of rassing him and his wife. He said weiser beer valued at $5.99 plus make improvements con- Access to free legal aid ser- indigent Ohioans with legal prob- protected from furtlier violence, and that the retiree has a profes- the woman knocked on his door, tax. After taking the beer he ran cerning Ohio Environmen- vices for low-income Ohioans lems receive any attention, Mur- and when his wife answered, the towards the Buckeye Budget tal Protection Agency man- may be available in the future. phy said. sional ally in his battle for safe and affordable housing." woman yelled and shoved a Motel. dates within the next eight The Ohio Legal Assistance "That is unacceptable in a so- broken ashtray in her face. The years. Foundation is a new institution ciety that is dedicated to the ideal woman filed a counter complaint a A woman called 911 to report of justice for all," said Murphy, The Ohio State Bar Association created through the cooperation when the husband threatened to that the tires were slashed on her The Ohio EPA has issued of the Ohio Supreme Court, the who is also a Columbus lawyer. will serve as a partner with the new permits so wastewater new foundation in exploring the beat her up after the alleged ash- vehicle. She was told to call a Ohio State Bar Association and tray assault. non-emergency number. Upon treatment plants need to others. The foundation will administer most effective ways to provide change from chlorination to funds from filing fees and inter- affordable legal service, said O According to police reports, calling the correct number, it The foundation will focus its a man complained that damaging was discovered the two passen- another alternative dis- energy on exploring various ap- est on Lawyers Trust Accounts Kathleen Burke, president of the infectant, according to Rich on behalf of legal aid programs state bar association. salt particles dispensed by a city ger side tires were slashed some- proaches to decreasing the vast salt truck abused the finish of his time between the previous Engle, project engineer for unmet need for its civil legal ser- throughout the state. FPS. car. The man said the abrasive Wednesday and Saturday. vices, said Denis Murphy, presi- Ohio lawyers have a longstand- crytals struck his car while he The creation of the foundation ing tradition of offering vol- dent of the foundation. drove, causing nicks in the paint. is a significant step in the effort unteer services to low income O A man reported to police that to close the gap on the unmet civ- citizens. Burke said. Meeting the a A women reported to police upon arriving home he found a il legal needs, said Chief Justice legal needs of the poor isn't just a that she heard what sounded like message on his recorder stating Thomas Moyer. lawyer's problem - it's a social four gunshots and a breaking "I'm in your house and I'm going 520 East HCHMI problem that government at all window. She said she did not see to kill you tonight." The man had "Working together, we can levels must address, she said. anything. The woman believed no idea who the voice belonged to continue our efforts to increase the noise came from the west or what the motive might be. He civil legal services to the poor," The foundation board consists side of her house, but officers did not take the message serious- NEWLPVE he said. "We can ensure that the of lawyers, legislators and busi- checked the area and reported no ly, but made a report in case *2 bdrm furnished IIMIIMIN veteran has able assistance in his ness leaders and was created damage. police received similiar com- ♦Across from Campus fight to obtain medical care, that through the last budget bill. fl A man reported that he and plaints. :t21t S. >l;iin his cousin had a confrontation ♦Extra Storage Our Olll> Olli.-r with another man at an apart- O A woman told police that a ♦Plenty of Parking :tr.2 - 5K20 ment complex. During a prior man allegedly came into her TIME IS phone conversation, the offend- workplace and overslept in the ing subject had accused the tanning booth. Female employees RUNNING did not realize he was sleeping inside while they were closing Sales Person off the Week up. They knocked on the booth, OUT then entered with a key, where -0 GET TO ui the man was standing naked. He told the women he has a "ten- dency to oversleep." The woman said the man has done this be- fore. She is unsure what she will lill do about the situation in the fu- ture, saying she may refund his money. FACULTY, Kelli "Have I got a deal for you" Colling STAFF, & January 17-21,1994 GRAD ASSISTANTS r MintlSall * Small Building FrontierTIousing SIGN UP NOW AT ANY Houses CAMPUS DINING SERVICES FoxR LOCATION OR THE Send a Little Love HaveaH&use QUANTUM 90 OFFICE Manor (100 CENTREX) TO ACTIVATE Piedmont YOUR NEW PHOTO ID. CARD Birch wood Place TO CHARGE FOOD & BEVERAGES. 8th & Hiah - Rental Office - 352-9378 Located in the Cherrywood Health Spa

with Application for Valentine Cards & Gifts Hollis A. Moore Memorial from Scholarship [ht little Mwp Deadline: Tuesday, March 1,1994 The Hollis A. Moore Memorial Scholarship was established to recognize students who contribute to Bowling Green State University through participation and leadership in University Community activities. The award will be in the amount of $500.

The recipient must be a rising Junior or Senior, maintain a 3.0 G.P.A., demonstrate active participation in University organizations and be available for a personal interview with the selection committee. University Union The application must be submitted to the University Relations Office, Mileti Alumni Center Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m.-4:45 p.m. by Tuesday, March 1,1994. 372 - 2962 Applications are available in the University Relations Office.

.■■-±* City The BG News page seven Thursday, January 27, 1994

Enjoying a day off Pre-dawn blaze leaves six dead The Associated Press BLOOMDALE, Ohio - A fire swept through a home in this north- western Ohio town early Wednesday, killing a woman and her five children. A man saved himself by jumping out of a second-story window. The house was engulfed in flames when firefighters arrived at the house about 3:30 am., Fire Chief Leonard Chapman said. Bloomdale fire crews initially had trouble getting water because of recent breaks in the town's water mains. Also, fire departments in nearby West Millgrove and North Baltimore were delayed by icy roads. Chapman said he does not know the cause of the fire. The state fire marshal's office was investigating. Chapman said the victims' bodies were found on the second-floor of the three-bedroom house, about 45 miles south of Toledo. The victims were Teresa Priest, 26, and her five children; Moressa Priest, 8; Olive Priest, 7; Zach Priest, 5; Jacqueline Jones, 4, and Ash- Lee Jones, 1. The victims burned to death, said Wood County Coroner Douglas Hess. The man who escaped, Jeffrey Jones, 31, was in fair condition Wednesday at Fostoria Community Hospital. A nursing supervisor declined to comment on his injuries. Jones was the father of Jacqueline and Ash-Lee. The coroner said he did not know whether the other children were related to Jones, or whether Jones and Priest were married. Jones told authorities that his oldest daughter noticed the house was on fire and woke him up. Jones said he tried to rescue the chil- dren, but had to Jump out of the window to save himself. Jones ran to a neighbor's house naked and asked to use the phone to call the fire department. He kept saying "please get my family out," said Vicky Smith, the neighbor. "I looked out the window and saw the flames. I just knew they weren't going to get out of there." Smith's daughter, Melissa, played with one of the victims, Moressa

"She's been crying all day. She keeps saying she lost her first friend," Smith said. Bloomdale Principal Margaret McDowell said the children had a lot of friends. She said Jones and Priest would frequently go to school programs and parent-teacher conferences.

"They seemed to care for the children a lot," Ms. McDowell said. Ann Feasel, Olive's second-grade teacher, said Olive "was a very The BC No.i/N.1 h»> Wallace nice little girl. She always did her very best for me - she liked to please." Ryan and Beau Holley, both of Bowling Green, enjoy another day According to Beau this was the seventh school cancellation this off of school by playing on a mound of snow near City Park on year. Olive had just made the honor roll for the first time. Wednesday. School was cancelled because of the recent snowfall. "Olive will be very, very missed by me and the students," Feasel said.

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Scholarship money is available to Study Abroad for Summer & Fall 1994. Application can be picked up at 40 College Park. Deadline for application: February 28,1994 40 College Park, Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0200 Phone: (419)372-8181 Fax:(419)372-8667

Friends Don't Let Friends Drive Drunk! National The BG News page eight Thursday, January 27, 1994 Australian Clinton worries Republicans shoots at by Jo tin King The Associated Press not going to let him take the is- health care, welfare and crime single digits In the House, below ing to a major shift in attitudes Prince sues of crime and welfare away legislation this year. average losses for the party in about crime. The pollster said the because their special interest power. position enjoys broad support, WASHINGTON - President constituencies wont let them go The pollster suggested Demo- and that even a handgun ban is Charles Clinton's seizing the initiative on in the direction the public is de- crats could keep their losses to The pollster lamented that supported by 40 percent of Re- crime and welfare reform has manding," said GOP pollster one or two Senate seats and in GOP leaders were not respond- publican primary voters. by Geoff Spencer knocked Republicans off-balance Robert Teeter. The Associated Press - suddenly on the defensive on "It won't be easy, but we'll get issues that there," Democratic National SYDNEY, Australia - Britain's have been de- Committee Chairman David Wil- Americans show more support of Clinton's Prince Charles, eager to boost his pendable GOP helm said. After a White House image after the breakup of his weapons meeting with Clinton, Democrat- programs after State of Union message marriage to Princess Diana, has against Demo- ic congressional leaders made proved one thing: he can stay crats for a similar predictions. cool under fire. by Howard Goldberg quarter cen- "Clinton's speech isn't going to the speech, 76 percent approved, 11 percent dis- The 45-year-old heir to the The Associated Press tury. be one of the great ones in histo- approved and 13 percent were unsure. throne hardly flinched Wednes- Clinton's ry, but he was pretty effective in day when a young man ran out of positioning himself more solidly NEW YORK - President Clinton's proposals in Participants who chose to watch CBS could efforts are stay on the line and answer further questions a crowd, lunged at him and fired causing con- than he was before in the eyes of Tuesday's State of the Union message won the approval of three in four Americans participat- posed on-air in what anchorman two blank shots from a starter's s i d e r a b 1 e the middle class by linking the called "an experiment with limited interactive pistol during an outdoor cere- worry within a Republican Party three issues of health care, wel- ing in a CBS News poll. television." mony marking Australia's already at odds internally over fare and crime," said Kevin Phil- A CNN-USA Today-Gallup poll taken imme- national day. diately after the speech also showed a boost for how to position itself in the com- lips, a GOP theorist often critical CBS said its poll found that S3 percent think The prince saw the man run ing health-care reform debate, of the party leadership. "I think Clinton, with 84 percent saying he is leading the Congress will pass a health-care program this toward him and froze momentar- and concerned that GOP hopes Republicans have gotten them- country in the right direction, compared with 67 percent pre-speech. A 61 percent majority rated year. Only 31 percent think such a program ily as the shots rang out. After for gains in this year's midterm selves in some real trouble here." ward, he calmly adjusted his cuff elections could be undermined. his proposals on crime favorably. would affect their family for the better. Twenty percent say they would be worse off, and 45 per- links. With Clinton promising to push "He doesn't have the votes on The emphasis on police, prisons and gun con- trol in Clinton's speech paid off in the CBS poll cent expect little change. Within minutes of his assai- three popular issues through the Democratic side," said Sen- lant's arrest, Charles carried on Congress, Republicans find ate Republican leader Bob Dole. too, with a majority rating him "tough enough on Those polled were more optimistic about the with his speech He joked with themselves in a quandary not un- "He's going to have to drop a lot crime," by 58 percent to 40 percent. The CBS poll gave participants a chance to say economy, expecting it to get better rather than the crowd, and later assured like last year's North American of these price controls, man- which of three issues was most important to worse this year by 4-1. guests at a cocktail party that he Free Trade Agreement debate: dates, the mandatory health care was fine. They can help Clinton to victory alliances, before we make any them. Forty percent said crime, 32 percent cited health care and just 26 percent chose the econ- The results have a small margin of sampling "He played it cool. He wants and watch him get most of the real inroads." error, plus or minus 2 percentage points from everyone to know he is OK," said Even Dole conceded in an NBC omy the issue that dominated Clinton's election credit, or try to block the presi- what all Americans would say if asked the same Sydney Lord Mayor Frank Sar- dent and run afoul of voters anx- interview that in the end, "we can campaign. questions in the same context. The recruiting tor. Others on stage were ious for action on crime, welfare probably accommodate most of knocked from their seats in the CBS said it recruited a nationwide representa- process created an additional potential for an and health care. what the president is talking commotion. "There's a potential, if this about." tive sample of 2,892 adults to call in to a toll-free unrepresentative sample, but CBS polling direc- tor Kathleen Frankovic said statistical adjust- Police said the assailant, speech was sincere, for a re- Shaking his head at the pros- number and register their responses either by ments ensured there was no political bias. 23-year-old university student markable coalition that could pect, a prominent Republican touch-tone contact with a computer or by talking to an interviewer. David Kang, wrote Prince pass a lot of stuff," House GOP pollster who asked not to be iden- Charles last month to complain tified said Democrats could defy The CNN-USA Today-Gallup poll of 565 Amer- Whip Newt Gingrich admitted. Of the 96 percent of participants who viewed icans has a 5-point margin of error. about Australia's treatment of "He can try all he wants, but the history of midterm elections several hundred Cambodian boat the Democrats in Congress are if Congress passes credible people held in detention camps.

HOME FALCON HOCKEY TOMORROW 7 P.M. vs. MICHIG Pick up your ticket during the week at Memorial Hall or show l.D, at the door for a

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by Mark Leonard DeChant light-film material for the Fal- CMU snuck ahead of BG 5S-53. Sports editor cons. BG, as Larranaga noted, did The line over the last 6:03 was not respond. Mt. Pleasant, Mich. -- This 0-2 from the field, five turnovers Shane Kline-Ruminski missed could only happen in the Mid- and a pair of offensive fouls. the front end of a bonus situation, American Conference. What appeared to be a sure BG and then a short shot from the It wasn't exactly Villanova- win - the Falcons led by 15 at one paint. Georgetown, but Central Michi- point in the half - ended up as BG's last two possessions re- gan's 58-53 win over BG Central's most impressive vic- sulted in two player-control Wednesday night can be con- tory of the season. fouls. Three Chippewa free sidered a mild upset. Falcon coach Jim Larranaga throws set the final margin at CMU closed said his team simply "didn't have five. out the game it." "At the end, we were really with a 24-5 run, "Every game they demand cer- surprised to be behind," Larran- and snapped tain things of themselves, and aga said. "We really didn't play the Falcons they respond," he said. "Today the end of the game very well." TS' Kline-Ruminski had another four game win- we demanded and could not re- ning streak. spond." solid game for BG, hitting 7-11 Coupled with BG let a 43-28 lead early in the shots for 15 points, and collecting 's win second half dwindle to 51-47, and eight rebounds. over Kent, the before the Falcons could respond James Cerisier had 11 points, while Shane Komives and Floyd loss drops the Larranaga the Rob DcCook show opened its Falcons (10-5 curtain. Miller finished with eight a overall, 5-2) into second place in Rob DeCook? piece. the MAC standings. The 6-6 senior for Central, BG's trio of outside players, Central won it's second- averaging all of eight points per Komives, Jay Larranaga and An- straight league contest and im- game for the year, was personal- tionio Daniels, combined to shoot proved to 2-5 in MAC play and ly responsible for his team's 6-22 from the perimeter. 3-12 overall. offensive resurgence late in the BG, which prides itself on be- game. "We were hesitant to hit our ing a defense-oriented team, DeCook, who finished with a open shots tonight," Jay Larran- watched its offense head south game-high 18 points, scorched aga said. "Our shots were flat. late in the ballgame. the nets for three-straight bas- We put ourselves up by 15 at one The last six minutes of the kets - two of them from three- point, and then we went stone contest were not exactly high- point range. Without warning. cold." Women destroy CMU despite sloppy finish

