Santa Clara University Scholar Commons The Owl SCU Publications 4-1873 The Owl, vol. 7, no. 3 Santa Clara University student body Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Fiction Commons, Nonfiction Commons, and the Poetry Commons Recommended Citation Santa Clara University student body, "The Owl, vol. 7, no. 3" (1873). The Owl. Book 32. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the SCU Publications at Scholar Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Owl by an authorized administrator of Scholar Commons. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. ~~D,t~ ~IQl~01· ~@~l~l~e SANTA CLARA, CAI/. Under the ,Management of the Society of Jesns, ~arg~ n-: now the st DUmbel' of Professors and Tn tors connected with any educational institution on the Paciflc Coast. It embraces Schools of . THEOLOGY, PHY~ICS, CLASSICS, PIIILOSOPIIY, ~fATIIE~IATICS, ORATORY, CHE~lISTI{Y,' IvfINERALOGY, LITERATUI~E. 'F RENCI-I, GERl\IAN, ITALIAN, SPANISlf (By Teachers na tive to the several languages) ~tcttitcct\tt'nt, ~ittt'h~utit.1tt, ~l\u.(l~tltl)t lttut ~igtu·t ~l'lU\!hltl, MVll[e~ V"AL AN. INSTK,UJlBNTA.L, l)ANOING; DIlA.1fATIO ..ciCTION AND DELlvTEI{Y. ~ILIT.A:R-Y DRILL:7 Practical Schools of Telegraphy, Photography, Surveying and Printing; daily Assays of native ores, in a thoronghly fitted laboratory; one of the most complete cabinets of apparatus in the United States; several Ilbrarice ; a brass band; the fullest 'collection of printed music possessed 'by any American College.