Directions: Cut and sort under the correct reference source. Atlas Definition: a of Definition: a book listed in ABC order that Definition: a book or set of Definition: a book of maps containing and gives you definitions, part giving on antonyms of speech, and many subjects pronunciations

I need another for “nice” You are writing a report on Your friend doesn’t know what You are doing a research to make my paragraph more lions. Where would you look the word “gallop” means. What project on China. What source interesting. What source for more information? source should he use? should you use? would help me the most?

Your mom is going to start a Before you use the word Dad is trying to find “Duck garden and she wants more “migration” in a sentence you You need an antonym for the Road” on a map. What source information about roses. want to know what part of word “hard.” What source would help him? What source should she look speech it is. What source would help you? in? would help you?

Your grandpa wants to visit You are going to Sea World “Mechanicsville, Virginia” and You need a for the You need a map of Dallas, and need more information on he wants to find out where it word “bad.” What source Texas. What source would “dolphins.” Where would you is located. What source would help you find a synonym? help you? look for this information? should he use?

You are doing a report on Your mom doesn’t know how to Your friend is writing a letter Virginia and you need to find Your sister needs to find out pronounce the word and needs a synonym for the out where the “Blue Ridge how to spell a word. What “hibernation.” What source word “tall.” What source Mountains” are located. What source should she use? would be most helpful? should he use? is the best source to use?

Created by Stephanie Joyner, Mechanicsville Elementary Follow the Path Game – Reference Sources Created by Carrie Sutton, Mechanicsville Elementary

Reference Sources Path

Supplies Needed: • One gameboard per pair. • One six-sided die.

• Two game pieces, one for each player. • “Which source is best?” cards

Directions: Player 1 chooses a card and reads it aloud. Player 1 must decide

which reference source should be used in the scenario. He then moves to the next space on the board with that reference source listed. Player 2 checks for correctness.

Player 2 repeats the same procedure.

The game is over when one player reaches one of the final three boxes.

Follow the Path Game – Reference Sources Created by Carrie Sutton, Mechanicsville Elementary

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