by Marty Fuller game. She scored eight points with 6:35 remaining in the game. News sports writer and grabbed five boards in the At this point the game went flat first half. for the BG. They were outscored Mt. Pleasant, Mich. - The CMU's star Nikki Thompkins 23-8 in the final six minutes of women's basketball team began was held in check for the entire action. this week's tour of the Mid- first half. Thompkins was only One bright spot in the Falcons' American Conference's base- able to contribute to her teams' lackluster performance was ment with a 63-48 victory over effort by snagging three re- their continued success from the Central Michigan. bounds. free throw line. They improved The Falcon triumph, however Most of the Chippewas could upon their season average (80 was not a pretty sight. Known for not figure out the pressing de- percent) by shooting 9-9 from the creating turnovers, the squad fense of the Falcons. CMU shot line. gave up 27 while only forcing 24. only 19 percent from the field in Head coach Jaci Clark was not at the first half and found them- CMU's head coach Donita Da- all pleased with her team's per- selves trailing the Falcons 36-17 venport could not find anything formance. at the break. Nine of the 12 Fal- positive to say about the contest. "We played very sloppy," BG cons contributed two points or Tkc BG Ntwi/Nathin WalUcc more in the first stanza "I began pulling out my start- head coach Jaci Clark said. "I Falcon forward James Cerisier rises above Ryan Greenwood (43) and Jason Terry (52) of Ohio Univer- think we played and executed "I think the only good news ers only five minutes into each half," Davenport said. "In the sity In collecting another rebound for BG during its 76-72 victory Saturday. Cerisier entered last nights liarder in practice than we did about this game was the way we contest shooting a red-hot 70 percent from the floor during MAC games. The Falcons and Cerisier, tonight." played the first half," Clark said. first half they scored four and in however, were unable to continue their winning ways last night as they dropped a 58-53 decision to the BG started the first half with a Both teams came out of their the second half only two within Chippewas of Central Michigan. During the loss, which knocked BG out of first place in the conference, basket from Michelle Shade and locker rooms hoping for a better that five minutes. There's no the Falcons were only able to connect on 44 percent of their shots. never relinquished the lead second half. BG's defense looked reason for them to be playing the throughout the game. The Fal- good after the break, allowing way they played tonight." shut down in the first half, points each Lori Albers and J J. contest as a learning experince. cons went on to bulid their lead to the Chippewas only four points in Tompkins was CMU's second- Nuesmeyer both dropped in 10 "I think we have to learn by 11 with 13 minutes to go in the the first ten minutes of the sec- The leading scorer for the highest scorer with 10 points. points to round out BG's double this game and make ourselves first half. ond half. The Falcons offense, Chippewas was Tracy Renken For the Falcons, Talita Scott digit scorers. better," Clark said. "We still Senior Lori Albers came off the working off of their aggressive who had 13 points and was 3-4 and Michelle Shade once again Although the team had a sloppy need to improve. We cant stand bench and took control of the defense, pushed the lead to 55-25 from 3 point range. Despite being led the club by contributing 12 showing, Clark will use this still and be stagnate." Skater may be on thin ice Husband implicates Harding as co-planning Kerrigan attack

by Boo Baum nothing to do with the alleged The Oregonian newspaper that a federal crime might The Associated Press plot to knock Kerrigan out of reported Wednesday that it arise." the national was "virtually certain" Hard- Harding and Gillooly were PORTLAND, Ore. ~ Tcnya championships won by Hard- ing would be arrested. divorced in August but recon- Harding's ex-husband talked to ing. Multnomah County District ciled and were living together investigators for the first time "We hope that he doesn't im- Attorney Michael Schrunk re- up until last week. Wednesday and a source told plicate Tonya," Burton said fused to comment on The Ore- Kerrigan was struck above The Associated Press he was about Gillooly's meeting with gonian report, which quoted the right knee with a metal working out a plea bargain in authorities. "We haven't heard unidentified sources. police baton Jan. 6 after a exchange for testimony that he has done so." "You guys have got a job to workout prior to the U.S. Fig- against the figure skater. "I don't think a charge or an do, and I love you dearly, and ure Skating Championships in Asked if Jeff Gillooly was indictment is sufficient to keep we all read and watch every- Detroit. Both Kerrigan and there to implicate Harding in her off the Olympic team," thing. But, God, we've got a job Harding were later placed on the attack on Nancy Kerrigan, Burton said. to do, too," Schrunk said. "We'- the U.S. Olympic team compet- FBI spokesman Bart Gori said, The U.S. Figure Skating As- re just trying to march down ing in Lillehammer, Norway, "They're asking the appro- sociation and the U.S. Olympic the path and do what we're next month. priate questions." Committee have indicated that supposed to do." Harding held a workout A source familiar with the Harding will remain on the Gillooly arrived at FBI head- Wednesday for about 90 case told the AP that Gillooly is Olympic team unless she is quarters through a back door minutes at the suburban mall "trying to cut a deal." The charged. Team rosters must be about 2 p.m., accompanied by where she practices. source said, "He would give up filed with international Olym- his attorney, Ron Hoevet. They Afterward, Harding slipped his wife." pic officials by Monday. were being questioned by an out a back door without talking "They're trying to put the Gillooly spoke with au- FBI agent and a Multnomah to reporters. puzzle together to get her," the thorities voluntarily as the re- County sheriff's deputy but the Sean Eckardt, Harding's source said. "He hasn't signed sult of an agreement with the agent was in charge of the ses- 310-pound bodyguard, has said anything. He hasn't cut a deal Multnomah County district at- sion, Gori said. he was paid by Gillooly to hire yet. He's trying to." torney's office, Gori said. Gillooly and the other three two men to carry out the at- Another law enforcement The FBI spokesman said it men arrested in the case face tack. Eckardt has said Harding source told the AP, "The walls was the first time Gillooly had state charges. The law enforc- knew about the plot, made AFUMktakh are really closing in on that talked to investigators. ment source told the AP the phone calls to the arena where U.S. Figure Skating champ goes through her rou- girl." "We want him to tell us what FBI can offer assistance if a Kerrigan practices to find out tine during a practice session in Portland, Oregon on Wednesday. Brian Burton, an attorney for he knows about the case," Gori case involves several states her practice schedule and Harding has denied any Involvement In the attack on rival skater Harding, again said she had said. and if there is "the possibility helped plot a covenip. Nancy Kerrigan. Sports The BG News page ten Thursday, January 27. 1994 Courier heats up at Open Emmitt wins

