

Published by Authority

Vol. LXXII, No. 25 20th MAY, 1994 Price $3,00

General Notice 284 of 1994. (b) depart Friday 4.30 p.m., arrive St. Davies 6.30 p.m.; ROAD MOTOR TRANSPORTATION ACT [CHAPTER 262\ (c) depart Harare Saturday and Sunday 1 p.m., arrive Mahusekwa 2.15 p.m.; Applications in Connexion with Road Service Permits (d) depart Mahusekwa Saturday and Sunday 2.45 p.m., arrive Harare 4 p.m.; IN terras of subsection (4) of section 7 of the Road Motor (e) depart St. Davies Monday to Friday 4.30 a.m., arrive Transportation Act [Chapter 262], notice is hereby given that the Harare. 6.30 a.m. applications detailed in the Schedule, for the issue or amendment of road service permits, have been received for the consideration of the A. Senda. Controller of Road Motor Transportation. 0/1134/93. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 75. Any person wishing to object to any such application must lodge with the Controller of Road Motor Transportation, P.O. Box 8332, Route: Bulawayo - Esigodini - Filabusi - Avoca - Chingezi - Chegato Causeway— - Malaga. (a) a notice, in writing, of his intention to object, so as to reach The service to operate as follows— the Controller’s office not later than the 10th June, 1994; (a) depart Bulawayo Tuesday and Thursday 8 a.m., arrive Malaga (b) his objection and the grounds therefor, on form R.M.T. 24, 12.10 p.m.; together with two copies thereof, so as to reach the Controller's (b) depart Bulawayo Friday 5 p.m.. arrive Malaga 9.10 p.m.; office not later than the 1st July, 1994. (c) depart Bulawayo Saturday 9 a.m., arrive Malaga i. 10 p.m.; Any person objecting to an application for the issue or amendment (d) depart Malaga Wednesday, Friday and Sunday 6 a.m., arrive of a road service permit must confine his grounds of objection to Bulawayo 10.20 a.m.; matters directly bearing on the considerations referred to in para­ graph (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) or (f) of section 8 of the said Act. (e) depart Malaga Saturday 4 a.m., arrive Bulawayo 8.10 a.m.

V. M. MUPAWOSE (MRS.), K and S Bus Service (Pvt.) Ltd. 20-5-94. Controller of Road Motor Transportation. 0/1156/93. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 75.

Schedule Route: Harare - Mazowe Hotel - Glendale - Bindura - Madziva - Mt. Darwin - Dotito - Mangare - Date School. MOTOR-OMNIBUSES The service to operate as follows— Additionals (a) depart Harare Monday to Sunday 6.30 a.m., arrive Date School 10.30 a.m.; Trio Two Motorways (Pvt.) Ltd. (b) depart Date School Monday to Sunday 11.30 a.m., arrive 0/824/93. Motor-omnibus. Harare 3.30 p.m. Route 1: Harare - Landas - Mahusekwa - Murewerwi - Marondera. E. M. Jhamba, trading as Musengi Express Motorways. Route 2: Harare - Landas - Mahusekwa - Manyaira - St. Davies. 0/1158/93. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 75. The service to operate as follows— Route: - Chegutu - Kadoma - Kwekwe - - Mvuma Route 1: - Masvingo - Ngundu - Bubi River - Beitbridge. (a) depart Harare Monday to Friday 9.30 a.m., arrive Marondera The service to operate as follows— \ 12 noon; (a) depart Chinhoyi Monday, Wednesday and Friday 5 a.m., (b) depart Harare Saturday and Sunday 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., arrive Beitbridge 2.25 p.m.; arrive Mahusekwa 9.15 a.m. and 6.15 p.m., respectively; (b) depart Chinhoyi Sunday 5 a.m., arrive Masvingo 10.35a.m.; (c) depart Mahusekwa Saturday and Sunday 10.45 a.m. and (c) depart Masvingo Sunday 12.50 p.m., arrive Chinhoyi 6.30 p.m., arrive Harare 12 noon and 7.45 p.m., respec­ 5.25 p.m.; tively; (d) depart Beitbridge Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 5 a.m., (d) depart Marondera Monday to Thursday 2 p.m., arrive arrive Chinhoyi 2.25 p.m. Harare 4.25 p.m.; (e) depart MaronderaEriday 1 p.m., arrive Harare 3.25 p.m. N. M., trading as Mhizha Transport (Pvt.) Ltd. Route 2: 0/1211/93. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 75. (a) depart Harare Monday to Thursday 5 p.m., arrive St. Route: Bulawayo - Shangani - Gweru - Kwekwe - Kadoma - Davies 7 p.m.; Chegutu - Harare - Bindura. 454 Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 20th May, 1994

The service to operate as follows— G/89/94. Goods-vehicle. Load; 30 (XX) kilograms. (a) depart Bulawayo Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9.30 a.m., Route: Within Mashonaland Central Province, with access to Harare arrive Bindura 5 p.m.; and Forbes. (b) depart Bulawayo Sunday 4.30 a.m., arrive Bindura 12noon; Nature of carriage; (c) depart Bindura Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 10.30 a.m., (1) Goods, wares and merchandise of all kinds. arrive Bulawayo 6 p.m.; (2) Agricultural produce and requirements. (d) depart Bindura Sunday 1.30 p.m., arrive Bulawayo 9 p.m. (3) Steel and containers.

E. K. Mukopfa. HIRE-CARS 0/1276/93. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 75. Additionals Route: - Munyarari School - Bazeley Bridge - Double Line S. B. Adventures (Pvt.) Ltd., trading as Adventure Travel. 'Store - Karwiri School - Bwizi - Masvaure - Masasi School - HC/14/94. Hire-car. Passenger-capacity: 7. i^'Dambanzara - Maronga - Rombe Dip Tank. Route: Throughout . The service to operate as follows— Conditions; (a) depart Karwiri School Monday to Sunday 5 a.m., arrive (a) For pre-booked, organized site-seeing tours and excur­ Mutare 6.15 a.m.; sions, only. (b) depart Mutare Monday to Sunday 8 a.m., arrive Rombe Dip (b) All operations to commence from Bulawayo. Taiik 11 a.m.; (c) depart Rombe Dip Tank Monday to Sunday 12 noon, arrive TAXI-CABS Mutare 3.10 p.m.; Additionals (d) depart Mutare Monday to Sunday 5 p.m., arrive Karwiri R. Dube. School 6.30 p.m. TX/60/94. Taxi-cab. Passenger-capacity: 4.

Tanda Tavaruva. Route: Within a 40-kilometre radius of the post office, Victoria Falls. 0/1305/93. Motor-omnibus. Pas^nger-capacity: 75. Condition; The vehicle to stand for hire at any authorized taxi-rank Route; Masvingo - Bhati - Maringire - Ngundu Halt - Gororo Turn­ within the area under the jurisdiction of the Victoria Falls Town off - Musvosvi - Renco Mine. Council.

The service to operate as follows— S. Venganai. (a) depart Renco Mine Monday to Sunday 5 a.m., arrive Masvingo TX/82/94. Taxi-cab. Passenger-capacity: 3. 7.30 a.m.; Route: Within a 40-kilometre radius of the General Post Office, 1 (b) depart Masvingo Monday to Sunday 1 p.m., arrive Renco Gweru. ‘ Mine 3.30 p.m. Condition; The vehicle to stand for hire at Midlands Hotel, only. 0/1307/93. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 75. General Notice 285 of 1994. Route: Harare - Chivhu - Mvuma - Gutu Town Office - Masvingo - Chivi Turn-off - Maringire - Berejena - Chomuruvati - Chikofa - GOVERNMENT TENDER BOARD Davira Township. The seijjice to operate as follows— Tenders Invited

(a) depart Davira Township Monday to Thursday and Saturday All tenders must be submitted to the Secretary, Government Tender Board, P.O. Box 5 a.m., arrive Masvingo 7.15 a.m.; CY 408, C^iseway. (b) depart Davira Township Friday and Sunday 5 a.m., arrive Tenders must in no circumstances be submitted to departments. Harare 11 a.m.; T^iders must be enclosed in sealed envelopes, endm^ed on the outside with the (c) depart Masvingo Monday to Thursday 1 p.m., arrive Davira advertised tender number, description, closing date and must be posted in time to be Township 3.20 p.m.; sorted iiUo Post Office Box CY 408, Causeway, or delivered by hand to the Secretary, (d) depart Harare Friday and Sunday 5 p.m., ariive Davira Government Tender Board, Fourth Floor, Adas HcHise, 62, Robert Mugabe Road, Township 11 p.m.; Haraie, before 10 a.m. on the closing d^ notified. Offers submitted by telegraph, string clearly therein the name of the tender^', die (e) depart Masvingo Saturday 2 p.m., arrive Davira Township 4.20 p.m. service and the amount must be dispatched in time for delivery by the Post Office tt> the Secretary, Government Tender Board, by 10 a.m. on the closing date and the (Xinflrma- Chivero Bus Service (Pvt.) Ltd. tion tender posted not lat^ than die closing time ai^ d^e. The telegrai^c address is ‘Tenders, Harare”. 0/1331/93. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 75. A/dre.—Tenders which are not received by 10 a.m. on the closing date, whether by hand, Route; Harare - Porta - Norton - Chibero - Chingwere. by post or by telegraj^, will be tretued as late tenders. The service to operate as follows— If a deposit is required for temter documents, it will be refunded on receifM of a bona "As and when required.". fide tender or if the tender documents are returned complete and unmarked before the closing date. GOODS-VEHICLES For supply contracts, the country of manufacture must be stated. Whra tenders are compart, a degree of preference is deducted frmn prices tendered fctf goods manufac­ Additionals tured in Zimbabwe. Commercial Brokers (Pvt) Ltd. No tender can be wididrawn or amended during a period of 30 days (or another period specified in tendo* documents) from the stated closing (Me. G/78/94. Goods-vehicle. Load: 30 000 kilograms. The Government does n<^ bind itself to accept the lowest or any teiuler, and reserves Route: Mutare - Harare - Masvingo - Beitbridge. the right to select any tender in whole or in part. Nature of carriage; Goods, wares and merchandise of all kinds. Tenders which are properly addressed to the Government Tender Board in envelopes with the advertised tender number and descrif^on endorsed on the outside are G/79/94. Goods-vehicle. Load; 25 000 kilograms. opened until 10 a.m. on the closing date. Route: Within Midlands Province, with access to Harare, Bulawayo Membans of the public may attend the opening of temkrs on Fourth H

Tender Tender • number number ,

MILGRUD.2/94. Supply of windmills. Closing date, 26.5.94. Docu­ ZESA.32/94. Supply of air compressors. Closing date, 26.5.94. ments are obtainable from the Chief Development Officer, Documents are obtainable from the Procurement Manager, Lobengula Road (behind Southerton Post Office), or by post Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority, Second Root, Zimre to theChief Development Officer, P.O. Box ST 82, Southerton, Centre, comer Park Street and Union Avenue, Harare. Harare. T & T.3/94. Supply of building materials for the construction of ZIMBABWE ELECTRICITY SUPPLY AUTHORITY feeding and sale pens. Closing date, 2.6.94. Documents are NOTICE OF INTERNATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER obtainable from the Director, Veterinary Services, P.O. Box 8283, Causeway. Telephone 707381. ' Distribution Equipment and Materials PTC.9009. Supply of through hole plated printed circuit board. Closing date, 9.6.94. Documents are obtainable from the The Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe has received a loan Secretary, PTC Purchasing Committee, Room No. SI8, from the International Bank for Reconstmction and Development Tenth Root, South Wing, Runhare House, 107, Union (World Bank) in various currencies towards the cost of the following Avenue, Harare, orby writing to the Secretary, PTC Purchas­ projects— ing Committee, P.O. Box 8061, Causeway. Non-refundable 1. ZEsil Tender 14/94: Supply and Delivery of Conductors, deposit of $250. Cables and Accessories. MECH.6/94. Supply of vehicle spare parts. Closing date, 19.5.94. 2. ZESA Tender 15/94: Supply and Delivery of Insulators and Tender documents are obtainable from CMED Head Office, Line Hardware. comer Rekayi Tangwena and Herbert Chitepo Avenues. 3. ZESA Tender 16/94: Supply and Delivery of Switchgear and T64/94. Supply of headstones for one year. Closing date, 2.6.94. Substation Equipment. T65/94. Repair and servicing of vehicle mounted refrigerated units. It is intended that part of the proceeds of this loan will be applied Closing date, 2.6.94. to eligible payments under the contract for which the invitation is T66/94. Repair and servicing of coldroom electric refrigerators and issued. freezers. Closing date, 2.6.94. The implementing agent, the Zimbabwe Electricity Supply T67/94. Supply of boiled sweets for Harare. Closing date, 2.6.94. Authority (ZESA), now invites eligible bidders for the supply of the necessary equipment consisting of the following packages— T68/94. Repair and maintenance of gas refrigerators and freezers. Closing date, 2.6.94. 1. ZESA Tender 14/94: Supply and Delivery of Conductors, Cables and Accessories. T69/94. Supply of refrigeration and electrical spates. Closing date, 2.6.94. 2. ZESA Tender 15/94: Supply and Delivery of Insulators and T70/94. Hire of plant and light vehicles. Closing date, 2.6.94. Line Hardware. T71 /94. Supply of sweetened orange and lemonade powder 45,4 kg. 3. ZESA Tender 16/94: Supply and Delivery of Switchgear and Closing date, 2.6.94. Documents are obtainable from the Substation Equipment. Director of Procurement and Purchasing, Army Headquar­ Details of the scope of supply are available in the bidding ters, Private Bag 7720, Causeway. documents. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further informa­ A25/93/94. Supply of material and equipment and constmction of tion from, and inspect the bidding documents at the offices of— Sabi A/B Irrigation Scheme—Pumping plants and infield The Procurement Manager, works. Closing date, 16.6.94. Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority, A23/93/94. Supply of material and equipment and construction of comer Union Avenue/Leopold Takawira Street, Bonde Imgation Scheme—^Block C2:1 and C2:2—Pumbing Harare, Plants and infield works. Closing date, 16.6.94. Non-refund- Zimbabwe. able deposit of $ 100. Telephone: 730776/9, 737810,737818. A24/93/94. Supply of equipment and installation of Chipuwe Youth Telex: 24323 ZESCOM ZW. irrigation Scheme. Borehole pumping plant and infield works. Fax: 739854/5. Closing date, 16.6.94. Documents are obtainable from the Director of Agritex, P.O. Box CY 639, Causeway, or The bidding documents may be purchased at the above address, Makombe Complex, Block 2, comer Herbert, Chitepo commencing on 20th May, 1994, by any eligible bidder, upon Avenue and Harare Street, Harare. Non-refundable deposit payment'of a non-refundable fee of US$200,00 or equivalent in a of $100. freely convertible currency for each of the above tenders. Domestic companies may purchase the bidding documents upon 6533:3375/6/7. Rehabilitation of lead acid starter batteries for diesel payment of a non-refundable fee of Z$1 600 for each tender. electric locomotives. Closing date, 12.5.94. Documents are obtained from the Manager, Supplies and Stores, P.O. Box Bidders are required to furnish with their bids, bid securities in 1999, Bulawayo. favour of the Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority to— The Secretary, Tenderes are invited from building contractors registered in Zimbabwe Government Tender Board, category "D"for: Atlas House, CON.25/94. Harare: Construction of proposed new hangers at 62, Robert Mugabe Road, Harare International Airport. Closing date, 19.5.94. •* P.O. Box CY 408, Causeway, AMENDMENT: EXTENSION OF CLOSING DATES Harare, Zimbabwe. CON.43/94. Mutare: New dining hall, alterations and extensions to existing kitchen at Mary Mount Teachers' College. Closing The bid security should be made valid for 210 days from the date, 26.5.94. closing date of the bid, and should be for an amount not less than 2% of the bid price in a freely convertible currency. Bids not accompa­ CON.39/94. Masvingo: Electrical installation and reticulation at the nied by a bid security will be rejected. General Hospital. Closing date, 19.5.94. Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the bidders' CON.40/94. Harare: Electrical installation and reticulation at representatives who choose to attend on the closing date at the Central Registry. Clositjg Date, 19.5.94. Zimbabwe Government Tender Board. CON.47/94. Mutare: Civil works at Scientific Industrial Research Bids should be submitted to the Secretary, Zimbabwe Govern­ Development Centre (SIRDC). Closing date, 19.5.94. Docu­ ment Tender Board on 21st July, 1994, at 1000 hours. ments are obtainable from the Secretary for I^blic Constmc­ tion and National Housing, Leopold Takawira Street, P.O. The implementing agent, ZESA, does not bind itself to accept the Box 8081, Causeway, Harare. lowest or any bid. 456 Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 20th May, 1994

, ZIMBABWE ELECTRICITY SUPPLY AUTHORITY 8. ZESA Tender 40/94 (Contract No. 8—V acuum Cleaning Plant NOTICE OF INTERNATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER Refurbishment): Supply of Plant to Restore and Uprate the Vacuum Cleaning Systems and Units. Foreign companies: Hwange Phase II Upgrade Projects US$100,00 or equivalent in a freely convertible currency; Domestic companies: Z$800,00. The Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe has received a loan 9. from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ZESA Tender 41/94 (Contract No. 9^Electrical Power Plant (World Bank) in various currencies towards the cost of the following and Systems): Modification of Existing Diesel Generators, projects— Supply and Installation of 30 MV A Station Transformer and Supply and Installation of Switchgear Interconnection Facility 1. ZES A Tender 33/94: (Contract No. 1 —Process Control): Sup­ Between 330 kV Switchyard Essential Supplies and Power ply and Installation of Microprocessor Based and Digital Con­ Station Emergency Generation System. Foreign companies: trol and Instrumentation for Boiler 1, 2, 3 and 4. US$100,00; Domestic companies: Z$800,00.

2. ZESA Tender 34/94: (Contract No. 2—Cooling Tower and 10. ZESA Tender 42/94 (Contract No. 10—Air Conditioning and Pumps): Construction of New Cooling Tower and Supply and Ventilation): Upgrading Existing Air Conditioning and Venti­ Installation of two Cooling Water Pumps. lation Systems. Foreign Companies: US$100,00. Domestic companies: Z$800,00. 3. ZESA Tender 35/94: (Contract No. 3—Circulating Cooling Water Sytem): Supply and Installation of a Stream Filter, 11. ZESA Tender 43/94 (Contract No. 11—Laboratory Equip­ Circulation Cooling Water Chemical Dosing and On-line ment); Supply of Additional and Replacement of Existing Chemical Monitoring Equipment. Equipment. Foreign companies: US$25,00 or equivalent in equivalent in a freely convertible currency; domestic compa­ 4. ZESA Tender 36/94: (Contract No. 4—Ancillary Water Sys­ nies Z$200,00 tems): Modification of the Existing Auxiliary Cooling Water System to Closed Circuit Cooling Systems for Boilers 1, 2, 3 12. ZESA Tender 44/94: Contract No. 12—On-line Sampling, and 4. Analysing and Monitoring): Supply of Complete On-line Steam/ Water Monitoring Systems for Units 1 to 4 and Overhaul of 5. ZESA Tender 37/94: (Contract No. 5—Chlorination Plant Steam/Water Monitoring Systems for units 5 and 6. Foreign Refurbishment) Rehabilitation of Existing Chlorine Dosing companies: US$100,(X) or equivalanet in freely convertible System and Addition of Chemical Injection Facilities into the currency: Domestic companies: Z$800,00. Cooling Tower Ponds.

6. ZESA Tender 38/94: (Contract No. 6—Coal Plant Dust Sup­ Bidders are required to furnish with their bids, bid securities in pression): Supply and Installation of Insertible Filter Units for favour of the Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority to— Dust Control at the Coal haildling Plant. The Secretary Zimbabwe Government Tender Board, 7. ZESA Tender 39/94: (Contract NO. 7—Conveyor Cleaning Fourth Floor, Atlas House, Plant Refurbishment) Supply and Installation of New Belt 62, Robert Mugabe Road, Scrapes and Refurbishment and Re-adjustment of Conveyors. P.O, Box CY 408,. 8. ZESA Tender 40/94: (Contract No. 8—Vacuum Refurbish­ Causeway, ment) Supply of Plant to Restore and Uprate the Vacuum Harare, Cleaning Systems and Units. Zimbabwe.

