21th Edition Your key to understanding the Slovak business environment € 7 16th Edition Your key to understanding the Slovak business environment and its challenges € 7 investmentinvestment AdvisoryAdvisory gUid gUE 2015/2016IDE 2020/2021

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titulka.indd 1 20. 11. 2015 13:30:43 Contents 3 SARIO SLOVAK INVESTMENT AND TRADE DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Investor’s checklist ...... 4-13, 54, 70, 80 Labour market & education ...... 70-79 Slovakia basics ...... 4 Employment relations in Slovakia ...... 72 10 reasons to opt for Slovakia ...... 5 FAQ: Dealing with Slovaks ...... 72 Timeline: Construction of a new plant ...... 6 Job portals ...... 73 Timeline: Mass recruitment ...... 6 HR companies in Slovakia ...... 73 Types of business companies in Slovakia Labour market: overview ...... 74 (advantages and disadvantages) ...... 7 Government’s plans ...... 76 Slovak infrastructure & Industrial parks in Slovakia . . 8 Statistics: wages & labour costs ...... 78 Timeline: Acquiring industrial space ...... 8 Statistics: labour market ...... 79 Useful contact details ...... 9 Information on Slovak regions ...... 10-13 Purchasing a plot in Slovakia ...... 54 Economy & business environment ...... 80-91 Labour market & Education ...... 70 Slovak economy ...... 82. Business & Economy ...... 80 Statistics: Slovakia & the European Union ...... 83 Improvement to business environment ...... 84 Success story ...... 86 Opportunities ...... 14-27 Investment highlights ...... 88 Automotive industry ...... 16 Advisors: Accounting, Audit & Tax ...... 90 Innovations ...... 18 Consulting firms ...... 91 Space research ...... 20. Digitisation ...... 22 Clean technologies ...... 24 Foreigners in Slovakia ...... 92-97 Business service centres ...... 26 Trade licences and doing business in Slovakia . . . . .93 Clusters & Asssociations ...... 27 What foreigners ask before relocation to Slovakia? . . . 94 FAQ: EU citizens dealing with immigration authorities ...... 95 Government policy & legislation ...... 28-53 FAQ: Non-EU citizens dealing with 10 largest law firms in Slovakia ...... 29 immigration authorities ...... 96 SARIO is your one–stop shop for investment 10 largest international law firms in Slovakia . . . . . 30 Relocation companies ...... 97 10 largest local law firms in Slovakia ...... 31 and trade in SLOVAKIA. Talk to us today! Interview: Legislation ...... 32 Top deals: M&A, Banking & Finance ...... 34 Index ...... 98 Top deals: Real estate & Development ...... 36. INVESTMENT SERVICES Top deals: Labour law ...... 37. We will take your investment plans in Slovakia from A through Z to success. We provide in–depth information Litigation & Arbitration ...... 38 about Slovak business environment, industry opportunities, complex information on setting up a business, Overview: 2019/2020 top deals in Slovakia ...... 40 site selection assistance as well as real estate consultancy and complex aftercare services for established investors. Local law firms in Slovakia ...... 44 International law firms in Slovakia ...... 46 Who is who: attorneys in Slovakia ...... 48 FOREIGN TRADE SERVICES Justice minister unveils plans ...... 50 IS SARIO ensures identification of potential suppliers and subcontractors by matching your sourcing State investment aid ...... 52 and procurement needs with the potential of Slovak producers. Business networking and matchmaking

N FIN events bring Slovak partners closer to your company. S

Real estate ...... 54-69 EST RUS Pandemic & Real estate ...... 56 DK IRL LT Copenhagen Real estate market overview ...... 58 GB Vilnius BY

NL SARIO IS THE OFFICIAL GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY PROMOTING Rental housing ...... 62 B Brussels D PL L Kyiv CZ UA SLOVAK INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES, BUSINESS & INNOVATIVE POTENTIAL FAQ: Renting an apartment in Slovakia ...... 64 SK F Vienna MD CH A H TO THE GLOBAL BUSINESS COMMUNITY . Real estate prices in Slovakia (sale, rent) ...... 64 Chisinau SLO RO Bucharest Developers ...... 66 P Belgrade AND I BIH Lisbon SRB So a BG Real estate consulting ...... 67 E Rome AL MK SARIO I Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency Construction firms ...... 68 Tirana GR TR

Trnavská cesta 100 I 821 01 I Slovakia SP020125/001 FAQ: Buying and selling a property in Slovakia . . . .68 Athens GPS +48° 9' 52.77", +17° 9' 20.27" Real estate agencies ...... 69 M CY

+421 2 58 260 100 I [email protected] I [email protected] www.sario.sk 4 Investor’s Checklist

Area Land use Protected areas Religion Time Zone Slovakia Basics (as national parks, protected Roman Catholic 62% agricultural grounds) Evangelical 5 .9% Area Land use Protected areas Religion Greek CatholicTime 3 8%. Zone GMT/UTC+1 hour 2 land 48.5%(as national parks, protected grounds) Roman Catholic 62%,Reformed 1 8%. agricultural 49,036 km Evangelical 5.9%, Orthodox 0 .9% forest 48.9% 41.3% other 1 .6% GMT/UTC +1 hour 49,036 km2 land Greek Catholic 3.8%, Currency Language forest 41.1% Reformed 1.8%, not specified 10 6%. urban areas 4.9% no religion 13 .4% urban areas 4.8%, Orthodox 0.9%, Currency Language water water 1.9% 1.9% other 1.6%, euro Slovak Population not specified 10.6%, other 3.3% 22.65% euro Slovak other 3.4% 23.39% no religion 13.4%; Population (2018) Life expectancy (2018): Bratislava (population: 5.458 million Nationalities Capital 5.445 million 80.9 years(women) 437,726) Life expectancy:Nationalities Hungarian Bratislava (population 73.8 years (men) 8.4% Capital 48.8%48.8% men men 80.8 years(women) Hungarian Other(2018): 432,864Košice (238,593), major 8.4% 10.4% Other Banská Bystrica (76,147) 51.2% women Avg age73.8 of population years (men) Other citiesKošice (238,757), Roma: major2% (10% 51.2% women 40.8 years Other Banská Bystrica (76,458) Avg age of population 10.4% Roma: 2% (10% estimated),cities Towns 141 (settlements with more Population increase per estimated), 1 .7% (Czech, than 5,000 inhabitants) 1.7% (Czech, Ruthenian,Towns 140 (settlements with 1,000 inhabitants (2017) Population increase per Literacy41.06 years Ruthenian, Ukrainian,Ukrainian,(2018) more than2,749 5,000 (settlements inhabitants) with German, Polish, German, Polish, Villages 1,000 inhabitants 81.1% Russian), 1.4% 99.6% Russian), 2,750 (settlementsfewer than 5,000 inhabi- Literacy 6.7% other and Villages 81.1% 6 .7% other and with fewertants) than 5,000 Slovak undeclared undeclared(2018) 0.7% 99.6% Slovak inhabitants) LOCATION Strategic location in the heart of *"Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com" 10 1 with great export potential GOVERNMENT GPOLICYovernment & LEGISLATION policy & legislation Mmembershipembership in international in international institutions: institutions: European Union,European the eurozone, Union, the NATO, eurozone, OECD, WTO, NATO, WHO, OECD, UN, WTO, OSCE, WHO, and UN, OSCE, and others. reasons SAFETY & STABILITY others Taxes One of the safest and most politically Government structure: parliamentary democracy – the cabinet headed by the prime minister holds the executive powers and the country’s 2 Governmenthighest legislative structure: body parliamentary is the 150-member democracyparliament. – the cabinet Theheaded president by the prime is the minister head of holds state the and executive the formal powers head and of theVAT executive basic rate office with limited20% stable countries in Europe (source: the country’s highest legislative body is the 150-member parliament. The president is the head of state and the formal head of VAT reduced rate on books, newspa- Credit Insurance Group Credendo) powers. pers and magazines, medicines and 10% theexecutive executive office with with limited limited powers. powers. selected food Free trade agreements: Slovakia, as a member of the EU (the EU is a party to trade agreements and other agreements with Income tax 19-25% EUROZONE Free trade agreements: Slovakia, as a member of the EU (the EU is a party to trade agreements and other agreements with a trade component Corporate income tax 21% Why you should aboth trade in component the WTO both context in the and WTO bilaterally context and with bilaterally certain with countries certain andcountries regions) and regions) has free has trade free agreementstrade agreements with Norway, Ice and, the Faroe Islands, A member of the Eurozone since 2009 with Norway, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia and Her- 3 as one of the few in Central & Eastern the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Palestinian Authority,Tax for Syria, motor Tunisia, vehicles Morocco,paid by business zegovina,Israel, Jordan, the Palestinian Lebanon, Authority, Egypt, Algeria,Syria, Tunisia, Mexico, Morocco, South Israel, Africa, Jordan, CARIFORUM Lebanon, Egypt, States, Algeria, Madagascar, Mexico, South Mauritius, Africa, the Seychelles, Zimbabwe, the Europe CARIFORUMRepublic of Korea,States, Madagascar, Papua New Mauritius, Guinea, Fiji, the Iraq,Seychelles, Colombia, Zimbabwe, Peru the and Republic Central of America, Korea, Papua Canada New (Source: Guinea, Fiji, EC) Iraq, entities only consider Slovakia Local taxes are set by municipalities. Colombia,Regulation Peru and Central America, Canada (Source: EC) QUALIFIED WORKFORCE They include taxes for real estate, dog li- Regulation:The Regulatory Office for Network Industries (ÚRSO) regulates the energy sector as well as water management in areas such as price policies, Cost–effective, skilled and loyal labour The Regulatory Office for Network Industries (ÚRSO) regulates the energy sector as well as water management in areas cences, usage of public space and others. 4 force with excellent multilingual skills while the sector of telecommunications and postal services is overseen by the Regulatory Authority of Electronic CommunicationsExcise taxes are applied and on Postal alcoholic as your Investment suchServices as price (RÚ), policies, which while along the withsector pricing of telecommunications oversees the distribution and postal services of frequencies. is overseen Theby the National Regulatory Bank Authority of Slovakia of (NBS) is responsible for financial Electronicmarket supervision. Communications In Slovakia, and Postal there Services is a (RÚ), special which levy along for doing with pricing business oversees in regulated the distribution sectors. of Thefrequencies. levy was The increased beverages to a monthly (spirits, wine, rate beer), of 0.726 electricity, PRODUCTIVITY Nationalpercent Bank as of of the Slovakia beginning (NBS) of is 2017,responsible and the for ratefinancial will dropmarket to supervision. 0.363 percent by 2021. Only companies with profits exceedingcoal, natural gas, €3 millionoil, and tobacco would beproducts destination The highest labour productivity rate in Inobliged Slovakia, to there pay the is a levy,special while levy thefor doing levy willbusiness apply inonly regulated to profits sectors. from The levy activities was increased conducted to a monthly in ratethe ofregulated 0.726 sectors.Dividends: The 7 or regulated35 percent tax. sectors towhich 5 Central & Eastern Europe this levy applies include energy, insurance and re-insurance, public health insurance, electronic communications, pharmaceuticals, postal percent as of the beginning of 2017, and the rate will drop to 0.363 percent by 2021. Only companies with profits exceeding (source: Eurostat) services, railway transport, public water pipes and sewages, air transport and provision of health care. The governmentBusiness also entities: imposed  apg new 7 €3special million levy would on insurancebe obliged to companies. pay the levy, They while are the obliged levy will toapply pay only a special to profits levy from of 8 percentactivities fromconducted non-life in the insurance regulated policies as of 2017. sectors.General The government regulated sectors debt to which (2018): this48.9% levy applies of GDP include energy, insurance and re-insurance, public health insurance, INVESTOR–FRIENDLINESS electronic communications, pharmaceuticals, postal services, railway transport, public water pipes and sewages, air transport and provision of health care. The govern- The Slovak government is continuous- state’s investment incentives: pages 46-47 ment also imposed a special levy on insurance companies. They are obliged to pay a special levy of 8 percent from non-life insurance policies. 6 ly increasing the quality of the local State’s investment incentives:  pages 52-53 business & investment environment

OPENESS One of the most export-oriented and 7 open economies in the EU Border (541.1km) (source: Eurostat)

Žilina INNOVATIVE ECOSYSTEM (81,000) the Czech The highest share of higher added- to Ostrava 108km Republic to Krakow 228km 8 -value jobs in CEE, ready for new to Košice 256 km Martin Border (251.8 km) (57,000) Poprad investments in R&D and innovation (53,000) Prešov (87,000) DEVELOPED INFRASTRUCTURE

Trenčín Developed and steadily growing infra- (56,000) 9 structure network in regards to road, Prievidza BanskáBystrica Košice (48,000) (79,000) (239,000) railway & flight connections

to Uzhgorod 98km to Miskolc 90km Zvolen to Žilina 256km INCENTIVES (43,000) Attractive investment incentive 10 scheme and special tax regimes for Austria Trnava Border (106.7 km) R&D activities (66,000) Ukraine Nitra Border (97.8 km) BRATISLAVA (78,000) (420,000) Ratings Source: SARIO to Budapest 200km Slovakia: Foreign Currency to Vienna 80km to Prague 328 km Long-Term Debt (Nov 2019) to Brno 130 km rating outlook to Košice 401 km to Žilina 201km Standard & Poor‘s A+ negative to Győr 80km Border (654.8 km) to BanskáBystrica 211km Moody‘s A2 stable Fitch A negative Západné Tatry (Western Tatras) Source: Lukáš Kucej 6 Investor’s Checklist: timelines Investor’s Checklist: Types of business companies 7

TIMELINE FOR BUILDING a PRODUCTION HALL WITH a SMALL IMPACT ON the ENVIRONMENT* ; PRUDENT TIMING Types of business companies in Slovakia (advantages and disadvantages) (10,000 m2 hall in industrial park, 100 new employees, development of the facility with a general contractor) General Commercial Limited Limited Liability Joint Stock Simple Joint Months Action Partnership Partnership Company Company Stock Company

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 • at least two individual or • at least one individual or decision • at least two individual or legal entities - one limited • at least one legal entity or at • at least one individual or legal entity but no more than legal entities partner and one general least two individual entities legal entity

of the 50 individual or legal entities agreement on a future contract for the whole project (plot included) ounder

F partner company

establishment of a company • minimum registered capital • minimum registered capital • minimum registered capital • registered capital or • minimum contribution in the in the amount of 5,000 EUR, in the amount of 1 EUR, 1) in the amount of 25,000 EUR, registration with state administration shareholder’s contribution is amount of 250 EUR for each minimum contribution in minimum contribution per minimum contribution per not required limited partner the amount of 750 EUR per shareholder in the amount of bution “small” Environmental Impact Assessment 2) / capital shareholder is not stipulated R egistered shareholder 0.01 EUR er ’ s contri - sharehold -

development permit 3) • executive officer (at least one • each shareholder is entitled individual entity) who cannot • board of directors (at least • board of directors (at least contract for puchasing the plot to act within the extent agreed • general partner be registered as an obligor in one individual entity) one individual entity) body between shareholders Register of authorizations for

4) tatutory registration of the purchased plot S enforcement

5) • issuance of shares with building permit • only one person is necessary special rights - option to adjust • limited partner without a to set up the company • shareholder is not liable for share of profit, share of voting investing (payments) non-compete clause • partner is only liable for the • not necessary to pay the company’s liabilities rights or access to information • low mandatory contribution company’s liabilities up to shareholder’s contributions or • shareholder anonymity • associating voting rights only construction • limited liability of limited the amount of his/her unpaid form registered capital - except for the sole to one share is sufficient partners contribution • simple management shareholder, the shareholders • no need to establish an obli- • possibility to pay profit in • simple organisational hiring and training people structure are not registered in the public gatory supervisory board advance to general partners structure - general assembly • option to establish GCP register - the Commercial • other grounds for winding • different levels of guarantees and executive officer installation of equipment and machinery through two legal entities, register of the Slovak Republic up the company can be agreed between partners – the • higher shareholder which effectively modifies the • unlimited number of to as a statute (beyond the A dvantages general partner is liable for participation in company final inspection and final approval6) extent of liability otherwise shareholders scope of legal enumeration) all of his/her possessions, the governance than in the case of present in the case of a • possibility to choose between • simple entry and exit of a limited partner is liable up to a limited partner shareholder - individual entity private and public joint stock shareholder from the comp. start of new production after 14 months the amount of his/her unpaid • registered capital is not company • members of the board of contribution required to be deposited in the * integrated permit (IPPC) is issued by the Ministry of Environment for a bigger investment as well as an investment which may have a bigger impact on the environ- directors can be appointed for bank account ment, especially from industries such as metallurgy, mining, chemistry, wood processing, etc. It integrates several permits which are necessary during the realisation the unlimited term of the project. The whole process might take six months and this period includes preparation of all documentation, approval process and issuance of the final permit • compulsory creation of a • maximum 50 shareholders by the Ministry of Environment reserve fund (at least 10% of • individual person can be the 1) the tax office, a health insurance company and the social security provider Sociálna Poisťovňa the share capital at the time of sole shareholder in max three 2) “small” Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) = assessment of a new plant’s environmental impact by professionals from different fields; timing includes prepa- company’s establishment) limited liability companies ration of all documentation, approval process and issuance of the final permit by the Ministry of Environment • compulsory establishment of • the limited liability company 3) (permit which confirms the possibility to use selected plot for the planned construction of the building; this permit also confirms that the planned building meets the supervisory board (at least • the shareholders bear joint with a sole shareholder cannot all legal conditions and after finalisation will be usable), it is issued by stavebný úrad (the construction office) located in the district where the project will be realised three members) • company cannot be and several liability for the be the sole founder or the sole 4) registration of the purchased plot in the land register (cadastre) at the katastrálny úrad (the cadastre office) located in the district where the project is realised • more extensive need • the highest costs for estab- established on the basis of a partnership’s debts with their shareholder of another limited 5) building permit (permit for the construction of the building) is issued by stavebný úrad (the building office); it includes all legal conditions, which have to be to regulate the internal lishing a company among all public offer of shares entire property liability company followed during the construction process, in order to obtain the final building approval which allows the investor to use the building for production (if during the functioning of the company in types of companies • limitation of control over • cannot carry out non- • shareholder cannot construction process the investor is making changes in its original project, it is necessary to legalise all the changes before the final approval) a memorandum of association • high min. registered capital the company in favour of the business activities unilaterally withdraw from the 6) final inspection and final approval (for the final inspection it is necessary to prepare all documentation which also includes the design of the construction, safety • unlimited liability of the • members of the board of shareholders (investors) • minimum number of two company approvals, functionality of the building, etc) general partners directors and members of • fees related to the partners - possible risk of • company cannot be • minimum number of two supervisory board shall be establishment of the company Source: GFI a.s., property development and design consultant (www.gfi.sk) and ENTO, projecting and advisory company (www.entoke.sk) winding up the company after established by person or entity partners - possible risk of appointed for the term max. are estimated up to the the death or liquidation of one with tax or customs arrears or

D isadvantages winding up the company after 5 years (but they can be ap- amount of 1,000 EUR + a of the shareholders arrears against Social Insur- the death or liquidation of one pointed again) monthly fee related to the • prohibition of competitive ance Agency (except a foreign of the partner • other obligations for mandatory shareholder conduct for shareholders in person or foreign entity) TIMELINE FOR MASS RECRUITMENT (100 NEW EMPLOYEES) public joint stock company account the scope of their business and by person or entity who (e.g. obligation to publish is registered as an obligor in Month Action the rules of remuneration Register of authorizations for of members of bodies in enforcement (Register pover- 1 2 3 4 5 6 company, obligation to ení na vykonanie exekúcie) publish the important business *1 identification of needs (preparation of the plan) transactions) Source: SOUKENÍK – ŠTRPKA, law firm (www.akss.sk) advertising, mass mail, sourcing • the most widespread and most complex type of company • infrequently used type of • banks 600 CVs 600 CVs 600 CVs 600 CVs 600 CVs reading CVs (3,000 CVs read) for common business activities business company • infrequently used type of • insurance companies in the Slovak Republic • businesses without the need business company • capital-intensive industries, • startup businesses 300 calls 300 calls 300 calls 300 calls phone screening (1,200 phone calls) • suitable for small, medium for higher capital, especially • entrepreneurs who want to e. g. heavy industry • entrepreneur with business and large businesses for services for which the separate the capital part from • entrepreneur with a larger intentions but lacking the 150 interviews 150 interviews 150 interviews 150 interviews job interviews: recruitment agency & applicants (600 interviews) • suitable for stand-alone personal contribution of the the real management of the personal substrate sufficient capital entrepreneurship - one person for S uitable entrepreneur (e. g. crafts) company • may not be suitable for new 100 CVs 100 CVs 100 CVs 100 CVs introduction of selected CVs to potential employer (400 CVs introduced) can be the sole shareholder exceeds the need for capital entrepreneurs and executive officer at the 60 interviews 80 interviews 80 interviews 80 interviews job interviews: potential employer & applicants (300 interviews) same time 30 applicants 40 applicants 40 applicants 40 applicants selection of applicants for training (150 applicants selected) *1 limitation of transfer of ownership interest (e.g. transferor or transferee cannot be as an obligor in Register of authorizations for enforcement /for all tranfer 60 applicants 60 applicants training (120 applicants participating in a training) of ownership interest/ or with tax or customs arrears /in case of majority ownership interest/; is not possible to transfer of ownership interest if the company is cancelled by court or in bankruptcy or in restructuring) 100 employees 100 hired applicants Notes: For the purposes of a comparison of business companies,Source: BSCF 2017only Survey business companies pursuant to section 56 paragraph 1 of Act no. 513/1991 Coll. Commer- cial Code were taken into account. Except for the above-mentioned company types, the legislation of the Slovak Republic also regulates a co-operative as an entity Source: Adecco recruitment agency (www.adecco.sk) established for the purpose of either carrying out business activities or meeting the needs of its members. A European company was stipulated in the legislation of the Slovak Republic by Act no. 562/2004 Coll. on a European Company. A European company (Societas Europaea) is common for most countries in the EU. 8 Investor’s Checklist Investor’s Checklist: contact details 9

Share of economic activities in regional economies Information about Ministries Slovak Environment Agency Social Insurance Agency Slovenská agentúra životného Sociálna poisťovňa economic activities / regions Bratislava Trnava Trenčín Nitra Žilina B. Bystrica Prešov Košice Region existing businesses Economy Ministry Region Region Region Region Region Region Region Ministerstvo hospodárstva prostredia (SAŽP) - state-run social security provider, regis- Business Register of the Slovak Republic - environmental impact assessment tration of employees for social insurance Agriculture, forestry and fishing 0.9% 2.4% 2.4% 5.4% 1.5% 6.1% 3.1% 2.7% - the departments of entrepreneurship Obchodný register Slovenskej republiky Tel: +421 (0)48 437-4111 funds; Industry in total 17% 37.2% 28.7% 35.5% 26.1% 24.8% 22.9% 28.2% and of export and foreign trade are part

Source: Statistics Office of the Slovak Republic (OR SR) www.sazp.sk Tel: +421 (0)906 171-020 Construction 5% 7% 7.6% 7.0% 12.7% 8.8% 13.4% 8.2% of the ministry - a database of all businesses active in Slo- www.socpoist.sk Trade,transport, accom., food serv. 23.8% 15% 19.4% 19.3% 15.9% 18.5% 18.4% 18.8% Tel: +421 (0)2 4854-1111 Slovak Trade Inspection vakia administered by the Justice Ministry Slovenská obchodná inšpekcia (SOI) Information and communication 5.5% 5.6% 2.9% 2.6% 4.4% 4.0% 3.2% 7.2% www.orsr.sk www.mhsr.sk - authority for internal market surveillance Associations Financial and insurance activities 6.4% 1.8% 2.2% 1.8% 2.3% 2.1% 1.4% 1.3% Justice Ministry / Ministerstvo spravodlivosti Trade Register of the Slovak Republic Tel: +421 (0)2 5827-2162 Confederation of Trade Unions - the ministry’s website provides informa- Real estate activities 13.0% 10% 5.5% 6.5% 9.9% 7.6% 10.4% 9.3% Živnostenský register Slovenskej republiky www.soi.sk Konfederácia odborových zväzov (KOZ) tion on courts that secure the legal pro- - association of labour unions, protecting Professional, scientific and technical activities; 12.6% 4.9% 9.0% 8.9% 12.4% 10.0% 9.8% 9.6% (ŽR SR) administ. and support serv. - a database of all individuals working cess of establishing a business in Slovakia Land registry the rights of workers Tel: +421 (0)2 8889-1111 Tel: +421 (0)2 5023-9103 Public admin., education, health 13.4% 15% 20.6% 11.6% 13.0% 16.3% 15.5% 12.9% under trade licences in Slovakia Katastrálny úrad / Land registry Other 3.2% 1.1% 1.8% 1.4% 2% 1.8% 1.9% 1.7% www.zrsr.sk www.justice.gov.sk www.kozsr.sk Foreign and European Affairs Ministry - information about land ownership Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry www.katasterportal.sk/kapor National Union of Employers Slovenská obchodná a priemyselná komora Ministerstvo zahraničných vecí a európskych Republiková únia zamestnávateľov (RÚZ) (SOPK) záležitostí Banks - organisation of employers in Slovakia, - gathering industrial and commercial - information on embassies, consular which is comprised of two-thirds of services, and business departments of Export-Import Bank employers producing 70 percent of GDP businesses, assisting in finding a local of the Slovak Republic / EXIM Banka business partner Slovak embassies abroad and 80 percent of the Slovak export - supporting exports by financing and R5 Tel: +421 (0)2 5443-3291; web.sopk.sk Tel: +421 (0)2 5978-1111 Tel: +421 (0)2 3301-4280 Industrial parks in Slovakia www.mzv.sk insuring export credits Statistics Office / Štatistický úrad www.ruzsr.sk & Slovak infrastructure Tel: +421 (0)2 5939-8111 - statistical information about Slovakia, a Taxes and customs www.eximbanka.sk Federation of Employers’ Associations (highways, main railways, D3 database of all businesses and institutions Asociácia zamestnávateľských zväzov a Žilina Tax section of the Financial Administration of National Bank of Slovakia združení (AZZZ) airports) registered in Slovakia; Tel: +421 (0)2 Národná Banka Slovenska (NBS) R6 Poprad R4 5023-6222; www.statistics.sk the Slovak Republic - organisation of employers in Slovakia, D1 Prešov - administering taxes - central bank, providing statistical infor- which promotes and protects common Support for investors Tel: +421 (0)48 431-7222 mation about balance of payments and business, commercial and employers’ www.financnasprava.sk currency rates; www.nbs.sk interests of members Slovak Investment and Trade Development Tel: +421 (0)2 5787-1111 Trenčín R3 Agency / Slovenská agentúra pre rozvoj Customs section of the Financial Administra- Tel: +421 (0)2 4425-8295 investícií a obchodu (SARIO) tion of the Slovak Republic Slovak Guarantee and Development Bank www.azzz.sk Slovenská záručná a rozvojová banka (SZRB) Banská Bystrica - supporting the investment projects of - customs policy, customs tariffs, origin of Business Alliance of Slovakia Košice - providing guarantees for loans domestic and foreign investors, providing goods, administering indirect taxes Podnikateľská aliancia Slovenska (PAS) R2 Tel: +421 (0)2 5729-2111 consultancy and aid to investors, and Tel: +421 (0)48 431-7222 - professional association representing www.szrb.sk Sliač assisting SMEs in their search for export www.financnasprava.sk selected entrepreneurs and employers Piešťany Tel: +421 (0)948 233-508; alianciapas.sk Industrial parks and trade opportunities abroad Tel: +421 (0)2 5826-0100 Control Employees, visa R1 (available area in m2) Slovak Agricultural and Food Chamber R8 R2 www.sario.sk and audit bodies and registration Slovenská poľnohospodárska a potravinárska 2 Trnava < 100,000 m Business and Innovation Centre National Labour Inspectorate Bureau of Border and Foreign Police komora (SPPK) D2 R3 - association representing companies 2 Podnikateľské a inovačné centrum (BIC) Národný inšpektorát práce Úrad hraničnej a cudzineckej polície Nitra 100,000 - 300,000 m operating in agriculture, food industry, - business and innovation consult- - state watchdog, enforcement of labour- - registering foreigners living in Slovakia, > 300,000 m2 biological, technical and related trade ing, transnational technology transfer, related legislation, work conditions and issuing residence permits and work services, as well as NGOs and others in D4 Source: SARIO Real Estate database financial consulting, regional develop- occupational safety; permits; ment, support in the EU Framework agriculture; www.sppk.sk BRATISLAVA The SARIO agency created and manages an Tel: +421 (0)55 797-9902 Tel: +421 (0)961 050-701 Programmes for research, technology Tel: +421 (0)2 5021-7101 R7 planned highways extensive Real Estate database, to be able to www.ip.gov.sk www.minv.sk/?uhcp highways under construction choose land plots or existing buildings suitable for development and innovation, project implementation of an investment intention based management and investment consulting highways Tel: +421 (0)2 3233-2711 www.bic.sk highways (half profile) on the particular requirements of each potential Investment Support Association main railways investor. Currently there are over 1,000 land plots and other existing objects suitable for industrial Združenie pre rozvoj investícií (ISA) international airport use registered in the SARIO Real Estate database. - support for the presentation of invest- ments and their benefits for the develop- ment of Slovakia; www.isa-association.sk Tel: +421 (0)907 910-646 Slovak Business Agency (SBA) PROJECT TIMELINES BASED ON DIFFERENT METHODS OF ACQUIRING INDUSTRIAL SPACE - assisting small and medium businesses in Slovakia, securing the building of Months Method infrastructure for business development (incubators); Tel: +421 (0)2 2036-3100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 www.sbagency.sk lease of vacant (existing) space in an existing Slovak Agency for International Develop- park location ment Cooperation / Slovenská agentúra pre medzinárodnú rozvojovú spoluprácu pre-lease of desired space in an existing (SAMRS) park location - administering the Slovak Aid pro- gramme, implementation of development built to suit in a new location - chosen aid programmes; www.slovakaid.sk by the investor Tel: +421 (0)2 5978-2601 acquisition of an existing facility to be adop- Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency ted for the investor’s future needs Slovenská inovačná a energetická agentúra acquisition of serviced land and development (SIEA) of the facility with an industrial developer - free-of-charge energy consulting for households and businesses, monitoring acquisition of serviced land and development innovation activities in Slovakia, informa- of the facility with an general contractor tion about opportunities to draw EU funds for innovation in businesses n Transaction process (selection of a final location as well as final method of acquiring industrial space)n Construction or fit-out works (documentation and obtaining of all permits included)

