SHORT COMMUNICATIONS TUESDAY AUGUST 9 (Final 23.7.11) Room 1. Shrines and Cults

9.00. Aude Busine: “Bishop Markellos and the Destruction of the Temple of Zeus at Apamea”

9.20. Mikhail Kazakov: “Types of Location of Christian Churches in the Christianizing Roman Empire”

9.40. Katharina Heyden: The Bethesda Sarcophagi: Testimonies of Holy Land Piety in the Western Theodosian Empire”

10.00. Petr Balcarek: “The Cult of the Holy Wisdom in Byzantine Palestine”

11.20. Silvia Margutti: “The Power of the Relics: Theodosius I and the Head of John the Baptist in Constantinople”

11.40. Eileen Rubery: “What can the Alexandrian Cult of the Medical Saint Cyrus, Centred in the of S. Maria Antiqua in the Roman Forum, Tell us about the Cults of Medical Saints and the Care of the Sick in Byzantine Rome?”

12.00. Georgia Frank: “Gazing upon the Feet: the Ascension of Jesus in Fourth and Fifth-Century Preaching and Pilgrimage”

12.20. Christine Shepardson: “Apollo’s Charred Remains: Making Meaning in Fourth-Century Antioch”

12.40. Alberto Rigolio:”From ‘Sacrifice to the ’ to the ‘Fear of ’. Can Syriac Translations of Greek Literature Contribute to the Study of Early Christian Culture?”

Room 1. Images of the Female

2.20. Virginia Burrus: “The Virgin, her Mother and the Virgin Mother: Mariology in the Life of St Helia”

2.40. Brooke Nelson:” Fire and Water: Contextualising Images of the Virgin Mary in the Patristic Era”

3.00. Livia Neureiter: “Christian Wonderwomen? Effective Annunciation in the Apocryphal Acts of Apostles”

3.20. David Meconi: “ and Theosis in Alexandria and Antioch” 2


Room 6. of Caesarea

9.00. James Corke-Webster: “A Literary Historian: Eusebius of Caesarea and the Martyrs of Lyons”

9.20. Michael Simmons: “Universalism in Eusebius of Caesarea: the Soteriological Use of ‘the Divine Saviour of us all” in Book III of the Theophany”

9.40. Cordula Bandt: “Some Remarks on Eusebius’ Commentary on the Psalms”

10.00. David DeVore: “Eusebius’ un-Josephan History: Two Portraits of Philo of Alexandria and the Sources of Ecclesiastical Historiography”

11.20. Martin Wallraff: “The Canon Tables of the Psalms: an Unknown Work of Eusebius of Caesarea”

11.40. Satoshi Toda: “Eusebiana Syriaca: A Study in the Syriac Translation of the Works of Eusebius of Caesarea”

12.00. Clayton Coombs: “Literary Device or Legitimate Diversity: Assessing Eusebius’ Use of the Optative Mood in Quaestiones ad Marinum”

12.20. Gregory Robbins: “’Number Determinate is Kept Concealed’ (Dante, Paradiso XXIX.126-145): Eusebius and the Transformation of the List (Ecclesiastical History III.25)”

12.40. Konstantinos Georgiadis: “Eusebius of Caesarea, the Father of Byzantine Iconoclasm according to the records of the Seventh Oecumenical Council”

Room 6. Gnostic

2.20. Bernard Pouderon: “Regard et procreation: de la medicine de bonne femme à la cosmologie gnostique”

2.40. Benjamin Dunning: “Tripartite Anthropologies and the Limits of the Human in Valentinian Christian Creation Myths”

3.00. Richard Vaggione: “Who were Mani’s Greeks? ‘Greek Bread’ in the Cologne Mani Codex” 3


Room 7. Early Byzantine 9.00. Brenda Fitch Fairaday: “The Prayers of the Humble Romanos: a Comparative Study in Prosody and Style”

9.20. Thomas Arentzen: “’Your virginity shines’: the Virgin Conception in Annunciation Hymn I by Romanos the Melodist”

9.40. Brenda Llewellyn Ihssen: “Money in the Meadow: Conversion and Coin in John Moschus’ Pratum Spirituale”

10.00. Richard Barrett: “’Let us put away all earthly care: Mysticism and the Cherubikon of the Byzantine Rite in Late Antiquity”

11.20. Derek Krueger: “The Recasting of the as a Penitential Rite in the Sixth and Seventh Centuries”

11.40. Christopher Bonura: “The Man and the Myth: Did Heraclius Know the Legend of the Last Roman Emperor?”

12.00. Joseph Steineger: “ on the Simplicity of God”

12.20. Scott Ables: “Did John of Damascus Modify his Sources in the De fide orthodoxa?”

Room 7. Ecclesiastical Discipline

2.20. Barry Craig: “Breaking of Bread in the Lord’s Supper Traditions”

2. 40. Felix Albrecht: “A Hitherto Unknown Witness for the Apostolic Constitutions in Uncial Script”

3.00. Georg Schoellgen: “Pseudapostilische Kirchenordnung und Synode: der Fall der Apostolischen Konstitutionen”

3.20. Anders Ekenberg: “The Prayers in the Apostolic Constitutions 7.25-26”

3.40. Donna Hawk-Reinhard: “’s Sacramental Theôsis” 4


Room 8. Early Christian Syria

9.00. Nils Arne Pedersen: “New Light on the Origins of the Legend of Addai”

9.20. Ute Possekel: “The Christology of Bardaisan of Edessa”

9.40. Elena Narinskaya: “The Shepherd who Became a Lamb: Eucharistic Theology in ’s Poetic Hymns”

11.20. Yifat Monnickendam: “Midrashic Methods in Ephrem’s Commentary to the Diatessaron”

11.40. Jobi Patterupampil: “Regula Fidei in St Ephrem’s Sermones de Fide IV and Hymni de Fide VI”

12.00. Philippus Botha: “The Exegesis and Polemical Use of Psalm 110 in the Pseudo-Ephremitic Sermon on Palm Sunday (Ephrem the Syrian, Sermones II.3)”

12.20. Hannah Hunt: “’Clothed in the Body’: The Garment of Flesh and the Garment of Glory in Early Syrian Anthropology”

12.40. Anthony Gelston: “A Fragmentary Sixth-Century East Syrian Anaphora” ------

Room 9. Ambrose of Milan

9.00. Melissa Markauskas: “Bishops, Heresy and the Law: Ambrose of Milan, Governor and Bishop, and the Mechanics of Enforcing

9.20. Stan Rosenberg: “Nature and the Natural World in Ambrose’s Hexaemeron”

9.40. Jan den Boeft: “Bishop Ambrose on Singing as a Support of Mental Health”

10.00. György Heidl: “Early Christian Imagery of a virga virtutis and Ambrose’s Theology of the

11.20. Finbarr Clancy: “The Eucharist in St Ambrose’s Commentaries on the Psalms” 5

11.40. Camille Gerzaguet: “Ambroise de Milan: l’exil et le De fuga saeculi”

12.00. Brian Dunkle: “Qui credidit salvus erit: Scripture and Creed in Ambrose’s Iam surgit hora tertia” 12.20. Marten Van Willigen: "Ambrose as Inspiring Model for Augustine" 12.40. Maria Doerfler: “Keeping it in the Family: the Law and the Law in Ambrose of Milan”

Room 9. Goths and “Arians”

2.20. Brendan Wolfe: “The Theology of the Gothic Commentary on the Gospel of John”

2.40. Claudia Dobrinski: “Places where Arians and Catholics Co-existed – the Artificial and Archaeological Inheritance”

3.00. Jonathan Stanflll: “’s Gothic Parish and the Politics of Space”

3.20. Georgij Zakharov: “Théologie de l’image chez Germinius de Sirmium” . ------Room 10. Fiction and Apocrypha

9.00. David Reis: “Peripatetic Pedagogues: Travel and Transgression in Early Christian Fiction”

9.20. Nicole Kelley: “Don’t touch that wafer (or that hymen!)’ Lameness as Divine Punishment in Christian Apocryphal Texts”

9.40. Kristi Upson-Saia: “The Angry Young Jesus in the Infancy Gospel of Thomas”

10.00. Marek Starowieyski: “La figure de St Paul dans les apocryphes”

11.20. Charlotte Touati: “A ‘Kerygma of Peter’ behind the Apocalypse of Peter, the Pseudo-Clementine Romance and the Eclogae Propheticae of

11.40. Thomas O’Loughlin: “The Proto-Evangelion of James: A Case of Gospel Harmonization in the Second Century”

12.00. Oliver Ehlen: “Cur et quando venisti? Die sogennante ‘Quo vadis Szene’ und das Martyrium Petri” 6

12.20. Simon Mimouni: “Les traditions patristiques sur la famille de Jesus: retour sur un problem doctrinale du IVe siècle”

12.40. Julian Petkov: “The Apocalypse of John Chrysostom: Techniques of Camouflage in Apocryphal Literature” ------Room 11. Cappadocians in Context

9.00. Anne Karahan: “The Image of God in Byzantine Cappadocia and the Issue of God’s Supreme Transcendence”

9.20. Giulio Maspero: “The Spirit Manifested by the Son in Cappadocian Thought”

9.40. Verna Harrison: “Did Irenaeus Influence Gregory Nazianzen’s Theological Anthropology?”

10.00. Susanna Elm: “Laughter and the Heretic: and on Eunomius”

11.20. Gregory Hillis: “Pneumatology and Soteriology according to Gregory of Nazianzus and

11.40. Erin Galgay: “The Relationship of Philosophical Discourse to the Final Words of Macrina”

12.00. Nathan Howard: “The Vita Macrinae as Theological Invective”

12.20. Vasiliki Chatzirazoglou: “Juvenile delinquency and Basil the Great”

Room 12. Biblical 9.00. Peter Widdicombe: “Noah and Foxes: Song of Songs 2.15 and the Patristic Legacy in Text and Art”

9.20. Sean Hill: “Genesis Six in Early Christian Racial Discourse”

9.40. Pascale Farago-Bermon: “Surviving the Disaster: the Use of _psyche_ in 1 Pet.3.20”

10.00. Paola Francesca Moretti: “Not only ianua diaboli: A Short Overview on the Role Played by the Bible in the Fathers’ Discourse about Women”

11.20. Catherine Tkacz: “Mystica signa crucis: The Widow of Zarephath as a Type of Christ” 7

11.40. Susan Graham: “Two Mount Zions: Fourth-Century Christian Anti-Jewish Polemic”

12.00. Mark Sheridan: “’Homer hints and so does Moses’: The Verb ainittomai in Early Christian Exegesis” 12.20. Francesco Pieri: “Origen on First Corinthians – Homilies or Commentary?” 12.40. Andreas Merkt: “ Before the Birth of Purgatory” ------Room 14. Ante-Nicene Theology 9.00. William Rutherford: “Cosmopolitan Identity in the Apology of

9.20. László Perendy: “The Threads of Tradition: The Parallelisms between the Ad Diognetum and the Ad Autolycum”

9.40. Carl Baechle: “The Fathers among the Modernists: Joseph Turmel’s Curious Reception of Justin Martyr”

10.00. Scott Manor: “Proclus, the North African Montanist?”

11.20. István Bugár: “Can Theological Language be Logical? The Case of ‘Josipe’ and Melito”

11.40. András Handl: “How to be a Martyr without Dying for it: a New Perspective on the Martyrdom of Calixtus I (217-222?)”

