Geography of New York City Metro Area (Hunter College CUNY) Geography 357 (Undergraduate) / Geography 709.57 (Graduate) Scheduled for Fall, 2007 Mondays 5:35-8:15PM Jack Eichenbaum, Ph.D. instructor, advises This class first meets on Monday, August 27. There is NO class on Labor Day, September 3. The second class meets Monday September 10 in the field. The CUNY schedule calls for NO class on Columbus Day, Monday, October 8. Two days: Saturday, November 3 and Sunday, November 11, 9-5PM will be reserved for student led field trips, constituting class time, which all are expected to attend as well as help organize. (To compensate for this time, other classes are shortened or cancelled.) Leadership and oral/written presentation of field exploration will make up half the grade, the other half by final exam. The final exam will be given at the scheduled time, 5:30PM, Monday, December 17. I will arrange to be available for discussion of student projects and other matters. Where possible, information pertaining to this class will be disseminated via email. My email address is
[email protected] Informed immersion in NYC is a main objective of this class. The city is your laboratory to complement readings, lectures and discussion. You should emerge from this class with enhanced appreciation of how the whole city is interrelated. Study assignments include keeping a journal of walking assignments as well as readings. Field work focuses on the five boroughs of New York City. Students will be assigned seven walks to do on their own, in addition to the walks on Sept 10, Nov 3, and Nov 11.