Tel: +421 (0)2 5824-8111; www.siea.sk AdobeSource: Stock Source: CBRE, real estate consultant (www.cbre.sk) CBRE, real Source: Information on regions and structure of regional economies 3.9% 7.6% 4.3% 4.9% 9.0% Information on regions and structure of regional economies Trenčín region 28.7% 7.6% 8.0% 14.3% 12.2% 16.5% Information on regions and structure of regional economies 10 Investor’s Checklist: information on regions Information on regions and structureInvestor’s of regional economies Checklist: information on regions 14.3% 11 BratislavaInformation on regions and region structure of regional economies 13.7% 3.9% Information on regions and structure of regional economies 7.6% 4.3% 14.7% 7.6% 4.3% 14.7% Information on regions and structure of regional economies 14.3% 12.2% 4.9% 16.5% InformationTrenčín on regions region and structure of regional economies 9.0% 7.6% Bratislava region 14.3% 24.0%12.2% Trenčín region 28.7% 7.6% 3.9% 13.4% 14.3% 16.5% 12.2%13.7% 7.6% 4.3% 17.3%8.0% Bratislava region 16.5% 13.7% 8.0% 4.9% Bratislava region 13.7% 9.0% 7.6% 14.3% 23.8% Trenčín region 20.6%28.7% 14.3% 13.4% 24.0% 19.4% 24.9% 14.7% 8.0% 13.4% 50.2%24.0% 14.7% 13.4%12.6% 24.0% 14.3% INDUSTRIES 23.8% ECONOMIC 14.7% 17.3% 23.8% ACTIVITIES 14.7% 6.4% 50.2% 12.6% 13% 23.8% 50.2%INDUSTRIES 20.6% 24.9% 12.6% ECONOMIC 19.4% 20.6% 24.9%17.3% ACTIVITIES 50.2% Trenčín 12.6% 6.4% 13% INDUSTRIES 6.4% INDUSTRIES 20.6%ECONOMIC INDUSTRIES MAIN STATS 19.4% ECONOMIC 24.9% 13%6.4% ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES 13% The largest companies in the Bratislava RegionINDUSTRIES ACTIVITIES Population as of/on 31.12.2018 ACTIVITIESECONOMIC659,598 Allianz - Slovenská poisťovňa (Bratislava) - insurance AT&T (Bratislava) - IT INDUSTRIES Size ECONOMICACTIVITIES2,054 km2 Billa (Bratislava) - Retail chain INDUSTRIES ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES Eset (Bratislava) - IT Bratislava Share of Slovak GDP creationMAIN STATS 2017 27.96% Eustream (Bratislava) - Transport of natural gas Faurecia Slovakia (Bratislava) - Automotive Trenčín ACTIVITIES The largest companies in the Bratislava Region Grafobal Group (Bratislava) - Printing industry & media market Trenčín Population as of/on 31.12.2018MAIN STATS 659,598 Allianz - Slovenská poisťovňa (Bratislava) - insurance Unemployment rate 2018 2.3% IBM Slovensko (Bratislava) - IT AT&T (Bratislava) - IT main statistics MAIN STATS IKEA ComponentsThe (Malacky) largest - Trade companies / Services in the Bratislava Region main statistics Size Population as of/on 31.12.2018 2,054 km2659,598 Billa (Bratislava) - Retail chain J&T Group (Bratislava)Allianz - Slovenská - Investment poisťovňa group (Bratislava) - insurance TheEset largest (Bratislava) - companies IT in the Bratislava Region Average monthly wage in 2018 (self- Johnson ControlsAT&T International (Bratislava) - (Bratislava) IT – Engineering Population as of/on 31.12.2019 584,569 Population as of/on 31.12.2019 PopulationShare of669,592 Slovak as of/on GDPThe 31.12.2018 creationlargest companies in the Bratislava2017659,598 27.96% Region AllianzEustreamSlovenská - Slovenská (Bratislava) poisťovňa Elektrizačná - Transport (Bratislava) of Prenosová natural - insurance gas Sústava (Bratislava) - The largest companies in the Trenčín Region Bratislava Size €1,5322,054 km2 Kaufland SlovenskáBilla (Bratislava) republika - Retail (Bratislava) chain - Retail chain Trenčín AT&TFaurecia (Bratislava) Slovakia - IT (Bratislava) - Automotive employed not included)Allianz - Slovenská poisťovňa (Bratislava) - insurance Lidl SlovenskáElectricityEset republika (Bratislava) transmission (Bratislava) - IT - Retail chain 2 C & A Mode (Kočovce) - Clothing retail chain Size 2,054 km2 BillaGrafobal (Bratislava) Group - Retail (Bratislava) chain - Printing industry & media market Size 4,501 km Share of Slovak2 GDP creation 2017 27.96%Metro Cash andEustream Carry (Ivanka (Bratislava) pri Dunaji) - Transport - Trade of natural gas Continental Matador Rubber, Continental Matador Truck Tires Bratislava Size 2,054 km AT&T (Bratislava) - IT EsetIBM (Bratislava)Slovenská Slovensko - IT (Bratislava) Sporiteľňa - IT (Bratislava) - Banking AverageUnemployment nominal monthly rate wage 2018 2018 2.3% Národná diaľničnáFaurecia spoločnosť Slovakia (Bratislava) (Bratislava) - -Operation Automotive of highways Share of Slovak GDP creation 2017 27.96% EustreamIKEA Components (Bratislava) (Malacky)- Transport - Trade of natural / Services gas (Púchov) - Tyres Bratislava Billa (Bratislava) - Retail chain €1,272 OMV SlovenskoSlovenskéGrafobal (Bratislava) Elektrárne Group - (Bratislava)Gas stations (Bratislava) - Printing industry - Electricity & media market producer Share of Slovak GDP creation 2018 8.98% (wages of self-employed included) FaureciaJ&T Group Slovakia (Bratislava) (Bratislava) - Investment - Automotive group Unemployment rate 2018 2.3% OrangeSlovenský SlovenskoIBM Slovensko (Bratislava) Plynárenský (Bratislava) - Telecommunications Priemysel - IT (Bratislava) - Gas supply Elgas (Považská Bystrica) - Trade (electricity and gas) Share of Slovak GDP creation 2018 28.37% Eset (Bratislava) - IT GrafobalJohnson Group Controls (Bratislava) International - Printing (Bratislava) industry & – mediaEngineering market Average monthly wage in 2018 (self- Penta InvestmentsIKEA Components (Bratislava) - (Malacky) Investment - Trade group / Services €1,532 IBMKaufland SlovenskoSlovnaft Slovenská (Bratislava) (Bratislava) republika - IT - (Bratislava) Oil refinery - Retail chain Distance between Bratislava and Trenčín (by car) 130 km (75 min) Fortischem (Nováky) - Chemical industry AverageUnemployment nominal rate monthlyEustream (Bratislava) wage 2017 - Transport of natural2018€1,200 gas 2.3% Phoenix ZdravotníckeJ&T Group zásobovanie (Bratislava) (Bratislava) - Investment - Trade group employed not included) IKEALidl Components Slovenská republika (Malacky) (Bratislava) - Trade / Services - Retail chain Unemployment rate 2019 Average3.1% monthlyFaurecia wage Slovakia in (Bratislava) 2018 (self- - Automotive SAS AutomotiveStrabagJohnson (Bratislava) (Bratislava) Controls - Automotive International - Construction (Bratislava) – Engineering Hanon Systems Slovakia (Ilava) - Electrotechnical industry J&TMetro GroupCash (Bratislava) and Carry - Investment (Ivanka pri group Dunaji) - Trade Unemployment rate 2019 3.4% Monthly wage costs €1,532 SiemensTatra (Bratislava)Kaufland Banka - Trade (Bratislava) Slovenská & IT republika - Banking (Bratislava) - Retail chain Seoyon E – HWA automotive Slovakia, (Dubnica nad Váhom) - Economic Activities Industries AverageAverageemployed monthly nominal not wageGrafobal monthly included) in Group 2018 wage (Bratislava) (self- 2018 - Printing industry€1,894 & media JohnsonNárodná Controls diaľničnáLidlSlovenská International spoločnosť republika (Bratislava) (Bratislava) (Bratislava) – Engineering - Operation - Retail chainof highways Average monthly wage in 2019 €1,272 Slovak Telekom (Bratislava) - Telecommunications per employee 2017 €1,532 KauflandOMVTesco Slovensko SlovenskáMetro Stores (Bratislava) Cash republika SR and (Bratislava) Carry -Gas (Bratislava) (Ivanka stations pri - Dunaji) Retail- chain Trade chain economic activities Average monthly wage in 2019 Engineering Agriculture, forestry and fishing Chemical & pharmaceutical employed(wages of not€1,646 self-employed included)market included) Slovenská Elektrizačná Prenosová Sústava (Bratislava) - Electricity Average nominal monthly wage 2018 LidlOrange Slovenská SlovenskoNárodná republika (Bratislava) diaľničná (Bratislava) spoločnosť - Telecommunications - Retail (Bratislava)chain - Operation of highways €1,186 Industry Electricity, gas, steam supply (self-employed not included) IBM Slovensko (Bratislava) - IT transmissionTipos - Národná lotériová spoločnosť (Bratislava) - Lotteries (self-employed not included) Hella Slovakia Front-Lighting (Kočovce) - Automotive ECONOMICALLY ACTIVE POPULATION BY EDUCATION€1,272 MetroPenta Cash Investments andOMV Carry Slovensko (Ivanka (Bratislava) (Bratislava) pri Dunaji) - Investment - TradeGas stations group n Agriculture, forestry and fishing n Real estate activities Construction Electrotechnical industry Average(wages nominal of self-employed monthly wage included) 2017 €1,200 Slovenská Sporiteľňa (Bratislava) - Banking Average nominal monthlyIKEA Components wage (Malacky) 2018 - Trade / Services NárodnáPhoenixUnipetrol diaľničná ZdravotníckeOrange spoločnosť Slovensko Slovensko zásobovanie (Bratislava) (Bratislava) (Bratislava) (Bratislava) - Operation - Telecommunications - Trade - ofTrade highways Hella Slovakia Signal-Lighting (Bánovce nad Bebravou) - Automotive Trade, transport, accom., food serv. Engineering (motor vehicles notAverage incl.) nominal monthly wage 2019 €1,272 Slovenské Elektrárne (Bratislava) - Electricity producer Average nominal monthly wage 2019 €1,359 IN 2Q / 2019 OMVSAS Slovensko Automotive (Bratislava) (Bratislava) - Gas - Automotivestations n Industry n Public admin., education, €1,015 Information and communication Food industry (wages of self-employedJ&T Group included) (Bratislava) - Investment group SlovenskyVolkswagenPlynárenskyPenta InvestmentsPriemysel Slovakia (Bratislava) (Bratislava) (Bratislava) - - Investment Gas supply - Car group manufacturing Iljin Slovakia (Pravenec) - Engineering; (wages of self-employed included) MonthlyAverage wage nominal costs monthly wage 2017 €1,200 OrangeSiemens Slovenskó (Bratislava) (Bratislava)́ - Trade - &Telecommunications IT (estimation of wages of self-employed included) Financial and insurance activities Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products Slovnaft (Bratislava)Phoenix - ZdravotníckeOil refinery zásobovanie (Bratislava) - Trade Economic Activities Industries €1,894 Penta InvestmentsVÚB (Bratislava) (Bratislava) - - InvestmentBanking group n Construction health Leoni Slovakia (Trenčín) - Automotive a) elementary and withoutKaufland Slovenská education republika (Bratislava)3.1% - Retail chain Slovak TelekomSAS Automotive (Bratislava) (Bratislava) - Telecommunications - Automotive Real estate activities Metallurgy & metal processing Averageper employee nominal 2017 monthly wage 2017 €1,200 Strabag (Bratislava) - Construction Average nominal monthly wage 2018 €951 Agriculture, forestry and fishing Chemical & pharmaceutical Monthly wage costs PhoenixSlovenská ZdravotníckeSiemens Elektrizačná zásobovanie (Bratislava) Prenosová - (Bratislava) Trade Sústava & IT (Bratislava) - Trade - Electricity Magna Slovteca (Nové Mesto nad Váhom) - Chemical industry Professional, scientific and technical activities; Motor vehicles Average nominal monthly wage 2018 €1,272 Lidl Slovenská republika (Bratislava) - Retail chain Tatra BankaZápadoslovenská (Bratislava) - Banking Energetika (Bratislava) - Electricity n Trade, transport, accom., n Arts, entertainment and IndustryEconomic Activities Electricity,Industries gas, steam supply €1,894 SAStransmission Automotive (Bratislava) - Automotive administrative and support service activities Paper & wood processing MonthlyECONOMICALLYper wage employee costsMetro ACTIVE 2017 Cash and POPULATION Carry (Ivanka pri Dunaji) BY EDUCATION - Trade Tesco Storesdistributor SRSlovak (Bratislava) Telekom - Retail(Bratislava) chain - Telecommunications Matador holding (Púchov) - Engineering Construction Electrotechnical industry b) secondary without A level 11.2% SiemensSlovenská (Bratislava)Slovenská Sporiteľňa - Trade Elektrizačná (Bratislava) & IT -Prenosová Banking Sústava (Bratislava) - Electricity Monthly wage costs per employee 2018 €1,490 EconomicPublic admin.,Agriculture, education, Activities forestryhealth and fishing IndustriesTextile & leatherChemical processing & pharmaceutical €1,894 Tipos - Národná lotériová spoločnosť (Bratislava) - Lotteries food serv. recreation, repair of household Trade, transport, accom., food serv. Engineering (motor vehiclesMonthly not incl.) wage costs per employee 2018 €1,997 SlovakSlovenskéŽeleznice Telekom Elektrárne (Bratislava) Slovenskej (Bratislava) - Telecommunications Republiky - Electricity producer (Bratislava) - Rail Nestlé Slovensko (Prievidza) - Food industry Arts, entertainmentIndustry and recreation, repair of Water supplyElectricity, and waste gas, steam supply per employee 2017 NárodnáIN diaľničná 2Q / spoločnosť 2019 (Bratislava) - Operation of Unipetrol Slovakiatransmission (Bratislava) - Trade householdAgriculture,Information goodsand forestry and communication and other fishing services ChemicalFood industry & pharmaceutical ECONOMICALLY ACTIVE POPULATION BY EDUCATIONSlovenskáSlovensky ElektrizačnáSlovenskáPlynárensky Prenosová SporiteľňaPriemysel Sústava (Bratislava) (Bratislava) (Bratislava) - Banking - Gas supply - Electricity Economically active population Construction Cumulative shareElectrotechnical of industries, industry the individual share of highways Volkswagentransportation Slovakiá (Bratislava)́ - Car manufacturing n Information and communication goods and other services Považský cukor (Trenčianska Teplá) - Food industry CumulativeIndustryFinancial share and insurance of all sectors, activities the individual Electricity,Manufacture gas, steam of other supply non-metallic mineral products c) secondary with A level 38.9% transmissionSlovnaft (Bratislava) - Oil refinery Trade, transport, accom., food serv. which of all industrialEngineering production (motor invehicles the respectiveE notco incl.)nomically active population IN 2Q / 2019 VÚB (Bratislava)Slovenské - Banking Elektrárne (Bratislava) - Electricity producer share of which on the regional GDP in the ECONOMICALLYa) elementary and ACTIVE without POPULATION education BY EDUCATION3.1% SlovenskáStrabag Sporiteľňa (Bratislava) (Bratislava) - Construction - Banking by education in 2Q / 2020 Raven, (Považská Bystrica) - Trade ConstructionReal estateInformation activities and communication regionElectrotechnicalMetallurgy did notFood exceed& metalindustry industry 3.5 processing % OMV Slovensko (Bratislava) - Gas stations ŽelezničnáSlovensky spoločnosťPlynárensky Priemysel Cargo (Bratislava) Slovakia - Gas(Bratislava) supply - Rail respective region did not exceed 5.5 % ́ ́ n Financial and insurance n Cummulative share of all Trade, transport, accom., food serv. Engineering (motor vehicles not incl.) by education in 2Q / 2020 SlovenskéTatra Banka Elektrárne (Bratislava) (Bratislava) - Banking - Electricity producer Professional,Financial scientific and insuranceand technical activities activities; Motor vehiclesManufacture of other non-metallic mineral products OrangeIN Slovensko 2Q / 2019 (Bratislava) - Telecommunications transportationSlovnaft (Bratislava) - Oil refinery TRW Automotive (Nové Mesto nad Váhom) - Automotive administrative and support service activities d) university 46.8% SlovenskyTesco StoresPlynárensky SR (Bratislava)Priemysel - Retail (Bratislava) chain - Gas supply a) elementary and without education 1.8% Information andReal communication estate activities FoodPaper industry & woodMetallurgy processing & metal processing a) elementary and without education 3.1% ́ Strabag (Bratislava)́ - Construction activities sectors, the individual share of FinancialPublic and admin., insurance education, activities health Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products b) secondary withoutPenta Investments A level (Bratislava) - Investment11.2% group SlovnaftTiposŽelezničná (Bratislava) - Národná lotériová - Oilspoločnosť refinery spoločnosť Slovensko (Bratislava) - Lotteries(Bratislava) - Rail Unipharma (Prievidza) - Trade Professional, scientific and technical activities; Textile & leatherMotor processingvehicles a) elementary and without education 2.6% Tatra Banka (Bratislava) - Banking Arts, entertainment and recreation, repair of a) elementary and without education 3.1% StrabagUnipetrol (Bratislava) Slovakia - Construction (Bratislava) - Trade Real estate activitiesadministrative and support service activities MetallurgyWater supply & metalPaper and &processingwaste wood processing Phoenix Zdravotnícke zásobovanie (Bratislava) - Trade transportationTesco Stores SR (Bratislava) - Retail chain Nitran Professional, region scientific and which on the regional GDP in b) secondary without A level 28.7% Vertiv Slovakia (Nové Mesto nad Váhom) - Electrotechnical industry household goodsand other services b) secondary without A level 11.2% TatraVolkswagen Banka (Bratislava) Slovakia -(Bratislava) Banking - Car manufacturing Professional, scientificPublic admin., and education, technical health activities; MotorCumulative vehiclesTextile share & of leather industries, processing the individual share of Tipos - Národná lotériová spoločnosť (Bratislava) - Lotteries Cumulative share of all sectors, the individual c) secondary with A level 38.9% (several companies from this list have their Slovak Yura Corporation Slovakia (Lednické Rovne) - Engineering administrativeArts, and entertainment support service and activities recreation, repair of Paperwhich & wood of all processing industrial production in the respective SAS Automotive (Bratislava) - Automotive TescoVÚB Stores (Bratislava) SR (Bratislava) - Banking - Retail chain technical activ.; admin. and the respective region did not share of which on the regional GDP in the Water supply and wasteb) secondary without A level 12.9% Unipetrol Slovakia (Bratislava) - Trade c) secondary with A level 46.6% Public admin.,household education, goodsand health other services region did not exceed 3.5 % b) secondary without A level 11.2% Tipos -headquarters Národná lotériová spoločnosťin Bratislava (Bratislava) with - Lotteries branches and activities in respective region did not exceed 5.5 % Textile & leatherCumulative processing share of industries, the individual share of Siemens (Bratislava) - Trade & IT Volkswagen Slovakia (Bratislava) - Car manufacturing Arts, entertainmentCumulative and recreation, share of all repair sectors, of the individual c) secondary with A level 38.9% Unipetrol Slovakia (Bratislava) - Trade 8.9% 4.2% Water supplywhich and waste of all industrial production in the respective all SlovakVÚB (Bratislava) regions) - Banking support service activ. exceed 5.5 % household goodsandshare of other which services on the regional GDP in the d) university Slovak Telekom (Bratislava) - Telecommunications46.8% Cumulative shareregion of didindustries, not exceed thec) 3.5individualsecondary % share of with A level 39.3% Volkswagen Slovakia (Bratislava) - Car manufacturing d) university 22.9% Cumulative sharerespective of all sectors, region did the not individual exceed 5.5 % c) secondary with A level 38.9% 5.4% which of all industrial production in the respective VÚB (Bratislava) - Banking share of which on the regional GDP in the region did not exceed 3.5 % d) university 46.8% 5.6% Trnavarespective region did not exceed 5.5 % region d) university 45.3% d) university 46.8% 11.6% 6.9% 35.5% 10.2% 6.7% Nitra region 7.2% Trnava region 6.8% Nitra region 11.8% 7% 5.8% 8.9% Trnava region 8.9% 12.3%4.2% 37.2% 9.1% 5.4%4.2% Trnava region 10.2% 6.7% 5.4% Nitra region 5.6% 15.4% 10.2% 6.8%6.7% 5.6% 15.1% 5.4%11.6% 16.5%6.9% 10.2% 6.7%7% 6.8% 11.6% 8.9% 6.9% 35.5% 4.2%7.2% 37.2% 6.8%9.1% 7% 35.5% 5.4%7.2% 15.7% 30.3%5.6%11.8% 37.2% 7% 9.1% 6.5% 11.8% 15.4% 15.1% 11.6% 6.9% 37.2% 9.1% 5.8% 7% 5.8% 35.5% 12.3%7.2% 15.4% 15.1% 12.3% 15.4%10.1% 39.7% 19.3% 15.1% 11.8% 15.7% INDUSTRIES 5.6% 5.4% 16.5% 15.7% 5.8%5.4% 16.5% ECONOMIC 12.3% 14.8% 6.7% 15.7% ACTIVITIES 10.1% 39.7% 30.3% 6.5% 30.3% 10.1% 5.6% INDUSTRIES 5.4%6.5% 16.5% 39.7% 7% 10.1% ECONOMIC5.6% 39.7% 6.7%ACTIVITIES 19.3% 14.8% 5.6% 19.3% 30.3% 6.7% 6.5% INDUSTRIES 14.8% INDUSTRIES 6.7% INDUSTRIES 7%ECONOMIC 14.8% Economic Activities ECONOMICIndustries ECONOMIC INDUSTRIES ACTIVITIES Agriculture, forestry19.3% and fishing Chemical & pharmaceutical MAIN STATSACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES ECONOMIC INDUSTRIES Nitra Industry Electricity, gas, steam supply Population as of/on 31.12.2018 563,591 The largest companies in the Trnava Region Construction Electrotechnical industry INDUSTRIES ECONOMICACTIVITIES Allianz - Slovenská poisťovňa (Bratislava) - insurance Trade, transport, accom., food serv. Engineering (motor vehicles not incl.) main statistics Information and communication ECONOMICFood industry Size ACTIVITIES 4,147 km2 AT&T (Bratislava) - IT main statistics Billa (Bratislava) - Retail chain Financial and insurance activities ACTIVITIESManufacture of other non-metallic mineral products PopulationShare ofas Slovakof/on 31.12.2019 GDP creationMAIN STATS 11.22%564,917 Eset (Bratislava) - IT Real estate activities Metallurgy & metal processing Eustream (Bratislava) - Transport of natural gas Professional,Population scientific as of/onand technical 31.12.2019 activities; Motor vehicles 674,306 administrative and support service activities 2 TheFaurecia largest Slovakia companies (Bratislava) - Automotive in the Trnava Region Paper & wood processing Size Population as of/on 31.12.2018 4,147563,591 km The largest companies in the Trnava Region Public admin., education, health 2 MAIN STATS AgropodnikGrafobal Group (Trnava) (Bratislava) - Chemical - Printing industry industry & media market Size Textile & leather processing 6,344 km Unemployment rate 56 km (37 min) Allianz - Slovenská poisťovňa (Bratislava) - insurance Arts, entertainment and recreation, repair of IBM Slovensko (Bratislava) - IT Water supply and waste MAIN STATS ArcelorMittalAT&T (Bratislava) Gonvarri - IT SSC Slovakia (Senica) - Metallurgy & householdEconomic goodsand other Activities services Industries ShareSize of SlovakPopulation GDP creation as of/on 2018 31.12.2018 4,14711.24% km2563,591 IKEA ComponentsThe (Malacky) largest - Trade companies / Services in the Trnava Region Cumulative share of industries, the individual share of CumulativeEconomic share of all sectors, Activities the individual Industries Billa (Bratislava)Allianz - - Retail Slovenská chain poisťovňa (Bratislava) - insurance Share of Slovak GDP creation 2018 which of all industrial production in the respective10.4% metalJ&T process. Group (Bratislava) - Investment group shareAgriculture, of which on theforestry regional and GDPfishing in the Chemical & pharmaceutical TranvaTrnava PopulationAverage monthly as of/on wage 31.12.2018 in 2018 (self- 563,591 TheEset largest (Bratislava) - companies IT in the Trnava Region region did not exceed 3.5 % The largest companies in the Nitra Region ShareSize of Slovak GDP creation 11.22%4,147 km2 Johnson ControlsAT&T International (Bratislava) - (Bratislava) IT – Engineering respectiveIndustryAgriculture, region did forestry not exceed and fishing 5.5 % Electricity,Chemical & gas, pharmaceutical steam supply Distance between Bratislava and Trnava (by car) 56 km4.8% (37 min) BekaertAllianzEustream Hlohovec - Slovenská (Bratislava) poisťovňa(Hlohovec) - Transport (Bratislava) - of Metallurgy natural - insurance gas & metal processing Nitra Kaufland SlovenskáBilla (Bratislava) republika - Retail (Bratislava) chain - Retail chain DistanceConstructionIndustry between Bratislava and Nitra (byElectrotechnicalElectricity, car) gas, steam industry94 supply km (56 min) ACHP Levice (Levice) - Chemical industry employed not included) AT&TFaurecia (Bratislava) Slovakia - IT (Bratislava) - Automotive Nitra Size 4,147 km2 BekaertLidl Slovenská SlovakiaEset republika (Sládkovičovo) (Bratislava) (Bratislava) - IT - Retail - Metallurgy chain & metal Trade,Construction transport, accom., food serv. EngineeringElectrotechnical (motor industry vehicles not incl.) Share of Slovak GDP creation 11.22% BillaGrafobal (Bratislava) Group - Retail (Bratislava) chain - Printing industry & media market COOP Jednota (Nové Zámky) - Retail chain UnemploymentUnemployment rate 2019 rate 56 km (375% min)processingMetro Cash andEustream Carry (Ivanka (Bratislava) pri Dunaji) - Transport - Trade of natural gas InformationTrade, transport, and communication accom., food serv. FoodEngineering industry (motor vehicles not incl.) Average nominal monthly wage 2018 EsetIBM (Bratislava) Slovensko - IT (Bratislava) - IT UnemploymentEconomic Activities rate 2019 Industries 5% Duslo (Šaľa) - Chemical industry Share of Slovak GDP creation 11.22%€1,11 Národná diaľničnáFaurecia spoločnosť Slovakia (Bratislava) (Bratislava) - -Operation Automotive of highways FinancialInformation and and insurance communication activities ManufactureFood industry of other non-metallic mineral products Average monthly wage in 2019 DatalogicEustreamIKEA Slovakia Components (Bratislava)Grafobal (Trnava (Malacky)- Group Transport (Bratislava) - TradeZavar) of natural / Services - Printing - gas Electrotechnical industry & media marketindustry Financial and insurance activities Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products (wagesUnemployment of self-employed rate included) 56 km (37 min)OMV Slovensko (Bratislava) - Gas stations Agriculture,Real estate activities forestry and fishing ChemicalMetallurgy && pharmaceutical metal processing Foxconn Slovakia (Nitra) - Electrotechnical industry €1,204 FaureciaJ&T Group Slovakia (Bratislava) (Bratislava) - Investment - Automotive group AverageReal estate monthly activities wage in 2019 Metallurgy & metal processing Tranva (self-employedAverage not monthly included) wage in 2018 (self- EnagroOrange (Leopoldov) SlovenskoIBM Slovensko (Bratislava) - Trade, (Bratislava) - Telecommunications biofuel - IT IndustryProfessional, scientific and technical activities; Electricity,Motor vehicles gas, steam supply €1,126 GrafobalJohnson Group Controls (Bratislava) International - Printing (Bratislava) industry & – mediaEngineering market Nitra Professional, scientific and technical activities; Motor vehicles Gamex Trading (Komárno) - Trade AverageUnemployment nominal rate monthly wage 2017 56 km€9524.8% (37 min) Penta InvestmentsIKEA Components (Bratislava) - (Malacky) Investment - Trade group / Services (self-employedConstructionadministrative and support not serviceincluded) activities ElectrotechnicalPaper & wood processing industry I.D.C.IBM HoldingKaufland Slovensko (Sereď)Slovenská (Bratislava) -republika -Food IT industry (Bratislava) - Retail chain administrative and support service activities Paper & wood processing Averageemployed nominal monthly not included) wage 2019 Phoenix ZdravotníckeJ&T Group zásobovanie (Bratislava) (Bratislava) - Investment - Trade group Trade,Public admin.,transport, education, accom., healthfood serv. EngineeringTextile & leather (motor processing vehicles not incl.) GSK Consumer Healthcare (Levice) - Chemical industry Tranva Average monthly wage in 2018 (self- €1,025 IKEALidl Components Slovenská republika (Malacky) (Bratislava) - Trade / Services - Retail chain AveragePublic admin., nominal education, monthly health wage 2019 Textile & leather processing Monthly wage costs 4.8%JohnsSAS Manville AutomotiveJohnson Slovakia (Bratislava) Controls (Trnava) - Automotive International – Glass (Bratislava) industry – Engineering InformationArts, entertainment and communication and recreation, repair of FoodWater industry supply and waste €909 Jaguar Land Rover Slovakia (Nitra) – Car manufacturing (estimation of wages of self-employed included) J&TMetro GroupCash (Bratislava) and Carry - Investment (Ivanka pri group Dunaji) - Trade householdArts, entertainment goodsand and other recreation, services repair of Water supply and waste Tranva AverageAverageemployed monthly nominal not wage monthly included) in 2018 wage (self- 2018 €890 Siemens (Bratislava)Kaufland - Trade Slovenská & IT republika (Bratislava) - Retail chain (estimationFinancial and insurance of wages activities of self-employed included)ManufactureCumulative share of other of industries, non-metallic the mineralindividual products share of MetransJohnsonNárodná /Danubia/ Controls diaľničná International (Dunajská spoločnosť (Bratislava) (Bratislava) Streda) – Engineering - Operation - Transport of highways industries Cumulativehousehold goodsand share of all other sectors, services the individual per employee 2017 4.8%€1,11 Slovak TelekomLidl (Bratislava) Slovenská -republika Telecommunications (Bratislava) - Retail chain whichCumulative of all industrialshare of industries, production the in individual the respective shareHeineken of Slovensko (Nitra) - Beverages Average nominal monthly wage 2018 €952 shareCumulativeReal estate of which activitiesshare on ofthe all regional sectors, GDP the inindividual the Metallurgy & metal processing employed(wages of not self-employed included) included) PSA KauflandGroupeOMV Slovensko SlovenskáSlovakiaMetro (Bratislava) Cash republika (Trnava) and Carry -Gas (Bratislava) (Ivanka stations- Car primanufacturing - Dunaji) Retail- chain Trade regionwhichof did all not industrial exceed 3.5production % in the respective Average nominal monthly wage 2018 Slovenská Elektrizačná Prenosová Sústava (Bratislava) - Electricity AveragerespectiveshareProfessional, of which nominal region scientific on did the not regional monthly exceedand technical GDP 5.5 in % the wage activities; 2018 Motor vehicles €832 Matador Automotive Vráble (Vráble) - Engineering LidlOrange Slovenská Slovensko republika (Bratislava) (Bratislava) - Telecommunications - Retail chain n Chemical & pharmaceutical n Motor vehicles region did not exceed 3.5 % €1,11 transmission Národná diaľničná spoločnosť (Bratislava) - Operation of highways respectiveadministrative region and did support not exceed service 5.5 activities % Paper & wood processing ECONOMICALLY ACTIVE POPULATION BY EDUCATION ProthermMetro Cash Production and Carry (Ivanka (Skalica) pri Dunaji) - Engineering - Trade MonthlyAverageAverage wage(wages nominal costs nominal ofper self-employed monthlyemployee monthly wage2018 wage included) 2018 2017 €952€1,515 Penta InvestmentsOMV Slovensko (Bratislava) (Bratislava) - Investment - Gas stations group Public admin., education, health Med – Art (Nitra) - Trade Slovenská Sporiteľňa (Bratislava) - Banking n Electricity, gas, steam supply n Paper & wood processing Monthly wage costs per employee 2018 Textile & leather processing €1,419 IN 2Q / 2019 €1,11 SamsungNárodnáPhoenix Electronics diaľničná ZdravotníckeOrange spoločnosť Slovensko Slovakia zásobovanie (Bratislava) (Bratislava) (Galanta) (Bratislava) - Operation - Telecommunications - TradeElectrotechnical of highways (wages of self-employed included) Slovenské Elektrárne (Bratislava) - Electricity producer Arts, entertainment and recreation, repair of Water supply and waste Osram Slovakia (Nové Zámky) - Electrotechnical industry MonthlyAverageEco wagenomica nominal costslly monthlyactive p wageopulati 2017on €952 OMVSAS Slovensko AutomotivePenta (Bratislava) Investments(Bratislava) - Gas - (Bratislava) Automotivestations - Investment group household goodsand other services industrySlovenský Plynárenský Priemysel (Bratislava) - Gas supply n Electrotechnical industry n Textile & leather processing Cumulative share of industries, the individual share of OrangeSiemens Slovensko (Bratislava) (Bratislava) - Trade - &Telecommunications IT Cumulative shareE ofc allo sectors,nomica the individuallly active population Rieker Obuv (Komárno) - Shoemaking industry €890 Slovnaft (Bratislava)Phoenix - ZdravotníckeOil refinery zásobovanie (Bratislava) - Trade which of all industrial production in the respective a) elementaryby and educati withouton education in 2Q / 2020 6.6% SemikronPenta Investments (Vrbové) (Bratislava) - Electrotechnical - Investment group industry share of which on the regional GDP in the Averageper employee nominal 2017 monthly wage 2017 €952 Slovak TelekomSAS Automotive (Bratislava) (Bratislava) - Telecommunications - Automotive region did not exceed 3.5 % Secop (Zlaté Moravce) - Engineering Monthly wage costs Strabag (Bratislava) - Construction n Engineering (motor vehicles not incl.) n Water supply and waste respective region did not exceedby e 5.5d % ucation in 2Q / 2020 PhoenixSlovenská Zdravotnícke Elektrizačná zásobovanie Prenosová (Bratislava) Sústava (Bratislava) - Trade - Electricity €890SchaefflerTatra Banka Skalica (Bratislava)Siemens (Skalica) (Bratislava) - Banking - - TradeEngineering & IT Šped-Trans Levice (Levice) - Transport a) elementaryMonthly wageand without costs education 5.6% SAStransmission Automotive (Bratislava) - Automotive b)ECONOMICALLY secondaryper employee without ACTIVE 2017 A level POPULATION BY EDUCATION27.9% Tesco Stores SRSlovak (Bratislava) Telekom - Retail(Bratislava) chain - Telecommunications n Food industry n Cummulative share of industries, a) elementary and without education 5.8% €890 Tate Siemens& SlovenskáLyle (Bratislava) Slovakia Sporiteľňa - Trades.r.o. (Bratislava) & IT(Boleráz) - Banking - Food industry Tipos - NárodnáSlovenská lotériová Elektrizačná spoločnosť Prenosová (Bratislava) Sústava - Lotteries (Bratislava) - Electricity ZKW Slovakia (Krušovce) - Automotive per employee 2017 IN 2Q / 2019 SlovakSlovenské Telekom Elektrárne (Bratislava) (Bratislava) - Telecommunications - Electricity producer b) secondaryECONOMICALLY without A level ACTIVE POPULATION BY27.5% EDUCATIONVaillantUnipetrol Industrial Slovakiatransmission (Bratislava)Slovakia -(Skalica) Trade – Engineering n Manufacture of other non-metallic the individual share of which of all SlovenskáSlovensky ElektrizačnáPlynárensky PrenosováPriemysel Sústava (Bratislava) (Bratislava) - Gas supply - Electricity b) secondary without A level 24.7% c) secondary with A level 42.5% ZF SlovakiaVolkswagen (Trnava) SlovakiáSlovenská (Bratislava) - Sporiteľňa Engineerinǵ - Car(Bratislava) manufacturing - Banking ECONOMICALLY ACTIVE POPULATIONIN 2Q / 2019 BY EDUCATION transmissionSlovnaft (Bratislava) - Oil refinery c) secondarya) elementary with A level and without education 6.6%44.5% VÚB (Bratislava)Slovenské - Banking Elektrárne (Bratislava) - Electricity producer mineral products industrial production in the respective ŽOSSlovenská TrnavaStrabag Sporiteľňa(Trnava) (Bratislava) (Bratislava) -- Construction Engineering - Banking c) secondary with A level 47.8% IN 2Q / 2019 Slovenský Plynárenský Priemysel (Bratislava) - Gas supply d) universitya) elementary and without education 23.1% 6.6% SlovenskéTatra Banka ElektrárneSlovnaft (Bratislava) (Bratislava) (Bratislava) - Banking - - Electricity Oil refinery producer n Metallurgy & metal processing region did not exceed 3.5 % d) university 22.4% Slovensky Plynárensky Priemysel (Bratislava) - Gas supply b) secondary without A level 27.9% Tesco Storeś Strabag SR (Bratislava) (Bratislava)́ - Retail - Construction chain d) university 21.7% a) elementary and without education 6.6% SlovnaftTipos (Bratislava) - NárodnáTatra Banka lotériová - Oil refinery (Bratislava) spoločnosť - Banking (Bratislava) - Lotteries b) secondary without A level 27.9% StrabagUnipetrol (Bratislava) SlovakiaTesco Stores - Construction (Bratislava) SR (Bratislava) - Trade - Retail chain c) secondary with A level 42.5% TatraVolkswagen Banka (Bratislava)Tipos Slovakia - Národná -(Bratislava) Banking lotériová - Car spoločnosť manufacturing (Bratislava) - Lotteries b) secondary without A level 27.9% TescoVÚB Stores (Bratislava) SRUnipetrol (Bratislava) - Banking Slovakia - Retail (Bratislava) chain - Trade d) universityc) secondary with A level 23.1%42.5% Tipos - NárodnáVolkswagen lotériová spoločnosť Slovakia (Bratislava) (Bratislava) - Car - Lotteries manufacturing Unipetrol SlovakiaVÚB (Bratislava) (Bratislava) - - Banking Trade c) secondary with A level 42.5% Volkswagen Slovakia (Bratislava) - Car manufacturing d) university 23.1% VÚB (Bratislava) - Banking d) university 23.1% 12 Investor’s Checklist: information on regions Investor’s Checklist: information on regions 13 Information on regions and structure of regional economies Information on regions and structure of regional economies 5.0% 5.5% Information on regions and structure of regional economies 9.9% Information on regions and structure of regional economies 10.4% 9.6% 10.0% 6.1% 5.0% 5.8% 9.9% 10.4% 9.6% 5.5% Žilina region 6.2% Prešov region 9.8% 8.6% 5.8% 10.0% 6.1% 8.5% 6.2% 9.8% 10.6% Žilina region Prešov region 13.4% 8.6% 26.1% 8.9%8.5% 12.4% 10.6%12.3% 8.9%9.1% 13.4% 26.1% 12.4% 12.3% 9.1% 13.2% 22.9% 13.2%13.3% 56.3% 12.7% 18.4% 22.9% 13.3% 56.3% 15.2% 12.7% 18.4% 15.9% 15.2% 15.7% 15.9% 13.0% 15.5% INDUSTRIES 15.7% INDUSTRIES 13.0% ECONOMIC 15.5% ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES INDUSTRIES ACTIVITIES INDUSTRIES Žilina ECONOMIC ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES Economic Activities ACTIVITIESIndustries Economic Activities Industries Agriculture, forestry and fishing Chemical & pharmaceutical Žilina Industry Electricity, gas, steam supply Agriculture, forestry and fishing Chemical & pharmaceutical Economic Activities Industries Construction Electrotechnical industry Industry Electricity, gas, steam supply Trade,Agriculture, transport, forestry accom., and fishing food serv. EngineeringChemical & pharmaceutical (motor vehicles not incl.) EconomicConstruction Activities IndustriesElectrotechnical industry main statistics Prešov InformationIndustry and communication FoodElectricity, industry gas, steam supply main statistics Trade, transport, accom., food serv. Engineering (motor vehicles not incl.) Agriculture, forestry and fishing Chemical & pharmaceutical FinancialConstruction and insurance activities ManufactureElectrotechnical of other industry non-metallic mineral products Information and communication Food industry Population as of/on 31.12.2019 826,244 Industry Electricity, gas, steam supply RealTrade, estate transport, activities accom., food serv. MetallurgyEngineering & (motor metal processing vehicles not incl.) Financial and insurance activities Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products Population as of/on 31.12.2019 Construction691,509 Electrotechnical industry Prešov Professional,Information and scientific communication and technical activities; MotorFood industry vehicles Real estate activities Metallurgy & metal processing 2 Trade, transport, accom., food serv. Engineering (motor vehicles not incl.) Size Financialadministrative and insurance and support activities service activities PaperManufacture & wood of processing other non-metallic8,972 km mineral products Professional, scientific2 and technical activities; Motor vehicles Information and communication Food industry RealPublic estate admin., activities education, health TextileMetallurgy & leather & metal processing processing Size administrative6,811 andkm support service activities Paper & wood processing Financial and insurance activities Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products Professional,Arts, entertainment scientific and recreation,and technical repair activities; of WaterMotor supplyvehicles and waste Public admin., education, health Textile & leather processing Share of Slovak GDP creation 2018 9.54% Real estate activities The largest companies inMetallurgy the Žilina & metal processingRegion administrativehousehold goodsand and support other services service activities Arts, entertainment and recreation, repair of CumulativePaper & wood share processing of industries, the individual share of Share of Slovak GDP creation 2018 10.84% Water supply and waste Cumulative share of all sectors, the individual householdProfessional, goodsand scientific other and services technical activities; Motor vehicles Public admin., education, health Textilewhich of & leatherall industrial processing production in the respective Donghee Slovakia, (Strečno)Cumulative - Engineering share of industries, the individual share of share of which on the regional GDP in the administrative and support service activities Paper & wood processing DistanceArts, between entertainment Bratislava and recreation, repairand of Prešov (by car)region did not410 exceed km 3.5 % (4.5 h ) Cumulative share of all sectors, the individual which of all industrial production in the respective respective region did not exceed 5.5 % Water supply and waste Distance between Bratislava and Žilina (by car) 201 kmsharePublic (111 of admin., which min) education, on the regional healthHyundai GDP in theTransys Slovakia (Žilina)Textile &- leatherAutomotive processing household goodsand other services region did not exceed 3.5 % Cumulative share of industries, the individualThe share oflargest companies in the Prešov Region respectiveArts, entertainment region did and not recreation,exceedHyundai 5.5 % repair Steel of Slovakia (Gbeľany)Water supply- Metal and wasteprocessing Cumulative share of all sectors, the individual which of all industrial production in the respective household goodsand other services Unemploymentshare of which onrate the regional 2019 GDP in the 12% Cumulative share of industries, the individual share of region did not exceed 3.5 % Chemosvit (Svit) - Chemical industry respective region did not exceed 5.5 % Unemployment rate 2019 Cumulative share5.6% of all sectors,KIA theMotors individual Slovakia (Tepličkawhich nad of Váhom) all industrial - productionCar manufacturing in the respective share of which on the regional GDP in the Average monthly wage in 2019 Lear Corporation Seating Slovakia (Prešov) - Automotive Mobis Slovakia (Gbeľany) - Engineeringregion did not exceed 3.5 % Average monthly wage in 20189 respective region did not exceed 5.5 % economic activities €1,025 Mecom Group (Humenné) - Food industry €1,180 Mondi SCP (Ružomberok) - Paper & wood processing industry (self-employed not included) (self-employed not included) Merkury Market Slovakia (Prešov) - Furniture supplier OFZ (Oravský Podzámok) - Metallurgy n Agriculture, forestry and fishing n Real estate activities Average nominal monthly wage 2019 €844 Milk-Agro (Prešov) - Food industry Average nominal monthly wage 20189 Panasonic Electronic Devices (Trstená) - Electrotechnical (estimation of wages of self-employed included) €981 n Industry n Public admin., education, Nexis Fibers (Humenné) - Chemical industry industries (estimation of wages of self-employed included) industry Economic Activities Industries n Construction health Average nominal monthly wage 2018 €775 Plzeňský Prazdroj Slovensko (Veľký Šariš) - Food industry Schaeffler Slovensko, (Kysucké Nové Mesto) - Engineering Agriculture, forestry and fishing Chemical & pharmaceutical n Chemical & pharmaceutical n Motor vehicles Average nominal monthly wage 2018 €911 Stiga Slovakia (Poprad) - Engineering Sejong Slovakia (Lietavská Lúčka) - Automotive EconomicIndustryn Trade, Activities transport, accom., IndustriesElectricity,n Arts, gas, steam entertainment supply and Monthly wage costs per employee 2018 €1,243 Construction Electrotechnical industry Tatravagónka (Poprad) - Engineering n Electricity, gas, steam supply n Paper & wood processing Monthly wage costs per employee 2018 €1,461 Stredoslovenská Energetika (Žilina) - Electricity distributor Trade,Agriculture, transport,food forestry accom., serv. and fishing food serv. EngineeringChemicalrecreation, & pharmaceutical (motor vehicles repair not incl.) of household Economically active population Whirlpool Slovakia (Poprad) - Engineering n Electrotechnical industry n Textile & leather processing Economically active population Sungwoo Hitech Slovakia (Žilina) - Automotive InformationIndustry and communication FoodElectricity, industry gas, steam supply FinancialConstructionn and insurance activities ManufactureElectrotechnical of other industry non-metallic mineral products Tipsport SK (Žilina) - Lotteries Information and communication goods and other services by education in 2Q / 2020 n Engineering (motor vehicles not incl.) n Water supply and waste by education in 2Q / 2020 RealTrade, estate transport, activities accom., food serv. MetallurgyEngineering & (motor metal processing vehicles not incl.) Váhostav - SK (Žilina) - Construction Professional,Informationn Financial and scientific communication and technical insurance activities; MotorFoodn industry vehicles Cummulative share of all a) elementary and without education 8.8% n Food industry n Cummulative share of industries, a) elementary and without education 2.3% Visteon Electronics Slovakia (Námestovo) - Electrotechnical Financialadministrative and insurance and support activities service activities PaperManufacture & wood of processing other non-metallic mineral products Public admin.,activities education, health sectors, the individual share of Real estate activities TextileMetallurgy & leather & metal processing processing b) secondary without A level 24% n Manufacture of other non-metallic the individual share of which of all Professional,Arts, entertainment scientific and recreation,and technical repair activities; of WaterMotor supplyvehicles and waste b) secondary without A level 28.1% household goodsand other services administrativen Professional, and support service scientific activities and CumulativePaper & woodwhich share processing ofon industries, the regional the individual GDP share of in Cumulative share of all sectors, the individual mineral products industrial production in the respective Public admin., education, health Textilewhich of & leatherall industrial processing production in the respective c) secondary with A level 42% share of which on the regional GDP in the Arts, entertainmenttechnical and recreation,activ.; admin. repair of and region didthe not exceedrespective 3.5 % region did not c) secondary with A level 45.6% respective region did not exceed 5.5 % Water supply and waste n Metallurgy & metal processing region did not exceed 3.5 % household goodsand other services Cumulative share of industries, the individual share of d) university 25.3% Cumulativesupport share of all sectors,service the individualactiv. which ofexceed all industrial 5.5 production % in the respective d) university 24.1% share of which on the regional GDP in the region did not exceed 3.5 % respective region did not exceed 5.5 %

