Year Book of the District of Columbia Society, Sons of the American
^o ^ .^-^ ^. - '" y' ^^''/ «.^" y . \ % V K -; ;o - "^^'0^o^ < o .0 ^^_ "-. '•ft V, 0' %" ) -SUV \3 i^"> "-0 >" %r G •- O J YEAR BOOK 1897 YEAR BOOK OF THE District of Columbia Society Sons OF THE American Revolution 1897 Printed for THE SOCIETY by W. F. Roberts, in the one hundred AND TWENTY-SECOND YEAR OP THE INDEPENDENCE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. >»\-^. Vvy, Vv*^ , / I9:i86 Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, And this be our motto: "In Qod is our trust!" And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. NATIONAL SOCIETY OF THE SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION ©fficers. preeiOent ©cneral. Edwin Shepard Barrett, . Concord, Mass. \t)ices=lPrcsfDents ©eneral. N. Franklin Murphy, .... Newark, J Gen, J. C. Breckinridge, U. S. A., . Washington, D. C Col. T. M. Anderson, U. S. A., Vancouver Barracks, Wash James M. Richardson, . Cleveland, Ohio N. John Whitehead, .... Morristown, J Secretary ©cneral. Capt. Samuel Eberly Gross, 604 Masonic Temple, Chicago, III. G;ceasucer ©cneral. C. W. Haskins, . 30 Broad Street, N. Y. City. IRegistrac General. A. Howard Clark, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. Ibietorlan ©eneral. Edward M. Gallaudet, LL. D., . Washington, D. C. Cbaplain ©encral. Rev. Rufus W. Clark, D. D., . Detroit, Mich. iV DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA SOCIETY OFFICERS OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA SOCIETY 1SQ7-1S9S. prctMC»cut.* Edward Miner Gai laudkt. L L. D. John Woart Bayne, M. D., William Van Zandt Cox, Gen. Thomas McCi'rdy N'incent, U. S. A.
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