Minimum of Pay GIVING FLOWERS TO SOLDIERS IN School Teachers Drama COLUMBIA BASE HOSPITAL On the Screen Morgan Collection Is Fixed at By Heywood Broun Of Decorative Art $1,000 We don't know whether the Supreme Elsie Is Good to Court has taken a hack at it or what.; Ferguson Opened to Public but this law of supply and demand Look at in Ibsen's " A Board of Estimate Sees doesn't seem to function. Consider, for of instance, The Actors* and Authors' "Doll's House Gift of To Necessity Granting Theatre, Inc. At the Fulton Theatre j Financier Be Educators' Request last night the organization proved for Displayed at the second time this season that it is Elsie Ferguson is at the Rialto this Metropoli¬ ever tan so much easier to find players week in a screen version of Henrik j Museum To-day 1 than* playwrights. One performance Ibsen's "A Doll's House." It has been July Marks Change was distinguished and several were told in the form of a joke that one «rood, but not one of the four plays of the provincial producers in a small j Treasures Priceless which made up the bill last night had town advertised for his theatre, "Com¬ Schedule Including Raise for any distinctive quality. One sketch ing.'A Doll's House,' by Henrich lb- indeed was but the little AU Instructors Is Being amusing, bur¬ sen. Bring the kiddie!" But we can¬ Artists Declare Invalu¬ lesques which it contained were en¬ not see Group tirely conventional. The conclusion anything particularly funny to Arranged is in that, inasmuch as there is nothing able Students as Means perhaps hasty and certainly it is un¬ in the Ibsen play which the kiddies welcome, but we don't believe that the of Perfecting might not see. One must start Study A increase cf field of lower hand drawer them, general »alary for the right drama and if are to be initiated amounts to much. they gradu¬ city's 22,000 public school teachers, in¬ ally it is to select dramas The cluding the immediate establishment of Minnie Dupree did the best work necessary great Morgan collection of deco¬ last of a half century or so ago. rative art from the twelfth to the sev¬ 8 $1.000 minimum for the 7,000 who night in A. P. Wrharton's "Noc¬ turne." This little Nora to-day does nothing radical enteenth century will be to arc now being paid less than that, is play handles a opened snatch of dream skilfully. It is adept when she walks out into the snow, the public in the new assured as a result of the to-day Pierpont practically enough throughout but pretty dull. only we should have liked to see her Morgan wing of the Mu¬ conference held yesterday afternoon be¬ Nobody but a or a short Metropolitan playwright return with a neat under seum of Art. tween of the Board of enough throughout but pretty dull. It typewriter Yesterday members of representatives is her arm the Education and tho Board of Estimate life sloshing in sentimental galoshes, and say, "That for you, my museum and leading artists of the that a woman would carry indefinitely dear," to her husband. We knew that city were afforded a and Apportionment. in her mind the preliminary view picture of a gentleman she would not do it, however, for she of the priceless treasures, at last in The Hoard of Education, sitting as a whom she happened to look at for a committee of the whole, following the period of one minute at a railroad had no "twelve-pound look" in her their permanent home in the institu¬, heard the report of Presi¬ station. Travel is dangerous enough eye as she closed the door. tion. as it is. Nor dent Somers, and voted tentatively to have we any particular We do not care for Ibsen's Above a great Spanish retable of ala¬ add $200 to the initial salary, pending interest in sobful sympathy for the plays. at the plain woman. It is Nothing happens and there are no cli¬ baster, which extends across the end formal approval regular board presumptuous. In of the main hall of the wing, has been meeting Wednesday. many cases the plain woman is so maxes. For instance, we think it would the Teachers who have been receiving much more attractive than the pretty have made a much better ending if placed following inscription: one. "The had $800, $900, $940 and $960 annually Copyright, Underwood Si Underwood, New York. Master Builder" been rescued THE will find their July pay checks made Who, for instance, would not rather From left to right are Helen Curtin and Rose Norton, of the National League for Women's from the top of the pole by an air¬ PD3RPONT MORGAN WING out for $83.33, one-twelfth of the new take