A mergermArket report on globAl m&A Activity Monthly M&A InsIder mArcH 2010 CONTENTS GlobAl overvIew 01 AsiA-PAcific 05 AmericAs: LAtin AmericA 16 North AmericA 24 euroPe 34 middLe eAst & AfricA 44 mergermarket Monthly M&A InsIder Part of the mergermarket group www.mergermarket.com 80 strand 895 Broadway #4 suite 2401-3 London, Wc2r 0rL new York, nY 10003 Grand millennium Plaza united Kingdom usA 181 Queen’s road, central hong Kong t: +44 (0)20 7059 6100 t: +1 212 686-5606 t: +852 2158 9700 f: +44 (0)20 7059 6101 f: +1 212 686-2664 f: +852 2158 9701
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] global overview global overview global large-CaP TransforMaTioNal M&a appearS To be FirMly oN the CorPoraTe agenda. reMarKably, 2010 HaS So Far witnesseD SeveN US$10bN+ Transactions, exCeeDiNg announceD activiTy iN each oF the last three yearS over the SaMe TiMeFraMe. THe UNCerTaiN eCoNoMiC oUTlooK reMaiNS aN obSTaCle To M&a, However, iT DoeS NoT SeeM To be DeTerriNg MaNy woUlD-be aCqUirerS. a number oF Cash-rich and robust CorPoraTeS Clearly DeeM “Now” a gooD TiMe To Move, with Deal Flow beiNg DriveN by a DeSire To exPand and increaSe busiNess offeriNgS iN Key HigH growth MarKets. The largest deal of the year is a case in point in this regard in comparison to corporate M&a, private equity dealmaking with UK-based Prudential moving to acquire AIA group, at the top end of the market has remained relatively subdued. the pan-asian insurance provider, from AIG group for a However, activity is slowly beginning to return with buyout consideration of US$35.5bn.