12.00. Miroslaw Mejzner: “The Anthropological Foundations of the Concept of Resurrection according to Methodius of Olympia”

12.20. Ulrike Brüchmuller: “Christliche Erotik in platonischen Gewand: das Gespräch über die Jungfraulichkeit bei Methodius”

------Room 15. Early Asceticism 9.00. Peter Toth: “’In volumine Longobardo’: New Light on the Date and Origin of the Latin Translation of the Letters of St Antony the Great”

9.20. Nienke Vos: “Seeing Hesychia: Appeals to the Imagination in the Apophthegmata Patrum”

9.40. Zachary Smith: “Monks, Bishops and Constructions of Power in the Apophthegmata Patrum” 8

10.00. Columba Stewart: “Rabbula of Edessa: An Observable Moment in the Development of Syrian Monasticism?”

11.20. Robert Kitchen: “Commenting on the Desert Fathers: Dadisho Qatraya on the Paradise of the Fathers”

11.40. Leszek Misarczyk: “Should the Rational Part of Soul (logistikon) be Identified with nous in Evagrian Anthropology?” 12.00. Andrew Crislip: “Illness and Spiritual Direction in Late Ancient Gaza: the Correspondence of Barsanuphlus and John with the Sick Monk Andrew”

12.20. Christopher Johnson: “Between Madness and Holiness: St Symeon of Edessa and the ‘Pedagogics of Liminality’

12.40. Erik Kolb: “’It is with God’s words that burn like a fire’: Monastic Discipline and Biblical Hermeneutics in ’s Monastery”

------South School. Miscellaneous works of Augustine 9.00. Paige Hochschild: “Unity of Memory in Augustine’s De Musica”

9.20. Pierre Descotes: “Deux lettres de Saint Augustin sur l’origine de l’âme”

9.40. Jangho Jo: “Augustine’s Three-Day Lecture in Carthage: Reading Book 18 of The City of God in the light of Epistle 2*”

10.00. Laela Zwollo: “St Augustine on the Soul’s Divine Experience: Visio Intellectualis and imago dei from Book XII of De Genesi ad Litteram Libri XII”

11.20. Mark Vaillancourt: “The Eucharistic Realism of St Augustine: Did Paschasius Radbertus get him Right? An Examination of Recent Scholarship on the Sermons of Augustine”

11.40. Shari Boodts: “A Critical Assessment of Wolfenbüttel Herz.-Aug.-Bibl. Cod. ’ Guelf.’ 237 (Helmst.204) and its Value for the Edition of Augustine’s sermones ad populum”

12.00. Alicia Eelen: “1Timothy 1.15: humanus sermo or fidelis sermo? Augustine’s sermon 174 and its Christology”

12.20. Emmanuel Bermon: “Grammar and Metaphysics: About the Forms essendi, essendo, essendum and essens in Augustine’s Ars Grammatica Breviata”

South School. Augustine and the Philosophers 9

2.20. Catherine Lefort: “À propos d’une source inédite des Soliloquies d’Augustin: la notion cicéronienne de ‘vraisemblance’”

2.40. Kenneth Steinhauser: “Curiosity in Augustine’s Soliloquies”

3.00. Tamer Nawar: “Stoics, Academics (and Pyrrhonists!) in Contra Academicos III”

3.20. Simone Adam: “Rhetorical Allegory or Diplomatic Evasion? An interpretation of Augustine’s De beata vita I.4”

3.40. Julia Hudson: “Leaves, Mice and Barbarians: the Providential Message of Incidents in the De ordine and De civitate Dei” ------East School. Augustinian Themes 9.00. Marcela Andokova: “Augustine: Ecologist or World Pessimist?”

9.20. Robert Horka: “’Curiositas ductrix’: Negative und positive Beziehung des hl. Augustinus zur Neugehrigkeit”

9.40. Paula Rose: “’Videbit me nocte proxima, sed in somnis’. Augustine’s Rhetorical Use of Dream Narratives”

10.00. Charles Robertson: “Augustinian Ecclesiology and Predestination: An Intractable Problem?”

11.20. Michael Tkacz: “Occasionalism, the Cosmogonical Fallacy and Augustine’s Architect Analogy for Creation”

11.40. Naoki Kamimura: “The Significance of the Sortes in Augustine”

12.00. Marie-Anne Vannier: “La mystagogie chez S. Augustin” 12.20. Montague Brown: “Augustine on Precious Time”

East School. Early Augustine 2.20. Gerald Boersma: “De vera religione 12.24: A Key to Augustine’s early Account of Ascent”

2.40. Enrica Ruaro: “Laus vermiculi: Augustine’s ‘Praise of the Worm’ in De vera religione”

3.00. Mickaël Ribreau: “A la frontière de plusieurs controverses doctrinales: l’Enarratio au Psaume 118 d’Augustin” 10

3.20. Jonathan Teubner: “Augustine’s De Magistro: Scriptural Arguments and the Genre of Philosophy” 11

WEDNESDAY AUGUST 10 Room 1. and the East 9.00. Peter Bruns: “Von Magiern und Mönchen: Zoroastriche Polemik gegen das Christentum in der armenischen Historiographie”

9.20. Kristian Heal: “The Magi and the Church in Persia: New Evidence from an Unpublished Syriac Sermon”

9.40. Kelli Bryant: “Patristic Influence on Syriac Contra-Islamic Apologies”

10.00. David Woods: “Rome, Gregoria and Madaba: a Warning against Sexual Temptation”

Room 1. The Workings of Christian Society 11.20. Scott Douglass: “Reading and Time”

11.40. Lucy Grig: “Sermons and Popular Culture in Late Antiquity”

12.00. Winfried Büttner: “Vom Arzt des Leibes zum Arzt der Seele”

12.20. Helen Rhee: “Wealth, Business Activities and Blurring of Christian Identity”

12.40. Pauline Allen: “Prolegomena to a Study of the Letter-Bearer in Christian Antiquity” ------Room 6. The Age of Constantine 9.00. Aaron Johnson: “Porphyry’s Letter to Anebo among the Christians: Augustine vs Eusebius”

9.20. Sébastien Morlet: “Un nouveau fragment du traité de Porphyre contre les chrétiens?”

9.40. Jon Robertson: “’The Beloved of God’: The Christological Backdrop for the Political Theory of Eusebius of Caesarea in Laus Constantini”

10.00. Rebecca Lyman:”Constantine’s Letter to Arius (333) as Theological Ridicule and Historical Evidence”

11.20. Jacquelyn Winston: “The Making of an Emperor: Constantinian Identity Formation in his Invective Letter to Arius”

11.40. Timothy Barnes: “Constantine, Chrysostom and Christmas”

12.00. Dennis Quinn: “Evil Daemons in Firmicus Maternus” 12

12.20. Dennis Trout: “Ovid and Virgil at the Tomb of Agnes: Constantina and the Genesis of Christian Poetry”

------Room 7. 9.00. Stephanie Kee: “Re-examining Martyrdom through the Theology of Deification in Maximus the Confessor”

9.20. Michael Bakker: “Willing in Maximus the Confessor: Rational Desire and Intelligent Worship”

9.40. Andreas Andreopoulos: “’All in all’ and the Eschatological Mystagogy of Maximos the Confessor”

10.00. Kosta Milkov: “Kenosis in Maximus the Confessor’s Expositio Orationis Dominicae”

11.20. Ana Palanciuc: “The Modes of Being in Maximus the Confessor’s Ambigua”

11.40. Cyril Crawford: “Receptive Potency (dektikê dunamis) in Ambiguum 20, 1237B of Maximus the Confessor”

12.00. Manuel Mira: “Friendship in Maximus the Confessor”

12.20. Marius Portaru: “Gradual Participation according to Maximus the Confessor” ------Room 8. Syriac 9.00. Michael Penn: “Computer-Assisted Palaeography of Syriac Manuscripts”

9.20. David Michelson: “The Syriac Reference Portal: New Digital Tools for Syriac Studies”

9.40. Jeanne-Nicole Saint-Laurent: “Humour in Syriac Hagiography”

10.00. David Taylor: “The Authorship of the Apocalyptic Section of the Testament of our Lord Reconsidered”

11.20. Sergey Minov: “The Cave of Treasures: -- West Syrian or East Syrian? An Examination of the Work’s Exegetical Background”

11.40. Gregory Kessel: “New Manuscript Evidence for the ‘Second’ Part of Isaac of Nineveh” 13

12.00. Rosemary Arthur: “Christian and non-Christian Sources for Stephen Bar Sudhaili’s Doctrine of Universal Salvation”

Room 9. 9.00. Pauline Nugent: “Translation according to St Jerome”

9.20. Christa Gray: “The Saint and the Ridiculous: Comedy in Jerome’s Vita Malchi”

9.40. Andrew Lenox-Conyngham: “In Praise of St Jerome and against the Anglican Cult of ‘Niceness’”

10.00. Christine McCann: “’Incentives to Virtue’: Jerome’s Use of Biblical Models in Spiritual Mentoring”

11.20. Tom Hunt: “Exegesis and Hagiography in Jerome of Stridon’s Vita Hilarionis”

11.40. Edmon Gallagher: “Jerome’s Prologus Galeatus and the Old Testament Canon in North America”

12.00. Alberto Ferreira: “Pope Siricius and Himerius of Tarragona (385): an Example of Provincial Papal Intervention in the Fourth Century”

12.20. David Eastman: “Damasus of Rome and the Citizenship of Peter and Paul”

12.40. Kevin Wilkinson: “Ps-Hieronymus ad Marcellam (Cod. Sangallensis 190) and the Evolution of Advent in the West” ------Room 10. New Testament 9.00. Demetrios Bathrellos: “The Patristic Tradition on the Sinlessness of Jesus”

9.20. Joseph Verheyden: “A Puzzling Chapter in the Reception History of the Gospels. Victor of Antioch and his so-called Commentary on Mark”

9.40. Fabian Sieber: “Christologische Name und Titel in der Paraphrase des Johannes-Evangeliums des Nonnos von Panopolis”

10.00. Emiliano Fiori: “Theodore of Mopsuestia’s Commentary on Paul: An Attempt at Restoration of the Syriac Version”

11.20. Paul Blowers: “The Groaning and Longing of Creation: Variant Patterns of Patristic Interpretation of Romans 8.19-23” 14

11.40. Jennifer Strawbridge: “A Community of Interpretation: The Use of 1Corinthians 2.6-9 by Early Christians” 12.00. Riemer Roukema: “The Foolishness of the Message about the Cross (1Cor 1.18-25): Consent and Embarrassment”

12.20. Everett Ferguson: “Some Patristic Interpretations of the Angels of the Churches” ------Room 11. 9.00. Anne Keidel: “Nautical Imagery in the Writings of Basil of Caesarea”

9.20. Shigeki Tsuchihashi: “Apatheia and Metriopatheia in Basil of Caesarea”

9.40. Martin Mayerhofer: “Basil’s Anthropology as the Hermeneutic Key for Understanding Ad Adulescentes”

10.00. Darren Sarisky: “Theological Exegesis and Theological Anthropology in Basil of Caesarea’s Hexaemeron I: What is Required to Listen to Sermons on Genesis?”

11.20. Susan Holman: “’Weep the seeds of eternal joy’: Tears and Thanksgiving in Basil of Caesarea’s Homilies on 1Thess 5.16-18”

11.40. Ian Jones: “Humans and Animals: St Basil of Caesarea’s Ascetic Evocation of Paradise” ------Room 12. Christians and non-Christians 9.00. Loren Kerns: Soul and Passions in Philo of Alexandria”

9.20. Eleni Pachoumi: “’Chrestos in Times of Violence’: An Invocation of Christos in Magic”

9.40. Nestor Kawadas: “Some Observations on the Contexts of the Accusation of Ritual Cannibalism against 2nd/3rd Century Christians”

10.00. Moshe Blidstein: “Purity Opposed: Christian Identity Formation in Third- Century Polemics against Death Defilement”

11.20. Nicola Spanu: “The Interpretation of Timaeus 39e7 in the Context of Plotinus’ and Numenius’ Philosophical Circles”

11.40. Jussi Junni: “Celsus’ Argument against the Truth of the Bible” 15

12.00. David Greenwood: “Pollution Wars: Consecration and Desecration from Constantine to Julian”

12.20. Charlotte Koeckert: “The Rhetoric of Conversion in Late Antiquity” 12.40. Victoria Leonard: “Nefarious Acts and Sacrilegious Sacrifices: Live Burial in the Historia adversus Paganos” ------

Room 14. The Reception of Patristics 9.00. Gerald Cresta: “De la thearchia dionisiana a la hierarchia bonaventuriana. Asimilacion y evolucion del concepto”

9.20. Octavian Gordon: “Denominational Translation of Patristic Texts into Romanian: Elements for a Patristic Traductology”

9.40. Manuela Eugenia Gheorghe: “The Reception of Hesychia in Romanian Literature”

10.00. Elizabeth Clark: “Romanizing Protestantism in Nineteenth-Century America: John Williamson Nevin, the Fathers and ‘Mercersburg Theology’”

11.20. Marios Benisis: “St Nicodemus of Mount Athos: His Theological Stand and its Reception in the Theology of the 20th Century”

11.40. Kenneth Noakes: “’Fellow-citizens with you and your great benefactors’: Newman and the Fathers in the Parochial Sermons”

12.00. Patricia Ciner: “Los Estudios Patrísticos en Latinoamérica: Pasado, Presente y Futuro”

12.20. Jason Radcliff: “T.F. Torrance’s Conception of the Consensus Patrum in Pneumatology”

Room 15. Post-Nicene Theology 9.00. Khaled Anatolios: “Athanasius’ Orations against the Arians: Between Asterius and Marcellus”

9.20. Dominique Gonnet: “The Use of the Bible within ’s Letters to Serapion”

9.40. William Rusch: “Corresponding with Emperor Jovian: the Strategy and Theology of Apollinaris of Laodicea and Athanasius of Alexandria” 16

10.00. Anahit Avagyan: “The Unpublished Works of the Armenian Athanasian Corpus”

11.20. Junghoo Kwon: “The Pseudo-Athanasian De Trinitate and its Place of Origin”

11.40. Thomas Brauch: “From Valens to Theodosius: Nicene and Arian Fortunes in the East August 9, 378 to November 24, 380”

12.00. Anna Lankina-Webb: “Reclaiming the Memory of the Christian Past: Philosotorgius’ Missionary Heroes”

12.20. John Voelker: “Marius Victorinus’ Remembrance of the Nicene Council” 12.40. Hajnalka Tamas: “’Scio unum deum ... qui est trinus et unus Deus’: the Relevance of Credal Elements in the Passio Donati, Venusti et Hermogenis”


South School. The Confessions of Augustine 9.00. Nicholas Hatt: “’The last shall be first and the first last’: the Pattern of Conversion in Augustine’s Confessions and the Vision at Ostia” 9.20. Matthias Smalbrugge: “The Notion of imago as a Hermeneutic Model in the Confessions”

9.40. Andrés Niño: “Augustine’s Confessions and the Role of Empathy in the Process of Change”

10.00. Jared Ortiz: “Creation, Imitation and Conversion in Book Eight of Augustine’s Confessions”

11.20. Annemaré Kotzé: “Protreptic and Paraenetic Features of Augustine’s Confessions”

11.40. Frederick Van Fleteren: “Consuetudo carnalis in Confessiones VII.xvii.23”

12.00. Ron Rombs: “The Grace of Creation and Perfection as Key to Augustine’s Confessions”

South School. Augustine and the Body of Christ 2.20. Martin Bellerose: “Le sense pétrin du mot paroikos comme source d l’idée augustinienne de peregrinus” 2.40. Marianne Djuth: “Augustine on the Saints: the Metaphysical Dynamics of the Living and the Dead” 17

3.00. Martin Claes: “Exercitatio mentis and Mystagogy: Exercises in Communal Thinking and Living in De Beata Vita and De Doctrina Christiana”

------East School. and Christology in Augustine 9.00. Karl Morrison: “’The Image of God is one Thing: What is Contemplated in the Image is Another’: Augustine’s Paradoxes of Art and the Self”

9.20. Matthew Drever: “Imitating the Example of the Divine: Exemplum and the Imago Dei in Augustine’s De Trinitate”

9.40. Dongsun Cho: “An Apology for Augustine’s Filioque as a Hermeneutical Referent to the Immanent Trinity”

10.00. Nathan Philips: “Translating in Augustine’s De Trinitate”

11.20. Emily Cain: “Knowledge Seeking Wisdom: a New Structure for Augustine’s De Trinitate”

11.40. Michael Carreker: “The Integrity of Christ’s Scientia and Sapientia in the Argument of the De Trinitate of Augustine”

12.00. George Berthold: “Dyothelite Language in Augustine’s Christology”

12.20. Kimberly Baker: “’Transfiguravit in se’: the Sacramentality of Augustine’s Doctrine of the Totus Christus”

East School. Personhood in Augustine

2.20. Kelly Arenson: “Augustine’s Defence and Redemption of the Body”

2.40. Samuel Kimbriel: “Illumination and the Practice of Inquiry in Augustine”

3.00. William Harmless: “Indecipherability of Heart in the Theology of Augustine”

3.20. Tarmo Toom: “Was Augustine an Intentionalist?” 18

THURSDAY AUGUST 11 Room 1. Early Second Century 9.00. Christopher Bounds: “The Understanding of Grace in Selected Apostolic Fathers”

9.20. Christopher Graham: “The Hegemony of Didache as Hermeneutical Lens: the Nature and Development of the Dominant Contemporary Trend for Interpreting Early Christian hodos-Language”

9.40. Cosmin Savulescu: “’My Archives are Jesus Christ’: Saint Ignatius of Antioch on the Historical Jesus”

10.00. Romulus Stefanut: “Martyrdom as ‘Eucharistic’ Discipleship in Ignatius of Antioch”

11.20. Noel Fitzpatrick: “’At one with the bishop and presbyters and ’: the Letters of Ignatius Compared with those of Paul”

11.40. Alexis Torrance: “The Angel and the Spirit of Repentance: Hermas and the Early Monastic Concept of metanoia”

12.00. Melanie Starks Kierstead: “Phrygian Roots of the Montanist Movement”

12.20. William Tabbernee: “Exiled to Pepouza: Consorting Unwillingly with Heretical Montanists” ------Room 6. Origen and Origenism 9.00. Eric Scherbenske: “Marginalizing Paul of Samosata: Scholia and Origenism in the Exemplar of Codex von der Goltz”

9.20. Michael Azar: “Origen, the Jews and the Fourth Gospel”

9.40. Róbert Somos: “Is the Handmaid Stoic or Middle Platonic? Some Comments on Origen’s Use of Logic”

10.00. Anna Tzvetkova-Glaser: “’Every soul that is born into flesh is soiled by the filth of wickedness and sin’ (Homilies on Leviticus 8.3): Origen on the Creation of Man and his Sin”

11.20. Thomas McGlothlin: “Resurrection and Spiritual Interpretation: a Functional Approach to Resurrection in Origen”

11.40. Kellen Plaxco: “Didymus the Blind and the Metaphysics of Participation” 19

12.00. Hugo Lundhaug: “Origenism in Fifth-Century Upper : Shenoute of Atripe and the Nag Hammadi Codices”

12.20. Stephen Bagby: “The ‘Two Ways Tradition in Origen’s Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans” ------Room 7. Chalcedon and After 9.00. Juan Antonio Jiménez Sanchez: “The Monk Hypatius and the Olympic Games of Chalcedon”

9.20. Jaclyn Maxwell: “Scholars, Peasants and Monks in the Life of Hypatius”

9.40. Dana Iuliana Viezure: “The Fate of the Emperor Zeno’s Henoticon: Christological Authority after the Healing of the Acacian Schism”

10.00. Methody and Kirill Zinkovskiy: “The Term enupostatos and its Theological meaning”

11.20. Thomas Cattoi: “An Evagrian Hypostasis? Leontios of Byzantium’ Understanding of Subjectivity in Contra Nestorianos et Eutychianos”

11.40. Christian Lange: “Miaenergetism – a New Term for the History of Dogma?”

12.00. Marek Jankowiak: “The Invention of Dyothelitism” 12.20. Ronald Kydd: “Timothy I Looks at His Church”

------Room 8 The World of Clement of Alexandria 9.00. Andrew Dinan: “The Influence of Philo on Some Passages of Clement of Alexandria’s Protrepticus and Paedagogus”

9.20. Marco Rizzi: “The Work of Clement of Alexandria in the Light of Contemporary Philosophical Teaching”

9.40. Matteo Grosso: “The Use of the Gospel of Thomas by Clement of Alexandria”

10.00. Davide Dainese: “Clement of Alexandria’s Refusal of Valentinian aporroia”

11.20. David Gormley -O’Brien: “’Children who are lovers of Unicorns’ (Clement of Alexandria, Paed. 1.5.17): An Explanation of this Phrase in the Light of Patristic Exegesis and Treatments of the Unicorn Motif” 20

11.40. Ranja Knoebl: “Clement of Alexandria on Euripides”

12.00. Michael Thate: “Resistance and the Idolatry of Particularity: Michel Foucault as a Resource for Reading Clement” ------

Room 9. Latin Fourth/Fifth Century 9.00. Isabella Image: “Fraud at the Council of Rimini (359 A.D.)”

