Flood Protection Capital Improvements
Flood Protection Capital Improvements The following table is a project funding schedule for flood protection capital improvements resulting from this year's financial analysis. Detailed information for each project can be found in this document on the following pages in the order presented in this table. The chart also identifies partially funded projects and estimated unspent appropriation from FY 2019-20. Flood Protection Capital Improvements ($K) Project Through FY20 PROJECT NAME FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25 FY26-35 TOTAL Number FY19 Unspent LOWER PENINSULA WATERSHED 10394001 Palo Alto Flood Basin Tide Gate Structure Improvements 2,474 1,918 1,512 82 5,379 9,627 7,350 5 ,935 - 32,765 10244001s Permanente Creek, SF Bay to Foothill Expressway 99,330 7,560 479 - - - - - - 106,890 10284007s San Francisquito Creek, SF Bay thru Searsville Dam (E5) 59,946 2,805 783 370 5,764 12,831 7,567 - - 89,283 WEST VALEY WATERSHED 26074002 Sunnyvale East and West Channels 30,997 4,441 15,413 2,032 17,829 14,650 486 - - 70,435 GUADALUPE WATERSHED 30114002 Canoas Creek, Rodent Damage Repair 7,307 - 420 - - - - - - 7,307 30154019 Guadalupe River Tasman Dr - I-880 90 1,000 9 1,828 2,824 2,499 29,215 3 0,732 30,892 99,080 26154001s Guadalupe River–Upper, I-280 to Blossom Hill Road (E8) 134,556 86 24,374 - 12,150 18,091 2,345 3 8 3,149 170,415 COYOTE WATERSHED 26174041s Berryessa Creek, Calaveras Boulevard to Interstate 680 54,552 1 23 27 - - - - - 54,580 40174004s Berryessa Ck, Lower Penitencia Ck to Calaveras Blvd 112,266 - 4,903 45 923 162 - - 71,236 184,632 26174043 Coyote Creek, Montague Expressway to Tully Road 14,098 941 1,014 2,197 7,100 21,186 19,117 1 ,691 - 66,330 40264011 Cunningham Flood Detention Certification 11,251 555 30 2 33 - - - - 11,841 Lower Penitencia Ck Improvements, Berryessa to Coyote 40334005 9,297 1,989 1,038 7,743 7,817 637 328 - - 27,811 Cks.
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