IAEA Director General Comments on Visit to

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IAEA Director General Comments on Visit to Iran Press Office Office of Public Information and Communication [43-1] 2600-21273 Press Enquiries 17 August 2014

| -- IAEA Director General visited the Islamic Republic of Iran on 17 August 2014, and held meetings with the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Dr. ; Vice-President and Chairman of the Related Resources Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, Dr. ; and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Dr. . IAEA Director General to Visit Iran, Press Release, 15 August During a meeting with the media in Iran, the Director General made the following comments: 2014

"This has been a short visit, but a useful one. I was honoured to meet with President Rouhani this morning, as well as In Focus: IAEA and Iran with Foreign Minister Zarif, and Vice-President Salehi. More Press Releases

"This is my third visit as Director General to Tehran, and the first since the signature of the Joint Statement on a More Media Advisories Framework for Cooperation last November (11 November 2013). My purpose today was to meet with high-level policy makers, to discuss how to strengthen cooperation and dialogue as agreed under the Framework for Cooperation, as well as in other areas.

"I was very glad to hear from the highest levels a firm commitment to the implementation of the Framework for Cooperation, and to resolve all present and past issues through dialogue and cooperation with the IAEA.

"During the visit, officials on both sides have been able to plan how to move ahead with the existing practical measures, including the five measures from 20 May.

"We have proposed discussions on a number of new practical measures, to be taken up as the next step under the Framework for Cooperation. I hope these can take place in the near future.

"We have also followed up on issues related to the use of Exploding Bridge Wire detonators. In this context, I would like to make some comments on one of the practical measures being addressed under the Framework for Cooperation.

"With regard to the practical measure concerning Iran's provision of 'information and explanations for the Agency to assess Iran's stated need or application for the development of Exploding Bridge Wire detonators', at this stage, our thoughts are that:

"Iran has provided information and explanations to the Agency on Iran's decision, in early 2000, to develop safer detonators. Iran has also provided information and explanations to the Agency on its work post-2007 related to the application of EBW's in the oil and gas industry which is not inconsistent with specialized industry practices.

"The Agency will need to consider all past outstanding issues, including EBWs, integrating all of them in a system and assessing the system as a whole.

"As a final comment, the Agency remains committed to working with Iran, to resolve all past and present issues, through cooperation and dialogue. In order to resolve all outstanding issues, past and present, it is very important that the Framework for Cooperation continues to be implemented."

Responsible/Contact: Office of Public Information and Communication |

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