An unusual occurrence of Pedinopariops (Trilobita: Phacopidae) within siliciclastic facies in the Devonian of Awaynat Wanin, Libya RYAN C. MCKELLAR, BRIAN D.E. CHATTERTON, GUIDO MEINHOLD & MILAD M. BEN RAHUMA A new phacopid trilobite is described from the Givetian sequence of the Awaynat Wanin Group in the southern Ghadamis Basin, Libya. The specimen displays most of the eye and sculpture features necessary for a determination and can be restricted to Pedinopariops (Hypsipariops) Struve, 1982. The new specimen does not belong to any taxon known so far and hence is considered to be a new species. The specimen remains in open nomenclature and is assigned to Pedinopariops (Hypsipariops) sp. nov. A. This is the first Devonian trilobite described from Libya, and represents an unusual occurrence of Phacopidae in a relatively coarse siliciclastic facies. • Key words: Trilobita, Phacopidae, Devo- nian, Givetian, Awaynat Wanin, Ghadamis Basin, Libya. MCKELLAR, R.C., CHATTERTON, B.D.E., MEINHOLD,G.&BEN RAHUMA, M.M. 2012. An unusual occurrence of Pedinopariops (Trilobita: Phacopidae) within siliciclastic facies in the Devonian of Awaynat Wanin, Libya. Bulletin of Geosciences 87(2), 219–225 (3 figures). Czech Geological Survey, Prague. ISSN 1214-1119. Manuscript received June 14, 2011; accepted in revised form October 7, 2011; published online November 18, 2011; issued March 30, 2012. Ryan C. McKellar (corresponding author), Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, 1–26 Earth Sciences Building, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2E3 Canada;
[email protected] • Brian D.E. Chatterton, Depart- ment of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, 1–26 Earth Sciences Building, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2E3 Canada;
[email protected] • Guido Meinhold, CASP, University of Cambridge, West Building, 181a Huntingdon Road, Cambridge CB3 0DH, United Kingdom; present address: Department of Sedimentology & Environ- mental Geology, Geoscience Center, University of Göttingen, Goldschmidtstr.