The bidding documents may be purchased at the above address, The bid security should be made valid for 150 days from the commencing on 20th May, 1994, by any eligible bidder upon closing date of the bid, and should be for an amount not less than 3% payment of a non-refundable fee as follows— of the bid price in a freely convertible currency. Bids not accompa­ 1. ZESA Tender 33/94 (Contract No. 1—Process Control): Sup­ nied by a bid security will be rejected. ply and Installation of Microprocessor Based and Digital Con­ Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of bidders' represen­ trol and Instrumentation for Boilers 1, 2, 3 and 4. Foreign tatives who choose to attend on the closing date at the Zimbabwe Companies: US$200,00; Domestic companies: Z$1 600,00. Government Tender Board. 2. ZESA Tender 34/94 (Contract No. 2—Cooling Tower and Bids should be submitted to the Secretary, Zimbabwe Govern­ Pumps): Construction of New Cooling Tower and Supply ment Tender Board, on or before 28th July, 1994 at 10.00 hours for Installation of two Cooling Water Pumps. Foreign Companies: ZESA Tender 33/94 to ZESA Tender 38/94 and 4th August, 1994 at US$150,00 or equivalent in a freely convertible currency; 10.00 hours for ZESA Tender 39/94 to ZESA Tender 44/94. Domestic companies: Z$1 200 000. The implementing agent, ZESA, does not bid itself to accept the 3. ZESA Tender 35/94 (Contract No. 3—Circulating Cooling lowest or any bid. Water System): Supply and Installation of a Stream Filter, CirculatingCooling Water Chemical Dosing and On-lineChemi- cal Monitoring Equipment, Foreign Companies: US$100,00 or General Notice 286 of 1994. equivalent in a freely convertible currency; Domestic compa­ nies: Z$800,00. POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES ACT [CHAPTER 250] . 4. ZESA Tender 36/94 (Contract No. 4—Ancillary Water Sys­ tems): Modification of the Existing Auxiliary Cooling Water System to Closed Circuit Cooling System for Boilers 1,2,3 and Information Concerning the Sale of Unclaimed Property (Postal Notice No. 17 of 1994) 4. Foreign Companies: US$150,00 or equivalent in a freely convertible currency; Domestic companies: Z$1 200,00. IT is hereby notified that a miscellaneous assortment of unclaimed 5. ZESA Tender 37/94 (Contract No. 5—Chlorination Plant property from Returned Letter Office of the Posts and Telecommu­ Refurbishment): Rehabilitation of Existing Chlorine Dosing nications Corporation will be disposed off by public auction by System and Addition of Chemical Injection Facilities into the Auction Centre (Pvt.) Ltd., 141, Fife Street, Bulawayo, commencing Cooling Tower Ponds. Foreign companies: US$100,00 or at 8.30 a.m., on Saturday, 28th May, 1994. ■ equivalent in a freely convertible currency; Domestic compa­ nies: Z$800,00. R. MUTAMBIRWA, 6. ZESA Tender 38/94 (Contract No. 6^-Coal Plant Dust Sup­ 20-5-94. Postmaster-General. pression): Supply and Installation of Insertible Filter Units for Dust Control at the Coal Handling Plant. Foreign companies: LOT 1 US$100,00 or equivalent in a freely convertible currency; R 2228/90 Hand knitted jersey. Domestic companies: Z$800,00. R 2486/90 Pair woolen gloves. 7. ZESA Tender 39/94 (Contract No. 7—Conveyor Cleaning RH 859/90 2 school jerseys. Plant Refurbishment): Supply and Installation of New Belt R 352/90 Jersey. Scrapers and Refurbishment and Re-adjustment of Conveyors. ZP 47/92 Jersey. Foreign companies: US$25,00 or equivalent in a freely con­ ZP 36/92 Jersey. vertible currency. Domestic companies: Z$200,00. OP 25/93 2 jerseys. Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 20th May, 1994 457

LOT 2 LOT 6 (continued) •/ R 2572/90 2 T-shirts. R 4640/91 Spool. R 2965/90 1 T-shirt. R 441/90 3 .spools. R 3786/90 4 T-shirts. PP 40/93 2 X 24 exposure spools. R 3803/91 1 T-shirt. PP 160/92 Camera. R 5367/91 1 T-shirt. PP 59/93 3 video cassettes. R 967/90 2 T-shirts. PP 108/92 Video cassette. PA 221/92 1 T-shirt. PP 85/92 Video cassette. OP 206/92 Video cassette. LOT 3 STATIONERY OP 178/92 Video cassette. OP 202/93 Apparatus for technical drawing. ZCP 123/92 Camera. R2423/90 10 Exercise books. RH 1248/90 Note book, packet carts. LOT 7 R3803/91 Packet of crayons, 2 colouring books. RH 858/90 1 pair tackies. PA 11/92 Note book. RH 183/90 Purse. PA 9/93 Packet of cards with envelopes, water pen, R 968/90 Sleeping bag. packet of envelopes, 3 w riting pads. PA 12/93 Pair black shoes. PA 247/93 8 pens, 8 pencils. OCP 173/92 4 pairs sports shoes. PA 39/92 Envelopes and cards. ZCP 7/93 2 pairs shoes. PA 214/92 10 exercise books. PP 40/93 Packet of crayons. LOTS PP 37/93 Bulldog paper clip. PP 50/93 14 pens, pens of crayons, 4 exercise books. R 1583/90 Ball wool. PP 23/93 Exercise books. PP 48/93 Ball wool. ‘PP 161/92 R efills, 15 balloons. ZP 45/92 W ool. PP 160/92 Pads, packets of evelopes. OCP 106/89 Ball wool. PP 150/92 Pen. PP 19/93 Sharpener, cam pus. LOT 9 PP 142/92 Pen. R 2168/90 Bangle, ring. PP 9/93 Stick stuff. PA 57/93 Hand digital watch. PP 112/92 2 pens. PA 46/93 . Key ring. PP 58/93 Packet of cards. PA 150/92 2 bangles. PP 97/92 Typewriter ribbon. PA \mi92 Bangle. PP 122/92 Crayons. PA 199/92 W ooden band, 2 pairs earings. PP 80/92 Instrum ent set. PA 207/92 Bangle. PP 141/92 2 Pencil rubbers. PA 196/92 Necklace. PP 111/92 Sticker, pencils. PP 45/93 \ Beads. ZP 11/93 Technical drawing set, ruler. PP 35/93 Opener. OP24/93 Files. PP 36/93 Pair spectacles. OP 99/93 Pen. PP 51/93 Bangle. PP 14/93 Codjul. LOT 4 PP 10/92 M atch container. R 1903/90 2 M aterials. PP 147/92 Gold chain, set 3 (nail clipper, toe nail clipper, R 3476/90 1 Cushion cover, 5 doilies, 3 pieces m aterials. file). R 2965/90 Cloth bag. RH 177/92 Beads 2. RH 1253/90 Dish tow el, cloth bag. PA 20/93 4 rosseries. R 4191/91 4 packets sewing ‘patterns. R 195/92 2 necklaces. R 5006/91 Table cloth, teapot cover. PA 206/92 Necklace. RH 177/90 4 piece set doilies, 2 doilies. PA 156/92 Necklace. RH 176/90 13 piece set doilies. PA 167/92 Bangle. R 351/90 Piece of m aterial. PA 208/92 Bangle. R 967/90 2 pieces m aterial. PP 46/92 2 digital watches. PA 11/92 2 packets servettes. PP 30/93 Pair spectacles, key holder. PA 47/92 Cloth bag PP 20/93 Chain. PA 251/92 2 sets of 3 doilies. PP 15/92 Pin. PA 14/93 3 doilies. PP 3/92 Telephone index. PA 23/93 Table cloth. PP 9/93 Spectacles, beads. No num ber Pair earings. LOT 5 BABY'S NEW CLOTHING PP 64/93 2 pairs spectacles. R 2038/90 Baby jacket woolen. R 1583/90 Jersey. LOT 10' R 3636/90 Cloth doll. R 3343/90 Box Tanganda tea. R 4058/91 Pair bootees. R 2953/90 500 g Five Roses. RH 275/90 Shawl, pair bootees, hooden Jacket. PA 19/93 Romper. R 2823/90 500 g Five Roses. PA 24/93 Jum psuit. R 2721/90 Lyons instant coffee. PA 152/92 V est, baby feeder. R 2722/90 Lyons instant coffee. PP 40/93 1 boot. R 3344/90 Packet coffee beans. PP 35/93 Pair socks. R 2818/90 Tanganda tea. PP 27/92 Jum psuit. R 67/90 Tin Bournville cocoa. ZP 5/92 Baby set. R 3912/91 Packet coffee beans. ZP 9/93 Jersey. R 4116/91 Box Tanganda tea. OP 34/93 . Baby clothes. R 4272/91 Box Tanganda tea. OP 31/92 Romper. R 3911/91 Box Tanganda tea. OCP 143/92 Jersey. R 5332/91 Box Tanganda tea.

* R 4839/91 Box Tanganda tea. LOT 6 R 4316/91 Packet tea leaves. RH 779/90 Video cassette. PA 23/92 5()0 g Tanganda tea. RH 1104/90 Video cassette. PA 237/92 Packet coffee beans. 458 Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 20th May, 1994

LOT 11 LOT 16 (continued) Various food stuffs (5kg), 3 packets decaffeinated tea. PP 64/93 Lip stick. PP 115/92 2 Lip sticks, comb. LOT 12 NEW BABY AND YOUNG GIRLS' PP 47/93 2 bottles Blow Bubbles. CLOTfflNG PP 91/92 Johnson’s baby lotion, bath cube. RH 1053/90 2 shorts, 3 T-shirts. PP 92/92 4 packets lotion (4711). RiJ 1253/90 Short PP 141/91 Perfume, R 4639/91 2 dresses, a pair shoes. PP 82/92 Soap. PA 12/93 T-shirt, dress. PP 122/92 Soap, make-up kit PA 199/92 Pair socks, 2 piece suit. PP 86/92 2 cubes soap, 2 tubes shampoo. PP 25/92 Hair clip. PP 114/92 2 sets (teaspoon plus fork). LOT 17 LADIES NEW CLOTHING ZP 29/92 Suit. R 439/91 Ladies' 2 piece suit. ZP9/93 2 pairs hand-made suits, dress. R 4976/91 Pyjamas. OP 180/93 6 purses. R 1402/90 T-shirt, 2 piece suit OCP 207/92 Jacket. R 388/91 Pair Chinese shoes. OP 168/92 Handkerchief. RH 274/90 1 T-shirt, dress, pair sandals. No number Pair socks. LOT 13 CIGARRETTES R 397/90 pair black pulling socks. RH 1163/90 Cartoon 20 Everest. PA 52/92 Dress. R 5225/91 4 packets 10 Madison, matches. PA 11/92 1 pantie, 2 pairs white socks. RH 216/90 200 X 10 Kingsgate. PA 49/92 2 bras. PA 158/92 15 X lOMadiscm. PA 180/92 Ladies' belt PA 185/92 Cartoon 20 Madison. PP 122/92 Stretch belt pair socks. ZP 47/92 4 X 20 Kingsgate. PP 103/92 Blouse. OP 180/93 2 cartoons matches. PP 118/92 Purse. ZCP 127/92 2 X 20 Madison. ZCP 160/92 Packet matches. LOT 18 LADIES' SECOND HAND CLOTHING ZCP 163/92 4 packets (200 x 20 Kingsgate). R 5018/91 2 dresses, 1 blouse. R 4657/91 Skirt. LOT 14 R 4658/91 Blouse, night dress. R 3544/90 Oil filter (Mercedes Benz). R 1920/90 2 blouses. PA 173/92 Torch. PP 58/93 Cloth purse. - PA 217/92 5 oil filters. PA 55/93 Hair holder. PP 37/93 3 nuts. PP 127/92 Eatings. PP 36/93 Several wires. PA 50/93 Purse. PP 23/93 Rod. PP 86/92 Purse. PP 161/92 Nut PA 220/92 Woolen barret. PP 58/93 Vangcard lock. PP 101/92 Purse. PP 94/92 4 torch batteries, disk wallet. PA 150/92 3 T-shirts. PP 86/92 Knife. PA 209/92 Purse. PP 87/92 Battery pack. PP 67/93 2 purses. PP 80/92 1 spanner. PP 40/93 Purse. PP 88/92 1 electricity loader. PP2/93 Woolen hat ZP 50/92 Torch. PP 161/92 2 pairs socks. ZP 48/92 Plugs. PP 64/93 Purse. ZP 32/92 2 parts of knitting machine. OP 154/92 1 Trimax. LOT 19 GIRLS' NEW CLO THING OCP 7/93 Nylon spinner, 2 fuel tubing nylon windges, R 4976/91 2 plastic handbags, pair blue shoes, 2 pants, 2 metal links, 2 small wheels. dresses. Ex Book Sale 93 1 Torch, 3-D witness. R 218/90 Jersey with belt. PA 52/93 4 dresses. LOT 15 PP 35/93 2 T-shirts. No number Pair bedsheets with pillowcases. PP 64/93 PairSahdak. PP 32/93 Pillowcase chips. PP 5/93 Woolen blanket. LOT 20 MEN'S NEW CLOTHING PP 115/92 Material. R 4567/91 Tie. ZP 45/92 24 pieces material. R 4988/91 2 shirts. R 1935/90 Jersey. LOT 16 RH 216/90 1 brief. R 3753/90 4 packets Glycerine foam bath. R 376/90 T-shirt. R 3753/90 Packets of Rose soap. R 260/90 Shirt. RH 1508/91 3 perfumes. PA 205/92 Packet with 5 briefs, T-shirt. R 1920/90 1 bottle hair gel, comb. PA 189/92 2 T-shirts. R 1290/92 2 Dawn lotions, 1 Natural smooth lotion. PA 198/92 T-shirt. RH 183/90 3 lip sticks. PA 188/92 2 T-shirts. PA 19/93 1 Wrinkle Defence Cream. PP 19/93 Set briefs. PA 1/93 Shampoo. PP 96/92 5 razor blades. PP 46/92 Soap. PP 79/92 Playing cards. PP 40/93 Soap, Hi and Dri anti-perepirant deodorant. PP 74/93 Small make-up kit. LOT 21 MEN'S SECOND HAND CLOTHING PP 29/92 2 cube Geisha soa. R 393/91 T-shirt. PP 27/92 Shower to Shower. PA 22/92 Pair socks. PP 16/92 Soap. PP 32/93 Overall. PP 161/92 Box Bubble Bath. PP 37/93 2 purses. PP 36/92 2 tubes lotion, 1 tube Lancaster, 1 Cheri- PP9/93 Purse. Lameur. PP 104/92 1 black glove, 1 brown wallet. PP 18/92 Packet of tissues. PP 93/92 Purse. PP 160/92 Soap. PP 124/92 Handkerchief. No number Bath soap. PP 123/92 Handkerchief. Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 20th May, 1994 459

LOT 21 (continued) LOT 26 PA 19/93 3 toys, small brash Md comb. PP 83/92 Black purse. PP 37/93 3 toys, 2 rings. ZP 49/92 Shirt, portfolio. PP 160/92 Wood with alphabet. ZP 40/90 Overall. PP 157/92 Dominoes. TPim Satchel. PP 87/92 Small comb. PP 139/92 Overall, bag, handkerchief. Op 64/93 Toy. Ex Book Sale 93 Crazy blocks, crayons, water colours, play LOT 22 cards. R 1815/90 Copper plaque. ZP 40/93 Doll. R 4722/99. W all picmre. R 1801/90 W all picture. LOT 27 GIRLS' SECOND HAND CLOTHING R666/90 2 copper plaques. PA 219/92 Night dress. RH 454/90 W ooden sculpture PP 59/93 Pair shoes. R 351/90 Box kitchen decores. PP 95/92 Dress. R 4679/91 Copper plaque. OP 31/92 3 T-shirts, dress, 2 pairs trousers, blouse, 1 PA 64/93 Round woo^n sculpture. bath towel, skirt. PA 60/93 2 wooden sculptures. OP 25/93 M orning gown. PA 46/92 Paper wall picture. OCP 163/92 5 pairs socks, jumpsuit, 2 sweaters, 2 jerseys, PA 46/92 21st key. 2 blouses, dress, jacket, T-shirt. PA 63/93 4 wooden chicks. PA 195/92 3 small baskets, 1 wooden sculpture. LOT 28 PA 190/92 Toy bicyle, 2 wooden sculpture. PA 174/92 M aterial. PA 150/92 Soap stone sculpture, 2 wooden sculptures. PA 137/92 Doily. PA 140/92 • 6 wooden sculptures, 2 wooden feet sculp­ PA 235/92 Scarf. tures. PA 51/93 Table cloth. PA 146/92 Wooden sugar basin. PP 16/92 Teaspoon. PA 183/92 Wooden sculpture. PP6/93 M easruing cup. PP 158/92 Soap stone sculpture. PP 158/92 Doily. PP 155/92 Small wooden sculpture. PP3/92 Purse pocket accessories. PP 154/92 Buttons. LOT2S BOYS' SECOND H/kND CLOTHING PP 1/93 W all cloth hanger. PP 61/93 Tape rheasure. RH 177/90 Jersey, brief, towel, bag, pair socks. PP8/92 3 reels cotton. PA 204/92 Sweater. ZP 32/92 4 buttons. PP66«3 Jersey, pair slippers. ZP7/92 Piece m aterial, 3 doilies, 2 wooden sugar PP 64/93 2 sun hats. basins. PP 115/92 Sleeveless jersey. ZP9/93 2 peg holders. PP 49/93 Belt. ZP 45/92 7 pieces m aterial. PP 104/92 Sunglasses. OP 143/93 3 dish towels, lace m aterial. ZP 41/92 Sleeveless jersey. OCP 147/92 4 small boxes full of pieces of m aterial. OP 34/93 4 T-shirts. OCP 143/92 1 Flanel bed sheet, 2 cloth bags. OCP 207/92 3 T-shirts, 2 pairs shoes, 1 pair tennis shoes. LOT 29 LOT 24 BOYS' NEW CLOTHING PA 225/92 (2) 18 ct gold rings. R 218/90 W oolen shoes, jersey. R 351/90 2 T-shirts. LOT 30 BABIES' SECOND HAND CLOTHING PA 11/92 T-shirt. PP 74/93 Pair socks. ZP8/93 Pair tennis shoes, satchel, pair shorts, shirts. PP 45/93 Comb. OCP 143/92 5 pairs shorts, 4 vests. PP 142/92 Pair socks. ZCP 101/92 Hat. OCP 163/92 6 vests, 2 panties, 1 T-shirt, 2 pairs socks. ZCP 134/92 2x2 piece suits. ZP 55/93 Babyromper,2vests,2waterproofs, 1 showel, ZCP 66/93 3 white shorts, 3 white T-shirts, shirt, short 3 napkins, 2 woolen hats and a round plas­ and shirt grey school uniform. tic dish. ZCP 37/93 Shawl. LOT 25 Ex Book Sale 93 2 combs.

PA 58/93 8 LP records PP 61/93 2 tapes « NEW CASSETTES R 4070/91 LP record PP 62/93 Tape LOT 31 PA 48/92 LP record PP 63/93 Tape PP 129/92 4 packets each with 4 tapes. PA 42/93 Tape PP 119/92 Tape PP 119/92 2 video cassettees. PA 42/93 Tape PP 135/92 Tape R 5367/91 2 tapes PP 133/92 Tape LOT 32 R 767/90 1 tape PP 138/92 Tape PP 49/93 Beads ZCP 99/92 Purse, beads, PA 149/92 Tape PP 122/92 Tape glass case PA 150/92 Tape PP 85/92 Tape PP 47/93 Necklace ZCP 127/92 Colgate PA 224/92 LP record PP 100/92 2 tapes PP 117/92 Key holder, ZCP 117/92 W atch PA 151/92 Tape PP 88/92 Tape gold chain PA 132/92 Tape ZP 33/92 LP records PP 105/92 rtrse ZCP 42/93 Barings PA 229/92 ■ Tape OP 152/92 2 tapes PP 102/92 Bangle ZCP 18/93 W atch PA 182«2 2 tapes OP 148/92 4 tapes PP 98/92 Bangle OCP 142/89 W rist W atch PP 40/93 3 tapes OP 144/92 Tapes PP 92/92 Key holder Ex Book 3 pairs spert- PP 45/93 1 tape OP 91/93 Tape Sale 93 acles PP 33/93 TapeOP 186/92 Tape PP 120/92 Spectacles 2 pins, PP 28/92 2 tapes OP 176/92 Tape cigarrette PP2/93 Tape OP 172/92 2 tapes PP 88/92 Beads, soap, lighter, mini PP 18/93 3 tapes OP 171/92 6 tapes watch bookmark PP 56/92 Tape OP 141/92 Tape OP 145/92 Gillette razor Beads PP 112/92 3 tapes PP 136/92 Tape blades 4 ZP 54/92 Tape OP 177/92 Key holder 460 Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 20th May, 1994

LOT 33 LOT 42 MEN'S SECOND HAND CLOTHING ZP 55/92 African drum. ZP 54/92 Hosho(2). OCP 207/92 7 pairs trousers, jacket, 23 ties, belt. ZP 47/92 Small mbira. OP 143/93 2 shirts, 2 panties, 4 sweaters, 2 T-shirts. ZP 56/92 Wall picture. ZP 39/92 2 small paper people. LOT 43 BOYS' SECOND HAND CLOTHING ZP 30/92 8 sadza sticks, 1 wooden spoon. OP 26/93 2 walking sticks. OP 31/92 Short. ZP 37/92 3 baskets, 1 bag, 2 big wooden sculptures, 2 OCP 143/92 Pair jeans. small wooden sculptures, 2 seashells. ZCP 150/92 Jacket. ZCP 67/93 Shirt. LOT 34 MEN'S NEW CLOTHING Ex Book Sale 93 2 pairs socks.

O O O N N N a, ZCP 31/93 3 pairs tennis shoes.

Shirt. cu CS ZCP 60/93 3 pairs shorts,’ 1 T-shirt, 1 shirt, pair tennis

Jacket. cu (N shoes.

Brief, handkerchief. ^ ^


Suit (2 piece). y IT*. ^ T3 Shirt. OP 143/93 2 blouses, 5 T-shirts, 2 pairs trousers, jersey, tracksuit, pair shoes. LOT 35 LADIES’ NEW CLOTHING ZP 54/92 Pair socks, purse. LOT 45 ZP 54/92 Pant, bra. To Lot 11 ZP 52/92 Dress. expired City Health. ZP 35/92 3 T-shirt, bra, 2 black tights, 1 tight, 2 piece, expired City Health. tight suit, ZP 33/92 pair sandals. LOT 46 ZP 45/92 Skirt. OP 183/92 Maroon Church gown. OP 180/93 Pant. OP 207/93 3 dresses, skirt, blouse, 3 belts, jacket. LOT 47 OP 143/93 2 skirts. OP 175/92 Wall clock. LOT 36 LADIES’ SECOND HAND CLOTHING LOT 48 STATIONERY ZP 54/92 T-shirt. ZP6/93 pair Shoes, towel, tracksuit. OP 170/92 11 pens blue, 5 packets blue pens. ZP 50/92 Bath-towel. OP 169/92 24 pens black. PP 139/93 Dress. ZCP 115/92 3 files. PP 139/92 Purse. ZCP 99/92 5 writing pads. ZP 45/92 ' Skirt, sweater, 2 blouses, 2 rolls towel. ZCP 148/92 Album. OP 34/93 Short, skirt, sweater, 2 blouses and 9 T-shirts. ZCP 141/92 Portfolio. ZP 37/92 1 T-shirt, piece of material. ZCP 133/92 10 exercise books, 10 pens. OP 67/92 2 Bras, pant, 2 swimming costumes, jumpsuit. LOT 49 LOT 37 OP 182/92 Tape. ZP 48/92 Lotion. ZCP 108/92 Tape; OP 180/93 Vaseline, Suif, 6 cubes bath soap.. ZCP 99/92 3 tapes. OP 143/93 4 cubes soap, comb. OCP 106/89 3 records. ZCP 110/92 Packet fleurette, 2 2Miac bath oils, 1 foam PB 48/91 1 record. bath, woolen fleurette case glass container PB 206/91 5 LP records. flurette bath crystals, 2 fleurette sleep pil­ lows, LOT 50 LADIES' NEW CLOTHING ZCP 111/92 Kouros Natural Spray, OCP 143/92 2 piece woolen suit, pair shoes. ZCP 160/92 2 Sunlight soap. ZCP 117/92 Pair tennis shoes. ZCP 65/93 Shower to Shower. ZCP 137/92 Maternity dress. ZCP 42/93 6 perfumes, lotion. ZCP 150/92 Winter skirt, skirt. ZCP 159/92 2 tie and dye 2 piece suits. LOT 38 MEN’S SECOND HAND CLOTHING ZCP 7/93 Morning gown. ZCP 35/93 Skirt. OP 34/93 8 shirts, 2 T-shirts, 4 sweaters, 2 pairs trou­ ZCP 168/92 Maternity dress. sers, 1 sunhat, 3 T-shirts, 3 shirts, 5 pairs ZCP /93 Pair tennis shoes. trousers. ZCP 3/93 Pair sandak. O 1-1 H 3;


Dress. N Q-fl, — (N OCP 143/92 2 pairs jean shorts, 3 T-shirts, 3 shirts.

