■Hivmiir or hewam, las visas YELLIN' REBEL

739-3478 October 9, 19M Volume 31 luuc 6 "for the students" Advertising 739-3999 Newt CSUNputs new constitution to vote of students (hose A constitutional revision will ap- Serious work on the revision began of the regents' change was approved proved the constitution with the in- proved the new constitution last quires a majority of students pear on According to Haldeman, the ballot during the CSUN shortly after Haldeman took office at that afternoon's senate meeting to clusion of Klasic's amendment. week. voting. senate elections Oct. 17 and 18. last May. The majority of the revi- that therevision could appear on tie The "fiscalprocedure" in question General Counsel Don Klasic had every matriculated undergraduate currently considered a According to CSUN Senate Presi- sion is accredited to Haldeman and Oct. 17 and 18 ballot. is the authority to disburse funds. offered several amendments, student is dent Bill Haldeman, a 1983 directive Senate President Pro Tempore James The change dealt with CSUNS The present constitution requires that Haldeman said, but not all of them CSUN member and will therefore be from the Board of Regents mandated Ohriner. allotment of Where the two of the three executive board were incorporated into the revision. permitted to vote on the issue. student fees. adoption the that student government revise its One version of therevision was ap- students had written "A CSUN fee, members must approve any disburse- "We did a lot of meeting on the mid- Haldeman urges of constitution, adopting "fiscal pro- proved by the CSUN Senate Sept. approved by the Board of Regents, ment of funds. Regent policy re- dle ground," he said. new constitution, saying, "It isn't 27. but cedures already in effect." Theproposal was thenreferred to the not less than five per cent of the per quired that one of those two UNLV President Maxson recom- perfect, it is functional." But, he explained, "The directive Board of Regents, who held a credit fee, shall be collected from signatures be that of the CSUN presi- mended adoption of the revision, The Yellin' Rebel plans to print the was in its 16 almost a year and a half old telephone meeting Oct. 4 to approve each undergraduate student of dent. The proposed constitution calls saying it is consistent with the constitution full in Oct. by before it was seriously acted upon." the document. The regents adopted UNLV," UNS Counsel Don for simply two of three signatures. "thinking and policy" of his ad- issue, along with comments General Haldeman. He added, "The previous senate thedocument with one revision. Klasic wanted to add "taking seven According to Haldeman, the regents ministration. made it a joke." According to Haldeman, inclusion credits or more." The regents ap- neutralized that policy when they ap- Amendment of the constitution re- Twenty-four file for student senate; only two races contested Twenty-four students filed for are William Bacon, Charles Jensen, "legal state-issued ID with your on it," twenty senate seats last week, Tom Muir and Andrew Nichols. social security number student said, examples of which are according toCSUN Officer ofPublic According to CSUN Senate Presi- Ohriner Information James Ohriner. dent Bill Haldeman, all matriculated a driver's license, UNLV ID or seven col- undergraduate students be per- military ID. Candidates in fiveof the will are: leges will be automatically seated mitted to vote. The ballot will also in- Those in uncontested races (Academic - seats) I, Ohriner said, provided their clude the proposed revision on the Advisement three Nov. Harrington Ron OPAs are verified by the Office of CSUN constitution. Tristam and the Registrar as 2.4 or above and According to Ohriner, polls will be Mortenson; (Business and - Acker, each candidate receives at least one located at the Moyer Student Union, Economics five seats) Paul Hall, Adams, Champagne, vote the Oct. and 18 election. Thomas and Estella Beam John Patrick Paul in 17 Davis, Varona; (Health Only the seats for the College of S. Wright Hall, Flora Dungan Jeff Gus - one seat) Nellis; Arts and Letters and the College of Humanities Building, John Dickin- Sciences Scott - two seats) Christopher Hotel Administration are contested. son Library, Carlson Education (Education Eight students will vie for four Building and Juanita Greer White Maestas; (Science, Math and - seats) Therese Arts seats. They are, ac- Hall both Oct. 17 and Oct. 18. Engineering three and Letters MSU, and Loretta cording to Ohriner, Kirk Hendrick, Ohriner also said the pools at Kowalczyk, Kent Larson Tony Holm, Sean Kelleher, Michael FDH and JDL will be open from 9 Warn. Mullins, Gary a.m. to 7 p.m. both days, while the Two seats -- one for Academic Ad- Loewy, Thomas one for •- Samuelson, Tyrone and other polls will open at 9 a.m. and visement and Education Smith new Ware. close at 2 p.m. both days. will be vacant when the senate Thomas office 1 Candidates for the two hotel seats Students will be asked to present takes Nov.

CSUN Senate

Donald G. Hints. Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Lot Vetas Moron Lodge Is surrounded by tht Elections and Honor Guard Legion of tht Ztliah Shrine Templeat the cornerstone ceremony for Beam Hall, photo by Ginger Bruner. Constitutional for Question Question 12: Nevadans Oct. 17 and 18 Stable Taxes have their say yean lues paid by increased 201 million by In five the Nevadans have Tht Question 12 In initiative will be considered Nrvadans it the dollars. Nov. 6 general election. I.asl week, we primed bolh the ten of Ike con- • concerns iboul Ike measure lllMlioml amendment and statement of end mnsl be pal lo special Interest groups requesting more and more Is •response provided An provided lo us by Citizens Against Twelve. Below money politicians raising taxes lo pay lor these requests instead of criticisms and and by Nevuduns (or Stable Taws, wbick includes frequent looking to the need for these projects and making sure they are actually challenges of Ike Initiative and responses from NST. needed and trill be cost effective. This material is being printed as pari of the Ytllllt' RtbcTt effort to In. day. form itudents on Ike issues of Ike We need to diversify our economic base statewide. Given our recent history of tax changes every legislative session, we send a negative OPPONENTS SAY: message to businesses considering locating in Nevada. unwieldly, Question 12 is unnecessary, unconstitutional. i OPPONENTS SAV: NST SAYS: Question 12 usurps the authority of elected officials. Question 12 Is quite simple la wk« it does aad how it does it. NST SAYS: revenue. II Ike choice of which taxes Question 12 does not reduce puts Elected officials donot lose any power. They still have to vote on all tax Ikey can be raised into Ike kandt of and fees can be raised and kow muck matters. The differences sre: Ike people. Two thirds of them must agree on the type and the amount of the In- crease. slabilliatlon la Question 12 simply slablliies taxes. This it addressed The majority of the voiers must agree with them. three areas of Ike petition. There will be a greater degree of responsibility on the part of elected officials in evaluating requests for increases revenue. Increase five percent of total In Property lasts are capped lo an of Elected representatives arc forever saying they are seeking to do the 1. Any must be voted oa revenue over the preceding year. hither increase will of the people. If that Is Hue, and not political rhetoric, they (the by the people. elected representatives) should welcomethe opportunity to have the peo- ple speak on what should be done relative to spending or raising taxes. 2. All oilier taxes, Ikeases aad fees may not be Increased or created unless first approved by a two-thirds vote of Ike appropriategoverning body aad tken approved by Ike voters. Exempted is a pass-on provision Increased providing services. covering cost In "What the argument over Question 12 really bolls VNL V AS USUAL: Students stroll by the Flora Dungan Humanities to is taxes in Nevada will be imposed Building last Friday evening. Photo by dinger Bruner 3. No Indebtedness may be incurred as of Jaa. 1, IM7 unless approved down whether or t peo- governed by the dictates by either two-thirds of rack kouae of Ike legislature vole of Ike by the consent of the or of ple. the ruling elite." Ailoaf ai yon km two lawycn, yon cu find opposing views which can Mel Dally Free Currently local governments mail go to a vote of Ike people to lacrease Sleinenger, Elko Press lead lo litigation. new property taut over foar and one-half percent (excluding coastmc- lion). In addition they are capped to Ml, of the CPI in raising business OPPONENTS SAY: local governments, The ii wetl-iaformed eaoagh lo volt such or gaming Hecate feet. la Ike area of Indebtedness, OPPONENTS SAV: voter not oa matters. Including must go to a vote of the people for aay In- school districts, Question 12 is complicated, vagueand will constantly be in litigation. debtedncsa wkkk will not be paid in fullIn Ike budget year It Is incurred. NST SAYS: This It after the proposed debt bat been unanimously approved by Ike The voting pnkk will he the rectpleat of the same ryot of Inforraitloa on the hand, may Incur debt up lo NST SAVS: that elected arc, to lata their local governing body. The slate, other The "looseness" of the .ordhuj, is toallow the legtsnlure theability lo officials acta make decWoai. one percent Its valuation without going lo a vole of the peo- of assessed define orredefine fees, sen'ce (hirers, licenses, etc. ple. The point that must he uadentood to that there is a fuadamental dlf- hetweea aot having eaougk knowledge oaa ipeclfk issue aad be- If to oecospe ostriches and stick their heads In the fereace OPPONENTS SAY: the legislators decide ing stupid. The clllKary U aot stapM,aad if Question 12 become* aa sand, and do nol define fees, reasonable costs, servicecharges, etc., there Why we need Question 12? y amendment to the Nevada Conititaiioa, they will not be ualaformed. do will he a great deal of unneceaa litigation. When the cltlzeary hat veto power over tai lacreasn, lho« persons who NST SAYS: To he specific with the definlliol would have led theopposition toclaim the property In wns reduced «•*• la response to Ike volen wko seek to have the taxiacrcaaet validated by thecfthearywill make crrtaia la 1»T» the wording specific defeated Question 6 nndIke sales In was increased Mtt lo offset ike lots was 100 they are weiMafornwd oa why the tax increase should he passed. of properly lax revenue. It "lion then specific If vague Is supposed to equal would menu n lack recipients tax " This Is the hallmark of aa opea society, where the of of litigation, thai >< ""■ ioa "» opposition account for Ar- Today, In 19*4, we are collecting 10 million dollars more la property In right? If dollars nuke their caw to the people oatlo theopea, aot lo a group of ticle 10 of the consilium'" "■ Provides for n two percent sales lax than before Ike tan was reduced In I*7*. lw| politicians behind closed doors. II Is desirable for Ike taxpayers to know •very specific) leading <° lh,M niU that went nil the wny to the per- > how theirmoaey la being speat, aad who torecttviai It, aad how the Supreme Further, how they account for a five and three- New taut increased taxes since I*7* bring In nn additional I*l Court? sons who arc receiving this moaey are spending it. aad quarters percent las! tthl "appened to the constitutional provi- million dollars. sales sion of two percent? continued on page 2 .UNLV rWtfn' Rtbtl, October 9, 1984i 2 continued from page I