liejane out to supper than Lillian Service, distributing flowers to convalescents. plane than to have fallen down and CONTAINING OBJECTS »GATHERED BY minimum salary. Lorraine? And certainly he would be broken his neck: and, by the same JOHN PIERPONT MORGAN The Board of Education was instruct¬ a simple minded idiot who would token, we woula have liked to see ed to revise the salary schedules for choose Mary Queen of Scots for Nora divorce Helmar and Dr. 1837-1913 a! "First or marry AND GIVEN BY HIM AND HIS pH other teachers and submit its find¬ bridge partner rather than Elizabeth, Second Campaign On to Save Rank and live happily ever after. SON ings to the Board of Estimate. and we don't intond to make any joke Cal! of War in Hall Park Which proves that we don't know any¬ TO THE President Arthur S. Somers. Superin¬ about Me.ry's losing her head either.! City 4,700 New York Babies thing. METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART tendent William L. Ettinger, Auditor Even in the carefully selected types Class/' New Cry However, what matters it? Plot or FOR THE INSTRUCTION AND PLEASURE Henry R- M. Cook and Frederic L. of the play the character for whom photoplay, cast or direction, makes not OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE Miils'represented the Board of Educa¬ our sympathy was demanded was much Lures 75 From Business to House-to-House Canvass Begun ¡in ounce of difference to us if we may tion at the hearing. Mayor Hylan and more of a person than the fluff who Of Ticket Navy watch Elsie Ferguson, and it is prob¬ Galleries Rest Visitors was Agents To Enroll Craig were present with set off her. Wo do not Child that most feel as we Controller the against Every able people do, The in which the entire Board of Estimate. refer to the players who assumed the j Under Five as Nora. Miss Ferguson does things galleries objects, part. We no Years Old never of The conference, lasting less than an hold brief against mar-j Pleas for Recruits Bring Ready Response at A which she has had a chance to chiefly ecclesiastical origin, are en- hour, was entirely harmonious. Both riage or anything like that, but we Noonday. house-to-house canvass to enroll do on the screen before. Bhrined do credit to their contents. boards appreciated the necessity for believe that much of the literature Travelling Public Finds Blanche Bates the Lunch Flour every child in New York under Miss Ferguson has made so few the teachers' about has been written Among Speakers City that onô is fascinated The wells are of a soft mauve color revising salary schedules, spinsters by five years of age was begun yesterday pictures by the that and .»howed a disposition to distribute envious married ladies and gentlemen, European System in Abandons Letters under idea of always seeing a new character¬ conveys a restful feeling to the such funds as were the first the .Stenographer the direction of Dr. Josephine it is doubtful if visitor and available equitably "Muggins," play on pro-1 S. ization, though any shows oft* the marbles, the among the teaching staff. gramme, is a faint echo of "Lonesome' Here Baker, of the Bureau of Child Hy¬ number of seasons could wither her or wood carvings and the in Like." We knew it was Lancashire Operation giene of the exhaust her infinite variety. Elsie Fer¬ masterpieces Establishes Minimum Immediately city's Department of metals of all sorts to the best advan¬ right way, because the people in it! Seventy-five business men were uncx-: "I'll pay your dentist Health. At the mils; guson is a wonderful woman, who has President Somers pointed out that to each bill, whatever station of the or The is also the Board of Education had referred other as "lad" and pectedly detained from their offices it is, if that will help," Miss Bates of¬ New York Diet Kitchen, 169 Mott stored up in her hair soul a vast tage. light modulated to enough "lass," spoke of money as "brass," Yesterday marked a 'new epoch in fered. The array of beautiful things to offer to suit the ancient bits of art. money on hand to establish an im¬ and omitted the article during the rush of yesterday's lurch recruiting officers accepted Street, the first examination of children her mediate minimum of $1,000, which definite in' railroad travel in the United States, in¬ both the boy and the actress's promise. was made in the morning, and at the public. Among the subdivisions of the col¬ would made phrases, such as "shut door lad." There hour and will be late for work by as in In the new