9.20. Aaron Pelttari: “A Paratextual Approach to the Prefaces of Claudian and Prudentius”

9.40. Rocco Schembra: “Il percorso editorial del De Non Parcendo in Deum Delinquentibus di Lucifero di Cagliari”

10.00. Robert McEachnie: “Envisioning the Utopian Community and State: The Sermons of Chromatius of Aquileia”

11.20. Earl Lavender: “A Ship in Tempestuous Waters: The Pastoral Ecclesiology of Chromatius of Aquileia””

11.40. Vincenzo Messana: “Fra Sicilia e Burdigala nel IV secolo: gli intellettuali Citario e Vittorio”

12.00. Bonnie Brunelle: “The recasting of Augustine’s Ideals of Community in the Sermons of Caesarius of Arles”

12.20. Norman James: “Prosper of Aquitaine Revisited: Gallic Correspondent or Resident Papal Adviser?” ------Room 9. Hilary of Poiters 2.20. Jennifer Barry: “Exiles and Emperors; Hilary of Poitiers’ Construction of the Orthodox Self”

2.40. Jarred Mercer: “’The Living Image of the Living’: Hilary of Poitiers’ Interpretation of John 1.4 and the Exegetical Foundations of his Doctrine of Divine Infinity”

3.00. Lesley-Anne Dyer: “The Twelfth-Century Influence of Hilary of Poitiers on Richard of St Victor’s De Trinitate” 21

3.20. Janet Sidaway: “Hilary of Poitiers and Phoebadius of Agen: Who Influenced Whom?” ------Room 10. Art 9.00. Leonard Aldea: “Alternative Manners of Christian Cultural Behaviour prior to 313 and their Impact on our Knowledge of Early Christian Art”

9.20. James Francis: “Seeing God(s): Images and the Divine in Pagan and Christian Thought in the Second to Fourth Centuries”

9.40. Lee Jefferson: “Perspectives on the Nude Youth in Fourth-Century Sarcophagi Representations of the Raising of Lazarus”

10.00. Catherine Taylor: “Painted Veneration: the Priscilla Catacomb Annunciation and the Protevangelion of James as Second-Century Precedents for Late Antique Annunciation Iconography”

11.20. Yuliyan Velikov: “Ninth-Century Voices in Defence of the Holy Cross and in Response to Claudius of Turin’s Iconoclasm”

11.40. Vladimir Baranov: “Amphilochia 231 of Patriarch Photius as a Possible Source on the Christology of the Byzantine Iconoclasts”

12.00. Jean-Baptiste Piggin: “The Great Stemma: a Late Antique Diagram of Christ’s Descent from Adam”

12.20. Michael Peppard: “A Woman at a Well in the Dura-Europos Baptistery”

Room 10. Knowing and Seeing 2.20. Krastu Banev: “’You cannot see my face, for there shall no man see my face and live’ (Exodus 33.20). The Dangerous Face of God in Fourth-Century Patristic Theology”

2.40. Cristina Ricci: “Bibelexeget und Bettler: Claudius von Turin und die Kirchenvater”

3.00. Alessandra Bravi: “The Government of the Eyes: Art, Truth and the Gaze in the Writings of the

3.20. Vasiliki Mavroska: “How Does Christian Visual Imagery Speak Volumes for the Living Ecclesiastical Community? Remarks on Orthodox Iconology”

------Room 11. Cyril of Alexandria 22

9.00. Daniel Keating: “Supersessionism in Cyril of Alexandria”

9.20. Hannah Milner: “Cyril of Alexandria’s Treatment of Sources in his Commentary on the Twelve Prophets”

9.40. Matthew Crawford: “Assessing the Authenticity of the Fragments on Psalm 22 (LXX) Attributed to Cyril of Alexandria”

10.00. Richard Bishop: “An Analysis of Cyril of Alexandria’s Sermon on the Ascension”

11.20. Troy Stefano: “Cyril of Alexandria’s Development of the Constellation of Lexicography, Biblical Exegesis and Doctrinal Conviction in his Commentary on the Gospel of John”

11.40. Dimitrios Zaganas: “Against Origen and/or Origenists? Cyril of Alexandria’s Rejection of John the Baptist’s Angelic Nature in his Commentary on John”

12.00. Eirini Artemi: “The Rejection of the Term Theotokos by Nestorius of Constantinople and the Refutation of his Teaching by Cyril of Alexandria”

12.20. Josef Rist: “Kirchenpolitik und/oder Bestehung: Die Geschenke des Kyrill an den kaiserlichen Hof”

12.40. Timothy LaBarbera: “’The Memory of Cyril is Everlasting: a Rhetorical Analysis of the Use of Cyril of Alexandria at the

Room 11. Gregory Nazianzen 2.20. Matthew Briel: “Gregory the Theologian, Logos and Literature”

2.40. Daniel Opperwall: “Sinai and Corporate Epistemology in the Orations of Gregory of Nazianzus”

3.00. Suzanne Abrams Rebillard: “Gregory of Nazianzus’ Anthropological Poetics”

3.20. Zurab Jashi: “Free Will according to Gregory of Nazianzus”

3.40. Finn Damgaard: “The Figure of Moses in Gregory of Nazianzus’ Autobiographical Remarks in his Orations and Poems” ------Room 12. Antiochene Traditions 9.00. Sophie Cartwright: “Martyrdom as Conflict with the Devil in Eustathius of Antioch: an Instance of Ambivalent Theology in the Aftermath of Nicaea” 23

9.20. Kelley Spoerl: “Eustathius of Antioch on Jesus’ Digestion”

9.40. Laurence Vianès: “L’influence de l’exégèse d’Apollinaire de Laodicée sur les Antiochéens postérieurs”

10.00. George Kalantzis: “Creatio ex terra: Immortality and the fall in Theodore, Chrysostom and Theodoret”

11.20. Lai Pak Wah: “Recapitulation and Salvation among the Antiochenes: A Comparison of John Chrysostom and Theodore of Mopsuestia’s Soteriologies”

11.40. Andreas Westergren: “A Relic in spe: Theodoret’s Depiction of a Philosopher Saint”

12.00. Vasilije Vranic: “The Logos as theios sporos: the Doctrine of Incarnation in Theodoret of Cyrrhus”

12.20. Sandra Leuenberger-Wenger: “The Case of Theodoret at the Council of Chalcedon”

12.40. Sergey Trostyanskiy: “A Critical Reassessment of the Late 19th-Early 21st century Scholarship on the Council of Chalcedon and its Theology”

Room 12. Chrysostom: Life and Afterlife 2.20. Jeff Childers: “Chrysostom in Syriac Dress”

2.40. Nikolai Lipatov: “Preaching as the Audience Heard it: Unedited Transcripts of Patristic Homilies”

3.00. Natalia Smelova: “The Homilies on King Uzziah by John Chrysostom in Syriac Translation”

3.20. Anna Lampadaridi: “John Chrysostom and the Life of Porphyry of Gaza”

------Room 14. Heresiology 9.00. Jared Secord: “Medicine and Sophistry in Hippolytus’ Refutatio”

9.20. Winrich Löhr: “The Epistula de Malis Doctoribus”

9.40. Samuel Fernandez: “Crisis arriana o crisis monarquiana en el siglo IV?” 24

10.00. Agathe Roman: “La réfutation du manichéisme au IVe siècle en Égypte et en Syrie: differences et similitudes”

11.20. Young Kim: “The Pastoral Care of Epiphanius of Cyprus”

11.40. Peter Anthony Mena: “Sick Sissies: Epiphanius of Salamis and the Making of the Heretical Villain”

12.00. Roberta Franchi: “’Discernere l’oro nel fango’: Donne tra eresia e ortodossia nel testi cristiani di IV-V secolo”

12.20. Michael Williams: “Auxentius of Milan: From Orthodoxy to Heresy”

12.40. Flavia Ruani: "Between Myth and Exegesis: Ephrem the Syrian on the Manichaean Book of Giants"

------Room 15. Latin Late Antique. 9.00. Karl Shuve: “Scripture and Spiritual Direction in Gregory the Great’s Expositio in Canticum Canticorum” 9.20. Marc Doucet: “Disce cor dei in verbis dei. La révélation chez Grégoire le Grand” 9.40. Hector Scerri: “Life as a Journey in the Letters of Gregory the Great” 10.00. Pere Maymó Capdevila: “A Bishop Faces War: Gregory the Great’s Attitude towards the Lombard Menace”

11.20. Susan Loftus: “Episcopal Consecration – the Contemporary Religious Practice of Late Antique Gaul in the 6th and 7th Century, Ideal and reality”

11.40. Victoria Zimmerl-Panagl: “The Latin Poet Sedulius and the Prex Eucharistica” 12.00. Theresa Hainthaler: “Canon 13 of the Second Council of Seville (619) under Isidore of Seville – a Latin anti-Monophysite Treatise”

12.20. Peter Martens: “Greco-Roman Rhetorical Themes in Hadrian’s Introduction to the Divine Scriptures”

Room 15. Pelagianism 2.20. Marleen Verschoren: “’Then Christ died in vain’ (Galatians 2.21): Pelagius’ Theology of the Cross according to both Pelagius and Augustine” 25

2.40. Nozomu Yamada: “Origin of the Pelagian Monastic Ethos: exemplum Christi, sapientia and imperturbabilitas”

3.00. Rafal Toczko: “Rome as the Basis of Argument in the so-Called Pelagian Controversy”

3.20. Alison Bonner: “Some Manuscript Witnesses of Pelagius’ Ad Demetriadem and what they Reveal about the Manuscript Tradition Pattern of the Text”

3.40. Vit Hušek: “’Perfection appropriate to the fragile human condition’: Jerome and Pelagius on the Perfection of Christian Life”

South School. The Church and its Enemies in Augustine

9.00. Brian Gronewoller: “Augustine’s Use of Felicanus of Musti in his Argumentation against the Donatists”

9.20. Chris Thomas: “Donatism and the Contextualisation of ” 9.40. Maureen Tilley: “Redefining Donatism: A Way Forward”

10.00. Charles Buenacasa Perez: “The Letters Ad Donatistas of Augustine and its Relevance in the anti-Donatist Controversy”

11.20. Bart van Egmond: “Christology and Salvation History in Augustine’s Anti- Donatist Polemic” 11.40. Jane Merdinger: “Ecclesiology on Trial: Augustine vs Emeritus at Caearea”

12.00. James Lee: “The Church as Mystery in the Theology of St Augustine”

12.20. Eva-Maria Kuhn: “Religious Legal Practice in Context: Augustine’s Episcopal Court” ------South School. Augustine’s predecessors 2.20. Michael McCarthy: “Divine Authority and the Imago Dei in Irenaeus and Augustine”

2.40. Kenneth Wilson: “Sin as Contagious in the Writings of Cyprian and Augustine”

3.00. Lenka Karfikova: “Augustine to Nebridius on Ideas of Individuals”

3.20. Ariane Magny: “How Important were Porphyry’s anti-Christian Ideas to Augustine?” ------26

East School. Augustine’s Legacy 9.00. Johannes Börjesen: “Maximus the Confessor’s Knowledge of Augustine: an Exploration of the Evidence Derived from the Acta of the Lateran Council of 649”

9.20. Marco Kühnlein: “Zum Heil gezwungen, zum Böse genötigt? Gennadius von Marseille über die Lehre der Prädestinatianer”

9.40. Matthew Pereira: “From Augustine to the Scythian Monks: John Maxentius’ Doctrine of Grace”

10.00. John Slotemaker: “Reading Augustine in the Fourteenth Century: Gregory of Rimini and Pierre D’Ailly on the Imago Trinitatis”

11.20. Jeffrey Witt: “Reading Augustine in the Fourteenth Century: Gregory of Rimini’s Reception of Augustine’s Description of Science, Faith and Theology in De Trinitate XIV.1”

11.40. Yilun Cai: “The Reception of Augustine in Domingo Bañez’ Theology of Efficacious Grace”

12.00. Ueli Zahnd: “Denominating Augustine: the Controversial Reception of Augustine’s Semitotics in Early Protestant Scholasticism”

12.20. Graham Gould: “Scenes from the Life of St Augustine, Taken from the Confessions, at a London Church”

12.40. René Roux: “The Reception of Augustine in Contemporary Theology of Religions: a Few Remarks”

East School. Augustine on Society 2.20. Frederick Russell: “Augustine’s Contradictory Just War” 2.40. Warren Smith: “Augustine and the Magnanimous Man” 3.00. Eva Elm: “Stoic Notions of Sexuality and their Traces in Augustine and other Western Church Fathers” 3.20. Gertrude Gillette: “Anger in the Context of Augustine’s Theology of the Community” 27

FRIDAY AUGUST 12 Room 1. The Nestorian Controversy 9.00. Ken Parry: “Rejoice for me, O Desert: Fresh Light on the Remains of Nestorius in Egypt”

9.20. George Bevan: “Interpolations in the Syriac Translation of Nestorius’ Liber Heraclidis”

9.40. Hélène Grelier: “La réception d’Apolinaire dans les controverses Christologiques du Ve siècle d’après deux témoins, Cyril d’Alexandrie et Théodoret de Cyr”

10.00. Luise Marion Frenkel: “What are Sermons doing in the Proceedings of a Council? The Case of Ephesus 431” Room 1. Christian Authority 11.20. Nina Lubomierski: “Legitimacy through Procedure – a Different View of the Ancient Church Councils”

11.40. Thomas Ferguson: “Grace and Kingship in De aetatibus mundi et hominis of Planciades Fulgentius”

12.00. Arthur Urbano: “’Dressing the Christian’: the Philosopher’s Mantle as Signifier of Pedagogical and Moral Authority in Late Antiquity”

12.20. Ariane Bodin: “Representation and Reality of the Outward Look of Clerics from the Fourth through the Fifth Century in Italy and Africa”

Room 6. Origen and the Bible 9.00. Tina Dolidze: “The Equivocality of Biblical Language in Origen”

9.20. Brian Barrett: “Origen’s Spiritual Exegesis as a Defence of the Literal Sense”

9.40. Paul Kolbet: “Rethinking the Rationales for Origen’s Use of Allegory”

10.00. Elizabeth Dively Lauro: “The Eschatological Significance of Scripture’s Sacramental Character According to Origen”

11.20. Mihai Vlad Niculescu: “Origen Otherwise than Origen: Alternative Approaches to Origen’s Incarnational View of the Bible and of Origen’s Exegesis”

11.40. Miyako Demura: “Origen and the Exegetical Tradition of the Sarah-Hagar Motif in Alexandria” 28

12.00. Amy Hughes: “Blackness and Bride in Origen’s Commentary on the Song of Songs”

12.20. Ronald Heine: “Origen on Matthew 19.12”

12.40. Allan Johnson: “Interior Landscape: Origen’s Homily 21 on Luke” ------Room 7. Byzantine 9.00. Reinhart Ceulemans: “Malachias the Monk on the Numerical Proverbs”

9.20. Spyros Panagopoulos: “The Traditions of the Virgin Mary’s Dormition and Assumption in Byzantium and their Theological Signification”

9.40. Mark Montague: “’The Parts of Christ are the Two Natures’: Composite Hypostasis according to St John Damascene”

10.00. Adrian Agachi: “A Critical Analysis of the Conflict between St Symeon the New Theologian and Stephen of Nicomedia”

11.20. Jean Reynard: “Michael Psellos, Interprète de l’alphabet grec”

11.40. Joost Van Rossum: “Creation-Theology in and Theophanes of Nicaea: Compatible or Incompatible?”

12.00. John Bekos: “Nicholas Cabasilas on the Relation between the Church and the State: 14th Century Political Theology and Late Modernity in Dialogue”

12.20. Nicholas Bamford: “Two Fathers Ancient and Modern: A Response to John Zizioulas’ Existentialism through Maximus the Confesssor’s Essentialism”

12.40. Theodoros Alexandropoulos: “John Bekos and Konstantin Melitiniotes on the Filioque: an Analysis of their Argumentation”

Room 8. Clement of Alexandria 9.00. Stuart Thomson: “The : Priests and Teachers in Clement of Alexandria”

9.20. Kamala Parel-Nuttall: “Clement of Alexandria’s Ideal Christian Wife”

9.40. Veronica Černušková: “The Concept of Eupatheia in Clement of Alexandria” 29

10.00. Jan van Pottelberge: “Clement of Alexandria and Celsus on the True Doctrine” 11.20. Harrie Lyons: “Nostalgia for Heaven: Clement’s Use of the Odyssey in Chapter 12 of Exhortation to the Greeks”

11.40. Piotr Ashwin-Siejkowski: “Clement of Alexandria on the Creation of Eve: Exegesis in the Service of a Pedagogical Project”

12.00. Ryan Woods: “Pedagogy and Poetics in the Stromateis”

12.20. Matyáš Havrda: “Auxiliary Cause in Clement’s Stromata”

12.40. Jana Plátová: “Die Fragmente des Clemens Alexandrinus in den grieschischen und arabischen Katenen zu biblischen Büchern” ------Room 9. Tertullian 9.00. Carly Daniel-Hughes: “A Strange Sort of Monogamy? Sexuality, Marriage and Salvation in Tertullian”

9.20. Paul Parvis: “Did the Earth Move for You? Tertullian on Water Organs and Baptism”

9.40. Richard Brumback: “Tertullian’s Trinitarian Monarchy in Adversus Praxean: a Rhetorical Analysis”

10.00. Dominika Kurek-Chomycz: “’The Creator who prophesied that old things would pass away’: Tertullian’s use of 2Cor 5.17 in Adversus Marcionem 4-5”

11.20. J. Albert Harrill: “Accusing Philosophy of Causing Headaches: Tertullian’s Use of a Comedic Topos (Praescr. 16.2)”

11.40. Thomas Heyne: “Tertullian and Obstetrics”

12.00. Agnes Anna Nagy: “Tertullien, les candelabras et les chiens. Une note pour l’Apologétique 8.6”

12.20. Donna Cooper: “Tertullian’s Use of Aristotle in his Theory of the Incarnation” 30

Room 9. Martyrs 2.20. Robert Wisniewski: “Looking for Dreams and Talking with Martyrs: Internal Roots of Christian Incurbation”

2.40. Vladimir Ivanovici: “Competing Paradoxes: Martyrdom and the Spread of Christianity Revisited”

3.00. Vasile-Ciprian Burca: “Baptismus Sanguinis. The Conflict between Generations in Early Christianity as Reflected in the Acts of the Martyrs”

3.20. Pamela Reaves: “Multiple Martyrdoms and Christian Identity in Clement of Alexandria’s Stromateis”

Room 10. Irenaeus of Lyons 9.00. G.B. McClanahan: “The Greco-Roman Context of Grace in Against Heresies”

9.20. Adam Powell: “Irenaeus and God’s Gifts: Reciprocity in Against Heresies IV and V.

9.40. Charles Bobertz: “’Our Opinion is in Accordance with the Eucharist’: Irenaeus and the Sitz im Leben of Mark’s Gospel”

10.00. Charles Hill: “’The scripture which says’: the Status of the Shepherd of Hermas in the Writings of Irenaeus”

11.20. Liesbeth Van der Sypt: “The Unreliability of Irenaeus’ Reference to Spiritual Marriage (Adversus Haereses 1.6.3)”

11.40. Sara Parvis: “Irenaeus, Women and Tradition” 12.00. Timothy Sailors: “Pseudo-Barsabas of Jerusalem’s On Christ and the Churches”

------Room 11. Gregory of Nyssa 31

9.00. Miguel Brugarolas: “Anointing and Kingdom: Some Aspects of Gregory of Nyssa’s Pneumatology” 9.20. Robin Orton: “’Physical’ Soteriology in Gregory of Nyssa: a Response to Reinhold Hübner” 9.40. Jennifer Jamer: “Gregory of Nyssa and the Christian Response to later Pagan Thinkers: A Consideration of On the Soul and Resurrection” 10.00. Matthew Lootens: “A Preface to Gregory of Nyssa’s Contra Eunomium? Gregory’s Letter 29” 11.20. Marcello La Matina: “Seeing God through Language: Deixis and Quotations in Gregory of Nyssa’s Against Eunomius III” 11.40. Hui Xia: “The Imagery of Light and the Divinity of the Son in Gregory of Nyssa’s Contra Eunomium III” 12.00. Ann Conway-Jones: “Gregory of Nyssa’s Tabernacle Imagery: Mysticism, Theology and Politics” 12.20. Jennifer Benedict: “Uncovering the Nakedness of Parents: Gregory of Nyssa on Nudity, Shame and the Resurrection Body”