Jersey. N o CN OCP 189/92 3 pairs trousers, 3 shirts, 2 waistcoats, 1 short,

2 pairs sandals. N a. — (N 1 T-shirt.

Jersey. N 0,

T-shirt, skirt. 00 N (1. LOT 52 LADIES' SECOND HAND CLOTHING

Purse. COP 163/92 2 skirts (winter) belt. LOT 40 LADIES SECOND HAND CLOTHING OCP 189/92 Blouse. ZCP 108/92 Jacket, pair trousers. OCP 207/92 Pair tennis .shoes, skirt, 13 blouses, T-shirts 4, ZCP 130/92 2 pairs shoes. dress, belt and 4 blouses. ZCP 160/92 Jersey. OP 143/93 3 blouses. ZCP 47/93 2 jerseys. OCP 143/92 ■ Blouse, 2 T-shirts, 2 dresses, scarf. ZCP 63/93 Dress. ZCP 24/93 Skirt, dress. LOT 41 BOY'S SECOND HAND CLOTHING ZCP 9/93 Skirt. ZCP 35/91 Skirt. OCP 207/92 2 jackets, 6 T-shirts, 4 pairs jeans, pair tennis ZCP 5/93 Pair shoes. shoes, 3 pairs trousers, T-shirt. ZCP 161/92 Hat. Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 20th May, 1994 461


00 ^ 10 shirts. ZCP 42/93 Pot, tin opener, plastic container. * i-“ ^ T-shirt.

ZCP 12/93 2 plates.

vD ^ to T-shirt.

ZCP 33/93 4 cups, 2 bowls, 1 black pot, 2 wooden spoons,

NNNOonno O U) ^ to Jersey. plastic jug, mugoti.

LOT 54 MEN'S SECOND HAND CLOTHING LOT 67 MATERIALS SECOND HAND ZCP 148/92 T-shirt, shirt. ZCP 37/93 Several doilies, cushion covers. ZCP 108/92 Jersey, pair socks. ZCP 25/93 Embroidered pieces of m aterial. ZCP 121/92 T-shirt. ZCP 118/92 Jackets LOT 68 MEN'S SECOND HAND CLOTHING ZCP 122/93 Belt. ZCP 160/92 2 shirts, jersey. ZCP 8/93 Jacket, pair trousers, shirt. ZCP 155/92 2 shirts, jum psuit. ZCP 20/93 3 sweaters. ZCP 7/93 5 shirts, 2 T-shirts, 1 sweater, jersey. ZCP 30/93 Jacket, shirt. ZCP 167/92 Jacket. ZCP 168/92 Pair trousers.

LOT 55 BABIES' NEW CLOTHING LOT 69 GIRLS' CLOTHING NEW ZCP 109/92 2 napkins, baby towel—big. ZCP 10/93 Dress. ZCP 153/92 W oolen jacket, bootee. Ex Book Sales 93 2 pairs tights, 2 pairs socks, 8 ribbons. ZCP 32/93 2 dresses. LOT 56 LADIES' SECOND HAND CLOTHING ZCP 60/93 2 dresses, 1 pair sandals. ZCP 107/92 2 piece suit, dress, 4 panties. ZCP 108/92 2 piece suit, pair shoes. LOT 70 ZCP 105/92 Blouse, 2 skirts, 2x2 piece suits. ZCP 41/91 Karate gear. ZCP 99/92 Dress, voil. ZCP 146/92 T-shirt. LOT 71

LOT 57 GIRLS' SECOND HAND CLOTHING ZCP 54/93 5 half slips. ZCP 107/92 Pair tennis shoes, jersey, blouse, pair socks. LOT 72 BOYS' SECOND HAND CLOTHING ZCP 59/93 Skirt, short, blouse, hat. ZCP 29m 3 pairs shoes, 3 shirts, 2 pairs trousers, 2 LOT 58 shorts. ZCP 99/92 3 wooden carvings, wooden teaspoon, wooden LOT 73 KITCHEN UTENSILS SECOND HAND bowl, wooden basin, 4 wooden spoons, 6 wooden crocodiles, 2 baskets. ZCP 162/92 7 Kango cups, 4 plastic cups, 1 plastic jug, 2 ZCP 151/92 Copper wall hanger. glasses, 4 tea spoons, 2 knives, 1 glass jug, ZCP 27/93 W all picture. 10 kango plates, 1 hand dish, 3 plastic Ex Book Sale 1993 W ooden ball, wall picture. plates, 2 sadza sticks, 1 tray, 3 pots, sugar ZCP 164/92 Zimbabwean Bird wooden sculpture. basin, 1 coffee mug, plastic bowl, 2 big spoons, plastic container and frying pan. LOT 59 ZCP 99/92 4 pieces of m aterial. LOT 74 SECOND HAND ZCP 57/93 7 pieces cushion covers. ZCP 169/92 Umbrella. OCP 106/89 3 pieces m aterial. R 2646/90 Umbrella. Ex Book Sale 1993 Thread, pin holder, round metal for sewing, 4 r 2182/90 Cigarette lighter. serviettes, pair scissors. PP 31/92 Cigarette lighter. PP 149/92 Cigarette lighter. LOT 60 SECOND HAND PP 19/93 2 um brellas. ZCP 128/92 2 blankets. PP 139/92 Umbrella. ZCP 121/92 Blankets. ZCP 147/92 3 ladies' dresses, sweater. General Notice 287 of 1994. ZCP 139/92 Curtain, curtain lacing. ZCP 132/92 Jersey, ladies' dress. LABOUR RELATIONS ACT, 1985 ZCP 150/92 Plate, bag. ZCP/93 Jacket, ladies skirt, T-shirt, 2 handbags. General Notice 271 of 1994: Correction of Error

LOT 61 NEW I IT is hereby notified, for general inform ation, that General Notice 271 of 1994, published in the Government Gazette dated 6th May, ZCP 126/92 Blanket. 1994, contained some errors.

LOT 62 MEDICINES The notice is corrected— ZCP 131/92 Benylin syrup, Sinutab tablets. (a) by the deletion of “39” and the substitution of “33”. OCP 13/93 Glucodin tablets. (b) by the insertion after “Registrar of Labour Relations” of the following schedule— LOT 63 SECOND HAND Schedule ZCP 50/93 2 blankets. ZCP 150/93 2 blankets. Grade Al: ZCP 33/93 Blanket, yellow duster. Ice cream vendors. Industrial worker. LOT 64 MEN'S NEW CLOTHING Bottling. Butter. ZCP 62/93 Jacket. Canteen. ZCP 64/93 Shirt. Cheese. Ex book Sale 93 3 pairs socks. Cheesecutter. ZCP 46/93 Shirt. Container control. Engineering. LOT 65 LADIES SECOND HAND CLOTHING Laundry. ZCP 47/93 3 skirts, 2 dresses, jersey. Separation. ZCP 42/92 Purse, handbag, Teamaker. ZCP 37/92 hat, jersey, bag, blouse. Yard and garden. 462 Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 20th May, 1994

Grade A2 Machine operator—Laundry UHT. Bag stitcher. • Merchandisor. Boiler trimmer attendant. Milk bag cashier— tri terminus depot. Bottle silo. Pasteuriser/separator (Above 9000 kg HR). Bulk milk attendant. Petrol pump attendant. Bulk milk filler cleaner. Plant operator—creaming in pack. Bulk milk tanker assistant. Production assistant (class 1) Kadoma. Bulk milk tanker off loader. Registry assistant—Head-office. Building and maintenance. Scale operator. By-product mix attendant. Scooter driver. Can sniffer and tipper. Sterilizing tower operator. Can and box operator. Tractor driver—fi-ont end loader. Change room attendant. Nire crater repair. Bottling/sales prepack cheese UHT. Box and pallet repairer. Coal shunting. Canteen assistant. Crate washer feeder. Cheese dresser. Hygiene barrier attendant. Curing room—Ward cheese—^Requitfrot—Vacpac. Industrial assistant H D A depots. Coldroom attendant—blast room—bulk ice cream zero. Industrial assistant rural depots. Machine operator—Bottle filler—Bottler washer. Industrial assistant steri packer—Chipinge. Yoghurt. Industrial assistant coal shunting. Butter wraping. Industrial worker stores. Ice Cream. Industrial. Sachet. Laboratory assistant. Seperator. Laundry assistant. Soft cheese. Loader. Steri. Machine operator can and box washer. Cacrator. Messenger. Machine minder—Duplicating. Messenger tea orderly. Milk scaleman. Packers. Pasteurisor/operator (Under 9000 It Hr). Printing assistant head-office. Prestrem operator. Toilet attendant. Registry messenger—Head office. W aiter. Skilled workers assistant. Vehicle assistant. Starter culture room attendant. Vat operator butter. Uniform repairer. Workshop assistant greaser. Grade A3 Grade Bl Blow'-moulder assistant—Gweru. Boiler attendant. Box and pallet repairer. ' By-product mix prepairer. Canteen assistant. Chargehand canteen—^Bulawayo. Cheese dresser. Clerk class A. Curing room—^Ward cheese—Requrifort—^Vacpac. Container control. Cold room attendant—blast room—bulk ice cream—zero. High density area. / Machine operator—bottle filler—bootle washer. HDA/Sales/Cheese. Yoghurt. Production—Harder. Butter wrapper. Stores. Ice cream. Turf Recorder. Sachet. BMC Harare. Seperator. Cook—Enter—^Pastry—Sadza. Soft cheese. Depot attendant (Clgss A). Steri. Dejmt chargehand. Vacrater. • Delivery equipment repairer. Machine minder— duplicating. Electric vehicle driver. Milk salesman. Ice cream cake decorator. Pastuarisor/operator (Under good weather). Light vehicle driver. Prestirm operator. Machine Operator—Laundry UHT. Registry messenger— Head-office. Merchandiser. Skillied workers assistant. Milk bar cashier—Terminus depot. Starter culture room attendant. Pasteuriser/separator (above 9000 Lt Hr). Uniform repairer. Petrol pump attendant. Workshop assistant greaser. Plant operator—Creaming in pack. Production assistant (class 1) Kadoma. Grade Bl Registry assistant—Head office. Scale operator. Boiler attendant. Scooter driver. By-product mix prepacker. Sterilizing tower operator. Chargehand canteen—Bulawayo. Clerk class A. Tractor driver—Front and loader. Nire crater repair. Cointainer control. High density area. Grade B2 H D A/sails/cheese production—Harare. Stores. Boildf attendant class n. Tyre recorder. Chargehand bulk stores. BMC Harare. Chargehand bulk ice cream. Cook—Enter—Pastry—Sadza. Chargehand canteen (Harare). Depot attendant (class A). Chargehand container control. Depot chargehand. Chargehand depot. Delivery equipment repairer. Chargehand laundry Bulawayo, Gweru, Kadoma, Chipinge, Electric vehicle driver. Mutare. Ice cream cake decorator. Chargehand milk sales. Light vehicle driver. Chargehand Zero. Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 20th May, 1994 463

C heese m aker's assistant Kadom a and M utare. Public relations assistant—H arare.

C lerk (class B). R eceptionist/T elephonist.

A dm inistration. R eceptionist T elephonist—K adom a.

A rchives and canteen. R egistry clerk head office.

A rchives stationery. Secretary/sales and D istribution m anager— Bulawayo.

C anteen H arare. Security van supervisor— B ulaw ayo.

C ontainer control. Senior cook— H arare.

D espatch. Stocktaker—H arare.

E ngineering. Supervisor—M utare.

G arage. T ransport clerk—Kadom a and M utare.

K arafx. V an salesm an. Production. M ilk bay. Grade B4 O rders. A ccounting m acH ine operator. Rounds liaison. C redit clerk— M utare. R ural depot. Chargehand B oiler B ulaw ayo, G w eru, K adom a. S tatistics. C heeseraaker R oquefort—K adom a. T ransport. C lerk (class A). Tyre control. C anteen.

D river-G eneral M anager. Engineering—H arare.

D river (H eavy vehicle less than 200 HP). Cash book.

Engine-room attendant. Com puter controller (M ilk intake)—H arare.

Laboratory assistant class II. C reditors/cashier clerk—H ead office.

M achine operator—R ota print. D ata co-ordinator—B ulaw ayo.

Plant operator. D epot Supervisor—G utu, K ariba, Shurugw i.

Blow m oulder. D river— Bulk m ilk collection.

Pow der. Factory recorder—H arare.

UHT. Pay m aster— H arare.

Production assistant class II— K adom a. Personnel A ssistant—K adom a, M utare, C hipinge.

Public R elations assistant—B ulaw ayo. Production supervisor.

Senior cook—^B ulaw ayo. Public R elation’s C o-ordinator—B ulaw ayo, G w eru.

Service assistant—garage. R ecorder classifier—H arare.

Skilled w orker (class IV) Schools m ilk representative—H arare, B ulaw ayo.

Soft cheese m aker—B ulaw ayo. Secretary—^R egionaliM anager B ulaw ayo, G w eru, K adom a, M utare, C hipinge.' Storekeeper. • Secretary S and A M anager—^H arare. Storem an/m erchanical—H arare. Senior Pay C lerk—H arare, B ulaw ayo. VA Security guard. Security Van Supervisor —H arare. Grade B3 Senior stores clerk— Bulaw ayo, G w eru, K adom a, M utare, C hipinge.

C ashier. Skilled w orkers C lass III.

Cash office. Supervisor/B utterm aker—^H arare.

Sales and D istribution. Supervisor bulk ice cream .

Zero departm ent. Supervisor bulk stores.

C lerk (class C). Supervisor conservator.

A dm inistration. Supervisor container control.

% atch control. Supervisor D ata preparation G w eru, B ulaw ayo.

B ulk stores. Supervisor D espatch and by-products.

C hecker. Supervisor Laundry—H arare.

C ounter sales. Supervisor M ilk sales.

D ata preparation. Supervisor R egistry— H ead-office.

D ata processing producer. Supervisor Round.

M ilk order. Supervisor sales shop—G w eru, M utare.

M ilk returns. Supervisor S teri stores—G w eru.

M ilk sales. Supervisor canteen—H arare.

O perations. Supervisor—Zero—H arare, B ulaw ayo, G w eru.

Producers/creditors. Typist/C om puter O perator—H ead office.

S tatistics. Stores. Grade B5 Telephone sales and by-products. A ssistant salaries officer—H ead office. T ransport services—H arare w holesaler. BMC Supervisor— H arare, B ulaw ayo, G w eru, C hipinge, M utare. C lerk typist. BMC Storem an—H ead office. A ccounts. C anteen C ontroller—K adom a, M utare, C hipinge. A dm inistration. C hargehand-^B oiler— H arare. B uying. C lerk (class E) R elief—^H arare, B ulaw ayo. M arketing. C redit C ontroller—^B ulaw ayo, G w eru, K adom a, M utare, Persoim el. C hipinge. R egistty. D ata co-ordinator—H arare. Com puter controller—M ilk intake—G w eru. D epot supervisor—Luveve, M ashava, M tapa, V ictoria falls, D epot attendant (class B). N kulum ane, Pum ula, R edcliff, Sakubva. D epot supervisor. IM ver Supervisor—H arare. M uram binda. Paym aster— B ulaw ayo, G w eru. N yika. Personnel A ssistant—H ead office. Rim uka. Ihiblic R elations C o-ordinator— H arare. Sanyati. Sales C o-ordinator—H arare.

D river/chargehand—H arare. Secretary Personnel M anager—^H ead office.

D river salesm an. Secretary R egional M anager— H arare.

Factory recorder B ulaw ayo, G w eru, K adom a. Senior A ccounts Clerk— H ead office.

Laboratory assistant (class III) M utate. Senior Stores .clerk—H arare.

Long distance driver—H eavy vehicle order 200 HP. Shiftsm an.

M edical assistant. Skilled w orker (class II).

Pay clerk. Supervisor Cash office—H arare.

RDS D river. Supervisor data preparation—H arare. 464 Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 20th May, 1994

General Notice 288 of 1994. DIRECTION DEPARTMENT Assistant Directors (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc). LABOUR RELATIONS ACT, 1985 ' Directors. .Script Supervisor. Application for Registration of a Trade Union Trainees.

IT is hereby notified that, in terras of subsection (I) of section 33 EDITING DEPARTMENT of the Labour Relations Act, 1985, an application has been received Assistant Editors. for the registration of the Zrababwe Film, Television and Allied Chief Editors. W orkers' Union which represents.interests of employees specified in Sound Editor. the Schedule. Trainees. Any person who wishes to make any representations relating to the application is invited to lodge such representations with the GRIPS DEPARTMENT Registrar of Labour Relations^ Private Bag 7707, Causeway, within Assistant Grips. 30 days of the publication of this notice and to state whether or not Best Boy^. he wishes to appear in support of such representations at any Crane Grips. accreditation proceedings. Dolly Grips. p. z. Dzvm, Key Grips. 20-5-94. Registrar of Labour Relations. Trainees.

! Schedule LIGHTING/SPARKS DEPARTMENT Best Boys. Interests of people engaged/employed in the Film Industry. Electricians. Gaffers. ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT Generator Operators. Accounting Clerks. Technicians. Assistant Accountants. Trainees. Bookkeepers. Cashiers. LOCATIONS DEPARTMENT Chief Accountants. Assistant Camp Managers. Crowd Cashier. X Assistant Location Managers. Production Accountants. Camp Labourers. Wages Clerks. Camp Managers. Location Managers. ARTS DEPARTMENT Trainees. Art Designers. Arts Directors. MAKE-UP DEPARTMENT Assistant Arts Directors. Chief Make-up f»rson. Draft's Persons. Hairdressing Artists. Production Designers. Make-up Assistants. Set Decorators. Special Effects Artists. Set Designers. Trainees. Set Dressers. Sign-writers. PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT Trainees. Production Assistants. Production Buyers. CAMERA DEPARTMENT Production Co-ordinators. Camera Assistants. Production Managers. Camera Operators. Production Runners. Clapper Loaders. Production Secretaries. Continuity Person. Production Supervisors. Directors of Photography. Trainees. Focus Pullers. Trainees. PROPS DEPARTMENT Props Assistant. CASTING DEPARTMENT Prop M asters. Actors and Actresses. Prop Supervisors. Assistant Casting Directors. Set Stand-by Men. Casting Directors. Trainees. Crowd Casting Directors. Trainees. PUBLICITY DEPARTMENT Publicity Assistants CATERING DEPARTMENT Stills Photographer. Catering Managers. Unity Publicist. Chefs. Head chefs. SOUND DEPARTMENT Trainees. Assistant Sound persons. Boom Swinger. CONSTRUCTION Cable persons. Assistant Carpenters. Recordists. Assistant Painters. Sound M ixers. Assistant Plasters. Sound persons. Buyers. Trainees. Carpenters. Construction Managers. SPECIAL EFFECTS DEPARTMENT Construction Supervisors. Special Effects Co-ordinator. Painters. Special Effects Supervisor. Plasters. Special Effects Technicians. Riggers. Trainees. Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 20th May, 1994 465

TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT General Notice 290 of 1994. Assistant M anagers. CONSTITUTION OF ZIMBABWE Drivers. Head Drivers. Appointment of Acting M inister M echanics. Transport Captains. IT is hereby notified that His Excellency the President has, in Transport Co-ordinators. terms of paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 3ID of the Transport M anagers. Constitution of Zimbabwe, assigned all the functions of the M inister Trainees. of Home Affairs to the Honourable E. C. Chikowore, M.P., from the 11th May, 1994, during the absence on business and leave of the WARDROBE/COSTUME DEPARTMENT Honourable D. Dabengwa, M.P.

Costume Designers. C. M. B. UTETE, Seamstresses. 20-5-94. Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet. Tailors. Trainees. General Notice 291 of 1984. W ardrobe Assistants. W ardrobe M istresses. CONSTITUTION OF ZIMBABWE

Publication of Laws General Notice 289 of 1994. THE following laws, which have been assented to by His Excel­ LABOUR RELATIONS ACT, 1985 lency the President, are published in terms of subsection (5) of section 51 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe:— Application for Registration of an Employer’s Organization Tobacco M arketing and Levy Act, 1994 (No. 4 of 1994). PreicribedRateof Interest Amendment Act, 1994(No. 2of 1994). IT is hereby notified that in terms of subsection (1) of section 33 C. M. B. UTETE, of the Labour Relations Act, 1985, an application has been received 20-5-94. Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet. for the registration of the Cement and Lime Employer's Organisation which represents the interests of employers in the Cement and Lime General Notice 292 of 1994. Industry.

Any person who wishes to make any representations relating to PARLIAMENT OF ZIMBABWE the application is invited to lodge such representations with the Publication of Bill Registrar of Labour Relations, Private Bag 7707, Causeway, within 30 days of the publication of this notice and state whether or not he THE following Bill is published with this Gazette for general wishes to appear in support of such representations at any accredi­ information. tation proceedings. Zimbabwe School Examinations Council Bill (H.B. 10 of 1994). P. Z. Dzvm, A. M. ZVOMA, 20-5-94. Registrar of Labour Relations. • 20-5-94. i Senior Secretary to Parliament.

General Notice 293 of 1994.


Lost or Destroyed Life Policies

NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with section 12 of the Insurance Regulations. 1989, published in Stamtory Instrument 49 of 1989, that evidence has been submitted to the insurers, whc^e names and addresses are mentioned in the Schedule, of the loss or destruction of the local life policies described opposite thereto.

Any person in possession of any such policy, or claiming to have any interest therein, should communicate immediately by register^ post with the approprisUe insurer.

Failing any such communication, the insurer will issue a correct and certified copy of the policy in accordance with section 54 of the Insurance Act, 1987.

S. MEDA, 20-5-94. Commissioner of Insurance. Schedule

Policy- Date of Amount Name and address of insurer number policy insured Life insured Policy-owner

2imnat Life Assurance Company Limited P.O. Box 27794 1.2.74 $1212 Nhongo-Kona Joseph Nhongo-Kcma 019779f 2417, Harare. Joseph. Zimnat Life Assurance Company Limited P.O. Box 200350 1.10.91 $47 879 Donga Chisina Donga Chisina. 0197801 2417, Harare. Zimnat Life Assurance Company Limite^.0. Box 90626 1.8.88 $2 109 M atiki Takaravasha M atiki Takaravasha. 01978tf 2417, Harare. ^

Zimnat Life Assurance Company Limited P.O. Box 76343 1.4.87 $16 140 Chavazhinji Agnes Chavazhinji Agnes. 019782f 2417, Harare. Zimnat Life Assurance Company Limited P.O. Box , 124044 1.7.92 $18 156 Chiweta Stephen Chiweta Stephen. 019783f 2417, Harare. Zimnat Life Assurance Company Limited P.O. Box 98657 1.11.89 $12000 Parrdza Ellen P. Paradza Ellen P. 019784f 2417, Harare. Zimnat Life Assurance Company Limited P.O. Box 65849 1.4.86 $10 000 Hakata Gertrude (M iss.) Hakata Gertrude 019785f (M iss.) 2417, Harare. Zimnat Life Assurance Company Limited P.O. Box 104781 1.4.90 $4 266 Moyo Mbulawa Moyo Mbulawa. 019786f 2417, Harare. Zimnat Life Assurance Company Limited P.O. Box 2819831.9.92 $7 353 Njanji Tason Njanji Tason. 019787f 2417, Harare.

4 466 Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 20th May, 1994

Lost or Destroyed Life Policies (continued)

Policy- Date of Amoimt Name and address of insure number policy insured Life insured Policy-owner

ZimnatLife Assurance Company Limited P.O. Box 57327 1.6.85 $5 000 Tekeshe Steffen Tekeshe Stephen. 019788f 2417, Harare. Zimnat Life Assurance Company Limited P.O. Box 115654 1.4.91 $2 861 Moyo Cowden T. Moyo Cowden T. 019789f 2417, Harare. Zimnat Life Assurance Company Limited P.O. Box 83107 1.12.87 $23 037 Chingono Peter T. . Chingono Peter T. 019790f 2417, Harare. Zimimt Life Assurance Company Limited P.O. Box 83108 1.12.87 $19 366 Chingono Sophia K. Chingono Sophia K. 019791f 2417, Harare, Zimnat Life Assurance Company Limited P.O. Box 94774 1.4.89 $4511 Picannani Leo Picannani Leo. 019792f 2417, Harare. Zimimt Life Assurance Company Limited P.O. Box 85343 1.2.88 $12 255 Bakadyani Spencer . Bakadyani Spencer. 019793f 2417, Harare. Smnat Life Assurance Company Limited P.O. Box 83385 1.12.87 $10000 Dhliwayo Bishop K. Dhliwayo Bishop K. 019794f 2417, Harare. ^mnat Life Assurance Company Limited P.O. Box 707531.9.86 $4 213 Mwemba Dereck Gr^k Mwemba Dereck. 019795f 2417, Harare. Crack. Old Mutual, P.O. Box 70, Harare .... 4345689 1.1.84 $5 071 Vengesai Lawrence Mucheka Vengesai Lawrence ,019841f Mucheka. Old Mutual, P.O. Box 70, Harare 4151847 1.12.82 $5 452 late Charles Janhi late Charles Janhi. 019842f Old Mutual, P.O. Box 70, Harare 7153433 1.5.90 $40020 late Tsitsi Audrey Naledi Vera late Tsitsi Audrey 019843f Naledi V^a. Old Mutual, P.O. Box 70, Harare 7037671 1.7.86 $16 814 late Tsitsi Audrey Naledi Vera iMe Tsitsi Audrey 019844f Naledi Vera. Old Mutual, P.O. Box 70, Harare 7198780 1.10.91 $96 480 late Tsitsi Audrey Naledi Vera late Tsitsi Audrey 019845f Naledi Vera. Old Mutual, P.O. Box 70, Harare 4434688 1.4.84 $20 008 lat^ Zvenyika Steven Makura late Zvenyika Steven 019846f Makura. Old Mutual. P.O. Box 70, Harare 7150448 1.4.90 $21 324 Hiomas Ncube . . . . Thomas Ncube. 019847f Old Mutual, P.O. Box 70, Harare 2096495 1.5.67 $6000 Jos^ Aliteto Manteigas Souto Jos^ Albeto Mantdgas 019848f Souto. Old Mutual, P.O. Box 70, Harare 4234578 1.8.83 $5 851 late Francis Gweshe...... late Francis Gweshe. 019849f Old Mutual, P.O. Box 70, Harare 2969883 1.4.76 $4 378 Mark John Goredema . . . . Mark John Goredema 019850f Old Mutual, P.O. Box 70, Harare 7066526 1.10.87 $11648 Alfeed Nhamoinesu Chitukutuku Alfred Nhamoinesu 019851f Chekera Qiitukutuku Chdteia. Old Mutual, P.O. Box 70, Harare 3111089 1.4.77 $25 000 Johannes June Erasmus .... Johannes June 019852f Erasmus. Old Mutual, P.O. Box 70, Harare 7210119 1.5.92 $15000 Strick Zinyakadra...... Strick ^nyakatira. 019853f Old Mutual, P.O. Box 70, Harare 7071399 1.1.88 $15 579 Radwell Mazarire...... Radwell Mazarire. 019854f Old Mutual, P.O. Box 70, Harare 7080710 1.3.88 $6 242 Marico Marumisa Chinyengerem. Marico Marumisa 019855f Chinyengerera. Old Mutual, P.O. Box 70, Harare 7029495 1.4.86 $9 0$3 Shepherd Mpofu. Shepherd Mpofu. 019856f Old Mutual, P.O. Box 70, Harare 7008032 1.2.85 $10296 Bongani Melusi . Bongani Melusi. 019857f Old Mutual, P.O. Box 70, Harare 7179512 1.4.91 $8 712 Rayal Ngwenya . Rayal Ngwenya. 019858f Old Mutual. P.O. Box 70, Harare 1636740 1.2.61 $1000 Paul Kruger. Paul Kruger. 019859f

General Notice 294 of 1994. RESERVE BANK OF ZIMBABWE ACT [CHAPTER 173]

Statement of Assets and Liabilities of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe

IN terms of section 20 of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Act [Chapter 173], & statement of the assets and liabilities of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe as at 6th May, 1994, is published in the Schedule. C. T. KUWAZA, 20-5-94. Senior Secretary for Finance.


STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AS AT THE 6th MAY, 1994 Liabilities sets $ $ Capital .... 2 000 000 Gold and foreign assets 1 020 952 786 General Reserve Fund 6 000 000 Loans and advances . 2 707 389 949 Currency in circulation 1 351 531 458 Internal investments. . 435 306 121 Deposits and other liabilities to the public... 8 386 583 826 Government Stock- Other . . . . 435 306 121 Committed funds . . 1 219712513 Other liabilities 1 659 151 338 Other assets . . . . 6 021 905 253 $11405 266 622 $11405 266 622 Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 20th May, 1994 '467


TAKE notice that, on the 7th M arch, 1994,Ronicah Bam appeared TAKE notice that, on the 5th day of M ay, 1994, before me, before me and changed her name from Ronicah Bam to Ronicah M argaret Louise Coyne, a legal practitioner and notary public by M upiti. lawfol authority duly sworn and adm itted and registered and

Dated at Kadoma this 7th day of M arch, 1994.—M unyaradzi Paul practising as such in Harare, personally came and appeared M elanie M angwana, do Mangwana & Partners, legal practitioners, 17, Union Gertmde W alker, and she did change her name from M elanie Gertmde Street, Kadoma. 019769f W alker to M elanie Gertmde Crawford, so that, henceforth, for all purposes whatsoever, she shall now be known by the name of M elanie Gertmde Crawford. CHANGE OF NAME Dated at Harare this 5th day of M ay, 1994.—^M argaret Louise

TAKE notice that, on the 21st M arch, 1994, Ponda Peter M atibiri Coyne, notary public, c/o G ill, Godlonton & Gerrans, Fifth Floor, appeared before me t^d changed his name from Ponda Peter M atibiri Tmstee House, 55, Samora M achel Avenue, Harare. 019832f to Ponda Peter M upandawana.

Dated at Kadoma this 21 st day of M arch, 1994.—^M unyaradzi Paul CHANGE OF NAME M angwana, do Mangwana & Partners, legal practitioners, 17, Union TAKE notice that, on the 13th day of A pril, 1994, by notarial deed Street, Kadoma. 019770f executed before me, M oses Tsorai, a legal practitioner and notary

) public, appeared Orphias M arimo and changed his name and assumed CHANGE OF NAME the name Orphias Kapururira Gomo, which name he shall be known by hereforth. NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before me, Dated at Chinhoyi this 13th day of A pril, 1994.—M iti, Tsorai & SobusaGula-Ndebele,a legal practitioner, at Harare, JosiahNdhlovu, Comerlia Ndhlovu, Justice Ndhlovu and Convinience Bekithemba Associates; Suite 4, CABS Building, Robson M anyika Drive, P.O. 019902f Ndhlovu did abandon and renounce the use of their surname Ndhlovu Box 41, Chinhoyi. and assumed the names Josiah, Cornelia Tracy, Justice Ndlalifa and Convinience Siqalile and the surname Bhebhe, by which surname CHANGE OF NAME they shall be known in all documents and transactions of whatsoever

nature. NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed of change of name Dated at Gwem this 2nd day of M ay, 1994.—Gula-Ndebele & executed before me. M axwell Chiwanza, a legal practitioner and M anase, applicants' legal practitioners, P.O. Box 1679, Gweru. notary public, at Rusape, on the 21st day of A pril, 1994, personally 019772f came and appeared Ernest M anditeya on behalf of his minor children, namely; Jane M anditeya, Rumbidzai M anditeya and Gabrial M anditeya, and that he did, on that date, change their surname from CHANGE OF NAME M anditeya to M anditeya Nyoka, which surname shall be used by them in all records, (keds, documents and other w ritings, as well TAKE note that, by notarial deed of change of name executed as in all dealings and transactions and on all occasions whatsoever. before me, Sobusa Gula-Ndebele, a legal practitioner and notary public, appeared Ketra Mukada on behalf of her minor child Dated at Rusape this 21 st day of A pril, 1994.—^M . Chiwanza, legal M unyara^i Mukada and changed his name to W ilson M unyaradzi practitioner, 38, Tongogara Street, P.O. Bo)^414, Rusape. 019801f M anase, which name he shall use in all records, deeds, documents and in ail transactions. CHANGE OF NAME Dated at Harare this 4th M ay, 1994.— Gula-Ndebele & M anase, legal practitioners. First Floor, Kurima House, 89, Baker Avenue, NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed of change of name Pp. Box 5130, Harare. 019773f executed before me. M axwell Chiwanza, a legal practitioner, at Rusape, Ernest M anditeya appeared before me, on the 21st day of

CHANGE OF NAME A pril, 1994, and changed his name to Calvin M anditeya Nyoka. Dated at Rusape this 21 st day of A pril, 1994.—M. Chiwanza, legal NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before me, practitioner, 38, Tongogara Street, P.O. Box 414, Rusape. 019800f M iriro Furusa, of Hove, M utasa & Associates, legal practitioners, at Harare, on the 19th day of A pril, 1994, Gilbert Moyana ^peared on CHANGE OF NAME behalf of his minor child and changed Ms name from Austin Kurehwa to Austin Kurehwa M oyana, by which name the said minor child shall, NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed of change of name in all documents and transactions of whatsoever nature, be known by executed before me. M axwell CM wanza, a legal practitioner, at such name. Rusape, Laxon Muza appeared before me on the 19 th day of February, Dated at Harare this 3rd day of M ay, 1994.—M. Furusa, do Hove, 1994, and changed his name to Lackson Ncube. M utasa & Associates, Harare. 019839f Dated at Rusape tM s 19th day of February, 1994.—M. CM wanza, legal practitioner, 38, Tongogara Street, P.O. Box 414, Rusape. CHANGE OF NAME 019799f

TAKE notice that, on the 9th M ay, 1994, Josphat Nyemba appeared before me, Stephen Gahadzikwa, a legal practitioner, and, by notarial CHANGE OF NAME deed, changed Ms name to Jaffet M utambi.—A.. J. A. Peck, legal ■ practitioner, Kingsmead House, 11, Umon Avenue, Harare. NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed of change of name 019836f executed before me. M axwell Chiwanza, a legal practitioner, at Rusape, Samson Nyamukomba appeared before me on the 15 th day CHANGE OF NAME of A pril, 1994, and changed Ms name to Samson Bvirindi. Dated at Rusape tM s 15th day ofApril, 1994.—M. CMwanza, legal TAKE notice that, on the 5th M ay, 1994, Artwell Zondwayo practitioner, 38, Tongogara Street, P.O. Box 414, Rusape. appeared before me, Stephen Gahadzikwa, a legal practitioner, and, 019798f by notarial deed changed his name to Allen Artwell Mac Isaac.— A. J. A. Peck, legal practitioner, Kingsmead House, 11, Umon CHANGE OF NAME Avenue, Harare. 019835f

NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed of change of name CHANGE OF NAME executed before me, Leonard Chigadza, a legal practitioner, at Rusape, Dudzayi CMpunza appeared before me on the 4th day of TAKE notice that, on the 6th M ay, 1994, James Imbayago, M ay, 1994, and changed Ms name to Dudzayi M utakwa CMunya. appeared before me, Anthony John Arthur Peck, a legal practitioner, and, by notarial deed, changed Ms name to James Alex M achokoto. Dated at Rusape tM s 4th day of M ay, 1994.—L. Chigadza, legal —A. J. A.»Peck, legal practitioner, Kingsmead House, 11, Umon practitioner, P.O. Box 414, 38, Tongogara Street, Rusape. Avenue, Harare. 019834f 019797f 468 Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 20th May, 1994


NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before me, NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before me Timothy Hussein, a legal practitioner, at Hai'are, on 5th May, 1994, on the 9th May, 1994, George Rodgers Maseko changed his name to Stella Mzeya, in her personal capacity did adopt the surname Chipungu Roger Amon House, and, in his capacity as legal guarctian of his minor in lieu of her present surname Mzeya, so that, henceforth, she shall be child Timothy Maseko, changed his surname to House.—S. B. A. known on all occasions as Stella Chipungu, which name shall be used Longhurst, notary public, do Ben Baron & Partners, First Floor, in all deeds, documents, proceedings and transactions whatsoever.— Soudiampton House, Main Street, Bulawayo. 019873f Timothy Hussein, c/o Surgey, Pittman & KersweU, Central Africa House, 17, First Street, Harare. 019761f CHANGE OF NAME

CHANGE OF NAME TAKE notice that Enock Samende (bom 8th September, 1956), appeared before me, Kenneth Kudakwashe Nyoka, a notary public, at NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed of change of name Bulawayo, on the 14th day of February, 1994, and executed a deed of executed before me. Wonder Munyanyi, Eliah Marova appeared poll in terms of which he chaaiged his name to Enock Siakwelele before me and changed his name to Eliah Mugadza. Siachibi Muntanga.

Dated at Harare this 5 th day of May, 1994.—Wonder Munyanyi, Dated at Bulawayo this 5th day of May, 1994.—Sansole and Senda, legal practitioner, 136, Samora Machel Avenue, Harare. 019915 f legal practitioners, 601, Sixth Floor, Charter House, Leopold Takawira Avenue/Fort Street, Bulawayo. 019860f CHANGE OF NAME CHANGE OF NAME TAKE notice that, on the 22nd day of April, 1994, Samuel Edson appeared before me, Moses Nedzi we, a legal practitioner, and changed TAKE notice that Edwaid Gamariel (bom 2nd July, 1956), his name from Samuel Edson to Samuel Chinangwa. appeared before me, Nhlanhla Manguni, a notary public, at Bulawayo, on the 18th day of Febroary, 1994, on behalf of his minor children, Dated at Chitungwiza this 22nd day of April, 1994.—Mos'es namely: Caution Ndungani (bom 26th December, 1980), Calvine Nedzi we, c/o Nedzi we, Nduna and Partners, legd practitioners. Shop Ndungwani(bom llthJanuary, 1983), Collins Ndungwani(bom31st No. 19, North M all, Chitungwiza Town Centre, Chitungwiza. May, 1985) and Cordial Ndungwani (bom 13thFehmary, 1989), and 019908f executed a deed of poll in terrns of which he changed their names to Caution Gamariel, Calvine Gamariel, Collins Gamariel and Cordial CHANGE OF NAME Gamariel.

TAKE notice that, on the 22nd day of April, 1994, before me, Dated at Bulawayo this 5th May, 1994.—Sansole and Senda, legal Moses Nedziwe, appeared Bandawe Chinangwa and Eugenia practitioners, 601, Sixth Floor, Charter House, Leopold Takawira Chinangwa in their capacity as the natural parents of Mary Edson, Avenue/Fort Street, Bulawayo. 019861f Simeon Edson, Peter Mson, Emmah Edson and Angela Edson, who did abandon and relinquish, on behalf of the said minor children, the CHANGE OF NAME surname Edson, so that, henceforth, they shall be known as Mary Chinangwa, Simeon Chinangwa,) Peter Chinangwa, Emmah TAKE notice that Kind Nsutu Ndhlovu (bom 3rd July, 1951) Chinangwa and Angela Chinangwa, which names they shall use appeared before me, Nhlanhla Manguni, a notary public, atBulawayo in all d^s, documents, proceedings and transactions whatsoever. on the 20th April, 1994, and executed a deed of poll in terras of which Dated at Chitungwiza this 22nd day of April, 1994.—Moses he changed his name to Kindness Ndlovu. Nedziwe, c/o Nedziwe, Nduna and Paitners, legal practitioners. Shop Dated at Bulawayo this 5th day of May, 1994.—Sansole and Senda, No. 19, North M all, Chitungwiza Town Cenb^, Chitungwiza. legal practitioners, 601, Sixth Floor, Charter House, Leopold Takawira 019909f Avenue/Fort Street, Bulawayo. 019862f


NOTICE is hereby given that Stanley Pikanegore appeared before TAKE notice that, on the 10th May, 1994, Patrick Rowayi and me, Priscilla Mapfoche, a legal practitioner, at Harare, on the 7th day Cathrine Wutwarabo W eshango, in their capacities as parents of their of April, 1994, and did formally abandon the name Stanley Pikanegore child PatrickRowayi (bom on the 28th April, 1989), appeared before and did assume the name Stanley Chihomhori, by which name he shall me and declared to change the name of their child to Patrick Rowayi henceforth be known. Sitole.

Dated at Harare this 4th day of May, 1994.—Ziumbe & Dated at Harare this 10th day of May, 1994.—Paul Christopher Mtambanengwe, legal practitioners. Third Floor, Shell BP House, 30, Paul, notary public, P.O. Box 452, Harare. 019868f Samora Machel Avenue, Harare. 019905f

CHANGE OF NAME CHANGE OF NAME TAKE notice that, by notarial deed of change of name executed TAKE notice that, by notarial deed executed before me, Philani before me, M athias M adzivanzira, a legal practitioner and' notary Ncube, a legal practitioner and notary public, at Bulawayo, on public, appeared Totela Tote Laban and changed his name to Totela the 29th day of April, 1994, Frank Norisi renounced the name Frank Laban M totela, which name he shall use in all records, deeds, Norisi and assum^ the name Frank Siang wata, so that, henceforth, he documents and in all transactions. shall, on all occasions whatsoever, be known as Frank Siangwata. Dated at Harare this 11th May, 1994.—M adzivanzira & Partners, Dated at Bulawayo this 9th day of May, 1994.—^Lazams & Sarif, legal practitioners. Suite 6, Third Floor, Rem Building, 1, Raleigh legal practitioners, P.O. Box 484, Bulawayo. 019825f Street/Rotten Row, Harare. 019889f


TAKE notice that, on the 14th of March, 1994, Nyamadzawo TAKE notice that Timon Tshabangu (bom 25th June, 1947) (I.D. Pangwa Magwenderese appeared before me, Misheck Mugadza and No. 08-058463 Y 73), appeared before me. W illingness Ndlovu, a changed his children's names from M erlin Samboko to M erlin notary public, at Bulawayo, on the 28th March, 1994, and executed a Magwenderese and Melody M wandiitani Samboko to Melody deed of poll in terms of which he changed his three minor children's MwandiitaniMagwenderese andDarlingtone SambokotoDarlingtone names, namely: Sipho Tshaba (bom 24th April, 1983), Bongani Magwenderese and Patricia Handiwangu Samboko to Patricia Tshaba (bom 29th January, 1985) and Anele "rshaba (bom 26th Handinawangu Magwenderese. January, 1987) to Sipho Tshabangu, Bongani Tshabangu and Anele Tshabangu, respectively.—Sansole and Senda, legal practitioners, Dated at Mutare this 21st day of March, 1994.—Muvingi and 601, Sixth Floor, Charter House, Leopold Takawira Avenue/Fort Machaya, legal practitioners. Suite 1, First Floor, ZimnatHouae, 108, Street, Bulawayo. 019865f Herbert Chitepo Street, P.O. Box 1522, M utare. 01989H Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 20th May, 1994 469

CHANGE OF NAME CHANGE OF NAME \ NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before me NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before me, on the 9th May, 1994, Joseph Samuponda changed his name to Joseph Christopher Kashumba Matemba Mutasa, at Mutare, on the 3rd May, Samuponda Mureyani.—S. B. A. Longhurst, notary public, do Ben 1994, Ethel Mufori changed her name to Ethel Nyamasve.—C. K. M. Baron & Partners, First Floor, Southampton House, Main Street, Mutasa, Mutare. 019967f Bulawayo. 019874f CHANGE OF NAME CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before me, TAKE notice that, on the 26th January, 1994, Rarami Dube Christopher Kashumba Matemba Mutasa, at Mutare, on the 3rd appe^r^ before me and changed his name from Rarami Dube to May, 1994, Laddie Mufori changed her name to Laddie Rarami Tivaone. Nyamasve.—C. K. M. Mutasa, Mutare. 019968f Dated at Kadoma this 27th day of January, 1994.—Munyaradzi Paul Mangwana, do Mangwana & Partners, legal practitioners, 17, CHANGE OF NAME Union Street, Kadoma. 019892f NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before me, CHANGE OF NAME Christopher Kashumba Matemba Mutasa, at Mutare, on the 3rd May, 1994, Tobias Mufori changed his name to Tobias Nyamasve.— TAKE notice that, on the 10th day of May, 1994, before me Susan C. K. M. Mutasa, Mutare. 019969f Mary Brighton, a notary public and legal practitioner by lawful authority duly sworn and admitted and registered and practising as CHANGE OF NAME such at Harare, came and appeared Chamunorwa Putana and he changed his name from Chamunorwa Putana to Chamunorwa NOTICE is hereby given that, on the 28th day of March, 1994, by Gwanzura. notarial deed executed before me, James Mubani, Gedius Bango changed his name to Gedius Bernard Marombedze.—Miti, Tsorai & Dated at Harare this 10th day of May, 1994.—Susan Mary Associates, Private Bag 2134, Karoi. 019970f Brighton, notary public and legal practitioner, c/o Gill, Godlonton and Gerrans, Fifth Floor, Trustee House, 55, Samora Machel Avenue, Harare. 019893f CHANGE OF NAME

CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before me on the 15th March, 1994, Besheba Khumalo changed her name to NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before me, Basheba Masuku. Bry ant W alker Elliot, a legal practitioner and notary public, at Harare, Dated at Bulawayo this 27th day of Marcfr 1994.—S. K. M. on the 28th day of April, 1994, Jenifer Ramjee changed her Sibanda & Partners, First Floor, Exchange Building, Main Street/ surname from Ramjee to Wilsher. Leopold Takawira Avenue, Bulawayo. 019983f Dated at Harare this 9th day of May, 1994.—B. W. Elliot, Scanlen & Holdemess, legal practitioners. Thirteenth Floor, CABS CHANGE OF NAME Centre, 74, Jason Moyo Avenue, Harare. 019896f NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before me, CHANGE OF NAME Daniel Tungamirai Gurajena, on the 14th April, 1994, personally came and appeared Choga Matembudze, and that he did change the TAKE notice that, by notarial deed of change of name executed names of his minor children from Zadziso Ndhlela and Elphas before me, Welshman Ncube, a legal practitioner and notary public, Ndhlela to Zatftiso Matembudze and Elphas Matembudze, which Msongelwa Sam Maphosa appeared before me and changed the name names shall be used in all records, deeds and other transactions. of his child Shylet Manyara to Shylet Y vonne Maphosa, which name Dated at Gweru this 12th day of May, 1994.—D. T. Gurajena, c/o she shall use in all records, deeds, documents and in all transactions. Gurajena, Chuma & Partners, CABS House, Fifth Street, P.O. Box Dated at Harare this 11th May, 1994.—Gula-Ndebele & Manase, 1360, Gweru. 019981f legal practitioners. First Floor, Kurima House, 89, Baker Avenue, P.O. Box 5130, Harare. 019885f CHANGE OF NAME

CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before me, Daniel Tungamirai Gurajena, on the 31 y March, 1994, personally NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before me, came and appeared Chipo Gowore and did formally abandon the name Christopher Kashumba Matemba Mutasa, at Mutare, on the 16th day Chipo Gowore and did assume the name Chipo Mataga, by which of March, 1994, Monica Marimba changed her name to Monica name she shall henceforth be known. Nyandoro.—C. K. M. Mutasa, Mutare. 019939f Dated at Gweru this 12th day of May, 1994.—D. T. Gurajena, c/o Gurajena, Chuma & Partners, CABS House, Fifth Street, P.O. CHANGE OF NAME Box 1360, Gweru. 019982f

NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before me, CHANGE OF NAME Christopher Kashumba Matemba Mutasa, at Harare, on the 16th day of March, 1994, Andrew Marimba changed his name to Andrew TAKBnotice that, on the 4th May, 1994, Moses Matizha appeared Nyandoro.—C. K. Nf. Mutasa, Mutare. 019938f before me and did, by notarial deed executed before me, renounce and abandon that name, and in lieu thereof, assumed the name Moses CHANGE OF NAME Sweswe Ncube, and shall henceforth use that name in all records, deeds, documents, actions, suits, proceedings, dealings, transactions TAKE notice that, on the 3rd May, 1994, Kennedy James appeared and all occasions, whatever.—K. A. Esat, legal practitioners, P.O. before me, Shakespear Karuwa, a legal practitioner, and changed his name from Kennedy Jam es to Kenney James Lemani.—Ahmed Box 263, Zvishavane. 019976f and Ziyambi, legal practitioners, 133, Mbuya Nehanda Street, Harare. 019980f CHANGE OF NAME

CHANGE OF NAME TAKE notice that,on the 22nd February, 1994, Previllege Sibanda Munyaki appeared before me and did, by notarial deed executed TAKE notice that, on the 4fh May, 1994, Mejury Mandizvidza before me, renounce and abandon that name, and in lieu thereof, appeared before me, Shakespear Karawa, a legal practitioner, and assumed the name Previllege Sibanda, and shall henceforth use that changed his names from Mejury Mandizvidza to Mejury name in all records, deeds, documents, actions, suits, proceedings, Machimbidzofa.—Ahmed and Ziyambi, legal practitioners, 133, dealings, transactions and all occasions, whatever.—K. A. Esat, legal Mbuya Nehanda Street, Harare. 019979f practitioners, P.O. Box 263, Zvishavane. 019972f 470 Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 20th May, 1994

CHANGE OF NAME favour of Ambrose Jeremiah Musiyiwa (Identity Certificate No. G. 1.5910 Goromonzi). NOTICE is hereby given that, on the 24th day of January, 1994, All persons having any objections to, or wishing to make any hy notarial deed executed before me, James Mubani, Eunice Mhaka representations in connexion with, the issue of such copy, are hereby changed her name to Eunice Farai Sibamba.—Miti, Tsorai & required to lodge the same, in writing, at the Deeds Registries Associates, Private Bag 2134, Karoi. 019971f Office, Harare, within 14 days from the date of publication of this notice. CHANGE OF NAME Dated at Harare on 11th May, 1994.—Gollop & Blank, applicant's legal practitioners. Ninth Floor, Ottoman House, Samora Machel TAKE notice that, on the 26th February, 1994, PatronilUa Hove Avenue, Harare. 019864f appeared before me and did, by notarial deed executed before me, renounce and abandon that name, and in lieu thereof, assumed the name Petronella Sibangani, and shall henceforth use that name, in all LOST DEED OF TRANSFER records, deeds, documents, actions, suits, proceedings, dealings, transactions and all occasions, whatever.—K. A. Esat, legal NOTICE is hereby given that we intend to apply for a certified copy practitioners, P.O. Box 263, Zvishavane. 019973f of Deed of Transfer No. 0342/94, dated the 8th March, 1994, made in favour of Nesbitt and Osborne (Private) Limited, whereby certain CHANGE OF NAME 1,585 6 hectares of land, called Stand 5079 Bulawayo Township of Bulawayo Township Lands situate in the district of Bulawayo, was TAKE notice that, on the 20th January, 1994, Silindeni Ndhlovu convey^. Dhema, appeared before me and did by notarial deed executed before All persons having any objections to, or wishing to make any me, renounce and abandon that name, and did in lieu thereof assume representations in connexion with, the issue of such copy, are hereby the name Silindeni Ndhlovu, and shall henceforth use that name in all required to lodge the same, in writing, at the Deeds Registry, Bulawayo, records, deeds, documents, actions, suits, proceedings, dealings, within 14 days from the date of publication of this notice.—Honey & transactions and all occasions whatever.—^K. A. Esat, legal Blanckenberg, applicant's legal practitioners, Throgmorton House, practitioners, P.O. Box 263, Zvishavane. 019974f Samora Machel Avenue, Harare. 020043f


TAKE notice that, on the 21st April, 1994, Kesina Ndleleni NOTICE is hereby given that application will be made to the appeared before me and did, by notarial deed executed before me, Registrar of Deeds, Harare, for the issue of a certified copy of Deed renounce and abandon that name, and in lieu thereof, assumed the name Kesina Matshimbirike, and shall henceforth use that name in all of Transfer (Reg. No. 6980/85), dated 19th day of December, 1985, records, deeds, documents, actions, suits, proceedings, dealings, passed in favour of Johannes Jurgens Hamman (bom on 20th July, transactions and all occasions, whatever.—K. A. Esat, legal 1918), whereby an undivided-! 1,8% share, being Share No. 4, in practitioners, P.O. Box 263, Zvishavane^ 019975f certain piece of land situate in the district of Salisbury, called Subdivision 5 of Lot 34 Block Avondale, measuring 3 713 square LOST CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION metres, was conveyed. All persons claiming to have any objections to the issue of such NOTICE is hereby given that the under-mentioned certificate of copy are hereby required to lodge the same, in writing, with the registration, issued in Sie name of Phillip Ncube Fatty Record Bar, Re^strar of Deeds, Harare, within 14 days from the publication of this Stand No. 116, Mandava, Zvishavane, has been lost or mislaid, and notice. that application will be made to the Mining C^missioner, at Masvingo, at the expiration of 30 days from the dateW publication of Dated at Harare this 10th day of May, 1994.—Byron Venturas this notice, for the issue of a duplicate thereof. and Partners, legal practitioners. Second Floor, Lintas House, Union Avenue, Harare. 020045f Registration number Name of Block 6325 Dadaya 2. LOST DEED OF TRANSFER Dated at Masvingo this 13th day of April, 1994. 019912f

NOTICE is hereby given that, on behalf of Dorothy Hermine LOST DEED OF GRANT Bagnall, we intend to apply for a certified copy of Deed of Transfer No. 6565/56, made in favour of Dorothy Hermine Bagnall on the 14th NOTICE is hereby given that Kundayi Maunganidze, in her day of Dumber, 1956, in respect of certain piece of land situate in capacity as executor dative in the estate of the late Chiwandi (Registration Certificate Number X29754 Victoria), who died at the district of Salisbury, called Lot 18 of Grobbie Park of Hopley, Mashava between the 9th and the 11 th days of 1981, under letters of measuring 1,579 4 morgen. administration granted under the hand of the Additional Assistant All persons having any objections to, or wishing to make any Master of the High Court, at Harare, on the 22nd Febmary, 1994, representations in connexion with, the issue of such copy, are hereby (D.R. No. 151/94) (in which the deceased is described as "Chivandani required to lodge the same, in writing, at the Deeds Registry, Harare, Dunusa"), intends to apply for a certified copy of Deed of Grant with within 14 days from the date of publication of this notice.—Gill, diagram annexed, dated the 20th day of August, 1975 (Reg. No. 3560/ Godlonton & Gerrans, applicant's legal practitioners, P.O. Box 235, 75), whereby certain piece of land situate in the district of Chilimanzi, Harare. 019831f being Ziny aningwe 133, measuring seventy -five comma two five five one (75,255 1) hectares, was conveyed to the said thiwandi (Registration Certificate Number X29754, Victoria). LOST DEED OF TRANSFER All persons wishing to make any representations or having any objections to the issue of such copy, are hereby required to lodge the NOTICE is hereby given that I intend to apply for a certified copy same, in writing, at the Deeds Registry, Harare, within 14 days of the of Deed of Transfer in repsect of certain piece of land situate in the publication of this notice. district of Charter, being Lot 99 Ferreiraton Township of Swartfontein, measuring thirty thousand seven hundred and Dated at Masvingo this 8th day of April, 1994.—Kundayi thirty-two (30 732) English square feet. Maunganidze, c/o Winterton, Holmes & Hill, Robert Mugabe Street, P.O. Box 2, Masvingo. 020044f All persons having any objections to, or wishing to make any representations in connexion with, the issue of such copy, are hereby LOST DEED OF GRANT required to lodge the same, in writing, at the Deeds Registry, Harare, within 14 days from the date of this notice. NOTICE is hereby given that we intend to apply for a certified copy Dated at Karoi this 29th day of March, 1994.—Maud Nancy of Deed of Grant No. 2531/79, dated 1st June, 1979, in respect of— Gardner, c/o Miti, Tsorai & Associates, legal practitioners. Suite 4, "Certain piece of land situate in the district of Goromonzi, called CABS Building, Robson Manyika, P.O. Box 41, Chinhoyi. Stand 207 Seki Township, measuring 372 square metres, made in 019911f Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 20th May, 1994 471

LOST DEED OF TRANSFER PROVISIONAL ORDER FOR WINDING UP OF COMPANY, in terms of the Companies Act [Chapter 190[. NOTICE is hereby given that we intend to apply for a certified copy Before Justice Smith. of Deed of Transfer No. 7156/86, issued to Regina Gombedza, divorcee (bom 6th September, 1942), on 17th November, 1986, in Date: 7th April, 1994. respect of certain piece of land situate in the district of Salisbury, IT IS ORDERED THAT: called Stand 5847 Glen Norah Township of Glen Norah, measuring 215 square metres. 1. The respondent company: A Caridade Investments (Pvt.) Ltd., is provisionally wound up, pending the grant of an order in terms of All persons having any objections to, or wishing to make any paragraph 3 or the discharge of this order. \ representations in coimexion with, the issue of such copy, are hereby required to lodge the same, in writing, at the Deeds Registry, Harare, 2. That this mle shall operate as an interim order directing the within 14 days from the date of publication of this notice.—Chinamasa, Master of this Court to appoint Malcolm Fraser as provisional Mudimu & Chinogwenya, P.O. Box 4067, Harare. 019827f liquidator of the first respondent with powers conferred by section 194 (9) (g) of the Companies Act [Chapter I90\.

LOST DEED OF TRANSFER 3. The respondents and any other interested party may appear before this Court, sitting at Harare, on the 18th May, 1994, to show NOTICE is hereby given that it is intended to apply for a certified cause why an order should not be made placing the respondent copy of Deed of Transfer No. 415/91, dated 1st February, 1991, in company in liquidation and ordering that the costs of these respwt of the property being Stand 319 Marvel Township 2 of Marvel proceedings shall be costs of liquidation. A, situate in the district of Bulawayo, measuring 4 222 square metres, 4. A copy of this order shall be served on the respondent company registered in the name of Joseph John Adlam (bom 28th December, at its registered office. 1920) and Nellie Frances Adlam (bom 5th July, 1929), married to 5. This order shall be published once in the Government each other, which has been lost.' Gazette and once in a Friday edition of The Herald newspaper. Publication All persons having any objections to, or wishing to make any shall be in the short form annexed to this order. representations in coimexion with, the issue of such copy, are hereby 6. Any person intending to oppose or support the application on the required to lodge the same, in writing, at the Deeds Regisby, Bulawayo, return of this order shall— within 14 days from the date of publication of this notice.—Robert Malcolm MacGillivray Bowes, executor dative in the massed joint (a) give due notice to the applicant at Honey & Blanckenberg, estates of the late Joseph John Adlam and Nellie Frances Adlam, c/o Fifth Floor, Throgmoton House, 51, Samora Machel Avenue, Ben Baron & Partners, Southampton House, Main Street, Bulawayo. Harare; and 019875f (b) serve on the applicant and on the respondent company at its registered office acopy of any affidavit which he files with the LOST DEED OF TRANSFER Registrar of the High Court. 7— NOTICE is hereby given that an application is to be made for a certified copy of Deed of Transfer No. 347/1973, made • favour of (a) that the second respondent, Dorothy Wood do render a full Joyce Thelma Chitrin (bom on 1st June, 1920), widow; Raphael account and debatement thereof, duly supported by receipts, Howard Chitrin (bom on 4th January, 1947); Susan Beverley Kaufman invoices and vouchers, of the business of A Caridade (bom on 5th April, 1950), married to George Ronald Kaufman; and Investments (Private) Limited from the 24th November, 1993, Shirley Lifshitz (bom on 25th March, 1954) married to Stanley to the date the provisional liquidator is appointed, within Lifschitz, trading in partnership as R.S.T. Investments, interested seven days of the final order being served on her; and as to one-quarter each, on 7th Febraaiy, 1973, whereby certain two (b) that first respondent pays the applicant whatever appears due pieces of land situate in the district of Bulawayo being— , to him upon debatement of the accounts. (1) Stand 1207 Bulawayo Township, in extent 1 190 square 8. That this order operates as an interim order interdicting and metres; and freezing Bank Account No. 5734951-2121 held by Dorothy Wood, (2) Stand 1433 Bulawayo Township, in extent 1 012 square with the Barclays Bank, West End Branch, Harare, and Account No. metres; 0540606: Barclays Bank, Kadoma, and interdicting any transfer or were conveyed. withdrawal of monies from the said accounts without the approval in writing of the provisional liquidator. All persons having any objections to, or wishing to make any representations in connexion with, the issue of such copy, are hereby 9. That a copy of this order be delivered at the Managers of the required to lodge the same, in writing, at the Deeds Registry, Bulawayo, Barclays Bank, West End Branch, and Barclays Bank, Kadoma, within 14 days from the date of publication of this notice.—^Joel respectively. Pincus, Konson & Wolhuter, legal practitioners, 215, York House, BY THE COURT. Eighth Avenue, Bulawayo 019863f / REGISTRAR. APPLICATION FOR CANCELLATION OF MORTGAGE (B) BOND In application of Christopher Caric^e, applicant, for the provisional winding up of A Caridade Investments (Private) NOTICE is hereby given that application is to be made for the Limited. cancellation of Mortgage BOnd No. 160/1977 for $9 000, plus an TAKE notice that, on the 6th April, 1994, the High Court, at Harare, additional sum of $1 000, passed on the 26th January, 1977, by issued an order for the provisional liquidation of A Caridade Lovejohn Investments (Private) Limited, in favour of Carlos Carrasco Investments (Pvt.) Ltd., and Malcolm Fraser has been appointed Carvalho (bom on 28th Febmary, 1945), hypothecating certain piece provisional liquidator of the company. of land in extent 556 square metres, being Stand 13568 Bulawayo Township, situate in the district of Bulawayo, whereof Lovejohn Any person who wishes to oppose the winding up of the company Investments (Private) Limited is the present registered holder. shall file a notice of opposition with the Registrar of the High Court at Harare on or before the 13th day of May, 1994, and shall serve a All persons claiming to have any right or title in or to the said bond, copy of the notice on the applicant and on the company. He should which is lost, are hereby required to lodge their objections or then appear before the Hi^ Court at Harare at the hearing of this representations, in writing, at the Deeds Registry, Bulawayo, within matter on the 18 th May, 1994, to show cause why the company should 14 days from the date of publication of this notice.—^Joel Pincus, not be wound up. Konson & Wolhuter, legal practitioners, 215, York House, Eighth Avenue, Bulawayo. 019876f A copy of the application and of the full order granted by the court may be inspected at the office of the Registrar of the High Court at (A) Case H.C. 987/94 Harare and at the office of the applicant's legal practitioners. Applicant's legal practitioner. IN THE HIGH COURT OF ZIMBABWE » Honey and Blanckenberg, Held at Harare. Fifth Floor, In the application of Christopher Caridade, applicant, and A Caridade Throgmorton House, Investments (Pvt) Ltd., 1st respondent; and Dorothy Wood, 2nd 51, Samora Machel Avenue, respondent Harare. 019897f 472 Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 20th May, 1994


t ' Notice of Proposed Registration Application for the Issue of and Ordinary Permit to Provide a Shipping Service NOTICE is hereby given, in terms of subsection (4) of Statutory NOTICE is hereby given that Shenga Syndicate, of P.O. Box Instrument 178 of 1984, that the Minister of Justice, Legal and ST 299, Southerton, Harare, has made application to the Inland Parliamentary Affairs, in terms of the Companies Act [Chapter Waters Shipping Services Board in terms of section 37 of the Inland 190], has approved the registration of the Lexindev Incorporated. Waters Shipping Act [Chapter 258], for the issue of an ordinary The principal object of the proposed company is to provide permit, valid for three years, to provide the following shipping consultancy services and training in legislative drafting, legisla­ service on Lake Kariba:— tive research and advice in the use of the legislative process for ‘The renewal of Ordinary Permit No. 30 of 1991 for a period of national development and popular participation in the democratic three years to continue with boat hire services.”. process. Any objections to this application, madejn terms of section 40 of The full objects of the proposed company may be examined at the the Inland Waters Shipping Act [Chapter 2S8], must be made in the office of the Registrar of Companies, Electra House, Sarnora Machel manner prescribed in section 156 of the Inland Waters Shipping Avenue, Harare. Regulations, 1971, and within 28 days after the date of publication in this Gazette, of this notice.—^Shenga Syndicate. 019928f Any person wishing to object to the registration of the above- mentioned organization should, within 28 days from the appearance LAND SURVEY ACT [CHAPTER 147] of the first notice, lodge their objections with the Registrar of Companies, P.O. Box 8033, Causeway.—Jacob Nii Aryee, trustee. Application for Cancellation of General Plan No. DT 1475/ 018677f20 DG 1475 of Stands 2202-2263: Glen Lome Township 32 of Salisbury District AIR SERVICES ACT [CHAPTER 254] NOTICE is hereby given, in terms of section 44 of the Land Survey Act [Chapter 147], that the undersigned intends to apply to Application for the Amendment of Air Services Permit the Surveyor-General for the cancellation of General Plan No. DT 1475/DG1475 comprising 62 Stands and public places in the district NOTICE is hereby given that Tropic Air, of Private Bag 7405, of Salisbury. Chisipite, Harare, has applied to the Air Services Board for the The general plan is filed at the office of the Surveyor-General, amendment of Air Services Permit 7 of 1993 in terms of section 14 Electra House, Sarnora Machel Avenue, Harare, where it may be of the Air Services Act [Chapter 254].The effectof this amendment inspected. will be to include two unspecified heavy cargo aircraft. Any person who objects to the proposed cancellation must lodge Any objections to this application, made in terms of section 17 of his objection, in writing, giving his name and address and his the Air Services Act [Chapter 254], must be made in the manner grounds o^ objection wito the Surveyor-General, at Electra House, prescribed in section 4 of the Air Services (General) Regulations, 49, Sarnora Machel Avenue, or P.O. Box CY 540, Causeway, on or 1971, and within 28 days after the date of publication of tois notice before 20th June, 1994. in this Gazette.—R. H. Thomas, Managing Director, Tropic Air. S. Z. ZHOU, 019961f 1, Union Avenue, P.O. Box 6265, Harare. AIR SERVICES ACT [CHAPTER 254] Harare. 019929f