picture Miss Ferguson lection are groups representative of be effective July 1 if as¬ doesn't seem to be a "the'"1* in troducing to the travelling public not Family No Excuse Willoughby Settlement, Brooklyn, wears her hair low on surance whs from all many months as the war continues. Miss Mary E. of the Univer¬ done her neck, certain art periods that can be equalled had the Board of Lancashire. We understand increased but a ciass The did not mince Thornton, eats macaroons a new .that they only rates, sys¬ navy words in sity Extension out of bag, for their extent and diversity nowhere Estimate that the schedule would off in the The navy got them, bundled them into talking to citizens. Mrs. Society, gave the first dances an paper be provided for in the 1919 get snipped looms. "Mug-1 tem of transportation comparable to Julia A. of a series of lectures in the baby- Italian pas seul with a tam¬ else in the world. The Byzantine room budget. gins" is wholly lacking In the tender: that waiting auto trucks and hurried them Wheelock, a chief petty officer, said the saving bourine and decorates a Christmas probably stands by itself as the best After a brief discussion the Board of found in "Lonesome Like." long used in . only excuse an able-bodied man campaign. tre. It seems difficult to believe that Estimate, as a quality If; away to man- Uncle Sam's fighting could Several hundred children were en¬ and most complete of its kind. sitting committee of the the author of never saw "Firsto r second class?" was the plead for keeping out of the service she is or "Jennie" or or From whole, that the new "Muggins" ships. rolled in the Henry Street Settlement "Lily" "Rose," here the development of dec¬ agreed minimum "Lonesome Like" there is such a thing question confronting the man long used was cowardice. "The fact that a man district. the lady whose husband went out to orative art is traced the Mer¬ would be provided for and expressed its It the is married and has children to At Lenox Hill House, 5ll shoot through to as thought transferrence. However, the to a flat rate on railroads. happened during recruiting rally support East where the Barbary sheep. ovingian period to the Gothic schools willingness provide for such other Whitford Kane to held is no reason to out of the Sixty-ninth Street, The was directed of reasonable increases for piece permits play the yesterday noon in City Hall Park. keep war," 'canvass was begun last Wednesday, picture by Maurice the thirteenth, fourteenth and fif¬ the entire A one-act called That settled, problem for the she said. "The more babies he has more Tourneur, and it is extremely well teenth centuries. Then teaching force as the Board of amusingly. operetta Blanche Bates, Lieutenant Gitz Rice the than 100 children have received follows the Educa¬ "Art's Rejuvenation" does not amount, ticket seller was the new cost of greater his motive to fight and the required examination. done. Evidently Mr. Tourneur does art of the Renaissance and that of the tion might recommend. to much. The music is but there and other speakers appealed to the make the nation safe for them when physical like Ibsen, for he has not to Auditor Cook said last that an fair, tickets, which involved the following The campaign for the saving of child sought Louis XIV period. night are no very good voices in the com- Americanism of the passing throng. they grow up. The man who hides be¬ life has improve on him. In the supporting the of the additional $12,000.000 would be re¬ computations: hind a wife is been urged by the Federal east Among pieces Renaissance to pany drafted for the performance. "How can you go back to your usuallv the sort of hus¬ New York is asked are H. E. Hubert, as Helman; period is the great Cellini cup, a mas¬ quired make effective the proposed Much better is "The Best in If first 3% cents a mile, piffling band a woman would be to ^government. City Alexander H. Shannon, as increases recommended the Teach' Sellers," class, plus little jobs when there is real men's rid of mighty glad *to save 4,700 babies this year. More Kroestadt, terpiece of the master goldsmith and by which Kenneth and Roy Webb, the au- 8 per cent revenue tax, plus the estab¬ get anyhow." than 103 and Ethel Grey Terry, as Mrs. Linden sculptor. There are also seven ex¬ ers' Council. Some compromise in- thors of the» work to be done on the seas?" Lieutenant Gitz Rice voiced day nurseries, settlement As a to the crease previous piece, have a; lished rate for or car. high the Eng¬ houses