UPDATE What the opponents ire saying Ihil professional Politicians ind Could it be that the people vote differently than the Is will bureaucrats are smarter than average hard-working taxpayers. What do elected representatives? they point out to prove this? TUESDAY, OCT. 9 Could It be that the people will vote differently ihan Ihe elected represen- It this is what they are afraid of, one wonders whom they are/ Most important - will become more responsive to the MEETING: Las Vegas Astronomy Club (LVAS). Guest presentation tatives? government serving. general public (taxpayers) and less responsive to special Interest groups given by Dr. Peter Jackson, astronomer from Clark Lake Radio Observatory, entitled "Down on the Antenna Farm." 7 p.m.. OPPONENTS SAV: We prefer a two-thirds majority to a simple majority, and we think our Chemistry Building Lounge, room 119. The public is 100 busy to vole on every las and rcvenue-rabing issue. preference Is Justified. After all, a simple majority has given us the situa- tion where the average worker works two hours and thirty-nine minutes - WEDNESDAY, OCT. 10 NST SAYS: thirty-three percent of every eight-hour workday - to pay his taxes at all The public is concerned with how their hard-earned money is being spent levels of government. We think that If this tax burden Is to be Increased, and will take the vote. It ought more on a simple ma- vs U.C. Santa Barbara. 7:30 p.m. Peter JohannField. time 10 to have elected officials agreeing it than SOCCER: jority. OPPONENTS SAY: THURSDAY, OCT. 11 Government will not be able to respond i" emergencies that arise. Preliminary research Indicates that seven states require a two-thirds ma- Nevada is one of the faslesl-growlng states in Hit nation. jority of their slate legislature to approve tax Increases or changes. As a requires approval PLAV: Extremities. 8 p.m., Clark County Community College matter of fact, onr neighbor, California, two-thirds of Theater. More info: 643-6060. NST SAYS' the legislature for new taxes and local governments must receive two- Emergencies can be handled exactly as they've been handled at Ihe local thirds majority of votes for any taxes to be added or increased which fall provided an MASTER SERIES: Northern Sinfonia of England. 8 p.m., Artemus level since IMI, when during the tax shift Ihe legislature for into the "special taxes" category. lo request money for W. Ham Concert Hall. More info: 739-3535. emergency fund. Local governments can continue emergencies form the Nevada Tax Commission, which has statutory Missouri, which constitutionally adopted the Hadley Amendment in fund. It tta:be no dif- requires approval of all pro- PLAY: Come Back Lillle Sheba. 8 p.m., Grant Hall Little authority lo grant money from the emergency will 1980, two-thirds legislative new taxes and a local level, all and Theater. More info: 739-3666. ferent Ihan it has been since 1981. posed increases in existing taxes. On lax, license fee Increases which would result In revenue Increases greater than normal MEETING: The Chinese and American Cultural Exchange Associa- OPPONENTS SAY: growth must be approved by the voters. tion will host Mahjongg practice. 2:30 to 6 p.m., 2nd floor Moyer Stu- The amendment will stifle government. dent Union. Louisiana, since the adoption oflis original constitution, has required a two-thirds approval of each house of the legislature lo Increase existing, NST SAYS: . , OKTOBERFEST '14: Beer, music by the Dummkophs, and contests. The amendment does not limit government: II only sets forth a process approve new or repeal exemptions relative to taxes. This can only be to or not. 11:30 a.m., east entrance of MSU. More info: 739-3477. whereby the people can say If Ihey want Ihe government grow doneIn even-numbered years, unless a special sessionof the legislatureis Isn't thai In line with the thoughts of our founding fathers? called by two-thirds of the legislature In odd-numbered years. They are also bound to a two-thirds voterequirement on numerous non-tax issues. The people have the ability lo approve any new lax, fee or license or in- FRIDAY, OCT. 12 Ihey crease any lax, fee or license, if Ihe people determine want what Ihe OPPONENTS SAV: PLAY: Come Back Lillle Sheba. 8 p.m., Grant Hall Little government thinks Ihey should have. The two-thlrdi majority requirement will foster a North-South split. Theater. More info: 739-3666. Power will be taken away from Clark County. Government can raise fees, licenses, permits and service charges when OKTOBERFEST '84: Beer, food, music by the Continental, contests Ihe increase is lo cover Increased cost of providing Ihe service. NST SAVS: and the Fox. 11:30 a.m., east entrance of MSU. More info: 739-3477. The perception of the North-South split will be no different under Ques- OPPONENTS SAY: tion 12 than ll has been without Question 12. FILM: Hi,' Sender. 3 p.m.. West Las Vegas Library. Free with library Revenue will be lost and growth will be hurt. card. More info: 647-2118. 1. Leas than ten percent of all bills Introduced during the last three NST SAYS: legislative sessions (sessions which In recent history had amoung the PLAY: The Dining Room. 8 p.m., Black Box Theatre. For ticket Anyone saying revenue will be lost was planning onraising (axes. highest percentage of "revenue enhancement" measures) dealt with tax, info: 739-3659. fee or license Increases. Revenue Is nol reduced. Property tax revenue la allowed lo Increase five NEVADA DESERT EXPERIENCE: Prayer, fasting, public witness percent over the previous years or can be increased more than five per- 2. Of all major lax and revenue Issues of thelast three legislative sessions, with the Franciscan Peacemakers. 2:30 to 6:30 p.m., Nevada Test cent by a vote of the people. history shows they were passed or defeated primarily on a partisan basis Site. More info: 647-3610. and not on a sectional basis. All other taxes, including sales sad gaming, license fees and service SEMINAR: Dr. Fred Bachhuber, UNLV Geology Department, will charges will increase as Ihey have these past years with Ihe growth of Ike OPPONENTS SAV: speak about the "Glaciers of Alaska." 2:30 p.m., Geoscience economy or the growth of the population. Question 12 Is a burdensome and costly mechanism. Building room 102. More info: 739-3262. Politicians and bureaucrats alike will have to scrutinize requests foraddi- NST SAVS: PLAY: Extremities. 8 p.m., Clark County Community College tional funding, prioritize needs, work on making government spending Why hasn't any one addressed placing the revenue questions on the Theater. More info: 634-6060, ext. 370. more efficient and less wasteful. ballot during regular elections? Haven't the "special" bond elections over the past number of years been Just as costly and burdensome? VOLLEYBALL: vs University of San Diego. 7:30 p.m., south gym. If after doing this, they still ted Ihe Increase is needed, they can pal the increase Ihey want to a vote of the people, and make their case to ihe OPPONENTS SAV: SATURDAY, OCT. 13 people. It is contradictory lo support Question 12 and the Engineering School at UNLV. MEETING: The Lesbian and Gay Academic Union. Noon, MSU lax resources are responsive lo growth patterns both la population and Oasis room. More info: 457-2591. the economy. As the economy and-er Ike population grows, particularly NST SAVS: from sales and gaming. Witness the S3-M sales lax Increase of 10.5 per- There to nothing contradictory about supporting both Issues. NEVADA DESERT EXPERIENCE: Education, dialogue, reflection, cent when only a 3.5 percent Increase had been projected. commitment withNevada Test Site Manager Bob Nelson. 9:30 a.m. to The propnents of Question 12 who also support the School of Engineer- 5 p.m., SI James Church located at 281 North H Street one block If growth Is not present, then how do we justify constantly increasing ing will work Just as hard for the approval of the Engineering School as south of Washington. financing for our programs? they have for the passage of Question 12.

