Village & Townwise Primary Census Abstract, Faridkot , Part XII-A & B
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· . CENSUS OF INDIA 1991 SERIES-20 PUNJAB DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK PART XII-A&B VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY VILLAGE & TOWNWISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT DISTRICT FARIDKOT Director of Census Operations Punjab PUNJAB OrSTRICT FARIDKOT ;; ~ ~ ;;~ 0 Z N 0 i fl ._ ~ / ._. i E ...... i U .... 0:: l I/) ...... 0 Som od,., PatiO Hiro Singh C ) r' Bhai ~TO (!ii).. BilotpUI ~ . ,/ Rounlo Nihol Sir"lgh . V'TO( 0: • • PT O Wolo PTO~M'C~i d ' i2 \ '\ 8holl Ke PTO . ) .... " PTC PT~".r'\ Hi m. 1 . <-' I S ai~~ e.. , ~ ~. ~ . ...r. ."., .~ " c,'i / DISTRICT v~ \ BOU NDARY. STAT E DISTRICT .... TA HSI L C 0 BLOCK HEAOQUAR TER S DISTRI CT; TA HSil @i@ NATION AL HiGHWAY NH 15 STATE HIGH WAY SH16 IMPORTANT METALLED ROAD RAILWAY LINE WITH STATION , BROAD GAUGE MET RE GAUGE VI LLAGE HAV ING 5000 AND A BOVE POPULATION Smalsar WI TH NAME • UR'BAN AREA WITH PO P U L AT I ~ N SI ZE CLASS ! , ••• II,III , IV AND V '" " , •• POST AND TELEGRA PH OFF ICE PTa DE GREE COLLEG E AND TECHN ICAL I:-.lS TlT U ~ ION I!ii!!l [iJ REsr HOUSE C.D.BLOCKS DISTRICT FAROKOT A ~OC;A - I CHA '\IGE IN JURISDICTION B MOGA - II 1981 - 91 .L_ C NIHAL SINGH WAL A ./'-'""" _, r :~:I~- ' j I< m l~ I~~~ )'- "" r.tMSiL '-I MOO '" ( o BAGHA puR ANA ~ , , ~A:~~:.'1 " \,,- " ., ' .- """ w.-' E FARIOKOT ~~ TAHil lL t __ ...3 ' KOT KA PUR A ·MI)KTSU 'f' F If i G MUKTSAR L.., ......- H KOT BHAI All boundarHts 0'" upoot.. d upto Iii December, 1989. "~I" l " _')/- I MALOUT B OU N OA~Y. STAlE . J LAMBI OfS TPICT " 'AH5Il DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS IS ALSO TAHSIL HEADQUARTERS AREA GAIN ED FROM TAHSL F IROZ~'-'l OF DISTRICT FIROZPUR ltd I,Ipon Sutvty of Indio mop with fN permfflion of rhe Surveyor General of India . (G GoY.rnment c:A lndio Copyright. 199r. CENSUS OF IRDIA--1991 A-~ GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS A publications relating, to 'Punjab bear S'eries No. 20 and will be, published as follows :-- Part I-A Administration Report-Enumeration (for official use only). Part I-B Administration Report-Tabulation lfor official use only) Part II-A General Population Tables and and Combined Part II-B Primary Census Abstract Volume Part III General Economic Tables Part IV Social and Cultural Tables Part V Migration Tables Part VI Fertility Tables Part VII Tables on Houses and Household Amenities Part VIII Special Tables on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Part IX-A Town Directory Part !~-B Survey Report on selected towns Part IX-C Survey Report on selected villages Part X Ethnographic notes and special stUdies on scheduled castes and scheduled tribes. Part XI Census Atlas B--PUNJAB GOVERNMENT PUBLlCATlOBS Part XII-A & B District Census Handbook for each district Part XII-A--Village and Town Directory & Part XII-B--Village and Townwise ~rimary Census Abstract. , (11) CONTENTS Pages 1. Foreword vii 2. Preface ix 3. Important statistics of the' district Xiii. 4. Faridkot district--A short profile; Location, Origin of 3 name, Area, Climate, Topography, River and drains, Present jurisdiction, Land utilisation, Agriculture, Irrigation~ animal husbandry, Tenancy, Industry, Electricity, Minerals and Mining, communication, Trade and Commerce. Forestry, Medical and Public Health, Education, Occupation and Other miscellaneous acti vities , Place of religious, Historical and tourist interest. ANNEXURE--Showing jurisdictional changes. 31 5. Introduction to District Census Handbook :- CONCEPT AND DEFINITIONS Rural/Urban classification, Village, Town a~d Urban Agglomeration. 6. Demographic analysis based on: Inset tables. tal Upon Primary Census Abstract Analysis based on Inset tables 1--10. 37--1+8 (b) Upon Village Directory Analysis based on Inset tables 11--16. 49--54 ·tc) Upon Town Directory Analysis based on Inset tables 17--21. 55--60 PART XII A--VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY SECTION I - Village Directory 7. Note explaining the· codes used in the Village Director), 67 8. Codes used in the Alphabetical 11st of villages 1981 & ·1991 Census (manual & computer Codes) 73 i) Alphabetical List of Villages Moga 1 CD Block 79 Mog a II CD Block 93 Nihal Singhwala CD Block 107 Baghapurana CD Block 119 F aridkot CD Block 133 Kot Kapura CD Block 157 Lambi CD Block 175 Malout CD Block 189 Muktsar CD Block 203 Kot Bhai at Giddarbaha CD Block 225 . (iii) (ii) Village Directory Moga I CD £nock 82 Moga II CD Block 96 Nihal Singhwala CD Block. 110 Bagha~urana CD Block. 122 F aridkot CD Block 138 Kat Kapura CD Block 162 Lamb! CD Block 178 Malout CD Block 192 Muktsar CD Block 208 Kot Bhal at Giddarbaha CD Block 228 Apperidix 1--4 (Village Directory) 238--254 SECTION II --Town Directory 9. Codes used in the Town Directory 259 Statement I Status and growth ~istory 264 Statement II Physical C'lspects and location of town, 1989. 