and similar organizations are co¬ prelude picture, Annie amples of the precious Henri II ware will doubtless be arranged to of Pullman parlor was land's call for "I was in the Rosner the cost "several lot fun with popular novels. Charles crowd asked. help. operating in the campaign. sang beautiful» Solveig's and numerous trinkets and jewels, glit¬ million dollars," which Meredith, Edith Taliaierro, Regan If second class, 3 cents a mile, plu3 The trenches a few months ago, and when The Food Kitchen is song. The overture was Johan tering against blue velvet President Somers thinks will be re-1 wavering ended right there. I told was City devoting Svendsen's backgrounds. Hughston and J. Irving Southard all 8 per cent war tax. Clerks, my comrades I due for a its afternoon lecture hours to child hy¬ "Norwegian Rhapsody.' The majority of the objects are of quired to revise the schedules. to the sucoess of stenographers, budding finan¬ short trip to the United States Carlos Megia snng "A Furtive or contributed this Because of these new rates there ciers.enough almost to man a they giene and feeding. This afternoon Dr. Tear/ ecclesiastical origin carry some re¬ Seven Thousand Affected which was de¬ sent word by me to the fellows here," from "L'Elisir D'Amora." An piece, rapturously applauded.! were longer lines than usai at the stroyer.forgot they were due back in he said. Sara W. Lyons will speak on diet af¬ operati« ligious significance. There is a splen¬ About seven The piece contains a song "For God's sake, America; the nightmare was played by the or¬ did Madonna and also a _ thousand teachers in at railroads health of the child. Romanesque entitled; ticket sellers' booths all neighboring office buildings and el¬ hurry! We need all the men fecting chestra. the elementary schools, practically all "Won't You Buy a Book," and we think for the reason that bowed their to the you can Miss Mary Thornton will continue quaint statuette in silver of the Virgin an stations, simple way platform. throw into your but also wc The was "Two women, are at present receiving less that is excellent sentiment. the agents, unused to the new rates, Joins need army, her lectures to-night at the University comedy Tough Ten and Child. than $1,000 under the exist- Navy in Rush them for the ships. I'm going the Hamilton House and derfeet." annually were delayed by necessary computa¬ "I've back to in a few and Settlement, Artist Praises Exhibit ing schedule, which includes the fol- tions for almost every ticket sold. got fifty important letters to days Pre the Salvation Army House, 94 Cherry get off this but the boss can counting on the American navv to gel Herbert Rawlinson in lowing sub-Sl.000 salaries: "Maytime," With afternoon, me across Street. "Smashing Several altar pieces. and many ex¬ "i ear of Delays at Train Times worry," said one lank youth in a Pana- the water. You men lier« of from Kindergarten men who later Through" amples woodcarving Spanish service. and \ A to 0B. ¡ ma hat. "I'm not even going back tc are,the will have t« and Italian churches enrich the "A to SB. Indecision on part of both pas¬ keep open the ocean lanes." Herbert group. 3. $800 Company, caused de¬ shut my desk." Rawlinson is appearing at "With the new accessions this mu¬ 2. 800 sengers and ticket sellers A war from League Will the this seum be a before train times and added to lusty whoop Miss Batet Song Wins Recruits Fight Broadway week in a smash- muy justly called national At Broadhurst lays The greeted the first recruit. "In Phila Seaman Reilly, U. S. N., ing melodrama called institution," said Jerome Myers, one *. 0ÖÖ $94U the confusion at the stations. clelphia not long ago I offered to kisr Your Head sang "Kee] Greedy Landlords "Smashing of the artists present yesterday. "Stu¬ Ü. 900 OJ'i crowds at the stations seemed larger every boy who she Down, Pretty Boy," a son) I Through." In this picture Mr. Raw¬ all the ¦. ««on were handled enlisted," explained that caught the fancy of the crowd am linson dents from parts of country The Shubert of than usual because they "I found they preferred to be sent or does many things that no one could come here and of '.-. 