31511 Hon. Nancy Pelosi Hon. Tom Latham Hon. Barbara Lee Hon. Marcy Kaptur
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November 14, 2007 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 153, Pt. 23 31511 universities without Modeling and Simulation naturalized on September 17, 2007 in West Mary was elected vice president of the Amer- programs can also use the grant to establish Branch, Iowa. The long journey to U.S. citizen- ican Federation of Teachers, AFT, a national their own program. The bill will also create a ship began in the late 1980’s when their son position of both great prestige and great re- task force at the Department of Education to was attending Dartmouth College and later sponsibility. Not satisfied merely holding a title support the development of the Modeling and married an American woman. Their daughter or position, Mary has participated in and con- Simulation field, including helping to further also came to America and eventually married tinues to serve in numerous capacities within define the study and identify the best practices an American. After Ronald and Jennifer made the AFT. She is a member of the Teachers of Modeling and Simulation. several trips to the United States to visit their Program and Policy Council, where she I am proud to represent the people and children, they decided they wanted to be close serves primarily on the council’s working businesses of the Third Congressional District to their family and move to America. group on early childhood education. She is of Virginia who are leading the way in the After years of filling out forms, interviews also a member of the organizing committee, Modeling and Simulation field. Numerous col- with the American Embassy, waiting for the the Task Force on Health Care Reform, and leges and universities in the Hampton Roads processing of their papers, passing the Amer- the State Federations Advisory Committee. area, such as Hampton University, Norfolk ican History test, and paying naturalization When she was elected president of the CFT State University, and Old Dominion University, fees, Ronald and Jennifer’s citizenship was fi- Ms. Bergen pledged ‘‘to renew the organiza- have Modeling and Simulation programs. Old nally granted. tion’s commitment to excellence in education, Dominion University is one of the few univer- The Milne’s love for their family and for this to reinforce its efforts to increase education sities that has both an undergraduate degree country is extremely admirable, and I com- funding and to raise the organization’s profile program and a graduate degree program in mend Ronald and Jennifer for all their hard in the media and public eye.’’ This is exactly Modeling and Simulation. ODU’s Modeling, work and commitment to becoming citizens of what Mary has done, and continues to do. Analysis and Simulation Center in Suffolk, Vir- our country. I am extremely honored to rep- She is an outspoken advocate of our children ginia is a premier facility that is second to resent the Milnes in the U.S. Congress and I and the conditions of our teachers. none. know that I can speak for all of my colleagues Mary has always been quick to respond to The grant program established by this legis- here in officially welcoming them as American the political issues of the day which most af- lation will go a long way in helping universities citizens. I wish Ronald, Jennifer and their fam- fect education, and she continues to be fa- that have Modeling and Simulation programs ily all the best as Americans and Iowans. mously truthful and clear in those responses. expand and enhance their programs, as well f Mary does not play with words, she does not as helping universities without a Modeling and play games with her positions on issues, and Simulation program establish their own pro- HONORING MARY BERGAN she does not play with the futures of our chil- gram. I urge my colleagues to cosponsor and dren and teachers. Mary has long known that support this important legislation to ensure HON. BARBARA LEE the better the conditions are for our teachers, that the United States maintains its competi- OF CALIFORNIA the better our schools will be. Ultimately, tak- tive advantage in the critical national tech- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing care of our teachers affords our students nology field of Modeling and Simulation. Wednesday, November 14, 2007 the greatest opportunities for success in their f own lives. Ms. LEE. Madam Speaker, I rise today to A true servant educator in every sense, GERALDINE GENNET honor the extraordinary accomplishments of Mary Bergan has immeasurably contributed to Ms. Mary Bergan, who has dutifully served our community, our State, and our Nation. On HON. NANCY PELOSI and enriched the California Federation of behalf of California’s 9th Congressional Dis- OF CALIFORNIA Teachers and the labor movement for over 35 trict, I thank and applaud Mary Bergan for the years. Her work has affected the lives of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES more than 35 years of unwavering service and teachers and their students throughout the 9th inspiration. Wednesday, November 14, 2007 Congressional District, and the great State of f Ms. PELOSI. Madam Speaker, on behalf of California. my colleagues, I commend Geraldine Gennet Ms. Mary Bergan has been involved in com- RECOGNIZING NEWARK’S NORTH for her outstanding service and dedication to munity politics, volunteerism, and education WARD CENTER’S ANNUAL GENO the House of Representatives. for her entire adult life. After graduating from BARONI BIRTHDAY CELEBRA- In her 11 years as General Counsel of the the prestigious University of California, Berke- TION House, Geraldine set a standard for profes- ley in 1965 with a B.A. in English, Mary sionalism and non-partisanship that will inform promptly joined the Peace Corps. For 3 years HON. MARCY KAPTUR the work of the new General Counsel and all Mary lived in Malaysia teaching English lan- OF OHIO future holders of that position. guage and literature and coaching athletics. In IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES She created an Office of General Counsel this way, Mary has always been acutely aware Wednesday, November 14, 2007 that is respected by all Members of the House of the importance of both healthy minds and and widely recognized for its excellence bodies for her students. When Mary returned Ms. KAPTUR. Madam Speaker. I rise today throughout the legal community. I wish Geral- to the United States she became a teacher, to recognize the annual celebration at the dine continued success and happiness in her and immediately started organizing for the North Ward Center in Newark, New Jersey new endeavors. California Federation of Teachers, CFT. honoring the birthday of its inspiration, Mon- f For more than 3 decades her passion and signor Geno Baroni, on November 15, 2007. activism has rightly placed her in leadership Msgr. Baroni—Geno to those of us who knew TRIBUTE TO RONALD AND positions throughout the State of California, and loved him—was a most remarkable man, JENNIFER MILNE both within her profession as an educator and and though he passed from this life more than within the greater Democratic Party. In 1976, 2 decades ago, his memory and his mission HON. TOM LATHAM while Jerry Brown was Governor of California, remain strong. OF IOWA Ms. Bergan was chosen as a delegate to the Following riots at the end of the 1960s, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Democratic National Conventions. Shortly Msgr. Baroni convinced Stephen Adubato, Sr. after, in the 1980’s, Mary was elected as the to leave the Newark public schools and orga- Wednesday, November 14, 2007 chair of the Labor Caucus of the California nize the North Ward Educational and Cultural Mr. LATHAM. Madam Speaker, I rise today Democratic Party. She continued her role as a Center. In 1970, the center began providing to congratulate Ronald and Jennifer Milne, delegate at the Democratic National Conven- information on services available to the resi- residents of Perry, Iowa, on recently becoming tions in 1992, 1996, 2000, and 2004. dents of Newark’s north ward, with a particular United States citizens. In 1991 Mary took her leadership skills, emphasis on higher education opportunities Both Ronald and Jennifer are originally from compassion, and dedicated experience to for students. Scotland. Ronald was naturalized on June 29, task. She was elected by her peers as presi- Built on the principles of community, oppor- 2007, in Des Moines, while Jennifer was later dent of the CFT. Only a year later, in 1992, tunity, responsibility, and equity, the North VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:53 Aug 31, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR07\E14NO7.000 E14NO7 WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD.