Magdalene of Canossa the Genesis of the Rule of The
Collection of Documents __________________ MAGDALENE OF CANOSSA - FOUNDRESS 4 ___________________________________________________________________________________ MARIA NICOLAI MAGDALENE OF CANOSSA and THE GENESIS OF THE RULE OF THE CANOSSIAN DAUGHTERS OF CHARITY Rome 1991 Of the same Series: 1. Pollonara Elda, Training Courses for the Country Teachers, 1986 2. Pollonara Elda, The Spiritual Exercises in the Early Days of the Institute, 1986 3. Pollonara Elda, Magdalene of Canossa and the First Formation, 1987 Maria Nicolai F.d.C.C. - Original Title: MADDALENA DI CANOSSA e LA GENESI DELLA REGOLA DELLE FIGLIE DELLA CARITA’, Roma, 1990 Translation from Italian by. Sr. Luigia Giugni Fdcc. __________________________________________________________________________________ PRESENTATION The volume "Magdalene of Canossa and the Genesis of the Rule of the Daughters of Charity is part of the "Documentation Series" started in 1986, with the aim to make the Spirit of the Foundress better known and to promote its implementation for a dynamic fidelity in present day history. Through a careful research among the sources in the Archives and bibliographic documentation, the author, Sr. Maria Nicolai, reconstructed the long and difficult path trod by Magdalene of Canossa to make her intuitions, initially felt as "an imaginary dream", a real and fecund gift to the Church and to mankind. There emerges an interesting network of personal, ecclesial and political events, of relationships, of exchanges and evaluations through which Magdalene recognizes, reads and interprets God's plan, one which involves and transcends her and becomes a way of life, not only for herself but also for other women called like her to consecrate themselves to a mission of love in a religious community.
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