CONCENTRATION AND DIVERSITY OF SOUTH ASIAN POPULATION IN SPAIN1 Nachatter Singh and Juan Galeano Paredes Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Singh, N., & Galeano Paredes, J. (2015). Concentration and diversity of south asian population in Spain. In F. J. García Castaño, A. Megías Megías, & J. Ortega Torres (Eds.), Actas del VIII Congreso sobre Migraciones Internacionales en España (Granada, 16-18 de septiembre de 2015) (pp. S07/17–S07/34). Granada: Instituto de Migraciones. 1 This paper is a part of I+D+i project “Diversity, segregation and vulnerability: socio-demographic analysis” granted by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Ref. CSO2014-53413). Contact
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[email protected] S07/18 n the first decade of the 21st century, the spatial concentration of immigrants has become a hotly debated issue in many European countries. Basically, it is related to the exponential increase of I international immigration to various European countries during this time (Schönwälder, 2007). Spain has remained in the top list of immigrant receiving countries in Europe. According to Eurostat, in 2010, there were 6.4 million foreign-born residents in Spain, corresponding to 14.0% of the total population. Of these, 4.1 million (8.9%) were born outside the EU and 2.3 million (5.1%) were born in another EU Member State. Along with its huge volume, the most important feature of this immigration was its level of diversity that it brings to Spanish society in terms of different origins and ethnic backgrounds of immigrants (Anderson, 2007). In this huge flow of immigrants a small part was made by South Asians, including three most represented countries i.e.