FILM: Poltergeist. 3 p.m.. West Las Vegas Library. Free with Too many professional politicians and bureacrals mistakenly assume The bottom line to those proponents have no problem with allowing the library card. More info: 647-21 Iβ. that Ike only way taa revenues will Increase Is If laies go up. That Is public lo vole on the funding. They will work lo make their case known wrong. With more people coming lo Nevada, there will be more people Just ns nny other group should who wants increased taxation lo fund a PLAY: TheDining Room. 8 p.m., Black Box Theatre. For ticket paying taxesand thus more tax revenuesavailable for publicly-demanded project they fed to worthy of voter support. info: 739-3659. services. Just look at the unanticipated increases In sales and gaming taxes for 19J3-M. A veryImportant point lo remember to that if the legislature proposes a PLAY: Come Back Lillle Sheba. 8 p.m., Grant Hall Little bonding issue for the school Question 12 has no Impact whatsoever as Ihe Theater. More info: 739-3666. During the 1911 session when the lax shift was enacted, one of the two-thirds requirement for bond Issue approval wouldnot lake effect un- arguments used for lb passage was "the shift would take us off a proper- til January 1,1*17. PLAY: Extremities. 2 p.m. and 8 p.m., Clark County Community ty lax-dependent base and would spread the tax harden (via sales lax) lo College Theater. More info: 643-6060, ext. 370. more people." It was argued that sales lax wouldhe more responsive to growth. OKTOBERFEST 'M: Beer, music by The Generics and Rock 'n Roll The citizenry Is not stupid, and if Question 12becomes an Heaven, and the Miss Oktobcrfest contest. 9:30 p.m. to 2a.m., MSU amendment to the Nevada Constitution, they will not be Ballroom. More info: 739-3477. And end must be put to special interest groups requesting more and more money and politicians raising taxes to pay uninformed. FOOTBALL: vs Idaho State. 7:30 p m.. Silver Bowl. for these requests... VOLLEYBALL: vs U.C. Santa Barbabra. 2 p.m., south gym. OPPONENTS SAV: Refunding fee and lax increases Imposed as of Jan. 1, 1984 will be a OPPONENTS SAY: bureaucratic mas* If Ihe petition to approved both in 1984 and 1986. SUNDAY, OCT. 14 Question 12 will rain education In this state. NST SAVS: UNLV Jazz 2 p.m., Judy Bayley . JAZZ CONCERT: Ensemble. NST SAYS: . no express or Implied provision about; but advancing There to for giving refunds. Revenue In- Theatre. Free to the public. People who say this do nol know what we are creases enacted from Jan. 1,1984 to the date Question 12 passes Ihe se- education does nol always come by throwing more nl the public school cease to collected. authority a of cond time would be If the governing wants PLAY: ComeBack Lillle Sheba. 2 p.m., Gram Hall Little system. We should bnve realized that after the recent years doing little continuation of Ihe revenue after approval of QuestionU, would have More anal we are sure those II Theater. info: 739-3666. else. In any case. It b up to the voting public, In- lo put the Issue lo a vote of Ihe people. volved with education will make their cant well-known. NEVADA DESERT EXPERIENCE: Eucharistic Liturgy, celebra- OPPONENTS SAV: tion, a.m. p.m., nonviolent direct action. 10 to 12:30 Nevada Test OPPONENTS SAY: Leases, rentals and revenue bonds would be construedlo fall within the Site. More info: 647-3610. Question 12 Is the son of Question 6. sneaning of "indebtedness" as given by Question 12. NST SAYS: NST SAVS: basically same pontic.l aad MONDAY, OCT. 15. Since the opposition of Question 12 b the Court cases lo 1981 already precedent lhal 6 second time from 1869 have established bureaucratic opposition that helped defeat Qwetton the leases, revenue would not subject Sponsored by us and oar normal rentals and bonds be lo Ihe QUIT SMOKING CLINIC: the American Cancer arnnd, one can't help but wonderIf they arc coaeamedabout debt provision of Question 12. Society. 3 p.m. to 4 p.m., American Cancer Society Education money, or about them and their power has* (oar money)., through Center, 1325 E. Harmon. Clinic held the 18th. Limited specific Enrollment. More info: 798-6877. There !■ no or Implied limitation on debt. Debt may he spproved OPPONENTS SAY: by a two-thirds majority of the legislature or a simple majority vote. The two-thirds majority requirement pab the minority ia control. COMING EVENTS: OPPONENTS SAV: NST SAYS: Bond ratings will be adversely affected. The more important the issue at hand, mora ladusivc the decision- featuring Steps. Ihe SERIES: The Best of Alfred Hitchcock The39 - FILM making rule b a murder trial requires uaanimous decision, amending 7 p.m. Tuesday, October 16 at the Charleston Heights Art Center. NST SAVS: Ihe U.S. Constitution requires a two-thirds majority, overriding the any More info: 386-6383. ■owl indebtedness would be outside of revenue restrictions address- governor's veto requires a two-thirds vole of each house of the ed In Question 12. legislature. MASTER SERIES: London Philharmonic Orchestra. 8 p.m. Tues- Mei Stdaeager of theElko Dolly freePros probably summed It up best day, October 23 in the Artemus W. Ham Concert Hall. More info: raajaare a two-lairds 739-3535. Tax Increases are important enough an bane to when he wrole in his editorial of Sept. 19, 1984, "What the argument positive vole. over Question 12 really noils down lo to whether taxes laNevada will he imposed by consent or by dictates DANCE and Oretel. 8 p.m. nightly, Iks of thegoverned the of the ruling NEVADA THEATRE: Hansel 2 To be sure that "added" tax he wasted by a group of p.m. Sunday. October in the Judy Bayley Theatre. More in- money will nol elite." 25 thru 28 politicians who want lo "buy"votes- fo: 739-3838. by a To be sure that Ihey tax money will nol he wasted group of bureaucrats who think.repeal think, they know what b In our best In- ANNOUNCEMENTS: terest. The Yellin'Rebel THE COLLEGE DIVISION OF THE NATIONAL UNITY PARTY The bene of how tax dollars are being raised aad speat has beocme is seeking students interested in establishing chapters of Students for mighty serious business. Thevoting rule to II ought to mirror this fact. National Unity on campuses throughout the . For details, write: NU Party, SNU, 2433 18th Street, NW, Washington, Two-thirds b a majority by any definition. Sosse opponents coastanlly needs writers! DC 20009. refer to a minority approving or denying tax Increases. Apply 1 to 5 p.m. USLVs READING CENTER CUNIC needs volunteers to The doner the voting rule b lo unanimity, the more llkdy theresulu will AND the record textbooks for reading impaired students. The center provides he good from an economic point of view The reverse side of coin b rule, likrty tapes, recorders, and text for all volunteers. More info: 739-3781. the further one moves .».y from ,he majority Ihe leas MSUI2O aashste'e expense special Interest groups can benefit at the geaeral or call 739-3478 .UNLV rettln' Rebel. October 9, IM4,3 YELLIN' Harvey the Yak by Greg Dorchak OUT The Yellin' Rebel asks: What are your views on the two dollar parking fee at the Silver Bowl?

MARY MONAHAN TERRY CLARK 19, Psychology 19, Finance WRITING "I don't think it's right. I think it's a "I think if they charge us two dollars SCHOOL IN JANUARY bunch of ???? and I don't think that for the Silver Bowl the least they BLOCKTjik START LAW they have the right to charge us for should do is pave it. If you're going GRADUATE IN 24 MONTHS parking for things that we've already to pay two dollars and park in the paid for with our money and stuff dirt it dirties your car; it sucks. They like that. don't think they a say to I have it's going the upkeep of the Western. San Diego's Innovative A.B.A. right to charge the California students." parking lot. What upkeep? There's accredited law school, la taking applications for Its January no upkeep whatsoever." 1985 At CaHfomla you aril * and August classes. Western *- — » have the option to graduate In 2. 2'/j, or 3 years. Whatever you choose, you will experience our unique Wend of aca- RESEARCH CATALOG demic coursework and comprehensive skills training. Our Catalog contain* detailed deecriptteneof 14.278 reeeerch paper* A virtual library of Write or phone for our free Bulletin. informationat your fingertip* Lai thta valuable educational aid aarva you throughout your Law college yaara Our papar* ara time-proven CaNonae Western School of winner* Footnoteand WWtographicpagaaan* 350Cedar Street San Dtogo. CA 92101 (619)2390391 included at no antra coat. Ordering, a iMarch paper it aa aaay aa ptcking-up your phona e*a«eHe*aeaaiMa»elaD«u»iUeiiuMw*e**rriftOur Please me your latest Bulletin. tnd me*.* a**Manc» Malt of 78 jnaJMHI send f**earch*f*enclwftt*r*.*echMaMy wemedjn aaaabUe dkjelpHn*. e**lM you all your eeadamte can «tt Nona ORAOtK •AVf TM* AMO ■WW TOUR Manuu • • teaßtvaaftvery EanMriaj sw as •MIMMI », IMP***. ea*en*eaal« ■a* KJJta few I (Mwanduau School

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TOM OSBORNE JIM BLOCKY IN 196QTHE PILL GAVE 19, Finance 21, Communication Studies WOMENA NEWFREEDOM. "I think that students at UNLV "I've got a press pass so I don't have should not have to pay for parking. to worry about it. I get in free but They should be able to show their you know still I think two dollars is IN 1984,THE SPONGE GIVES IDs at the gate and not have to pay quite outrageous." because we pay fees for school and tuition; we shouldn't pay for that. WOMEN A NEWCHOCE That's our team out there and we should not have to pay two dollars to park." kr' "*ikWlimU V—, Its been a longrime Twenty-four years, M'' /Sand there hasn't b>een a sensible new option in /F -'s!*H*-Sw ■ \ birth control. M-■ Until Today" Today, the 24-hour jßlv ' ■■■tfj*»Us>z&L Contraceptive Sponge. THE PARTY'S OVER COME GRADUATION. (#^f': . . Today is a soft, comfortable spongethat contains :f$%SfW ■■,■■■■• Nonoxynol-9.the same effective spermicide women ORisn? lp have been using for over 20 years. The Sponge is easy to use You just moisten it thoroughly with water and insert it like a tampon, and it works for a full 24 hours.

, Sponge, you worry hormonal side effects. '^Wam With The don't have to about and a live day!^!work we* contraceptive has been puMngWsnose to Ihe gnndstone or ctang a^ft"l!av l^ And no other non-prescription vaginal proven more beWin Incorporate world is enough to send A job thai pays you wen and is Med effective" It's been through seven years of extensive testing, and over 17 million many seniorsoil to graduale school Butthe with perks. sold luturedrjesn'thavetor»tr*WeakJnK«.» A jobwhere you new peon* every day Sponges have been ycukrwwr*tkirJd|cowMwailingtayou and & you'll fate to leave at night Of course, you don't need a prescription for The Sponge. It can be found Ajob^epins^sutea^ialtow*. at your local drug store and at selected supermarkets.In the 3-pack or convenient Snioineaiobmanaaing a hot restaurant IIthat's the kind of |obyou're looking tor, 12-pack. Friday*is lookinglor you. trJ»StlME4rr.i»snSnnually. with 160 TGI And theToday Sponge is the only contraceptive that comes with someone employees and 180 menu items vVe'H soon be on your campus. Contact your our have any or you're just Ajob withacompany that has over 100 placement office tor interview dates and times. to talk to: 24-hourToday TalkLinc If you questions, wondering if The Sponge is right for you, visit your student health center or give 800-222-2329.) us a call at 800-223-2329. (In California. Finally, you have the spontaneity you want and the protection you need. But, best of all. vou haw another choice you never had "save"loo !i ON WO VPACKS OR ONE 12-PACK. \T7^l^%*■ I onwdM inn rou »nd tm cwwmw **t eop«m *mft km oieni«ockfoco>«iucoueonimrtiMmnMii«on \ ,*~? I \ WKttSt WM) it IWMIrtM lli*o W PMinelitfThiicoupon in mv 4:^.-' 'V^iKlSrSKTMauf ™ •01 0fWl«Wl0«l|*US» MMM ninwitn* K> YU COWM!*! J* '■,*■ : : v |?» Hi 801 MOO Cimwt KM« 5?f5 / i. •aatlW m t I PC l r .' !Jf(7 J 513bb 100140 \*-V <$ff^