Room 12. John Chrysostom 9.00. Valerie Karras: “’No Woman in the Resurrection: the Gender Eschatology of John Chrysostom” 9.20. Goran Sekulovski: “Jean Chrysostome sur la Communion de Judas” 9.40. Hennie Stander: “Power and Violence in Chrysostom’s Commentary on the Psalms” 10.00. Maria Verhoeff: “Chrysostom on Friendship with God” 11.20. Johan Leemans: “John Chrysostom on Pentecost” 11.40. Pierre Augustin: “La description des manuscrits chrysostomiens grecs de Paris pour le programme des Codices Chrysostomici Graecae” 12.00. Peter Moore: “Chrysostom’s Concept of gnômê: how “Chosen Life’s Orientation” Undergirds Chrysostom’s Strategy in Preaching” 12.20. Chris de Wet: “John Chrysostom’s Advice to Slaveholders” 12.40. Cara Jean Polk: “Literacy and Book Ownership in the Congregations of Chrysostom”

Room 14. Christian North Africa 9.00. Laetitia Ciccolini: “Le personnage de Syméon dans la polémique anti-Juive: le cas de l’ Ad Vigilium faussement attribué à Cyprien de Carthage (CPL 67)” 9.20. Adam Ployd: “Tres unum sunt: the Johannine Comma in Cyprian of Carthage” 9.40. David Perry: “Cyprian’s Letter to Fidus: a New Perspective on its Significance for the History of Infant Baptism” 10.00. Eliezer Gonzalez: “The Afterlife in the Passion of Perpetua and in the Works of Tertullian” 32

11.20. Marcin Wysocki: “Eschatology of the Time of Persecutions – Tertullian and Cyprian” 11.40. David Riggs: “The Apologetic Usage of ‘Grace’ in the North African Church during the Second and Third Centuries” 12.00. Christophe Guignard: “Julius Africanus et le Texte de Luc 3.24” 12.20. Mattias Gassman: “’Et Deus et homo’: The Christology and Soteriology of Lactantius” 12.40. Helmut Seng: “Laktanz, De Mortibus Persecutorum. Handlungsführung und Komposition”

Room 15. Dionysius the Areopagite 9.00. Zachary Giuliano: “ in Dionysius the Areopagite: the Nadir and Pinnacle of Revelation” 9.20. Ladislav Chvatal: “The Concept of ‘Grace’ in Dionysius the Areopagite” 9.40. Michael Harrington: “From Cosmos to Diakosmesis: Order and Ornament in Dionysius the Areopagite” 10.00. Ashley Purpura: “’Pseudo’- Dionysius the Areopagite’s Ecclesiastical Hierarchy: Keeping the Divine Order and Participating in Divinity” 11.20. Filip Ivanovic: “Dionysius the Areopagite on Justice” 11.40. J. Gregory Given: “An Intertextual Approach to Pseudo-Dionysius and its Preliminary Results” 12.00. Ari Ojell: “From Divine Denial to Human Negation: Gregory of Nyssa and Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita on apophasis” 12.20. David Newheiser: “Eschatology and the Areopagite: Interpreting the Dionysian Hierarchies in Terms of Time” South School. Asceticism and Spirituality 9.00. Arkadiusz Jasiweicz: “Monastic Life at Sinai in the 5th and 6th Centuries – Historical Sources” 9.20. Dmitry Bumazhnov: “The Role of the Personal Covenant with God in the Making of Early Monasticism” 9.40. Sungsu Hwang: “6000 Humilities” 10.00. Dimitar Arnaudov: “The Eye in the Greek Fathers and Orthodox Spirituality” 11.20. Lois Farag: “Heroines not Penitents: Saints of Sex Slavery in Early Monastic Sources” 11.40. Kate Wilkinson: “Gender Roles and Mental Reproduction among Virgins” 12.00. Liviu Barbu: “Spiritual Fatherhood in and outside the Desert: an Eastern Orthodox Perspective” 12.20. Bogdan Bucur: “Exegesis and Intertextuality in Anastasius the Sinaite’s Homily on the Transfiguration” 12.40.Witold Witakowski: “Antony, the First Monk, in Ethiopian Tradition”

South School: Cassian and Leo 2.20. Katie Hager: “John Cassian: the Devil in the Details” 33

2.40. Cristina Ciubotaru: “Word and : Cassian’s Use of the Bible in the Fight against Evil Thoughts” 3.00. Bernard Green: “Leo the Great on Baptism: Letter 16”

------East School. Augustinian Exegesis

9.00. Susan Blackburn Griffith: “Unwrapping the Word: Metaphor in the Augustinian Imagination” 9.20. Michel Willy Libambu: “Augustinian Interpretation of Genesis 1-2. Exegetical Writing and Theological Rewriting” 9.40. Piotr Paciorek: “The Metaphor of the Letter from God as Applied to Holy Scripture by Saint Augustine” 10.00. Enrique Eguiarte: “Exegetical Function of Old Testament Names in Augustine’s Commentary on the Psalms” 11.20. Wendy Helleman: “Augustine and Philo’s ‘Sarah’ as Wisdom Figure” 11.40. Joseph Lienhard: “Hermeneutics in Augustine’s Locutiones in Heptateuchum” 12.00. Hans van Reisen: “Zachary and Elizabeth – Some Exegetical remarks of Augustine on the Birth of John the Baptist” 12.20. Francine Cardman: “Discerning the Heart: Intention as Ethical Norm in Augustine’s Homilies on 1John”

East School. Fifth-Century Gaul and Africa 2.20. Zachary Yuzwa: “To Live by the Example of Angels: Dialogue, Imitation and Identity in Sulpicius Severus’ Gallus” 2.40. Eric Fournier: “Victor of Vita and the Conference of 484: a Pastiche of 411” 3.00. Joseph Grzywaczewski: “Religion of the Barbarians and of the Romans according to Salvian of Marseilles” 3.20. Salvatore Costanza: “Cartagine in Salviano di Marsiglio: alcune puntualizzazioni” 3.40. David Lambert: “Present and Future Judgment in Salvian” 34

WORKSHOPS (3.7.11)

All workshops to be held in the Examination Schools unless otherwise indicated. Please note that a number of short workshops will take place from 2.00 to 4.00. Length of papers and allocation of time for discussion is at the discretion of the organizer for each workshop.


South School 4.00-6.30 Former Directors I

Rowan Williams: Henry Chadwick Catherine Osborne: G.C.Stead Frances Young: Maurice Wiles

Room 6 4.00-6.30 Education, Initiation and Conversion: Ways to Approach Religion in Late Antiquity I

Peter Gemeinhardt: “Education and Religion: a New Research Centre at Göttingen and its Multidisciplinary Approach” 35

Anders-Christian Jacobsen: “Conversion to Christian Philosophy: the Case of Origen’s School at Caesarea” Jörg Ulrich: “What do we Know about Justin’s School?” Tobias Georges: “Justin, the Founder of the Great Philosophical School in Rome – Tertullian, the Great Loner? Reflections on Early Christian ‘Schools’”

Room 7 4.00 - 6.30 Prosper of Aquitaine I

Chair: Jérémy Delmulle

Raúl Villegas Marin: “Background to Augustinian Controversy: Circulation, Reception and Copying of Augustine’s Books in Fifth-century Gaul” Thomas Humphries: “Prosper’s Pneumatology: the Development of an Augustinian” Michele Cutino: “Prosper and Pagans” Augustine Casiday: “Prosper and Pelagianism in Rome”

Room 8 4.00 – 6.30 Aspects of Question-and-answer Literature: Ambrosiaster, Anastasius of Sinai and ps-Athanasius

Yannis Papadogiannakis: “Christian Identity in Seventh-Century Byzantium: the Case of Anastasius of Sinai” Caroline Mace: “Supernatural Elements and False Oracles in ps.Athanasius’ Quaestiones ad Antiochum” Vincent Deroche: “Anastasius’ compositional methods in his Quaestiones and their bearing on the nature and scope of the text” Marie-Pierre Bussières: “Magis ad laudem proficiat simplicitas eorum (QVNT 100.3). How Sophisticated were Ambrosiaster’s Students?”

Room 9 4.00 - 6.30 Origenist Textualities I

Blossom Stefaniw: “Origen is not Normal: the Enforcement of Gender-Religious Identity and the Condemnation of Disruptive Textualities” Jeremy Schott: “Bakhtin and the Fathers: the Ethics of the (Written) Word” Rebecca Krawiec: “Evagrius, Text, and Memory: Writing and Identity in the Egyptian Desert”

Room 10 4-6.30 Ecclesiastical Historiography in the Sixth Century 36

Muriel Debié: “The Parting of the Ways and the Writing of History: Sixth-century Historiography in the Light of post-Chalcedonian Church Politics” Geoffrey Greatrex: “Théodore le Lecteur et l’histoire profane dans l’historiographie ecclésiastique au VIe siècle” Philippe Blaudeau: “Liberatus de Carthage et ses sources: entre travail historiographique et conscience géo-ecclésiastique” Peter Van Nuffelen: “Writing Ecclesiastical Historiography in the Sixth Century: the Politics of Periodisation”

Room 11 2.00 – 4.00 Lactantius I

Oliver Nicholson: “The Christian Sallust: Lactantius on God, Man and History” Blandine Colot: “Lactantius and the Philosophy of Cicero: ‘Romideologie’ and the Legitimization of Christianity”

Room 11 4-6.30 New Perspectives on Late Antique spectacula: Between Reality and Imagination

Karin Schlapbach: “Ekphrasis and the Critique of spectacula: the Case of Paulinus of Nola and his Contemporaries” Alexander Puk: “A Story of Success: Why did Late Antique Theatre Continue?” Andrew White: “Mime and the Secular Sphere: Notes on Choricius’ Apologia Mimorum”

Room 14 2.00 – 4.00 Marcion I

Dieter Roth: “The Text of Marcion’s Gospel and Luke” Sebastian Moll: “Marcion’s Christ”

Room 14 4.00-6.30 The Holy Spirit and (Divine) Inspiration in Augustine I

Michael Cameron: "The Holy Spirit and Scripture's Diversity in the Ex- Manichee Augustine" Geert Van Reyn: "Comparing Divine Inspiration in Augustine’s Confessiones and Virgil’s Aeneid “ Jonathan Yates: “Augustine on Scripture’s Self-Referential Claims to Inspiration by the Holy Spirit" Anne-Isabelle Bouton-Touboulic: “Consonance et dissonance: L’action unificatrice de l’Esprit Saint” 37

Allan Fitzgerald: "The Holy Spirit within Salvation History"

