Toondah Harbour PDA Development Scheme Approval Under the Marine Parks Act (The Scheme) Fulfils This Requirement by 2004
Economic Development Queensland Toondah Harbour Priority Development Area Development Scheme May 2014 Great state. Great opportunity. Toondah Harbour Priority Development Area Development Scheme The Department of State Development, Attribution: The State of Queensland, Disclaimer: While every care has been taken Infrastructure and Planning is responsible Department of State Development, in preparing this publication, the State of for driving the economic development of Infrastructure and Planning. Queensland accepts no responsibility for Queensland. decisions or actions taken as a result of The Queensland Government supports and any data, information, statement or advice, © State of Queensland, Department of State encourages the dissemination and exchange expressed or implied, contained within. To Development, Infrastructure and Planning, of information. However, copyright protects the best of our knowledge, the content was July 2013, 100 George Street, Brisbane Qld this publication. The State of Queensland correct at the time of publishing. 4000 (Australia). has no objection to this material being reproduced, made available online or Any references to legislation are not an electronically but only if it is recognised as interpretation of the law. They are to be Licence: This work is the owner of the copyright and this material used as a guide only. The information in this licensed under the Creative Commons CC remains unaltered. publication is general and does not take BY 3.0 Australia licence. To view a copy of into account individual circumstances or The Queensland Government is committed this licence, visit www.creativecommons. situations. Where appropriate, independent to providing accessible services to org/licenses/by/3.0/au/deed.en. Enquiries legal advice should be sought.
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