— *I»^^^Se^Baaaaaw^^^^^l»!im. *.*"

*Clit)k.,ilkm* hawamdudnl tfwi mnwn am «fle<'» Mtnwl dfecUwww Mr irfMMrt Ifthn uw the Tmhy Sr»m»famMtnms jnJ W.n «* Q»p "' n MCinJmH hi 1.ih.1 irwriKtMri. C |«M Vtl Gtp and Thu SfktW trademark*.>f VLI .IJNI.V Yellin- Rebtt, October 9. 19*4, 4 with dean: confidentiality betrayed? Dialoging your degree drugs, and to keep loving their off- A weekly service the Yellln' Rebel from her mother who had originally i.e., promiscuous movies enables i hem of changing lifestyles. when they "spring and the Division Student Services called Ihe Tonopah Hall office to get television, and spring even off" of in my major of with to work lIHH an urgent message to her daughter There is no doubt mind that into the leagues life ability. relative to her father's emergency this young ladyV. parents love her; questionable minor league opinions expressed herein are felt • The heart surgery. The mother refused to however, I understand and the where it can do I necessarily those the Ytllin ' not of he daughter wasn't residing in poignant reaction their love under- Rebel. believe Tonopah Hall when so informed by went when the deception of their (Send vour letters to Dean of are a world of good I ■ ■ I the secretary. Out of desperation her daughter wasrevealed. There two Students, 330 Humanities Bldg.) pro- other children in that family whom Dear Dean Daniels: call was transferred to me and I mised to look into the situation and the parents also love. Until the 1 heart surgery parents am taking a class with an interna- call her back. Minutes later father's both Mc Go wne I to incollege tional who is a very smart but telephoned the mother and told her worked support two kids student one high I very angry young man. He is a com- that her daughter was registered in and school senior. feel couple, faculty science major with a GPA of the University, but that she did not sorry for the but for different joins puter We have nearly 4.0. He likes the U.S.A. and live in the residence hall. The mother reasons than you. all done things growing up that we aren't A former corporate accounting wants to become a citizen. The guy then inquired about her daughter's ex- necessarily proud of; however, it is a manager for the Golden Nugget knows American law better than I address and phone number. 1 (he mistake expect our parents to in- and Casino has joined the do. Last week our class was discuss- plained to mother I was unable to to Hotel in our "fun at faculty of UNLV's College of Hotel ing computer confidentiality and the provide that information. The dulge and games" ex- Administration. Lori McGowne, a Buckley Amendment. After class he frustrated mother suggested that she their emotional and financial Couples a right certified public accountantr, is me knew you and told wouldcontact the local police or send pense. have to live asked if 1 I teaching hotel courses during the fall him I knew who you were, but that I her oldest son to Las Vegas totry to the way they so desire; however, liv- had never had a conversation with locate her daughter. I told the mother ing together is adult behavior with semester. - Las voice he because the emergency nature adult responsibilities and realities A native of Vegas, McGowne you. In a very angry said that of Your first jobafter graduationshould * his of her call, her not childhood fantasies. Why live a earned her bachelor of science degree that you had illegally informed I would check more just a paycheck. daughter's go to I you who caused the mess? in business administration from offer than girlfriend's parents that she was liv- class schedule and lie? ask • academically in 1979. She says she plans to CORPS ON UNLV CAMPUS ing with him and that her parents had her next class and advise her of her Being talented does not UNLV PEACE a graduate degree while 11 you're this year, look her that they are no longer father's illness. The mother asked me necessarily imply a parallel level of pursue graduating informed teaching. going her college educa- for the schedule and the names and chronological, biological, and into a unique opportunity to put I to support to joining the UNLV hotel tion. Is it true that you called Moline, telephone numbers of her daughter's psycho-sociological maturity. Ob- Prior your degree to work where it can do I spoil- faculty McGowne held positions as Illinois and told his girlfriend's professors. explained my inability viously, her rich young lover is a world of good. Look into the I corporate accounting manager thai she interna- to divulge those data accordance ed from having so many creature the * mother and this in Peace * with the Buckley When a wealth of for the Golden Nugget Hotel and Corps. I student were living together? Amendment. comforts. There is & 17 A 18 tional If and as a supervisor with the V to 4, Wed Thur, Oct so, don't you think you were out of I contacted her daughter she im- wisdom inherent in this situation for Casino INFORMATION TABLE IN MSU I, but rather accounting firm of Laventhol & Hor- line? Also, how can her parents say mediately started crying and attemp- both of them. It is not INTERVIEWS: Friday Oct. 19 pro- that they love her and at the same ted to have a catharsis with me. I ad- the young lady who should feel wath. Seniors and grads up advance at she finally McGowne is the fourth new facul- time withdraw all of their financial vised her to share with her mother ud of herself, because the Career Placement Office. her ty member appointed in the hotel col- PEACE CORPS FILM support from her? hope you tell me what she had begun sharing with me. came to grips with herself and I year, bringing 12 noon on Oct 18 in the Oasis Rm, Student I breach stu- She apprently telephoned her mother parents. Now she and her lover can lege during the past to "no" that you didn't that cf full-time faculty Union iMl^a^a^a^a^a^aM dent's confidentiality by calling and that day, because her mother begin a lifestyle ofresponsible adults 23 the number in incthe program.prugiaiu. telling her mother about her living telephoned me the following day and and abandon their fugitive-like memberss with this kid, because they are plann- thanked me for having contacted her behavior from the love and judgment are human, ing to sue you on the grounds you daughter. of her family. Parents violated their right to privacy under R. 1)., it is not easy to be a parent too, and as such possess the capacity Nonetheless, the Buckley Amendment. This guy these days. Parental love and respon- for profound anger. said he talked to his girlfriend's sibility have so many competitors; they have a unique resiliency which mother and she told him she didn't want to meet him ever and that he had better be glad that her husband was recuperating from heart surgery at Planned Parenthood" or he'd come out here and kick his WOMEN'S HEALTH CARE ISN'T CHEAP - | ! .... What a mess you seem to have IT ONIY COSTS lESS caused. I hope you feel proud of (20% OFF FIRST VISIT WITH THIS AD) J -«■ i yourself. I feel sorry for the couple, VL I -J I| | I 1 but I feel ihe girl's parent are over- • ROUTINE (,VN£( OLOGKAL EXAMS sHL I reacting. This is 1984 not the Dark • AIL HIRTH CONTROL METHODS \iKX ' • T[STIN(, A VERIEK AIION ' ' Ages, Dean. PREGNANCY i Jill • PREGNANCY COUNSELING* REEERRAL ' R.D. • ERIE EDUCATION PROGRAMS W/*'l>L ' • ALL SERVICES (ONEIDENTIAL I mf \l\ < Dear R.D.: VISAVMASIER(ARI)- FOR APPOINTMENT ' SAMI/LHAMPUSAUEPTED | You are correct thisis 1984 and not INFORMATION the Dark Ages; however, life is pro- 601 South Thirteenth Street CALL 355-3451 | ; created today just as it was centuries ago. Societal norms have indeed I Sav-On Drug*, on* o( tht targaat volunw tiui! drugMora '■ I chaiqi in tlw UnitedStain today, currtnlly hai caraar op- changed, but the responsibilities and tor individuals 1 I J portonitiat with collaga dagraai or lha <^O s I consequences in "liberated" "*»» / ii.;"W \Ss X s aquivalant axparianca in a ratail managamant potition. \\\vbbl* I the J ■ / J Dagraet in buunata are halpful, but all ma|on ara givan -' America have not. Yes, I know I rS/ coniidaration. X. J which you write, and, yes TYPING S s s S f situation of >. ■ Jr S / J Sav-On iilooking lor individual*with good iniarparional V >v ™J , m / / \ \ » JB ' 1 did telephone Moline, Illinois. H9 / akillt who hava lha potential and lha daaira for a laadar- I * / / I • PAPERS RESUMES / »hip poutton in ratailing. Wa otfar an aacallant Hatting « fully S B ■*? \ H However, did so aware of the TERM / / / rang* company and N. I I B J wia'v. a wide of banafiti. caraar \ rights responsibilities of the * * B£ / growth opportunitiaa. \ I and DISSERTATIONS THESES A I f / V*»■ | Buckley Amendment. ■H/ / / WE WILL BE ON CAMPUS RECRUITING \ There is a historical context involv- Word Processing/100% Guaranteed I ing my interactions with the young 3| lady and her parents which you might Flamingo #235 not have been aware of by her 4055 South Spencer at jj / HanagenientTrainees \ boyfriend. The young lady entered I/ \B' UNLV several semesters ago as a 737-3900 jr*J7SSSSSJ& resident of Tonopah Hall. Sheis now either sophomore or a first a semester 1/ / PLEASE SIGN UP AT THE CAREER PLANNING \ \l junior, because she changed her ma- U/ / AND PLACEMENT CENTER ON CAMPUS \ jor once to my knowledge. All of the \^B time she has been here she has feign- ed residency in Tonopah Hall to her parents. Actually, she met her boyfriend during her second semester here and by the end of the semester literally moved out of Tonopah Confidential had \ Hall into an apartment with her j / An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F I 1 rather affluent lover. Last Spring I TESTS — Immediile Mm/Is received an emergency transfer call • ALTERNATIVE TO UNPLANNED PREGNANCY

— Choicti — Mithods Costs (702) 732-9515 / 24 Hour Into: 733-4022 YELLIN' 2023 Paradise Road ■ Las Vegas REBEL

University of Nevada, Las Vegas 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, NV 89154 News (702)739-3478 Advertising (702)739-3889 Karen Cohen Editor Suzanne Scan Managing Editor

Ginger Iruntr x Photo Editor

John Kevin Henneny Militant Photo Editor ThemesHerein Entertainment Editor Geoffrey Schumacher Sports Editor Meuroon Colbert Secretory Renin Hunt Proofreader

Published every Tuesday ol the academic semester by Ihe students ol UNLV The opinionsexpressed herein are not necessarily those ol the Consolidated Students ol Ihe university ol Nevada. Las vegas. Ihe University ol Nevada. Las Vegas administra- tion the University ot Nevada System or Ihe Board ot Regents. sadf I SI V YeUln' Rebel. October 9, IM4, pigc 5.

