INITIAL STUDY/ NEGATIVE DECLARATION NORTH FORK ANGORA CREEK RESTORATION AND BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PROJECT WASHOE MEADOWS STATE PARK T T T F F F A A A R R R D D D April 30, 2013 State of California Department of Parks and Recreation Sierra District, Resources Office Tahoe City, California NEGATIVE DECLARATION PROJECT: NORTH FORK ANGORA CREEK RESTORATION AND BRIDGE REPLACEMENT LEAD AGENCY: California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENTS: The Initial Study (IS) for this Negative Declaration (ND) is available for review at: • Sierra District Headquarters Department of Parks and Recreation 7360 West Lake Blvd. Tahoma, CA 96142 • South Lake Tahoe Library 1000 Rufus Allen Blvd. South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 • California State Parks Internet Website This project will stabilize headcuts and restore floodplain connectivity along the North Branch of Angora Creek and it’s infeeders and construct a foot bridge over Angora Creek. The Initial Study/Negative Declaration (IS/ND) has been prepared by DPR to evaluate the potential environmental effects of the proposed North Fork Angora Creek Restoration and Bridge Replacement Project at Washoe Meadows State Park (WMSP), El Dorado County, California. A copy of the IS is attached. Questions or comments regarding this IS/ND may be addressed to: Cyndie Walck California State Parks
[email protected] North Fork Angora Restoration Project Pursuant to Section 21082.1 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), DPR has independently reviewed and analyzed the Initial Study and Draft Negative Declaration for the proposed project and finds that these documents reflect the independent judgment of DPR.