by Rob Gloster running in vain for a Courier lob. The Associated Press "The first set and a half, I didn't play with a hat and I start- ^■mm - 4 Player of Year MELBOURNE, Australia - Jim ed to see stars around my head Courier has his Grand Slam atti- and I felt a little bit dizzy," Ivan- j bybv Paul NewberryNewbcrrv "To come into the season two tude back. isevic said. "Then I put the hat The Associated Press games behind, to come in under While advancing to the semi- on, but it was too late." ATLANTA ~ For someone who the circumstances I came in finals of the Australian Open, The top-seeded Sampras over- wasn't even playing at the start under, to come in behind every- where he will face compatriot came a lethargic start and 17 of the season, did body else as far as the rushing ti- Pete Sampras, Courier has re- double faults to defeat Magnus all right for himself. tle goes ..." he said. "The team gained the emotional edge he ap- Gustafsson of Sweden, 7-6 (7-4), The running was 0-2. It was not a pleasant sit- peared to be losing last fall. 2-6,6-3,7-6(7-4). back was named NFL Player of uation I came into." Another American, Todd Mar- "We both had a hard time con- the Year on Wednesday, beating Smith, though, doesn't want tin, will face Sweden's Stefan trolling the ball. It was not the out five other finalists, including himself used as an example that Edberg in the other semifinal on best of tennis. I just hung in last year's winner, San Francisco training camp is unnecessary. Friday. It is the first time since there," Sampras said. "It's like a quarterback Steve Young. "I still feel the same way about 1982 that three Americans are in sauna. You really can't breathe. "Considering where I started training camp as I always did," the men's semifinals of the Aus- It's more of a stamina match than at the beginning of the season," he said. "There's good and bad tralian Open. a tennis match sometimes." he said, "it's a real pleasure to things about it. It's all according Courier won a straight-set vic- A few minutes after Sampras receive this award." to what you do." tory over Goran Ivanisevic won, No. 9 Martin completed a Smith missed the first two Smith said he especially was Wednesday. 6-2, 7-6 (7-4), 7-6 (7-5) victory games because of a contract dis- honored to receive the Miller Courier, seeded third, over- over American compatriot Mali- pute. When he returned in the Lite award when he looked down came two set points in the open- Vai Washington. third week, the defending Super the table and saw the other fina- ing set and then rolled to a 7-6 It is the first time since 1982 - Bowl champions were 0-2. lists: Young, San Francisco (9-7), 6-4, 6-2 victory over No. 5 when Johan Kriek, Steve Denton Dallas would lose only two receiver Jerry Rice, Green Bay Ivanisevic. Courier used sharp and Hank Pfister made the semi- more games all year one when receiver Sterling Sharpe, Denver groundstrokes to repeatedly pass finals - that three of the final Smith left after one play with a quarterback John Elway and the Croatian at the net. four men in the Australian Open hamstring injury and will make Pittsburgh Rod While Sampras and Martin were Americans. its second straight appearance in Woodson. struggled in the afternoon heat "The breeze made the tennis a the title game Sunday against Other winners of the 5-year-old and swirling winds, Courier was little under par," Martin said. "It Buffalo. award were Joe Montana in 1989 unfazed by the weather. killed my serve, and that's really "A victory Sunday would make and '90 and Thurman Thomas in "I wouldn't say that I want to one of my biggest weapons. We this sweeter than anything," the 1991. play in 100-degree weather every both had a lot of trouble from the fourth-year running back said. The Player of the Year Award day, but I think if I had to do it I ground just keeping the ball in Smith led the NFL with 1,486 was selected by a nationwide would be able to cope with it bet- play." yards, his third straight rushing media panel. Smith received a ter than some," said Courier. Washington, playing his first title, a feat unmatched since Earl check for $25,000, which will be Courier, trying to become the Grand Slam quarterfinal, double- APmick Slrvcns Campbell did it with Houston in forwarded to the Emmitt Smith first man to win three straight ti- faulted twice in the second-set 1978-80. This one was the most Charities organization he is tles here since Australia's Roy tiebreaker and once more in the American Jim Courier hits a backhand center court in temperatures surprising. forming. Emerson won five straight from third-set tiebreaker. of 126 degrees In his quarter-final match against Croatia's Goran Ivan- 1963-67, got a lot of help from "I thought I had problems with isevic at the Australian Open Tennis Championships in Melbourne on Ivanisevic. everything today, not just my Wednesday. Ivanisevic seemed distracted forehand," Washington said. "I ATLANTA - One day after being after losing the first set, which think the whole match was a Scoreboard appointed coach of the Atlanta Falcons, June Jones chose Cleve- he marked by slamming his shocker, to tell you the truth." Mcn'ilkopa Koesler 0-0 0-2 0 2 Wodneaday'a Rcsulia racket to the court. In the second Martin will play No. 4 Edberg, Bo-llni GrMsl (53) Aull 0-0 0-1 0 0 Central Michigan 58. Bowling Green 53 land Browns defensive line coach Ik II rb Nuesmeyer 56 2-3 0 10 Miami 79. Ken! 50 Jim Bates as the club's defensive set, he stuck the handle of the who needed just 96 minutes to mln m-a ma o-l pf ■ tp DeLoyt 0-2 0-0 0 0 Ball Stale 61. Akron 57 coordinator. racket in his mouth after a bad defeat No. 6 Thomas Muster 6-2, Km.™ 33 29 2-2 0-2 3 3 1 TOTALS 2M 27-3* 9-915-37 17 It 13 Ohio 94. Eaatem Michigan 83 shot and took a brief nap on pad- 6-3, 6-4 in an evening match in- Miller 2S 4-4 0-0 4-1 2 0 I Petr«iU|ea: FG-412. FT-1 00O. 3-poitlt goals Wealem Michigan 75.Toledo 72 Bates, 47, who was with Cleve-

ding at the back of the court after terrupted for 30 minutes- KRummiki 29 7-11 1-3 2-1 2 0 13 0-3. land since 1991, will be in charge Daniels 33 2-4 0-0 2-6 1 I 5 CJH Saturday'i Games of a defense that ranked No. 25 Uinni|i 23 2-9 1-2 0-3 2 S 6 Riu 0-3 no 02 Akron at Bowling Green Swuuoi 7 00 041 0-1 1 1 0 Thorn pa ins 4-7 2-2 M Miami at Ball Stale overall in the NFL last season Lynch 22 0-4 0-0 0-1 2 1 0 Taylor 0-3 6-7 o < Centra] Michigan at Eastern Michigan and allowed 365 points, worst in Ceriaier 23 3-9 1-2 3-1 5 1 11 i-.,,, 2-6 0-0 0-1 Wealem Michigan at Kent CIIARLESTOWN APTS. TOTALS 2M 22-S4 3-91133 11 12 S3 the league. ♦ Rcnr.cn 4-13 2-2 3-3 Ohio at Toledo Bates, whose selection was an- Perctntagea: FG-.440. Fr-.556;3-pcantgoala Robertson 0-2 on M Wonatn'a sunning. 4-13(Komives2. Daniels lXamnagal) AND ♦ Bumaide 0-2 0-1 M Conference Ove nounced Tuesday, said the prior- Tucker 0-7 .0-0 03 School ity will be improving the team's (■ Ml.Kigali (31) Evana 0-2 04) 1-2 Toledo MID AM MANOR 3 6 4 takeaway abilities. ♦ Guelda 29 1-6 2-2 1-2 Walah 1-2 3-4 1-2 Bowling Green ♦ • NOW RENTING* Hidu 17 4-7 0-0 00 3 0 • Jackaon 4-6 2-2 1-2 Ohio "We're not afraid to blitz and Culhrah 23 04 1-2 2-7 2 0 1 ♦ TOTALS 2M 15-3.3 13-lS14-2> 13 12 Kent we're going to take risks," said Choose from choice apartments within walking distance to IK 1.1 33 713 0-1 3-3 1 2 11 Percentages: FG-.283; FT-833; 3-poungoala Western Michigan Jones 34 0-5 O-O 1-2 1 3 0 Bates, who also was an assistant ♦ campus Summer 1994 and school year 1994-1995. ♦ 3-8 (Renien 3) Central Michigan Milli 19 3-7 O-O 1-3 1 0 6 Miami coach for 15 years at seven col- Henderson 2» 4-7 3-4 1-2 3 3 11 ♦ Akron leges. "But that doesn't mean we 2 bedroom, furnished or unfurnished, gas heat and Hoyi 15 5-1 0-1 1-2 0 0 10 Ball State ♦ TOTALS 2M 24-37 4-1(11-2* 14 14 n want to give up the easy score." water included, air conditioning Mid-American Conference Eastern Michigan Bates spent Tuesday morning ♦ Percentages: FG-.421. FT-.600; 3-pcant goals Men'a Standings 4 I'lDK'oaH) Conference C Wednesday'Keaulta watching a few videotapes from Woaatti'i Hoopa W L Bowling Green 63. Central Michigan Atlanta's 6-10 season. His im- Berlins Gran ((3) Miami 6 Toledo 72.Western Michigan 58 pression: "We need to get better, ff n rb Bowling Green Ohio 69.Eastern Michigan 49 m-a mln Eastern Michigan Miami 75. Kent 62 but we do have a better nucleus Shade 21 6-9 0-0 1-4 Wealem Michigan Akron 85. Ball Sun 83 (ot) than some might be led to be- Scon 24 MO 2-2 3-1 Ohio Saturday'a Games lieve." Williima 17 2 3 O0 0-1 Ball Sure Akron at Bowling Green Caaeell 28 2J O0 2-2 Toledo Miami at Ball Slate "Jim plays the kind of aggres- Hooper 20 1-5 3-3 Kern Central Michigan at Eastern Michigan sive scheme I admire," Jones Kulica 19 M O-O Central Michigan Wealem Michigan at Kent said. Hc:.r!'.«r.n 13 0-1 00 Akron Ohio at Toledo Albera II 4-11 2-2 PERFECT OPPORTUNITY NEW YORK - Terry Bradshaw, the popular studio analyst for MAKING THE PERFECT PIZZA. CBS on "The NFL Today," will If you are 18 years or older and are looking for a join John Madden and Pat Sum- iiit_T.il! in leaving the network to future, Papa John's® needs Assistant Managers and do football telecasts for the Fox Shift Leaders now. Network next season. •Upbeat environment •Management opportunities •A chance to be part of one of America's fastest- growing delivery and carryout pizza companies •More than a job, a future'. Stop in a 1826 S. Main (Next to Big Lots) NEWL»VE *1 &2BdrmFum Rental* ♦FREE HEAT, WATER, SEWER :i2tt S. H.ilii *Extra large apts. VJ^-y n.7tycf Ry.' Our Onlv Office *Close to Campus 352 -."»«20

