1 CHAPTER 1 Gifts Of The Spirit Few subjects in the New Testament are as important as the gifts of the Spirit. Paul, in the 12th chapter of 1 Corinthians, reveals the Church as the Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:27). He explains that the members of this Body are believers exercising varying gifts, even as the members of the human body have different functions and purposes. All these members, working harmoniously together, become the mystical Body of Christ on Earth. In the light of this, without the gifts of the Spirit, the Church is something quite different from that which God intended. Instead of being a supernatural organism, the Church is then only another human organization. It is a matter of history that, within a short time after the Apostolic period, the gifts of the Spirit gradually began to disappear from the Church. Many reasons have been given as to why this happened. A common explanation is that when the New Testament canon (the books of the New Testament recognized by the Christian Church as genuine and inspired) was completed, these gifts were no longer needed. As the well-known writer, Donald Gee, points out in his excellent book, Concerning Spiritual Gifts, there is no evidence in the New Testament to support any such view. He writes: “Such an argument rests upon a complete misconception of the true nature and purpose of the Gifts of the Spirit. It assumes that in the Early Church, utterances through these gifts had all the authority of the Scriptures, but the New Testament utterly disproves such an idea. The Early Church is consistently found always appealing to the Scriptures of the Old Testament (note: never to their own ‘prophets’), for support for all doctrine and final settlement in every dispute (Acts 2:16; 15:15; 26:22). The ‘prophecy of Scripture’ (2 Peter 1:20) provided a totally different level of authority to the spiritual gifts among them, and it does so still.” 2 Although the manifestation of the gifts of the Spirit ceased to a great extent after the Apostolic age, there is no evidence that this occurred because the Lord withdrew the gifts. They ceased because the Church became lukewarm. The start of one becoming lukewarm can be seen in the Lord’s warning to the Church at Ephesus, when He gave the revelation to St. John about the year AD 96. (Prophetic students fairly well agree that this Church symbolizes the Apostolic period of Church history.) “Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Remember, therefore, from where you have fallen; repent, and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and will remove your lampstand from its place – unless you repent” (Revelation 2:4, 5). During the period of the great persecutions of the second and third centuries, the gifts of the Spirit continued to be more or less manifested. However, shortly after Constantine decreed Christianity as the national religion and the Church came into Imperial favor, the ministry of the gifts rapidly declined. It is important to note that the operation of the gifts of the Spirit never altogether ceased. The St. Francis story contains thrilling incidents of miracles of healing. When he sent his preachers out, he gave them the same command Jesus gave His disciples in Matthew 10:8. They were to preach the Kingdom of Heaven was at hand and “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons.” The history of the persecuted sects of the Waldenses and Albigenses show that the gifts of the Spirit were in manifestation even during the Middle Ages. John Wesley, in the 18th Century, records in his journals remarkable Pentecostal phenomena in the meetings of the early Methodists. The Moravians and other contemporary groups experienced many unusual supernatural manifestations. While the use and operation of the gifts greatly diminished during the ensuing centuries of the Church Age, they never entirely disappeared. When at last, men began to earnestly pray for the restoration of the gifts to the Church, the present latter-day outpouring of the Spirit resulted. Were The Gifts To Cease? There is a passage of Scripture that has been commonly used as a proof-text by those who hold the position that the gifts of the Spirit have ceased from the Church. This is 1 Corinthians 13:8-10: “Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect has 3 come, then that which is in part will be done away.” This Scripture says prophecies, tongues and knowledge, will cease or be done away. However, just one glance at the Scripture shows that the period referred to is not this age at all, but the perfect age which is yet to come! Even an unlearned person knows quite well that “that which is perfect” has not yet come. The Signs Were To Follow In His Great Commission, the Lord gave the promise of miraculous signs which would follow and confirm the preaching of the Word (Mark 16:15-18). These signs were intended to convince the heathen of the genuineness of the Gospel message. There was no hint that the terms of the Great Commission were to change in any way. In fact, Jesus implied that all generations to come, even to the end of the age, were to observe “all things that I have commanded you.” “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen” (Matthew 28:19, 20). The above are the very last words written by the Apostle Matthew. Who will deny that this Great Commission is not still in effect? The need of supernatural signs, in order to get the attention of the masses, is illustrated in Elijah’s challenge on Mt. Carmel when he confronted the prophets of Baal. Elijah asked the people the question, “‘How long will you falter between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal, follow him.’ But the people answered him not a word” (1 Kings 18:21). The people had no response, but when the fire fell miraculously from heaven in answer to Elijah’s prayer, the people fell on their faces and cried, “The LORD, He is God, the LORD, He is God!” (verse 39). Is The World Evangelized Yet? The assumption by some that the world is now evangelized, so the signs are no longer needed, is so obviously far removed from the truth that it needs no refuting. The facts simply are that the population of the heathen nations is multiplying at such a fantastic rate that unless the spreading of the Gospel is speeded by some means, the fulfillment of the Great Commission can never be accomplished. So far, the only successful means of mass evangelism that ever has been demonstrated is the ministry of healing and miracles. We would be the 4 last to criticize any sincere effort to reach the heathen, such as the use of medical missionaries and the building of schools and hospitals. Such means however, are entirely too slow, especially if we are to reach the heathen in our generation. In view of the fearful increase of the destructiveness of war, he who predicts that the Church will have more time to evangelize, beyond the period of this generation, is indeed optimistic. Will we face the truth? The real reason the gifts of the Spirit are missing from the Church is because the Church has been satisfied without them. The Church needs to realize that she is the Body of Christ, and without gifts of the Spirit manifested in her midst, she can never fulfill her destiny. As Paul admonished Timothy to stir up the gift that was in him, so we need to awaken the Church to the fact that Christ has set certain gifts in His Body, and we do well to put them into action. Return Of The Gifts Have Been Anticipated It is interesting to note that discerning Bible scholars of the 19th Century, realizing that the disappearance of the gifts of the Spirit from the main body of the Church was due to her lethargy and just being lukewarm, predicted a last-day outpouring of the Spirit and reappearance of the gifts. Michael Baxter, founder of the Christian Herald, wrote a famous book in 1866 entitled, Baxter’s Forty Wonders. Many of his predictions have been startlingly fulfilled. In his book, he had this to say concerning the reappearance of the supernatural in the Church: “Increased faith to work miracles … and unparalleled boldness in preaching the Gospel will characterize the coming Pentecostal outpouring of the Spirit – the various gifts of the Spirit were bestowed upon pastors, prophets, evangelists and teachers for the perfecting of the saints and the gathering and completing of a perfect Church. But this end is not yet attained. Therefore these gifts could not have been totally stopped or entirely withdrawn, although they have been suspended and temporarily withdrawn as a mark of displeasure for the apostatizing of the Church from her first love.” At the turn of this century, Michael Baxter’s prediction came true.
Pneumatology: the Spirit of Reiki by Ruth Mayeux Allen Submitted to The
Pneumatology: The Spirit of Reiki by Ruth Mayeux Allen Submitted to the Faculty of the School of Theology of the University of the South in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts May, 2009 Sewanee, Tennessee Pneumatology: The Spirit of Reiki by Ruth Mayeux Allen Submitted to the Faculty of the School of Theology of the University of the South in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts May, 2009 Sewanee, Tennessee Approved: Date: ________________________________ __________________________ ________________________________ __________________________ CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................. v ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... vii Chapter ONE THE HOLY SPIRIT: WHO DO WE SAY YOU ARE? Introduction .......................................................................................... 1 Biblical Views of the Spirit .................................................................. 2 Life Breath .................................................................................... 2 Wind .............................................................................................. 3 Fire ................................................................................................ 3 Water ............................................................................................. 3 Cloud ............................................................................................
132 Spiritual Gifts Healing, Working of LESSON8Miracles, Prophecy The final three lessons of our course are on the nine gifts of the Spirit listed in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10. In the last lesson we studied the first three gifts—the word of wisdom, the word of knowledge, and faith. We saw that all of these gifts are manifestations of God’s power. We also learned that all of these gifts are supernatural. None of them are possible to obtain by human means alone. Another thing we learned was that all of the gifts of the Spirit have a common purpose. They are all to build up the body of Christ. In this lesson, we will study three more gifts of the Spirit. We are learning about them in the order they are listed in your Bible. Some scholars place them in a different order. However, since all of them come from the Holy Spirit, the order in which they are studied is not important. We will note that the operations of these gifts overlap at times. Sometimes several gifts seem to appear at once. You may have already sensed the Holy Spirit speaking to you in regard to the operation of these gifts. You will want to be obedient to His voice. Prayer will help you. When you sense the Holy Spirit moving upon you, yield to Him. It may not be easy at first, but if you desire to be used of God, you can be a blessing to His body, the church. lesson outline Gifts of Healing Gifts of Healing Defined Healing, Working of Miracles, Prophecy 133 Gifts of Healing Explained and Illustrated Purpose for the Gifts of Healing Working of Miracles Working of Miracles Defined Working of Miracles Explained and Illustrated Purpose for the Working of Miracles Prophecy Prophecy Defined Prophecy Explained and Illustrated Purpose for Gift of Prophecy lesson objectives • Explain the function and purpose of the gifts of healing.
