Worldmags.Net Juiy-OMER
1971 Juiy-OMER incredible, withwith Arnold. It waswas when when JaggerwasJagger was knocking knocking around withwith ChrissieChrissie Shrimpton.Shrimpton. Well, Well, I'd knownknown Chrissie forfor yearsyears and yearsyears andand sheshe waswas determineddetermined toto help me,me, andand sheshe gotgot Mick toto come down and makemake aa record andand we we diddid aa thing byby Carole KingKing that Wilson Pickett recorded. "Come"Come OnOn Baby"Baby" it waswas called.called. It hadhad Keith RichardsRichards playingplaying bassbass andand rhythmrhythm guitar,guitar, NickyNicky Hopkins,Hopkins, Keith Emerson,Emerson, all ofof GeorgieGeorgie Fame's Fame's brassbrass section,section, RonnieRonnie Wood,Wood, and Mick andand JimmyJimmy MillerMiller producedproduced Me andand PatPat sang.sang. Apparently MickMickthought thought Immediate were were going going to to paypay for thethe session andand ImmediateImmediate turned roundround and and said said theythey thoughtthought hehe was going toto pay,pay, andand nothingnothing everever got done with I'd lovelove toto hearhear thethe tapes. Mick'sMick's stillstill gotgot them.them. After PowellPowell camecame The HoochieHoochie Coochie Men,Men, right?right? II waswas approached by Baldry, yeah. The Stones had just gone on the road. approached by Baldry, yeah. The Stones had just gone on the road. A They leftleft KenKen Colyer'sColyer's Jazz Jazz Club Club and and we, we, The The Dimensions, Dimensions, movedmoved in. J It waswas terrible.terrible. WeWe knew knew two-and-a-half two -and-a-half numbers.numbers. ItIt usedused to getget packed outout everyevery Sunday afternoonafternoon andand we had to taketake overover their place.
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