Application for the Amendment of Air Services Permit LIQUOR ACT, 1984

Application for the Issue of a Part II Liquor Licence NOTICE is hereby given that Zimbabwe Balloon Flights, of P.O. Box AY 129, Amby, Harare, has made an application in terms of NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of section 52 section 14 of the Air Services Act for an air services [Chapter 254], of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor Licensing Board, permit to provide the following air services:— Harare, for the issue of a Beerhall Liquor Licence in respect of To fly sight-seeing tours for tourists and locals over Harare and premises situate at Willsbridge Farm, Barwick Estate, District of surrounding areas and to conduct advertising and promotion tours Mazowe, trading as Willsbridge Beerhall, for Malcolm Wills Fussel. all using balloons. Ail persons who have any objections to the application may lodge Any objections to this application, made in terms of section 17 of their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the Liquor Licensing the Air Services Act [Chapter 254], must be made in the manner Board, Harare, not later than the 3rd June, 1994.—Surgey, Pittman, prescribed in section 4 of the Air Services (General) Regulations, Fourth Floor, Central Africa House, First Street, Harare. 01988 If 1971, and within 28 days from the date of publication of tois notice in this Gazette.—B. SmilJi,/or Zimbabwe Balloon Flights. LIQUOR ACT, 1984 019960f Application for the Issue of a Part n Liquor Licence INLAND WATERS SHIPPING ACT [CHAPTER 258] NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of section 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor Licensing Board, Application for the Issue of an Ordinary Permit to Provide a Harare, for the issue of a Bottle Liquor Licence in respect of premises ' Shipping Service situate at Malanda Business Centre, Tsholotsho Comraund Lands, Nyamandlovu District, trading as Malanda General Dealer & Bottle NOTICE is hereby given that Kalambeza Safaris, of P.O. Box Store, for Mantombane Emily Sibanda. 121, Victoria Falls, has made application to the Inland Waters Shipping Services Board in terms of section 37 of the Inland Waters All persons who have any objections to the application may lodge Shipping Act [Chapter 258], for the issue of an ordinary permit, their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the Liquor Licensing valid for three years, to provide the following shipping service on the Board, Harare, not later than the 3rd June, 1994.—Ben Baron & Zambezi above the Victoria Falls:— Partners, applicant's legal practitioners, P.O. Box 1497, Bulawayo. 019872f “The renewal of Ordinary Permit No. 29 of 1991 for a period of three years to continue with boat hire services.”. LIQUOR ACT, 1984 Any objections to this application, made in terms of section 40 of the Inland Waters Shipping Act [Chapter 25S], must be made in the Application for the Issue of a Part II Liquor Licence manner prescribed in section 156 of the Inland Waters Shipping Regulations, 1971, and within 28 days after the date of publication NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of section in this Gazette, of this notice.—F. T. Zengeya,/on Kalambeza 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor Licensing Safaris. 019963f Board, Harare, for the issue of a Bar Liquor Licence in respect of Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 20th May, 1994 473

premises situate on Lease 22430, Chengura Business Centre, All persons who have any objections to the application may Chinamora Communal Lands, Gororaonzi, to Kaseke Celastino lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the Liquor Zinyana, trading as Zinyana Bar. Licensing Board, Harare, not later than 3rd June, 1994.—^Ivy Lindiwe All persons who have any objections to the application may Gombe, applicant, P.O. Box HG 752, Highlands. 019964f lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than the 3rd June, 1994.— LIQUOR ACT, 1984 A. J. A. Peck, applicant's legal practitioner, Kingsmead House, 11, Application for the Issue of a Part II Liquor Licence Union Avenue, Harare. 019838f NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of section LIQUOR ACT, 1984 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Bottle Liquor Licence in respect of Application for the Issue of a Part II Liquor Licence premises situate at Stand No. 133, Nyamhuka Township, Nyanga, NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of section trading as Manhede Bottle Store, for Shadreck Hamukwani. 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor Licensing All persons* who have any objections to the application may Board, Harare, for the issue of a Beerhall Liquor Licence in respect lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the Liquor of premises situate at Stand No. 297, Sarahuru Rural Service Centre, Licensing Board, Harare, not later than 3rd June, 1994.—^Henning Matibi I, Mwenezi District, trading as Sarahuru Council Beerhall, Lock Donagher & Winter, P.O. Box 1170, Mutare. 020048? for Mwenezi Rural District Council. All persons who have any objections to the application may LIQUOR ACT, 1984 lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the Liquor Application for the Issue of a Part II Liquor Licence Licensing Board, Harare, not later than the 3rd June, 1994.— Mwenezi Rural District Council, P.A. Neshuro, Masvingo. NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of section 019650f 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Brewer's Liquor Licence in respect LIQUOR ACT, 1984 of premises situate at Stand No. 67 A, Woolwich Road, Willowvale, Harare, trading as Schweppes (Central Africa) Limited, for Application for the Issue of a Part II Liquor Licence Schweppes (Central Africa) Limited. NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of section All persons who have any objections to the application may 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor Licensing lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the Liquor Board, Harare, for the issue of a Counter Bottle Liquor Licence in Licensing Board, Harare, not later than 3rd day of June, 1994.— respect of premises situate at Lease No. 3240 Z, Chiredzi Township Winterton, Holmes & Hill, applicant's legal practitioners, Beverley (Ferry), trading as Muhdondo Bottle Store, for Sense Mundondo. Place, Selous Avenue, Harare. 020047f All persons who have aiiy objections to the application may LIQUOR ACT, 1984 lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than the 3rd June, 1S>94.—Sense Application for the Issue of a Part II Liquor Licence Mundondo, applicant. Institute of Mining Research, University of Zimbabwe, P.O. Box MP 167, Mount Pleasant, Harare. 019922f NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of section 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor Licensing LIQUOR ACT, 1984 Board, Harare, for the issue of a Wholesale Liquor Licence in respect of premises situate at StahdNo. 53, of 50 A Willowvale, 53, Gleneagles Application for the Issue of a Part II Liquor Licence Road, Willowvale, Harare, trading as Newpeak Distillers, for Newpeak Manufacturing (Private) Limited. NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of section 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor Licensing All persons who have any objections to the application may Board, Harare, for the issue of a Bottle Store Liquor Licence in lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the Liquor respect of premises situate at Stand No. 14, Mutema Township, Gutu Licensing Board, Harare, not later than 3rd June, 1994.—M. District, trading as Mudavanhu Bottle Store, for Tinos Mudavanhu. Mhembere, Newpeak Manufacturing (Private) Limited, P.O. Box 1892, Causeway. 019965f All persons who have any objections to the application may lodge their objections, in writing, with the Seca'etary of the Liquor LIQUOR ACT, 1984 Licensing Board, Harare, not later than th^ 3rd June, 1994.— T. Mudavanhu, applicant. No. 34, Shiloh Road, Saverstown, Application for the Issue of a Part II Liquor Licence Bulawayo. 019913f NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of section LIQUOR ACT, 1984 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Bottle Liquor Licence in respect of Application for the Issue of a Part II Liquor Licence premises situate at Mazarura Rural Service Centre, Kubatana Rural Council, Bindura, trading as Golden Valley Provisions, for Mrs. NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of section Gladys Kavayi. 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Bottle Liquor Licence Mandima All persons who have any objections to the application may Investments Company (Private) Limited, in respect of premises lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the Liquor being Stand 4, Sengwe Business Centre, Nyarahunga, Hurungwe. Licensing Board, Harare, not later than 3rd June, ^94.—Gladys Kavayi, applicant, 3, Monmouth Road, Avondale. 019966f All persons who have any objections to the application may lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than 14 days from the date of LIQUOR ACT, 1984 publication of this notice.—Stumbles and Rowe, applicant's legal practitioners. Fourth Floor, Takura House, 69-71, Union Avenue, Application for the Issue of a Part II Liquor Licence Harare. 019776f NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of section LIQUOR ACT, 1984 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Bottle Liquor Licence in respect of Application for the Issue of a Part II Liquor Licence premises situate at Lease No. TT 18956, Stand 1, Esihlengeni Rural Service Centre, trading as Esiphezini Beer Garden, for Umzingwane NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of section Rural District Council. 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Bottle Store Liquor Licence in All persons who have any objections to the application may ■ respect of premises situate at Subdivision D of Subdivision C of Lots lodge Aeir objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the Liquor 15, Block C Avondale, trading as Avondale Bottle Store, for Ivy Licensing Board, Harare, not later than 3rd June, 1994.— Lindiwe Gombe (Mrs). Umzingwane Rural District Council, applicant. 0199781 474 Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 20th May, 1994

LIQUOR ACT, 1984 (b) the dates contained in such copy, or any requirements of publication on specified dates are affected; Application for Transfer of a Part II Liquor Licence because the production of the weekly issue of the Gazette operates to a tight schedule resulting in programming printing work-flow. NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of section 57 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor Licensing L. C. TAKAWIRA, Board, Harare, for transfer of the Bottle Liquor Licence in respect (Editor). of premises situate on Stand 12683, Harare Township, being No. 16, ' Kelvin Road North, Light Industrial Sites, Harare, from Braude Department of Printing and Stationery, Brothers (1965) (Private) Limited, trading as Braude Brothers George Silundika Avenue (between Sixth Street and Epton Street), (1965) (Private) Limited, to Firstar (Private) Limited, trading as Harare (P.O. Box CY 341, Causeway). Braude Brothers (1965) (Private) Limited.

All persons who have any objections to the application may GOVERNMENT GAZETTE lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than 3rd June, 1994.—Winterton, Conditions of Acceptance of Copy Holmes & Hill, applicant's legal practitioners, Beverley Place, 7, Selous Avenue, Harare. 020046f FAILURE to comply with any of the following conditions will result in the rejection of copy, and no responsibility can be accepted LIQUOR ACT, 1984 if such rejection should affect any date contained in such copy or any requirement of publication on a specific date. Application for Conditional Authority for the Issue of a Part II Persons drafting iiny kind of notices are strongly advised to follow Liquor Licence the guidance offered in— NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of section (a) the Instructions Relating to the Drafting and Typing of Leg­ 56 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor Licensing islation (Attorney-General’s Circular 1 of 1978); and Board, Harare, for conditional authority for the issue of a Bottle (b) the Manual of Style for the Drafting and Preparation of copy Liquor Licence in respect of premises situate on Lease Site published by.the Department of Printing and Stationery; CL 45601, Bezu Centre, Nata Communal Lands, Plumtree, trading as Bezu Bottle Store, for Aegidius Kevin Mremi. which two booklets are intended for complemental use. All persons who have any objections to the application may In these conditions, other than where a particular kind of copy is lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the Liquor specified, “copy” means copy for all matter contained in the Gazette Licensing Board, Harare, not later than 14 days from the date of itself and for subsidiary legislation issued as supplements to t^ publication of this notice.—James, Moyo-Majwabu and Nyoni, Gazette. legal practitioners, P.O. Box 1972, Bulawayo. 01977H 1. (1) Other than by prior arrangements, only original typing is CITY OF GWERU accepted. (2) Carbon-copies are not normally acceptable, other than in Supplementary Valuations for the Six Months ended 30th June, cases where the original typing has to be legally retained, elsewhere, 1993 as, for example, in the case of a proclamation. NOTICE is hereby given, in terms of section 202 (b) of the Urban (3) Computer print-outs are not accepted a'.tomatically, as Councils Act [Chapter 214], that the valuations of certain properties discussion may be necessary with regard to the extra time and costs in the Municipality have been completed in terms of the said Act, and involved. the Roll containing the said valuations lies at the office of the 2. (1) All copy must be clear and legible, and there must be undersigned for inspection by any owner or occupier of property or double or one and a half spacing between the lines. his duly authorized representative included in such Roll. (2) Any corrections or alterations made by the originator, Owners and occupiers of properties are hereby called upon to must be clearly effected in blue or black ink, using editorial marks— lodge, in writing, with the Clerk of the Valuation Board, Town not proof-reader’s marks: Clerk, Municipal Offices, Gweru, on or before noon on Monday, the 20th June, 1994, any objections which they may have against the Provided that any copy containing extensive alterations will valuation of any property owned or occupied by them or in respect be rejected. of any error or omission or incorrect description in relation to any property, whether own^ or occupied by them or not. 3. (1) Copy must appear on one side only of each sheet of paper. N otice is further given that no objections to the V aluation Roll will (2) Except as is provided in subsection (2) of section 8, paper be considered by the Valuation Board unless the objections have must not exceed 210 millimetres in width. been lodged as afore said, and are made in the form prescribed. (3) If copy comprises two or more sheets of paper, all sheets Copies of the prescribed form of objection may be obtained on must be numbered consecutively, in arabic figures, preferably in the application to the undersigned. top right-hand comer. Town Clerk's Office, (4) Where any matter is added after the copy has been fHepared, Municipal Offices, G. G. NHEMACHENA, and such additional matter results in one or more sheets being insetted P.O. Box 278, Town Clerk. between th^ already numbered, all sheets must be renumbered from Gweru. 019829f there onwvaras—^not, for instance 7,7b, 8, et cetera. 4. Photographic copy or copy produced on a duplicating ' GOVERNMENT GAZETTE machine may be accepted if it is abundantly clear.

Submission of Copy for Application for the Issue of 5. (1) Should any copy— Liquor Licences (a) exceed 10 pages of double-spaced typing on size A4 paper; or IT is hereby notified, for general information, that due to an increase (b) contain tabular or other matter which involves compli­ in the number of applicants, throughout the country, for Liquor cated setting; Licences and the subsequent publication in the Gazette, applicants are it will be classed as “lengthy” copy, and will be required to be advised to ensure that their copy has been accepted prior to fixing dates submitted not less than 21 days before the date of closing for the for simultaneous publication in both the Gazette and any newspaper Gazette in which it is to be published. in the country. (2) Lengthy copy may be accepted at less than 21 days’ While every effort will he made to take in what we can in the notice if— weekly issue, in respect of applications for Liquor Licences only, no responsibility will be accepted by the Department of Printing and (a) the work involved is of a straight forward and non- Stationery if— tabular nature; and (a) copy is automatically held over for insertion in the Gazette of (b) the total volume of work on hand for the time being the following week; and permits its acceptance. Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 20th May, 1994 475

6; Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in these Copy for all notices to be set in tabular form must be received by 11 a.m. on the Friday preceding the Friday of publication. conditions, any copy— Any copy which is received after the respective closing-times will (a) which is of national importance, and which is originated automatically be held over for insertion in the Gazette of the as a matter of urgent necessity, may, by prior arrange­ ment, be accepted late for the current week; following week, in which case no responsibility can be accepted if the purport of the notice is thereby nullified. (b) may, due to shortage of staff or to technical consider­ ations, be delayed until conditions permit its processing. When public holidays occur, the normal closing-times are varied, and such variations are notified in the Gazette in advance. 7. Copy must not be submitted as part of a letter or a requisition. It must appear on a separate sheet of paper, on which there is no All copy must be addressed to the Department of Printing and instruction or other extraneous matter. Stationery, and either posted to P.O. Box CY 341, Causeway, or delivered direct to the department, in George Silundika Avenue 8. (1) In cases where notices have to be published in tabular (between Sixth Street and Epton Street), Harare. Envelopes should form, copy must be drafted exactly as it is to appear. If printed forms be marked: Gazette copy—urgent. for any such notices are unavailable, advertisers must prepare their own forms. While it is not necessary to include the preamble, the Regular advertisers and subscribers are requested to advise imme­ box-headings must be there, and,, where applicable, the number of diately of any change of address. the form; for example, “Insolvency Regulations—Form 3”. Subscription rate (2) In the case of copy for tabular notices, the provision of The annual subscription rate for the Gazette is Z$240, payable in subsection (2) of section 3 does not apply. advance, to the Controller of Printing and Stationery, and may 9. Copy for all advertisements, whether sent by post or delivered commence with the first issue of any month. by hand, must b^ accompanied by a requisition or a letter which L. C. TAKAWIRA, clearly sets out— (Editor). (a) the name and address of the advertiser; and (b) the debtor’s code number, if any; and GOVERNMENT GAZETTE (c) the required date or dates of publication. 10. If a typographical error occurs in the Gazette, it is rectified Submission of Copy for Government Gazette Statutory as soon as possible by a correcting notice without charge to the Instruments and Notices ' ministry or department concerned, subject to the following condi­ tions— IT is hereby notified, for general information, that it is necess^ (a) that such error is reported to the editor within three to draw attention to the “Conditions for Acceptance of Copy”, which months from the date of publication; and appears in every issue of the Gazette; and particularly the need to (b) that the relevant copy, upon re-examination, is proved to submit lengthy copy, in the case of Statutory Instruments, at least 21 be abundantly clear; and days before the date of closing for the Gazette in which the notice is to be published. (c) that the correction of such error is legally necessary. During the past few months or so there have been many cases (2) If a drafting error is not detected before publication, the where urgent copy for subsidiary legislation, which requires the originating ministry or department is required to draft its own correcting notice, t^e it to the Attorney-General for vetting and pay signature of the Resident or a minister to give it effect, and which for such notice to be published. is of national importance, has been sent in for publication in the Gazette after closing-time. Whilst I acknowledge that it is the duty (3) For the removal of doubt— of the Department of Printing and Stationery to give certain notices (a) a typographical error is made by a typographer; special treatment, I am, however, gf the view that a Gazette Extraor­ (b) a typist’s error is classed as a drafting error by reason of dinary has tended to be a must rather than a matter of priority in the fact that the officer responsible for drafting failed to respect of unwarranted delays of urgent copy. check the typist’s work. While every effort will continue to be made to publish Extraordinaries on the required dates, copy must be submitted GOVERNMENT GAZETTE timeously so that it can be programmed into the printing-work-flow as soon as it is available. Authorized Scale of Charges, Times of Closing and Subscription L. C. TAKAWIRA, Rate as from 1st July, 1990 (Editor).

Charges Department of Printing and Stationery, George Silundika Avenue (between Sixth Street and Epton Street), NOTICES published in the normal columns; $25 per centimetre Harare (P.O. Box CY 341, Causeway). or part thereof single column. Taking the depth of such matter, normally spaced, approximately 25 words occupy one centimetre GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS ON SALE but this can only be a rough guide, as a heading may occupy two (as available at time of ordering) centimetres, and certain notices unavoidably contain white space, which must be included in the chargeable depth. THE following pubUcations are obtainable from the following Notices which have to appear in tabular form across the full width Government publication offices: the Government Publications Of­ of the page, such as lost insurance policies, deceased estates, fice, Cecil House, 95, Jason Moyo Avenue, Harare (P.O. Box CY insolvent estates, company liquidations, notices in terms of the 341, Causeway); or from the Government Publications Office, lOlB, Incolvency Act [Chapter 303], changes of companies’ names et Main Street, Bulawap (P.O. Box 211, Bulawayo); or from the cetera: $42 per entry. Government Publications Office, No. 2, Robert Mugabe Avenue, Mutare (Private Bag Q 7738, Mutare); or from the Government Notices of intention to alienate a business or the goodwill of a Publications Office, Beggers/Beggers Building, Robertson Avenue, business or any goods or property forming part of a business, Masvingo (Private Bag 9293, Masvingo), at the prices specified otherwise than in the ordinary course of business shall cost $260 for opposite thereto. the three consecutive publications. $ Except in the case of approved accounts, remittances must accom­ pany all copy of advertisements, failing this, copy will be returned A Framework for Economic Reform (1991-95)...... 10,00 with an assessment of charges. Agro-economic survey of Central Midlands...... 4,00 An Introduction to Law...... 15,0(i Times of closing Annual Economic Review of Zimbabwe, 1986 ...... 10,00 Catalogue of banned books, periodicals, records, etc., from 1st December, The Gazette closes for the receipt of copy for all notices to be 1967 to 31 December, 1980 ...... 4,00 published in the normal columns, and for statutory instruments at Commission of inquiry into taxation...... 11,00 11 a.m. on the Monday preceding the Friday of publication. Companies Act [Chapter iPOJ...... 10,00 476 Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 20th May, 1994

$ $

Conservation—a guide book for teachers...... 3,00 Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1971 (five parts), per part...... 50,00 Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act [Chapter 59] (as amended at the 31 st or, per set...... 50,00 December, 1976) ...... -...... 10,00 Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1972 (seven parts), per part...... 50,00 Customs and Excise Tariff (Amendment) Notice, 1993 (No. 4) . . . . 72,00 Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1973 (seven parts), per part...... 50,00 Customs Containerisation Rules...... 5.00 Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1974 (five parts), per part...... 50,00 Customs Valuation Manual...... 10.00 Rhodesia subsidiary legislation. 1975 (five parts), per part...... 50,00 First Five Year National Development Plan 1986-90 Volume 2 (April 1986) 10,00 Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1976 (six parts), per part...... 50,00 Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1977 (four parts), per part...... 50,00 Five-year plan : three complementary books— Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1978 (four parts), per part ...... 50.00 Proposals for a five-year programme of development in the public sector 8,00 Rhodesia law reports, 1970, part 1 and part 2, per part...... 20.00 Integrated plan for rural development...... 5,00 Rhodesia law reports, 1971, part 1 and part 2, per part...... 20.00 Urban development in the main centres...... 3,00 Rhodesia law reports, 1972, part 2, per part...... 20,00 Flora zambesiaca, volume I, part II...... 5,00 Rhodesia law reports, 1973, part 2, per part...... 20.00 Flora zambesiaca, volume II, part I...... 7,00 Rhodesia law reports, 1974, part 1 and part 2, per part...... 20,00 supplement...... 3,00 Flora zambesiaca. Statute law of Rhodesia and Zimbabwe,'December, 1979, to December, General Report of the Committee of inquiry into the Administration of 1980 (soft cover)...... 35,00 Parastaials...... 10.00 Statute law of Zimbabwe, Orders, Ordinances and Acts—Eiecember, 1979 Grater Salisbury report, local authority commission ...... 10,00 to December, 1980—full bound, buckram...... 40.00 Government Gazette (annual subscription rate)...... 240,00 Statute law of Zimbabwe, 1982, quarter-bound hard cover...... 30.00 Government Gazerfc (individuals copies)...... 3,00 Statute law of Zimbabwe, 1983, quarter-bound, hard cover 30.00 Income Tax Act [C/iflprer/87] as amended at the 31st October, 1986 . . 12,00 Statute law of Zimbabwe, 1984, quarter-bound, hard cover . 30.00 Kirkia, volume I, part I...... ; • • 3,00 Statute law of Zimbabwe, 1985, quarter-bound, hard cover...... 30.00 Kirkia, volume II, part II...... 10,(X) Statutory Instruments, 1980 (five parts), per part ...... 50.00 Kirilrifl, volume 12,parti...... 10,00 Statutory Instruments, 1981 (four parts), per part...... 50,00 Labour and Economy: Report of the National Trade Unions Surveys Transitional National Development Plan, 1982/83-1984/85: Volume 1 . . 10,00 Zimbabwe, 1984: Volume one...... 15,00 Transitional National Development Plan, 1982/83-1984/85: Volume 2 . . 5.00 Let’s build Zimbabwe together—^Zimeord Conference documentations . . 10,(K) Zimbabwe law reports, 1983 [Part 1] (soft cover)...... 25,00 Manual of River and Lakemanship...... 10,00 Zimbabwe law reports, 1983 [P^ 2] (soft cover)...... 25.00 Model Building By-laws,' 1977 ...... 10,00 Zimbabwe law reports, 1984 (soft cover)...... 30.00 National Manpower Survey, 1981: Volume I...... 15,00 Zimbabwe Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1979 (four parts), per part . . 50.00 Rhodesian law reports. 1975, part 2, per part...... 20.00 National Manpower Survey, 1981: Volume II...... 7,50 Rhodesian law reports, 1976, part 1 and part 2, per part...... 20,00 National Manpower Survey, 1981; Volume III...... 15,00 Rhodesian law reports, 1977, part 2, per part...... 20,00 National Railways of Zimbabwe: Report of the Committee of Inquiry into Second Five-Year National Development Plan: 1991-1995...... 20,00 Parastatals...... 10,00 Statistical Year book of Zimbabwe, 1987. ‘ • 10,00 Parliamentary debates (annual subscription rate) ...... 5,00 Statute law of Rhodesia, 1975; 1976; 1977; 1978— Patent and Trade Marks Journal (annual subscription rate)...... 6,00 full-lx)und, buckram...... 40.00 (individual copies)...... 0,20 Patent and Trade Marks Journal quarter-bound, hard cover...... 30.00 Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Agriculttiral. Industry (soft soft cover...... 25.00 cover)...... Y...... 10,00 Statute law of Zimbabwe Rhodesia, 1979— Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Distribution of Motor full-bound, buckjam...... 45.00 Vehicles...... 10,00 quarter-bound, hard cover...... 40.00 Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1970 (four parts), per set...... 50,00 soft cover ...... 35,00