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by Dave Goldberg ning back Thurman Thomas. World Series next year," replied The associated Press Thomas seemed relaxed, say- Levy, whose team could join the ATLANTA -Buffalo bashing U ing he's happy to share the spot- and Denver out. light with Dallas' Emmitt Smith Broncos as the only teams to lose Even though the Bills have lost Then he was reminded that two four Super Bowls without a vic- three straight Super Bowls, it's years ago he complained about tory. politically correct these days to lack of recognition and said, at "Hey, what an accomplish- note that they've made it this far the time, "I'll have to be satisfied ment, it may never happen four straight years. with being MVP." again," said Walt Corey, the Bills' "Man, I went nine years with- defensive coordinator, who him- out getting here," Dallas Cow- "That was a couple of years self was part of a mini-flurry on boys' said Wednesday. ago!" Thomas barked angrily at Wednesday when he was "men- "I know how hard it is to make his interrogator, John F Bonfa- tioned" as a candidate for the it. And then when you do, how tti, the Bills' beat writer for The head coaching job in Phoenix. hard it is to get back. We had so Associated Press. "Don't start "You know what happens if you much trouble this year that I that. Don't start that. I ain't win? You have to play the best can't imagine going through that gonna answer that, so don't start teams; you have to get on three for four seasons." that." Monday nights and a Sunday , Dallas' All-Pro Overall, it was a day in which night that disrupts the schedule; offensive tackle, showed up sev- people seemed to be searching they send you off to Europe for en minutes late after missing the for ways to respect the Bills, who an extra exhibition game; and bus to Tuesday's media day, for remain 101/2 point underdogs in then they say, 'Go ahead and re- which he was fined an un- their record fourth straight peat.' We're the only ones who disclosed amount. "Just give me . have done this." an orange juice," he said. "I'm The mood was set with one of not a morning person." the first questions asked of Buf- Levy also mentioned a play in It turned out that three other falo coach Marv Levy, not sur- the waning moments of last Cowboys of lesser stature also prisingly by a col- year's 52-17 rout by Dallas ~ missed Tuesday's bus and were umnist. He wanted to know why p when Lett, hot-dogging with a fined - defensive backs James the Super Bowl loser doesn't get fumble recovery, was stripped of AHPssMjHeac Washington and , the respect that goes to a loser of the ball by Don Buffalo Bills" Thurman Thomas (34) heads for the goal line as Dallas Cowboys' Vlnson Smith, left, and and . the NBA Finals, World Series, or Beebe. "That showed that we James Washington try to stop him from scoring during first quarter action in Super Bowl XXVII on On the Buffalo side, there was hockey's Stanley Cup. play all out no matter what the Jan. 31,1993 in Pasadena, California. a minor incident involving run- "Maybe we'll try to get to the score," Levy said. Lett bygones be bygones Club volleyball Cowboys' player promises to avoid embarrassing mistakes plays in tourney

by DenncH. Freeman blocked field goal produces a cord by returning a fumble 64 lege at Emporia State. Not by Andrew Punzal The Associated Press live ball only if it's touched by yards. The laughs came after many big crowds there." contributing writer we started to turn the corner. We the defending team. Lett did. Lett slowed down and tried to held off several game points and ATLANTA - This was Leon The Miami Dolphins recovered jive his way to a . blamed the media, saying The Bowling Green women's we got the win. Hopefully, that Lett's day of dread. and kicked the game-winning Beebe came from nowhere to "some of them make it look club volleyball team traveled to game will be a confidence- The NFL mandated that he field goal as time expired. slap the ball out of Lett's hands like all he can do is fumble the Miami University this past builder for the remainder of the would have to appear at Super "I got some great letters and at the 1-yard line and the ball ball. Not that he is fixing to be- weekend to compete in a four-s- season." Bowl media day and explain I answered everyone of them rolled out of the end zone for a come a great player." chool tournament which also in- why he was so accident prone. that was positive," Lett said. touchback. "I hammered him and told cluded Miami, Michigan and Offensively, BG was led by Why, Leon, didn't you let the "Fans can make too much of This summer at training him to come out and talk," Ohio State. freshman hitter Crystal Dean ball alone on Thanksgiving Day just one play. I don't want to camp, Lett said, "I tried to give offensive tackle Playing in the first tournament with her best offensive perform- in a blunder that made the say what I was thinking. the crowd a show. I'll never said. "I told him to get it over of the spring season under new ance to date, hammering out a Blooper Hall of Fame? "But I thanked God when we forget what happened." with." coach Jeff Merrill, the Falcons team-high 17 kills, seven blocks What, Leon, will you do the beat the , won Asked again Tuesday, Lett Only 11 minutes into his were swept by Michigan's 'A' and six digs in seven games. next time you recover a fumble the division and the homefield smiled and said, "If it happens interview, Lett left. team before rebounding with a Senior hitter Steph Greer also in the Super Bowl? Will you do advantage. It meant I didn't again, I'm going to run like The NFL's Reggie Roberts four-game split with Miami, as enjoyed an outstanding after- a hotdog dance and have Don hurt the team." hell. Beebe won't have a ordered him to return to the well as an emotional two-game noon, contributing 14 kills, nine Beebe slap the ball away again "I thought I had lost my job," chance to catch me." interview. Lett reluctantly did split with the Buckeyes. Al- blocks and a team-high seven a yard from the end zone? Lett said. "But Coach Johnson Oddsmakers in Las Vegas so. though BG finished with a frus- aces - five of which were in the "It's time to put it all behind told me the next day not to have made Lett a 200-to-l shot Asked what he had learned trating 3-5 record, their five los- match against Miami. me," whispered Lett, a 6-foot- worry. That I was still one of to score the first touchdown on from his mistakes, Lett said, ses were by a combined 16 6er from tiny Fair Hope, Ala. the guys." Sunday. "I've learned people will take a points; all by fewer than four "We need to pick up our inten- "I want to get it over with," Lett tried to explain what he shot at you whenever they get points. sity a notch and play consistently the right for would do if he recovered a "He's a shy guy, a little shell- a chance. You just have to per- "Our inability to finish teams throughout the entire game," the Dallas Cowboys said. fumble Sunday. In last year's shocked," said Dallas public severe." off is a major concern," Merrill Greer said. "Our record isnt re- It was a snowy Thanksgiv- 52-17 victory over the Buffalo relations director Rich Dal- "Is that it? Is that enough?" said. "We need to put teams away flective of how competitive we ing, and Lett forgot that a Bills, Lett set a Super Bowl re- rymple. "He's from a small col- Lett kept asking Roberts. when we have the chance. In our are because we lost some games second game against OSU, I think we should have won." Classifieds

