Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory Trust Guilford Road, Sandwich Bay, Sandwich, Kent CT13 9PF
[email protected] 01304 – 617341 Registered Charity no. 289343 A systematic list of the Moths of Sandwich Bay st (Updated to 31 December 2017) A Systematic List of the Moths of Sandwich Bay (to 31 December 2017) Introduction This list was first prepared by Peter and Pauline Heathcote in 2003, detailing records of 436 macros and 292 micros up to the end of 2002. They updated the list to include records to the end of 2008 and the list was augmented with records for 2009. It was subsequently reviewed by Francis Solly in November/December 2009 and some records for which confirmatory details were required, or which clearly resulted from misidentification, were removed. Details of these species can be found in the appendix at the back of this report. In 2018 it has been further updated by Ian Hunter, Macro Moth recorder for Kent, with advice from Dave Shenton, Micro Moth recorder for Kent, in the light of the specific evidence requirements of the National Moth Recording Scheme published in 2016. The National Status for each moth is shown to give an indication of how rare or otherwise the species is in a National context. As a broad guide for moths their status is based on their UK distribution measured in terms of occurrence in 10-kilometre squares per the National Grid system as follows; RDB1 Endangered. Usually in five or fewer 10-km squares. RDB2 Vulnerable. Small populations and declining. RDB3 Rare.