Banská Bystrica region Košice region 18.5% 3.7% Košice region 3.7% Banská Bystrica region 3.7% 12.9% 3.8% 18.8% 3.7% 3.7% 6.5% 5.7% 18.5% 3.7% 12.9% 3.8% 8.0% 18.8% 6.5% 13.2%5.7% 24.8% 11.4% 9.6% 8.0% 13.2% 16.3% 24.8% 9.6% 14.7% 14.7%11.4% 16.3% 14.7% 14.7% 9.3% 17.3% 16.1% 17.3% 9.3% 28.2% 6.1% 10.0% 16.1% 35.9% 28.2% 41.6% 6.1% 8.2% 10.0% 7.6% 35.9% 41.6% 8.8% 8.2% 7.2% 7.9% 7.6% 5.8% 7.2% 8.8% 7.9% INDUSTRIES INDUSTRIES ECONOMIC 5.8% ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES INDUSTRIES ACTIVITIES INDUSTRIES ECONOMIC ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES main statisticsEconomic Activities Industries main statistics Agriculture, forestry and fishing Chemical & pharmaceutical Economic Activities Industries Population as of/on 31.12.2019 EconomicIndustry Activities801,460 IndustriesElectricity, gas, steam supply Population as of/on 31.12.2019 645,276 Construction Electrotechnical industry Agriculture, forestry and fishing Chemical & pharmaceutical Size Trade,Agriculture, transport, forestry accom., and fishing food serv.4,147 km2 The largestEngineeringChemical companies & pharmaceutical (motor vehicles in not the incl.) Košice Region Size Industry 9,454 km2 Electricity, gas, steam supply InformationIndustry and communication BSH DrivesFoodElectricity, industryand gas,Pumps steam supply(Michalovce) - EconomicConstruction Activities IndustriesElectrotechnical industry FinancialConstruction and insurance activities ManufactureElectrotechnical of other industry non-metallic mineral products Agriculture,Trade, transport, forestry accom., and fishing food serv. ChemicalEngineering & pharmaceutical (motor vehicles not incl.) Share of Slovak GDP creation 2018 RealTrade, estate transport, activities accom., food serv. 11.90% ElectrotechnicalMetallurgyEngineering &industry (motor metal processing vehicles not incl.) Banská Bystrica Share of Slovak GDP creation 2018IndustryInformation and communication 8.72% TheElectricity,Food largest industry gas, steam companies supply in the Banská Professional,Information and scientific communication and technical activities; DeutscheMotorFood Telekom industry vehicles Systems Solutions (Košice) - IT administrative and support service activities ConstructionFinancial and insurance activities ElectrotechnicalManufacture of other industry non-metallic mineral products Financial and insurance activities PaperManufacture & wood of processing other non-metallic mineral products Bystrica Region Distance between Bratislava and KošicePublic (by admin., car) education, health401 km (4.5 h) Embraco Slovakia (Spišská Nová Ves) - Engineering Distance between Bratislava and B. BystricaTrade,Real estate transport, activities (by accom., car) food211 serv. km (118 min) EngineeringMetallurgy & (motor metal processing vehicles not incl.) Real estate activities TextileMetallurgy & leather & metal processing processing Arts, entertainment and recreation, repair of Banská Bystrica InformationProfessional, and scientific communication and technical activities; AdientFoodMotor industry vehicles(Lučenec) - Engineering Professional, scientific and technical activities; Essity SlovakiaWaterMotor supplyvehicles (Gemerská and waste Hôrka) - Paper & wood administrative and support service activities administrativehousehold goodsand and support other services service activities Financial and insurance activities ManufacturePaper & wood of processing other non-metallic mineral products Unemployment rate 2019 8.9% CumulativePaper & wood share processing of industries, the individual share of Public admin., education, health CBA Slovakia (Lučenec) - Retail chain Cumulative share of all sectors, the individual processing Unemployment rate 2019 8.5% Textile & leather processing Public admin., education, health Textilewhich of & leatherall industrial processing production in the respective Real estate activities Metallurgy & metal processing share of which on the regional GDP in the Arts, entertainment and recreation, repair of Arts, entertainment and recreation, repair of region did not exceed 3.5 % Professional, scientific and technical activities; ContinentalMotorWater supplyvehicles andAutomotive waste Systems Slovakia – Average monthly wage in 2019 respective region did not exceed 5.5 % Eurovia WaterSK (Košice) supply and waste- Construction household goodsand other services household goodsand other services €1,179 Average monthly wage in 2019 administrative and support service activities PaperCumulative & wood share processing of industries, the individual share of Cumulative share of industries, the individual share of Cumulative share of all sectors, the individual Engineering Košice (self-employed not included) Cumulative share of all sectors, the individual Getrag Ford Transmissions Slovakia (Kechnec) - Public admin., education, health €1,113 which of all industrial production in the respective which of all industrial production in the respective (self-employed not included) share of which on the regional GDP in the Textile & leather processing share of which on the regional GDP in the region did not exceed 3.5 % Engineeringregion did not exceed 3.5 % respectiveArts, entertainment region did and not recreation,exceed 5.5 % repair of LESYWater Slovenskej supply and waste Republiky (Banská Bystrica) Average nominal monthly wage 2019 respective region did not exceed 5.5 % Average nominal monthly wage 2019household goodsand other services €1,003 - ForestryCumulative share of industries, the individual share of Košice (estimation of wages of self-employed included) Labaš (Košice) - Retail chain Cumulative share of all sectors, the individual €943 which of all industrial production in the respective (estimation of wages of self-employedshare of included) which on the regional GDP in the Nemakregion did Slovakia not exceed (Žiar 3.5 % nad Hronom) - Metallurgy Magneti Marelli Slovakia (Kechnec) - respective region did not exceed 5.5 % Average nominal monthly wage 2018 €929 Average nominal monthly wage 2018 €859 & metal processing Electrotechnical industry Slovalco (Žiar nad Hronom) - Metallurgy & Monthly wage costs per employee 2018 €1,483 Pikaro (Košice) - Trade in metallurgy industry Monthly wage costs per employee 2018 €1,408 metal processing U. S. Steel Košice (Košice) - Metallurgy & metal Slovenská Pošta (Banská Bystrica) - Postal Economically active population processing Economically active population by education in 2Q / 2019 by education in 2Q / 2020 services U-Shin Slovakia (Košice) - Automotive Železiarne Podbrezová (Podbrezová) - a) elementary and without education 4.7% Východoslovenská Energetika (Košice) - Electricity a) elementary and without education 7% Metallurgy & metal processing distributor b) secondary without A level 18.2% Yazaki Wiring Technologies (Michalovce) - b) secondary without A level 22.1% Electrotechnical industry c) secondary with A level 47.2% c) secondary with A level 46.2% d) university 29.9% d) university 24.7% Opportunities

Slovakia promotes itself as the largest car producer per capita in the world (202 in 2019) with three carmakers located in western Slovakia (Bratislava, Trnava, and close to Žilina) . While the fourth carmaker, the British Jaguar Land Rover, opened its plant near Nitra in 2018, it sees an even bigger space for the development of the network of carmakers’ subcontractors, especially in the east of the country . The second strongest pillar of Slovakia’s industry is the electrotechnical industry with companies in Galanta, Nitra, and Nové Mesto nad Váhom, to mention a few . Other sectors with a tradition in Slovakia are the chemical industry and forestry . IT is a promising sector in Slovakia, where GOOD REASONS apart from Bratislava, Košice and Žilina also house strong IT clusters . Slovakia has become home to several business TO JOIN AMCHAM SLOVAKIA service centres too, most of which are currently located in Bratislava with opportunities to spread into other parts of 7 Slovakia . The trend of transitioning the economy towards services is visible by the mushrooming of startups and R&D centres, many of which can utilise EU funds or the state’s investment incentives .

REPUTATION NETWORKING AmCham is a respected organization and AmCham provides the highest quality progressive & tech savvy platform for events, not only in the physical but also the local business community to push the digital space. transformation of the Slovak economy for better competitiveness. VISIBILITY GOOD PLACE AmCham provides increased visibility in the business community and inspires our AmCham is a good place where investors leaders to drive strategic initiatives. and business partners meet.

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AND THE SLOVAK ECONOMY TO SP020042/002 Fulfill THEIR Potential.

AOK2020_flyer_A4_7reasons.indd 1 20. 10. 2020 16:20:51 16 opportunities: automotive industry opportunities: automotive industry 17

securing jobs at the plant but also western-Slovak town of Trnava on Carmakers in Slovakia a sustainable transformation of the March 27, 2019, as the first electric Company Employees Total investment Location Car industry needs plant towards electromobility. vehicle ever manufactured in the Jaguar Land Rover about 2,600 €1 4. bn Nitra Out of the four carmakers in Groupe PSA Slovakia factory. Kia Motors Slovakia about 3,800 > €1 .9 bn Žilina Slovakia, three have been produc- Groupe PSA promises to produce PSA Groupe Slovakia about 4,500 > €1 .2 bn Trnava ing models with pure electric and an electric version of each of its to jump on the latest trends hybrid propulsions. Volkswagen models by 2025. Volkswagen Slovakia about 14,800 > €4 .5 bn Bratislava lovakia, with its four state- launched at the end of 2020 or plan. In the meantime, it is prepar- E-mobility the Slovak way Slovakia was the first carmaker in The only carmaker in Slovakia support for R&D and stability of the whole chain from suppliers of-the-art carmakers, an beginning of 2021 in Košice to ing a communication campaign to While Slovakia has not boarded Slovakia to produce electric cars. without an electric model is the the labour market, along with the up to carmakers,” said Žgravčák extensive network of suppli- do R&D in this field. One of its show the advantages of hydrogen the wave of e-mobility as soon as Its Volkswagen e-up! has been in youngest carmaker, Jaguar Land qualities of a given plant, are taken of Kia Motors Slovakia, adding Sers and the highest number of cars launching entities, the Technical technologies. some other countries in the region, production since 2013, when the Rover in Nitra. into consideration. that this will help Slovakia keep manufactured per 1,000 citizens, University of Košice, has already “We all believe that at some a number of interesting e-mobility model was first made in Bratislava “Unexpected changes do not its competitiveness within the is a global automotive superpower. been engaged in the R&D of hy- point in the spring of 2021 we will projects have developed here. as a pilot for the whole group. What’s next? contribute to the image of Slovakia European automotive industry. To keep this position, it needs its drogen technologies for 13 years. meet at a hydrogen bus or passen- The electric car battery manu- Currently it produces, apart While Slovakia produced more as a readable and predictable Industry analyst Martin Jesný car plants to remain competitive “The CVVT has the ambition ger car and show the advantages of facturer InoBat Auto unveiled the from electric models within the than 1.1 million cars in 2019, the country,” said Prepiak, pointing out agrees and adds that the long-term and keep up with the latest trends. to integrate the entire scientific these technological solutions,” said world’s first intelligent electric New Small Family series, four plug- COVID-19 pandemic not only novelties like the compulsory holi- future of Slovakia’s car industry E-mobility is just one of them; and research potential in Slova- Blaškovitš. battery in early October. Speaking in hybrid models: Audi Q7 TFSI closed all four carmakers and its day vouchers that were introduced lies in greater engagement in smart the latest hot topic is hydrogen kia throughout the hydrogen life The Slovak automotive sector at the GLOBSEC Tatra Summit e, Porsche Cayenne E-Hybrid, suppliers for several weeks during without any proper discussion. mobility, responding to challenges technology. chain,” said Juraj Sinay, coordinator has taken a bit more careful ap- 2020, company’s executive chair- Porsche Cayenne E-Hybrid Coupé the first wave in the spring, but also “Neighbouring countries, but also brought by increasing urbanisation “Hydrogen as an energy carrier of the Slovakia’s National Hydro- proach, pointing out that in the man Marián Boček specified that and Volkswagen Touareg R. Audi reduced demand for cars in general. the south of Europe, for example and congestion. It includes, apart of the future has a huge long-term gen Strategy. “It starts with produc- case of hydrogen technologies the they developed the battery through Q8 will get a plug-in hybrid pow- Nevertheless, Prepiak of ZAP Portugal, are catching up with from the production of motor potential for Slovakia and can tion, goes through transport, stor- offer of carmakers still has to meet a combination of artificial intel- ertrain in the following months, does not fear the near future as he us and we are actually losing our vehicles, also logistics, information play a key role in our economy,” age and usage in various industrial with the demand of consumers. ligence (AI) and high throughput said Lucia Kovarovič Makayová, considers the product portfolio competitiveness.” and communications technolo- said Economy Minister Richard sectors of Slovakia.” “The Hyundai Motor Group, (HTP) technology. spokesperson of VW Slovakia. of all four carmakers as well set, Another factor affecting the car gies, R&D and solutions like car Sulík, stressing the environmental The Slovak Innovation and En- which also includes the Kia brand, “The world’s first intelligent Kia Motors Slovakia joined explaining that a whole cycle of industry significantly is the increas- sharing. aspect of hydrogen when the waste ergy Agency (SIEA) sees hydrogen has a hydrogen fuel cell technol- battery marks a huge leap forward the club with the electrification one model is about seven years. But ing pressure of the EU to reduce “The automotive industry in product of its combustion is only as an opportunity to move Slovakia ogy for cars,” said Ján Žgravčák, in the electrification of transport,” of its Kia Sportage powertrain in the mid-term future of the Slovak CO2 emissions. Carmakers need Slovakia can remain competitive water. and its innovation potential for- spokesperson of the only car plant said Boček, as cited in the press 2018. At the end of 2019, it added automotive industry depends on to invest in new technologies and only if it manages to jump on the ward in a significant way. of Kia Motors in Europe, Kia release. “At InoBat, we want to fast models Kia Ceed Sportswagon whether the plants in Slovakia automation and call for support of latest trends in all sectors of smart Hopes pinned on hydrogen “At the same time, the pressure Motors Slovakia in Teplička nad track innovation to ensure the best and XCeed as plug-in hybrids to would win production of new research and development. mobility,” Jesný told The Slovak Shortly after the EU unveiled to achieve EU carbon neutrality by Váhom. “Its deployment in Europe batteries for any type of electric ve- its offer. models within their groups. During “It is necessary to stimulate Spectator. its Hydrogen Strategy in early July 2050 contributes to increasing the is highly dependent on the build- hicle. These batteries will be tested The first electric Peugeot 208 this process, factors like the condi- investments into research, devel- By Jana Liptáková 2020, Sulík promised extensive attractiveness of this energy carrier,” ing of infrastructure. Customer and developed further with scale rolled off the production line in the tion of the business environment, opment and innovations across Spectator staff support for hydrogen technologies Peter Blaškovitš, general director of interest in such cars would have to production starting next year.” in Slovakia. This will include sub- the Slovak Innovation and Energy increase significantly to bring their The first factory producing sidies for the purchase of hydrogen Agency (SIEA), told The Slovak price closer to the price of current electric car batteries in Slova- R5 cars and building hydrogen charg- Spectator. electric cars.” kia will be located in Voderady Carmakers and ing stations. SIEA is participating in the Pavol Prepiak, vice-chairman (Trnava Region). Together with the The Hydrogen Technology creation of the National Hydrogen of the Slovak Automotive Industry renowned US company Wildcat subcontractors Žilina D3 Research Centre (CVVT) is to be Strategy to be followed by an action Association (ZAP), agrees, adding Discovery Technologies, the Slovak in Slovakia Poprad R4 that no investor can cover the fixed InoBat Auto firm is building a 100 R6 D1 costs of the necessary infrastructure MWh demonstration production Prešov without real revenues and profit line there, with plans to upscale Trenčín R3 only from the good feeling that it is to a €1 billion 10 GWh battery selling an environmentally friendly mass production facility that will Banská Bystrica Košice fuel. serve automotive manufacturers in R2 In general, hydrogen as a fuel central and eastern Europe. Sliač is considered to be more suitable Another promising project Piešťany for trucks, rail transport and ship is the extension of the portfolio R1 transport. of products manufactured by the R8 R2 “Car producers have not been Martin-based plant of the carmaker Trnava D2 R3 subcontractor preparing for a mass production Volkswagen Slovakia by differential Nitra planned highways of hydrogen cars in the mid-term gears for electric cars. A total of €35 highways under construction horizon,” Prepiak told The Slovak million will be invested in this pro- D4 highways Spectator, adding that for the time ject, while VW Slovakia has already BRATISLAVA highways (half profile)

being the producers are fully focus- received a €5 million investment R7 main railways international airport ing on electric cars, fuels based on stimulus in the form of tax relief.

Production of e-cars in VW Slovakia (Source: Sme) in VW Slovakia (Source: Production of e-cars gas and hybrid solutions. This not only means a step towards Source: Slovak Automotive Industry Association 18 opportunities: Innovations opportunities: Innovations 19

automotive industry supplier com- lines,” Ján Žgravčák, spokesperson manufactures semiconductors, ac- Those based on simple production panies. It can be used effectively in of Kia Motors Slovakia, told The cording to SARIO. can make a relatively fast decision Process innovations every industry. Slovak Spectator, adding that this Industrial analyst Martin Jesný to relocate, mainly based on wage “Volkswagen Slovakia is a innovation was introduced in the mentioned the automotive supplier costs. pioneer in the use of the latest tech- brand new plant in India that Adient as another example. Its pro- “But the more sophisticated the allow Slovak innovators to shine nologies at the European and global opened in August 2019. cess innovations developed by its operation of the given plant, which Slovak innovations make their way to the world through transnational companies level,” Lucia Kovarovič Makayová, In addition, the plant was the business service centre in Bratislava depends on the expertise of its the carmaker’s spokesperson, told first in the Hyundai Motor Group include the automation of account- employees, the more such a plant is lassical music may come as The Slovak Spectator. Approxi- to introduce ECU (engine control ing and controlling processes. anchored in Slovakia,” said Jesný. a surprising sound to hear mately 2,000 robots are installed in unit) programming directly on the Its team has developed the Just when walking along the its production halls and the plant production line. Trade application, which offers Prospective mobility Cproduction line at the Volkswagen uses augmented reality and virtual They have reduced the software complete automation in the flow of The mobility sector provides plant in Bratislava, where the latest reality, big data, online production update in the warehouse, reduced goods from EU member countries ample opportunities for innovation car models are being assembled. monitoring and a smart hand glove costs and have sped up the whole into non-member countries and as well as investment in Slovakia. It is the sound the yellow with a scanner for reading QR process. Next year, the program- vice versa. There are efforts to support the intelligent mobile robots are emit- codes, just to mention a few. ming of the transmission control “Thanks to this online platform development of charging infrastruc- ting to signal people to clear the VW SK was also the first plant unit will undergo a similar change, Adient can eliminate any stop- ture for electric as well as hydrogen way for them. These automated within the group to produce elec- noted Žgravčák. pages that commonly occur when cars, for instance. The development guided vehicles making sure that tric vehicles, but has since shared its These innovations are not goods are crossing borders,” Michal of autonomous driving and its the plant’s internal logistics run expertise and competence with the limited to production. Hudec, manager IT Applica- legislative framework is becoming smoothly are one of the best- group’s other plants. “A unique solution in Kia tions Development in Adient told more of a focus in Slovakia. known innovations developed by “The exchange of experience Motors Slovakia is the Job Rotation The Slovak Spectator. It allows “Slovakia has excellent pre- the Žilina-based technology com- works very well at the group level; Planning system within the HQS documents to arrive at the customs conditions to transform from an pany CEIT. After they were suc- our plant serves in several areas as (Health, Quality, Speed) system,” office even before the goods them- automotive hub into a smart mo- cessfully tested and implemented an example for other group facto- said Žgravčák. “It can automati- selves, then the goods smoothly bility hub,” SARIO stated. “Much in the Volkswagen Slovakia (VW ries, where we transfer our know- cally plan the rotation of employees transit across borders. progress can be seen, especially in SK) plant in the capital, this solu- how, but we also implement best at different workstations accord- The Bratislava team is also the development of new fuels.” tion will be used in other plants of practices from other countries and ing to the complexity of the work working on the automation of The most important initiatives the group. plants,” said Kovarovič Makayová. process so as to prevent health accounting processes, making them include the opening of the Hydro- While parent companies The Žilina-based Kia Motors complications caused by repeated not only automated but enabling gen Technology Research Centre in generally tend to keep research Slovakia, the only production plant movements.” further analysis of data. It enables Košice as well as the first intelligent and development (R&D) of their of Kia Motors in Europe, has also Apart from global players in the monitoring of accounting ac- battery presented by the Slovak

products in their home countries, VW Slovakia Source: been contributing to the optimisa- the automotive sector, process in- tivities of all Adient’s plants in real company InoBat Auto at the begin- experts see innovations in processes tion of the production processes novations have been developed in time too, noted Hudec. ning of October. Its cooperation as a space for R&D in Slovakia. followed by the development of a of process innovations and Industry need to look around with open eyes within the whole group. BSH Michalovce and Whirlpool, Jesný sees it as a very wel- with the renowned US company “Many technological and comprehensive supply network of 4.0 solutions in Slovak companies. and a free mind,” said Blaškovitš. “In the recent past, for exam- both engaged in major appli- coming sign that the industrial Wildcat Discovery Technologies R&D centres in Slovakia are more than 350 companies. It does so via its Innovation ple, we introduced the Smart Tag ances; Embraco, which produces sector is becoming more and more envisages a combined R&D centre, making R&D of products that are SARIO notes two trends in Services – a platform for connect- Transferable solutions system, with which we can monitor compressors; Protherm, which interconnected with such sophisti- and a production line that allows later used in other plants of the particular. The first one is that ing innovative Slovak technology CEIT’s solution for smart the exact position of each car in the manufactures hydraulic modules; cated services and R&D. This helps for the continuous development group, too,” the Slovak Investment several first-tier suppliers that have companies with large, especially internal logistics is an important production process on individual and ON Semiconductors, which keep the groups’ firms in Slovakia. of proprietary batteries in close and Trade Development Agency been well established within Slova- industrial, players in Slovakia. innovation the VW carmaker cooperation with electric vehicle (SARIO) told The Slovak Specta- kia as well as within the interna- Peter Blaškovitš, general implemented a few years ago. manufacturers. tor. The producer of CEIT mobile tional groups to which they supply director of the Slovak Innovation It is not just about moving The InoBat Auto project will robots, for example, will supply its their products are gradually launch- and Energy Agency (SIEA), noted material from one point to another be one of the best in the EU, ac- innovative solution in the group’s ing or extending their technological that innovations can be found through a predefined path, but a cording to Marián Smik, chair of plants Audi Györ in Hungary and centres. The second trend is that even in sectors where one would complex system comprised of au- the Slovak Battery Alliance (SBaA). Škoda Mladá Boleslav in the Czech many important industrial players not expect them, for example in tomated guided vehicles, reloading This is mainly due to the fact that Republic. in Slovakia are gradually gaining forestry, agriculture or beekeeping. stations and dynamic conveyors, the project combines the innovative capacities and budgets to optimise One example is the team of young which take the material to the technology of Wildcat Discovery High innovation their plants. This results in the IT experts IoT Včeličky, which required place at the exact time as Technologies for battery research potential in Slovakia creation of wider teams in charge of developed a project for monitoring well as load and unload the mate- and development. In addition to Volkswagen, car- process innovations and the imple- beehives. The project helps bee- rial autonomously. “At the same time, it is Slovak, makers Kia Motors, PSA Groupe mentation of the latest solutions in keepers stay up-to-date with what is The system also processes data so mainly regional companies and Jaguar Land Rover have the field of Industry 4.0. happening inside their beehives and from production, responds to data invest in InoBat Auto and all built their most modern plants in “The innovation potential ensure timely intervention in case flexibly, and can make decisions intellectual property remains here,” Slovakia. Coupled with the general of Slovakia remains high,” said of a problem. independently. Today, it is imple- Smik told The Slovak Spectator. growth of the automotive sector SARIO, which has been playing an “Opportunities for innovations mented in the production halls of By Jana Liptáková in , this has been active role in the implementation are everywhere around us; you just renowned carmakers as well as in Spectator staff Source: TASR Source: 20 opportunities: Space research opportunities: Space research 21