"ALPHA LAHDA DELTA— Attention All WBGU FM DJsl There is a man- CAMPUS EVENTS Attention (ALL MEMBERS) datory start meeting on Tuesday Feb. 1 at 900 Don't warn to bake on the beach LOST & FOUND PERSONALS General Meeting pm in 121 W. Hall Al DJs are expected to be lor Spring break? Wednesday. Febnjary 2nd there Soo you all there lor the funi Hit the Appalachian Trail instead* General Info Meeting Feb. 2 — EAG — 8:00pm —111BA B.G S U BLOOOMOBILE EOUND: set ol keys with 4 keys in Union Park- •1 Awesome Spring Break Bahamas Party BE THEREIN 7-9 pm Taft Room There will be a speaker here from ihe Student IS COMING'I ing Lot Found around 5 pm on 1/24. Call Cruise) 6 Days $279' Tnp Includes Cruise & Feb 7-1iih(Mon.-Fn.) Call 2-2343 for details Conservation Association talking about En- Sponsored by UAO 353-2917 Room. 12 Meals ft 6 Free Parties! Hurry This vironmental Internships in Room 112 BA at AMA 10:30 am - 4 30 pm each day Wi« Sell Oul'l -900 678 6366 730 pm. Everyone interested Is encouraged American Marketing Association N.E. Commons ■ i Awesome Spring Break! Panama City! 8 to attend. MEMBERSHIP DRIVE (your one pint ol blood tould save 4 lives) SERVICES OFFERED Please. Give Blood and Days Oceanview Room With Kitchen $ti9< Thurs Jan 27andFn. Jan. 28 Next yoar's SENIORS Give the Citt oILilcn Walk To Best Bars' Includes Free Discount 9am- 2pm Card - Save SS0 On Cover Charges I Front BA Halkvay If you have any questions, please call Applications for HEADQUARTERS FOR HAIR &•& & & & & & £! (? & & 1 800^78-6386 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 3S2-457S MORTAR BOARD Tim Messenger Is now taking appoint- are now available in ments. #1 Awesome Spring Breaki Best Tnps ft I* Are you having trouble recruiting members tor Bored Thursday nights? Than learn to be a DJ 425 Student Services M-f io-8 ' Sat i0-3 Pncesi Bahamas Parry Cruise 6 Days $279' your organization'' We can help' Come to our WBGU is holding its DJ training dasses Thurs- Cuts SI0-15. -354-2244 includes 12 Meals 5 6 l ree Parties' Panama Applications due Jan. 31 ■it "Recruiting New Members Workshop" which day nights at 9:00pm in 105 S. Hall. There are M will be held on Wednesday. February 2. 1994 only 4 classes left. Math Tutoring Grad. student with experience ■"STUDY IN EUROPE THIS SUMMER— * at 7:00 pm in the Alumni Room ol the Union S.O.L.D. and relerenoa. FlenUe hours Can 352-7306 Build your resume Gam valuable eip. This workshop is tree to all and is sponsored by SWEATERSALE 25-30% OFF 3 1/2 day wknds. lor travel (Swiss. Germ.)