Room 15 4.00 – 6.30 The Genres of Late Antique Christian Literature: Interaction and Transformation I . Chair: Bernard Pouderon Yuri Schichalin: “The Traditional View of Late Platonism as a Self-contained System” John Dillon: “The Genre of the Philosophic Letter in the Neoplatonic and Patristic Traditions” Petr Mikhaylov: “The Principles of Argumentation in Theological Polemics by the Great Cappadocians”

Ioannou Centre, Lecture Room 4.00 – 6.30 Early Christian Monasticism and Classical Paideia I

Samuel Rubesnon: Chair Henrik Rydell Johnson: “Renunciation, Guidance and Confession in Early Monasticism and Ancient Philosophy” David Westberg: “Rhetorical Exegesis in Procopius of Gaza” Lillian Larsen: “The Sayings of the Desert Fathers and the Monostichs of Menander” Bo Holmberg: “The Syriac Collection of Apophthegmata Patrum” Britt Dahlman: “The Collectio Scorialensis Parva: an Alphabetical Collection of Old Apophthegmatic and Hagiographic Material”

Ioannou Centre, Room 43. 4-6.30 Early Monasticism in the Holy Land: the Role of Peter the Iberian and other Georgian Monks

Tamila Mgaloblishvili: “Peter the Iberian: beginning of the Georgian Monastic Life in the Holy Land” Yoram Tsafrir: “Travelling in Jerusalem in the days of Peter the Iberian”


South School 4.00 – 6.30 Former Directors II 38

Eric Rebillard: W.H.C.Frend William Klingshirn: Robert Markus. Concluding discussion

East School 4.00 – 6.30 The Bishop of Rome in Late Antiquity: Strategies of Crisis Management I

Bronwen Neil: “Letters of Gelasius (492-496): a New Model of Crisis Management?” Kevin Uhalde: “Pontifical Repentance: Tales of Failure, Redemption, Controversy” Geoffrey Dunn: “Innocent I and the Synod of Toledo” Marianne Saghy: “The Holy Bishops of Rome” Glen Thompson: “The Pax Constantiniana and the Episcopate in Rome”

Room 1 4.00 – 6.30. New Research on the Martyrdom of Polycarp: in Memory of Professor Boudewijn Dehandschutter

Johann Leemans will speak on the work of Professor Dehandschutter Candida Moss: “Intertextual Impossibilities and the Dating of the Martyrdom of Polycarp” Paul Hartog: “Polycarp as ‘Prophetic’ and ‘Apostolic’ in his Philippians and in the Martyrdom” Taras Khomych: “An Early Slavonic Translation of the Martyrdom of Polycarp: Assessing the Textual Evidence”

Room 6 4.00 – 6.30 Education, Initiation and Conversion II

Ilka Issermann: “Christian Ethics as a Factor of Conversion?” Jakob Engberg: “The Education and (Self-)affirmation of (Recent or Potential) Converts: the Case of Cyprian” Andrea Villani: “Tertullian’s Arguing Strategies in his ‘Pagan’-Addressed Writings” Rubina Raja: “Constructing for the Learned or for the Mass? The Basilica as a Marker of Identity”

Room 7 4.00 – 6.30 Prosper of Aquitaine II

Michele Salzman: “Prosper of Aquitaine and Leo the Great: Reconsidering a Relationship” Alexander Hwang: “Prosper of Aquitaine and the Fall of Rome” Brian Matz: “Prosper’s Legacy in the Ninth-Century Predestination Controversy” Agatha Hahn: “Scandinavian Reception of Prosper” 39

Albertus Horsting: “Reading Augustine with Pleasure: Prosper of Aquitaine’s Epigrammata”

Room 8 4.00 – 6.30 Mary’s Intercessions

Leena Mari Peltomaa: “The Intercessory Function of Mary in Byzantine Understanding” Antonia Atanassova: “A Ladder to Heaven: Ephesus I and the Theology of Marian Mediation” Theodore de Bruyn: “Chronological Aspects of Liturgical and Paraliturgical Evidence for the Intercessory Function of Mary in Egypt” Mary Cunningham: “The theme of intercession in Middle Byzantine texts on the Virgin Mary”

Room 9 4.00 – 6.30 Origenist Textualities II

Andrew Jacobs: “Epiphanius of Salamis and the Antiquarian’s Bible” Catherine Chin: “Short Words on Earth: Theological Geography in Rufinus’ Commentary on the Apostles’ Creed “

Room 11 2.00 – 4.00 Lactantius II

Stefan Freund: “When Romans become Christians: the ‘Romanisation’ of Christian Doctrine in Lactantius” Gábor Kendeffy: “Wisdom, Virtue, Providence: Remarks on Lactantius’ Theological System”

Room 10 4.00 – 6.30 The Holy Spirit and (Divine) Inspiration in Augustine II

Matthew Gaumer: “Against the Holy Spirit: Augustine of Hippo’s Polemical Use of the Holy Spirit against the Donatists” Matthias Lamberigts: “’Littera occidit, spiritus autem vivificat’ (2 Cor. 3: 6): Augustine’s View on the Spirit in De spiritu et littera” 40

Anthony Dupont: "The Presence and Treatment of Gratia in Augustine's Sermones ad Populum on the Liturgical Feast of Pentecost: Do Anti-Donatist and Anti-Pelagian Polemics Influence Augustine's Preaching?” Diana Stanciu: “Spirit and Inspiration in Augustine’s Treatises on the Soul”

Room 11 4.00 – 6.30 The Proteanism of Authority: Patterns and Perspectives of the Reception of Augustine of Hippo

Chair: Willemien Otten Karla Pollmann: introduction and overview Burght Pranger: “Re-examining the ‘Augustinianism’ of Henri de Lubac” Ryan Coyne: “The Force of Time: Augustine in Heideggerian and post-Heideggerian Thought”

Room 14 2.00 – 4.00 Marcion II

Matthias Klinghardt: “Reconstructing Marcion’s Gospel: Methodological Issues and Insights” Markus Vinzent: “The Re-Working of Marcion’s Gospel in Luke (esp. Luke 10.22)”

Room 14 4.00 – 6.30 A Saint for East and West: the Theology of Maximus the Confessor in the Ongoing Dialogue between Eastern and Western Christian Theology I

Bronwen Neil (chair), Kallistos Ware (chair); Daniel Haynes (convener)

John Milbank: “Maximus and the Paradox of Participation” Adam Cooper: “Freedom and Heteronomy: Maximus and the Question of Moral Creativity” Luis Granados: “The Role of the Holy Spirit in Christ, according to Saint Maximus the Confessor” Adrian Guiu: “Eriugena’s Reception of Maximus Confessor’s Anthropology”

Room 15 4.00 – 6.30 The Genres of Late Antique Literature II 41

Alexey Fokin: “The Intelligible Triad in Neoplatonism and Patristics” Svetlana Mesyats: “The Concept of hypostasis in Platonic Philosophy and Christian Theology of the Fourth to Sixth Centuries” Ann Usacheva: “The Term panēgyris in the Old and New Testaments and Christian Literature of the Fourth Century” Olga Alieva: “Traits of the Philosophic Protreptic in St. Basil's Address to Young Men on Greek Literature”

Oriental Institute 2.00 – 4.00 ?? Room No The Christian Library at Turfan

Erica Hunter: “Syriac Manuscripts from Turfan” Nicholas Sims-Williams: “Christian Sogdian Manuscripts from Turfan” Peter Zieme: “Christian Uighur Manuscripts from Turfan” Mark Dickens: “Psalter Material from Turfan”

Oriental Institute 4.00 – 6.30 ?? Room No Reconsidering the Family in Ancient Monasticism

Roberto Alciati: “Reshaped Families: the Case of Lérinian Monasticism” Caroline Schroeder: “The Ties that Bind: Monks, Children, and Emotions” Ville Vuolanto: “Family Dynamics, Children and Asceticism in Late Antiquity. The Case of Theodoret of Cyrrhus” Mariachiara Giorda: “Divine and Human : the Evolution of a Concept in Egyptian Monasticism” [possibly in French]


South School 4.00 – 6.30 International Panel discussion of Elizabeth Clark, Founding the Fathers

David Hunter (convenor) Pier Franco Beatrice Averil Cameron Wolfram Kinzig Mark Vessey Response: Elizabeth Clark 42

East School 4.00 – 6.30 The Bishop of Rome in Late Antiquity: Strategies of Crisis Management II

George Demacopoulos: Kristina Sessa: “Domestic Emergencies: Pelagius (556-561) and the Challenges of Managing the domus Dei in post-Gothic War Italy” Christian Hornung: “Sirice and the Rise of Papacy”

Room 1 4.00 – 6.30 Rhetoric and Theology in Tertullian

Chair: Karla Pollmann David Wilhite: “What Tertullian Learned from Paul” Frédéric Chapot: “Rhétorique et théologie chez Tertullien: citations bibliques et exégèse dans l’adversus Praxean”. Willemien Otten: “Tertullian’s Rhetoric of Redemption: de carne Christi and de resurrectione mortuorum” Respondent: Geoffrey Dunn

Room 6 4.00 – 6.30 Confronting Greco-Roman Culture: the Discursive Practices of Early Christian Texts

Jonathan Cahana: “Androgyne or Undrogyne? Queering the Gnostic Myth” ?? Querying Erin Evans: “From Saving Grace to Chains of Bondage: astrology in the Pistis Sophia” Crystal Lubinsky: “Re-reading Masculinity in Christian Greco-Roman Culture through Ambrose and the Female Transvestite monk, Matrona of Perge” Michael Mach: “Apocalyptic Confrontation with Roman Authority”

Room 7 2.00 – 4.00 Die Synoden im trinitarischen Streit

Hans-Christoph Brennecke: “Synoden als Institution zwischen Kaiser und Kirche im spätantiken Imperium Romanum” Thomas Graumann: “Theologische Diskussion auf Synoden: Erwartungen – Verfahren – Kritik” 43

Room 7 4.00 – 6.30 Creeds in Kinds

Liuwe Westra: Wolfram Kinzig: “What is a Creed? Reflections on the Development of a Literrary Genre” Christoph Markschies: Markus Vinzent: respondent.