960 Chicago production added a half dozen recruits to the total New Plans an else would care to do study instead at less rapidly. their way with an old-fashioned cheer Lieutenant Gitz Organization unless perhaps going to Europe. No one who has not Effective July 1, these salaries will "Maytime" opened the Broadhurst agreed last night So here Rice gave a ne\ it were Douglas Fairbanks, and we be advanced to Passenger agents goes." American finish to his martial Appeal to President don't travelled in the old country can real¬ $1,000. Salaries in ex¬ I Theatre last night, following the ten that there was no material change in A boy from a broker's office lyri believe even Douglas would like ize the tremendous of this cès:« of this new in the pushe: about "giving 'em hell at Neuve Cha to ride a importance minimum figure will months' engagement of the original the volume of business, except his to the stand with a dozej Wilson underneath train going sixty exhibit." be increased less to who have the way pelle, and here we are again." It ha. miles an hour with white hot such sharply, according ! The new is headed case of some commuters, other Park Row tars, and then kun¡ to do with steam Mrs. Herbert L. Satterlee, new schedules «is the committee company. company of in the subways or back at what will happen when th Miss Rose Schneidermann and Mrs. enveloping him. That is one of the daughter of the Board of John Charles alternative riding wistfully the foot of\the steps full strength of the United State* leaders of the of the collector, acted as hostess at the Education formulates. by Thomas, Carolyn elevated lines. Many of them refused "What's the matter with you?" askc« Mary Mardfin, newly things Rawlinson does, and we can't reception and told of the "pleasures The inroads of advancing prices on Thomson and John T. rates and rode on Miss Bates. fighting forces stand ":o the work along organized Tenants' League of Greater understand why any one as handsome the Murray. to pay the increased "Don't you want to fight? side the French and British. New issued a invitation and satisfaction" which her father had low-salaried teachers have been .so lines. "You bet your was the York, general as he should think it necessary to do this great that it was All the lavisnness of a Shubert pro- the electric life," answei Another singer was Miss Edna yesterday to all dissatisfied renters to stunts. derived by gathering collection. felt that the $906,000 duction was there. The music is of "But my teeth are no good. won' 'who wore Joyc« Others present included Elihu* Root, surplus in the account of the No Aversion to "Second Class" take They the sleeve insignia of a nra attend a conference at People's House, Rawlinson is a mine owner and he Board of salary high order, while the play itself, by me." class petty musician. 7 East Fifteenth June 19. The Edwin Blashfield, H. W. Kent, Charles Education would be distrib¬ Rida Johnson has aversion noted Street, thinks his mine is no good and the W. Gould, Dr. Edward Robinson, Will¬ uted among them as an Young, already Nor was any general new organization represents tenant sharks almost it from him. emergency charmed thousands. Altogether it is to second class." There is a of all the and at get away iam Church Osborn, Mrs. James B. measure, which was agreed to at the "riding circles leagues boroughs next But one of these mine fakirs has a Mrs. Bayard Dr. conference an entertainment which fits the atmos¬ well-defined feeling in ».railroad Christie McDonald Date for Edgar-Bond Wedding week's conference plans to elect a com¬ beautiful sister and she resolves that Ludlow, Cutting, yesterday. of the season. man who Pullman to call on George Kunz, Daniel C. French, How¬ While the teachers over phere that the patronizes Miss Valentine of mittee President Wilson in Herbert shall not lose his so just the John Charles Thomas and cars should pay not only Bond, daughter the and ask him to mine, they ard Mansfield and Mr. and Mrs. Will¬ ?1,000 minimum also, have been hard Carolyn and parlor Charms at Palace late Dr. Summtrfield B. Washington urge Con¬ go through many hazardous experi-1 iam Pierson Hamilton. hit by Thomson have the leading rôles. Their the additional tariff of the operating Bond and Mrs. gress to enact legislation forbidding enees But the mine advancing prices, there was a met with warm an increased rate will be together. proves feeling that their cases were singing applause, espe¬ companies, but also Bond, married to Lieutenant landlords to further increase rents to be productive of a good fat check, less the rich toned Former the war. urgent. They will be taken care of, cially deep, barytone! to the railway. Musical Comedy Star] William Edgar, U. S. R., pon of Mr. and during mercenary mammas' objections are re¬ O. Gilmore however, to voice of Mr. Thomas. John T. Murray, "If a railroad carries a bed for you, Mrs. Mrs. Mardfin said yesterday that moved, bad brother is and Dwight according present indica¬ a man with a fatal weakness extra for hav¬ Makes in Herman LeRoy Edgar, of New reformed, tions, as soon as the Board of Educa¬ playing why shouldn't you pay Appearance on June in apartment house owners throughout so they were married! H. U. SPRINGFIELD, Mass., June 10.. tion's for widows, caused a continual laugh- was the way one pas¬ lork, 22, Emmanuel Protes¬ the have raised rents $9 to salary committee can arrange ing it hauled?" Vaudeville tant Episcopal . The city $15 Dwight 0. owner equitable increases ter throughout the evening, while Ar-! agent put it. "You pay no more Church, during the last nine months and are Gilmore, aged eighty, in the complicfited senger a Lride's sister, Mrs. Harford Willing Dr. Copeland Takes Vacation of the Court Theatre and other schedules, since the Board of thur Albro adds to the atmos-j for a berth than for a bed at good Christi McDonald, who has been Hare forcing tenants to sign leases which do Square has Estimate with his Powell, jr., of New York and New¬ not either hot water or heat Dr. S. Health Com¬ in now been definitely committed to phere "Gypsy Song." hotel." lost to view for Borne time, came to port, will be her only attendant. guarantee Royal Copeland, theatre properties this city, died to¬ general increases for the entire Several of the original company The man who rides in a Pullman or the Palace Theatre in during the winter. missioner, will start to-morrow with day. He was the city's indi¬ staff. teach¬ were retained in the cast, including will not only yesterday Samuel Orr, of The Mrs. Copeland and their largest ing parlor arr hereafter pay, Assemblyman eight-year- vidual was a Mr. Albro, Carl Stall, Douglas J. Wood, the additional fare for extra service, "Cupid's Mirror," an act made of Bronx, is a member of the new league's old son on a three weeks' vacation, taxpayer, large owner of F. and J. Her- < more for his Spofford.Bermingham and means which is which he will devote to a business real and was rated as Edward Nannary Ralph but also IB 2-3 per cent ephemeral but charming material. Miss ways committee, motor trip estate, Women Teachers to bert. The new faces, in addition to railroad fare than the man who rides The former stare of "Miss Florence Bermingham, sister of devising local and state measures de¬ to his former home in Ann Arbor, «everal timos a millionaire. He was Mr. Miss Thomson and Mr. this ad¬ Springtime" Mr. and Mrs. to take the of obsolete Mich. He will be back on to Thomas, in a coach or chair-car. With Rutledge Bermingham, signed place July 3 1899. a Discuss Plans are Jenetta Maude that is seated before an antique mirror. was married to Paul Cecil Spofford, which the leaders of the in the case Lu¬ Mayor in He was native of for Murray, Methven, ditional charge it is likely many U. S. N. legislation begin hearings of Djr. Allan, Anita Gallard, Otis Sheridan, of the passengers will forego Curiosly enough, she is more inter¬ R.F., yesterday in St. Thomas's league declare permits landlords to do cius P. Brown, against whom charges Stafford Springs, Conn. He was un¬ daylight N. Y. as í Increased Salaries Patsy De Forrest, Henrietta Dix, Cath-1 the prestige of "first class" travel. ested in the ornamental figures on church, Mamaroneck, practically they pleas». of negligence are pending. married, and leaves no near relatives. A special in the erine Breckenbridge, Eleanor Fox, Al- oi meeting interests! each side of her looking-giass than increased salaries for women teach- fred Hemmng, Clarice Snyder, Eliza- she is in her own reflection. She e" will be held under the of beth Goodall, Isabel Vernon, C. H. Mil-1 to dreams Thure. and Hat., 2. . A<»TOrtß 45th * B'way. En». 8:30.5 xae auspices Edward Fran- Bullock Likely sleeeps and they come to life. Pop- Price Mat.Tom'w,2:36.# Interborough Association of Worn-1 1er, Phelan, Margaret There are seven songs and some in¬ ©.»*#JVK NEW YORK'S LEADING THEATRES AND SUCCESSES en Teachers at 4 o'clock this afternoon cisco, Florence Dean, Clarence Rock- cidental of AL JQLSUN& SfNBAO on the well and others. Succeed MacBride strains reminiscent Miss eleventh floor of the Metropol- McDonald's former successes. LYCEUM Ergs, at 8:80.- NEWAMSTERDAM ' "an Life JOTU THTJA.. H. of B'way. K»gs. «:30. .tiocM-BveB/ishy«: M-ftf and Sat., 2:80. Prl*s 50c to «iff*-J5VÄ Building, Madison Avenue and Whenever artistic enters ÇT $2.00. etoept Sat Nichts. 