286 PBOCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, MAUCH 12, isss. I. NOTICINSCRIPTIONE TH F EO S OVE GRAVEE REGICIDEE RTH TH F SO S AT VEVAY, IK SWITZERLAND. BY EEV. R. R. LI5GARD GUTHR1E, F.S.A. SCOT. When visiting during the past summer the picturesque town of Vevay, I gladly too opportunite kth renewinf yo acquaintancy gm e wit fine hth e fifteenth century churc t MartinS f o h , which, stands upo n eminenca n e outside that town, and forms so prominent an object as you see it first from the Lake of Geneva, which lies stretched at its feet. To Vevay, as is well known, a party of the regicides of King Charles I. retreated when their position was no longer safe in their own country; and there, spite of the urgent demands of the Restoration Government,—demands as firmly resiste thay db f Switzerland, o t — they continue e o residdt th r efo res f thei o tsida rn ei lives chapenorte d th an ,f ho e lchurc aislth f eo f ho St Martin the bodies of several of them were known to be buried. Beneat norte hth h windo f wthio s chape larga l e black marble monument records the name of Edmond Ludlow, " Hybernorum Domitor," as it pithily styles him, and though this inscription may be well known, I venture r completenessfo , e 'othe saketh prefio o rt t , inscriptions t i x o t , which. I more particularly refer. By the side of this monument another black marble tablet has been place laten di r yearmemore th o st Johf yo n Phelps whof o , m t speaki s a s being " joint clerk of the court, which condemned Charles I.
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