software for autonomous naviga- activities in the space industry tion algorithms, artificial intel- here. Slovakia has potential ligence, neurone networks, visual The possibility of Slovakia systems and voice commands. becoming a full ESA member “Our algorithms are then on will depend on the prepared- various robotic platforms, and ness and competitiveness of the to succeed in space we’re trying to develop universal Slovak industry, and its ability to solutions that can be used in vari- respond to new challenges. The More involvement in the European Space Agency will be crucial ous fields, environments and tasks, links between the state, academia pace research is a rather including the space industry,” said and industry, and the investment niche activity in Slovakia, the company’s authorised repre- in space infrastructure will also a country that can hardly be sentatives Peter Pásztó and Martin play a role, said Pitlová of the Sconsidered an influential con- Smoľák. Education Ministry. tributor to the field. Yet one local Infrastructure is still missing, company can boast a prestigious Plans for the future though, similar to an organisation space research award. of space research that would deal with space activi- Insar.sk received the Coperni- Since Slovakia is still not a full ties only, according to Bakoň. He cus Masters Award, also known as member, many companies and also points to the need to form the “space Oscar”, for its remotIO- EUSO-SPB baloon experiment ÚEF SAV) (Source: startups active in space industry are clusters, innovation centres and X system that can monitor even aviation in its pavilion at EXPO of ÚEF SAV. Slovakia also has two leaving abroad, according to Kapuš. support schemes that will connect millimetres of movement of struc- 2021 in Dubai. universities that have launched However, if the ESA approves experts in space technologies tures on Earth via satellites. programmes in space engineering: the associated membership, it will with, for example, companies The system enables the On the road to space the Technical University of Košice be able to participate in more ESA with a diversification potential monitoring of mining activities, The institution that has and STU. calls and use various programmes, and would be able to communi- gas reservoirs, bridges, highways, launched the most projects sup- Moreover, there are more than like ESA Education that can benefit cate and implement the needs of dams, water management construc- ported by the ESA in Slovakia 30 companies active in various universities and secondary schools the state and state organisations. tions, cultural monuments, and is the Institute of Experimental space economy fields, with the or the construction of ESA business Such organisations would also also landslides and various slope Physics of the Slovak Academy of strongest areas being satellite com- incubators, he added. serve as stimulus for researchers deformations. Sciences (ÚEF SAV), situated in ponents and various IT solutions “The support from entering and companies with a potential The company, founded by Košice. using satellite data and services, and the ESA is very important as it is in this field to be supported in graduates from the Slovak Uni- The projects include the de- there is also strong potential from an investment in the most up-to- implementing their innovations versity of Technology in Bratislava velopment of the anti-coincidence companies that do not primarily date technologies, in building the and creating products and (STU) in 2015, is positive about TASR) (Source: vision rover RoboTech module ACM for Particle Environ- focus on science, but are active in knowledge-based economy, and enterprises with business potential. the feedback this award has space industry, the country has yet (PECS), designed to prepare aspir- medium-sized enterprises and the ment Package (PEP), which is machinery, electrical engineering, the technology companies that are The five-year PECS period was one brought. As it was successful in to become more involved in the ing countries to join the ESA as an establishment of startups,” Ľubica part of the JUpiter ICy moons the production of progressive mate- extremely important for the future such opportunity. the “Airbus sobloo Multi-Data European Space Agency (ESA). For Associate Member state and later, Pitlová of the Education Ministry Explorer (JUICE) mission and the rials and IT, according to SARIO. economic sustainability in Slova- “Slovakia sailed through this Challenge” category, it has been now, it is still waiting to become pending review, as full members. told The Slovak Spectator. follow-up of a feasibility study to One company that does not kia,” Kapuš said, stressing that the period very fast, and if this issue invited to develop the project in a full member. The PECS-based collaboration The Slovak Investment and observe ionospheric disturbances primarily focus on space but has money paid for the membership is not understood at the state level cooperation with Airbus Defence “This is tying our hands and ends soon – in February 2021. Trade Development Agency by the airglow monitoring network come up with a space-related will return in the form of projects and specific steps to support these and Space (offering satellite data) we’re losing big opportunities, In early October 2020, the (SARIO) is actively seeking ways to (AMON-net). They are also active project is RoboTech Vision. It in which companies and scientists activities are not taken, we’ll feel and European consortium sobloo, big money and investors,” Jakub Matovič cabinet approved a motion support investments from the space in popularising science with two constructed a rover that was taken will be involved. the impacts during our planned established to support the Coper- Kapuš, chair of the Slovak Organ- to continue the collaboration with industry, too. In September 2020, projects: SPACE::LAB (to popu- to simulated missions organised by SARIO also points to the associated membership,” Bakoň nicus programme by making data isation of Space Activities (SOSA), the ESA as an Associate Member. it organised Slovak Space Tech larise space research) and SIRIEN both the ESA and NASA. importance of deepening col- added. freely available to all users. told The Slovak Spectator. “Foreign This cooperation is projected to last Day and Slovak Aviation Industry (to popularise the activities at Lom- The company itself focuses laboration with the ESA to attract By Radka Minarechová “Apart from our collaboration investors avoid Slovakia because seven years, during which Slovakia Day where the representatives of nický Štít peak), said Pavol Bobík primarily on the development of potential investors that may move Spectator staff with Airbus, it has brought foreign we’re not ESA members, so our should pay some €4.5 million several important institutions and partnerships and new customers, companies can’t be part of foreign a year as its ESA contributions. companies from the given sectors Membership in the European Space Agency which helped us come closer to consortiums.” The agreement is still pending the were presented. The ESA has 22 member states. becoming established on the mar- approval of the ESA. It organised Slovak Space in There are different types of cooperation with the ESA. Currently, these are: ket,” Matúš Bakoň, co-founder of The ESA journey Within the PECS col- Brussels together with the Slovak general Cooperation Agreement, European Cooperating State (ECS) and insar.sk who currently works at the Slovakia signed a cooperation laboration, the ESA supported 39 Liaison Office for Research and Associate Membership. eastern-Slovak Prešov University, agreement with the ESA in 2010. projects with €5.44 million. They Development as the very first In each case, participation is to be defined in a five-year Plan for European told The Slovak Spectator. Five years later, the government, include various innovative solutions space-related foreign event in Janu- Cooperating State (PECS) to be jointly agreed on. This third-party funding Although Slovakia has col- the parliament and then the presi- and products in the fields like space ary 2020, and has been developing scheme aims at increasing national space competences and enabling ESA and laborated on several interesting dent gave the green light to become software, hardware and space apps. cooperation with various foreign the ECS to start working together on concrete activities. space-related projects and the a European Cooperating State. “These projects have con- institutions active in the field. The PECS Committee, acting in coordination with ESA, monitors and controls subjects involved agree there is The country then prepared its Plan tributed to the development Moreover, Slovakia should prepare the execution of the plan. Source: ESA potential for further growth in the for European Cooperating States and diversification of small and an exhibition focused on space and skCUBE satellite (Source: TASR) skCUBE satellite (Source: 22 opportunities: Digitisation opportunities: Digitisation

and devoted to the informatisation Digital noted that the public of the public administration, has administration needs, first and New government promises welcomed the idea of improving foremost, to address the so-called the ability of the public administra- information asymmetry identified tion to tackle IT tasks by its own 10 years ago. This means creating capacities. sufficient internal qualified profes- a new era in state IT While they have not had the sional capacities for the manage- matter how many possibility to become acquainted ment and implementation of IT millions the state with the plans and tasks of Slov- projects. poured into its ensko IT in detail so far, they see “We are glad that after years of Noinformation systems, it always a need to fundamentally improve negligence in solving this problem resulted in slow, inefficient, and the state’s ability to create small systematically, we see today con- uncooperative IT services for concrete solutions and operate crete steps towards improvement,” individuals and businesses. Weak its own IT systems, especially the said Illek, adding that the roles of cooperation between individual central components. project managers, process and data ministries and state organisations, “We expect the biggest space owners and others must be filled TASR) Remišová (Source: Veronika and information asymmetry when for the new state software house to by capable specialists employed ister, but it is true that much more and Successful Slovakia document state administration lacked IT become engaged,” Ľubor Illek of in public administration in the vigorous solutions were expected,” of the Finance Ministry envisages experts to assess the quality of pro- Slovensko.Digital told The Slovak long-term. said Illek. investments in the digitisation posed and supplied IT solutions, Spectator. Slovensko.Digital assesses posi- of Slovakia alone worth almost were marked as the most frequent The initiative considers it right Biggest pains of informatisation tively the anti-corruption agenda €500 million. However, Remišová culprits. that the ministry not only has the and e-Government of the current government and is demands four times more. The government of Igor competence to create rules, laws Slovensko.Digital issued a re- convinced that the correction in “If we want to be a successful Matovič, with a declared strong and standards, but also be respon- port on the state of e-Government this area will be reflected in the country and to ensure transition anti-corruption focus, has resolved sible for their implementation at in Slovakia in late 2019, in which long-term improvement in many to a knowledge-based economy, to change that. It transformed the the central level. In this respect, the it assessed the situation in selected ways, up to the quality of work per- we must invest in digitisation and office of the vice-prime minister for transfer of the NASES organisation programmes of the informatisation formed for public administration. innovation,” said Remišová, as cited investments and informatisation under the administration of what of public administration. by TASR. Scandals in state IT

into the Ministry of Investments, Sme Source: is now the Investment Ministry in “It shows that even though we Her ministry has submitted Regional Development and Infor- 2018 was a significant change. know ‘how things should be done’ In the past 10 years, all IT to the Finance Ministry source matisation (Investment Ministry). state to take the road of more flex- for the state IT to function and be a team to test systems and IT solu- “Just as NASES’ task is to oper- in several areas, none of the inten- projects for the state have been materials for investments into five Its ambition is to make digitisation ible and more efficient creation of managed.” tions supplied by external compa- ate key components of eGovern- tions are progressing as planned,” supplied by private companies. pillars of digitisation. Her priorities and informatisation more effective. its information systems, she said. The company started off with nies in order to secure the impartial ment, we expect Slovensko IT to said Illek. Among the largest ones Slovensko. include high-speed internet con- “Save, make it more effective, “The era when the state was 80 employees, including program- and professional assessment of be able to flexibly create solutions The initiative has identified the Digital lists the new Tax Informa- nection for households – which, simplify it and get rid of bureaucra- fully dependent on supplies from mers, testers and other positions. the supply quality. These tests are according to the ministry’s specifi- management of informatisation as tion System, the Central Public Ad- she says, emerged to be a key prob- cy,” Investment Minister Veronika private companies, where there was The core of the company’s staff is currently carried out by suppliers, cations,” said Illek. “As it is a state a theme in which substantial im- ministration Portal, the electronic lem in online education during the Remišová (Za Ľudí) in early June space for corruption and murky created by former employees of the which often resulted in delivering company, we also take for granted provement is a priority – including highway toll collection scheme and coronavirus lockdown in the spring 2020 defined the main goals of practices often occurred, is over,” Košice branch of the WireCard low-quality solutions, noted the a fundamental degree of transpar- the planned achievement of results, E-health. They have been supplied – , the boosting of digital state her ministry, as cited by the TASR said Remišová, as quoted by the company, who have experiences minister. ency of its activities and the abil- the quality of electronic services for by IBM, GlobalTel, Swan Mobile, services for the public and digital newswire. She said her plan was SITA newswire. with creating global pro-client The third task is to create ity to participate in participatory citizens, public procurement and SkyToll, NESS Slovensko and Lynx skills not only for the youth but to reduce the high dependence on The Slovensko IT joint-stock solutions. a platform to engage students in processes.” the already mentioned manage- companies. also elderly, and the transition to a external IT capacities by bringing company is led by Pavol Miroššay, “I think we have a historic developing apps. Regarding the services that ment of human resources in public “However, all these projects be- digital economy. in internal ones. “The state must be former head of the Košice IT Valley chance to change state IT services As it is not in the capacity of state IT companies should carry administration. came known to the general public “These investments are worth strong enough not to be a slave to association, who will also chair the and elevate them to a new level,” Slovensko IT to cover all digitisa- out for the state within informatisa- “These are not problems that mainly due to scandals, whether about €2.1 billion, so we have suppliers who subsequently prey on board of directors. Its main task said Miroššay. tion and informatisation projects, tion and e-Government, Slovensko. can be solved by changing the min- in connection with high costs, enough quality projects, which the state.” is to improve state services in IT, The state software house was the state will keep commissioning suspicions of unfair practices, but will be possible to finance from the including the testing of external assigned three basic tasks. First, to the better portion of the projects to also problems in the field of quality recovery plan so that the 20-per- State IT company arrives supplies, with the help of dozens create a new app called eSlovensko external suppliers. and usability,” said Illek. “Such cent quota is met,” said Remišová, To achieve the goal of creating of top programmers and other IT – Slovensko Do Vrecka (Slovakia “They will enrol in public pro- a perception of e-Government is referring to the President of the cheaper, more modern and more experts. in the Pocket), which will connect curement tenders and compete for unfortunately characteristic of the European Commission, Ursula von flexible state IT systems, the min- “So far the IT systems operate people’s smartphones with state individual orders,” Andrej Ďuríček current situation.” der Leyen, speaking about the need istry launched a new state software in individual departments in isola- institutions and gradually enable from the communication depart- to invest 20 percent of the Next house. It officially kicked off its tion and there has not existed any them to arrange their agenda by ment of the Investment Ministry More funds into digitisation Generation EU scheme on digital. operation in Košice on September master plan to unify them,” said phone. To communicate with the told The Slovak Spectator. Slovakia is expected to receive Slovakia must submit its recov- 11. Marek Antal, Investment Ministry state, people should receive their around €5.8 billion from the ery plan to the European Commis- Investment Minister Remišová state secretary (deputy minister). own ID, which Remišová hopes State software house welcomed European Commission in the next sion by April 30, 2021 at the latest. branded it the start of a new era. “We decided to do a major reor- will be ready in a few months. Slovensko.Digital, an initiative three years from the Next Genera- By Jana Liptáková The new company will allow the ganisation and create a new way Secondly, to put together of IT specialists launched in 2015 tion EU scheme. The A Modern Spectator staff Source: Sme Source:

SP019060/001 24 opportunities: Clean technologies opportunities: Clean technologies 25

European leader in electrified urban competition in Hungary covered the solutions to the power industry for delivery. The idea of developing an production of several prototypes, but several countries, including Slovakia. Interest in cleantech is growing electric van goes back to 2009, when they later lacked the finances to start “The responses from the world the firm’s co-founder and manag- serial production. have been very positive; we are oing business with the ing partner Juraj Ulehla and his “Unfortunately, we had no state focusing on so-called innovators and environment in mind does colleague visited their then-German support from Slovakia or another ‘early adopters’,” Kočiš said. not mean one needs to partner for the development and country,” Balko said and noted that Dcompromise profit or business suc- construction of solar power plants. the company is now dormant but EU recovery fund brings cess. On the contrary, several Slovak They were given the opportunity to ready for a restart. opportunities startups that apply an Earth-friendly drive a Tesla car, which encouraged Despite several governments approach say they see a growing them to focus on electromobility. Interest in products high declaring their support for greener demand for their product. Clean “Our aim from the very begin- The interest in cleantech prod- technologies, the companies ad- VermiGo) (Source: and vertical garden Vermicomposter technology, or cleantech, stretches ning was to introduce a utility e-van ucts is growing abroad, as well as in dressed by The Slovak Spectator say succeed at the global level and, last across sectors, with companies focus- that could be affordable to most Slovakia. they have received more support but not least, contribute to solutions ing on fields like waste management, customers in Europe,” Ulehla told “Our first organic customers from grants and funds at the Euro- to contemporary challenges, not transport, and even drilling. The Slovak Spectator. were from here,” Basilová said. The pean level. just in waste management,” Basilová “We’ve managed to build a tech- Their dream came true with the first big clients were larger towns, TrashOut received a subsidy said. nology from fundamental research, new e-NV200 XL Voltia developed which are usually first to introduce from Slovakia’s Environmental Fund Ulehla also sees a great chance where we literally had to write new together with Nissan. innovative solutions. Recently, in 2017. Although they have not for the support to focus on the physics chapters, to its current state, One of the most important however, they have noticed a rising obtained any state aid since, the cleantech sector, with regard to the when we have a technology validated goals they have achieved is making interest among smaller municipali- recently established Green Line deals EU priorities in fighting climate by significant global firms,” Igor a deal with the Chronopost com- ties seeking smart waste technologies with reports from the app, so they change. Kočiš, co-founder and CEO of GA pany in Paris to deliver 400 e-vans, to adapt to the new legal require- hope it is a first step towards creating Slovakia will have to contribute

Drilling, told The Slovak Spectator. GA Drilling) (Source: Plasmabit fire Ulehla added. ments and to foster their effort to a functional system. to a more significant reduction of The company pursues the idea with rare technologies. They confirm ency to waste management. they contaminate soil and water,” reduce landfilling and increase waste “I think the state should ap- emissions in the EU, Kočiš opined. of geothermal energy everywhere for the rising interest in their products. Founded in March 2017, the Lucia Kelnarová, project manager of Waiting for support sorting. proach this field much more system- The country will have to anyone in the world. It has been fo- company is now active in more than TrashOut, told The Slovak Spectator. Not all cleantech startups have Kelnerová also confirms interest, atically and, in particular, start meet- increase the share of renewable cusing on the research and develop- Inspired by Tesla 60 countries and belongs among The app enables users to report managed to introduce a final prod- although the app is more popular ing its promises to help a number energy sources and to do so, invest ment of breakthrough technologies The Sensoneo company pro- leaders in smart waste solutions. Sen- illegal waste dumps and make data uct, though. One such example is among individuals than authorities of companies,” Ulehla said, adding in the development and use of green such as contactless plasma drilling vides smart enterprise-grade waste soneo is Slovakia’s second company accessible to authorities and non- the VermiGo company, which came and municipalities. that about a half or even two-thirds technologies. and milling, along with substantial management solutions for cities and to be supported by the European governmental organisations. Some up with the idea of combining the The list of Voltia customers of companies will struggle to survive “The government has a unique infrastructure investments. businesses to cost-efficiently manage Innovation Council through its EIC 60,000 such sites in more than 100 vermicomposter and vertical garden- includes several delivery companies, after the second COVID-19 wave. opportunity to create, with the help “Geothermal energy could be the waste life cycle and improve Accelerator grant, Basilová added. countries have been reported to date, ing which can be placed on a small like DPD and DHL, but also the The cleantech sector, however, of European money, a transparent effectively used on up to 70 percent the environment and well-being of The TrashOut project was and more than 130,000 users have terrace or balcony. national postal service operator could receive financial support from environment for the Slovak technol- of the Earth’s surface,” Kočiš said. people. also established to help make the downloaded the app. “The first prototypes worked Slovenská Pošta. Ulehla admits the EU recovery fund. Slovakia ogy revolution,” Kočiš said. “Not “It’s one of the best answers to the “We wanted to combine busi- environment cleaner and more Apart from reporting waste very efficiently, so my colleague and that their customers can be any last can use a package of €7.5 billion, only us, but other local companies climate crisis and the opportunity ness and a positive environmental sustainable. It aims to map all illegal dumps, users can search for the I decided to create a serially-man- mile delivery, i.e. postal and courier and one area mentioned in its draft are currently working on revolution- for the power industry without impact,” Andrea Basilová, the com- dumps around the world and help nearest collection yard or a bin, join ufactured product,” Marian Balko, services and the utilities sector. plan of reforms introduced in early ary ideas. I’m convinced that every carbon emissions.” pany’s co-founder, told The Slovak people recycle more. events focused on cleaning the envi- co-founder and lead of the VermiGo While at GA Drilling they are October is the green economy. single euro the state helps them with Many of the cleantech startups Spectator. They aim to use their “We were angry to see il- ronment or read various eco news. company, told The Slovak Spectator. still talking more about future cus- “It’s a great opportunity that also will return multiple times.” that grew in Slovakia and now have know-how and top technologies to legal waste dumps in Slovakia and In the country’s major sector, Two grants from the EU that tomers, their technologies can bring offers Slovakia the possibility to de- By Radka Minarechová a success story to tell have come up bring more efficiency and transpar- abroad, which are dangerous as the automotive one, Voltia is the they won in the Climate KIC more economic and environmental velop a knowledge-based economy, Spectator staff Slovak cleantech startups AKULAR – digital platform converting 3D eIoT – smart monitoring and comprehensive Nice Visions – innovative creative studio models into augmented reality energy management developing solar façade Biocultivator – planting, self-irrigation and Ekocisticky – ecological wastewater treatment OMS Projects – lighting solutions platform vermicomposting of kitchen waste Flaska –bottles from special glass Pure Junk – interior and product design in C2i – carbon-based car components Futupilot – bikesharing platform the field of waste recycling Chastia – ready-made solution for manage- GA Drilling – plasma-drilling technology Rain for Climate – climate restoration solution ment companies in various areas developer Save the Bees – methods of bee care Crafting plastics! studio – bioplastic GreenWay – electric vehicle charging SEAK – smart city management platform products network Sensoneo – smart waste management CropTech – smart automation systems InoBat Auto – intelligent batteries and bat- SmartHead – platform for presentation of Datacity – online information city dash- tery innovations CSP projects board ITUD – interactive tool for urban design Solved – cleantech advisory service Decent – blockchain ecosystem JRK – innovative technologies and equip- Tercial – ecological wastewater treatment Domotron – smart house solution ment for waste management TrashOut – illegal dumps mapping app SP020084/001 Ecocapsule – self-sustainable house Kospa – biobased, recyclable and biodegrad- VermiGo – composting and vertical garden EcoHeart – ecological toothbrush able plastic compounds Voltia – electric urban van delivery


GENERAL Association of Organic Agriculture INDUSTRY REAL ESTATE Association of Towns and Villages of (www.ecotrend.sk) 1st Slovak Machine Engineering Cluster Association of Construction Slovakia (www.zmos.sk) Bioeconomy Cluster (sites.google.com/view/1sskbb) Entrepreneurs (www.zsps.sk) Business Alliance of Slovakia (www.bioeconomy.sk) Association of Electrotechnical Industry Association of Real Estate Agencies (www.alianciapas.sk) Celim Slovakia (www.zep.sk) (www.zrks.sk) Confederation of Trade Unions (geothermal energy; www.celim.sk) Association of Energy Service Providers National Council of Real Estate Agencies (www.kozsr.sk) Cluster for Green and Innovative (www.apes-sk.eu) (www.narks.sk) Federation of Employers’ Associations Technologies (www.zelenyklaster.ucm.sk/) Association of Energy Suppliers Slovak Chamber of Architects (www.azzz.sk) National Energy Cluster (www.nek.sk) (www.zde.sk) (www.komarch.sk) National Union of Employers Technology Cluster for Earth Resource Association of Machine Engineering and (www.ruzsr.sk) Utilization (www.efusion.sk) Electrotechnical Industry FINANCE, CONSULTING AND LANGUAGES USED WHEN PROVIDING Union of Slovak Clusters (www.asep-sr.sk) AUDIT IT, CYBER SECURITY BUSINESS SERVICES FROM SLOVAKIA (www.uksk.sk) Automotive Industry Association Association of Recruitment Agencies Association of IT Industry Companies (www.zapsr.sk) (www.1apas.sk) CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE (www.asitsk.com) Cluster Triskel (cluster with activities Business Service Center Forum American Chamber of Commerce Biterap in the Horehronie Region; (www.bscf.eu) (www.amcham.sk) (ICT technologies; www.biterap.org) www.klastertriskel.sk) Investment Support Association Austrian - Slovak Chamber of Commerce China-CEEC Blockchain Centre of Electrotechnical Cluster - Western (www.isa-association.sk) (www.sohk.sk) Excellence (www.blockchaincoe.org) Slovakia (www.elektroklaster.sk) Slovak Banking Association Brazilian - Slovak Chamber of Commerce The Cyber Security Cluster Energy Cluster of Prešov Region (www.sbaonline.sk) (www.brazilslovakiacc.sk) (www.clusterkb.sk) (www.ekpk.sk) Slovak Bar Association (www.sak.sk) British Chamber of Commerce IT Association (www.itas.sk) Slovak Mining Chamber Slovak Chamber of Auditors (www.britcham.sk) Kosice IT Valley (www.kosiceitvalley.sk) (www.banskakomora.sk) (www.skau.sk) Canadian Chamber of Commerce Slovak Association of Electronic Slovak Plastic Cluster Slovak Chamber of Certified Accountants (www.kanada.sk) Commerce (www.saec.sk) (portal.spklaster.sk) (www.skcu.sk) French - Slovak Chamber of Commerce Slovak Chamber of Tax Advisors (www.fsok.sk) SMART TECHNOLOGIES AGRICULTURE & FOOD (www.skdp.sk) German - Slovak Chamber of Commerce Association of Innovative Pharmaceutical Association of Grain Crops Growers Slovak Insurance Association 15 CORPORATIONS WITH THE LARGEST NUMBER (slowakei.ahk.de) Industry (www.aifp.sk) (www.obilninari.sk) (www.slaspo.sk) OF EMPLOYEES IN THEIR CENTRES SLOVAKIA Hispanic - Slovak Chamber of Commerce Association of Research and Association of Horse Breeders (www.camaradecomercio.sk) Development Industrial Organizations (www.horses.sk) EDUCATION Employees Location Corporation Year* Italian - Slovak Chamber of Commerce (www.zpvvo.sk) Association of Winemakers Association of Research and Tech 2019 of centres (www.camit.sk) Automation Technology and Robotics (www.zvvs.sk) Universities (www.vatu.sk) 2006 4,743 Bratislava, Košice Netherlands Chamber of Commerce Cluster (www.clusteratr.sk) Hemp Cluster Slovak Rectors‘ Conference (www.srk.sk) 2003 4,732 Bratislava, Košice (www.netherlandschamber.sk) Celim Slovakia (www.hempcluster.eu) BUSINESS SERVICES PROVIDED Polish - Slovak Chamber of Commerce (plasma-drilling technology; www.celim.sk) Slovak Agricultural and Food Chamber TOURISM 2002 3,367 Bratislava, Košice (www.spok.sk) House of Events Innovation (www.sppk.sk) Association of Hotels and Restaurants Dell 2003 2,650 Bratislava Slovak Chamber of Commerce and (www.heicluster.com) Slovak Association of Bakers, Pasta- (www.ahrs.sk) 2003 1,802 Bratislava, Košice Industry (www.sopk.sk) Industrial Innovation Cluster Makers and Confectioners Bratislava Region Tourism Swedish Chamber of Commerce (www.industryinnovationcluster.sk) (www.szpcc.sk) (www.bratislavaregion.travel) 2007 1,600 Bratislava (www.sweden.sk) Railway Transport Cluster Slovak Association of Beer and Malt Bratislava Tourist Board 2006 1,516 Bratislava Swiss - Slovak Chamber of Commerce (zeleznicny-dopravny-klaster-z-z-p-o. Producers (www.slovenskepivo.sk) (www.visitbratislava.com) webnode.sk) 2007 1,333 Bratislava (www.hssr.sk) Slovak Dairy Association (www.smz.sk) High Tatras Region (www.regiontatry.sk) Slovak AeroSpace Cluster (www.sasc.sk) Slovak Piscatorial Association Košice - Tourism (www.visitkosice.org) 2007 1,271 Bratislava, Trenčín GREEN ECONOMY Slovak Battery Alliance (www.sbaa.sk) (www.srzrada.sk) Liptov Region (www.visitliptov.sk) 2011 1,080 Bratislava Association of Ecological Energy Slovak Smart City Cluster Slovak Sugar Association Regional Development Cluster Producers of Slovakia (www.zvees.sk) (www.smartcluster.sk) (www.scs-sugar.sk) (www.krr.sk) 2001 1,008 Bratislava, Košice, Žilina Association of Industrial Ecology Smart Industry Association - Union of Fruit Producers Žilina Tourist Region 2004 1,000 Bratislava (www.aspek.sk) Industry4UM (www.industry4um.sk) (www.ousr.sk) (www.zilinskyturistickykraj.sk) 2013 850 Bratislava ADVERTISEMENT 2006 826 Bratislava WHAT1996 IS THE601 ANNUALNitra, Prešov CONTRIBUTION OF BSCF MEMBER* year when the COMPANIES first centre in Slovakia was TO opened THE SLOVAK ECONOMY? WHAT IS THE ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION OF BSCF MEMBER COMPANIES TO THE SLOVAK ECONOMY? 10

SOURCE For more than 11 years, the com- and state aid. The expert team research and development, innova- Financial information pany EOS Innovazioni has succe- has already prepared more than tive technologies, waste and water was prepared 136 110,5 296 824,5 by Pricewater- 1850 ssfully provided consultancy servi- 3,000 project analyses, plans and management, environmental pro- houseCoopers Source: million € million € million € million € Slovensko, s.r.o. € ces related to funding from public strategies. It has also implemented tection and healthcare. The inter- based on data BSCF from BSCF, Reg- EMPLOYEE SOCIAL SOCIAL SALARIES ister of financial AVERAGE SOURCEmembers resources, particularly in national more than 400 projects worth a to- national team operates in Slovakia INCOME TAX INSURANCE INSURANCE EXPENDITURES statements MONTHLY BSCF and from Trend memberscalculations structural funds, European funds tal of 700 million euros, mainly in and . (employees) (companies) weekly for year SALARY calculations 2019. 2020 2020 SP020068/001 3,3% of the Slovak state budget income EOS Innovazioni, a.s. , Rosum - Bajkalská 19B, Bratislava 821 01 [email protected]; www.eosinnovazioni.sk


How did BSCF companies cope with the Covid-19 Did BSCF companies experience change of period since March 2020? productivity/ efficiency during the pandemic?

97% 3% 0% 3% 12% 72% 9% 4%

Continued Limited service Major outages/ Significant Some No major Some Significant services with delays or delays delays of increase increase change decrease decrease/ minimum for short period of providing Did not disruption time services answer

What % of staff continued to work remotely from Did BSCF companies request or consider to ask home office by 31 July 2020? for any form of approved governmental support?

34% 41% 6% 19% 16% 12% 72%

More than Between Between Less than Yes, we We considered No, we did not 90% 70-90% 50-70% 50% applied for a the option, but apply for any government decided not to support from support ask the government LARGEST LAW FIRMS IN SLOVAKIA 29

10 LARGEST LAW FIRMS IN SLOVAKIA 2020 1. SOUKENÍK – ŠTRPKA 2. RELEVANS 3. Allen & Overy 4. RUŽIČKA AND PARTNERS 5. TaylorWessing e/n/w/c 6. Dentons Europe CS LLP 7. HAVEL & PARTNERS 8. Kinstellar LAW FIRMS 9. White & Case IN SLOVAKIA 10. Hamala Kluch Víglaský This ranking of the 10 largest law firms in Slovakia was created based on six factors (based on the number of lawyers and number of deals for 2019; average revenues and profits for years 2017-2019). These six factors have the following weights: number of attorneys (30% weight); number of law graduates practising longer than 3 years (16% weight); number 2020 of law graduates practising less than 3 years (8% weight); sales revenue (23% weight); net profit (7% weight); number of deals for which law firm was rewarded > €20.000 (16% weight).

10 largest law firms by revenue* 10 largest law firms by number of attorneys* 10 largest law firms by profit* 1. Allen & Overy 1. RUŽIČKA AND PARTNERS 26.33 1. SOUKENÍK – ŠTRPKA 2. SOUKENÍK – ŠTRPKA 2. SOUKENÍK – ŠTRPKA 24.58 2. Allen & Overy 3. Dentons Europe CS LLP 3. RELEVANS 19.58 3. Kinstellar 4. White & Case 4. PETERKA & PARTNERS 15.08 4. TaylorWessing e/n/w/c advokáti 5. Kinstellar 5. Dentons Europe CS LLP 14.17 5. Valko Marián & partners 6. RELEVANS 6. PRK Partners 14 6. RELEVANS 7. RUŽIČKA AND PARTNERS 7. HAVEL & PARTNERS 13.25 7. Hillbridges 8. HAVEL & PARTNERS 8. Allen & Overy 13 8. Barger Prekop 9. TaylorWessing e/n/w/c advokáti 9. TaylorWessing e/n/w/c advokáti 12.08 9. BDO Legal 10. Valko Marián & partners 10. Barger Prekop 12 10. Hamala Kluch Víglaský * sales revenue in 2019 (based on data from FinStat s.r.o.) * average number of attorneys in 2019 * net profit in 2019 based( on data from FinStat s.r.o.) Note: Only companies with more than 10 lawyers are listed. Note: Only companies with more than 10 lawyers are listed.

LAW FIRMS Law graduates besides Number 10 Largest law firms by Number of law attorneys (practice > 10 largest law firms by number of deals number of law graduates* graduates of 3 years / practice attorneys < 3 years)

1. RELEVANS 91 1. SOUKENÍK – ŠTRPKA 57.08 24.58 32.5 (22.83 / 9.67)

2. Allen & Overy 72 2. RELEVANS 38.41 19.58 18.83 (17.83 / 1) IN SLOVAKIA 3. RUŽIČKA AND PARTNERS 69 3. RUŽIČKA AND PARTNERS 32.33 26.33 6 (5 / 1) 4. HAVEL & PARTNERS 67 4. TaylorWessing e/n/w/c advokáti 24.83 12.08 12.75 (11.5 / 1.25)

5. Hamala Kluch Víglaský 61 5. Allen & Overy 22.75 13 9.75 (6 / 3.75)

6. Kinstellar 57 6. HAVEL & PARTNERS 22 13.25 8.75 (5.33 / 3.42)

7. TaylorWessing e/n/w/c advokáti 53 7 - 8. Barger Prekop 21 15.08 5.92 (4.5 / 1.42) 2020 8. Dentons Europe CS LLP 51 7 - 8. PETERKA & PARTNERS 21 12 9 (6 / 3) 9 - 10. SOUKENÍK – ŠTRPKA 49 9. Paul Q 20.5 9.17 11.33 (6.08 / 5.25)

9 - 10. White & Case 49 10. Škubla & Partneri 20 11.83 8.17 (2.5 / 5.67) Financial data provider General Partner content advisor * number of deals in 2019 with a reward > €20.000 * average number of full-time law graduates in 2019 (including law graduates who cooperate with a firm on a daily basis with an exclusive contract)

black & white greyscale inverse 30 LARGEST international LAW FIRMS in slovakia LARGEST LOcAl LAW FIRMS 31

10 LARGEST INTERNATIONAL LAW FIRMS IN SLOVAKIA 2020 10 LARGEST LOCAL LAW FIRMS 2020 An international law firm has at least half of its lawyers A local law firm has most of its lawyers within the V4 region territory outside the V4 region territory (Slovakia, Czechia, Poland and Hungary) (Slovakia, Czechia, Poland and Hungary) 1. Allen & Overy 1. SOUKENÍK – ŠTRPKA 2. TaylorWessing e/n/w/c advokáti 2. RELEVANS 3. Dentons Europe CS LLP 3. RUŽIČKA AND PARTNERS 4. Kinstellar 4. HAVEL & PARTNERS 5. White & Case 5. Hamala Kluch Víglaský 6. PETERKA & PARTNERS 6. Barger Prekop* international 7. bnt attorneys-at-law 7. Škubla & Partneri 8. CMS Slovakia local LAW FIRMS LAW FIRMS 8. PRK Partners 9. BDO Legal 9. Bartošík Šváby IN SLOVAKIA 10. Squire Patton Boggs 10. Paul Q This ranking of the 10 largest international law firms in Slovakia was created based on six factors (based on the number of lawyers and number of deals for 2019; average revenues & profits for years 2017-2019). These six factors have the following weights: number of attorneys (30% weight); number of law graduates practising longer than 3 years (16% weight); This ranking of the 10 largest local law firmswas created based on six factors (based on the number of lawyers and number of deals for 2019; average revenues and profits for years 2020 2020 2017-2019). These six factors have the following weights: number of attorneys (30% weight); number of law graduates practising longer than 3 years (16% weight); number of law number of law graduates practising less than 3 years (8% weight); sales revenue (23% weight); net profit (7% weight); number of deals for which law firm was rewarded > €20.000 (16% weight). graduates practising less than 3 years (8% weight); sales revenue (23% weight); net profit (7% weight); number of deals for which law firm was rewarded > €20.000 (16% weight). * this law firm has not provided data on the number of deals, which negatively affected its final position in the ranking

10 largest international law 10 largest international law firms by number 10 largest international law firms 10 largest LOCAL law firms 10 largest LOCAL law firms by number 10 largest LOCAL law firms firms by revenue* of attorneys* by profit* by revenue* of attorneys* by profit* 1. Allen & Overy 1. PETERKA & PARTNERS 15.08 1. Allen & Overy 1. SOUKENÍK – ŠTRPKA 1. RUŽIČKA AND PARTNERS 26.33 1. SOUKENÍK – ŠTRPKA 2. Dentons Europe CS LLP 2. Dentons Europe CS LLP 14.17 2. Kinstellar 2. RELEVANS 2. SOUKENÍK – ŠTRPKA 24.58 2. Valko Marián & partners 3. White & Case 3. Allen & Overy 13 3. TaylorWessing e/n/w/c advokáti 3. RUŽIČKA AND PARTNERS 3. RELEVANS 19.58 3. RELEVANS 4. Kinstellar 4. TaylorWessing e/n/w/c advokáti 12.08 4. BDO Legal 4. HAVEL & PARTNERS 4. PRK Partners 14 4. Hillbridges 5. TaylorWessing e/n/w/c advokáti 5. bnt attorneys-at-law 11.25 5. White & Case 5. Valko Marián & partners 5. HAVEL & PARTNERS 13.25 5. Barger Prekop 6. CMS Slovakia 6. White & Case 10.92 6. CMS Slovakia 6. Barger Prekop 6. Barger Prekop 12 6. Hamala Kluch Víglaský 7. PETERKA & PARTNERS 7. Kinstellar 10.75 7. Rödl & Partner Advokáti 7. Advokátska kancelária MCL 7. Škubla & Partneri 11.83 7. BBH advokátska kancelária 8. Squire Patton Boggs 8. CMS Slovakia 9.42 8. Dentons Europe CS LLP 8. Malata, Pružinský, Hegedüš & Partners 8. Bartošík Šváby 11.33 8. PRK Partners 9. Noerr 9. BDO Legal 8.42 9. Noerr 9. Hillbridges 9 - 10. ČECHOVÁ & PARTNERS 11 9. Malata, Pružinský, Hegedüš & Partners 10. Ernst & Young Law 10. Noerr 6.25 10. bnt attorneys-at-law 10. Hamala Kluch Víglaský 9 - 10. GARAJ & Partners 11 10. HAVEL & PARTNERS * average number of attorneys in 2019 * net profit in 2019 based( on data from FinStat s.r.o.) * sales revenue in 2019 (based on data from FinStat s.r.o.) * sales revenue in 2019 (based on data from FinStat s.r.o.) * average number of attorneys in 2019 * net profit in 2019 based( on data from FinStat s.r.o.) Note: Only companies with more than 10 lawyers are listed. Note: Only companies with more than 10 lawyers are listed.

