The Times , 1974, UK, English
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lay December 14 1974 _ Saturday Review: The ).270 man who was eight pence ^ ^ ** TIMES Bulldog Drummond, p6 Britain plans big Mr Sithole Children Bill contains wide-ranging reforms doubtful on adoption, fostering and new rights on Rhodesia By Fat Healy cern over three related issues: authority will be able to assume oul his childhood must be taken increase m Social Services Cu (respondent ihe cases of dispute between parental rights. After five years inll* account. Children will be able to have foster and natural parent*; the tlie foster-parents will be able The principle extends existing settlement separate legal representation Maria Colwell case; and the m apply tor adoption without taw by ensuring (hot ihe welfare From Michael Knipv from their parents in care pro¬ knowledge that thousands of four of the natural parents re¬ of children is taken into accounr Salisbury, Dec 13 ceedings and have their own children linger in Sons-icrro moving the child. in ihe long term as well as in wishes taken into account in care because their parents In care proceedings the- Bill trade with Saudis Rhodesia's two African the immediate situation. refuse to relinquish them for leaders, Mr Joshua Nkomo adoption cases under the will give the courts discretion to is to be a big increase in Government's new Children adoption. order separate representation of It also lays down dial the to increase their holdings of cur¬ and the Rev Ndabaningi Sithole, courts and adoption agencies Bill, published yesterday. The The Bill will create a new- children where there is u clear free after 10 years in detention, must, as far as practicable, n‘s trade with Saudi Arabia rency in Britain and to extend their gave their liis.1 press interviews Bill, which was introduced in legal status of ”custodianship", conflict nf interests beitvcrn the the Lords Iasi night, is expec¬ under which foster-parents will child and his or her parents. ascertain the wishc.s and feelings ;jl reducing this country's oil here today and displayed some- of tire child and give due con¬ investments. A joint working party ilung of their differences in ted io lake effect in January, lie able to apply for legal Separate representation will 1976. sideration in thorn. Although in pobtical temperament. custody after they have been he mandatory iu unopposed . the Chancellor told MPs would meet in Riyadh in February It proposes wide-ranging Mime custody co>e.s that has been Mr Nkomo. aged 57. the burly curing for a child iur one year. Upplii.iiion> li> remove a care day within hours of his return reforms on the law relating m The provision will enable or supervision order involving the practice for some time, _ it to draw up a medium-term pro¬ leader of the Zimbabwe African adoption and fostering and People’s Union (?.apu) jovially foster parents to take decisions .i child who has been ill treated will be the first time the prin¬ Riyadh. The Saudis intended gramme for increasing trade. follows closely the private mem¬ about the child's future, fur or riL-glecLed. In tin* Maria Col¬ ciple has been written into law*. refused to answer political ber's measure introduced by l>r questions. Mr Sithole, aged 54, example, what kind of education well case ihe application by her The Bill will introduce a Owen, now Minister of State national adoption service, which the youthful-looking head of the fnr Health, who will be respons¬ he might have, v.ithuur having mother to have -i care order Zimbabwe African National ible for the Bill in the Com¬ to consulr the natural parents. revoked was luil opposed- will require local authorities to aiey move to boost City morale Union (Zaiiui, sjtelled nut a few- mons. ISckili measures v.ould give Relatives will be aide to apply The courts will not be given establish and maintain local ser¬ realistic home truths regarding effect to the recommendations for custodianship after three special guidance on when (heir vices. Bui Dr Owen emphasized Noyes crease holdings of currency in bridge, and Chancellor nt hopes for the future. of the Houghton report on ihe months. discretion should he lined, ihat the provisions would be ■nrary Corvcsjiondcnt Britain and to develop and in¬ Queen's IJ nivej-sirv. Cel fust, to Hs bad “ very strong reser¬ adoption of children. Natural parents will no longer although (he rules of court will implemented gradually. crease investment here in -iter visit Saudi Arabia witliln the vations”, about the prospect or The new Bill gives new rights be able to remove a child from he changed in ihe light of the The Bill is expected in raise many spheres. next Tew weeks. a