nipponica Snowmound

Spiraea nipponica Snowmound

Botanical Name: Spiraea nipponica Snowmound Common Names: TBA Native: No Foliage Type: Deciduous Type: Hedging / Screening, Plant Habit: Like, Spreading

Description: Medium deciduous spreading shrub with clusters of showy, white flowers in late Spring. This plant is an attractive feature in the garden and looks even more beautiful when grown as an informal hedge. Grows approx. 1.5-2.5m tall x 1.5-2.5m wide.

Mature Height: 1-2m Position: Full Sun, Semi Shade Mature Width: 1-2m Soil Type: Loam, Well Drained

Family Name: Landscape Use(s): Borders / Shrubbery, Courtyard, Feature, Formal Garden, Hedging / Screening, Low Water Garden, Container / Pot Origin: Asia

Characteristics: Pest & Diseases: Generally trouble free Foliage Colours: Green Flower Colours: White Flower Fragrant: No Cultural Notes: Minimal care required. Best grown in a full sun to semi-shade position in a well Flowering Season: Spring drained-soil. Drought and frost tolerant once established. Prune after flowering to Fruit: Insignificant keep looking bushy and tidy.

Requirements: Growth Rate: Fast Plant Care: Annual slow release fertiliser, Keep moist during dry periods, Liquid feed, Mulch Maintenance Level: Low well Water Usage: Medium / Moderate

Tolerances: Drought: Medium / Moderate Frost: High Wind: High

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