Number Law graduates besides Number Law graduates besides 10 largest international law firms 10 Largest international law firms Number of law of attorneys (practice > 10 Largest locallaw firms by Number of law of attorneys (practice > by number of deals by number of law graduates* graduates 3 years / practice 10 largest local law firms by number of deals number of law graduates* graduates 3 years / practice attorneys < 3 years) attorneys < 3 years)

1. Allen & Overy 72 1. TaylorWessing e/n/w/c advokáti 24.83 12.08 12.75 (11.5 / 1.25) 1. RELEVANS 91 1. SOUKENÍK – ŠTRPKA 57.08 24.58 32.5 (22.83 / 9.67)

2. Kinstellar 57 2. Allen & Overy 22.75 13 9.75 (6 / 3.75) 2. RUŽIČKA AND PARTNERS 69 2. RELEVANS 38.41 19.58 18.83 (17.83 / 1)

3. TaylorWessing e/n/w/c advokáti 53 3. PETERKA & PARTNERS 21 15.08 5.92 (4.5 / 1.42) 3. HAVEL & PARTNERS 67 3. RUŽIČKA AND PARTNERS 32.33 26.33 6 (5 / 1)

4. Dentons Europe CS LLP 51 4. Dentons Europe CS LLP 19.34 14.17 5.17 (1.92 / 3.25) 4. Hamala Kluch Víglaský 61 4. HAVEL & PARTNERS 22 13.25 8.75 (5.33 / 3.42)

5. White & Case 49 5. Kinstellar 17.42 10.75 6.67 (4 / 2.67) 5. SOUKENÍK – ŠTRPKA 49 5. Barger Prekop 21 12 9 (6 / 3)

6. Squire Patton Boggs 30 6. bnt attorneys-at-law 14.42 11.25 3.17 (2 / 1.17) 6. Advokátska kancelária MCL 42 6. Paul Q 20.5 9.17 11.33 (6.08 / 5.25)

7 - 8. bnt attorneys-at-law 25 7. White & Case 14.25 10.92 3.33 (1.08 / 2.25) 7. Hillbridges 36 7. Škubla & Partneri 20 11.83 8.17 (2.5 / 5.67)

7 - 8. PETERKA & PARTNERS 25 8. BDO Legal 12.92 8.42 4.5 (2.25 / 2.25) 8. Škubla & Partneri 33 8. PRK Partners 19.92 14 5.92 (2.5 / 3.42)

9. CMS Slovakia 23 9. CMS Slovakia 12.25 9.42 2.83 (1 / 1.83) 9. Paul Q 32 9. Hamala Kluch Víglaský 19.83 10 9.83 (5.25 / 4.58)

10. BDO Legal 22 10. Deloitte Legal 11.66 3.33 8.33 (6 / 2.33) 10. Bartošík Šváby 27 10. Bartošík Šváby 19.41 11.33 8.08 (6.5 / 1.58)

* number of deals in 2019 with a reward > €20.000 * average number of full-time law graduates in 2019 (including law graduates who cooperate with a firm on a daily basis with an exclusive contract) * number of deals in 2019 with a reward > €20.000 * average number of full-time law graduates in 2018 (including law graduates who cooperate with a firm on a daily basis with an exclusive contract) 32 Government policy & legislation Government policy & legislation 33

parliament. Today, the process is prevented those who had even for acceptable prices. I guess that tion as one of its priorities. But too accelerated, the expert discus- small debts on social or health Soukeník – Štrpka is the only I would be cautious with the laws Slovakia needs a proper sion is cut to almost nothing, and insurance from being eligible to law office that has covered the you mentioned, to make sure the laws are passed the way they obtain any grant support as an whole territory of Slovakia with its they cannot be abused. I consider are submitted. This decreases the energy producer. This meant that branches. That makes us different. them redundant. We should rather quality of the legislative process even if you owed just €1 on social There are many smart people focus on prosecuting corruption scheme of regional support and the laws. The most impor- insurance and even without your in eastern Slovakia who want to globally and in the highest places, usinesses have welcomed have secured and distributed pro- tant thing in the future is that knowledge, you lost state supported stay in their regions, which makes not always small fish. Disciplinary reduced bureaucracy, but tection tools for lawyers, doctors, the parliament does not pass grants. This essentially means death sense. The cost of living is lower proceedings against judges and there is still room for health-care staff and municipalities. indirect amendments and, on the for this type of business. here than in Bratislava, so we save prosecutors are an example – we see Bimprovement. More systematic contrary, makes the legal order on personnel costs, while people very few of those. support in the regions is one ex- TSS: Which of the measures more transparent, for instance by TSS: What else apart from are still earning a decent pay. Costs ample, says Igor Vranka, who leads affected your clients the most? lowering the number of laws and cutting down on bureaucracy of office space and administrative TSS: The minister is also a branch of the Soukeník – Štrpka Have they complained about any thus simplifying the coordination would help businesses and make work are also significantly lower. It redrawing the court map, to have law firm in eastern Slovakia. in particular? between several texts. Slovakia attractive for foreign is also reflected in the lower prices more specialised courts, and to IV: Coping with the investors? of our services. tear ties with corruption and The Slovak Spectator (TSS): pandemic brings along TSS: Which of the measures IV: Slovakia needs a proper cronyism potential. Has your work changed since the extraordinary measures that that were passed in the spring scheme of state support for the TSS: Corruption and IV: It is a good step to special- pandemic hit? interfere with the daily life of influenced your clients the most? regions or for drawing on EU perception of corruption are ise courts and judges for individual Igor Vranka (IV): During the people. And there is nothing else IV: The compensation funds. The Next Generation EU among the main complaints agendas. We now have a two-level restrictions, we managed to make to do but to respect them. If the measures, for employers who plan offers room to do that now. investors have voiced about judiciary in Slovakia, with district home office work well for our firm, rule of law applies, then the state were not able to give work to To be quite plain, some out-of- Slovakia. Our country is now and regional courts. Extraordinary but we also needed to organise may impose restrictions, but on their employees. The institute of office government sessions in towns going through a process of legal remedies are provided by the our contact with clients. In-person the other hand, the state must be temporary protection also turned of the far east, where they would coming to terms with corruption Supreme Court and Constitu- meetings are an absolute standard, ready to compensate them. We out to be very controversial. It approve assistance of one or two scandals in high places in the tional Court. Clients tend to see since the relationship between can talk about how much and how legitimately protects entrepre- million euros, helped very little. judiciary and prosecution. Does them as the third and fourth grade us and clients must be based on soon, but I cannot imagine that neurs who were hit by the crisis, That is far from conceptual support this impact the reputation of and want to automatically pursue confidence. The challenge was to the state could prevent subjects from distrainment, bankruptcy, and policy. Slovakia in the eyes of foreign them if they are not successful at secure confidential communica- from claiming damages and etc. But it also applies to subjects We also need the fastest and investors? lower-instance courts. But there tion even at a distance. We have compensation of lost profits. In who were not well off even before the most transparent approval IV: I will answer with an is no legal and often even rational launched videoconferences from this case, the state should be able the crisis. For instance, you may process for investment stimuli and analogy. We have clients in reason why these extraordinary our own servers, adjusted for easy to impose restrictions, but only have had an unpaid debt claim lowering bureaucratic burdens in Slovakia who wanted to invest in remedies should be applied. This and user-friendly use but provid- courts can say if someone has the from 2017. The court process is reporting fulfilled conditions. In Croatia, Ukraine, Serbia, Bosnia, trend needs to be stopped, because ing a maximum level of security. right to be compensated or not. concluded in 2020. But as the these cases, we should also have dif- etc. But they were put off when it prolongs court proceedings. The For necessary personal contacts, creditor, you cannot do anything ferent procurement processes again they learned about corruption. decisions of first-instance courts we were able to provide personal TSS: You mean the recent against your debtor because they to remove unnecessary bureaucracy. Some tried anyway, but after a few should be of such quality that the protection equipment for our amendment to the law on public are now in temporary protection. months they sold their projects regional court would return only employees and our clients. We health, which also included the Such a case has nothing to do with TSS: You are the head of your unfinished because they were a minimum of them. now have pre-paid weekly slots for proposal to cancel the right of the pandemic, but it can be an law firm’s branch in the east. Are unwilling to “fight” the local COVID-19 testing in Bratislava, so people to claim compensation for existential problem for the credi- there any specifics that make authorities. Foreign investors TSS: You often deal with the our employees can take advantage damages and lost profit due to tor. So, should the creditor ask for your work very different from considering an investment in courts in your job. Do you see of that, and we regularly test those the pandemic? temporary protection too, and will the work of your colleagues in Slovakia feel just like our investors changes triggered by the process who meet clients most often. IV: Exactly. Who is Igor Vranka we continue this chain? Bratislava? investing in these countries. The of purification of the judici- A partner at the Soukeník – Štrpka law firm, Igor Vranka leads the firm’s IV: Definitely. Our fact that our society is starting to ary from corruption and other eastern branch in the High Tatras and Košice. He is a member of the Slovak TSS: Do your clients ask TSS: Do you think there will Bar Association since 2010 and specialises in corporate and business law. TSS: The Economy Ministry philosophy is to provide legal come to terms with corruption undesirable elements that we different questions or require dif- be many claims for damages and is set to improve the business services differently than is usual in suspicions in the highest places is, mentioned earlier? ferent services? lawsuits against the state after the environment in the country, Slovakia. That is the reason why naturally, a very positive message IV: For now, it is just some- IV: We knew clients would pandemic? Court ruled part of the law was legislative process is unpredict- through small, logistically and we have branches in Nitra, Žiar that things are changing. thing people are aware of and talk ask many questions, so we started IV: That depends on the unconstitutional. The producers able, many laws are passed in financially not-too-demanding nad Hronom, Vysoké Tatry and about. Things have started moving, a dedicated website, covid-19.akss. quality of legislation that will be then started to claim their rights fast-tracked procedures. The cur- changes. How do you view these Košice – to be better suited to TSS: The justice minister if anyone behaved inappropriately sk, where we publish laws and passed. If entrepreneurs are not in court, and that resulted in rent government is also passing changes? work in different regional setups has recently had laws passed that in the past and now starts to realise measures that have been passed happy, they will obviously try hundreds of suits claiming back legislation at a high speed due to IV: Businesses have welcomed and to have personal contact with define new corruption-related things, we need to give them room. and answers to questions that our to make a claim. This is what their G-tariff fees. The same thing the pandemic. that bureaucracy has been reduced clients. We can be very efficient crimes – gradual feeding and We need to round off the process clients ask. We are also proud of happened with the “G-tariff”, a fee could happen with the anti- IV: I fully agree with the and their life has been made easier. in providing high-standard bending of laws. Do you think legislatively, to make society change another project we launched during electricity producers connected pandemic restrictions. complaints of the entrepreneurs. I see this as a good direction. The law services to supranational they will bring more progress? the principles of its behaviour. the pandemic, advokatipomahaju. to the grid and the distribution Legislation has some standard ministry has also supported busi- companies in the regions, but also IV: I’m pleased that the new sk. We invited our colleagues from network pay for reserved TSS: Entrepreneurs have process, passing through profes- nesses in other areas, for instance to local players who require a good government chose changes in the By Michaela Terenzani other law firms and together we capacity. The Constitutional complained in the past that the sional debates until it comes to producers of green electricity, that quality law advisory in the region judiciary and fighting corrup- Spectator staff 34 M&A, Banking & Finance: top deals M&A, Banking & Finance: top deals 35

Matej Majerčák, Roman Guniš systems. The joint venture with Bu- M&A: 10 largest law firms and Michal Kviečinský bought the damar Innovations will handle the 1. Hamala Kluch Víglaský How a major bank was sold network from several owners. They transport of iron ore from Ukraine 2. Advokátska kancelária RELEVANS ransaction advisory in the departure of the Falck rescue centres. Kinstellar advised the GLP tions in health care. The Peterka & were represented by the MCL law and Russia to , using 3. Allen & Overy mergers and acquisitions service provider from Slovakia. company on the acquisition of the Partners law firm, for example, had firm. The network involves more innovative technologies developed 4. RUŽIČKA AND PARTNERS dominated the references portfolio of logistics and real estate a mandate from the Danish health than 150 opticians’ shops in both by the Austrian developers. 5. Advokátska kancelária MCL Tof the largest law firms in Slovakia A bank and an insurer projects in central and southern Eu- care group Falck, which was selling countries, making it one of the Traditional industry trans- in 2019-2020. The Hungarian owner of Slovak rope from the Goodman company. its business activities in Slovakia. largest opticians’ networks in central actions in the ranking mainly 6. TaylorWessing e/n/w/c Several firms stated advisory OTP Banka launched the sale of the This is a supranational transaction Falck, the largest individual operator Europe. included legal advisory in the sale 7. HAVEL & PARTNERS services linked to the sale of OTP bank in 2019, and it was bought worth €1 billion. In Slovakia, it of ambulances in Slovakia, surprised of the Slovak producer of bearings, 8. Hillbridges Banka bank among their refer- by the Belgian banking group KBC concerned, for instance, the logistics people last year by not applying for Innovations Kinex Bearings, with plants in 9. Kinstellar ences this year. When the bank was Bank, which includes Československá centre in Senec near Bratislava, the rescue service licence tender for Even last year’s references Bytča and Kysucké Nové Mesto. It 10. SOUKENÍK – ŠTRPKA put up for sale, the news attracted Obchodná Banka (ČSOB). OTB where the largest online shop in the another term. The company, once featured several innovative projects was sold by the HTC Investments Ranking created based on three factors derived from 2019 data, to which we gave different weights: number of deals from this category with a reward > €20.000 (70% weight); sales revenues (10% weight); number of attorneys (10% weight); number of associates practising > a number of potential buyers, each Bank was represented by the country, Alza.sk, has its warehouses. its older licences expired, sold its as- within the M&A category, such as group. The Noerr law firm advised 3 years (6% weight); number of associates practising < 3 years (4% weight). of whom needed lawyers to do due Kinstellar law firm in the transac- The acquisition of other sets to its competitors, wrapped up the well-known Ecocapsule project. the other side of the transaction, diligence (legal and economic back- tion, the ninth-largest law firm in logistics centres is also related to the its business, and the individual Falck This year, attorneys again presented the buyer, which was the Indian in banking and finance, not directly Allen & Overy, the largest in ground check of the business before the M&A category of the Largest in mandate for the CMS Slovakia law ambulance companies in Slovakia work on innovative or other tech company National Engineering linked to M&A transactions. These this segment based on the ranking it is purchased, ed. note). This Law ranking. The KBC Bank on the firm, representing the Gramercy are currently winding up. projects. Such is the mandate of Allen Industries from the large industrial include bond emissions, advisory in compiled by The Slovak Spectator, year’s list of top deals includes many purchasing side is represented by the Europe company, which bought the The Kinstellar law firm ob- & Overy law firm representing the group Birla. the re-financing of loans and so on. advised the arrangers of the acquisi- other transactions with an immedi- Ružička and Partners law firm. This is logistics centre in Kostolné Kračany tained a mandate from the German WAG Payment Solutions company, Havel & Partners advised the These references appear in the re- tion financing of the CME group, ate impact on consumers, because an ongoing deal, since the acquisi- near the southwestern town of pharma company Stada regarding which bought the majority stock in sellers of the wood-processing com- ports every year, but they tend to be including the Slovak and Czech they concern companies whose tion has yet to be approved by the Dunajská Streda. The sellers were the acquisition of the Walmark Sygic, the company that develops the pany Bukóza, which was bought by the domain of not more than four television networks Markíza and services are used by thousands of central banks and the antimonopoly GO Asset and ECE European City company, specialising in the pro- eponymously popular GPS naviga- the Arca Capital investment group. law firms specializing in this area. Nova. They were bought by the PPF clients every day. Such is the case of authority. companies. From this centre, the duction of vitamin and nutrition tion app. Peterka & Partners advised For instance, White & Case group. The financing was worth the purchase of the opticians’ net- This transaction employed other textile retail chain KiK supplies its supplements. The seller was the Mid the operator of the Wolt food delivery A company that prints account had the mandate from Barclay’s, €1.2 billion. Dentons represented work Fokus, the entry of the Wolt large law firms at the start. Dentons stores in the whole of central Eu- Europa Partners investment group. app when it was launching services in statements Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, the syndicate of banks led by Tatra delivery service on the market, and Partners, the second-largest law firm rope. ECE European City company Kinstellar covered only the supra- Slovakia. In 2020, several references and VUB in the emission of state Banka, in financing the construc- Number of deals with reward 2019 > €20.000 in the banking and finance hired the Peterka & Partners law national part of the transaction, The Havel & Partners law firm regarded the telecom sector. The bonds of the Slovak Republic, worth tion of Sky Park Offices and the re- category, for instance, firm for this transaction. which is why the Hamala Kluch advised investment funds Credo BBH law firm handled the sale €4 billion. PRK Partners advised construction of the national cultural stated it among its refer- The Paul Q law firm received Víglaský law firm reports the same Stage III and OTP Fund Coop- of the Slovak company FibreNet, J&T IB and Capital Markets as the monument Jurkovičova Tepláreň. Law firm ences. Dentons provided the mandate from the Arcola reference. Their mandate was from eratief, on their entry investment which operates a high-speed optical arranger and J&T Bank as the main Ružička and Partners provided legal services to Slovenská company for a transaction in the the Slovak company Stada Pharma into the Segron company, which data network mainly in western and manager of the emission of bonds legal advisory to the petrochemi-

M & A corporate Banking & Finance Real estate Labour law Other Litigation Sporiteľňa, the largest bank M&A category. Arcola acquired the Slovakia, for the implementation develops automated tests for various southern Slovakia. The company of the Emma Gamma Finance cal group MOL when it withdrew Adv. k. MCL 17 5 7 0 11 2 on the market, which also properties of the Carrefour retail of the acquisition in Slovakia. The communication systems in industry. was purchased by the telecom group company, worth €90 million. This the shares of the Bratislava-based Adv. k. RELEVANS 20 6 31 0 0 34 aspired to buy OTP Banka. chain, no longer present on the value of the transaction has not been Relevans had a mandate to rep- Suntel, and the acquisition was emission was linked with the financ- Slovnaft refinery shares from the Allen & Overy 16 27 3 5 6 15 Another important law market, in the Cassovia department published. In the last published con- resent the Sandberg Capital invest- worth €10 million. ing of the property settlement of the stock market. BADUCCI Legal 3 0 2 0 2 4 Bartošík Šváby 9 2 7 4 0 5 firm, Škubla & Partneri, ad- store in Košice. Paul Q also advised solidated annual report as of May ment group in its acquisition of the The Ikrényi & Rehák law firm Czech lottery company Sazka. The White & Cast law firm has BBH advokátska kancelária 7 0 4 0 0 10 vised with the due diligence Arcola in re-financing its business 31, the turnover of the company 75-percent stock in the webhosting gained the mandate from one of Soukeník – Štrpka represented an energy-related reference too – they BDO Legal 3 0 15 0 2 2 of OTP Banka to the Penta activities in Slovakia. The overall was over half a billion Czech crowns company Webglobe – Yegon (WY). the investors in the acquisition of ESIN Solar company in negotia- represent the Slovak gas transmission bnt attorneys-at-law 9 0 3 9 0 4 Investments investment value of the transaction is €14.5 (€20 million). Forbes magazine reported that it is the Cromwell company, the biggest tions about a loan and the prepara- company Eustream in connection ČECHOVÁ & PARTNERS 6 4 2 5 8 1 group, which was also million. It is a multi-year transac- The Čechová & Partners law number two on the Slovak market alternative postal company. They tion of contract documents linked with the series of loans from nine Dentons Europe CS LLP 8 22 9 1 0 11 interested in buying it. It tion, which started in 2017 and was firm represents the pharma compa- of webhosting providers. print and submit so-called mass to the early pay-off of the issued banks worth €590 million. Ernst & Young Law 13 NA NA NA NA NA GARAJ & Partners 1 2 15 1 3 4 already owns Prima Banka only concluded last year. ny Merck Sharp & Dohme, which In 2019, the number one deliveries, such as bank account bonds. The transaction was worth By Adam Valček Hamala Kluch Víglaský 23 8 14 7 NA 9 and Privatbanka. The fi- Another reference is linked with announced at the start of 2020 that webhosting company WebSupport statements, credit card statements, €34 million. Special to the Spectator HAVEL & PARTNERS 16 7 7 4 26 7 nancial market saw another real estate too, but in the banking it was going to single out the female was sold. TaylorWessing represented or hard copies of invoices for water, Banking & Finance: 10 largest law firms Hillbridges 17 4 6 1 0 8 major acquisition, when the and finance category rather than health-related products into a new the seller, while Noerr represented electricity or gas. HMG LEGAL 2 0 3 0 9 4 Vienna Insurance Group, in M&A. The Bartošík Šváby law company. The newly-emerged firm the buyer, the Swedish company The Havel & Partners law 1. Allen & Overy IKRÉNYI & REHÁK 6 4 3 1 0 7 which includes Kooperativa firm advised the Wood & Company should become a leader in the seg- Loopia, which belongs under the firm represented GTH catering 2. Dentons Europe CS LLP Kinstellar 13 14 9 8 7 6 3. White & Case LEGATE 8 0 6 0 0 10 and Komunálna Poisťovňa investment group, which also has ment. Merck is going to put in as- Danish investment fund Axcel. company that purchased the Sodexo Noerr 9 NA 5 4 NA NA insurers, bought the Axa the BBC V office building in Brati- sets that, when calculated by annual The Hamala Kluch Víglaský law company, in the catering and facility 4. Kinstellar Paul Q 12 4 8 4 0 4 insurance company. The slava in its real estate portfolio. The turnover, represent about 6.5 billion firm also participated in an innova- management business. The transac- 5. SOUKENÍK – ŠTRPKA PETERKA & PARTNERS 6 0 7 6 0 6 transaction was overseen by mandate concerned the re-financing dollars (€5.5 billion). tive tech project. Budamar Logistics tion was concluded in 2020 and the 6. Advokátska kancelária RELEVANS PRK Partners 8 5 0 5 NA 6 the PRK Partners law firm. of loans and relations with banks, A major transaction in hired the firm to found a joint Sodexo brand has been replaced by 7. RUŽIČKA AND PARTNERS RUŽIČKA AND PARTNERS 16 5 17 7 0 24 with no further details revealed. healthcare was the acquisition of venture with the Austrian company the GTH multicatering brand. 8. Hamala Kluch Víglaský SOUKENÍK – ŠTRPKA 8 5 10 4 8 14 Logistics centres the Fokus opticians’ network in Innofreight, named Budamar Inno- Squire Patton Boggs 5 1 11 2 0 11 9. HAVEL & PARTNERS Škubla & Partneri 9 0 8 0 1 15 The year 2019 brought Healthcare: Falck, Walmark, Fokus the Czech Republic and Slovakia. vations. Innofreight belongs among State and company bonds 10. PRK Partners TaylorWessing e/n/w/c 16 4 9 10 5 9 a number of changes in Several references in the The MiddleCap Investment Group the biggest developers of innovative Some law firms reported Ranking created based on three factors derived from 2019 data, to which we gave different weights: number of deals from this category White & Case 11 17 9 4 2 6 the ownership of logistics M&A category include transac- of businessmen Miroslav Výboh, wagons, containers, and unloading significant traditional transactions with a reward > €20.000 (70% weight); sales revenues (10% weight); number of attorneys (10% weight); number of associates practising > 3 years (6% weight); number of associates practising < 3 years (4% weight). 36 real estate: top deals real estate and labour law: top deals 37

for the J&T Real Estate developer Highway Company (NDS), on when a client comes with a more In cases like that, law firms linked to the preparation and con- advisory linked to the property significant labour-law topic, it is must maintain silence, and are thus Flats, offices, and even a prison struction of the office, residential settlement of land linked to the con- typically triggered by a wider project reserved in sharing any, even gen- wide scale of real estate company. This was regarding the and commercial complex Eurovea struction of the R7 and D4 roads of the client, for instance as part of eral, information. This is why such and infrastructure projects sale of real estate – the buildings City on the Danube embankment. near the capital, known as the zero an M&A transaction.” cases are rarely mentioned in public ranging from Eurovea City where the stores are located – but Čechová & Partners has bypass. Soukeník – Štrpka also has This means that all large law references. andA Sky Park in the new downtown this transaction was also linked to a complex mandate from the YIT a mandate linked to an arbitration firms deal with labour-related legal of Bratislava, to the purchase and operational relations (the operation developer regarding its key projects regarding delays to the construction advisory, but they do not inform Volkswagen, C&A, Lenovo and Billa reconstruction of smaller com- of the stores). in Bratislava. The firm has not given of the zero bypass. about them, because they are TaylorWessing works for the mercial properties or large public Real estate references that con- concrete details, but YIT is behind Ružička and Partners has either too small when singled out, C&A Mode retail chain and its projects. This is the picture formed cern purchase and sale also include three known projects in Bratislava: a mandate for another project of or they are considered a regular sister logistic firm, C&A Logistics by the biggest and most significant mandates of many other law firms. Rozeta, Zwirn, and Nuppu. the NDS – the preparation of the “operational” advisory. The major seated in Nové Mesto nad Váhom. mandates that the largest law firms Bartošík Šváby, for instance, repre- The Immocap Group developer new tender for the operator of the deals in this area are usually part of They provide complex advisory reported in their references for last sented the American fund Heit- is behind the development of the electronic highway toll collection M&A transactions, like the takeover “regarding collective employment year, for the purposes of The Slovak mann “in the transaction of shares Nový Istropolis building in the system. The current operator is of a company and setting up rela- relations and the implementation of Spectator ranking. during the sale of an office building wider centre of the city. Its advisor SkyToll, but it gained the order in tions with its employees. the re-organisation of the concern in This article also looks at the in Bratislava”. The reference is not in the €150-million transaction is a scandalous way for which Slovakia Slovakia”. labour law ranking for law firms in any more concrete, but it does refer SITA Source: the Bartošík Šváby law firm. The has been criticised by the European Things can get sensitive Čechová & Partners has worked this area. to a transaction worth €60 million The Kinstellar law firm advised Slovakia company, which involved same firm is also advising the Im- Commission. This mandate is Partner of Paul Q, Tomáš in the long term for the Lenovo dating back to 2018. In that year, AIP Asset Management and The the sale of its former production mocap Group on the development categorised as real estate probably Kamenec has the same explanation company, providing “legal aid in all M&A or real estate? Heitman sold, among other things, Valesco Group companies on the plant in Nitra worth €5.5 million. of the BBC VI. business centre. because it is linked to infrastructure, for fewer references in labour-related areas of corporate law”, including The references provided for real the Aupark Tower in Bratislava. purchase of the office tower Twin The Allen & Overy law firm The Škubla & Partneri law firm and the potential winner of the new legal services. employment relations. They also estate include the purchase and sale The TaylorWessing law firm City Tower, developed by HB secured the sales of the portfolio of secures several developer projects tender, if it is not SkyToll, will need “These are smaller things that hold a similar vast mandate from of properties, which can also be advised the Arkon group on the Reavis. The transaction was worth more than 300 properties around for Penta Real Estate. They mention to build or buy the vast infrastruc- may not have much telling value an unspecified pharma company, considered a transaction linked with purchase, reconstruction and rental €120 million. The seller was repre- Slovakia for VÚB Bank. The mandates linked to the construction ture necessary for the automatic for the potential clients,” he said. which also involves “complex aid in mergers and acquisitions (M&A). of buildings that are cultural monu- sented by White & Case. Dentons transaction also included the partial of the residential and office part control of trucks who are to pay “Even if this includes, for instance, employment issues, including re- The decision whether a mandate ments in Košice. This refers to the law firm also had a mandate linked reverse rental of non-residential of the Sky Park projects, from the the toll. lawsuits from employees, these are structuring, disciplinary background should be categorised as M&A was onetime Prior department store on to this transaction – it advised the spaces. VÚB Bank informed about Zaha Hadid architecture studio, as usually small and I would only checks, internal investigation and up to the law firms, however, they Hlavná Street and the building of group of banks led by Erste Bank the details of the deal previously: well as the residential complex, Bory Employment relations add them to my references if they notices”. could only categorise a mandate the Hlavná Pošta main post office over the financing of the purchase. the bank got rid of about one third Bývanie. hidden in other deals were exceptional in some way – Paul Q advises the retail chain in a single category. The decision building on Poštová Street. The sale The Škubla & Partneri law of its real estate where it housed its Why are there so few mandates such as if the court ruling posed Billa on labour law issues and has depends on how the law firm of the Košice industrial park Im- firm advised the Penta Real Estate branches, which represented 80,000 Infrastructure: a prison in labour law if all entrepreneurs a precedent or our approach to the also provided wider services in this perceives the transaction and how it mopark was overseen by the BBH developer on the sale of the Rosum sq metres of space around the whole and a toll system need to deal with the labour agenda? solution of a legal problem was area to one of the biggest employ- is structured. law firm, with a mandate from the office complex in Bratislava, built of the country. It aimed to reduce Among the most significant TaylorWessing partners Radovan innovative.” ers in the country, the Volkswagen Immorent SK company on the sell- by Penta and sold to the Austrian costs for the management of the references in the real estate area are Pala and Andrej Leontiev say this is Pala added that important liti- automotive plant in Bratislava, since Offices and furniture stores ing side. The park was purchased by investment group European City properties, since the bank needed mandates linked to major infra- due to the character of the regular gation at the top-management level 2014. This is apparent when we look the CTP developer and the transac- Estates. The law firm did not give to maintain them all even though structure orders from the public assignments in labour law. represents particularly sensitive cases “This involves advisory on at the mandates. The Noerr law firm tion was worth €40 million. more details, but Penta has reported it was only using some of them sector. “The regular, commodity, involving confidential information a wide scale of issues regarding advised the Signa Retail company The Paul Q law firm has had in the past that the transaction was partially. The properties were bought The CMS Slovakia law firm has labour-law agenda, the regular and a reputational risk for the client. labour law and compliance, as well on the sale of 22 of its Kika furni- a mandate from the Billa retail chain worth €60 million. The purchasing by the Czech company Franco Real a mandate from the government emergence and expiration of “This is particularly true for as issues linked with real estate proj- ture stores in Czechia, Hungary, since 2016. The attorneys secure for side was represented by the Kinstel- Estates. The value of the transaction for advisory linked to the construc- labour relations, violation of work cases that also involve responsibility ects,” they stated in their references. Romania and Slovakia. The stores Billa various acquisitions of land and lar law firm. has not been published. The Trend tion of the new prison in Rimavská discipline and simple notices are for the violation of one’s duties,” By Adam Valček were bought by the XXXLutz long-term rentals for retail purposes. weekly estimated it at tens of mil- Sobota in the south-east, which often dealt with within the clients’ Pala said. Special to the Spectator VÚB getting rid of branches lions of euros. should have capacity for 800 prison- own in-house legal capacities, or Real estate & Development: 10 largest law firms The Squire Patton Boggs law The Hamala Kluch Víglaský ers. The order is estimated at €100 with a smaller local attorney,” Pala Labour law: 10 largest law firms 1. Advokátska kancelária RELEVANS firm works for the US Embassy in law firm represented Mercedes-Benz million. The Justice Ministry plans said. “This is also due to the fact 1. TaylorWessing e/n/w/c Bratislava regarding the purchase in negotiations and preparation of to procure the prison as a public- that Slovakia is considered a country 2. RUŽIČKA AND PARTNERS 2. bnt attorneys-at-law of land for the construction of its a rental contract for its new corpo- private partnership (PPP) project, with a cheap labour force, which 3. SOUKENÍK – ŠTRPKA 3. Kinstellar new seat. The embassy is expected rate seat. The company has moved which would make it the first such limits investment into labour law 4. GARAJ & Partners 4. RUŽIČKA AND PARTNERS to move from its current seat in to the new office building, Einpark, partnership in social infrastructure. advisory.” 5. Hamala Kluch Víglaský Hviezdoslavovo Square in the in Bratislava. So far, only highways have been In fact, only three law firms re- 5. Hamala Kluch Víglaský 6. BDO Legal historical centre of Bratislava in built as PPP projects. The order ported interests within this category 6. PETERKA & PARTNERS 7. Dentons Europe CS LLP the coming years. The mandate Zwirn, Eurovea and Nový Istropolis has been halted for now due to the among their top deals. 7. Allen & Overy 8. TaylorWessing e/n/w/c involves due diligence of the real Development is often on coronavirus pandemic. The latest “Labour-related legal advi- 8. SOUKENÍK – ŠTRPKA 9. Kinstellar estate and construction law agenda. the agenda within the real estate predictions expect the prison to sory is often important as part of 9. PRK Partners 10. White & Case The same law firm also had a man- category. For instance, Relevans, open in 2023. something bigger, where large law 10. ČECHOVÁ & PARTNERS Ranking created based on three factors derived from 2019 data, to which we gave different weights: number of deals from this category date for the re-organisation of the largest law firm dealing in real The Soukeník – Štrpka law firm firms can offer further added value,” Ranking created based on three factors derived from 2019 data, to which we gave different weights: number of deals from this category with a reward > € 20.000 (70% weight); sales revenues (10% weight); number of attorneys (10% weight); number of associates practising production of the Lincoln Electric estate, secures legal advisory services has a mandate from the National said Leontiev. “In other words, with a reward > €20.000 (70% weight); sales revenues (10% weight); number of attorneys (10% weight); number of associates practising > > 3 years (6% weight); number of associates practising < 3 years (4% weight). 3 years (6% weight); number of associates practising < 3 years (4% weight). 38 litigation: top deals litigation: top deals 39