MATERIAL PROVIDED BY CSUN OFFICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION AGENDA ""SKSFSr4 PRICE BUSTERS ADDS CSUN SENATE: INSIDE MS 4^.Tm UP TO SAVINGS HEATED BATTLES OCCURRED...a! the last Senate Meeting. The I- Call to Order "Price Busters," the officialname of the Student Discount Service, biggest battle surrounds the donation of $1,000 to the Communica- has negotiated two new agreements. The Camrlot 24-hour Health tions Department for a Computergraphics production that is being 11. Roll Call Spa, located at 5090 S. MarylandParkway will offer a 10V. discount produced here at UNLV. The Senate originally approved the money to all UNLV students who show their valid student I.D. This applies an

the Senate. closed at 5 p.m. Friday. will , _ . , m. Old Business Filing last Theelection beheld K1 „-.uc „,„,.,,,„,. c i.u -n. on Wednesday, October 17th and Thursday, October both. The 1984 ' N OTHER BUSINESS, the Senate approved contracts with The Generics Rock n Roll Heaven, The A. Nominations for Vacant Senate Seats reapportionment is identical to last year's, with 20 Senate seats divid- and Continental for perfor- ™ nc u"n* f"'- as *c"as a for ™NV with Ice edamong the various colleges in proportion to thenumber of enrolled ?* °^' ""g* ,X ° n Ron Mortensen Den.se Andfcrsen were 1. Academic Advisement -Ron Mortensen, students: Academic Advisement, 3 seats; Arts and Letters, 4 seats; Pr ,V,. and Mortensen. Deniseuenise Andersen ! nominatedd^"°to filll the two vacant Academic Advisement Senate seats, gga|||| , Educationi 2 „,, Hold Ad terms expiring October 31st- Scot. Black, Jeff Scott W.d- Tll.New Business ministration, 2 seats; Health Sciences, 1 seat; Science, Math, and Chadwell, mar' Bloom, and Robert Ashley were appointed as'members of Enaineerinß 3 scats

. Board, A . ,- .... _,„~ „ Clay appointed ... ~_ . the Elections with Catherine as Chairman. A. Appomtmen, of Candidates to M Vacant Senate Seats from one lime slipcnd of $400 was also approved for the chairman . B. Approval Appointments of ™E SENATE APPROVED ELECTION...m.,eria, submitted by 1. Robert Dickensheets to Radio Board gS^MUK^S^S^-KS^ Vo" nB 2. Martha Shaffer to Publications Board hours- ' r THE SENATE APPOINTED...Arts and Letters Senator Tyrone r<_. suspcno«m,«.h Kuies■ l i i oyiaw CTIPWDC Smith as the new Chairman of the Radio Board, the policy setting i MarfcaT»Vr "I AMD body Senate Faculty ~..._,,,„ m\J LFll IX S X that supervises KUNV; President Haldeman to D. - Amendment to Bylaws 22 Varona ** TT'T'a'-makTCi C ode Cof™'"*: a "d L Senator Holm and B&E Senator Varona '° ,he By,aws Committee. E. Discussion-Action "Double Dipping" Policy - Varona BUII ON S

F. Approval of $150 to Tau Kappa Epsilon for Clean-Up of Voter The Nevadans for Representative Government, . a group that opposes M,rr,nnw,nrrw ID| * Registration Drive - #~"T¥»/I17C NSA Question 12, has bumper stickers stating "NO ON 12" available in OKTOBERFEST '84 ACTIVIES

, . CSUN They are ~ selling ,f. „ offices. also buttons to raise money for the G. Approval ol an $150 "" -.. _. .. Amount not to Exceed for Clean-Up of Voter costly campaign against the persons - '*.. measurer SeveralCT rSOn! within CSUN „ ■-..... Have .nqu, r er„e csSN omres o£ff»th« H. Suspend the Rules Bylaw 15 W:io a.m., beer, schnapps, and the Dummkophs will open the festivities at the east entrance of the Moyer Student Union, followed * at 12:20 p.m. by wrestling and a horseshoe competition. I. Approval of a Donation of $1,200.00 to the Lost City Documentary arrarm fc Project - y Ai (\tJkS w Friday, October 12th at 11:30 a.m.. The Continental will perform, wiln more be"' food and schna s available. At there J. September Stipend of $125.00 for Vice-Chairman of Entertainment _ ' PP 12:30 p.m., wi " oc hot and Marling few minutes & Programming im, a legs contest, a later will be a JIM .JU .jbsl. «—l m „ muscle man contest attended by Mr. Nevada. The tradition of ihe W,iW K. Approval of September Stipend not to Exceed 1125.00 for Vice- 1 W ffßM| raunchy antics of The Fox will commence at 1:30 p.m. All this is at US east entrance. & B§ t MSU's Chairman of Entertainment Programming | | A |— [Id (ml On Saturday Heaven will perform, L. Approval of Resolution 14-3, Proposition 12 || I J f\#l F" _y the I3lh. Rock'n Roll with danc- W_ I I I￿ I Lh *i ing, etc., in the MSU Ballroom, followed by more of The Generics. Approval Miss O^00""! will be crowned at midnight. The party at M. of Resolution 14-4, Withdrawal Refund 2? tm a ■ ■ _, — _ at% 1 begins IjwLSi; 1/ \\ / aT t I i**7 9:30 p.m. and lasts until 2a.m. Students pay $2, with general admis- FLAG DESIGN CONTEST % M O *ViA CONSTITUTION ON OCT BALLOT The Executive Board has ordered that the CSUN Office of L I || 7 Public In H|l V J * L_*~ Bi* formation conduct a contest participate *W/vl for UNLV students to in Eg !■ TheCSUN Constitution, which has undergone a long amending pro- ! creating a school fiag. OPI Director James Ohriner will conduct the SK ;,„:- Ai «». | 4(. cess within Senate, < the CSUN the administration and approved the contest, with judging by OPI, the Board, bv Executive and the Senate. A ~^^!10^* %Kt Board of Regents, will he on ihe ballot with [he Senate election Bill $125 first prize is offered for the most creative, realistic, useful flag Haldeman, Senate President, and James Ohriner design. accepted Project Home already Senate President Submissions will be through Friday, October 19th. Home Sweet has begun to match roommates. Pro Tempore, spent thebetter part of the past year rewriting the docu- wtth the winner being announcedin the yellin'Rebel OPI section on The free "roommate clearinghouse" continues to accept applications ment to expanvj the membership of CSUN and afford students a flcxi- ready form, a room or October 30th. Submitartwork in black A white, copy on from all interested students who need have a room to offer. ble document. All students arc advised to read the amendment to the an an eight and a half by eleven inch sheet or smaller. Toil may addi- Feel free to pick up application from CSUN's Public Information Constitution that will be published in the Yellin' Rebel If you have Officer, in tionaliy submit a color copy and-or color specifications. James Ohriner the CSUN offices. any questions about the Constitutional Amendment, contact Senate President Haldeman or Senate Secretary Susan Dute.

continued from page 6 forget thai David Bowie is the enigmatic single Beatles. I still believe in the strangest seven-minute ballad, with most influential since the figure things. still love the % a chorus of, "Believing the strangest I alien. thing, loving thealien". The 's first single, "Blue Jean," with its ir- resistable sing-alongchorus, is poten- tially thebest single Bowie has releas- ed since "Young Americans". The B tide of thesingle, and Tonight's clos- ing track, "Dancing With The Big Boys" is little more than a remake of "Fashion," which I wasn't crazy about in the first place. The rockers on the album are unspectacular. The Generallyighlights of Tonight are its more reined moments, the two reggae cuts, the only ones on which Bowie covers any new ground. Tonight is, at best, a mixed bag, but let us not Help the Yellin'Rebel rate the UNLV instructors!