continued Irom p. 11 Familiar Brands al Unlamiliar prices Phi Gamma Delta FUI Earn cash stuffing envelopes at home. All ma Avail, immedl 1 bdrm. apt. furnished. 1 blk. And nowat 10-40% oil.NATTYTH READS Two good names. One great Fraternity HELP WANTED lerials provided. Send SASE to P.O. Box 395. from BGSU. pats all'd, parking . yard $330 Alpha Phi • Sly Ep • Alpha PN IIS S. Main Otathe.KS 66051. mo. Utilities Included-353-1220 Congratulalions loAnlta Knight on Iw racer* Ebsco Te4smarkeing Service Now Hiring for CARTY RENTALS lavalianng 10 Sigma Phi Epsilon Rich Cralg. PHI KAPPA TAU GiM Scout Cookie Sale Eitended Congratulations ID Ray Pebosky, $700/wk canneries; *4500/mo deckhands evening & weekend hrs. Must work 15 hrs/wk. Subleasing single rooms for 2nd semester We love you i You pick your own days lo work. Guaranteed Wendy. Thibo. and Kelly Ml Jan. 31 SI. To Older call 669-2409 Phi I au ol rhe Week. Alaska summer fisheries now hiring Call 353-0325. Employment Alaska 1-206-323-26/? hourly wage plus daily bonus based on sales. Alpha Phi • Slg Ep • Alpha Phi Stop in at 113 N. Main after 4 pm for Apps Have you fcved in an alcohol or substance QUALITY STEINS •••• SPRING BREAK "94 "" For Rent Reading' Writing * Math * Science abusing home? Ever wonder how thai might al- 166 S Mam Si Cancun. Bahamas. Jamaica. Florida & Padrel l/2house:2bdrms.. 1 TV/study. A bathrm. all BR ATMAUS - Thursdaya HELP SO corns Happy Hoori lecl relationships, past or present? H interested Muga - Hemi. neons - mirror* - 110% Lowest Price Guarantee' Organize 15 upstairs. Shared kitchen A laundry Shared utri. Attention Alpha Lamda Delta members phone A gas. $350/mo 352-1054. ask (or 6-g pm No cover 19 and ove' in learning more, a RELATIONSHIPS GROUP die-cast banks • posters - shirts • friends and your fnp it f HI. U Your TUTORING PROGRAM needs you nowl Steve Nice location w/parkmg .avail. Feb 15. is now being ottered to explore this issue. Call hats - more. 20% off all Budweiser shin*. TAKE A BREAK STUDENT TRAVEL (800) Be a tutor tor local grade school students BRATHAUS • Fridays and Salurdaya Sheila or Ellen al 372-2130 tor more inlorma- Reg. size posters - f 1 00 each 328-7283 with the OUTREACH PROGRAM 50 cents Happy Houn oonand to pre -register Deadine.l-31-94. 15% off any neon In slock 1994 SUMMER MANAGEMENT POSITIONS We need your help RIGHT AWAYI GEORGETOWN MANOR APTS 4-9 pm No cover • 19 and over Ends Jan. 31.1994. Regular hours 800-THIRD ST HEADOUARTERS FOR HAIR STILL AVAILABLE. TASP* International la Call Amy' 372-5548 Coma m Belore A Alter Hockey games Mon-Thurs 3 30-8:00 pm Now ranting for 1994-95 Tim Messenger is now taking appointments hiring motivated Students to till manage- (12nvsch. year) and sum *94 M-F 10 8" Sat. 10-3 ment poaltiona throughout Ohio. Earn History' English * Forsign Languages BRATHAUS - Sun., Hon., Tue., A Wed. Cuu $10-15 354-2244 RECOVERY RAP GROUP S7,000-$a.000 this summer while building your Fully furnished 1 BR & 2 BR Units Happy Hours All Night Excellent location. Reasonable rales Interested' Call Sheila al 372-2130 for more resume and gaining an miernship/co-op. Post Bar open 6 pm- 19 and over intormabon. Open lo all backgrounds and phi- Sons are open but are filling quickly in Akron, S P.P.I is looking for individuals who want to Call 352-4966 or stop by Hey ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA members: gain management experience next summsr. losophies. Canton, Sylvan la, Maume*, Parrysburg, the building, f 10. 1 Read the AID ad in the "Help Wanted" Earn $8,000 to $10,000 par summer. Positions RUSH Delia UpsJon Lima, and all Cleveland Suburbs. Positions 2 Respond to thai ALD adl available throughout tha midwest. Call Jeff BRATHAUS - SUPERBOWL PARTY are Mted on a first come first qualified basis. Houses A duplexes tor 1994-95 school year. Bean Griffith 1-600-667-1960. Sunday. Jan 30 open 4 pm Individual CaJI1-600-543-3792 lorjain more-nformrHu" 12 month leases only, starting in May. Happy Hour Prices All Night Hey. Bun Head Seasonal employment available as a whits- Steve Smiffi 352-8917. 300 SUMMER CAMP OPPORTUNITIES Also - Free Popcorn Yeah, Beavis? water raft guide In WVA. Experience not re- Bsa in NY. PA and NEW ENGLAND Instructors You know. TOUR GUIDES are cool quired. Must be 19 years old. have current Hoi Dogs ■ 25 oenia DU needed for: Tennis. Basketball, Baseball. HOUSES FOR RENT 19 and over - No Cover Yeah.COOLICOOLI CPR and first atd. Contact North American RUSH Delta Uptilon Hockey, Swimm.ngyWSl'Lifeguards, Sailing. 12 mo. leases - May & August Free Chance to win Think we could, uh. become one? River Runners. P.O. Box 81 race. WV 25854. WeH.uh.goiriaihe.uh. Water-skiing, Windsurfing, LaCrosse, Archery. Tenant pays uul/mo. depyiocal owners BRATHAUS T-shirts and Beer signs 1-800 950-2585 EOE. 734 Elm. 3 BR/2 bath, wash/dry. $675/Aug. McFall Center, uh. in si floor. Spring 94 «iQr»-up lor WOMEN'S KUF- Gymnastics, Ceramics, Jewelry, Volleyball. (you sard flrsl.hu hu) ESTEEU GROUP. Maei new people, tnoMM Soccer. Danes, Dramatics, Equestrian. Fit- WANTED: CHILD ADVOCATES 217 S. College. 3 BR. $550. avail now City Room With Kitchen 1 Days $119! Cancun A pickup your .uh. application Dudel ••» awatenoia, reduce stress. Warn new cop- ness. Ropes. Outdoorsmen. Piano Accompan- Volunteers being sought for Wood County 233 W. Merry. 4 BR. $675/Aug 316 Ridge, 2 BR. $60Q/May. gas mclud. & Jamaica With Air From Columbus 8 Days Hey. Beavis. Gel Goingl ing skills! Cafl Sn«ila or Ellen u 372-2130 lor iast, Phys. Ed Majors, Nurses. Chefs, etc Call Court Appointed Spsoal Advocate Program. From $4691 Daytona $1491 Key Wesl $2491 mora information and lo pre-regisier. Dead Arleneal. 1-60O-443-64?6nowl No experience necessary. Must be at least 21 316 1/2 Ridge. 1 BR. $300. available now. gas included. Cocoa Beach $159" 800<78-6386 Applications available tor Campus Tour Guide. Iina:1-31-fl4. ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT years of age. If you are interested in helping Jan 31 - Feb. 4 McFall Center, 1st Floor tor area abused, neglected and/or dependent CaH 354-2854 (days)' 352 2330 (eves ) •••GAMMA PHI BETA — Tha Student Conservation A ssociaton Fisheries. more into .call 2 9666 children, call either Laurie or Den.se at. PH« otters Expense paid internships mine Many earn $2,000 plus/mo. in canneries Houses-1 A 2 bedroom apartments. 352-3554 for further Information. How many years have you been a student al conservation Raid. Informational meeting or $3.000 - $6,000 plus mo on fishing g month - summer - year leases Special Congrats to Trade Kamph on 352 7454 her Birthday pearling to Mark Phillips Bowling Green? Will the big day be May 7, on Thurs., .Jan. 27 from 730 - 8:30 p.m. vessels Many employers provide room & ol Walsh Urvversityi 1904? Do you think you're an outstanding RmlltBA board and transportation Over 8,000 Now leasing openings. No experience necessary! FOR SALE •••and"" senior? Contact your organization^ presi- 1-2-3 bedroom apartments A houses Uchelle Corcoran on her New Years Eve dent to determine It you quality to be nomi- Mala or Female. For more information call: Thursday. January 27 is the tWt Campus Ex- 354 8800 ' Wedo allow pets nated tor the 1994 Outstanding Senior A- 1-206 545 4155 e»t A5544. pearling to Mike Rizzulo' pressions of the Spring Semester. TNs week 1986 Dodge Caravan LE Loaded. Power One and Two bedroom apartments. Furnished ward. (Nomination forma are due January BG Family desires responsible grad school the Student Rec. Center presents mental train- seats.new brakes, new radiator. Excellent or Unfurnished. Available now Wlnthrop Ter- Love. The Gamma Phi's 31,1994) husband/wife 10 house sit & watch 3 older ing exercises and an exciting game of Won condition. 287-3762. race 352-9135 INTRAMURALS ENTRIES DUE Men's $ nees Feud. This Thursday at 9 pm in the Bowl children for 2 weeks. Mutt be available from — GAMMA PHI BETA — Women's Curling - Fee 1; Men's Dels Rac- n' Greenery coma set your mmd to it recycle 4:00 pm - 8:30 am {weekdays) A Sat. * Sun. 198/VW GT116 valve, all options all receipts, One bedroom furnished apartment queibaii - Feb 2; Coed Whrlfleball - Feb. 18. Al your habits. Kick-off personal quest 1994 st References Requited. Salary negotiable. Call excellent cond $4.600 Sean 353-0661 264 S. College CS and MIS maiors don't target the Employer soon 353 4091 after 5 pm for more info. envies due by 4 00 pm on due dale. Pick up Campus Expressions. 1990G0O Storm GSI 5 speed 38 MPG 686 5425 Fair on Thurs. Jan. 27.1994 in the Grand Ball- entry lorms in 130 Field House. room Irom 6 00 pm until 9.00 pm II you hace TIME IS RUNNING OUT!) CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING • Earn up to LOADED. Excellent condition. One bedroom apartment. 