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November 14, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1581 Daughters of Penelope will accomplish and ahead of his time and often prophetic about tributing his experience and energy to helping how they will help our country and our culture the trends in medical education.’’ He was others and fostering stability and cooperation in the next eighty-five years. among the first to advocate moving the para- in his region. f digm of medical education from the acquisition On his birthday, it is important to recognize of knowledge to performance-based metrics. his contributions to Poland’s rise on the inter- OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL Likewise, Dr. Woolliscroft was among the first national stage, its leadership in Eastern Eu- DEBT to champion medical student training in com- rope and its relations with the United States. munity settings. Through his tireless efforts, With today’s geopolitical events in Eastern Eu- HON. MIKE COFFMAN these have become the new standards in rope concerning Russia and Ukraine, it is im- OF COLORADO medical education. And like all great teachers, portant to recognize and honor those who IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Dr. Woolliscroft not only imparts knowledge, support the ideal of democracy and freedom Friday, November 14, 2014 but inspires others through his passion for for everyone who so desires it. Mr. Kwas´niewski served two presidential Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on January educating. terms from 1995 to 2005. During this time, he 20, 2009, the day President Obama took of- The discoveries being made in the life worked hard for European integration, leading fice, the national debt was sciences astound and amaze, opening up op- the bid from Poland to join NATO and the EU $10,626,877,048,913.08. portunities for therapies, treatments, and care Today, it is $17,936,639,705,375.46. We’ve never before possible. Thanks to the leader- and joining both in 1999 and 2004, respec- added $7,309,762,656,462.38 to our debt in 5 ship of individuals like Dr. Woolliscroft, the tively. Prior to his presidency, as part of the years. This is over $7.3 trillion in debt our na- United States will continue to lead the world in Social Democratic Party of the Republic of Po- ´ tion, our economy, and our children could providing the highest level of patient care and land, Mr. Kwasniewski participated in the Pol- have avoided with a balanced budget amend- medical training. ish transformation in government from a com- ment. f munist nation to a democratic one in the fa- mous Round Table negotiations in 1989. He f REMEMBERING BRAD DEMUZIO has been decorated and recognized globally RECOGNIZING BIPARTISAN INITIA- FOR HIS SERVICE TO THE STATE as a political thought leader, receiving the Jan TIVE 21ST CENTURY CURES AND OF ILLINOIS Karski award in 2006 for opposing anti-Semi- JAMES O. WOOLLISCROFT, MD tism and serving as an inspiration for inter- HON. RODNEY DAVIS national mediation efforts during Ukraine’s HON. FRED UPTON OF ILLINOIS 2004 ‘‘Orange Revolution,’’ which eventually OF MICHIGAN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES led to Ukrainian democracy. The Congressional Caucus on Poland, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Friday, November 14, 2014 which I have the honor to co-chair, focuses on Friday, November 14, 2014 Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speak- promoting bilateral relations between Poland Mr. UPTON. Mr. Speaker, earlier this year, er, I rise today and join the rest of the state and the United States and raising the profile of I joined my Energy and Commerce Committee of Illinois in mourning the loss of a great public issues that are important to both countries. colleague DIANA DEGETTE of Colorado in servant, Brad Demuzio, who passed away this That relationship is why today we honor Mr. launching a bipartisan initiative called 21st week at the young age of 50. Kwas´niewski as someone who has been and Century Cures, which is taking the first-ever Brad was born in Carlinville in 1964, to the still is a valuable contributor to peace, pros- comprehensive look at the cures process here late state Senator Vince Demuzio and former perity and civil liberties in Poland and the in the United States—from discovery to devel- state Senator and current Mayor of Carlinville world. opment to delivery. Our goal is to help bring Deanna Demuzio. f lifesaving treatments, devices, and therapies Brad followed in his family’s footsteps of to patients faster and ensure our nation’s lab- public service as the Mayor of Carlinville from HONORING AMBASSADOR HEM oratories and manufacturers remain global 1993–2005, working in the Cook County HENG AND THE KINGDOM OF leaders in medical innovation. State’s Attorney Office from 1984–1986, as a CAMBODIA Our initiative has fostered a nationwide dia- criminal investigator for the Illinois Attorney logue, bringing together the brightest minds in General’s office from 1986–1999 and most re- HON. ENI F.H. FALEOMAVAEGA the field of public health. One of Michigan’s cently as the director of the Illinois Secretary OF AMERICAN SAMOA health leaders has been a part of that con- of State Police. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES versation from the very beginning, taking part Perhaps one of Brad’s greatest legacies will Friday, November 14, 2014 in our first Cures roundtable on May 6: Dr. be his support, generosity and compassion for James O. Woolliscroft, MD, dean of the Uni- the law enforcement community, those he Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA . Mr. Speaker, I rise versity of Michigan Medical School. considered colleagues and friends. today to honor my good friend and brother, I recently had the opportunity to speak with In passing, Brad leaves behind his daugh- His Excellency Hem Heng, Ambassador Ex- some of the nation’s top health researchers ter, Brooke, his son, Blake, his mother, and traordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom about the cutting-edge work being done in countless other family members. of Cambodia to the United States. Ambas- their laboratories at the University of Michigan. We send our thoughts and prayers to his sador Heng has been the Cambodian Ambas- The scientific discoveries being made there family during this difficult time and thank them sador to the United States since 2008. He has are truly incredible and will ultimately help for Brad’s service to the state of Illinois. more than 30 years experience working in for- save untold American lives. The work being f eign affairs. done within the University of Michigan Health It has been my honor to serve with him for System and at the U-M Medical School in par- HONORING FORMER PRESIDENT the past six years. Together, we worked to OF POLAND, ALEXSANDER hold historic hearings on U.S.-Cambodia rela- ticular is in no small part thanks to the vision- ´ ary leadership of Dr. Woolliscroft. KWASNIEWSKI tions during my service as Chairman of the Dr. Woolliscroft was recently recognized by Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific and the Association of American Medical Colleges HON. MARCY KAPTUR brought attention to the need for the United (AAMC) with its highest honor: the Abraham OF OHIO States to forgive Cambodia’s debt. Ambas- Flexner Award for Distinguished Service to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sador Hem Heng has worked tirelessly to Medical Education. make debt forgiveness a top priority. Dr. Woolliscroft has been a national leader Friday, November 14, 2014 Between 1972 and 1975, Cambodia in- in medical education for more than three dec- Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to curred a $276 million debt to the United States ades, since joining the U-M medical faculty in recognize, on the occasion of his 60th birth- through the provision of agricultural commod- 1980. He has served the school in several ca- day, a true leader of our time and a trans- ities. General Lon Nol incurred this debt to pacities until becoming dean in 2007, with a formative figure in the post-Soviet world, support his chaotic and dictatorial regime, focus on transforming the curriculum to train Alexsander Kwas´niewski. Not only did Presi- which seized power through a coup, making our next generation of medical leaders. dent Kwas´niewski lead Poland through a dra- his an illegitimate government. Lon Nol did In the words of one of his AAMC nomi- matic transition to freedom, he has remained nothing to address the debt and, in 1975, the nators, Dr. Woolliscroft ‘‘has been consistently an active participant on the global scale, con- Khmer Rouge came to power. This regime VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:19 Nov 15, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A14NO8.020 E14NOPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1582 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 14, 2014 also failed to service the loan. Additionally, the les Affiliate of the Armenian International menians, and received the Archbishop’s Khmer Rouge killed or starved at least 20% of Women’s Association upon the occasion of Award from Archbishop Derderian in May Cambodians, neglected infrastructure and fac- her receipt of the Ellis Island Medal of Honor. 2006. tories, and reverted to ancient agricultural Recipients of this prestigious award exemplify I am proud to call Lily a friend and have techniques, all of which decimated the Cam- outstanding professional and personal accom- long appreciated her devotion to others, her bodian economy and any ability to repay debt. plishments while also preserving the richness selfless and daily endeavors to build America Cambodia now owes the U.S. $450 million in- of their heritage. Ms. Balian justly deserves through mutual understanding and tolerance, cluding interest as of December 31, 2009.