82.54). Bu¬ anything *>ln Ol. Matinees Thurs. and Bat., 2:30.. a Ctf/C O/ßLS; LILTINO MU8IC A DAVID BELASCO presents JL/iST WEEK AT THIS twenty-third Street. 200 Women Volunteer William Bullock, director of the vaudeville it is usually seen at the .* w"° AT MOVES NXT THEATRE Reports on salaries will be week MAN STAYED HOME AION TO GAIETY THEA. «o present- reau of City Inquiry, who was active Palace. This "Moon Down," by Famous Cast. KI.AWA ERLANGER'H by Carrie A. Hawthorne, of Public For Police Reserves is Craven "Spy" Tlay.Star W. RADIANT MUSICAL CAslKDT ochool much of the campaign John Reed, payed by Ruby CUIIR17DT1 <*ü). of B'nij. Erg». 8:15. '.»0, Brooklyn, who will recom- in furnishing and Regina Connelli. It is a hand- dnUDE.IV $1 50 Mitinee To-morrow. 2:15. in his & 39th. Eres S :15. TIGERROSE schedule with a maximum of About 200 used Mayor Hylan me-down from the O I si ft Theatre, B'way BLANCHE HOLBROOft *¿.160from¦.JA/ the women, between the ages material by Washington CMR O I 11 II Matlnoe To-morrow. 50c to $1.50. ! HeRAINBOW GIRL kindergarten through the of eighteen and thirty-five, last night last fall, will Square Players, but that only means and Lillian I. preelection speeches BATES 3L1NN M. Wnnrf tvça*»»m*t».vyw » sat. ! g. by Powers, of Public volunteered for the Women's: Police James E. MacBride as it has not been soen by great num¬ CLIFTON CRAWFORD in "FANCY FREE" school 5, Brooklyn, who will recom- Reserves of probably succeed NEW schedule New York City, after Po¬ Civil Service bers of people. The plot may seem Harrr Conor.Ray Raymond.Mariorlo Gateaon. AMSTERDAM THEATRE eoTnn ? with a maximum of lice Inspector John aid to president of the Municipal improbable to dwellers in Harlem or KISS BURGLAR rom the 7A t0 8^ classes. Dwyer, Dep- K3Ü1EBEH1MD mm tu?¦l ttt> uty Police Commissioner Rodman Wan- Commission. Mr. MacBride recently Fifth Avenue, but (surely a great By Ian Hay (Major Del tin. J. ¡SEATSALE THURSDAY proposed pay for assistants to amaker, had explained to them at police his to the Mayor, many romances in and about Green¬ B'way. To-morrow. $1.50. Hartley Manner» and Percival at 9 A.N. For P.ri",c'Pals will be discussed by Lulu tendered resignation start that A / Knight. Son?» by Iyleut. Gltz Rice. B'way and 46 St. Emu. 8:20. *. of headquarters the functions of police to take effect July 1. wich Village way. youth With PERCIVAL KNIGHT and Lieut. Glti Blot. FULTOli ES Tomofw * Bat. at 2:20. aheehan, Public School 93, Man- women. About 400 women were of the evi- a girl to whom he has "»«an. and that for Te- près- Mr. Bullock supplied most approaches M-J!M!]|*'M:I:IÍíI Actors A Authors Theatre presents principals by ont at the meeting. dence to the District Attorney on which not been introduced and remarks, (RnnTHDUUin Th* Btupt Walker O». ta\ ONE-ACT PLAYS. with ELD Barnholi, of Public Boot» 1 $MM. School 10. told the women that were found ex- "Look at the moon. Does she not seem ih EYES OF YOUTH Ttiklnirton*» Coned», MINNIE DU FREE and ÍE<¡F Inspector Dwyer indictments against Z . High school teachers will WHITFORD KANE. oe the heavy drain on the regular police Senator Reynolds and others in connec- like a woman with silver hair?" (Or was 1-ACT represente(1 by Anna E. McAuliffe, made the land scandals at it feet%) Adding quickly, "You are the OPERETTAS, with Edith or the Newtown High School. force, by draft, compelled tion with the so-called 'ÄSTand Sat., así SEVENTEEèlj»IXTH MONTH .' TALIAFERRO. Hal FORDE poll. most of all the BROADHURST and ES Bullock beautful nights things. Harrison The revisions desired for the city to appeal to civilians for as-. Rockaway Park and Dreamland. ^^TS&i 2 MHOCKBANK. FIRST Ö WEEKS special «lassos of si8tance and that women could do their was mentioned for the Will you marry me?" And she does. MAYTIME 3Wh, nr. Broadway. Erg». 8:20. INCLUDING pCSMtABLE BEAT'S FOR teachers will be discussed prominently At their ^JSJg«! rDDIVrCCÇruNv.CO O and Krenlngs 8:8«. p> Kate A. Fowler, qf the share in this patriotic work. He said office of Commissioner of Accounts Why not? least, married with JOHN CHARLES THOMAS MaM. To-morrow Sat.. 2:20. ELTinÜC Mats. To-ra'w (Fop.) * Sat., 2:30! 