law firm in litigation, represents two Aktuality.sk news website, which Litigation & arbitration: 10 largest law firms owners of the tech company Eset, wrote about the case, stated that 1. Advokátska kancelária RELEVANS Road construction kept lawyers busy Rudolf Hrubý and Maroš Grunda, there is not much information to 2. Allen & Overy The delayed bypass the area of litigation, law the land in the protected areas of damages from this. This, however, and also two project companies in be found about Flow from public 3. SOUKENÍK – ŠTRPKA firms report that their The National Highway Compa- water sources. Ružička and Partners is not a case that would be regarded the Carlton case. The case is linked resources and that the company has 4. RUŽIČKA AND PARTNERS biggest transactions result ny (NDS) was late settling ownership have a mandate from the Health as public sector, because both the to the lawsuits between them and not returned any revenues for years. 5. Dentons Europe CS LLP Infrom lawsuits involving the public of the land under the highway; hence Ministry to represent it in two claimants and Slovak Telekom are their former business partner Erik The Paul Q law firm represent- sector. Several report mandates that construction permits could not be litigations initiated by the suppliers private companies. Mikurčík, who is believed by the ed Markíza television in civil litiga- 6. Škubla & Partneri are linked to the construction of in- issued quickly and the whole project of the unfinished Rázsochy hospital That is not true for the mandate police to have attempted to become tions over promissory notes worth 7. TaylorWessing e/n/w/c frastructure, the most common area was delayed. Zero Bypass Limited in Bratislava, after the state scrapped of Škubla & Partneri from the the sole owner of the hotel by fraud. €68 million, initiated by mobster 8. IKRÉNYI & REHÁK of litigative action being roads. then proceeded to initiate arbitration the whole construction project. Dutch company Hicee belonging to He currently faces a criminal proceed- Marian Kočner, who is currently 9. Paul Q The largest of these prob- against the state. The consortium is The Allen & Overy law firm rep- the Penta group. Hicee sued Slova- ing at the Specialised Criminal Court being prosecuted while in custody. 10. BBH advokátska kancelária ably includes the representation represented by the law firm Allen & resents the energy distribution com- kia for €138 million in connection in this matter. The Specialised Criminal Court Ranking created based on the following criteria (values for 2019): number of active deals with regard to their value (85% weight), sales revenues (5% weight), number of attorneys (5% weight), number of associates practising > 3 years (3% weight), number of associates of parties in lawsuits linked to Overy, the second largest law firm panies, Západoslovenská Distribučná with the unconstitutional ban on Soukeník – Štrpka represents has sentenced Kočner and former practising < 3 years (2% weight). the construction of the R7 dual in the area of litigation. The firm and Východoslovenská Distribučná, profits for health insurers. Penta the Health Care Surveillance Au- director of the television, Pavol carriageway and the D4 highway, reported that the value of the deal has in more than 25 court litigations that owns the Dôvera health insurer. thority (ÚDZS) in the lawsuit for Rusko, to 19 years in prison. The is some suggestion of insolvency the administrator of “the first Slovak also known as the Bratislava zero reached €1 billion. renewable energy producers initiated The TaylorWessing law firm compensation of damages worth verdict is pending confirmation proceedings, based on public data. outlet centre”. According to public bypass. The constructor is Zero The state is represented by the against them. They are demand- represents MH Manažment, the €280 million. The reference does from the Supreme Court. Dentons Another mandate from the financial sources, this is the insolvency and Bypass Limited, a consortium of transnational law firm Eversheds ing back the fees they have paid for one-time National Property Fund not state any details, but it follows law firm has reported the same ref- sector is that of the Uniqua insurer, the subsequent sale of the Voderady the Spanish infrastructure developer Sutherland (International), but in access to the distribution network, (FNM) in lawsuits worth €100 from the publicly available data erence, as they represented Markíza represented by PRK Partners in Outlet Center. The second reference Cintra, Australian finance company Slovakia they have cooperated with G-komponent, which was recently million, which the state has filed that it is a litigation that dates back in the criminal case against Kočner more than 200 difference lawsuits is to legal services linked to “spas Macquarie and Austrian construc- the Soukeník – Štrpka law firm. The questioned by the Constitutional to try and win back the infamous to 2005. The little-known com- and Rusko. cumulatively worth €30 million. with a history since 1834”, which tion company Porr. The construc- latter has therefore stated among its Court. overpriced payments to attorneys pany, Flow, attempted to found its The BBH law firm represents The Ikrényi & Rehák law firm refers to the case of the bankruptcy tion of these roads was ordered as references that they “participate in The same law firm represents Radomír Bžán and Renát Dvorecký. own health insurer, but was not the Austrian Waldviertler Sparkasse holds significant mandates for proceedings of the Kúpele Brusno a public-private partnership (PPP) the representation of the Transport Západoslovenská Distribučná in The Squire Patton Boggs granted a permit. Years later, it Bank in Slovakia, in its various lawsuits concerning insolvency pro- company. project for less than €2 billion. Ministry in international arbitra- the lawsuit against the Regulatory law firm has successfully repre- sued the ÚDZS for damages worth active and passive property litiga- ceedings. They report among their By Adam Valček tion“. Soukeník – Štrpka also have Office for Network Industries, with sented Slovakia, namely the Finance hundreds of millions of euros. The tions worth €150 million. There references complex legal advisory to Special to the Spectator Litigation & arbitration: Ongoing 2019 deals a long-term mandate to represent a potential economic value of tens Ministry, in several international based on deal value (DV) the NDS in connection with the de- of millions of euros. The energy arbitrations. It reports, among other velopment of the Bratislava bypass, distributor questions the regulation references, its victory in the arbitra- Law firm which also involves representing this that is the backbone of the much- tion for €170 million that a Polish state-run company in related litiga- criticised system of support for entrepreneur wanted to gain in con-

DV 1 - 5 mil. € DV 5 - 10 mil. € DV > 10 mil. € DV < 1 mil. € / NA with DV > 20 000 € 2019 reward tion over property (such as land). solar and small hydro-power plants. nection with the constitutional ban Adv. k. MCL 0 0 0 2 Another road infrastructure The system was designed under the on the exports of unpacked water, Adv. k. RELEVANS 19 11 20 6 project is linked to another refer- Smer-led governments. It guarantees as well as victory in the arbitration Allen & Overy 0 27 10 0 ence. The Bartošík Šváby law firm high electricity purchase prices for regarding the mining of talc worth BADUCCI Legal 1 1 0 3 has a mandate to represent the selected producers of energy from €1.5 billion. Bartošík Šváby 2 1 1 1 BBH advokátska kancelária 5 2 6 0 company Corsan – Corviam Con- sun and water, regardless of the White & Case has a mandate BDO Legal 5 2 2 0 strucción in their lawsuit against actual market price of energy. from the Fortischem company, the bnt attorneys-at-law 7 0 1 0 the NDS, for €13 million. The suit operator of the chemical industry BRICHTA & PARTNERS 1 0 1 0 regards the claims stemming from Ban on profit and plant in the town of Nováky, to ČECHOVÁ & PARTNERS 1 1 0 0 a contract for work, probably a case peculiar arbitrations represent them before the Court Dentons Europe CS LLP 19 1 8 4 from 2017 when the NDS with- Telecoms infrastructure is the of Justice of the EU (CJEU), in GARAJ & Partners 2 0 0 4 litigation with the EC. The Com- Hamala Kluch Víglaský 7 1 1 0 drew from the contract with Corsan object of the mandate that the HAVEL & PARTNERS 5 0 2 1 – Corviam on the construction of Ružička and Partners law firm mission decided that Slovakia had to Hillbridges 2 2 3 3 a stretch of the R2 dual carriageway has been dealing with. The firm demand the unauthorised state aid HMG LEGAL 2 1 3 1 near Zvolen, central Slovakia, after represents Slovak Telekom in back from Fortischem. The state aid IKRÉNYI & REHÁK 22 7 3 0 the company was erased from the lawsuits that it is facing from three was paid to the company at a time Kinstellar 4 0 3 0 Public Sector Partners Register. operators who demand compensa- when the chemical plant was insol- Lansky, Ganzger & Partner 1 1 2 NA tion for damages due to the abuse vent. Fortischem rejects the claim, LEGATE 6 2 2 5 Paul Q 7 4 7 0 Water and electricity of a dominant position. They failed and therefore turned to the General PETERKA & PARTNERS 4 2 0 4 Other companies also represent to give more details, but it is likely Court of the EU and has appealed PRK Partners 7 2 1 0 important infrastructure-linked to be the lawsuits that the alterna- against its verdict to the CJEU. RUŽIČKA AND PARTNERS 1 2 15 6 litigations. Peterka & Partners rep- tive operators initiated after the SOUKENÍK – ŠTRPKA 15 1 17 2 resents the Podtatranská Vodárenská European Commission fined Slovak The Carlton case and Kočner Squire Patton Boggs 4 0 7 1 SP020120/001 Spoločnosť water management Telekom for the way it set prices for Law firms also report important Škubla & Partneri 3 4 8 8 TaylorWessing e/n/w/c 3 3 9 1 company in its lawsuit for pecuniary DSL internet. The EC claims that mandates that are solely linked to the White & Case 4 1 2 2 damages for restrictions in using alternative operators have suffered private sector. Relevans, the biggest 40 2019/2020 Top 5 Deals of the Largest Law Firms in Slovakia 2019/2020 Top 5 Deals of the Largest Law Firms in Slovakia 41

Deal 1 Deal 2 Deal 3 Deal 4 Deal 5 Deal 1 Deal 2 Deal 3 Deal 4 Deal 5

Company Company (listed alphabetically) (listed alphabetically) Buy side Selling side Government Creditor Borrower Other Buy side Selling side Government Creditor Borrower Other Buy side Selling side Government Creditor Borrower Other Buy side Selling side Government Creditor Borrower Other Buy side Selling side Government Creditor Borrower Other Buy side Selling side Government Creditor Borrower Other Buy side Selling side Government Creditor Borrower Other Buy side Selling side Government Creditor Borrower Other Buy side Selling side Government Creditor Borrower Other Buy side Selling side Government Creditor Borrower Other HAVEL & PARTNERS s.r.o., Advokátska kancelária MCL, s.r.o. l l l l l advokátska kancelária l l l l l Client A development company IAD Investments MIDDLECAP BAULI EUROMAX Slovakia Credo Stage III SCSp a fondu OTB Fund Client Slovintegra Group & Biatec FINAB Trade a.s. Slovak Telekom a.s GTH catering a.s We advised a development company on the We advised IAD Investments on all aspects We advised MiddleCap Partners on the We advised Euromax Group on all aspects Coöperatief We advised Bauli on its acquisition of an Short description of deal sale of a newly built class A office complex of a contemplated acquisition of a newly acquisition of FOKUS optik a.s. and of the sale of four MAX shopping malls Legal advice to the sellers (Slovintegra and Comprehensive legal advice to the seller Advice to Slovak Telekom a.s., a member Legal advice to the investors, Credo Stage Advising GTH catering, which belongs to 80% stake in MAX SPORT. in Bratislava. built office complex in Bratislava. FOKUS očná optika a.s. in Slovakia. Short description of deal Biatec Group) in connection with sale of (FINAB Trade a.s.) in connection with the of the Deutsche Telekom Group (T-Mo- III SCSp Fund and OTB Fund Coöperatief the portfolio of the Genesis Capital fund, energy companies to the French concern sale of BUKOCEL to Arca Capital. Deal bile), on the sale of Zoznam s.r.o. to the U.A. in connection to initial investment on entering the Slovak market and on the Deal value; Deal started in Y (deal finished in Q) NA; 2019 (3Q/2019) NA; 2019 (3Q/2019) NA; 2019 (3Q/2019) NA; 2019 (4Q/2019) NA; 2018 (4Q/2019) VEOLIA. not finished. existing management of Zoznam. in SEGRON. acquisition of Sodexo Slovakia. Advokátska kancelária RELEVANS s.r.o. l l l l l Deal value; Deal started in Y (deal finished in Q) NA; 2018 (1Q/2019) NA; 2017 (ongoing) NA; 2019 (2Q/2020) NA; 2019 (2Q/2019) NA; 2019 (2Q/2020) M.G., R.H., Carlton Property, ADS Client ZSSK Cargo, Railway Company Slovakia REDQUEST LIMITED Sandberg Capital J&T REAL ESTATE HMG LEGAL, s.r.o. l l l l l Property Client Client from public sector Client from public sector Client from public sector Client from public sector Client from public sector Representation of the companies ZSSK Representing clients in the “Carlton case” Representation of an applicant in Legal advisory to the buyer upon Legal advisory to a major Slovak real Legal advice and representation in legal Cargo and Railway Company Slovakia, as (several legal proceedings; the cumulative proceedings before the European Court acquisition of shares in WY Group and estate developer in relation to creation Real estate: Sale of plot for logistic park Sale of 100% ownership interest in a com- Legal advice for reconstruction and sale of Sale of a building in the Bratislava city Short description of deal Short description of deal disputes concerning unfair competition defendants in a dispute for compensation value of three main disputes is more than of Human Rights for violation of the right Webglobe - Yegon, both leading web of unique EUROVEA CITY urban project to an investor. pany operating an existing Retail Park. real estate property. centre. of damages of more than €90 mil. €200 mil.). to a fair trial. hosting companies in Bratislava. and trademark infringement. Deal value; Deal started in Y (deal finished in Q) 90 mil. €; 2011 (3Q/2020) 200 mil. €; 2017 (ongoing) NA; 2017 (2Q/2020) NA; 2019 (3Q/2019) NA; 2017 (ongoing) Deal value; Deal started in Y (deal finished in Q) 5.80 mil. €; 2019 (3Q/2019) 4.50 mil. €; 2019 (2Q/2019) 5.60 mil. €; 2019 (4Q/2019) 3 mil. €; 2018 (4Q/2019) 2 mil. €; 2019 (4Q/2019) IKRÉNYI & REHÁK, s. r. o. Allen & Overy Bratislava, s.r.o. l l l l l l l l l l Acquisiton of Cromwell, a.s., postal Client Spa with history dating back to 1834 First Slovak outlet centre Client from public sector VYDRICA DEVELOPMENT, a.s. Client Zero Bypass Limited ZSD and VSD Všeobecná úverová banka W.A.G. payment solutions Arrangers service comp On the D4R7 project. We represent the On the sale of a portfolio (asset deal) We advised the arrangers on the financing Complex legal representation of the Západoslovenská distribučná and Výcho- Complex legal service to the insolvency Legal representation of one of the inves- Legal representation regarding the inter- client in arbitration, arising out the delay of of more than 300 real estate properties On the acquisition of a majority stake of the acquisition of the CME group insolvency practitioner of the medical bath Representation of the client in damage Short description of deal doslovenská distribučná in large number Short description of deal practitioner of the first Slovak outlet tors in the process of acquisition of postal national joint venture for the purposes of the project and related time extension and across Slovakia that included a partial in Sygic. (including TV Markíza, TV Nova) by center in probably the most important claim proceedings. of significant energy regulation disputes. centre. service company. the development of Bratislava's castle hill. cost increase. leaseback of premises. PPF Group. insolvency case of 2019-2020. Deal value; Deal started in Y (deal finished in Q) 1,900 mil. €; 2018 (ongoing) NA; 2017 (ongoing) NA; 2018 (1Q/2020) NA; 2018 (2Q/2019) 1,150 mil. €; 2018 (3Q/2020) Deal value; Deal started in Y (deal finished in Q) NA; 2019 (ongoing) NA; 2018 (3Q/2020) 35 mil. €; 2018 (ongoing) 13 mil. €; 2018 (2Q/2019) 60 mil. €; 2018 (ongoing) Bartošík Šváby s.r.o. l l l l l Kinstellar, s.r.o. l l l l l AIP Asset Management and The Valesco Client Immocap Group Heitman Immocap Group WOOD & Company a.s. – BBC Five ABC Corsán-Corviam Construcción S.A. Client STADA Arzneimittel OTP Bank GLP E.ON Group Representation of the Spanish construc- Advised AIP Asset Management and Advised STADA Arzneimittel on the acqui- Legal assistance to the client in relation Legal assistance to American fund Heit- BBC VI - Client is preparing the con- Legal assistance to Czech and Slovak real Advised OTP Bank on all aspects of the Advised GLP on the acquisition of Good- Advised E.ON on its acquisition of a 49% tion company in a legal dispute with The Valesco Group on the €120 million sition of Walmark, a leading manufacturer Short description of deal to development of real estate project new man in a share deal transaction on sale of struction of an administrative project in estate investor, owner of the administra- Short description of deal sale of its 99.44% share in its Slovak man Group’s Central and Eastern Europe stake in electric utility Východoslovenská 2 National Motorway Company a.s. over acquisition of Twin City Tower in Bratislava of consumer health products, from Mid Istropolis. an administration building in Bratislava. Bratislava with a GLA of over 30,000 m . tive building BBC V located in Bratislava. operations to the Belgian KBC Group. logistics real estate portfolio. energetika Holding from RWE. claims arising from work contract. from HB Reavis. Europa Partners. Deal value; Deal started in Y (deal finished in Q) 150 mil. €; 2018 (ongoing) 60 mil. €; 2018 (1Q/2019) 80 mil. €; 2019 (ongoing) NA; 2019 (4Q/2019) 13 mil. €; 2018 (ongoing) Deal value; Deal started in Y (deal finished in Q) 120 mil. €; 2019 (2Q/2019) NA; 2019 (1Q/2020) NA; 2019 (1Q/2020) 1,000 mil. €; 2019 (2Q/2020) NA; 2020 (3Q/2020) BBH advokátska kancelária, s.r.o l l l l l l Noerr s.r.o. l l l l l Axel /Loopia, Denmark-based private National Engineering Industries Ltd./ GPV International, Danish electronics Client Erste Group Immorent Slovensko s.r.o. ČEZ Group Zerfree GmbH FibrePartners Waldviertler Sparkasse Bank AG Client Apollo Global Management Signa Retail equity firm Birla Group manufacturer Our firm represented the client with Our firm acted as a legal advisor in the Our firm has advised the client on the We advised the client on the sale of stake We provided the client with complex Acquisition of WebSupport s.r.o., the Sale of 28 logistics centres in Germany, Acquisition of the international bearings Sale of the 22 kika locations in the Czech Short description of deal respect to the sale of the industrial park acquisition of shareholding interests and acquisition of Slovak company Nidec in FibreNet, s.r.o. - a developer/operator legal services, including representation in Short description of deal leading Slovak web host and main registrar Poland, Slovakia, the Netherlands, Belgium producer Kinex Bearings and a bearing Republic, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia Acquisition of the Swiss CCS Group. Immopark Košice to industrial property certain assets in multiple companies/ Global Appliance Slovakia s.r.o., a manu- of fibre optic networks - to Czech investor, several active and passive court litigations of .sk and .eu domains and Austria. trade company, Global Supply. to XXXLutz. development company CTP. providers of energy services. facturer of compressors. Suntel Group. and other proceedings. Deal value; Deal started in Y (deal finished in Q) NA; 2018 (2Q/2019) NA; 2018 (4Q/2019) NA; 2018 (1Q/2020) NA; 2018 (2Q/2019) NA; 2018 (1Q/2019) Deal value; Deal started in Y (deal finished in Q) 40 mil. €; 2018 (3Q/2019) 50 mil. €; 2018 (2Q/2019) NA; 2018 (3Q/2019) 10 mil. €; 2018 (3Q/2019) 150 mil. €; 2017 (ongoing) Paul Q l l l l l CMS Slovakia l l l l l Client MARKÍZA - SLOVAKIA Petit Press BILLA VOLKSWAGEN SLOVAKIA ARCOLA Client Slovak Government Thermo Fisher Scientific Gramercy Europe UniCredit Bank Austria AG Advent International Representing the leading Slovak publishing Advising the client on various land acqui- Advising the client on the acquisition Representing TV Markíza in promissory Advising the company on a wide range Advice on the successful acquisition of Advised on a complicated restructuring house at all stages of Slovak courts in sitions and long-term leases. Advising of the former Carrefour premises in SC Advice on the tender for the planning, Advised on the acquisition and financing Short description of deal notes disputes with a total value over of compliance and employment issues as Advice on the acquisition of a leading the KiK Logistics Centre near Dunajská related to a borrower. Represented the over 50 freedom of speech disputes and the client on labour law and compliance Cassovia and re-financing of its operations Short description of deal construction, operation and facility of Zentiva portfolio in multiple jurisdic- €60 million. well as real estate matters. developer of mass spectrometry software. Streda, Slovakia, from Go Asset and ECE bank in the restructuring proceedings and criminal investigations. related matters. in Slovakia. management of a prison. tions in Europe. European City Estates. connected court proceedings. Deal value; Deal started in Y (deal finished in Q) 68 mil. €; 2017 (ongoing) NA; 2000 (ongoing) NA; 2016 (ongoing) NA; 2014 (ongoing) 14.50 mil. €; 2017 (3Q/2019) Deal value; Deal started in Y (deal finished in Q) 100 mil. €; 2019 (ongoing) NA; 2019 (4Q/2019) NA; 2018 (2Q/2019) 7.60 mil. €; 2019 (2Q/2019) 1,920 mil. €; 2018 (4Q/2019) PETERKA & PARTNERS l l l l l ČECHOVÁ & PARTNERS s. r. o. l l l l l l l Podtatranská vodárenská prevádzková Client Falck Descours & Cabaud ECE European City Estates Wolt spoločnosť Client Mattoni 1873 a.s. Lenovo Pharmaceutical company YIT Merck Sharp & Dohme Advising Falck, world leader in the provi- Advising Descours&Cabaud, European Representing in a lawsuit concerning Complex assistance in all employment Complex assistance in corporate,commer- Assistance in several key development Complex assistance with acquisition of Corporate assistance in the spinoff of the sion of healthcare and medical services, in distributor of tools and products for indu- Advising client on the sale of a logistics Comprehensive advice to Wolt on compensation for material damage due matters of the largest European shared cial and employment agenda, including projects in Bratislava. Complex legal Short description of deal Short description of deal PepsiCola subsidiary in Slovakia followed in woman health, biosimilar business and relation to sale of its emergency medical stry and construction, in the acquisition of centre located in Slovakia. entering the Slovak market. to restricted use of land in water resource services center of the company and 3 transitional performance of local inhouse advice on various ownership and con- 2019 by intra group merger. other diversified brands. services business in SK several SK companies. protection zones. Slovak subsidiaries. function. tractual matters. Deal value; Deal started in Y (deal finished in Q) NA; 2019 (2Q/2020) NA; 2018 (3Q/2019) NA; 2018 (1Q/2019) NA; 2019 (ongoing) NA; 2012 (3Q/2019) Deal value; Deal started in Y (deal finished in Q) NA; 2018 (4Q/2019) NA; 2005 (ongoing) NA; 2009 (ongoing) NA; 2018 (4Q/2019) NA; 2007 (ongoing) PRK Partners s.r.o. l l l l l Dentons Europe CS LLP, organizačná zložka l l l l l Morgan Stanley Bank International Client RWE Aktiengesellschaft UNIQA a.s., insurance company Vienna Insurance Group J&T IB and Capital Markets, a.s. Client A group of banks led by Erste Bank AG Slovenská sporiteľňa Representing parents of Ján Kuciak Club of financing banks led by Tatra banka Markíza - Slovakia Limited Legal advice to a German leader in energy Representation of the Slovak branch of Advising J&T IB as arranger and J&T Advising on the financing of the acquisition Advised Slovenská sporiteľňa, the largest Pro bono advising and representation Advising on financing of construction of Advising Morgan Stanley, Société Géné- PRK Partners advised Vienna Insurance Representing the largest private TV com- business in connection with the sale of part significant European insurance company BANKA as lead manager on the issuance of Twin City Tower in Bratislava, the major commercial bank in Slovakia, on an of the parents of the murdered investi- SKY PARK Offices including reconstruc- Short description of deal rale and other lenders in connection with Group on the acquisition of AXA insuran- Short description of deal pany in Slovakia in criminal proceedings of its business and related transactions in in more than 200 legal disputes before of fixed rate bonds up to EUR 90 million acquisition transaction of 2019 on the intention to bid for the acquisition of OTP gative journalist Ján Kuciak in criminal tion of a national cultural monument refinancing senior loan provided. ce businesses. concerning forgery of promissory notes. the Slovak Republic respective courts. issued by Emma Gamma Finance, a.s. Slovak market. Banka Slovensko. proceedings. “Jurkovičova tepláreň". Deal value; Deal started in Y (deal finished in Q) NA; 2018 (3Q/2020) 30 mil. €; 2015 (ongoing) 300 mil. €; 2019 (2Q/2019) 1,000 mil. €; 2019 (1Q/2020) 90 mil. €; 2019 (2Q/2019) Deal value; Deal started in Y (deal finished in Q) NA; 2019 (4Q/2019) NA; 2019 (1Q/2020) NA; 2018 (ongoing) NA; 2019 (4Q/2019) 68 mil. €; 2018 (ongoing) RUŽIČKA AND PARTNERS s. r. o. l l l l l Hamala Kluch Víglaský s.r.o. l l l l l Client MOL National Motorways Company Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic KBC Bank Slovak Telekom Client T-Systems Slovakia Cresco Group BUDAMAR INNOVATIONS STADA PHARMA Slovakia Mercedes-Benz Slovakia Representing the Ministry of Health in Representing Slovak Telekom in 3 lawsuits Representing MOL in voluntary share Advising National Motorways Company Advising KBC Bank on a mandatory offer Carve-out of a part of one of the largest Modification of ownership structure of Negotiation and preparation of lease two lawsuits initiated by contractors of initiated by alternative operators for abuse Establishment of innovative joint-venture Acquisition of the Slovak pharmaceutical Short description of deal offer and squeeze out proceedings related in the preparation of a new tender for the and squeeze out in OTP Bank following its Short description of deal telecommunication companies in the joint-venture companies established by agreement for the new Slovak HQ of Rázsochy hospital; this development was of dominant position on several retail and company. division of WALMARK. to Slovnaft. electronic tolling system in Slovakia. acquisition by KBC. Slovak Republic. Cresco Group and an international fund. Mercedes-Benz. abolished by the government. wholesale markets. Deal value; Deal started in Y (deal finished in Q) NA; 2019 (2Q/2020) NA; 2019 (2Q/2019) NA; 2019 (1Q/2020) NA; 2019 (2Q/2020) NA; 2020 (2Q/2020) Deal value; Deal started in Y (deal finished in Q) NA; 2019 (3Q/2019) NA; 2019 (ongoing) NA; 2018 (ongoing) NA; 2020 (ongoing) NA; 2018 (ongoing) 42 2019/2020 Top 5 Deals of the Largest Law Firms in Slovakia Kurzarbeit – then, now and tomorrow Deal 1 Deal 2 Deal 3 Deal 4 Deal 5 I. INTRODUCTION • 80% of the total labour costs, Kurzarbeit (short-time work capped at € 1,100 per month for

Company scheme) as an alternative to one employee, or (listed alphabetically) redundancy is a social insurance • flat-rate contribution depending on programme based on the reduction reduction in turnover, capped at € Buy side Selling side Government Creditor Borrower Other Buy side Selling side Government Creditor Borrower Other Buy side Selling side Government Creditor Borrower Other Buy side Selling side Government Creditor Borrower Other Buy side Selling side Government Creditor Borrower Other of employees’ working time and 810 per month for one employee. SOUKENÍK – ŠTRPKA, s. r. o. l l l l l l l l Ministry of Transport wages, whereby the state covers the Moreover, the employers who Client National Highway Company, a.s. ESIN Solar B.V. PREMIUM Insurance Company Limited Health Care Surveillance Authority and Construction of SR Complex legal advice to an insurance staff costs. This labour scheme was interrupted their operations under Short description of deal legal advice in connection with the D4/ Co-representation of client in the internati- The loan funds were used for the early company operating in the SK territory Representation of a client in a proceeding first applied in Germany in 1910. the order of the Public Health Office R7 project onal arbitration. redemption of issued bonds. through a branch of an insurance compa- related to damage compensation. ny from another Member State. Mrs. Diana Hamarová and Mr. of the Slovak Republic are entitled to Deal value; Deal started in Y (deal finished in Q) 1,900 mil. €; 2017 (ongoing) NA; 2018 (ongoing) 34 mil. €; 2019 (4Q/2019) NA; 2015 (ongoing) 280 mil. €; 2018 (ongoing) Andrej Rolfes, lawyers from the law receive an allowance amounting to Squire Patton Boggs s.r.o. l l l l l firm SOUKENÍK ŠTRPKA, s. r. o., Mgr. Andrej Rolfes Mgr. Diana Hamarová 80% of the total labour costs, capped Embassy of the United States of America Client Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic Lincoln Electric Slovakia s.r.o. Západoslovenská energetika, a.s. in SR deal with Kurzarbeit in Germany at € 1,100 per month for one em- Victory in arbitration for app. €170 mil. of Victory in arbitration of over €1.5 Advising on the company reorganisation Acquisition of prime-location land and Representing Západoslovenská distribuč- a constitutional ban on export of mineral billion relating to the withdrawal of the including the entire process of sale of and in Slovakia. In this article, they short-time work allowance could III. KURZARBEIT IN SLOVAKIA ployee. These allowances are covered Short description of deal buildings for the construction of the new ná, a. s. in a dispute regarding historical water outside the Slovakia other than in mining area for talc mining by the Slovak the client’s former manufacturing plant US Embassy compound. transfer of property. highlight the most significant be received over the course of 12 Currently, the law of the Slovak by taxes and EU funds. consumer package authorities. located in Nitra. Deal value; Deal started in Y (deal finished in Q) 170 mil. €; 2016 (4Q/2020) 1,500 mil. €; 2014 (3Q/2019) NA; 2014 (ongoing) 5.50 mil. €; 2017 (3Q/2020) NA; 2017 (ongoing) changes that were made to this social months (with a possibility of prolon- Republic does not regulate Kurz- Looking ahead, the Slovak Škubla & Partneri s. r. o. l l l l l insurance programme after the gation by the respective authority of arbeit as a legal institute. Prior government intends to establish Client HICEE B.V. Penta Investments Penta Real Estate Bory Bývanie Penta Real Estate COVID-19 outbreak. up to 24 months). to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Kurzarbeit as a permanent institute Representing claimant in an unprece- Advised the client (one of the potential Complex one-stop-shop advice related Advised investor on the preparation and Advised the client on the sale of the Ro- dented court dispute concerning an buyers) on the Due Diligence process to top tier Sky Park residential and During the COVID-19 Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs covered by unemployment insurance Short description of deal construction of Bory Home, the new sum office complex to Austrian company unconstitutional prohibition of profit of related to the acquisition of OTP Banka administrative project designed by UK residential project in Bratislava. European City Estates. II. KURZARBEIT IN GERMANY pandemic, the German government and Family of the Slovak Republic according to the German model health insurance companies. Slovakia. architectural office Zaha Hadid. Deal value; Deal started in Y (deal finished in Q) 138 mil. €; 2008 (ongoing) NA; 2019 (4Q/2019) NA; 2012 (ongoing) NA; 2018 (ongoing) NA; 2019 (1Q/2020) Generally, in order to be eligible was forced to tweak the above rules supported employment with a job effective until the COVID-19 out- TaylorWessing e/n/w/c advokáti s. r. o. l l l l l for Kurzarbeit, employers needed to and make them more flexible to retention bonus amounting to 50% break. The current amount of social Client Bratislavská vodárenská spoločnosť ARKON Group C & A Mode, C&A Logistics Nové Mesto MH Manažment WebSupport shareholders prove to the respective employment offer a more attractive and accessible of the employee’s monthly wage security contributions should remain Acquisition of 100% share in Infra Services Acquisition, reconstruction and lease Collective labour law advice and imple- by BVS from GRAFOBAL GROUP including of buildings in Košice (shopping mall Litigation against the client's former Sale of 100% share in WebSupport by its agency that they had a substantial option. For a limited period, from compensation, up to a maximum of unchanged, but a special social fund Short description of deal mentation of the concern's reorganisation resolving of real estate and competition (formerly Prior) on Hlavná; Main post lawyers regarding their fees. shareholders to the Loopia Group in Slovakia. loss of work, which: March 1, 2020 to December 31, 60% of the average monthly wage for short-time work as a main finan- law issues office on Poštová). Deal value; Deal started in Y (deal finished in Q) 10.50 mil. €; 2020 (3Q/2020) NA; 2019 (1Q/2020) NA; 2018 (ongoing) 100 mil. €; 2017 (ongoing) NA; 2019 (2Q/2019) • had to be caused by an economic 2020, it is sufficient if the employer of the employee contributing to the cial source for Kurzarbeit should be White & Case s.r.o. l l l l l reason or an unavoidable event; can prove to the employment agency Slovak economy for the previous created. These changes will likely take Barclays, Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, Client HB Reavis eustream, a.s. PPF Group FORTISCHEM a. s. HSBC & VÚB • could not be prevented, i. e. the that there has been a “substantial” cut year. Generally, the employers were place in 2022. Advised eustream, a.s. in connection to a Advised Joint Lead Managers on the Representing FORTISCHEM a. s. before Represented the HB Reavis Group in Represented PPF on the acquisition of employer exhausted all feasible op- in working hours. The threshold for entitled to receive this allowance series of new bilateral and club revolving Slovak Republic's double tranche issuance the European Court of Justice in the case Short description of deal connection with its disposal of Twin CME, which operates television stations in credit facility agreements entered into of €2 bn 0.250% notes due in 2025 and of the Slovak Republic’s alleged granting tions concerning the regulation of a “substantial” cut in working hours if they retained job(s) even in the IV. CONCLUSION City Tower. five CEE countries. with 9 banks. €2 bn 1.000% notes due in 2032. of state aid. working time; has been reduced from one-third to case of temporary limitation of the Kurzarbeit is an excellent Deal value; Deal started in Y (deal finished in Q) 120 mil. €; 2019 (2Q/2019) 590 mil. €; 2019 (4Q/2019) 4,000 mil. €; 2020 (2Q/2020) 1,894 mil. €; 2019 (4Q/2019) NA; 2019 (ongoing) • had to be temporary; 10% of the workforce. Furthermore, employer’s operational activities crisis management tool supporting • had to significantly jeopardise the the short-time work allowance has caused by persisting substantive employment, the retention of firm- company’s employment, i. e. at also increased as follows: operational reasons. specific human capital and aggregate least one-third of the workforce was Length of receiving Amount Within the First-aid package, demand. On the other hand, some affected by a loss of working hours allowance of allowance the Slovak government has intro- economists argue that Kurzarbeit st rd 60% of the net The future of M&A in Europe – insights from the market players of at least 10%. from 1 to 3 month pay lost duced “Kurzarbeit” as a temporary reduces labour market flexibility and Is it the right time to go ahead with the planned drivers of restructurings. Respondents predict that the most Furthermore, the employee from 4th to 6th 70% of the net measure to help the economy, competition, and keeps obsolete month pay lost transaction? Many business leaders have been asking activity will come via deals related to distressed M&A, had to have social insurance. The which has been weakened by the jobs.3 However, regardless of the from 7th month 80% of the net themselves this very question. Depending on the assets or restructurings, carve-outs and corporate defaults. Almost short-time work allowance was based pay lost coronavirus pandemic. Currently, negatives of short-time work, we company being targeted, the current environment may pose three-quarters of cash-rich private equity firms noted their on the amount of net pay lost. In Provided that the employee lives the following employers are entitled believe that Kurzarbeit should be varying degrees of risk, but this should not necessarily deter interest in distressed M&A. principle, short-time employees with at least 1 child in a common to the allowance: a stable part of our legal system. them. Deal Dynamics: Pricing expectations between vendors The CMS “European M&A Outlook 2020”, published and buyers widened. Sellers have been reluctant to sell received a full wage for the worked household, the short-time work • employers with a significant reduc- We welcome the commitment of hours from the employer and a short- allowance is 7% higher. The period tion in turnover; the Slovak government to establish in partnership with Mergermarket, presents findings from assets at lower prices in a falling market. Equally, buyers are Dr. Oliver Werner the survey of senior executives from 230 European corporate reluctant to pay full valuations at a time of high volatility. Managing Partner (Bratislava) time work allowance for the hours for which this allowance may be • employers whose employees are Kurzarbeit as a permanent legal and PE firms about their expectations for the M&A market Buyers and sellers have only made transactions when there [email protected] not worked, amounting to 60% of received was extended to up to 21 unable to work on behalf of the institute under the standard German for the rest 2020 and 2021. Key findings include: are clear strategic rationales or vendors have to sell to raise the standard net remuneration, from months – ending on December 31, employer (temporary “Kurzarbeit” model. Nevertheless, the effectiveness M&A appetite weakens. Compared to H1 2019, capital. the State. Employees who had at least 2020 (when Kurzarbeit started before scheme). of the Kurzarbeit scheme will M&A activity in Europe fell by almost one-third in terms Divestment drivers. Divestment is emerging as one child living in their household or on December 31, 2019).1 The Starting on October 1, 2020, depend on its final legal regulation, of both volume and value in the first half of 2020.64% of a key post-coronavirus theme. Among those considering received a short-time work allowance short-time work allowance may be the allowances within the First-aid particularly on the preconditions of survey respondents do not expect the M&A market to return divestments, 83% say they want to counter the effect of amounting to 67% of the standard package are as follows (legal status to pre-pandemic levels before at least 2023. COVID-19, 55% are looking to raise capital for increased calculated from the maximum salary the provision of the short-time work 2 4 Financing conditions to tighten. Any source of financing financial flexibility, and28% cite regulatory pressure. net remuneration. Normally, the of € 6,900 (gross per month). valid as of October 30, 2020): allowance. is likely to be more expensive and subject to tighter covenants Going digital: Companies that are not up to speed and terms. Banks and institutional lenders are focused digitally will be eager to find M&A targets and invest Soňa Hanková on nursing current portfolios through the disruption of in broadband connectivity, telecommunications and Partner (Bratislava) COVID-19 rather than funding new transactions. Therefore, essential digital infrastructure. 83% of respondents [email protected] survey respondents see private equity funds, non-bank identify the acquisition of new technologies as one of