Conditions of sale 1. The sale is conducted in terms of the rules of the High Court, which provide that it shall be without reserve but subject to the condition that the Sheriff requires to be satisfied that the highest price offered is reasonable, having regard to the circumstances of time and place and the state of the property. 2. After the auction, a report on the bidding and on the highest price offered, together with any other relevant information relating to the sale, will be forwarded to the Sheriff, who, if satisfied that the highest price offered is reasonable, having regard to the circumstances of time and place and the state of the property, will declare the highest bidder to be the purchaser. 3. In terms of the rules of court, any person having an interest in the sale may, within seven days of the Sheriff having declared the highest bidder to be die purchaser, apply to the High Court to have it set aside on the grounds that the sale was improperly conducted or the property was sold for an unreasonably low sum, or any other ' good ground. 4. In the event of no application being made within the said period of seven days the Sheriff shall confirm the sale. 5. During the auction, should any dispute arise as to any bid the property will be put up for sale again. 6. The right is reserved to the auctioneer of regulating or refusing any bid. 7. The sale shall be for cash and, in addition, the purchaser shall pay— (a) the auctioneer's commission; and (b) the costs of transfer, including conveyancer's charges, stamp-duty and ^y other fees; and (c) all arrear rales and charges, and any other exi^nses necessary to complete the transfer. 8. Immediately after conclusion of the auction the highest bidder shall, unless other arrangements are made with the auctioneer, deposit with the auctioneer an amount sufficient to cover the auctioneer's commission, and either— (a) advise the Commissioner appointed by the Sheriff, attending the sale of the manner in which he intends to make payment of the purchase-price and other costs and charges in terms of these conditions, and satisfy the Commissioner as to his bona fides and ability to meet his obligations; or (b) effect payment to the Commissioner of the whole of the purchase-price in cash or by cheque or bank draft drawn to the order of the Sheriff. 9. The purchase-money, if not paid in full to the Commissioner at the conclusion of the auction shall be paid on or before the registration of the transfer of the property into the name of the purchaser, unless the Sheriff approves other arrangements for discharging the amount due by the purchaser. 10. The purchaser shall be liable to pay interest at the rate of nine per cent, per annum in respect of any unpaid balance of the purchase-price with effect from seven days after the date of confirmation of the sale by the Sheriff. 11. If the purchaser fails to make payment of the purchase-price and other costs and charges in terms of these conditions of sale, or fails to comply with any conditions of the sale contained herein, the Sheriff shall have the right to apply to a judge of the High Court to have the sale cancelled, and to hold the purchaser liable for any loss or damages sustained, or to employ any other remedy which he may have. In the event of the sale being cancelled, the purchaser shall not be entitled to any increase which the property may realize at a subsequent sale. 12. The property is sold as represented by the title-deeds the Sherifi’ not holding himself liable for any deficiency whatsoever, and renouncing all excess; and the Sheriff

/ Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 20th May, 1994 477

does not hold himself responsible for the determination of the boundaries and beacons which shall be the responsibility of the purchaser.

13. The property shall be at the risk and profit of the purchaser from the date upon which the Sheriff confinns the sale and the Sheriff gives no warranty of vacant possession. 14. The highest bidder may not withdraw his bid in terms of these conditions of sale prior to the date of confirmation of the .sale or rejection of his offer by the Sheriff.

P.O. Box 8050, C. NYATANGA. Causeway. Additional Sheriff.

S.S. number Plaintiff and defendant Description of property Date, time and place of sale Auctioneer

265/94 CABS Lot 3 of Lot 2 of Lot 388A Highlands. 20th May, 1994,10.00 a.ni., H.I.C.C., Mitchell Real Estate. 019727f and Committee Room 1. Z. C. & D. C. Mushonga 292/94 M. Chimbuya Stand 3517, Highfield, Harare. 20th May, 1994,10.00 a.m., H.I.C.C., Mitchell Real Estate. 019728f and Committee Room I. T. Mulimukulu 243/93 Weldex Stand 62 Marondera Industrial Sites, Chicago. 20th May, 1994,10.00 a.ni., H.I.C.C., Mitchell Real Estate. 019729f and Marondera Committee Room 1. Machekanyanga Motors 293/94 CABS Lot 1 of Lot 11 of Lot 386 Highlands Estate 20th May, 1994,10.00 am., H.I.C.C., Mitchell Real Estate. 019730f and of Welmoed, also known as 2 Tumham Rd., Committee Room 1. G. P. Mbiri Highlands, Harare. 275/93 T S Timbers Stand 255 Quinnington Township 11 of Lot 20th May, 1994,10.00 a.m., H.I.C.C., Mitchell Real Estate. 01973 If aral DC Quinnington. al-so known as 10 Jacana Committee Room 1. Symon Building Drive, Borrowdale. Construction and Simon Kaguramamba 470/94 CABS Stand 7906 Salisbury Township of Salisbury 20th May, 1994, 10.00 a.m., H.I.C.C., Mitchell Real Estate. 019732f and Township Lands, also known as 6 Taberer Committee Room 1. Neguib Seckam Rd., Hillside, Harare. 188/94 Beverley Building Society Stand 218 Alhlone Township 2 of Green Grove 20th May. 1994,10.00 a.m.. H.I.C.C., Mitchell Real Estate. 019733f and C, also known as 5 Michael Rd., Greendale, Committee Room 1. C. Ziki Harare. 184/94 Hillside Farm, Elvington Estate, Goromonzi 20th May. 1994,10.00 a.m., H.I.C.C., Mitchell Real Estate. 019734f and Di^ct (off the Harare-Masvingo Rd. 63 km Committee Room 1. Hillside Farm (Pvt.) Ltd.: Peg). J. N. & H. Smith 235/94 CABS Stand iOO Malvern Township of Waterfall Villa, 20th May, 1994,10.00 a.m., H.I.C.C., Mitchell Real Estate. 019735f and Waterfall. Committee Room I. H. Chidongo 185/94 CABS Stand 16003 Salisbury Township of Salisbury, 20th May, 1994,10.00 am., Rl.C.C., Mitchell Real E.state. 019736f and also known as I ^X)3-47th Crescent, Sun- Committee Room 1. D. Mwapamba ningdale, Harare. 193/94 Beverley Building Society Stand 2689 Highfield Township, Harare. 20th May. 1994,10.00 a.m., H.I.C.C, Mitchell Real Estate. 019737f and Committee Room I. T. Masiko 291/94 > CABS Stand 16277 Salisbury Township of Salisbury 20th May, 1994, 10.00 a.m., H.IC.C. Mitchell Real Estate. 019738f and Township Lands, also known as I7th Close, Committee Room 1. A. Bonde . Harare. 83/94 CABS Stand 152 of Prospect, Harare, also known as 20th May, 1994,10.00 a.m.. H.I.C.C., Mitchell Real Estate. 019739f and 152 Bawtrey Close, Prospect. Committee Room 1. R. S. Machena 190/94 Tregers (Pvt.) Ltd. 1. Stand 56 Ashbrittle Township of Ashbrittle; 20th May, 1994,10.00 a.m., H.I.C.C, Mitchell Real Estate. 019740f and 2. Undivided share 3,45% share being No. 14 Committee Room 1. C. S. Bailey of Stand 1806 Salisbury Township. 336/94 CABS Subdivision C of Lot 55 Block A of Avondale, 20lhMay, 1994, 10.00 a.m., H.I.C.C, Mitchell Real Estate. 019741f and also known as 1 Avonlea Flats, 109 King Committee Room 1. J. T. E. Mapondera George Rd./Lethani Rd. 248/94 Zlmbank Stand 726 Glen Lome Township 15 of Lot 41 20th May, 1994,10.00 a.m., H.I.C.C., Mitchell Real Estate. 019742f and Glen Lwne, al:^ known as 726 Lytham Drive, Committee Room 1. G. T. C. Mtutu Glen Lome. 246/94 CABS Stand 473 Warren Park Township of Wairen 20th May, 1994,10.00 a.m., H.I.C.C., Mitchell Real Estate. 019743f and Parit, also known as 6 Uth Crescent, Warren Committee Room 1. M. M. Muvirimi Park, Harare. 369/94 CABS Stand 336 Marimba Park Township of Marimba 20th May, 1994,10.00 a.m., H.I.C.C., Mitchell Real Estate. 019744f and Park. Committee Room 1. D. Z. Zwanai and L. M. Vere 180/94 CABS Stand 8205 Glen Nor^ Township of Glen 20th May, 1994, 10.00 a.m., H.I.C.C., Mitchell Real Estate. 019745f aiKi Norah. Committee Room I. W. Mugwagwa 380/93 Founders Building Society Stand 243 Tynwald Township 15 of Lot A 20th May. 1994,10.00 a.m., H.I.C.C, Mitchell Real Estate. 019746f and Tynwald. Committee Room I. Leonard Chakanetsa 123/92 Scotfin Ltd. 1. Stand 5545 Salisbury Township in the 20th May, 1994,10.00 a.m„ H.I.C.C., Mitchell Real Estate. 019747f and district of Salisbury measuring 1983m^; Committee Room 1. Electroforce and 2. Stand 60 Hogerty Hill Township of Hogerty 3 others Hill A measuring 8953m^; 3. Stand 61 Hogerty Hill Township 3 A measur­ ing 1,614 3 hectares. 478 Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 20th May, 1994

SHERIP'S SALES (eonlintted)

S.S. number Plaintiff and defendant DescripticHi of fwoperty Date, time and place of sale Auctioneer

373m Beverley Building Society Stand S42S Salisbury Township of Salisbury 20th May. 1994,10.00 a.m., H.I.C.C., Mitchell Real Estate. 019748f and Township Lands. Conunittee Room 1. Vernal Desmond Peters and Angela Cynthia Peters 367m Barclays Bank Stand 97 &nerald Hill Township 2 of Stand 20th May, 1994,10.00 a.m., H.I.C.C., Mitchell Real Estate. 019749f and 26B Emerald Hill. Committee Room 1. Eliot Magwaza 316m CABS Stand 1073 Bluff Hill Town^ip of Bluff Hill. 20lhMay, 1994,10.00 um., HI.C.C, MitcheU Real Estate. 019750f and Committee Rocrni 1. Expo International 155/93 Beverley Building Society Stand 133 Beverley East Town^p 2 of Stand 20th May, 1994,10.00 a.m., HI.C.C, Mitchell Real Estate. 01975 If and 97A Beverley East Township. Committee Room 1. Bennett Investments

NOTICES TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS (pursuant to sections 44 and 67 of the Administration of Estates Act [Chapter 301] Au. pcrscns having claims against the uoder-mentkmed estates are lequiied to lodge them in d^aii widi the execuKjr m-r^nesentative concerned within the stated periods, calculated from the date of publication hereof, and diose imtebted thereto are required to pay to the executor or representative the amounts due by them within the stune period, failing which legal proceedings will be taken for the recovery thereof. M.H.C. 7

Number Date Within of Name and description of estate of a Name and address of executer or reixesentative estate death period of

1065/92 Evangelos Dimitrou Mallis 20.3.92 30 days B. G. Venturas, Byron Venturas & Partners, P.O., 019752f Box 3188, Harare. 0 1118/93 Leah King (also known as Lena King) 9.3.93 30 days Kantm’ & Immerman, P.O. Box 19, Harare. 019753f B.1033/93 Ste{4ren Zvenyika Makura 15.7.93 30 days Melina Matshiya, c/o Wilmot & Bennett, Rrst 019756f Floor, CABS House, 4th Avenue. P.O. Box 480, Kwekwe. (Executor dative.) B.1004/93 Vandirai Chikope Mukupe 24.7.93 30 days Melina Matshiya, c/o Wilmot & Bennett, First 019757f Floor, CABS House. 4th Avenue, P.O. Box 480, Kwekwe. (Executor dative.) 1442/93 Anthony Leon Chakombera ...... 16.4.93 30 days HcMiey & Blanckenberg, P.O. Box 85, Harare. 019760f B.305m Patrick Ian Fletcher, of Bulawayo 29.1.94 30 days Webb, Low & Barry, P.O. Box 159, Bulawayo. 019764f BiI65m Jane Magdalene Hendrikse, of Bulawayo 10.2.94 30 days Webb, Low & Barry, P.O. Box 159, Bulawayo. 0l9767f B.235m Jacoba Petionella Herholdt, of Bulawayo 2.3.94 30 days Webb, Low & Barry, P.O. Box 159, Bulawayo. 019768f 887m W illiam Brockbank Nruman...... 20.9.93 30 days Harare Bo^ of Executors (Pvt) Ltd., P.O Box 019775f 2093, Harare. 1772/93 Ratan Samjee Nathoo 10.2.93 30 days All H)rahim, P.O. Box 4862, Harare. 019778f 774m Samuel Camefcm Mackay 21.12.90 30 days Harare Board of Ex^ecutors (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box 019796f 2093, Harare. B.53m Johanna Maria van (ter Merwe . 15.12.93 30 days John Mark Harvey, Danzigo'&Paitna^ P.O. Box 019826f 58, Gweni. (Executes dative.) 1238m W illiam Makuto 10.4.94 30 days The Managing IXrector.R.J.C.Executc»'Snvk«s 019833f (Pvt.) Ltd., 142, Harare Street, Harare. 772m Douglas Hndlater . 22.2.94 30 days Harare Board of Executors, P.O. Box 2093, Hmare. 019837f 806/94 Chiisb^her Chimbira 1.2.93 30 days Ulita Chirefu, No. 494,211th Crescent Budiriro 1. 0I9901f 94Sm Kumbirai Juwao. 20.7.93 30 days D. Mapunga, 2096, Egypt, Highfield, Harare. 019906f 2581/93 Ernest William Evans • 21.7.93 30 days PJ. Evans, P.O. box HG371, Hi^ands, Harare. 019907f 786m Barry Donald McGaw 1.3.94 30 days Deloitte & Touche ExeCuter & Trust Company 019910f (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box 267, Harare. 2743/92 James M^venga Mavengere. 1.5.91 30 days Sebastian T. Nteven^re, Lalre View Inn, P.O. Box 0199!4f 100, Kahba. 0268m Catherine Elizabeth Barry 26.1.94 30 days H. M. R. Barry, 9, GarlandsRide, Mount Pk'asant 019916f Harare. 722/94 Almond Manjera 22.4.93 30 days Gaudencia M^jera. 019919f 402/94 Robert William Douglas 14.1.94 30 days Deloitte & Touche Executer & Trust Company 01992If (Pvt) Ltd., P.O. Box 267. Harare. Sybil Kathleen Shiel, of Harare 5.3.94 30 days National Executor & Trust (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box 019923f 53^, Harare. 256/94 Michael Nyika Bingandadi 11.12.93 30 days Rebecca Rugonye, 14, McLoughlin Close, Ken- 019926f sington, Avondale, Harare. 2854/93 Desmond Ratj^ Peckover 15.10.93. 30 days Beverley Mary Campbell, 12, San Fernando, 5th 01S>932f Street, Harare. 949/94 B. Mudziwapasi 14.2.94 30 days E. Mudziwapasi, Nd.'25, Munjakanji Road, 019933f Zengeza 2, P.O. Zengeza. 2511/93 Ebrahim Mahomed Essof 2.8.93 30 days I. Essof & R. E. M. Essof, P.O. Box 3956, Harare. 019934f Jeanie Donald Storey, of Bulawayo 13.4.94 30 days National Executw & Trust (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box 019940f 5330, Harare. Elsie Grac;e Gamer, of Bulawayo 27.4.94 30 days National Executin' & Trust (Pvt.) Lul., P.O. Box 019941f 132, Bulawayo. Herman M ichael Bier, of Bulawayo 20.4.94 30 days National Execuun- & Trust (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box 019942f 132, Bulawayo. 3261/93 Richard Arthur (Turning 14.12.93 30 days T. D. Stevens, P.O. Box 1655, Harare. 019943f Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 20th May, 1994 479

M.H.C. 7 (continued)

Number Date W ithin of Name and description of estate of a Name and uidress of executor or representative estate death period of

2582/93 Spiwe Mashatise 12.6.93 30 days T. Mashatise, 4566, 141 Street, Warren Paric D, 0!9944f Harare. 226/94 Nobert Muronzi 8.11.93 30 days Priscilla Kanyama, 3559, P.O. Glen-Norah “A”, 019945f Harare. Farai Madzinga 17.10.92 30 days J(^Madzinga,c/oJ39, Gaza Township, Chipinge. 019947f

761/92 Kuyanatsa Jonathan Tokwe 6.4.92 30 days C. Tokwe, 4593, Glen-Norah “A”, Harare. 019948f B.8/94 Duncan Mataka 13.4.79 30 days Ridiard Mataka, G 68, Mzilikazi Township, Bula- 019949f wayo. B.366/94 Edward Ma|^osa 30.9.93 30 days Beaoice M^bosa, c/o Dombo School, P.O. Box 6, 019951f Tsholotsho. B.481/93 Ponono Thomas Dube, of Bulawayo 20.10.92 30 days Suku Elijah Dube, 72732, Lobengula W est, Bula- 0I9954f wayo. 575/93 Amina Bhika 31.5.91 30 days Gollop & Blank. P.O. Box 262, Harare. 019898f B.115/94 Rockrick George Sibthorpe 18.3.93 30 days Ben Baron & Partners, P.O. Box 1497, Bulawayo. 019867f 2130/93 Michael Herscovitz 4.3.93 30 days Kantor & Immerman, P.O. Box 19, Har^. 0I9869f fkrey Victor Clark 3.5.94 30 days Joel Pincus, Konson & W olhuter, P.O. Box 1616, 0I9877f I Bulawayo. B.127/94 Audrey Stephens Gundry 6.2.94 30 days Anderson Executor & Trust (Pvt.) Ud., P.O. Box 019879f AC 45, Ascot, Bulawayo. B.252/94 Hiandiwe Gwizi, of Bulawayo 16.12.93 30 days Webb, Low & Barry, P.O. Box 159, Bulawayo. 019882f 763/94 Malcolm Alfred Pratt 8.2.94 30 days J. V, Pratt, Private Bag 12, Goromonzi. 019890f

NOTICES OF LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS LYING FOR INSPECTION (pursuant to section 53 of the Administration of Estates Act [Chapter 301 J)

Notice is herd^y given that copies of liquidation and distribution counts in the under-mentioned estates will be open for the inspection of all persons interesred therein for a period of 21 days (or longer if stated) from the dates specified, or from the date of {Hiblicaticm hereof, whichever may be the later. Accounts will lie for inspection sd the offices specified below. Objections to an account should be lq||ged with tiie M aster, Harare, or the Assistant Master, Bulawayo, as the case may be. ShcHild no objections be lodged to the account during the period of inspection, the executor concerned will proceed to make payments in accordance tiierewitii. M.H.C. 28

Nuir^er Date DescripticMi of Name arul descr^on of estate or of Office of the estate period account

37/94 Helen Vladimirovna Golledge 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare and 019754f Liquidation and aiui Magistrate’s CcHirt, Marondera. Distribution ^count Chikope Garanowako 21 days First and Final Assistant Master of tiie High Court, 0l9755f Li(|uidation and Bulawayo and lYovincial Magi­ Disteibution i^count strate's Court, Kwekwe. 2166/93 Stanley Leighton Collins 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 019758f Liquidatiem and Distribution Account B.721/92 Clifford Sim 21 days Second and Final Master of the High Court, Harare and 019759f Liquidation and Assistant Master, Bulawayo. Distribution Account B.716/93 Nancy Macgillivray Ross 21 days First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 019765f Liquidation and Bulawayo. Disdibution Account B.644/93 Antiiony Winwood Smith 21 days First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 019766f Liquidatiem and Bulawayo. . Distribution Account 895/93 Stanley Richard Grarge Carey 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 019828f Liquidation and Disdibution Account 1636/93 Janet Winton Barberis 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 019830f Liquidation and Disuibution Account 288/88 Lydia Sibanda 21 days Amemled First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 019871f Administratiem and Disdibution Account 268/88 David C^lalangami Maforo . 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare and 019878f Account M agistrate's Court, M utare. B.27/93 Joe Kapesi Zulu 21 days First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court. 019880f Liquidation and Bulawayo. Distribution Account 2576/92 Chhagan Ratanje 21 days Second and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 019883f Adminisdatiem and Distribution Account 1458/93 William Frederick Southby 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 019884f Liquidation sa^ Disdibution Account 480 Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 20th May, 1994

M.H.C. 28 (continued)

Number Date Description of Name and description of estate or of Office of the estate period account

830/93 Erick Stuart Walker 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 019886f Liquidation and Distribution Account 2827/93 Babette Margaret Stainer 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare and 019887f Liquidation and Magistrate's Court, Marondera. Administration and Distribution Account 529/92 John Reginald Bridle 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 019888f Liquidation and 1 Distribution Account 931/93 Diana Forrest Westacott 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 019894f Liquidation and Distribution Account 3056/92 Ottilia Mujati 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 019903f Liquidation and Distribution Account 1278/93 Clive Halse 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 019904f Liquidation and Distribution Account 1481/93 Hilda Berber 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare and 0199l7f Account Magistrate's Court, Mutare. 2227/93 Irvin Dingani Dikinya 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 019918f Account 1798/93 Elisabeth Helene Lutz 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 019920f Administration and Distribution Account 1701/93 Hendrik Pieter Johannes Swart 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 019924f Account 3194/93 John Southey Addison, of South Africa 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 019925f Account # Distribution Account 978/93 Bernard Peter Mackenzie 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare and 019927f Account Magistrate's Court, Mutare. B.894/93 Dennis Arthur Wesson 21 days First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 019930f Account Bulawayo, 751/93 Chinyama Mabari 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 019931f Liquidation and Distribution Account 1738/93 Freda Pause 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 019935f Liquidation and Distribution Account 2286/90 Joan Lester 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 019936f Liquidation and Distribution Account 8/93 James Joseph 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 0l9937f Liquidation and Distribution Account B.550/93 Theunis Johannes Botha 21 days First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 019952f Account Bulawayo. B.586/92 Agnes Marichera 21 days First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 0l9953f Account Bulawayo.