1 School Brooklyn that already 600 policewomen had en- after Mayor Hylan'B election, but this life will be different. John T. Murray.Carolyn Thomson. "A Musical OPENING MON.JUME ,7e campaign for increased carnr ana similar work. He said the Palace. FRIDAY pav would Miss A. R. Thayer to Wed Albertina Rasch, billed as "the un¬ B.F.KEITH'« CHRISTIE MoDONALD EVE. JURE 14 »«launched in the hall where'the In- women volunteers would receive phy- JACK WILSON, xv- Sat.M».t.. June 15, BeneOt Y. M. C. A wrborouRh won and celebrated its sical and other instruction twice week¬ surpassable exponent of choreo¬ P ALACEt\ u n. \, L. BERTINA RASCH and IRENE BORDOMltSiSS? Sat. Eve., June 16, B«n«nt Red Crow equal took this art a trifle 8T. Sunday Matinee. June Pay victory. ly. The volunteers, he pointed out, Will Become Bride of Lieutenant graphic art." BTVAT & 4T Bauet, Conneltl & ( raven, STAGE 16, Benefit .» She was assisted Con¬ Dally Mats. 25c-tl HOBART BOSWORTH. r^ft"^ WOMEN'S WAR RELIEF would be in a position to for heavily. by DW.GRJPFJTH'S *&m®V8& COHAN&HARRIS Mats. To-m'w A Bat. Sun. Eve.. Benefit ACTOR«' study C. Ivison stantin Koboeloff and a ballet. Karl 1'KK EK FIND civil examinations for women's posts Maynard Emmv and his clever dogs and George F. KEITH'S IRENE FRANKLIN and *ft, »4, 93, $e, $1. Boito, Composer, Dies in the department, such as the posi¬ Mrs. B. Thayer, of 46 East IVE.1YD1LICIVFRS1DF BURTON GREEN. June 10.- Senator Benjamin and Dick Rath, athletes, completed the RB. BAV SAMUELS. [EARTS&WOQLD A TAILOR-MADE MAN MILAN, Arrigo tions of police matrons and police Street, announces the en¬ B'WAY * 86 ST. ! VAIUE & GYOI. others. with GRANT MITCHELL. «'Ojto, mupic composer and poet, died clerks. Seventy-ninth programme. S.S. »Uddenly this morning. of her youngest daughter, CART 4* RT~ E * RWAY E»K» *:«t. Both Deputy Commissioner Wana- gagement HENRY MILLfcn 5 4?d «t. » or maker and remarked Miss Alice R. Thayer, to Lieutenant LOEWS HEW YORK THEATRE f0 LAST 7 8:89. »'.«»«* Boito was born im Inspector Dwyer Cent 11 A. M. to It P. M. Boor to' 1$><»¦Á. U. TIME». Ens Mata. Thuis. & Sat. Arrigo Padua, that women who attended last son of Mrs. 1842. His wa» an the Moynard C. Ivison, Mr. and JEWEL CARMEN In "CONFESSION." GEORGE M. COHAN FLO-FLO '«br.iary 24, father night's meeting were of an RIVOLI In "Hit-the-TrHil BILÜEBÜRKE A M-'-' sS3«- "»han and his mother a Pole. He especially William Crane Ivison, of 12 West B'wey, «9th. Solnlct». |" fine and all seemed much inter¬ HoIIidsiy." <* »trkkt « «udied in the Milan Conservatory and type, Forty-eighth Street. Miss Thayer was LMW't Aatr'MB Rfff RIVOLI ORCUB8TRA HENrTMIUEB 67 Ccmaleaco LIBERTYL.1DE.1\I Ijuu.w*8!To-mir «*» *.- *t the ested in the proposed work. from School this Jl'ST GIRES, AL. K.^tó^VÍíÍ;HALL« All Seats I A ELSIE FERGUSON (Pop.) 4k StA, 3:30. age of twenty became a collab- . graduated Farmington IALTLT" OÖW f..- * CO.. FKAZER, BIXCE «Reserved _. _ ¡«n "A Doll'» Mouse.'niu*," TJ^r with Verdi, being requested to month, and was to have been one of HARDY, SU Other Bis; Acts. I Time»Timo» Square.Squar». gololit».¦.~dvComedv ä'A republic *m* thp text of the "Inno Belle Na- Rev. L. A. Johnston ntxt winter's débutantes. She is 25. 35, M tO-30-éO. HIAALTO ORCHESTRA ^y^sfe?.»* commis- June 10..The Ret. of Mrs. »who ;{°ni'' which Verdi had been MINNEAPOLIS, a sister Douglas Gibbons, New Mat. To-dar SOPHIE v to compose for the Universal L. A. Johnston, president of the Evan¬ was M'ibs Tesson Thayer, and of Miss NMna TUCKER. PARL0R.BEDR00Í1Í&ATH *xhibitionu-I in Lutheran RRIÍ1HTON P-»yne. James Watts. ÄI^.^W with FLOKEXtE MC-OK«. GOINGSTha Musical held that year . gelical Augustana Synod of Marie R. Thayer. DlUUniVn.ii/tuon Slatero. Arnaut! Aytatiy He wrote libretto», cantata» and America since 1911, died to-day at his Lieutenant Ivison is a member of the INK Brighton Beaeh Bros, and others. COLUMBIAHELLO AMERICA :ndh '¿ggg *wnpos»d one successful onera, "Me- home in St. Paul. He was made a 1018 class of Yale, but left college to FOUNTAIN GAIETY MONDAT, JUME 17 Vä? «ttofele." and was a poet as well. knight of the Order of the North Star enter service, and is now with the t'03d "KooseTelt's Expedi¬ I ROOK CENTURY THEATRE AT 1I:S0 Klaw & gWKrlanyer's Musical of He at motorists tion Into the Wilds." Comedy, ZIEGFELD li:3D «J^ong his iorettoH were those of by the King Sweden last in Field Artillery. is stationed dijcriminatmg Mae year, ___ Marsh In "AU Wo- CENTURY GROVE Otello," "FalUtaff" and "La Ciocon- recognition of his church work in the Camp Devens. Ayer, Mass. He expects STRAND^*if«ysv srArm ST.vr^^ man." Strand "{>-<¿KT HEW MIDNIGHT FR0L5C 'j ¦TWAT^r» Sym. Ore. THE RAINBOW GIRL Gala We*».»rh United States. to leave shortly for France. Merrick Ro. Lynbrook.u. »X-VJ KKj. i TUB IHU)l.h'.\l.1 iuillTK Asnlvsrtsry.« BROWN BR09-