constitutional settlement. Was foster-parents at will once the Bill and the guiding principle i hours of his return to children, foster-parents, local public expenditure on aduptiuu The Chancellor told the He would be discussing the nor lire fact rhar he hud been child has been in care for 12 for adoption cases will be taken apparently MjJcessiuJ authorities and adoptive and allied child services fruni House that to assist in the development oF university cdu freed a hopeful sign ? “ 1 was mnnili* nr more. After that time into account. Thai principle Saudi Arabia, ihe parents aud contains measures about £2.Sni in about I4m a development of closer econom¬ out uf detention 10 years ago the natural parents must give 28 states that full account uf the or nt‘ the Exchequer cation. to gradually ihe ic and industrial cooperation days’ notice of their intent. need in safeguard and pro mole j ear. v mured swiftly to Urged by Mr Carr, the but the position didn’t change ”, rights of natural parents. It .has between the two countries it shadow Chancellor, io explain Mr Sithole said calmly. After throe years the ioial tile weKarc of the child tlii'uugh¬ Leading article, page 13 le sagging morale of been inspired hy public con¬ was agreed to set up a joint reports that Saudi Arabia “ We cannot reach an accom¬ i and io raise coni:- working party of officials. The would in future expect oil pay¬ modation with the Rhodesian in sterling on ihe aim of this committee, which Government because the Rho¬ change markets, ments to he made in dollars, would be holding its first the Chancellor said that Saudi desian Government, is deter¬ statement to the meeting in Riyadh in Feb¬ ministers were as surprised mined on minority rule. Until Stonehouse case link s Mr Hejley said ibai ruary. would be to produce a and dismayed as he was by the it changes its position I cannot Lhe condilions of the medium-term programme fur reports that cotupauies were see how we can reach an accom¬ at reached in Riyadh increasing trade. selling sterling to meet tux and modation." with4concrete coffin’ t til civ would he" big While not specifying Lite royalty payments in dollars. His 10 years in detention were t in British trade v.itn particular spheres in which He had been assured that "hell itself”, he said, but his Dv Michael Horsnell Mulluy, Labuur MP lor Ealing ratlin, aimed at reduc- this decision w as purely to conviction of the justness of his North, and a former Parliamcn- trade and investment would be The Foreign Office vcsierduv size of the oil deficit simplify matters. The arrange¬ cause aud his religious faith bud increased. Mr Healey said it asked Miami police bcuicliing larj Privaie Secretary to Mr Britain now had to ments by which American com¬ kept him going. Monehouse. was desirable that funds of the for Mr John Stunehoiisc. ihu panies paid for their oil duties oil producers should be in¬ Had the loss of (its fieeduiu missing British MI’ and former The Foi vigil Office will not with some sterling went back jig of the friendly and vested not only in monetary for a decade been worth it? Minister, for j special report of confirm ih.n they have been in for many years. Yes. because if people we re to live nature of the instruments but also in produc¬ their investigations into u Mati.i- uuich with (he Federal Bureau The difficulty this week, the demonstrate their belief in their ,Ir Healey said that tive enterprises. style “ concrete uvuiv«ut ’’ i.f Investigation, hui there is own cause they had to suffer. trabian ministers had He assured the House that Chancellor explained, arose known Tu have co mail wd j body. now known to have been regular themselves in favour the Government would make from the accident that Aramco Asked if he felt bitterness, he A slab of concrete was taken contact with the Miami police, iple of his plans, to be certain that industries of stra was not given notice of this said he was not by nature a giving .substance iu suspicions of j by the International regie or economic importance decision by Saudi Arabia until bitrer man. Wfear had he missed io a beach in Miami close to the point where Mi Stonehouse growing diplomatic concern y Fund, for recycling did not fall under foreign con¬ it had already bought sterling most? Free association with disappeared, bur it was broken .ibiiur Mr Sionehouse’s fate. is iruu investment in trol. to make the oil payments. The other human beings and listen¬ Mr Mutiny *aid.- “The result was that it -had to un¬ ing to the radio for the first up and the body it encased t. As an indication of the removed before police could Foreign Office had given the iced great emphasis on closer liuks now being forged.