lenders and credit funds as the key providers of capital. Close their two principal deal drivers. 1 For more information: https://www.bmas.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/kug-faq-kurzarbeit-und-qualifizierung-englisch.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=2. SP020092/002 SP020101/001 to 60% say private equity will be among the top two sources 2 For more information: https://cms.law/en/media/local/cms-hs/files/publications/newsletters/corona-faq-reduced-working-hours. of deal funding, with 46% looking to private debt funds. For further insights and analyses on European 3 For more information: https://www.imf.org/en/News/Articles/2020/06/11/na061120-kurzarbeit-germanys-short-time-work-benefit. Distressed M&A, restructuring and corporate defaults dealmaking, please access our report on cms.law (enter 4 This article is based on the legal status valid as of October 30, 2020. to rise. Debt or liquidity issues are expected to be primary European M&A Outlook 2020 in the search window). 44 local law firms local law firms 45

A local law firm has most of its lawyers within the V4 region territory (Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary). A local law firm has most of its lawyers within the V4 region territory (Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary).

Five areas, which account for the greatest proportion of the law firm‘s Other Five areas, which account for the greatest proportion of the law firm‘s Other

business in 2020 / Päť oblastí, ktoré v agende právnickej firmy mali services / business in 2020 / Päť oblastí, ktoré v agende právnickej firmy mali services /

v roku 2020 najväčší podiel Ostatné v roku 2020 najväčší podiel Ostatné služby služby

Company (Listed alphabetically) www Chief executive officer

Address Phone Phone Company (Listed alphabetically) www Chief executive officer

City, Postal code Fax E-mail Address Phone Phone E-mail City, Postal code Fax E-mail E-mail Názov (v abecednom poradí) Adresa www Riaditeľ Názov (v abecednom poradí) Mesto PSČ Telefón Telefón Adresa www Riaditeľ

E-mail Fax E-mail besides (lawyers attorneys) in 2020/ of establish./ No. lawyers Year Languages 2020 / (počet bez právnikov advokátov) v r. právnikov Rok založenia / Počet Jazyky in 2020 / No. of attorneys No. of attorneys in SR (no. foreign) advokátov v SR (zahraničných) in SR / Poč. worldwide / No. of branches 2020 / poč. advokátov vo svete / poč. pobočiekv r. v SR sektory, in which your law firm has the most clients / Tri sectors, Three z ktorých má vaša kancelária najviac klientov Establishment M&A Litigation & arbitration law Bankruptcy law & commercial Contractual Competition Intellectual property Labour law & PPP projects Public procurement law & regulation Administrative relations Credit Securities & transactions Other Due diligence / Tax/ Environment / Dane Due diligence prostredie Živ. law Criminal / Sports / Family / Športové / Rodinné právo Trestné Mesto PSČ Telefón Telefón Živ. prostredie / Dane Due diligence prostredie Živ. law Criminal / Sports / Family / Športové / Rodinné právo Trestné 1 Advokátska kancelária MCL, s.r.o. Matej Firický, Martin Habán, Martin Jurečko, Vojtech Pálinkáš premium listing E-mail Fax E-mail besides (lawyers attorneys) in 2020/ of establish./ No. lawyers Year Languages 2020 / (počet bez právnikov advokátov) v r. právnikov Rok založenia / Počet Jazyky in 2020 / No. of attorneys No. of attorneys in SR (no. foreign) advokátov v SR (zahraničných) in SR / Poč. worldwide / No. of branches 2020 / poč. advokátov vo svete / poč. pobočiekv r. v SR sektory, in which your law firm has the most clients / Tri sectors, Three z ktorých má vaša kancelária najviac klientov Establishment M&A Litigation & arbitration law Bankruptcy law & commercial Contractual Competition Intellectual property Labour law & PPP projects Public procurement law & regulation Administrative relations Credit Securities & transactions Other Due diligence / Tax/ Environment Carlton Savoy Offices 2, www.akmcl.sk +421(0)2 4363-8154 2015 10 (1) real estate, banking & no no 17 Masnyk Legal s.r.o. Rastislav Masnyk Mostová 2 +421(0)2 4363-8154 [email protected] 15 (5) 1 finance, trade yes yes Ťahanovské riadky 25 www.masnyklegal.sk +421(0)903 561-337 2006 5 (0) real estate, IT, industry yes yes Bratislava - Staré Mesto E, G, R, I, S, 1 l l l l l yes yes Košice - Sever 040 01 +421(0)55 728-7274 [email protected] 7(2) 5 yes yes l l l l l 811 02 [email protected] E, G, F, R, I, 1 yes yes [email protected] S, P, H 2 Bartošík Šváby s.r.o. Boris Šváby, Peter Bartošík, Igor Šváby premium listing 18 NOVICKÝ advokátska kancelária s.r.o. Jaroslav Novický Plynárenská 7/A www.bartosiksvaby.sk +421(0)2 5244-2181 2005 13 (0) real estate, industry, trade no yes Františkánska 5 www.aknovicky.cz +421(0)907 880-086 2009 2 (0) real estate, banking & yes no Bratislava - Ružinov 821 09 +421(0)2 5244-2181 [email protected] 20 (7) - no no Košice - Staré Mesto 040 01 +421(0)55 727-5225 [email protected] 3 (1) 6 finance, industry l l l l l no no [email protected] +421(0)2 5244-2182 E, F, G, 1 l l l l l yes yes [email protected] +421(0)55 727-5113 E, G, 1 yes yes 19 Paul Q Pavol Blahušiak Karadžičova 2, Twin City, Blok A www.paulqlaw.com +421(0)2 5828-2802 1991 12 (0) real estate, IT, trade yes yes 3 MENKE LEGAL s.r.o. Lucia Menke premium listing Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 09 +421(0)2 5828-2828 [email protected] 19 (7) NA l l l l l yes no Gorkého 3 www.menke-legal.com +421(0)221 291-410 2015 6 (1) IT, public administration, no yes [email protected] E, G, 1 yes no Bratislava - Staré Mesto +421(0)221 291-410 [email protected] 7 (1) 6 trade yes no 20 PRK Partners s.r.o. Martin Kříž 811 01 +421(0)220 910-845 E, G, 1 l l l l l yes no Hurbanovo námestie 3 www.prkpartners.com +421(0)2 3233-3232 2006 15 (1) insurance, energy, trade yes no [email protected] Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 06 +421(0)2 3233-3232 [email protected] 20 (5) 14 l l l l l yes no [email protected] +421(0)2 3233-3222 E, G, 1 yes no 4 SEDLAČKO & PARTNERS, s.r.o. František Sedlačko premium listing 21 RUŽIČKA AND PARTNERS s. r. o. Jaroslav Ružička Štefánikova 8 - +421(0)2 5463-0226 2006 7 (0) real estate, banking & no no Vysoká 2/B www.r-p.sk +421(0)2 3233-3441 1992 25 (0) real estate, industry, yes yes Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 05 +421(0)2 5463-0226 [email protected] 12 (5) 7 finance, trade no no Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 06 +421(0)2 3233-3444 [email protected] 30 (5) 25 public administration yes yes [email protected] +421(0)2 5463-0228 E, G, 1 l l l l l yes no l l l l l [email protected] +421(0)2 3233-3443 E, H, G, R, 1 yes yes 22 Škubla & Partneri s. r. o. Martin Škubla 5 SOUKENÍK – ŠTRPKA, s. r. o. David Soukeník, Peter Štrpka premium listing Digital Park II, Einsteinova 25 www.skubla.sk +421(0)2 5778-8800 2002 11 (0) real estate, banking & yes yes Šoltésovej 14 www.akss.sk +421(0)2 3220-2111 2003 26 (0) real estate, energy, trade yes no Bratislava - Petržalka 851 01 +421(0)2 5778-8800 [email protected] 17 (6) 11 finance, health care l l l l l yes yes Bratislava - Staré Mesto +421(0)2 3220-2111 [email protected] 61 (35) yes yes [email protected] +421(0)2 5778-8810 E, F, G, 1 yes yes 811 08 +421(0)2 3220-2110 E, G, R, Pl, 5 l l l l l yes yes [email protected]

6 Advokátska kancelária RELEVANS s.r.o. Alexander Kadela Dvořákovo nábrežie 8A www.relevans.sk +421(0)2 3235-4602 2011 21 (0) real estate, banking & no no Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 02 +421(0)2 3235-4602 [email protected] 36 (15) 21 finance, trade l l l l l no no [email protected] E, F, G, 2 yes no 7 Barger Prekop s.r.o. Adrián Barger, Roman Prekop Carlton Savoy Courtyard, Mostová 2 www.bargerprekop.com +421(0)2 3211-9890 2010 12 (1) real estate, energy, no no Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 02 +421(0)2 3211-9890 [email protected]; 21 (9) 12 industry l l l l l no no [email protected] +421(0)2 3211-9899 [email protected] E, F, G, I, 1 yes no 8 BBH advokátska kancelária, s.r.o Olga Beláňová, Miroslav Fašung, Matej Blahút Suché mýto 1 www.bbh.sk +421(0)2 2086-1020 2006 6 (0) real estate, banking & yes no Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 03 +421(0)2 2086-1020 [email protected] 12 (6) finance, energy l l l l l yes no [email protected] +421(0)2 2086-1022 E, G, R, 1 yes no 9 CLS Čavojský & Partners, s.r.o. Peter Čavojský Zochova 6-8 www.clscp.sk +421(0)2 5564-3365 2006 6 (0) banking & finance, no no Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 03 +421(0)2 5564-3365 [email protected] 7 (1) 6 industry, trade l l l l l no no [email protected] +421(0)2 5564-3361 E, F, G, 1 yes no 10 ČECHOVÁ & PARTNERS s. r. o. Katarína Čechová Staromestská 3 www.cechova.sk +421(0)2 5441-4441 1990 18 (0) industry, health care, no no Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 03 +421(0)2 5441-4441 [email protected] 18 (0) 18 trade l l l l l no no [email protected] +421(0)2 5443-4598 E, F, G, R, 1 yes no 11 DETVAI LUDIK MALY | DLMU Štefan Detvai, Zoltán Ludik, Jakub Malý Cukrová 14 www.dlmu.sk +421(0)2 5292-3628 1993 6 (0) banking & finance, no yes Bratislava - Staré Mesto 813 39 +421(0)2 5292-3628 [email protected] 12 (6) 6 industry, trade l l l l l yes no [email protected] +421(0)2 5292-6002 E, F, H, G, R, 1 yes yes GO AHEAD. 12 Hamala Kluch Víglaský s.r.o. Roman Hamala Poštová 3 www.hkv.sk +421(0)2 5441-0160 2006 13 (0) real estate, industry, other yes yes Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 06 +421(0)2 5441-0160 [email protected] 20 (7) l l l l l yes yes [email protected] E, F, H, G, R, 1 yes no WE’VE GOT 13 HAVEL & PARTNERS s.r.o., advokátska kancelária Jaroslav Havel Centrum Zuckermandel, Žižkova 7803/9 www.havelpartners.sk +421(0)2 3211-3900 2008 16 (4) IT, energy, industry yes no Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 02 +421(0)2 3211-3900 [email protected] 28 (12) 16 yes yes l l l l l [email protected] +421(0)2 3211-3901 E, F, D, H, G, R, 1 yes yes Pl, I, S, YOUR BACK. 14 Hillbridges, s.r.o. Zuzana Čuvala Bartošovičová, Zora Mistríková, Miroslav Trenčan Sedlárska 1 www.hillbridges.com +421(0)2 3219-1111 2008 6 (0) real estate, energy, yes no Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 01 +421(0)2 3219-1111 [email protected] 14 (8) industry l l l l l no no [email protected] +421(0)2 3214-4888 E, G, 1 yes no M&A � CORPORATE GOVERNANCE � BANKING AND FINANCE � REAL ESTATE AND DEVELOPMENT � INSURANCE 15 IKRÉNYI & REHÁK, s. r. o. Ivan Ikrényi Šoltésovej 2 www.ikrenyirehak.sk 00421(0)2 5010-2111 2008 9 (0) IT, industry no no HEALTHCARE AND PHARMA � IT AND TELCO � ANTITRUST AND COMPETITION � DATA PROTECTION Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 08 +421(0)2 5010-2111 [email protected] 17 (8) 9 l l l l l yes no CRIMINAL LAW � LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT � AUTOMOTIVE [email protected] E, H, G, 1 yes no SP020099/002 16 Malata, Pružinský, Hegedüš & Partners s. r. o. Milan Malata, Róbert Pružinský, Vincent Hegedüš, Jana Alušíková Twin City Tower, Mlynské nivy 10 www.mph-advocates.com +421(0)2 3211-3042 2012 10 (0) banking & finance, IT, no no Bratislava - Staré Mesto 821 09 +421(0)2 3211-3031 [email protected] 19 (9) energy l l l l l yes no [email protected] E, H, G, 2 no no WWW.DLMU.SK NA- not available, Ar-Arabic, Bul-Bulgarian, Cr-Croatian, D-Dutch, E-English, F-French, G-German, H-Hungarian, Chi-Chinese, I-Italian, J-Japanese, K-Korean, N-Norwegian, Pl-Polish, P-Portuguese, R-Russian, Sl-Slovenian, S-Spanish Compiled by The Slovak Spectator Team 46 international law firms Changes to the System of Remedies An international law firm has more than half of its lawyers outside the V4 region territory (Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary).

Five areas, which account for the greatest proportion of the law firm's Other

business in 2020 / Päť oblastí, ktoré v agende právnickej firmy mali services / v roku 2020 najväčší podiel Ostatné under the Amendment to the Public služby

Procurement Law – Take Three Company (Listed alphabetically) www Chief executive officer

Address Phone Phone City, Postal code Fax E-mail E-mail EVERYBODY Ján Azud is the head of Projects, currently set at 21 days, the courts Názov (v abecednom poradí) WANTS TO CHANGE infrastructure and public procure- may make decisions that are more Adresa www Riaditeľ THE PROCUREMENT LAW ment practice of RUŽIČKA AND legally robust and definitive. Mesto PSČ Telefón Telefón PARTNERS law firm. His more than E-mail Fax E-mail besides (lawyers attorneys) in 2020/ of establish./ No. lawyers Year Languages 2020 / (počet bez právnikov advokátov) v r. právnikov Rok založenia / Počet Jazyky in 2020 / No. of attorneys No. of attorneys in SR (no. foreign) advokátov v SR (zahraničných) in SR / Poč. worldwide / No. of branches 2020 / poč. advokátov vo svete / poč. pobočiekv r. v SR sektory, in which your law firm has the most clients / Tri sectors, Three z ktorých má vaša kancelária najviac klientov Establishment M&A Litigation & arbitration law Bankruptcy law & commercial Contractual Competition Intellectual property Labour law & PPP projects Public procurement law & regulation Administrative relations Credit Securities & transactions Other Due diligence / Tax/ Environment / Dane Due diligence prostredie Živ. law Criminal / Sports / Family / Športové / Rodinné právo Trestné Around this time last year After all, the courts have had 20 years long practice focuses on 1 Allen & Overy Bratislava, s.r.o. Martin Magál and the year before, we published the final say on challenges even Eurovea Central 1, Pribinova 4 www.allenovery.com +421(0)2 5920-2400 1999 22 (2) banking & finance, yes no development of infrastructure pro- Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 09 +421(0)2 5920-2400 [email protected] 26 (13) NA energy, industry no no two articles about changes to the under the current regulation, l l l l l jects, PPPs, public procurement and [email protected] +421(0)2 5920-2424 E, F, H, G, 1 yes no system of remedies under the project financing. Over the years, but their judgments were only R, Pl, Slovak procurement law. Appar- he has acquired ample experience rendered after the decisions of 2 BDO Legal s. r. o. Pavel Poliak by participating in major projects Mostová 2 www.bdoslovakia.com +421(0)2 5920-8611 2019 9 (0) real estate, energy, yes yes ently, it has become a tradition; the Public Procurement Office. Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 02 +421(0)2 5920-8611 [email protected] 14 (5) 650 industry l l l l l no yes not even a full year goes by before and vast amount of public procure- Finally, the Slovak system, where [email protected] E, F, 2 no yes ment proceedings on both local and 3 bnt attorneys-at-law, s.r.o. Margareta Sovova politicians try to fiddle with the international levels. From 2013 to an administrative agency deals Cintorínska 7 www.bnt.eu +421(0)2 5788-0088 2004 15 (3) real estate, industry, yes yes procurement rules again. This 2018, Ján was a member of the JUDr. Ján Azud with both the methodology and Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 08 +421(0)2 5788-0088 [email protected] 15 (2) 120 health care l l l l l yes no [email protected] E, G, R, 1 yes yes time over, it is not only the Public Board of the Public Procurement Partner remedies, creates an inherent 4 bpv Braun Partners s.r.o., o.z. Igor Augustinič Procurement Office but also the Office. For three years he also acted RUŽIČKA AND PARTNERS conflict of interest and is therefore Europeum BC, Suché mýto 1 www.bpv-bp.com +421(0)2 3388-8880 2009 7 (2) real estate, banking & yes no Office of the Vice-Chairman of the as the adviser to the Chairman of the s. r. o. not the most preferred solution Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 03 +421(0)2 3388-8880 [email protected] 10 (3) 140 finance, industry l l l l l no yes Public Procurement Office. Under his [email protected] +421(0)2 2091-0844 E, H, G, I, 1 yes no Cabinet. In fact, the latter’s initia- lead, the firm´s public procurement in the EU, where mostly courts 5 CMS Slovakia Oliver Werner, Helen Rodwell tive is the one relevant here as the practice was granted the Law Firm of the Year award for eight or court-like bodies decide on Staromestská 3 www.cms.law +421(0)2 3214-1414 2017 16 (2) real estate, energy, yes no consecutive years. Ján as the leading author together with other Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 03 +421(0)2 3214-1414 [email protected] 18 (3) 4,800 industry l l l l l no yes government has backed it and the remedies. [email protected] +421(0)2 3214-1411 E, G, 1 yes no prime minister himself declared it colleagues from his team finalised the Commentary to the Public 6 Deloitte Legal s. r. o., advokátska kancelária Dagmar Yoder a “revolution” in the procurement Procurement Act, published in October 2019. OVERALL ASSESSMENT Digital Park II, Einsteinova 23 www2.deloitte.com/sk +421(0)2 5824-9111 2010 8 (3) banking & finance, yes no Bratislava - Petržalka 851 01 +421(0)2 5824-9111 [email protected] 19 (11) 2,500 industry, trade l l l l l yes no system. Granted, there is always We concur that cancelling the [email protected] E, K, G, 3 yes no room to improve the law, but con- EU rules officially regulate only COURT ACTIONS regulation of smaller contracts 7 Dentons Europe CS LLP, organizačná zložka Peter Kubina stant changes mean that its users major contracts, there is a constant TO REPLACE CHALLENGES is a revolution in procurement. Štefánikova 15 www.dentons.com +421(0)2 2066-0223 1996 16 (0) real estate, banking & yes yes Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 05 +421(0)2 2066-0111 [email protected] 23 (7) NA finance, health care no no l l l l l can hardly get used to it before it is and settled case law by the Euro- Another key pillar of the Many authorities will no doubt [email protected] +421(0)2 2066-0999 E, F, H, G, R, 1 yes no Pl, S, tweaked at best, or totally changed pean Court of Justice (ECJ), which “revolution” concerns the decision- welcome it. On other hand, 8 Ernst & Young Law s. r. o. Tatiana Knošková at worst. This seems to be the plan created the doctrine of cross-border making authority. The Public everybody must be aware that Žižkova 9 www.ey.com/sk/en/services/tax/law +421(0)2 3333-9111 2015 4 (0) real estate, IT, industry no no now. Last year, we joked that we interest. This means that even small Procurement Office currently there are EU rules that require Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 02 +421(0)2 3333-9111 [email protected] 12 (8) NA l l l l l yes no [email protected] E, G, 1 yes yes could make this a yearly update. contracts might attract bidders handling challenges will be stripped a certain degree of transparency 9 Kinstellar, s.r.o. Patrik Bolf Well, we could not be closer to the from other EU states. As a result, of this power, which should be and redress, even when it comes Hviezdoslavovo nám. 13 www.kinstellar.com +421(0)2 5929-1111 2000 12 (1) real estate, banking & yes no Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 02 +421(0)2 5929-1111 [email protected] 19 (7) 250 finance, energy l l l l l yes no truth. So, this is now 2020’s take states need to ensure they have basic transferred to administrative courts. to minor contracts that attract [email protected] +421(0)2 5929-1210 E, F, H, G, R, 1 yes no on the effects of the “revolution” transparency and effective remedies. This leaves the PPO less than a cross-border interest. It will be 10 Noerr s.r.o. Pavol Rak in procurement and the system of Without any rules in this respect, impressed as they have continually up to the authorities to maintain Palisády 29/A www.noerr.com +421(0)2 5910-1010 2004 7 (2) real estate, industry, trade no no Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 06 +421(0)2 5910-1010 [email protected] 11 (4) 500 l l l l l no no remedies. the authorities will find themselves built their robust decision- this required transparency [email protected] +421(0)2 5910-1011 E, G, 1 yes no constantly in a grey zone as many making apparatus, and without based on a set of in-house PETERKA & PARTNERS advokátska kancelária s.r.o. 11 Ľubomír Leško organizačná zložka THE EUROPEAN purchases they are going to make the power to handle challenges, rules. Stripping the Public Kapitulská 18/A www.peterkapartners.com +421(0)2 5441-8700 2001 18 (2) real estate, industry, trade yes no PROCUREMENT REGIME Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 01 +421(0)2 5441-8700 [email protected] 25 (7) 150 yes yes may well be, due to their nature or their status and importance will Procurement Office of its most l l l l l [email protected] E, Bul, F, H, G, 1 yes no It can be safely proclaimed that value, of a cross border interest. In plummet earthwards. One may important competency raises R, Pl, the proposed regulation shifts the addition, it will be more difficult have sympathy for them, but many eyebrows, but giving the 12 Rödl & Partner Advokáti, s. r. o. Maroš Tóth Lazaretská 8 www.roedl.com/sk +421(0)2 5720-0410 2001 6 (0) real estate, energy, yes no paradigm of the Slovak procure- for bidders from other countries to giving courts the power to decide power to decide on remedies to Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 08 +421(0)2 5720-0444 [email protected] 11 (5) NA industry l l l l l yes no ment system. In Slovakia, the rules access the Slovak market of public on challenges might not be a bad courts may improve the system [email protected] +421(0)2 5273-3643 E, G, R, 1 yes yes 13 Squire Patton Boggs s.r.o. Tatiana Prokopová for smaller purchases basically contracts and remedies. No doubt, move after all. The judgments of remedies in the long run. Zochova 5 www.squirepattonboggs.com +421(0)2 5930-3433 1991 4 (0) real estate, health care, yes no mirror the procedures for major this will trigger interest from the of courts made by professional Provided that the courts are well Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 03 +421(0)2 5930-3411 [email protected] 10 (6) 1,500 trade l l l l l no no [email protected] +421(0)2 5930-3415 E, F, G, R, I, 1 yes no contracts regulated by EU procure- European Commission, and it is judges are generally better than staffed, trained and compliant 14 TaylorWessing e/n/w/c advokáti s. r. o. Andrej Leontiev ment legislation. Smaller authorities very likely that the ECJ will soon those of administrative officials. with deadlines, the remedies may Panenská 6 www.taylorwessing.com +421(0)2 5263-2804 2004 15 (0) IT, industry, trade yes no that regularly enter minor deals deal with a case concerning the lack When properly staffed, trained be solved in a quicker and more Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 03 +421(0)2 5263-2804 [email protected] 28 (13) 1,000 l l l l l no yes [email protected] +421(0)2 5263-2677 E, G, 1 yes no required for their basic operations of transparency in Slovakia. and compliant with deadlines, definitive way. Nevertheless, we 15 White & Case s.r.o. Juraj Fuska are having a hard time with this. still believe that stability, time Hlavné námestie 5 www.whitecase.com +421(0)2 5441-5100 1997 11 (0) banking & finance, no no Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 01 +421(0)2 5441-5100 [email protected] 14 (3) NA energy, industry l l l l l yes no The amendment proposed by the and patience to develop settled [email protected] +421(0)2 5441-6100 E, F, G, S, 1 yes no cabinet not only tries to relax these case law would accommodate the WOLF THEISS Rechtsanwälte GmbH & Co KG, 16 Jitka Logesová organizačná zložka rules; it cancels them altogether. needs of stakeholders better than Aupark Tower, Einsteinova 24 www.wolftheiss.com +421(0)2 5910-1240 2002 4 (1) real estate, banking & no no This goes hand in hand with the endless modifications. As always, Bratislava - Petržalka 851 01 +421(0)2 5910-1240 [email protected] 9 (5) 340 finance, trade l l l l l no no [email protected] +421(0)2 5910-1249 E, F, G, I, 1 yes no exemption of smaller contracts from we conclude that it remains to SP020065/001 remedy procedures. It seems an ap- be seen how the new system will NA- not available, Ar-Arabic, Bul-Bulgarian, Cr-Croatian, D-Dutch, E-English, F-French, G-German, H-Hungarian, Chi-Chinese, I-Italian, J-Japanese, K-Korean, N-Norwegian, Pl-Polish, P-Portuguese, R-Russian, Sl-Slovenian, S-Spanish Compiled by The Slovak Spectator Team pealing idea on paper, but it could work, and, more than anything prove trickier in reality. Although else, how long it will last. 48 49 Who‘s who Who‘s who Attorneys in Slovakia Attorneys in Slovakia

Igor Augustinič Renátus Kollár Rastislav Masnyk Peter Štrpka Partner Partner Managing partner Partner bpv Braun Partners s.r.o., o.z. Allen & Overy Bratislava, s.r.o. Masnyk Legal s.r.o. SOUKENÍK – ŠTRPKA, s. r. o. EUROPEUM BC, Suché Mýto 1, 811 03 Bratislava Eurovea Central 1, Pribinova 4, 811 09 Bratislava Ťahanovské riadky 25, 040 01 Košice ŠOLTÉSOVEJ 14, 811 08 Bratislava www.bpv-bp.com www.allenovery.com http://www.masnyklegal.sk www.akss.sk Tel.: +421(0)2 3388-8880 Tel.: +421(0)2 5920-2400 Tel.: +421(0)55 728-7274 Tel.: +421(0)2 3220-2111 Year of becoming an attorney: 2009 Year of becoming an attorney: 2002 Year of becoming an attorney: 2002 Year of becoming an attorney: 2005 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Graduate of: Comenius University in Bratislava, University of Graz, Charles Graduate of: Comenius University in Bratislava, University in Prague, University of Vienna University of Oxford – postgraduate Graduate of: P. J. Šafárik University in Košice, Thames Valley University Lon- Graduate of: Comenius University in Bratislava Areas of law: banking and financial law, M&A, competition law, corporate law Areas of law: banking & finance, restructuring & insolvency don UK, Webster University, Pittsburgh University Areas of law: commercial law with a focus on corporate, banking, competition and real estate law Areas of law: commercial, corporate, real estate and energy law

Peter Bartošík Jitka Logesová Lucia Menke Boris Šváby Partner Managing partner Managing partner Partner Bartošík Šváby s.r.o. WOLF THEISS Rechtsanwälte GmbH & Co KG, MENKE LEGAL s.r.o. Bartošík Šváby s.r.o. Plynárenská 7/A, 821 09 Bratislava organizačná zložka Gorkého 3, 811 01 Bratislava Plynárenská 7/A, 821 09 Bratislava www.bartosiksvaby.sk Aupark Tower, Einsteinova 24, 851 01 Bratislava www.menke-legal.com www.bartosiksvaby.sk Tel.: +421(0)2 5244-2181 www.wolftheiss.com Tel.: +421(0)2 2129-1410 Tel.: +421(0)2 5244-2181 Year of becoming an attorney: 2004 Tel.: +421(0)2 5910-1240 Year of becoming an attorney: 2007 Year of becoming an attorney: 2006 E-mail: [email protected] Year of becoming an attorney: 1998 Czech Bar association E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Graduate of: MATEJ BEL UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF LAW Graduate of: Comenius University in Bratislava Graduate of: Comenius University in Bratislava Graduate of: Charles University in Prague, University of Passau in Germany Areas of law: Intellectual Property Law, ICT and Media Law, Public Procure- Areas of law: corporate and M&A, litigation and dispute resolution, labour law, Areas of law: real estate, corporate and M&A, energy law, labor law, litigation, Areas of law: Compliance, Corporate Investigations, White Collar Crime, ment, Data Protection, Corporate Law real estate law, contract law intelectual property Corporate Criminal Liability, Asset Recovery

Tomáš Búry Martin Magál Jaroslav Ružička Igor Šváby Senior Associate Managing partner Managing partner Partner Allen & Overy Bratislava, s.r.o. Allen & Overy Bratislava, s.r.o. RUŽIČKA AND PARTNERS s. r. o. Bartošík Šváby s.r.o. Eurovea Central 1, Pribinova 4, 811 09 Bratislava Eurovea Central 1, Pribinova 4, 811 09 Bratislava Vysoká 2/B, 811 06 Bratislava Plynárenská 7/A, 821 09 Bratislava www.allenovery.com www.allenovery.com www.r-p.sk www.bartosiksvaby.sk Tel.: 00421(0)2 5920-2400 Tel.: +421(0)2 5920-2400 Tel.: +421(0)2 3233-3441 Tel.: +421(0)2 5244-2181 E-mail: [email protected] Year of becoming an attorney: 2001 Year of becoming an attorney: 1992 Year of becoming an attorney: 2009 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

Graduate of: Comenius University in Bratislava Graduate of: Comenius University in Bratislava, University of Cambridge Graduate of: Comenius University in Bratislava Graduate of: Comenius University in Bratislava Areas of law: M&A, corporate, commercial Areas of law: dispute resolution – arbitration, litigation and white collar crime, Areas of law: real estate, construction, corporate and M&A, infrastructure, Areas of law: real estate, contract law, intellectual property, employment, M&A, corporate, commercial PPP litigation, bankruptcy a restructuring