Every semester, when preregistration rolls around, students consult their classmates about "which teachers to take." The advice Is usually helpful but limited. This semester, the Yellin' Rebel wants to help students benefit from the experiences of others. We're asking for letters (length Is not important) about UNLV instructors with whom you have

- taken classes. All opinions ■ good, bad, indifferent are welcome. Please sign your letter (for vesication of authenticity - names of contributors will not be published) and either Bring it to the Yellin 1 Rebel office (MSU 302) or mail it to us-Yellin' Rebel, MSU 302, UNLV, 4505 Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89154. Letters must be received no later than Nov. Artist Marilyn Levine uncovers her "D.I.A. "for better viewing at theopening of the CeramicSculpt"" '"" ■ 27 and will be published in the Dec. 4 and 11 issues of the Yellin' Rebel. vitationalin UNL Vs Fine Arts Gallery. The exhibit continues through Oct. 26. photo by Patricia Mortanfi entertainment UNLV Yeltin- Rebel, October », 19M, 6 Video music station manned by UNLV students

. , of months of puts it, "Karen is our most im- ■ f er a missed ex- Bell «" by ThomasHawley p.m. Gray thinks thai her radio the a nbi ™l'on of Bell's (he portant link to Las Vegas rock 'n aL«n«- competi- today, and wanls lo stay in and '** Gwendolyn videos, and has since found business can bother her, "but J of of the negative letter udlvlo P»" couple tion from several cable and network thick of it. only it's one-sided and a" 11 a of Vusic 21 Karen Lynn comes from a because tickets programs. Now, starting with Vusic also usually an address to She started as ihe doesn't have T-shirts through 21, it looks like the day of the local radio background. to answer has gone many duties on KUNVs airwaves, respond to." She tries as Bell video channel has arrived. first female as can. Vusis. including traffic co- work as a DJ ai much of her mail she at UNLV students aren't jusl wat- and moved on lo Although they sometimes like a lit- ordinanon, phone research, "crawl" a newscaster al KENO. ching Vusic 21, though; they're get- KOMP and tle on their own, both Gray programming, and music video pro- Lynn, Gray, was taken aback privacy working ting involved. In fact, you might like and Lynn enjoy meeting the people gramming He enjoys with recognize a VJ Jock) in one of at the sight of all Ihe beautiful girls "Havin' fun" (Video to when out with the other VJs for a the Vusis' gals. is how and guys audilioning, bul decided them. a nutty your classes. care- public event. "Audience response is Bell describes "They're Senior Melissa Gray first heard give it a go. She (hinks that her kids." he grins. her the amazing," says Lynn. "When all get bunch of about Vusic one of BobMc- free attitude on camera got fun," to stay with Vusic after 21 in Dr. during Ihe in- together incostume it's a lot of Bell hopes Connell's classes, and thought it job. "I was real quiet His threeyears at UNLV bul ihe audition I jusl let says Gray. graduation. sounded fun. She'd had radio ex- terview, al his vsork in retail record sales crazy." Bell is also a senior majoring in and perience al KMJJ, KLAV, and loose and got an intense interest in six V Lynn is pro- communication studies, but (hat's have fostered KUNV (CSUN's student-run staiion, Like Ihe other Js. a music guy," says Bell. lo read, bul she where his similarity with the Vusic music. "I'm where Gray is currently Program vided with liner cards to be in some part of the lo every word ends, for Bell is an intern with He wants Director), and video seemed like a doesn't like lo be lied gals helps shape the course on. get 21, and works behind the business that step. when Ihe camera comes "I Vusic scene, and he feels that natural scenes. of the music When wenl down to Ihe audi- the skeletal informalion down and she heard about Vusic 21 when Vusic 21 does that. Gray was somewhat in- jusl go for it.". He first tions. lo Melissa Gray, Karen (he setting (he Lynn likes her current nine mid- Bob" (McConnell) was assign- Between timidated by new and "Dr. Lynn, and Bob Bell, UNLV is well night because it's a looser at- ing interviewing projects over the large group of girls applying, bul she shift represented at Vusic 21, and along (o mosphere than her former afternoon summer. When he foundout the new worked her nervous energy her ad- rest of the Vusic crew, "You have lo be yourself," station would play music videos. Bell with the Bob Beit and Gina Nines take a minute out of their hectic schedules. vantage. "I was so nervous I couldn't spot. they'll keep the videos coming to the nighttime rockers said (to himself) "Hello, this is for Photo by GingerBruner stop," says Gray, who now appears says Lynn, and the students. Vusic 21 and UNLV seems weekdays 3 6 are an audienceshe can relate to. As me." on Vusic 21 from until to be a combination with a future. Missing Persons back at UNLV view: Bowie reconsidered pop ar- Vinvl manner. video collaborationwith 60s many limes has Artemus W. 01outrageous concert How always con- tist, The The album's lead-off track, "Lov- Concert Hall sold out? Well, if Missing Persons is Peter Max. by RobertBell worked with "China Girl." Iggy Ham though, be 80s all two sur- ing TheAlien," caused me to worry, you're talking the Master scscious of their appearance, and at The sound, will Pop collaborations contain about way, providing Hall with tunes, simply by virtueof its title. No cause you're ththeir last Ham Hall date, the stage the Ham • prisingly credible reggae Series, perhaps quite a few. If DAVID BOWIE TONIGHT alarm, Bowie has not wasWi draped with an intriguing array another taste of what new music is all "Don't Look Down" and for however. talking about non-classical groups, EMI America SJ-17138 to and pillage theZiggy of and white fabric. In a about. Tickets are available at Las "Tonight," a duet with Tina Turner. decided rape however, the answer can be counted of aluminum catalouge on thisone. What - Vegas House, the Drum an Stardust on one finger: Missing Persons a recentre interview with KUNV's Sporting The new album isn't as bad The cover versions include overly beautifully year's Shoppe, Nellis AFB, Miller Bowie we do have here is a fact made more impressive with the R

