Call the Domestic Abuse Helpline 0808 808 2241 Free from landlines and most mobiles networks website: email: [email protected]

You have the right to live your life free from fear, violence and abuse. Domestic abuse is about power and control and can involve physical, emotional, sexual and financial abuse as well as forced marriage and ‘honour based’ violence. It is rarely a one-off incident and tends to get worse over time. You may feel frightened, humiliated and isolated.

Remember: you are not to blame and you are not alone. Domestic abuse can happen to anyone regardless of age, race, class, culture, disability, sexuality or lifestyle. The majority of reported domestic abuse in Sheffield is from men to women, however men can also experience abuse and women can be abusers.

If you would like advice, information, somewhere safe to stay, or simply want someone to listen you can call our helpline.

If you are worried about a friend or relative we can offer advice on how you can help and support them.

We can help - 0808 808 2241

Is this a confidential service? What you tell us about yourself is confidential to us and we will respect your need for safety.

If there are urgent safety issues for you, another adult, or a child or young person, which require us to disclose information, we will keep you involved and informed of this as far as possible.

To find out more about us visit or email [email protected]

DP19827 If you are planning to leave, think about the following: • When is the safest time to leave? • Try to save some money for taxi or bus fares etc. • Money/bank/credit cards. • Small valuable objects – jewellery, special photos. • Toiletries/medication.

• Keep together the things you might need e.g. keys, benefit books, medical and National Insurance numbers, passports, birth and marriage certificates, address book, driving license, mortgage papers, work permit, divorce papers, non – molestation orders. • Take your children with you if you can, and their special toys.

The safety of yourself and your children is most important, if necessary leave with nothing. You will get support to help you sort things out later.

Our helpline is free to call from landlines and mobile phones within the UK and the number will not appear on itemised bills.

In an emergency ring 999

Other useful numbers

• Forced Marriage Unit 020 7008 0151 • Police 101 • Samaritans (24 hours) (0114) 276 7277 • Housing Solutions (0114) 273 5142 or 0800 7311 689 (24 hours)

• NHS 111 (24 hour telephone advice) 111 • South Yorkshire Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) 9am-5pm Mon-Fri 0330 223 0938 Out of hours: 0330 223 3193 • National Domestic Violence Helpline (24 hours) 0808 2000 247