266 Statement III Municipal Finance, 1988-89 261? Statement IV Civic and other amenities, 1989 270 Statement IV(a' Civic and other amenities in noti fied slums, 1989 273 Statement If Medical, education, recreational and ,cultural facUlties,. 1989 274 Statement VI Trade, Commerce, Industry and B-:lnking, 1989 278 Appendix Towns Showing their outgrowth with population. 280 PART XII B--VILLAGE AND TOWNWISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT 10. Explanatory Note on Primary Census Abstract 283 Faridkot District Primary Census Abstract 290 Mog a . I CD Block. 312 Mog a II CD Block 326 Nihal Slnghwala CD Bleck 336 Baghapurana CD Block ·346 Faridkot CD Block 356 Kot Kapura CD Block 374 Lamb! CD Block 388 Malout CD Block 398 Muktsar CD Block "12 lot Bha! at Giddarbaha CD Block 430 (iv) 11. Urban Primary Census Abstract 440 Appendix. 1 : I?etalls of - C.D. BloCKS included under various tahslls. 459 12. Tahsilwise Primary Census Abstract 460 Appendix II : Enumeration blockwise total population and Scheduled Caste population in . urban area. 475 Annexure to appendix : District Primary Census Abstract of Scheduled Castes. 506 MAPS District Faridkot Tahsil and CD block boundaries, roads/ Before railway, towns by population size inner class, important villages, post and title telegraph offices, degree college and technical institution, rest house etc. Tahsil Moga Boundaries of CD blocks Moga-I, Moga-II, Nihal Singhwala and Bagha purana, village boundary, population size of villages, urban areas, amenities, roads/railway, important village mandies etc. Tahsil Faridkot Boundaries of CD blocks Faridkot and Kot Kapura, village boundary, popula tion size of villages, urban areas, amenities, roads/ railway,· important village mandies etc. Tahsil Muktsar Boundaries of CD blocks Lambi, Malout, Muktsar and Kat Bhai, village boundary, population size of villages, urban areas, amenities: roads/railway, important village mandies etc. FOREWORD Publication of the District Census Handbooks (DCHs) was initiated after the 1951 Census and is. continuing since then with some innovations/ modifications, after each decennial Cens1:ls. This is the most valuable district level publication brought out by the Census Organisation on behalf of each State Government/UnIon Territory administration. It. inter - alia provides data/information on some of the basic demographic and socio economic characteristi"cs and on the availability of certain important civic amenities/facilities in each village and town of the respective. districts. This publication has thus proved to be of immense utility to the planners, administrators, academicians and researchers. The sc'=>pe of the DCH was initially confined to certain important census tables on population, economic and socio-cultural aspect as also the Primary Census Abstract (PCA» of each village and town (ward-wise) of the, district. The DCHs published after the 1961 Census contained a descriptive amount of the district, administrative statistics, census tables and Village and Town Directories including PCA. After the 1971 Census, two parts of the District Census Handbooks (Part-A comprising Village and Town Directories and Part-B comprising Village and Town PCA~ were released in all the States and Union Territories. The third Part (C) of the District Census Handbooks comprising administrative statistics and district census tables, which 'was also to be brought out, could· not be published in many States/ UTs due to considerable delay in compilation' of relevant material. In 1981, some new features alongwith, the r.estructuring of the formats of Village and Town Directory were introduced in the DCHs. These were published in two parts for each district after the 1981 Census. While Part-A comprised Village and Town directories, the PCA of villages and towns (ward-wise) including Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes PCA upto tehsil/town level were provided in Part-B. To illustrate, all the amenities except electricity, were broUght together in the Village Directory and if an amenity was not available in th~ referrent village, the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place having such amenity was given. Information on some new items such as adult literacy centres" primary health sub-centres and community health workers in .the village were provided so as to meet some of the requirements of the Revised Minimum Needs Programme. Similarly, information on approach to the village was also provided for the first time in the Village Directory so as to give an idea about the number of inaccessible villages in each district. In case of Town Directories also, keeping in view the requirements of the Miniumum Needs Programme, _a: Statement IV-A on slums was provided so as to enable the planners to Cbcrlk out the programmes for providing better civic and other amenities in the slums. In, this statement details on civic and other amenities were reported for the slums of Class I and, Class II towns. Apart from this, one column on the Sche.duled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population and another on adult literacy classes/centre.s were added· in Statements IV and V respectively.