Room 8 4.00 – 6.30 Los estudios patristicos en latinoamerica I

Abstract submitted by Edinei Da Rosa Cándido: Oscar Velasquez: “La historia de la patrística en Chile: un largo proceso de maduración” María Isabel Larrauri, Pedro Fernández, Ángel Hernández: “A diez años de la Iniciación de los Estudios Patrísticos en la Universidad Católica de Cuyo. San Juan- Argentina” Edinei Da Rosa Cándido : “Proposta para publicações patrísticas no Brasil e América Latina: os 6 anos dos Cadernos Patrísticos”. Ricardo Diez, Raquel Fischer: “Puesta al día de los estudios agustinianos en Argentina y Latinoamérica”

Room 9 4.00 – 6.30 The Church Fathers vis-à-vis the Neo-Platonists I

Cyril Hovorun: “The Influence of Neoplatonism on the Formation of Theological Categories in the Fourth to Seventh Centuries” Andrew Louth: “Symbolism and the Angels” Istvan Perczel: “The pseudo-Didymian De Trinitate, Proclus, and Pseudo- Dionysiusthe Areopagite”

Room 10 4.00 – 6.30 Evagrius Ponticus on Contemplation I

Monica Tobon: “Enlarging the heart and Lifting it up: Contemplation as Trans- formation in Evagrius Ponticus” 44

David Brakke: “Mystery, Secrecy, and the Ladder to Contemplation of the Trinity” Kevin Corrigan: “Suffocation or Germination: Infinity, Formation and Calibration of the Mind in Evagrius’ Notion of Contemplation”

Room 11 4.00 – 6.30 Origen, the Soul, and the Origenian Tradition I

Panayiotis Tzamalikos: “Pre-existence and Transmigration of Souls: philosophical Problems of the Notion” Christopher Beeley “‘Let this Cup Pass from me’: the Soul of Christ in Origen and Maximus the Confessor”

Room 14 4.00 – 6.30 A Saint for East and West II

Edward Siecienski: “Maximus, the Filioque, and the Papacy: from Prooftext to Mediator” ?? Proof text (two words?) Despina Prassas: “St Maximus the Confessor’s quaestiones et dubia: possible Rabbinic Sources” David Bradshaw: “St Maximus on the Will”

Room 15 4.00 – 6.30 Via est qua imus: Perspectives on Augustine’s Christology

Miriam Kudella: “Augustine’s Polemics against Manichaean Christology: a Question of Demarcation” Ron Haflidson: “Christ’s Mediation in Confessions XII” Han-luen Kanzer Komline: “Augustine on the Two Wills of Christ” Sarah Stewart-Kroeker: “A Journey for the Feet: Augustine’s Incarnational Appropriation of Plotinus”

Ioannou Centre, Lecture Theatre 4.00 – 6.30 The Image of God in ‘Nicene’ Theology

Frances Young (chair and respondent); Andrew Teal (convener) John Behr: Paul Delcogliano: Morwenna Ludlow: “Cappadocian Responses” Johannes Zachhuber: “The ‘Image of God’ and the Created-Uncreated Distinction in Gregory of Nyssa” 45

Ioannou Centre, Room 43 4.00 – 6.30 The Significance of Michel Foucault for Approaches to Patristics

Chair: David Newheiser Rick Elgendy: “Practices of the Self, Reading across Divides: what Michel Foucult could have said about Gregory of Nyssa” Devin Singh: “Disciplining Eusebius: Discursive Power and Representation of the Court Theologian” Response: Marika Rose

Oriental Institute 2.00 – 4.00 ??Room No The Role of Women in the Spread of Manichaeism I . Majella Franzmann: “Mariam, the Net-caster: the Development of a Manichaean tradition about Mary Magdalene” Madeleine Scopello: Nic Baker-Brian: “Not , but Sacrilege: Manichaean Women in Christian Heresiology”

Oriental Institute 4.00 – 6.30 ?? Room No Early Eucharistic Traditions

Andrew McGowan: “Eucharist and Sacrifice in Second Century Christianity” Paul Bradshaw: Gerard Rouwhorst: “Eucharistic Meals East of Antioch” Matthias Klinghardt respondent


South School 4.00 – 6.30 Reading the Saeculum: a Roundtable Remembering Robert Markus

Chair: Neil McLynn Saeculum: history and theology in the thought of Saint Augustine (1970) Discussant: Conrad Leyser The End of Ancient Christianity (1990) Discussant: Kate Cooper Gregory the Great and his World (1997) 46

Discussant: Claire Sotinel Signs and Meanings: world and text in ancient Christianity (1996) Discussant: Mark Vessey Respondent: Henry Mayr-Harting

East School 4.00 – 6.30 Late Antique Rome as a Cultural

Chiara Tommasi Moreschini: “Rome between Eternity and Decay” Majastina Kahlos: “Divine Wrath and Divine Favour: Transformations of Roman Thought Patterns in Late Antiquity” Mar Marcos: “Rome’s Senility: a Topic in the Polemic between Pagans and Christians at the End of Antiquity” Rita Lizzi: “The Politics of Apostolic Primacy in Ostrogothic Rome” Rocco Borgononi: “Capitals at War: Images of Rome and Constantinople from the Age of Justinian”

Room 1 4.00 – 6.30 Silence and Apophasis in Augustine

P. Van Geest: “The Incomprehensibility of God as cause of concern: Augustine as a negative theologian and the Merging of orthodoxy” John Kenney: “Apophasis and Interiority in Augustine’s early writings” Paul Rigby: “Augustine’s use of Silence in his Teachings on Original Sin and Predestination” Sara Byers: “Can Plotinus’ Statements about Apophaticism and Negative Theology Save him from a Contradiction?”

Room 6 4.00 – 6.30 Biblical Quotations in Patristic Texts

Laurence Mellerin: “Biblindex, Online Index of Biblical quotations in Early Christian literature” Hugh Houghton: “Patristic Evidence in the New Edition of the Vetus Latina Iohannes” Bas ter Haar Romeny: “Biblical Quotations in Syriac Commentaries” Claudia Wick: “The Language of the Bible in the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae”

Room 7 2.00 – 4.00 Die Synoden im trinitarischen Streit II

Uta Heil: “Das Rätsel des Bekenntnisses von Rimini (359 n.Chr.)” Annette von Stockhausen: “Der Brief der Synode von Ankyra 358” 47

Christian Müeller: “Die Synode von Mailand 355: Eusebius von Vercelli und die Folgen”

Room 7 4.00 – 6.30 The impact of Basil of Caesarea on the Theology of Gregory of Nyssa

Chair: Johannes Zachhuber Volker Drecoll: “Basil and Gregory on Psalms” Matthieu Cassin: “Basil in Gregory’s Refutation of Eunomius” Andrew Radde-Gallwitz: “The Spirit in the Faith of Basil of Caesarea and Gregory of Nyssa: Summaries of Faith in their Letters” Alessandro Capone: “Apollinaris, Basil, and Gregory of Nyssa” David DeMarco: “The relationship of Gregory of Nyssa to Basil of Caesarea as seen in their treatments of Genesis I” Anna Silvas: “The ascetic works of Basil and Gregory”

Room 8 4.00 – 6.30 Los estudios patristicos en latinoamerica II

Rubén Peretó Rivas: “La acedia en Evagrio Póntico. Entre ángeles y demonios” Viviana Félix: “La influencia de platonismo medio en Justino a la luz de los estudios recientes sobre el Didaskalikos” Francisco Basttita Harriet: “Dios ‘consecuente’ a la decisión humana? Una interpretación de un pasaje del De vita Moysis de Gregorio de Nisa Graciela Ritacco: “El Bien, el Sol, y el Rayo de Luz según Dionisio del Areópago” Hernán Giudice: “Prisciliano de Avila y el apóstol Pablo”

Room 9 4.00 – 6.30 The Church Fathers vis-à-vis the Neoplatonists II

Jean-Michel Counet: “The Idea of Creative Speech in the Neo-Platonist School and Early Fathers” Gabor Buzasi: “Julian’s Solar Theology and its Relation to the Christianity of his Age” Victor Yudin (convener): “(Neo-)Platonism in Augustine’s Resurrection Theory” Levan Gigineishvili: “Eros in the Theology of I. Petritsi and Sh. Rustaveli”

Room 10 4.00 – 6.30 Evagrius Ponticus on Contemplation II 48

Robin Darling Young: “Transmission and Translation in the Letters of Evagrius of Pontus – some Issues Relating to Contemplation” Luke Dysinger: “An Exegetical Way of Seeing: Contemplation and Spiritual Guidance in Evagrius Ponticus” Julia Konstantinovsky: “Evagrius Ponticus: Contemplation as Infinite Creation”

Room 11 4.00 – 6.30 Origen, the Soul and the Origenian Tradition II

Mark Edwards: “Origen and the Platonists: Two Recent Studies” Ilaria Ramelli: “The archē and telos of Rational Creatures in some Origenian Authors: ‘Pre-existence of Souls’?”

Room 14 4.00 – 6.30 A Saint for East and West III

Torstein Tollefsen: “The Metaphysics of Maximus: Becoming One with God” Joshua Lollar: “The Contemplation of Nature in Maximus the Confessor’s Ambigua to John” Rowan Williams:

Room 15 4.00 – 6.30 Whose Authority? Which Scriptures? The Extent and Function of Canonical and Interpretative Authority in Early Christianity

Jeffrey Bingham: “Irenaeus and the Other Books: Non-canonical Christian Texts in his Polemic” Scott Moringiello: “The pneumatikos as Scriptural Interpreter: Irenaeus’ Reading of 1 Cor. 2: 15” Dan Batovici: “Hermas in Clement of Alexandria” Mark Elliott: “Wisdom of Solomon, Canon and Authority”

Oriental Institute 2.00 – 4.00 ?? Room No The Role of Women in the Spread of Manichaeism II

Jörgen Magnussen: Gonnie van den Berg-Onstwedder: “Missionary Activity of Women in Egyptian Manichaeism: did it exist and can we recognise it?”

Ioannou Centre Lecture Room 4.00 – 6.30 Early ‘Christian’ Epigraphy and Iconography 49

Allen Brent: Carlo Carletti: Emmanuele Castelli: Ulrich Volp: “The Iconography Project”

Oriental Institute 2.00 – 4.00 ?? Room No Romanos the Melode and the Syriac Tradition

Sebastian Brock: “The on Abraham and Isaac: some Jewish and Syriac Features” Manolis Papoutsakis: “Romanos and the Syriac Tradition: (a) the State of Research, (b) New Evidence and its Implications”

Oriental Institute 4.00 – 6.30 ?? Room No Pelagian Debate in the East

Walter Dunphy: “The Pelagians and Antioch” Peter van Egmond: “Pelagius and the Origenist Controversy in Palestine” Hans van Loon: “The Pelagian Debate and Cyril of Alexandria’s Theology”

Oriental Institute 4.00 – 6.30 ?? Room No New Directions in Macarian Studies

Reinhart Staats: “Macarius-Symeon in the Iconoclastic Struggle? Some Observations” Vincent Desprez [paper to be read]: “Recent Developments in the Study of the Macarian Manuscript Tradition” Chiara Faraggiana di Sarzana: “Discoveries of Macarius-Symeon Inedita: a Provisional Appraisal of Recent Finds” Marcus Plested: “The Place of Macarius-Symeon in the Hesychast Controversy”