EDICTS: SELECTION OF EXECUTORS, TUTORS AND CURATORS DATIVE (pursuant to sections 26,75 and 80 of the Administration of Estate Act [Chapter 30 J})

Notice is hereby given that the estate of the under-mentioned deceased persons, minors or persons whose whereabouts are unknown, are unrepresented and that the next of kin, creditors or other persons concerned are required to attend on the dates and at the times and places specified, for the selection of an executor, tutor or curator dative, as the case may be. Meetings in Harare will be held before the Master, in Bulawayo before the Assistant Master; and elsewhere before the District Administrator.

M.H.C. 25

Number Time of meeting of Name and description of estate Place of meeting For selection of estate Date Hour

B.3I1/94 Student Mpofu...... 18.5.94 10.00 a.m. Bulawayo Executor dative. 019762f B.334/94 Scooter Dlamini, of Bulawayo 18.5.94 10.00 a.m. Bulawayo Executor dative. 0I9763f 854/94 Albert Zvoma, of Harare .... 11.5.94 10.00 a.m. Harare Executor dative. 019802f 2042/90 Lovemore Muchekechera, of Harare 4.5.94 11.20 a.m. Harare Executor dative. 0I9803f 610/94 Frederich Muchiriri Muzinarwo, of Harare . 4.5.94 11.25 a.m. Harare Executor dative. 0I9804f 177/94 Amina Sandaka, of Harare . / 4.5.94 11.30 a.m. Harare Executor dative. 019805f 305/94 Topambiri Mangenera, of Harare 4.5.94 11.35 a.m. Harare Executor dative. 0I9806f 832/94 Jeremiah Kwendene Musingwini, of Chitungwiza. 4.5.94 11.40 a.m. Harare Executor dative. 019807f 834/94 Godfrey Tanyaradzwa Bunu, of Harare 4.5.94 11.45 a.m. Harare Executor dative. 019808f 352/94 Margaret Mujuru (nee Tsiga), of Mrewa 4.5.94 10.40,a.m. Harare Executor dative. 019809f Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 20th May, 1994 481

M.H.C. 25 {continued)

Number Time of meeting of Name and description of estate Place of meeting For selection of estate Date Hour

442/94 Isaac Takaendesa Mususa, of Harare . 4.5.94 10.45 a.m. Harare Executor dative. 0198 lOf 2301/93 Zewa Cecelia Stewart, of Harare . 4.5.94 10.50 a.m. Harare Executor dative. 019811f 790/94 John Sekwele, of Harare 4.5.94 10.55 a.m. Harare Executor dative. 019812f 723/94 Martin Mudimu, of Concession 4.5.94 11.00 a.m. Harare Executor dative; 019813f 472/94 Farando Mauta, of Harare 4.5.94 11.05 a.m. Harare Executor dative. 019814f 780/94 Joan Muriel Bonham, of Harare . 4.5.94 11.10 a.m. Harare Executor dative. 019815f 229/94 James Safari, of Harare 4.5.94 II. 15 a.m. Harare Executor dative. 019816f 615/94 George Rioga. of Harare 4.5.94 10.00 a.m. , Harare Executor dative. 019817f 698/94 Robert Robson Katiriri, of Harare 4.5.94 10.05 a.m. Harare Executor dative. 019818f 708/94 Gijima James Munangwa, of Harare 4.5.94 10.10 a.m. Harare Executor dative. 019819f 689/94 Andrew Kwanai, of Harare . 4.5.94 10.15 a.m. Harare Executor dative. 019820f 651/93 Manzunzu Hosea Mudzi Mutanda, of Gutu 4.5.94 10.20 a.m. Harare Executor dative. 01982If 0 610/93 Frederich Muchiriri Muzinarwo, of Harare 4.5.94 10.25 a.m. Harare Executor dative. 019822f 1442/93 Anthony Leon Chakombera, of Harare 4.5.94 10.30 a.m. Harare Executor dative. 019823f 2680/93 Freddy Murubi, of Harare 4.5.94 10.35 a.m. Harare Executor dative. 019824f

COMPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES (pursuant to subsection (5) of section 187 of the Companies Act [Chapter I90\) Noricb is hereby given that the companies mentioned below have been placed under judicial by order of the High Court. By virtue of the provisions of subsection (2) of section 183 of the Companies Act [Chapter 190], the date of the judicial management is deemed to be the date of the provisional order. Notice of the first meetings of creditors and contributories will be published in due course. M.H.C. 255

Date upon which Date upon which and court by which and court by which Name and address Number Name of company provisional order made final order made of judicial manager Date CourtDate Court

50/93 Cremos Steel Industries (Pvt.) Ltd. . 2.12.93 Harare 16.2.94 Harare Mr. W. J. Duthie, P.O. Box 178, 02(X)42f Masvingo. 39/93 A. J. Turk & Sons (Pvt.) Ltd. (in Liquidation) 21.10.93 Harare 3.3.93 Harare Michael Harvey Field, P.O. Box 020036f 702, Harare. 49/93 Chivaraidze Enterprises (Pvt.) Ltd. . 2.12.93 Harare 16.2.94 Harare Mr. W.J. Duthie, P.O. Box 178, 020037f Masvingo. 48/93 C. P. Mandizvidza & Sons (Pvt.) Ltd. 2.12.93 Harare 16.2.94 Harare William James Duthie, P.O. Box 020029f 178, Masvingo. 57/93 Yale Investments (Pvt.) Ltd. . 2.12.93 Harare 16.2.94 Harare William James Duthie, P.O. Box 02(K)30f 178, Masvingo. 47/93 Binga Holdings (Pvt.) Ltd. 2.12.93 Harare 16.2.94 Harare William James Duthie. P.O. Box 020031f 173, Masvingo. 51/93 Masimba Import & Export (Pvt.) Ltd. 2.12.93 Harare 16.2.94 Harare William James Duthie, P.O. Box 020022f 4676 Harare. 53/93 Matrac (Pvt.) Ltd. . 2.12.93 Harare16.2.94 Harare William James Duthie, P.O. Box 020016f 4676 Harare. 52/93 Masvingo Industrial Enterprises (Pvt.) Ltd. 2.12.93 Harare 16.2.94 Harare William James Duthie, P.O. Box 020017f 4676 Harare. 2/94 F. S. L. Italian Expert (Pvt.) Ltd. . 12.1.94 Harare 9.2.94 Harare Malcolm Fraser. N. K. Peake & 020001f Trust., P.O. Box 925, Harare.

COMPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES (pursuant to subsection (1) of section 192 of the Companies Act [Chapter 190]) Notice is hereby given that separate meetings of creditors and contributories will be held in the under-mentioned companies on the dates and at the times and places stated for the election of judicial manager and, in the case of the meeting of creditors, for the proof of claims. Companies Act, Liquidation—Form 3

Day, date and hour of meeting Number Name of company Place of meeting Day Date Hour

\ 50/93 Cremos Steel Industries (Pvt.) Ltd. . Wed. 8.6.94 8.57 a.m. High Court, Harare. 02004if 49/93 Chivarmdze Enterprises (Pvt.) Ltd. . Wed. 8.6.94 9.00 a.m. High Court, Harare. 020038f 39/93 A. J. Turk & Sons (Pvi.) Ltd. (in Liquidation) Wed. 1.6.94 8.42 a.m. High Court. Harare. 020035f 48/93 C. P. Mandizvidza & Sons (Pvt.) Ltd. Wed. 8.6.94 8.48 a.m. High Court, Harare. 020026f 47/93 Binga Holdings (Pvt.) Ltd. Wed. 8.6.94 8.51 a.m. High Court, Harare. 020027f 57/93 Yale Investments (Pvt.) Ltd. . Wed. 8.6.94 8.54 a.m. High Court, Harare. 020028f 51/93 Masimba Import & Export (Pvt.) Ltd. Wed. 8.6.94 8.45 a.m. High Court. Harare. 020020f 52/93 Masvingo industrial Enterprises (Pvt.) Ltd. Wed. 8.6.94 8.42 a.m. High Court, Harare. 020018f 2/94 F.S.L. Italian Exfteri (Pvt.) Ltd. Wed. 15.6.94 8.30 a.m. High Court, Harare. 019900f 53/93 Matrac (Pvt.) Ltd...... Wed. 8.6.94 8.39 a.m. High Court, Harare. 020014f % 482 Zimbabwean Government Ga2ette, 20th May, 1994

COMPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES (pursuant to subsection (4) of section 194 of the Companies Act [Chapter 190])

Notice is hereby given that a joint mating of creditors and contribubMies will be held in the under-mentioned companies on the dates and at the times and places stated fot the purpose of considering and, if throught fit, passing the following resolution." Resolved that, by virtue of the provisions of subsection (4) of section 194 of the Companies, Act [Chapter 190], authority be, and it is hereby, granted to the judicial manager of the said company to exercise all tl» powers laid down in subsection (2) of section 194 of tlK said Act, witlmut the leave of the ccKirt first had and obtained.". Companies Act, Liquidation—Fonn 4

Day, date and hour of meeting Number Name of company Place of meeting Day Date Hour

49/93 Chivaraidze En^rprises (Pvt.)'Lni. Wed. 8.6.94 9.00 a.m. High Court, Harare. 020039f 50/93 Cremos Steel Imlustries (Pvt.) LM. . Wed. 8.6.94 8.57 a.m. High Court, Harare. 020040f 39/93 A. J. Turk & Sons (Pvt.) Ltd. (in Uquidati

COMPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES (pumuant to subsection (1) of sectitm 193, subs^tion (4) of section 194, section 195 or subsection (1) of section 236 of die Companies Act [Chapter 190]}

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of creditOTS and/or ccmtributories will be held in the liquidations mentioned below on die dates and at the tim<» and places for the purpose set forth. Compantes Act, Uqiridatitm—Form 7

Whether meeting of creditors Day, date and hour of meeting Number Name of company ^id/or Hace of meeting Purpote of meeting contributories Day Date Hour

17/93 C^arrywell Enterprises (Pvt.) Ud. . Cr^itors Wed. 8.6.94 8.30 a.m. High Court, Harare Further (uoof of claims. 020006f 37/93 Mushamba &iterprises (Pvt.) Ltd. Creditors Wed. 8.6.94 8.33 a.m. High Ourt, Harare Futdter proof of claims. 020002f 19/92 Chegutu Transpcxt Services (Pvt.) Ltd. Creditors Wed. 8.6.94 8.30 a.m. High Court. Harare Further proof of claims. 020003f

COMPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES (i»irsuant to section 254 of the Companies Act fCAnp/er 190/)

Notice is h^eby given that the liquidation accounts and plans of distribution in the liquidations mentioned below will lie open at die offices mentioned for a period of 14 days, or such Imiger period as is stated, from the date mention^ from the date of public^on l^reof, whichever may be lat^, for inspecticm by creditors. Cmnpanks Act, Liqiiidatimi—Form 9

Dates from Period fix' Number Name of company DescrifHion Offices at which account which ^count which account of account will lie open wilt lie open will lie open

3/91 Violet Enterprises (Pvt.) Ltd. Second Interim High Court, Bulawayo 20.5.94 14 days. 019955f Liquidation Account 2/91 Ocean Oganics (Pvt) Ltd. Second and Final High Court, Bulawayo 20.5.94 14 days. 019958f Liquidation and Distribution Account 17/93 Caiywelt Enteipri^s (Pvt.) I4d. First Interim High Court, Harare 20.5.94 14 days. 020004f Liquidation and Distribution Account 15/93 Micro-ComtHiters & Electronics (Pvt.) Ltd. . First and Final High Court. Harare 20-5.94 14 days. 020005f Liquidation ami Distribution Account 12/93 Haitwood (Pvt) Ltd,. First Interim High Court, Har^ 20.5.94 14 days. 020007f Liquidation and Distribution Account

COMPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES (section 192,221 or 225 of the Companies Act [Chapter 190]) Notice is hereby given diat the persons mentioned below have been appointed liquidators of the companies shown as having been pl^ed in liquidation, in the manner stated, that their addresses are as set forth and that persons indebted to the companies are required to pay their debts at die said addresses within 30 days fr-om the dare of publication of this notice. Companies Act, Liquidation—Form 5

Mode of Name of Number Name of company liquidation liquidator Full address of lu^uidabx

3/94 Morden Bureheries (Pvt) Ltd. Compulsory Malcolm Fraser N. K. Peake Trust (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box 020010f 925, Harare. r

Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 20th May, 1994 483

COMPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES (pursuant to section 257 of tiie Companies Act [Chapter 190])

The liquidation accounts and plans of distribution and/or contribution in the liquidations meiUioned below having been confirmed on the dates as stated, notice is hereby given that a dividend is in course of payment and/or a contribution is in course of collection in the said liquidations, and that every creditor liable to ccmtribute is r^uired to pay forthwith to the liquidator, at the address mentioned, the amount fen- which he is liable. Companies Act, Liquidation—^F

W hether a dividend Date when is being paid, a Number Name of company Accemi contribution is being Name of liquidator Full address of liquidator confirmed collated, or both

30/93 Golden Goose (Private) Limited . 3.5.94 Dividend to Secured A. E. H. N. Beazley Guardian Trust Co. (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. 0I9777f in Liquidation and F^eferent Box 561, Harare. Creditors only 3/91 Violet Enterprises (Private) Limited 27.4.94 No Dividend R, P. Louw P.O. Box 1746, Bulawayo. 019956f being ptud 2/91 Ocean Organics (Private) limited 7.1.94 No Dividend R. P. Louw P.O. Box 1746, Bulawayo. 019957f being paid

NOTICES OF TRUSTEES AND ASSIGNEES (pursuant to the Insolvency Act)

NoncE is hereby given titat tite persons mentioned below have been appointed trustees or assignees, as the case may be, of the estates mentioned as having been sequestrated or assigned, that their addresses are as set forth, aiul that persons indebted to the estates are required to pay their debts at the said addresses within 30 days from the date of publication of tills notice. Insolvem^ Regulations—Fchtu 3 (1952) or 9 (1974)

W hether Number Name and descrii^ion of estate assigned or Name of trustee Full address of trustee or assi^ee ofest^ sequestrated or assignee

9/765 Richard W ilfred Kennedy Sequestrated Malcolm Fraser N. K. Peake Tnist, P.O. Box 925, 020008f Harare, 9/766 Joc^bi Sams Omar Sequesuated Malcolm Fraser N. K. Peake Trust, P.O. Box 925, 020009f Harare. 9/764 Ccunelius Maaten van de Meeburg . S^pjestrated Malcolm Fraser N. K. Peake Trust, P.O. Box 925, 02001 If Harare.

: i

MASTER'S NOTICES (imisuant to tiie Insolvency Act) (Subsection (5) of section 22 of the Insolveiwjy Act /Chapter 303]

Notice is hereby given that sequestration ordo^s have been granted by the General Divisitm of tite High Court, plating the under-menti(med estates under provisional sequestration. Insctivency Re^ilations—Form 1 (1952) or 6 (1974)

Date upem which and court Number by which ord^ made of estate Name and description of estate Upon the application of Date of oitler Court

9/771 Catija Seckam 16.2.94 Harare Mahomed Saleem Seckam. 020013f 9/740 Clive Digby Strong 14.7.93 Harare Clive Digby Strong. 020033f

MASTER'S NOTICES (pursuant to titeJnsolvency Act)

Notice is h^by given that estates mentiemed below have been placed aaden sequestratiem by order of tiie High Court, aiKl timt a first meeting of creditors will be held in the said e^tes on the dates and at the times and places mentioned for the proof of claims aiHl for the election of a trustee.

M eetings in Harare will be held before the M aster; in Bulawayo, they will be held before the Assistant M aster, elsewhere they will be held before the M agistr^. Insttiveocy Regulations—Form 2 (1952) or 8 (1974)

Date upcHi which and court Day, date and hour Number by which order made of meeting of estate Name and description of estate Place of meeting Date of order Court Day l)ate Hour

9/771 Catija Seckam 16.2.94 Harare Wed. 15.6.94 8.33 a.ra. High Court, Harare. 020012f 9/740 Clive Digby Strong 14.7.93 Harare Wed. 1.6.94 8.39 a.m. High Court, Harare. 020032f f •%

484 Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 20th May, ]994


Notice of Intention to Alienate a Business or the Goodwill of a Business or any Goods or Property Forming Part of a Business, Otherwise than in the Ordinary Course of the Business

NOTICE is hereby given, in term s of section 49 of the Insolvency Act [Chapter303], that each of the under-mentioned person proposes to alienate—

(a) his business; or

(b) the goodwill of his business; or

(c) any goods or property forming part of his business, otherwise than in the ordinary course of the business.

Full name of person Date from which alienation Name and address of including style of business Situation of business ■ particular of proposed alienation takes effect person inserting notice

A. Antoniades, trading as M emorial Building. 35, Sale of business, including goodwill, 8.4.94 George Seirlis & United Real Estate and Samora. M achel movable assets, furniture and fittings, A ssociates. Insurance Agencies Avenue, Harare and the Insurance Agency Portfolio as 019373f20 well as the name of the busine.ss Initial Laundry (Pvt.) Ltd., trading 4, Bradburn Street, Sale of assets of business, consi.sling of For the purpose of the above- Atherstone & Cook. as Radiant Dry Cleaners M asvingo machinery and goodwill mentioned Act, from the dale of M ercury House, the last publication of this mHice, George Silundika but for all other purposes, from Avenue, Harare. 1.4.94 0l9332f20 Bowline Furniture Company 5, 6 & 7 W illiam s Transfer of the assets of the business, but For the purpose of this Act, from T. R. Kewada, c/o Scanlen (Private) Lim ited, trading as Avenue, Ardbennie, not liabilities, to Shreya Investm ents the last publication of this notice, & Holdemess, 13th Bowline Furniture Harare (Private) Lim ited, trading as Bowline but for all other purposes, from Floor, CABS Centre, Furniture 1.4.94 74, Jason M oyo Avenue, Harare. 019895f3



Notice is hereby given, in term s of section 21 of the Companies Act [Chapter 190], that application w ill be made, not less than 14 days from the dale of publication of this notice, to the Chief Registrar of Companies, for his approval to change the names of the under-mentioned com panies as indicated below .

Number Name Change of name to Agent

723/83 The Uniform Centre (Private) Lim ited R & A Ebrahim (Private) Lim ited Ernst & Young. 019866f 345/93 Shuttering & M oulding Systems (Pvt.) Ltd. . M oulded Houses (Pvt.) Ltd. D eloilte & Touche. 019870f 1536/94 H.C. Fumigation Services (Private) Lim ited . United Pest Control (Private) Lim ited A. A. Omar & Co., P.O. Box 7059, 0I9946f Harare. 617/19 Inak Panel Beaters and Spraypainters (Private) lanally Panel Beaters and Spray Painters (Private) M akope Associates (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. 019950f

Lim ited Lim ited Box 2763, Bulawayo. 870/74 Ga^on (Private) Lim ited...... Zimbabwe Automotive Lease Finance Corpora­ Lonrho Zimbabwe M anagement Ser­ 019959f tion (Private) Lim ited vices (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box 80, Harare. 48/92 M arcelle Burt (Private) Lim ited Graphic Express (Private) Lim ited M ailcham Lewis & Co., P.O. Box 1611, 019962f ; Bulawayo.

1139/94 Tim dale Trading (Pvt.) Lim ited Jocelyn Jacobsen (Pvt.) Ltd, Coopers & Lybrand, P.O. Box 019840f 702, Harare.


General Notices General Notices Number Page Number Page

284. Road M otor Transportation Act [Chapter 262]: Applications in 293. Insurance Act, 1987: Lost or Destroyed Life Policies...... 465

Connexion with Road Service Perm its...... 453 294. Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Act [Chapter 173]: Statement of Assets and Liabilities of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe...... 466 285. Government Tender Board: Tenders Invited...... 454 286. Postal and Telecommunication Services Act [Chapter 250]: Statutory Instruments Issued as Supplements to this Gazette Inform ation Concerning the Sale of Unclaimed Property (Postal Notice Number 17 of 1994)...... 456 93. Harare (Numbering of Prem ises By-laws), 1994. 287. Labour Relations Act, 1985; General Notice 271 of 1994: Correction

of Error...... 461 94. Uihan Councils Act [Chapter 214]: Proclam ation 3 of 1994.

288. Labour Relations Act, 1985: Application for Registration of a Trade 95. Collective Bargaining Agreement: Tobacco (M iscellaneous) Industry. Union...... 464 96. High Court (Fees) (Civil Cases) (Amendment) Regulations, 1994 (No. 1). 289. Labour Relations Act, 1985; Application for Registration of an 97. Crim inal Procedure (General Division) (Amendment) Rules, 1994 (No. 7). Em ployer's Organization...... 465 98. Rules of the Supreme Court (Amendment) Rules, 1994 (No. 14). 290. Constitution of Zimbabwe: Appointment of Acting M inister.... 465 99. Supreme Court (Fees) (Civil Cases) (Amendment) Regulations, 1994 (No. 1). 291. Constitution of Zimbabwe; Publication of Laws 465 ICH). M ines and M inerals Act [Chapter J65]: Proclam ation 4 of 1994. 292. Parliam ent of Zimbabwe: Publication of Bill . 465

Printed by the Government Printer, Harare.