- 1 Linda Woods play multiple roles ranging from nine-year-old children lo elderly men and women. The ac- & unfolds in a series of 26 comic < ll* *30 2:00 am party dance with tion •M/AJI' • " scenes depicting various aspects of V^Cl. U " American life. Oal« ROCK N ROLL HEAvEN of "Since the original production - ■ The Dining Room opened up in MSU»ALLROOM THE GENERICS" 1981 in New York, it has become one the most popular comedies per- of (Robert Welsh) is using Aunt HarrietIMaite Garcia) as his $tttudent qo am |SS oktoberfest formed in American theaters," Har- WASPt Tony 12: m contest example of the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant common to the nor- ** ris noted. a $3 genral admission The Dining Room is the first off theastern United States/or classproject. UNLV Ytttln' Rebel. October 9, 1984, 7 The Bear, 'bearable,'but just 'bearly' byB.F.D. back home, where he stayed the rest Bear got married, that was about it players. Bear never cared what color win, but it was too shallow to be a HBO. of his career. for his wife. Did Mary have any in- they were as long as they could play significant film. There were really no other actors The Bear is "bearable," but just movie emphasizes thecoach's fluence on touched ball - but others did. was a ma- Director Richard Sarafian went the to mention besides Garv Busey -L rto The his life? The film This long enough to "bearly." If you're from Alabama winning ways and takes alook at his on the importance of Bryant to jorcontroversy in Southern football, easy route with a film that looks like one else stays around in was for or make of an impact. and you like football, then you might discipline, philosophy, and his desire Alabama, but Bear was God and the movie spent about four it made Showtime much - effort, just think this movie is "the bee's things training 'Bama, have been minutes on it. Cinemax. It will probably be re- As for Gary Busey good to do with class. His and that should stretch, to knees." Or, if you're a Gary Busey camps were more like boot camps, looked into more. The Bear looked like a University quired viewing at the University of good and it shows him be barely men- of but everyone a wonder they 11 fan, you might appreciate the film. especially when he went to a new Another area that was Alabama P.R. film. It showed Alabama, else should credible actor. I if Bryant's January it on use Busey they The Tark. The Bear is the story of Paul W. school. He felt the only way to tioned was the use of black football class, style, and desire to wait until to catch when make Bryant, the all-time winningest col- change a losing program was an in- legiate football coach, who died Jan. tense and complete overhaul of both 26, 1983. the player's mental and physical con- The movie begins (and ends) with dition. Bryant's last game, but soon shifts to A classic "Bear" scene took place a wrestling match between 17-year- during one of the basic training ses- old Paul and a huge brown bearat a sions. The players had been working carnival. If he stayed in the ring for a out and running all day, and were do- minute, he would collect a dollar ing catesthenics in the pouring rain. from the manager. Although he They were looking a little tired, so never got paid for the feat, he ended the Bear called them out onto the up with the nickname that stuck for porch. He talked about pride, class, the rest of his life. Jesus, their parents, and most From then on (aside from a stint in everything else. He told them they the navy), it's football all the way. are lucky to be doing what they are Bear Bryant was a player for the doing and fires the team up for the Alabama team that went undefeated coming season. But is that the endof and won the Rose Bowl in 1934. the workout? No way! It means they Bryant knew he wasn't a very good now have to go at it twice as hard, player, but he wanted to stay in the and they do so gladly. That was the game and he needed a jobsoon after Bear's strong point; the ability to get graduation because he was to marry an individual to stretch his his girlfriend, Mary (Cynthia Leake). capabilities to the limit. He took a job as assistant coach at U Cary Busey is convincing as a of A. He then went to various other Southern good ol' boy. He looks, schools and built winning football moves, and.talks like the Bear. The teams at all of them. only problem Busey had was playing He quit all these schools for one the Bear from 17 to 69. He never reason or another, and ended up at really looks over 45 or SO. At theend, his alma mater, the University of he's got wrinkles around his eyes, on Alabama. At one school, he quit his cheeks, and even on his earlobes. because an assistant coach was fired He even has loose skin hanging from without hisknowledge. At Kentucky, his neck, but it looks likea mask. His he took the team to its first bowl ap- eyes are as bright as a 30-year-old, pearance in the school's history. At and you get the idea he could jump the awards banquet at the end of the on a table at any moment and do an year, the basketball coach got a new Irish jig. Cadillac while the Bear got a silver The film doesn't explore some cigarette lighter. He wrote his things that need to be looked into. resignation that night. Bryant constantly refers to "mom- Finally, Alabama alumni decided my" and "daddy," and it's obvious The late Alabama football coachPaul "Bear" Bryant fL) is portrayed by they wanted a team they could be they influenced him, but how? Is that Vinyl view: Metheny release Gary Busey (R) in THE BEAR, now showing at tht Red Rock 11 Theaters. proud of, so they lured the coach where he gets his drive? Once the just in time for Grammies Ensemble to perform Sunday on this album holds true Jazz by Kelly Kuzik The music Metheny award-winning Jazz to form in the best tradi- UNLV's Metheny - tion. sounds from will perform its first con- METHENY GROUP FIRST We hear Ensemble PAT are anxiously anticipated, at season Oct. Hat 2p.m. in CIRCLE that cert of the his fusion contexts. The Judy Bayley Theatre on campus. ECM 25008-1 E least in the sound is methodical, yet in a way, Local jazz artist Giis Mancuso will be playing Metheny Group has playful. a special guest performer, The Pat several tunes to for baritone horn during the free show. strategically released their first fusion There are listen including The student band, which has album of 1984 just-in time to meet on this album, "Yotanda Learn", Circle", "Tell it recorded several record and the 1984 Grammy deadline. Having You "First has toured the United States, won the Grammy in both '82 and '83, all" and "If I Could." "Yolanda fast, hard-driving Europe, Japan and South America, Metheny seems destined to add yet You Learn" is a performs free concerts each fall and another Grammy to his collection tune, probably the most exciting cut spring semester, usually featuring a with First Circle. on the album. The title from First guest soloist. Metheny is once again joined by Circle follows in the footsteps of the the nucleus of his fusion entourage, titlecut from Travels.Both are slow, Mancuso, who plays piano and including Lyle Mays on Keyboards easy and flowing. bass as well as baritone horn, has and Steve Rodby on bass. The now- "Tell It All" is a mixture of East been called the "Miles Davis of the famous Pat Metheny Group is also Indian music style and Western jazz, baritone." He has performed with helped out by two new members, characterized by the keyboard of Quincy Jones, Louis Bellson, Harry Pedro Aznar on drums (and nylon Lyle Mays. "If I Could"is probably James, Sarah Vaughn, Billy string guitar on a couple of tunes) one of the prettiest songs ever pressed Eckstine, and Buddy Greco, toname and Paul Werito on percussion. onto vinyl -- a very soothing piece to a few. Metheny plays the Synclavier syn- listen to. The program for the ensemble's thesizer guitar, an instrument for On the whole, this is an excellent fall concert includes "Crusade" by which he has become well-known, album -- strong enough to perhaps Bill Holman, "Blue Daniel" arrang- and which he helped develop. pull off the Grammy hat trick for ed by Rob McConell, the standards Metheny this year. "After You've Gone" and "Limehouse Blues," and a number of other tunes, including the original "Inspector General" by the band's in Judy Bayley new pianist, Tibbs. FREE JAZZCONCERT- The UNL V Jazz Ensemble will perform inafreeconcert Theatreal Scott UNLV Oct. 14 al 2 p.m. Ask Tommy and Bernie: What about those cheerleaders? up -- bigger the better. Going back to the criticism of Tommy & . , the ante the Bernie: , „ Dear schoolu i cheerleading squad, our suggestions the letter I sometimes find myself looking for the lost soul of Rebel UNL V's if from first to by those concerned, then I fancy you'll spirit. I think UNLV is great!!! "Hip-Ho and away we go, Rebels are taken to heart withdraw very my friends your observation, you chauvinist dog! theCal Bowl!" I don't hear thischeer often. Most of immature " just go games drink and look at the girls who carry those to This year's■* best film!" to the (iilumnm one get more yelling and spirit? TFN Character Profile: Huh Blpka f■ Ij/ Smith, Svnduai«l • flags. How does never Signed, ' 'What are ya, mils'!'' shouts a milted HashBipka tohis agent, ''I script. You want fans?" Bleeding Rebel Scarlet and Gray turn down a good I should disappoint my "Mozart's greatest hit... We caught up with the busy octogenarian performerat the festivitiesmark- Mozart comes raucously alive as a punk rebel, have new nightclub, Bipka's Bagel (located the Tommy Touchdown: / think it would be a good idea to theflag ing the opening of his Bistro in grossing out the Establishment...a grand, sprawling clothing everytime Rebels score, and puta Malleria), and between business deals, he told us why he juggles lour girls take a piece of the " entertainment!' im* off in- relaxing at his home Miami. "It's not money, states piece on when the opposingteam scores. This wouldlead to more careers instead of in Blpka "Money. I got. The people want Hash, and so Hesh terest in Nebraska-like high-scoring games. emphatically, "A sumptuous musicalepic, a love story, a drama of Bernie Fuddle: Thafs right. Tommy, and we shouldn 1 forget the gives to the people." completed ("Hesh Bipka revengeand thestory of a young musical rebel felled female fans either. How about those guy cheerleaders takm it off Give, hedoes. Hesh fust two feature films Is Mar- after every field goal and extra point. Great idea and happy spirit to tin Luther King "and' 'Bronx Side Story''), his twelfth album (''Hesh Sings in his prime'' Dsvhl Amm, ti»mn& all. Wayne''), and spends 20 weeks per year on theroad with his nightclub act. Hesh Bipka is probably best known to Las Vegas audiences as the Musical "With 'Amadeus' director Milos Forman has Director tor (The Touchdown-Fuddle Network). Hesh enjoys Monday Dear Tommy & Bernie: . TFN created what might be one of thebest movies about this work with the Brothers Brlare orchestra. ' 'The best Perhaps you can impart some of your Allah-likeadvice to tor- nights because he gets to music ever best of a11...we have here a Major) soul. I just saw the UNLV cheerleaders at a few group I've ever worked with. love these guys. The horns blowand the str- made...But tured (Latin I to a rallies, brought back heart-rending imagesof a certain half- ings wobble. It's like my Oays with Larry,'' says Bipka, retering his early picture that provides sustenance, story with pep and it he missle-esquc songleader who shunned me two years break into the business, when landed alob withhis Idol, Lawrence Welk. aftershocks and repercussions!' litre size cruise television, Chaparral now, and makes the UNLV nym- Although Bibka owns a baton once used by his mentor on Hesh CM. Hojeniicld. RollingSlow back She's a senior at case. "You with that phetteslook likea gang of mules(sorry, gals),and I can't forget. How never takes it out ofits glass could put your eye out I back? thing!" he ejaculates do win her seems - Signed, It's a hectic schedule lor Hesh Bipka andhe In good shapelor it Stranglin' the Cat despite what he might say to thecontrary ("I'm dying over here and you 're writing a story," laments Hesh). com- this lovable curmudgeon, check out the Bagel First all, your memoryhas cloudedyour eyesight and To catch the true spirit ot Bernie: of next someone you mon sense. Take a good look at our cheerleaders at the next game; Bistro, wherehe's appearing the threenights. Bring love. AmadeuS ...EVERYTHING YOU'VE HEARD IS TRUE there 're some hot items there. Howzabout that number with the long problem requires advice, S MIIiISKWMAS Also, you which creative write — AMAI'H dark hair! Howareya! Show some schoolpride, huh? from the If have a turbulent .SAII/AIVI/ * l>l II KsHAIM KS never won her in to: I Ml KKAYABRAHAM TIIMHIU.I H.I/ABI 111 HI KRIIH.I part your letter, I'd think that you thefihl Hit N first of .|\\n\i M IHU Hul mil I I HHIMIS'k KBt-.RMHr JH rHI 1 K'M st lIAKiI KAI is manipulating your twisted -BERTH-OHLSSON place. I think that your throttled feline -.;. MKJHAI I.HAI SMAS Tommy & school, Ask Bernie — imagination. you've already graduatedfrom high it's too -,-.-- SKVII.I.K MAKKINfcK PATRI/IA WN BRANIttSSTHIN IWI.ATI.AKI> If with Vellin' Rebel l>l II K SHAhf-'rlß —.SAIT./AF.NTZ MIU>S KWMAN to try flunking your way back to her (a tactic Tommy used late OWIOff „•:-'..:•.". UNLV 89154 ... PO'»w*i«««iiiii» late), and you'd best ■ iff..™ "* great sucsess matriculating four years *"' aiai* lM before the ■ ■ —t»—-«.:■ change majors. Latin is good for law, but it doesn't make it with all issues, from neuroses to neckties. For . They will be glad toaddress -STARTS chicks. Dige Tu? wit, call up the FRIDAY Tommy: to me this is barking up the wrong tree inthefirst more of their sagacious and be part of Seems fella TALKSHOW, Monday nights at 1 place, a petite "cruise missle-esque" girl doesn't buyyouract, then TOUCHDOWN-FUDDLE heard 1 if p.m. on 91.5 FM, KUNV. sports .UNLV Yellin'Rebel, October 9, 1984, 8 Rebels take command of PCAA in 41-23 victory yard The UNLV Rebel football team pleted 14 of 22 passes for 164 yards The Rebels finally got on the hXb Anih onv Blue dove through the second half as the Rebels scored ingham in the end zone for a 12 came back from last week's loss at and three touchdowns. scoreboard with a field goal of and blocked ,he kick which three times. The first came on a pass TD pass. Everybody got into the act 36 blEkero recover Hawaii to crush Long Beach State, In addition, the Rebels' defensive yards by kicker Joey DiGiovanna a lumble y by Darnell completion to Tony Gladney of 48 of defeating Long Beach State. in leTto scored once more 41-23, in a PCAA conference game secondary held the third ranked pass- the second quarter. They then went pjjkcns «hich the second six yards. Gladney had to come back to The Rebels scored when Saturday. ing attack in the nation to only one on therampage with two more scores foT UNLV in the first half, the ball and then maneuvered his way Joey DiGiovanna hit a 31-yard Held Behind 434 yards of offense, the touchdown through the air. before the half. After holding Long nliovanna's extra point put UNLV past LBS cornerback Anthony goal. He has not missed one Held by for game with LBS Reynolds season only Rebels turned a 14-0 Long Beach The first quarter was dominated Beach the second time n the in ■ tie ball at 17-17 for the score. The second goal this and has missed State lead in the first half into a rout Long Beach State as UNLV could get quarter, UNLV took the ball when the half-time gun went off. touchdown, thanks to Harvey one conversion. for UNLV. Running backs Kirk nothing going early. LBS quickly downfield and Randall hit flanker The second half was almost Allen's interception, was on a run by The victory gives UNLV a 4-1 Jones and Tony Lewis combined for scored twice, the first on a 41 yard Rod Taylor in the end zone for a flawlesson UNLV's part except for a Chris Brown from the three-yard overall record and a first place 3-0 21 Long 24S yards on theground with 133and pass from Doug Gaynor to Charles yard TD completion. mix-up *hen Beach State's line. record in thePCAA. Theirnext game 112 gained respectively. Quarterback Lockett in the end zone. The second The Rebel defense scored the next Sheldon Gaines romped 95 yards for Just previous to the Gaines kick- will be played at home versus Idaho Randall Cunningham stayed on the TD came on a 3 yard run by Martin chance they had when Long Beach a touchdown on a kick-off. off return, UNLV's senior tight end State. The action will take place in right track again this week as he com- San in around the end. punted from their end zone. Corner- Long Beach was struck dumb in David Brown was sighted by Cnn- the Silver Bowl and will tentatively begin at 7 p.m. Golf takesfourth in INTRAMURAL Falcon Invitational SCHEDULE by GeoffreySchumacher Kansas placed third at 915. UNLV INTRAMURAL FOOTBALL took fourth with a score of 922 and Saturday, 13,1984 Sunday, The UNLV golf team, led by Texas Tech rounded out the top five October October 14, 1984 outstanding play by Skip Kendall, with 929. look 4ih place last week in the Falcon UNLV's next competition will take A B Invitational at the Air Force place Oct. 10-13 in Los Cruces, New Academy. Mexico in the NMSU Fall Classic. A B Kendall had a 221 for the tourney The 54-hole tournament will be 10:00 EX vs Shieks EN vs ATO which gave him a second place played on the par 72, 7122-yard overall. He missed the first-place University golf course. Fifteen teams glory by one stroke. Other low will compete, including five PCAA 11:00 Band vs Parrots vs AEPi 10:00 EN vs AEPi Team Rob vs Front Row scorers for UNLV were Jeff Bisbee squads and last year's champion, TKE (231), Charles Berry (234), Joe Neff University of Texas, El Paso. UTEP (238), and Doug Brown (244). beat New Mexico last year for the 12:00 Assassins vs Front Row KE vs SAE 11:00 ATO vs SAE Assassins vs EX New Mexico State won the tourna- first place trophy. The Rebels ment with an overall score of 910. managed a fourth place last year and Oregon State was second at 914 and hope for more this year. 1:00 Hotel Ivs Team Rob ROTC vs Juice Crew 3:00 Shleprocks vs Hotel Ivs Parrots ROTC Volleyball loses 2:00 Sheiks vs Band Hotel II vs Panzees 4:00 Ranchers vs High Panzees vs Tonopah Country Express two 3:00 TKE vs KE Shleprocks vs High out of three Country by Geoffrey Schumacher played a league match versus UC- 4:00 Hotel II vs Juice Crew Rancher vs Tonopah Express Irvine and were beaten in four The UNLV volleyball squad won games, 12-15, 15-7, 8-15, and 4-15. only one of three matches during The UNLV team was crushed the their tour of SouthernCalifornia last following day by UC-Santa Barbara week. in three straight, 9-15, 5-15, and The Rebels tackled the University 10-15. September 29, 1984 September 30, of San Diego last Thursday and were The Rebel squad is now 13-10 in 1984 victorious in a rough five-game overall match play but 0-4 in PCAA match. The scores were 15-7, 13-15, conference matches. Las Vegas will 8-15, 15-6, and 15-3. host UC-San Diego on Oct. 12 at WON LOST WON LOST That turned out to be the end of 7:30 p.m. in the south gym. The Victory Road for the woman following day, UNLV will host UC- volleyballers. On Friday, the Rebels Santa Barbara at 2 p.m. Juice Crew (20) High Country (15) SX (42) Band (0)