Gifts of the Spirit Part 3 “The Nine Gifts—Power Gifts” 1 Cor. 12
Gifts of the Spirit Part 3 “The Nine Gifts—Power Gifts” 1 Cor. 12: 1; 4-6; 8-11 “Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant...4 There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. 6 And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all....8 for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, 10 to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. 11 But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.” Now we shared last time that the 9 gifts listed here can be divided into 3 categories: Revelation gifts: Wisdom, knowledge, discernment. Power gifts: Faith, healings, miracles. Utterance gifts: Prophecy, tongues, interpretation. This time we’re going to look at the 3 power gifts—faith, healings, and miracles. First—the gift of faith. Now, we all have faith. Every child of God was born again by faith and is called to walk by faith and not by sight. So what then does Paul mean by the gift of faith? • The gift of faith is the supernatural ability to believe God for the miraculous without doubt or unbelief.
Knowing and Living Into Our Spiritual Gifts God’S Gifts for You and the Church
Knowing and Living into our Spiritual Gifts God’s Gifts for you and the Church Developed by The Rev. W. Frank Allen fallen@stdavidschurch.org Table of Contents Introduction page 3 Chapter One A Short History of the Holy Spirit page 7 Chapter Two The Gifts of the Holy Spirit page 17 Chapter Three Spiritual Gifts Inventory page 21 Chapter Four Understanding Our Gifts page 29 Chapter Five Organizing for Church by our Gifts page 69 Chapter Six The Most Excellent Way page 74 2 Introduction Not by might, not by power but by the Spirit of God As Christians, we are part of a movement that seeks to draw all people into the gracious, reconciling love of God through Jesus Christ. It is Christ’s call on our lives to know Him, to make Him known and in the process draw everyone into the life that is really life, the life lived with God and for the welfare of others and ourselves. Too often our Christianity is quiet, personal, merely a contained part of our lives. We tend to focus on our relationship with God, on our prayer life, on our call, on our experience of God. This is a wonderful and important part of the Christian life, but since no one can be a Christian on their own, it is important that we remember that we are part of a community and a specific kind of community at that. Jesus wants us to be known by our love for one another and so Christian community seeks both a vertical relationship with God and a horizontal relationship with others.
Cessationism, “The Gifts of Healings,” and Divine Healing
TMSJ 14/2 (Fall 2003) 263-286 CESSATIONISM, “THE GIFTS OF HEALINGS,” AND DIVINE HEALING Richard L. Mayhue Senior Vice President and Dean Professor of Theology and Pastoral Ministries The study of divine healing must include the tragic abundance of false teachers with false teachings and false practices, who claim biblical authority, but upon closer examination are clearly not of God. Do “gifts of healings” mentioned in 1 Cor 12:9, 28, 30 still operate today as in NT times? This sign-gift ceased with the close of the NT canon. Does God still heal as He did in both the OT and the NT? An inductive study of the biblical record (including the OT, Gospels, Acts, and NT Epistles) establishes unmistakable characteristics of genuine divine healing. The biblical standards become the measure by which alleged contemporary divine- healing claims should be judged, whether of God or not. Next, God’s ultimate healing promise of salvation in 1 Peter 2:24 deserves attention. In context, the passage speaks of spiritual healing (salvation), not physical healing. Finally, a series of theological observations lead to the practical conclusion that Christians should focus on the spiritual/eternal rather than the physical/temporal. When God does heal today, it will not be through human agency, and it will be characterized as were His healings recorded in Scripture. * * * * * Regarding the idea of cessationism, a recent publication contained this remarkable comment. What is your reaction to it? If you take a new convert, who prior to his conversion knew nothing about the history of Christianity or the New Testament, and you lock him in a room with a Bible for a week, he will come out believing that he is a member of a body that is passionately in love with the Lord Jesus Christ and a body that consistently experiences miracles and works miracles.
1 of 7 Pursuing The Power Emmaus Road Church – Core Seminar Pastor Greg Dirnberger Growing In Spiritual Gifts, Part 1 – Tongues I. What Have We Covered So Far? A. There is substantial biblical evidence that God intends to use supernatural gifts today. B. There are two hindrances which can keep us from experiencing these giftings. 1. Not having a biblical framework for expecting manifestations of the Holy Spirit. 2. Not understanding our role in earnestly desiring spiritual gifts. C. Now we want to go over each of the gifts described in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 and explain in more detail what they are and how God uses them. But first we need to cover some common misunderstandings about how supernatural gifts function. II. Common Gaps In Our Understanding About How Gifts Function: A. It’s important to understand that supernatural gifts need to be learned and developed. Yes. Something can be fully supernatural and genuinely from the Holy Spirit – but still need to be developed and nurtured. 1. For instance, the disciples’ attempt to deliver the demonized boy in Luke 9:37-40. The disciples had previously been successful in experiencing healing gifts (see Luke 9:1-6). But this time they were not. 2. But this does not mean that they did not, in fact, have gifts of healing. It just meant that there was more to learn (Matt. 17:19-20; Mark 2 of 7 9:14-29). So gifts can be valid and genuinely from the Holy Spirit even though we are learning how to operate in the gifting.