128 S. Summit for ques . call the Co-op 0">ce al 372-2451 KAPPA DELTA Ouatandlng Senior Award Nomlnallona $2.000/month working on Cruise Ships or 287-3762 Summer 94 and 94-95 school year Congratulations 10 ffie 1994 aredue January 31. 1994 Land-Tour companies. World travel. Summer 1 267-3341. DELTA SIGMA PI Apt. sale. Must sal entertainment center. A Full-Time employment available No expen- STANDARDS BOARDI book shelves, bad. dressers, etc. Roommates needed, male or female. New Pioleaslonal Bualneaa Fraternity Sarah Rakola snos necessary For mora information call Casual Into Night • Mon Jan. 31 Can Teresa 352-6831. home with washer /dryer, fireplace A LOTS OF WEWANTYOUI 1 206 634 0*68 ext C5S44 1i2lileSoence9 00pm Laurie Lechowicz PRIVACY. Own key-locked room, share full Kathy Peters Can you walk backwards and talk at the same Open to all business marcs time7 Do you want lo share your vast know- Brown Leather Jacket. Lrg. Hardly been worn. size bath with 1 other person & room for a KD CONGRATULATIONS KD Don't Just Start A Semester - ledge of college lite with perspective students? Gain Valuable Salea/ $120. For more information call Eric at study. Responsibility A cleanliness is a must. Start Your Future Make a lasting impression m the minds of oth- Marketing Experience! 3526656 COLLEGE STUDENTS ONLY, could work off rent. For more information call 354-6117. _ KAPPA SIGMA ■ KAPPA SIGMA srs by becoming sn Office of Admissions The BG News is looking for a Jamaica Spring Break I All inclusive tour st su- TOLEDO LIASON for the 1994 95 Campus Tour Guide Applications available in perior hotel. Sat. to Sun. flight from Columbus. Rooms lor rent in Victorian house; summer, fall Congratulations 10 Kappa Sigma's McFall Center, first floor, Jan. 3ist Fao 4th. school year Did you want to be a DJ7 Doug (614)298-0879 A spnng semesters. Parking, kitchen, rec area -Junior Officer ol the Week Mike Botlger, Call Colleen 372-2606 Are you interested in learning For more info, call 2-9666. with weights A pool table Walk to campus. •Brother ol the Week Kevin Baker, for more information. Mac IIsi 5/80 $600 or 5/170 $700 352-5817. the workings ol a real radio station Non-Active of the Week Chuck Conrad. GET AHEAD WITH EXPERIENCE! Exld kybd $85, Imagewnter II */ stand through production, sales, music $225. Apple modem 2400 $50 352 6016 Sublease: 1 bedroom apt. Grad student, un- and promotion? KAPPA SK5MA ■ KAPPA SIGMA WANTED furn., very nice. Avail, immediately. Call Lisa. FEAR NOT!! Macintosh llsi & Personal Laserpnnier for 354-3405. anytime, leave message Even though theWFAL into meeting Get ahead with Experience! sale. 13" display, extended keyboard, new mouse, software included $1300'BO Sublease: 1 bedroom apt. at 180 8. Main St was last night, there's slill ame KD LAUR€ LECHOWICZ KD Female subleaser needed lor spnng semester. so call 373-6658 and leave a Congratulations on your If you are Interested in finding a 353-5444 Newly renovated, laundry, very nice Available Own bedroom. $i72/mo. ♦ elec. (negoosble) job in the Adverttsing/Marketing field- alter Feb. 13 Rent $275/mo. Leave message message and belore you know il Christmas peartingi Contact Michelle al 354-0123 you will be part of BeslWishesI GOOD LUCK WITHOUT EXPERIE NCEI Ken or Mmam 352-6142 But you can gain valuable expenence FOR RENT BG I beet radio KD LAURIE LECHOWICZ KD FOR RENT Rock Solid WFAL Male subleaser to move in ASAP alTheBGNews. 680 AM The BG News has 3 positions available KDLORIKASERMANKD Own room, dose to campus. Cable 50 for next year in the Advertising DepL 1 bedroom furnished apartment for sublease. CONGRATULATIONS on receiving Ca Matt 353-7310 We are looking for ENTHUSIASTIC. Available Immediately 352 5239 this month's White Rose Award! DEDICATED, EAGERindividuals who A.O.T. Metal Band seeks lead vocal and rhythm want to GET AHEAD! 3 bedroom apartment. ECCA DU DU DU KDLORIKASERMANKD Available immediately guitar. Heavy Metallic* influence. Call Caw 372-2808 for details! 354-8800" We do allow pets Management Inc. Delia Upsilon's 353-1408 ask for Jason or leave message. Calendar ol Events KD MARIE KUZNICKKD Managementopportunibas Arthur Victor Paint- 353-0325 • CARTY RENTALS Willow House, 830 4th Sf., has 1 Congratulations lo ing, Inc. is searching lor ambitious students to One non-smoking female subleaser (or Spr. Now renting houses A apartments bedim open for next year, fum. or Thurs.-Dress Up Day Mane Kuznick 94. $lS07mo. * utH. Close to campus. Call fill summer management positions throughout tor 1994-95 school year. Fn. - Movie Night SI Soap's Sister-ol-the-Week! 352^625 the Midwest Complete training A field support. Listings available, renting fast. jnfurn., available starting at $300/mo Sal -Road Trip loOSU KD KAPPA DELTA KD High income potential. 1-800-775-4745 Office 316 E Merry. Apt. 3 Sun -Chapter Roommmats needed for Spring of '94. Close to Pick-up listing or we wiH mail campus. Rant negotiable Contact Joyce at MIDAM INFORMATION SERVICES IS SEEK- KDMELISACOXKD ING APPLICANTS FOR PART-TIME POSI- DU DU DU 3526687. 5 bedroom house, 12 mo lease Congratulations on being selected TIONS AT OUR OPERATIONS CENTER IN Available May. Carl 3520603 after 5 alEfctCA to Orntcron Delta Kappa! Subleaser needed. 1 bdrm. apt 318 Connasut BOWUNG GREEN. Monday through Friday. Management Inc. We are so proud ol you I 'st month's rent neg $285/mo. Next to a ty KD MELISA COX KD park. Quiet. Call Teresa 3526631 COMPUTER SORTER OPERATOR 507 E Merrv Need lo take your laundry home lo Must be available 1 00 a m to 7:00 a.m.. 2or 3 2 bdrm apt. turn, across from Campus, washer KD OFFICER KD Subleesers Needed Immediately daysAvk. (12-16 hoursAvk). Applicants should A dryer, free water A sewer. Call Newiove Mom? 1048 N. Main St. Apis, are 1 c-2 male or female, for Sp V4 Congratulations 10 have famihanty with data processing equip- Rentals 352-5620. our only office. nice size. 1 bdrm., unfurnished, SARAH RAKOTCI Call 354-8102 ment and excel lent manual dexterity. 520 E. Reed $300/mo w/12 mo. lease. on your position as Guardl VAULT FILER KD SARAH RAKOTCI KD 2 bdrm apt. turn, across from Campus, extra Laundry facilities on premises. Wanted Male subleaser ASAP. Very cheap. Vault Filing position In the Loan Processing storage, free water A sewer, washer/dryer, Free deposit or May rent. Department. Rosposib>inies include filing in- Call Newiove Rentals 352-5620. our only office KKG ' KKG - KKG ■ Call Ne*l collect (Si3) 526-5553 corning documents and general computer work. Must be available Midnight to 5:00 a.m.. 525 E Merry Congratulations lo Jen Reed Subleaser Needed! M or F to share apt with 2 /rlEfeiCA on her recent engagement 2tx3aays/** (I0-15hoursnvk). 2 bdrm apt. turn, across from Campus, free msJas. Own bdrm. and bath, approx. $206 per lo BG alumni Kevin Marks! CLERICAL water A sewer, extra storage, washer/dryer. Management Inc. mo. Call 352-8558. Clerical position open in our Loan Processing Call Newiove Rentals 352-5620. our only office - (419)353-5800 • KKG " KKG KKG ■ Wsnted: Salea Rep. For the GaveVMsc Department Musi be available 4 or 5 6121/2 Seventh St Stop in our office located al 1045 N. WeloveourVIPSI Magazine. Must have own car Great resume daysAvk . 20-25 hourvwk Flsxlble, will work Small one-bedroom Bungalow bunder Come to 204 Waal Hall around class schedules. retng.. stove. aU utilities paid Main St. for a complete list of aph. we KKG • KKG" KKG for an application. Interested appbeants apply n person al 1851 $350 CaH 1-474-5344 haw available. Congratulations to Shannon CinciarWli N Research Dr. on her new panhel position ol Alumni Relations Chair A Katie Unger on being elected the leadership Conference Chan

LAST CHANCE TO BOOK! SPRING BREAK SALE 1994ILOWEST GUARANTEED PRICES TO JAMAICA, CANCUN, BAHAMAS. S. PADRE. FLAI ASK HOW TO TRAVEL FREE'' SUNSPLASH TOURS 1 600 426-7710 Valentines'$ Day NSE ATX— HURRY! T U C — Deadline to apply "Love Notes" IDH — tor 94-95 year O E A — is February 1 Soil! 4 NNN —Cues? Call Coop Let your Valentine know how much you care with a Valentine love note made ^'Nf TIL ELEV** ATG —Prog 2-2451 especially for them. Choose between a display ad or a regular classified ad. You ]«6 NORTH MAIN • BOWUNG GBEEN L-E can even add a color to your message for 85 to make it extra special.

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Trlshia, I I Roses are red, violets are blue, 353-0901 119 E. Court St. (Near Mr. Spots) T Happy Valentines Day I from You Know Who! Detach A return to 814 West Hall before the deadline. I •(Minimum order of U hata far tfale mp^Ul prlc pfaamt) (Orders of 12 14 Ram ftlSJI ea.) ii L J Deadline - Tuesday, Feb. « - 214 West Hall »5PM» Publication - Monday, Feb. 12