Eccles Wwtw , Peel Green Road, Eccles, Salford, M30 7DR, , PR
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PLANNING & TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL PART I SECTION 1: APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION 2 May 2013 5Y000 APPLICATION No: 12/62462/FUL APPLICANT: United Utilities LOCATION: Eccles WwTW , Peel Green Road, Eccles, Salford, M30 7DR, , PROPOSAL: Construction of two Control Kiosks, and landscaping works to improve the aesthetic and water quality of Salteye Brook and the Manchester Ship Canal WARD: Barton 62462 KP with SB CHANGES REV1.rtf Description of Site and Surrounding Area The proposal comprises the site of the Eccles Water Treatment Works which is located off Peel Green Road in Eccles. The site is bounded by the M60 to the west, and the Manchester Ship Canal and residential properties on Langland Drive to the south. To the north, the treatment works borders the allotment gardens to the rear of residential properties on Tindall Street, and Peel Green Road. The facility is separated from properties to the north / north east by a woodland / landscaped area including properties on Langland Drive. Background of Proposal Currently, there are unsatisfactory intermittent discharges (UID) from the local combined sewer overflow system into Salteye Brook. United Utilities is undertaking works to improve the aesthetic and water quality of the Salteye Brook and Manchester Ship Canal, the driver of these improvement works is the requirement for these water courses to meet the EC freshwater Fish Directive (EC FFD) by the 28th February 2015. The inlet Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) is located adjacent to the site entrance off Peel Green Road. The CSO is currently unscreened and, together with treated effluent and discharges from the storm tanks, discharges directly to an open channel section of Salteye Brook, approximately 500m to the west of the Barton Viaduct. In order to achieve compliance with the aesthetic requirements, a new combined sewer overflow with mechanical screens (allowing no greater than 7mm in either direction) will be constructed and mechanical screens (allowing no greater than 7mm in either direction) will be retro-fitted into the existing Eccles waste water treatment inlet combine sewer. There are a number of works proposed as a result of these improvement works which includes works at the Peel Green Roundabout (the subject of a parallel planning application also on this agenda 12/62500/FUL), the construction of new underground sewer pipeline between this site, the Peel Green Roundabout Site and Barton Locks, and the construction of a new sewer outfall into the Manchester Ship Canal at Barton Locks. The new outfall into the Manchester Ship Canal, is still in design and will be subject to separate planning application which will be considered at a later date. A separate but linked application of sewer improvement works, including pumping stations is also being considered on Peel Green Road, this will link into a new pipeline which is presently being installed between Salford Water Treatment Works near to the Broadway Link at Salford Quays, and Eccles Water Treatment Works. In the proposed development it is proposed to introduce landscaping bunds which will make use of material removed as part of the tunnelling operations . As part of the construction of the northern bund, a new security fence is proposed to separate this bund form the archery club shooting fields to the north. Two kiosks associated with the below-ground level works and impact protection bollards are also proposed. Below ground works include a vertical tunnel shaft, a tunnel flushing chamber and a bifurication chamber and the fitting of screens to an existing chamber. The majority of the works comprising below ground structures do not require planning permission, as these works would be undertaken using permitted development rights provided through Part 16 of the amended Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995. The applicant applied to the Secretary of State for a screening opinion for the proposed works due to the LPA considering that the totality of the works would be likely to require the submission of an Environmental Statement under the 2011 Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact) Regulations. The secretary of 62462 KP with SB CHANGES REV1.rtf state responded stating that the development was not 'EIA' development and therefore permitted development rights were unaffected. It is also proposed to remove a significant number of trees, scrub and hedging across the site. including Salix, Acer Oak, Willow, Lombardy Poplar, Black Poplar, Ash, Alder, Silver Birch, Sycamore, Hawthorn, Goat Willow, Cotoneaster, Firethorn, Blackthorn, Guelder Rose, Common Plum, Apple, Cherry and Elder. A landscaping and replanting scheme has been proposed to replace trees being removed on the site. It is proposed that the works will be undertaken over a period up until February 2015. Consent is required for the above ground works. A list of works subject of the planning application are listed below. Proposed works requiring planning permission One flushing chamber MCC kiosk measuring 2.5m in length, 0.7m wide and 1.1m in height. It would be constructed of steel and would be painted dark green. One Kiosk (MMC) measuring 2.65m in length, 0.85m wide and 1.8m in height which would also be steel in construction and painted dark green. 5 Impact Protection Bollards which would measure 0.15m in diameter and 1.07m in height. A section of palisade fencing 100m length, 2.4m high. A landscaping bund 190m in length, 45m wide and 3m in height located in the north-east corner of the site. A landscaping bund 180m in length, 15m wide and 1.5m high and would be located in the south-west corner of the site. Both landscaped mounds would be profiled and would accommodate significant replacement tree planting. Publicity Site Notice: Non HH Article 13 Date Displayed: 28 March 2013 Reason: Article 13 Press Advert: Salford Advertiser Date Published: 28 March 2013 Reason: Article 13 Standard Press Notice Neighbour Notification 57 properties were notified of the application. Additional neighbour notification was carried out on the 4th of April due to an enlargement to the red line boundary which was necessary to incorporate all of the proposed landscaping area. Representations No objections have been received in response to the notification of the application. Relevant Site History No relevant site history to the proposals relating to improving water quality. Consultations Environment Agency - Have recommended conditions regarding contamination to be attached. 62462 KP with SB CHANGES REV1.rtf The Highways Agency - No objections subject to the attachment of condition relating to the protection of retaining walls / embankments. Greater Manchester Ecological Unit - Have commented on the need to avoid the optimum bird nesting period (March to July inclusive) during tree felling / vegetation removal unless nesting birds have been shown to be absent by a suitably qualified person. They also highlight the need for invasive plant species (Japanese knotweed and Himalayan Balsam) to be controlled during the course of the development. Furthermore, they have commented that is very important that the new tree planting and landscaping works associated with this development are implemented at the earliest possible stage of the scheme so that replacement vegetation becomes established. Manchester Ship Canal Company - No comments received Trafford M B C - No comments received Senior Engineer Flood Risk Management - No comments received Highways - No objections Urban Vision Environment (Air And Noise) - Have recommended dust management plan condition to be attached Urban Vision Environment (Land Contamination) - Have recommended contaminated land condition to be attached Highways Agency – Advice provided Planning Policy Development Plan Policy Unitary Development Plan DES1 - Respecting Context This policy states that development will be required to respond to its physical context and respect the positive character of the local area in which it is situated and contribute towards a local identity and distinctiveness. Unitary Development Plan DES7 - Amenity of Users and Neighbours This policy states that all new development, alterations and extensions to existing buildings will be required to provide potential users with a satisfactory level of amenity in terms of space, sunlight, daylight, privacy, aspect and layout. Development will not be permitted where it would have an unacceptable impact on the amenity of occupiers or users of other development. Unitary Development Plan EN12 - Important Landscape Features This policy states that development that would have a detrimental impact on, or result in the loss of, any important landscape feature will not be permitted unless the applicant can clearly demonstrate that the importance of the development plainly outweighs the nature conservation and amenity value of the landscape feature and the design and layout of the development cannot reasonably make provision for the retention of the landscape feature. If the removal of an important existing landscape feature is permitted as part of a development, a replacement of at least equivalent size and quality, or other appropriate compensation, will be required either within the site, or elsewhere within the area. Unitary Development Plan EN17 - Pollution Control This policy states that in areas where existing levels of pollution exceed local or national standards, planning permission