Rebel soccer wins Ranchers (14) Panzees (13) SN (8) SAE (6) again, over BYU, 1-0 Shleprocks (40) Hotel II (0) Front Row (20) Hotel I (12) by Geoffrey Schumacher assisted by two teammates, Mark ATO SAE (8) (58) Olejnik and Lionel Saenz. (24) Assassins Parrots (0) The UNLV soccer team played a UNLV is now 7-2-1 overall and rough match Saturday and came up looking for Top Twenty status in I (22) (0) Tonopah Express victorious, 1-0, over Brigham Young NCAA play. They were fourth in the Hotel Shieks by forfeit Hotel II University. Far West poll last week. The Rebels outshot BYU 15-2 in Thesquad plays at home this week SN (12) AEP (6) High Country (28) ROTC (0) thematch and had eight more corner on Wed., Oct. 10 against UC-Santa kicks than the hometown Cougars. Barbara. The game is set for 7:30 The sole goal was scored by p.m. at Peter iohann Field. On Oct. SX (58) Parrots (0) freshman Gavin Spaulding of 14, the Rebels take to the road again UNLV. The South African was when they visit Santa Clara Universi- tyin a non-conference match. ATO (6) TKE (0)

collegiate crossword —=——— opportunities ' ■ WANTED: FEMALE MODELS (or non- I [5 H P P P |5 P Hi^F^I 11 I IZ I ACROSS 45 wander aimlessly 18 Get up f nude glamour photography Must be trim __ __ 49 Actress Fleming - „. ■ ■ Mon* ** l) and attractive, as well as between the I! "ta^M l ' ster * h Bowling's Anthony 24 Join weight- 6 A,di P* rtMr s * Chemical suffix watchers jt a es 0| alghteen and thirty-flvo. Non- - ~~ ~~"" %Ja 9 nr IB 10 Apply lightly b3 Toy phone sound 25 Niwismatlst'l l-in^^^l professionals considered, one UOOWyjl AutilP* will be but ■ 13 Defiant (hyph.) subject a experience _ __ —- ____ some is All |M 14 Gaucho gear S5 Seem reasonable 27 Coagulates ,ltgtfUP 'if appreciated. work 1S '» v- H-- 15 Llvln" ro0"' tn t2 —••) * 8 pm of f"»us is performed on a contract basis. Call

____ H ■■■ JH Spam 5' Work units it reel corner John at 739-3906 or 565-6295. BT [24 ■" 16 Utch 5B D»trelt athlete 29 Sartre's "to ■ 17 • [ __JPE aHwiaH B, ,* 9* rd,n sound 59 French river 30 Actor who played ■■?/ ZB ?9 (3 wds.) 60 Roads (abbr.) Pasteur HOUSING 1' Latin conjunction 61 Definitely, in 31 Son of Judah TYPING " " * "> ■■ 53 M P )' S lth n SP* ffl ( 2 » dS') 3 ? Cig"9» cawpfirt Special Discounts ■ ' H txptnst account 62 Russian labor group activity (2 wdi. ) " - " — r,n ndo « ",,d '' Rebel House Apartments TYPING. papers, ' cov 9 DOWN** 33 lnd n Term resumes and » ■M 3' 23 **•<"«•• to buffalo From $215.00 Manuscripts. My work Is done accurate- _JP»V— everyday matters Present: Lat. Den si ve theatre __ ,_ H— 1 36 studios, furnished quickly * Large ly and Same-day delivery. Lynn 38 2S "Th "Utlny" 2 African language sounds ■" . 26 Ba"k *bor*,' flt ,on 3 Beginning for Across from UNLV tenniscourts at 642-7837. ""~ ~~~"""" "~~ "" child 37 Bridle attachment "~ * V ' IT ""■■Tj S or *" n 39 Seirlike aniMl Call 737-8982 or 386-5062 K — 30 Grand** 4 Pottle contraction 40 Musical syllables Harmon, Manager "~— No. t 33 rV cowdv « r 'es 5 777 E. ■H HI IT" HP4 ~~fflF ,7 w Mine-boring tools 42 Run around ■" H f 6 34 Frtnch nu»btr 6 Hc-e 43 Prefix waning three Typing so,d, (v ■PVP wjaaJlP earnim 35 Bod ' of «rs Stadium snouts 45 e fi« Meaning large fast Inexpensive " ]6 7 =0 51 Hlg B Coeaton street naaw 46 rne butltr Pfl mM" V E"Urn tul « Same day service. „ __BL_ „-JH 9 Astalre 47 used to 38 A specialty Get S3 H Bobbwy twin (2 wds.) 4B Drive tuck MISCELLANEOUS Connie 382-8008 or 458-4835 56 39 Trouttrs ■JJPJJPJI lo Foppish fellow 49 Hip abbreviations Bpjjrj fafltaVl «0 Doctrine (2 wds ! ... .-wwr ai TUTOR ' U^*""" ones 11 Wings 51 Son■ of Sath * — Call PafafafJ' 43 Prefix for1 angle 12 Scrooge's . Rocky Learn German language, all levels. The Typist. 736-7262 w eawßn -ord (pi )S4 H" B«c*u» 15 Alan Ladd fit- S6 Bug 451-4822. Experienced, quality typing. Dependable Service. Close to UNLV. Letters, Term C Edward Julius Collegiate CWB3-27 /Z^. MILLIE'S ALTERATIONS Papers, Resumes, Theses, Oisserta- -4440 MARYLAND PARKWAY tions, Equations. Tables.etc. Call CAMPUS VILLAGE 736-7262 tor rates and Information. IS HAVING A SPECIAL ON HEMS FOR $3.50 ON YOUR JEANS AND SUCKS FOR ALL UNLV STUDENTS. CALL Typing: Experienced, Reasonable, 731-1116 OR COME AND SEE US. Dependable. 796-8296.

You are Imdted to come to the Christian _ Science Organization meetings on Thursdays at 1:30 at the Center tor Religion and Lite or call 293-7963 even- uOOIK mgs jRl—3 M^eV Scribole-TrMel Pursuit e»«"™|jj^ The Us Vegas Scrabble-Trivial Pursuit iJiMT^t«je»iiiiM Club meets Sundays 5 p.m at Las lltS/mSIEm Palmas Apt. Clubhouse. Play for fun and eainiiiuiSa competition! Call Linda at 361-1820. ■Mwls^TSr'

to make adherence The Les bian'ft?'and Gay Academic Union. P.O. Box °°'SS^«»tooZ^TiZiSLm. 70173 LV. NV 89170. (702)457-2591.