JETS 56/3 (2013) 557–75 HEALING IN THE PAULINE EPISTLES: WHY THE SILENCE? ELIEZER GONZALEZ* I. INTRODUCTION It is significant that in Frederick Gaiser’s Healing in the Bible, healing in the Pauline churches receives only the briefest of mentions.1 GiVen PaUl’s own relatiVe silence on this matter, this is perhaps understandable. However, according to Luke’s representation of earliest Christianity in the Acts of the Apostles, after the person of Jesus Christ, Paul of Tarsus was the most prominent healer and miracle- worker in the NT.2 This apparent discrepancy has been highlighted by many schol- ars as one of the key indicators of the distance in both historical time and reliability between Paul and the author of Acts.3 Although the general question of how Paul is depicted in Acts, as opposed to in his own epistles, has been the subject of extensive scholarly debate, this essay will more specifically examine Paul’s healings in both sources. This will be done within the contexts of Paul’s literary purposes, his pneumatology and ecclesiology, and his own self-understanding as an apostle. Paul’s relative silence regarding his own healings may thereby be understood withoUt haVinG to assUme a second- century date for Acts, or impugning LUke’s credentials as a historian. * Eliezer Gonzalez is affiliated with MacqUarie UniVersity, Sydney and can be contacted at P.O. Box 457, Helensvale QLD 4212. 1 Frederick J. Gaiser, Healing in the Bible: Theological Insight for Christian Ministry (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2010). 2 DaVid BasinGer obserVes that “[i]n reliGioUs contexts … the term ‘miracle’ … is normally applied to unusual, remarkable eVents that it is assumed would not have occurred in the context in question if not for the intentional activity of a supernatural being.” While this definition serves oUr pUrpose, BasinGer also goes on to assert that “[t]here is no one standard reliGioUs way of UnderstandinG the concept of miracle” (“What is a Miracle?” in The Cambridge Companion to Miracles [ed.
Ministry Gifts | The Five Gifts in Ephesians 4 Ephesians 4:11 lists 5 gifts which are Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher. These 5 are unique – they are governing ministry gifts given to people who are called to ministry leadership within the global and local church. Their job is to build and equip the church for works of ministry so the church will be mature. People with these gifts … • Love the church • Are sound in their approach to Biblical doctrine • Will work as a team with others Apostle: The God-given special calling and anointing to serve and strengthen the body of Christ by launching and leading new ministry ventures which advance God’s purpose and expand His Kingdom, often in a geographical area. The original Greek meaning of the word is “sent one with orders” (literally, one sent with authority, or ambassador). An apostle may or may not be the lead authority in a local church. People with this gift… • Are visionaries and see the “big picture” • Have a unique calling to start new endeavors as directed by God, most often churches • Willingly work hard to see churches mature and reach their full potential for God • Often are called to over-see multiple churches or ministries • Often have their sights on and travel to the nations • Are known to welcome risky new challenges and encounter many hardships • Are known to operate in the supernatural Prophet: In contrast to the OT prophets, the NT prophet did not exist until Jesus ascended on high; making the OT model obsolete (Eph 4:8-11, Lu 16:16).
1 the Gifts of the Spirit in 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 and Their
The Gifts of the Spirit in 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 and their Usage in Some Selected Pentecostal and Charismatic Churches in Kumasi BY PATRICK YANKYERA (REV) OCTOBER, 2014 1 THE GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT IN 1 CORINTHIANS 12:1-11 AND THEIR USAGE IN SOME SELECTED PENTECOSTAL AND CHARISMATIC CHURCHES IN KUMASI BY PATRICK YANKYERA (REV) A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES, KWAME NKRUMAH UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, KUMASI, IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR AWARD OF MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY IN RELIGIOUS STUDIES OCTOBER, 2014 2 CHAPTER ONE GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction The use of the gifts of the Spirit has become an important phenomenon in Christian ministry. However, there are challenges regarding their usage that need to be addressed. It is in view of this that the researcher undertakes a critical study of the use of the gifts of the Spirit in selected Pentecostal and Charismatic Churches in Kumasi. This introductory chapter discusses the background of the study, the statement of the problem, the objective of the study, research question, significance of the study, methodology of the research, delimitations of the study, as well as the literature review. 1.2 Background to the Study A cursory search of Christian bookstores reveals that the subject of the Holy Spirit and particularly the subject of the gifts of the Spirit are burning issues.1 Among the gifts of the Spirit, the more spectacular ones such as, tongues, prophecy, healing, miracles and so forth usually receive the most attention. 2 This might account for the much emphasis on the gifts of the Spirit in Africa, Ghana, and particularly Kumasi in the Ashanti Region in recent times.