Soňa Hanková Jakub Malý David Soukeník Maroš Tóth Partner Partner Partner Partner CMS Slovakia DETVAI LUDIK MALY | DLMU SOUKENÍK – ŠTRPKA, s. r. o. Rödl & Partner Advokáti, s. r. o. (CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz s. r. o. + CMS Cameron Cukrová 14, 813 39 Bratislava ŠOLTÉSOVEJ 14, 811 08 Bratislava Lazaretská 8, 811 08 Bratislava McKenna Nabarro Olswang, advokáti, v.o.s., oz) www.dlmu.sk www.akss.sk www.roedl.com/sk Staromestská 3, 811 03 Bratislava Tel.: +421(0)2 5292-3628 Tel.: +421(0)2 3220-2111 Tel.: +421(0)2 5720-0444 cms.law Year of becoming an attorney: 2014 Year of becoming an attorney: 2003 Year of becoming an attorney: 2002 Tel.: +421(0)2 3214-1414 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Year of becoming an attorney: 2005 E-mail: [email protected] Graduate of: Comenius University in Bratislava Graduate of: Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, ESCP-EAP Business Graduate of: Comenius University in Bratislava Areas of law: Development projects; Litigation, arbitration, debt collection; School Berlin Graduate of: Comenius University in Bratislava Areas of law: banking and finance, M&A, insurance, real estate, employee Insolvency law Areas of law: corporate and M&A, Due Diligence, real estate, contract law, Areas of law: Corporate/ M&A, Real Estate, Employment shareholding/stock ownership plans banking & finance, labour law, tax law 50 Government policy & legislation Government policy & legislation 51

need to select a new president for sible in the end. The judge will be take this seriously. There are several when you served as her state the court, which will cut the con- more focused on one issue, mak- tools that can be used to involve secretary. Is this something that I will do as much nections between the judges and ing it easier for the court president the public in the legislative process you are going to be involved in? the president. This will put an end to then reflect if the judges really in our programme statement. In this government, OĽaNO is to the old relationships that were do their work in the time frame at Ministries should try and legislate expected to propose the law. as possible in my first year developed over decades. the quality that is expected for the in such a way that the individual MK: Our competencies are Aside from the court map, agenda. This is a task for the min- laws that are interconnected are clear. We are going to oversee which is the most important topic istry as well, to help the judges and proposed as one packet, at one the constitutional amendment of focus, we also want to define give them better tools, electronic time. It is also very important in the framework of justice, and a new type of crime from the Aus- tools, to make the most relevant that the already existing standard amendments to the Criminal Code trian legal order, known as gradual decision on the case. What we process, in which the public and Criminal Procedure Act. We feeding (for example providing see now is that all decisions are knows when and how they can would definitely like to come up small treats to get a public official published, but there are several comment on the proposed laws, is with the new Civil Code and work on one’s side). The amendment to tools and ways to browse through really respected. It is vital that the with the Civil Procedure Act. There the Freedom of Information Act the cases, none of them as easy as MPs and the government do not are definitely laws that concern the allows the public to obtain more it can be in the 21st century. New try to deviate from the standard statute of judges and courts too. data, which, in turn, holds public software could help not just judges procedure. Then, of course, the new law about officials accountable. There is also but also other legal professions commercial companies, where it a big step in property declarations find precedent cases. Then we can TSS: Do you see the willing- is clear that it is our competence. and the administration, with the expect judges and everyone to be ness in your coalition partners When it comes to other laws, like potential development of a new aware of rulings that have already to be aligned with you on this? lobbying, we need to talk about office. If we really implement all been made, and consider them MK: The pandemic was really who will be responsible for that. this during this term, it should help binding. not a good beginning, especially Such a discussion has not taken fight corruption significantly. for those who are new to the place yet. TSS: Unpredictability has government and have to start TSS: The unpredictability also been a point of contention with the extreme and then go to TSS: Some observers point of court rulings is a frequent when it comes to the legisla- the standard. It is always better to to the junior position of your complaint among law firms and tive process. You have proposed start as a new member of the team party in the coalition. Are you their clients. The ruling depends in the programme statement working with a standard situation concerned about being able to on which court is deciding, to ban indirect amendments. rather than reaching for exceptions. push all your plans through which makes it hard for lawyers Where else do you see possible That is why we need to take the your partners? to tell their clients how a case solutions for what some de- standard procedure very seriously MK: My experience is that the Source: SITA Source: could go. scribe as chaos in the legislative from now on. government has a lot of energy to he coronavirus pandemic better quality rulings made within and more transparent with new Perception Index since 2016. MK: Once we allow the judge process? start with. I will do my best to do forced Slovakia’s new a reasonable amount of time. electronic tools. How do you plan to improve to use their full capacity for one MK: Firstly, it should be about TSS: Material responsibil- as much as possible in the first year. government of Igor Slovakia’s ranking at the end of type of agenda, we can expect the the discipline of the ministries and ity of public officials was one By Michaela Terenzani TMatovič to tackle the legislative TSS: What will that mean TSS: Which part of your your term? decision to be more comprehen- the whole ruling coalition should of Lucia Žitňanská’s priorities Spectator staff process and justified non-standard for the business environment? programme do you view as MK: The reorganisation of the legislative processes head-on. It is The programme statement sug- a priority? court map is definitely a strong tool very important that lawmakers, gests you are going to start with MK: Rule of law and the judi- to fight corruption. We now have Who is Mária Kolíková? mainly those who are new to the family agenda courts. cial system. We will definitely start over 50 courts at the first level. As Mária Kolíková has served as Slovakia‘s justice minister since March 21, 2020, when she process, respect the standards of MK: We need to see it as a big- there. Among the things we want a priority, we will want to have at was appointed as a member of the Matovič law creation, says Justice Minister ger picture. The project of family to set up in the first hundred days least three judges per agenda – civil government. Mária Kolíková. courts has already started and we is an amendment of the Constitu- law, commercial law, criminal law, She is not a newcomer to the ministry, though. have some experiences we would tion in the framework of justice. administrative law, and family law. She served as the state secretary (deputy The Slovak Spectator like to take into consideration. We would also like to amend the We need at least three judges at the minister) in 2010 - 2012 and then 2016 - 2018, both times under Lucia Žitňanská as minister. (TSS): Many see you as Lucia However, the reorganisation will laws regarding the court map courts if we want to assign judges She is seen as her former right-hand woman Žitňanská’s successor in this cover both targets: a specialisation and the forfeiture of property in cases via random selection. Clearly, and is expected to continue the reforms in the ministerial post. Do you see on the commercial law agenda and a criminal proceeding. In addition, smaller courts with five or six judiciary that were started in 2016. yourself that way too? the family law agenda. we will prepare an amendment for judges cannot meet this require- Kolíková first got a post in the state administra- Mária Kolíková (MK): Regarding businesses, we the freedom of information act, on ment. It is not possible to have 50 tion in 2006, when she became the director of the newly-established Centre for Legal Aid. She I would definitely like to continue would like to implement external which I do not expect much discus- courts with specialised judges and only remained in the post for a few months be- the reform we started with Lucia registrators for the business register, sion. Other points regarding the a random selection of cases. With fore Štefan Harabin as minister dismissed her. Žitňanská, especially the reorgani- as it was started under Žitňanská. fight against corruption have yet to new pools for new courts, we will She has spent much of her professional career sation of the court map, or the net- This is one of the main issues be discussed. embrace a bigger territory than working as an attorney at law and professor at law schools. work of courts in the country, with that I would really like to tackle. before. Now, we have two courts She is a leading member of the junior coalition the aim to have judges specialised External registrators – notaries – TSS: Slovakia has dropped per territory, and then we will have Za Ľudí party. by five ranks in the Corruption on one agenda. This will enable will make the process more speedy just one court per territory. We will Sme Source: 52 Government policy & legislation Government policy & legislation 53

Zones investment aid, the location of the Shared service centres Slovakia is divided into investment project and the char- • minimum investment of Guidelines for investment three parts – western, central acter of production, the following €200,000; and eastern – depending on the specific conditions for supported • number of obligatory newly cre- maximum intensity of investment areas apply: ated jobs: 20 – 50; aid which can be granted. In • minimum multiple of AGMW support across Slovakia Industrial production value, research and development, particular, up to 25% or 35% of paid to employees compared to the increase of innovation and the total amount of eligible pro- • minimum investment €200,000 AGMW for particular district automation in line with Industry ject costs is granted in support, – 40,000,000; (multiple of 1.5 – 1.8 ). 4.0 technological trends and depending on the main location • minimum share of new technol- In conclusion, we would like a smart specialisation strategy – of the investment. ogy of the total eligible capital to point out that at the moment, RIS3. investment costs 30 – 60%; a new amendment to the currently General conditions • number of created jobs (obliga- applicable legislative framework Supported areas • initial investment is defined as tory if investor wishes to receive is in the process of approval. The tasr continue to include: the creation of new business, subsidy for newly-created jobs) proposed amendment responds to

• industrial production; expansion of existing business, 20 – 200. the current situation caused by the Source: • technology centres; diversification of production COVID-19 pandemic. The impact proposed amendment temporarily • shared service centres. or radical change in existing Technology centres – of the pandemic has unpredict- relaxes some selected obligations A combination of investment production; R&D and innovation ably and fundamentally affected and conditions for the provision aid for industrial production • eligible project costs are either • minimum investment of the beneficiaries of investment of investment aid in favour of new and a technology centre is also capital investment costs or wage €100,000 – 400,000; aid and their ability to meet the investments that will potentially possible. costs, or a combination of both; • number of obligatory newly- obligations and conditions for the apply for investment aid. The pro- • an investor cannot start work created jobs: 10 – 20; provision of investment aid arising posed effective date of this amend- Forms of investment incentives: on an investment project before • minimum multiple of the average from the decision on the approval ment is January 1, 2021.

Source: SME Source: • tax allowance (preferred form of submitting an investment aid gross monthly wage (AGMW) of investment aid. Therefore, due Lenka Bartoňová nvestment aid is an important economy. Support and encour- The Regional Investment investment aid); application to the Ministry of paid to employees compared to to the acute need to support eco- Senior Manager, tool that reduces dispari- agement of new and established Aid, as it is known today, is • subsidy for acquired non-current Economy. AGMW for particular district nomic development in connection State Aid Team Leader ties across the country with investors with the realisation of provided based on the legislative tangible and intangible assets; Depending on the form of (multiple of 1.7 – 2 ). with the economic recovery, the PwC in Slovakia Ithe main aim of promoting the their investment projects in exist- framework, which came into subsidy for newly created jobs; • advertisement inflow of investments into less ing or new operations is even more force in April 2018. Its key • transfer or lease of real estate at developed Slovak regions and in- important during the ongoing priorities include the support of a price lower than the market creasing the competitiveness of the COVID-19 pandemic. investments with high added- value. Maximum intensity of investment aid in Slovak regions

Western Slovakia (except for the Bratislava Region) Central Slovakia

Eastern Slovakia SP020074/001

Real estate 5 things to remember when purchasing a plot in Slovakia (questions you need to answer) Martin – 43 000 m2 1. Locality Where is the locality situated and how is it defined in the master plan? When was the locality built? Is the plot situated in an area that is often flooded, where there is a potential risk of pollution or are archaeological excavations often carried out there? Are there any limitations, like closeness to the airport, military facilities, gas facilities, railways with a protection zone or a protection zone for first-class roads and highways?

2. Infrastructure Is the infrastructure built close to the selected plot sufficient? Is the plot connected to roads of international interest? Can the plot be connected to all types of networks? Will it be possible to build enough capacities to operate the locality and in what time frame? Will I, as the future owner, be able to secure access to the plot’s border and its trouble-free connection to the existing public communications network?

3. Permissions Am I able to obtain all necessary permissions required by the existing master plans and valid legislation? What are the possibilities of third parties (e .g . citizens, municipalities and rivals) to limit or stop the development activities on the plot? What is the state of the plot from the point of material burden, debits and legal disputes?

4. Construction Vráble – 38 000 m2 Is it necessary to carry out an environmental survey? Can I, as the plot’s owner, effectively compete for and sign agreements over building capacities, as well as manage all development risks related to construction in the locality?

5. Economic state of the region and state aid Is there enough labour force in the region where the selected plot is situated? What schools are in the neighbourhood? What other companies are active in the region? Am I entitled to regional investment aid?

Prepared in cooperation with Ján Rakovský, industrial agency consultant at Cushman & Wakefield Slovakia; Marián Mlynárik, head of the investment properties department at CBRE Slovakia; and Martin Manina from the Advokátska Kancelária JUDR. Michal Krnáč law firm, which cooperates with Jones Lang LaSalle.

Nitra – 10 000 m2

BESICO Štúrova 22 | 949 01 Nitra | Slovensko SP020072/001 +421 37 31 41 501 | email: [email protected] | www.besico.eu 56 real estate: Survey real estate: Survey 57

the availability of loans and how more by the end of the year. Like quickly and efficiently the govern- many other sectors, the real estate Real estate market ment will help restart the economy. sector depends on economic recov- Unlike the 2008 crisis, we did ery, the loosening of government- not have a price bubble before the imposed measures and, last but not is healthy despite COVID-19 COVID-19 outbreak, but the rise least, banks, and thus the availabili- in housing prices was the logical ty of mortgage financing. However, result of strong demand, limited due to the long-lasting shortage supply and a sharp rise in construc- of flats in Bratislava, we can as- tion and wage costs. In the long sume price stability or even expect run, therefore, we do not expect a slight increase in the prices of

Source: TASR Source: prices to fall. a certain category of flats. Demand the projects under construction LV: Deadlines were postponed The demand for housing is has gradually started to recover. have become our priority and we only in the case of the second phase constant and Slovakia has a sig- Although the issue of housing are managing to meet the original of the Sky Park project in Bratis- nificantly smaller housing stock is a long-term process, it is still an deadlines. We recorded smaller fail- lava, putting off the beginning of per capita than western European intense topic and we have seen, for ures on the side of material deliver- the sale of apartments in the fourth countries. Real estate has also been example, higher demand for larger, ies from abroad, but we replaced residential tower, which already has considered a safe long-term invest- three – and four-room apartments, them with local suppliers. all the necessary permits to start ment for more than a century. in contrast to the period before construction. As for the future of the work- March, where interest in one or TSS: Has the pandemic ing environment, we are already two-room properties prevailed. postponed any project deadlines TSS: What other impacts building modern office buildings LV: We do not anticipate any or have you had to reduce your do you expect the pandemic to so that premises can be easily and significant changes or negative labour force? have on your company? On what quickly adapted to the ever-chang- impacts in the residential segment. RP: We had to temporarily factors will further development ing needs of the market. The office segment will certainly be interrupt demolition work on the depend? The economic downturn as affected more noticeably, as working Apollo 1 office building, but the RP: We are preparing for the a result of constraints during the from home is becoming a trend. work has already resumed. The anticipated economic contraction epidemic may temporarily affect However, even if there is a de- completion of construction work in Europe with the rationalisation demand, but quality premises in cline in demand for office spaces, on the Stanica Nivy bus station, of our company’s operation. At the good locations with sufficient facili- clients will choose quality projects part of which is a shopping mall, same time, the next development ties and transport accessibility will with an advantageous location and was postponed to spring 2021. But will depend on the direction in always find clients. good civic amenities all the more. the date of its opening depends which the Slovak economy will de- JK: It is very difficult to predict By Jana Liptáková on how the retail market recovers. velop. I consider it important that something today; we will know Spectator staff Nevertheless, three quarters of the the Slovak government creates an Source: Sme Source: bus station’s retail premises have attractive business environment so he coronavirus pandemic The Slovak Spectator (TSS): mediate introduction of emer- to prevent the risk of spreading already been rented out. We also that Slovakia becomes competitive and government’s anti- What effects has the coronavirus gency hygiene and safety measures diseases, which will be of a more help our future partners test new among the surrounding countries coronavirus measures pandemic had on your company on the construction sites and all permanent nature, such as limit- solutions and products. For exam- and is able to attract companies Thave affected every business to so far? buildings we administer. We also ing elevator capacity, measuring ple, we are actively supporting the operating in the field of services, some extent and the real estate René Popik (RP): This crisis had to close the point of sale, and temperatures and the like. launch of an online marketplace, innovation or the IT sector. The market is no exception. Hygiene is not a crisis in the real estate or communication with apartment Ján Krnáč (JK): Fortunately, the first of its kind in Slovakia. The potential of Slovakia and Bratislava and safety measures had to be in- other markets, but it is caused by buyers took place by phone and we were not forced to suspend the deadlines for the rest of our projects itself, which excels in its unique lo- troduced on construction sites as the impact of the pandemic and the online. Most employees, if their construction of our projects, but have not changed. cation, to change from an assembly well while closed borders stopped measures needed to protect public jobs allowed, started working from our company operated in a tempo- PP: No, we did not have to hall to a knowledge-based economy supplies for some real estate pro- health. The real estate market is home. There were only short-term rarily limited mode. It is premature postpone construction schedules is clearly there, as evidenced by jects under construction. healthy and after the business sector restrictions on construction sites to assess the long-term impact on or lay off employees. All JTRE trends in deglobalisation and the The Slovak Spectator spoke restarts, it will only grow again. Our related to cooperation with foreign our business, depending on the fur- projects are continuing smoothly. subsequent relocation of shared with René Popik, CEO of HB priority is to keep as many projects suppliers due to the closure of ther development of the situation JK: Construction work on service centres back to the EU. Reavis Slovakia; Pavel Pelikán, and activities as possible running so borders and the above-mentioned and also on how fast the economy our projects has slowed down EU financial packages designed to managing director of J&T that we can get back into balance. measures protecting our workers restarts. slightly due to the anti-coronavirus mitigate the effects of the coronavi- Real Estate (JTRL); Ján Krnáč, HB Reavis has sufficient revenues and suppliers. Lenka Vargová (LV): Despite measures adopted by the govern- rus crisis for Slovakia are generous, managing director of Cresco Real from its projects to repay all its From mid-May, the situation a significant economic slowdown ment, but with the gradual lifting so it depends on how we manage to Estate; and Lenka Vargová, PR liabilities properly and on time. is gradually returning to normal; due to the worldwide spread of of the measures and the opening of use all of this. specialist at Penta Real Estate, Likewise, the coronavirus crisis has people are working in offices COVID-19, Penta Real Estate did borders, capacities and construction PP: Further developments in about the impact the COVID-19 not changed our overall strategy. again and the showroom is already not stop projects under construc- are being fully restored. We believe the real estate market depend on pandemic has had on their busi- Pavel Pelikán (PP): In the open, too. The return to work was tion or the sales processes of that the relevant authorities are the development of the economic nesses. beginning, the effect was the im- accompanied by other measures projects under construction. All resuming their operation, too. situation, unemployment, income, Source: JTRE Source: real estate: Market overview 59 We Want to Take Part in Regional Development Not Only as Developers Investors in real estate fter acquiring a business are custom-made. It has proven not omit green features, whether park next to Košice to be an excellent approach. The its planting new trees, or creating Airport last year, CTP results you get back are efficient green facades and parks. We are also opt for a wait-and-see tactic becameA a leader and the biggest production, good logistics and a planning to introduce a rainwater developer and owner of high- happy client. This particular project retention system in order to tech business parks in Slovakia. was about food products, and it decrease potable water consumption Currently, CTP has several goes without saying that this time for applications where potable water successfully running projects at the demands of the client were dif- is not readily available. development sites with good access ferent. In terms of technology, the You have also been involved in and infrastructure. These projects most impressive feature of the new public service activities in towns prioritise variability, sustainability, hall will be three temperature zones where you conduct business. efficiency and energy independence. Stanislav Pagáč intended for frozen, cold and dry I believe that this is one of We interviewed Stanislav Pagáč, food. They will use energy-saving our most important tasks. Our CTP Slovakia Regional Director, results are to be expected in 3Q and solutions such as CO₂ cooling, company is committed to a long- about the developer’s activities, 4Q 2020. LED lighting and heat recovery. term relationship, which is why we current situation and future plans. Logistic centres are the most The entire project will align with support communities at sites where Let’s start with a classic ques- significant part of your projects. HAVI’s commitment to cut carbon our parks are located. We have tion you have surely been asked Which segment has the highest emissions by 40% per metric ton always been respectful to all stake- before: How were you affected by share? by 2030. holders. We want to be involved in the first wave of the COVID-19 All of our ctParks are located ctParks are known for their regional development not only as a crisis? at sites with developed infrastruc- many eco-friendly solutions. developer that brings new jobs. For The COVID-19 crisis delayed ture and a good connection to Our halls and entire parks are instance, we are planning to build Source: Contera Park Bratislava Park Contera Source: active projects throughout the highways and expressways. In the no brown specks at the outskirts of a cycling path in Trnava and we entire industrial property market. case of Bratislava and Košice, you towns. Our philosophy is to be as have planned a 500-square-meter he COVID-19 pandemic commercial spaces are the most concerning the decline of the whole planned to open the bus station by A small part of the projects was can also add railway transport and energy-efficient and sustainable as public green area for Bratislava. We has had a slightly negative, affected, especially in capitals accus- retail sector,” said Procházka. autumn 2020. cancelled; however, this has been airports to the mix. Moreover, possible. All our old buildings will are really proud of delivering a new but not dramatic, impact tomed to a large supply of tourists As a result, customer behaviour In the future, retail parks will be compensated by the current rise we are favourably positioned in be revamped in order to decrease kindergarten pavilion in Voderady Ton the real estate market. who are currently missing. will change and e-commerce will the least affected by hygienic meas- in new projects that were created terms of international transport to their energy demand factor. We are few years back. While anti-pandemic measures “The investment market has grow faster. Given the economic im- ures as these, contrary to traditional as a market response to the crisis. Austria, Czech Republic, Poland the first developer in Europe to have What are your next inten- hit the retail sector of real estate the slowed; some investors are opting pact of the crisis on the population, shopping centres, do not have joint When compared to other countries, and Hungary. This benefit is utilised only BREEAM industrial buildings tions? most, industrial properties, where for a wait-and-see tactic and post- long-term consumer purchases will premises, Urvay of Colliers Interna- Slovakia did not suffer from the mostly by automotive companies; in our portfolio. BREEAM is the We should hand over and there is a strong demand from play- poning the completion of projects be postponed too. tional pointed out. departure of lessees and companies, it is a key aspect for them. Just initial and globally most widely launch several projects by the end of ers in the field of e-commerce, are for a few months until the situation “There will also be more pick- which demonstrates the high look at Bratislava and Volkswagen, recognised certification system 2020. Currently, CTP Group holds the potential winners of the crisis. stabilises,” said Ľubor Procházka up-points and temporary pop-up Industrial sector least affected attractiveness of Slovakia. It proves Trnava and PSA, or Žilina and Kia. for sustainability of buildings. We an area of more than 6 million The office segment was moderately of CBRE Slovensko. “Some other stores through which some brands While Slovakia’s small and this country is stable and able to Our portfolio also contains many want to achieve a carbon-neutral square meters and our bold plan is affected. The demand for housing investors were hit by the weakening will try to sell out their stock,” said open economy was one of the most create a good environment for companies from other industries. park operation by 2023. We are to grow to 10 million by 2023. The remains highly driven by a general of local currencies against the euro, Procházka. hit by the COVID-19 pandemic production and logistics in CEE. This spring, we handed over an area also considering alternative heat situation surrounding COVID-19 lack of available apartments, espe- which also resulted in the postpone- Due to the suspension of tenant within the European Union, the What further market develop- for the C&A fashion house, which sources such as thermal pumps for proved that leasing logistics and cially in bigger cities. ment of investment transactions.” expansion, some retail development local industrial and logistics segment ment do you foresee and what was looking for a new strategic the administrative buildings and are production areas is the right choice “Just as it has coped with the projects will be postponed. was not as negatively affected as other factors will have an impact? position in CEE. Currently, we are ready to use photovoltaic panels. for companies. This also supports health crisis, Slovakia will certainly Retail sector hit the most One of them is the biggest retail other real estate fields. The novel The market will see an influx building a hall for HAVI, a logistics We use retention tiles too. When our plan to expand into new sites cope with a slight decrease in activ- The retail sector comes out of project currently under construc- coronavirus crisis has brought a of regional logistics players, i.e. an and delivery company working it comes to architecture, we do within Slovakia. ity in the real estate market,” said the crisis as the greatest loser. It tion, the brand new Stanica Nivy demand for short-term rentals, the increase of production companies mostly with fast food places and Richard Urvay, director of Colliers was hit the most by governmental bus station in Bratislava by HB development of e-commerce and in CEE after their return from Asia restaurants. International in Slovakia. However, anti-pandemic measures. All shops, Reavis. The 70,000 m2 station acceleration in implementing new and non-EU countries. There has Let’s talk about the last Urvay expects a slight impact on in- except for grocery stores, pharma- includes a new station, shops, the processes and innovations. also been a new demand for city project you mentioned. At the vestors’ confidence. “It is question- cies and petrol stations, were closed Nivy Tower office space, and a “Despite the fact that all four logistics as a response to e-shopping gala ceremony, you said that the able how big institutional players for about two months before they boulevard. carmakers operating in Slovakia during the crisis. This trend is still task of HAVI is unusual in the will react and whether they will returned to full pre-pandemic “Taking into account the halted their operation in April, the here, even though the first wave of sense that it is non-standard and prefer more traditional markets such operation, while the government impact of the pandemic and the market remained relatively active,” the crisis is over. requires several innovative solu- as the United Kingdom, Germany also lifted the Sunday shopping ban measures introduced by the state, Michal Cerulík, head of the indus- Have you seen any respective tions. and France.” as of June 21. spring 2021 might be the new trial agency at CBRE Slovakia, told

SP020056/001 changes in the latest contracts? We are always trying to make The development on the real es- “We expect a drop in the deadline for opening Stanica Nivy,” The Slovak Spectator. Yes; the demand for such our clients as happy as possible and tate market in Slovakia is similar to revenues of shopping centres, but René Popik, the CEO of HB Prime logistics and office seg- solutions has been on the rise. We we usually go out of our way. That other central and eastern European only months after the opening of all Reavis, claimed on the company’s ments remain the most preferred are currently working on it and the is why almost all of our solutions countries. Across the region, rented outlets will it give a clearer picture website. Originally, the developer fields among investors, with price 60 real estate: Market overview real estate: Market overview 61

levels still appear immune to the stores accelerated the directing of also following the latest trends in Bratislava lacks apartments is to solve one’s own housing situ- COVID-19 pandemic, while trade to the internet, and companies the work environment, which point The coronavirus crisis has not ation, said Filip Žoldák, a partner demand from the side of investors that had so far hesitated launching to a need to redefine the spatial fundamentally affected the residen- at the Herrys real estate agency, as exceeds the current supply in the an online shop had to devote them- arrangement of offices towards tial real estate market. cited by Sme. The way people buy industrial and logistics segment,” selves intensively to this area. so-called activity-based working and “The demand for residential apartments also transformed, when reads the CBRE’s Property Invest- desk sharing.” real estate is gradually approaching instead of visiting apartments in ment Market View. Change in working style The situation has also sig- the numbers from the beginning person, potential buyers checked The biggest players see two to affect the office market nificantly accelerated the inflow of of March 2020,” said Ján Palenčár, them online. significant influences the coro- Market watchers expect that investment in technology and this president of the National As- On the other hand, the coro- navirus crisis has on the logistics several changes in the work environ- trend is expected to continue. sociation of Real Estate Agents of navirus has not had a significant and industrial real estate market. ment and work style will have an “Allowing employees to work Slovakia (NARKS), as cited by the impact on property prices. If there Both are related to the significant impact on office spaces. Companies from anywhere while ensuring equal Sme daily. “The offer of real estate is an increase in unemployment or acceleration of trends gradually began to introduce the possibility efficiency will be a matter of course for sale was not affected by the coro- a decrease in consumption in the emerging in this area – introduction of working from home on a large and will provide a competitive navirus crisis.” coming months, prices may stagnate of new processes and innovations scale. The survey conducted by advantage in recruiting new talent,” The next development will de- or fall for a short time. But only in and e-commerce. CBRE Slovensko showed that up to said Procházka. pend on the desire of banks to lend regions where there is a long-term “In 2020, e-commerce reached 86 percent of respondents actually CBRE Slovensko expects money to potential buyers. lower demand for purchase. its turning point and changed from worked in a home office during the the demand for office real estate “The demand for housing is still “From a long-term point of an alternative, complementary way pandemic. to decline slightly from the last high,” Urvay of Colliers Interna- view, however, we cannot expect a of shopping into one of the main “In light of the current situa- quarter. As for the construction of tional told The Slovak Spectator. drop in prices, for example, of small N BS Source: types of shopping,” Peter Jánoši, tion, we believe that conventional new office buildings, construction The pandemic has brought apartments in Bratislava, Košice into family houses. Thus, Slovakia mostly missing in the capital, where experts and developers opine that managing director for Slovakia at offices, given the way they work and work is slowing and the completion about a change in the composition and the like, where demand exceeds remains a country with the highest their number is estimated at 40,000 until the brand new Construction P3 Logistics Parks, told The Slovak the subject of their business, will of construction for some projects is of buyers. While in the previous supply,” said Palenčár. share of people living in their own apartments, the Institute of Urban Act and state support are clear, Spectator. He adds that the period undergo considerable digitisation being postponed. In the short term, period, investors could make up Although the number of hous- apartments. Development (IUR) pointed out. rental apartments will not be built of strict anti-coronavirus measures and automation,” Procházka told however, the demand for offices will to 40 percent of the total demand, ing units is growing in Slovakia, up Moreover, Slovakia is lack- It considers the shortage of to a greater extent. and the closure of brick-and-mortar The Slovak Spectator. “Slovakia is be reduced by 10 to 15 percent. the current motive for a purchase to two-thirds of apartments are built ing 220,000 apartments. They are available apartments alarming, but By Jana Liptáková ; Spectator staff advertisement advertisement


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housing is to create permanent Where to get money housing for citizens for whom The original idea of the Sme Rental housing has become a hot issue a mortgage is a disproportionate Rodina party was to finance the burden. Part of these state- construction of rental apartments 7.5% owned rental apartments will be according to the Asfinag model specifically adapted for people used by Austria. This public cor- 1.2% with reduced mobility, reads the poration, responsible for planning, document. financing, building, maintaining The government does not and operating motorways and ex- specify either the number of pressways, is not part of the general rental apartments it plans to build government debt. However, the during its four-year term, nor European Commission keeps dis- the sources with which it wants cussing with the Austrian statistics to finance their construction. It office whether Asfinag should really 91.3% 2018 E urostat only promises to find a sustainable be excluded from the public sector. model that does not increase Another source may be the Source: the budget deficit or the general money people have been storing in government debt. The plan is also the second private pension pillar. support of housing by providing elaboration on how to implement to continue supporting municipal Currently, future pensioners have complex support for the renewal of it. Out of more than 204,000 rental apartments and the creation about €10 billion deposited in the a housing stock, rentals as well as dwellings existing in the capital, of conditions for involving the pillar. Pension fund management one’s own housing. only approximately 1 percent private sector in the construction companies are not against this idea, The IFP supports this idea, accounts for municipal apart- of rental apartments. but to make this plan feasible, it pointing out that this fund has ments with regulated rentals. This “At the moment, we are would be necessary to tackle the especially supported the renewal of is a significantly lower share than building around 1,000 rental issue of rentals, secure their regular housing stock over the last year. in other cities, where it accounts apartments a year, and we have payment as well as the scheme “This is partly caused by draw- for 15 percent in Brno and even the ambition to increase this for the allocation of such apart- ing EU funds and the bad technical 60 percent in Vienna. The average Source: TASR Source: capacity several times,” said Andrej ments. Another matter is that the condition of a significant portion in the EU is 10 percent, specified upporting rental housing was Legacy of the 1990s compared to the EU as well as the supply to a total of over 2.1 Doležal, Minister of Transport and regulations of the National Bank of of housing stock,” the IFP’s study Katarína Rajčanová, spokesperson one of the priorities the pre- Most Slovaks live in their own low mobility of the labour force. million. Construction (Sme Rodina). “If it Slovakia (NBS), the country’s cen- reads. of the Bratislava city council. sent Speaker of Parliament house or apartment – as much as “Behind this situation may “Over the last years, Slovakia will be in two years or three years tral bank that supervises investing Prime Minister Igor Matovič The Bratislava city council Sand leader of the Sme Rodina 91.3 percent compared to the EU be the lack of affordable rental has failed to fundamentally change and if it will be 2,000 or 3,000 money from the second pillar, declared that the government owns 880 such apartments, 1,036 party, Boris Kollár, mentioned average of 69.3 percent. The share housing or cultural customs,” reads this unflattering situation,” reads apartments, it would be great. If it prohibit pension fund management wants to create conditions enabling are administered by individual while running in the February of apartments with regulated rent the IPF study. the study, pointing out that the will be 5,000 apartments, it would companies from investing billions private companies to participate Bratislava boroughs and 421 are 2020 general election. After his made up only 1.2 percent of the Another consequence is that number of newly completed apart- be fantastic.” of euros in one project. in building rental apartments. The owned directly by the boroughs. party succeeded and became part housing stock compared to the EU the preference for one’s own ments amounted to only 112,500 The construction of rental Another possible financial private sector welcomes the idea The difference in rentals is of the ruling coalition, support average of 8.7 percent. The share housing and living in a rented since 2011. Only 4,300 of these apartments should intensify in source is the State Housing but calls for stimuli like the reduc- significant, where a tenant may pay for rental housing was mentioned of commercial rental apartments apartment is understood as just apartments were built in the public 2021 after parliament passes the Development Fund (ŠFRB), in tion of taxes or faster depreciation between €550 to €600 for a com- in the government’s four-year accounted for only 7.4 percent an in-between stage to one’s own sector. needed legislative changes to the which there are currently €250 of the real estate built. mercially rented two-room apart- plan, even though far less than compared to the EU average of housing. Moreover, low-interest In the last 10 years, the con- obsolete Construction Act and the million that could be used for this “It would be good for the state ment in Bratislava. In the case of 25,000 rental apartments will be 22 percent, according to 2018 rates and the long-term high and struction of rental apartments with Public Procurement Act. purpose. ŠFRB dominates the state not to leave all rental housing on a municipal apartment, the rental built each year, which is what they data from the EU statistics office unsatisfied demand for rental regulated rentals has slowed down its shoulders and to also permit is significantly lower, depending on originally promised. Nonetheless, Eurostat. housing, for example in Bratislava, significantly, when it decreased into this sector private investors, the size of the apartment. Its cap is this has focused attention on the “Slovakia does not have a suf- lead to a monthly mortgage from 3,149 in 2007 to 195 apart- state funds and pension manage- set at 5 percent of the price of the current lack of housing in Slova- ficiently developed market for regu- instalment significantly below ments. ment companies that have enough apartment. kia. Slovaks face not only a lack of lated or market rental housing,” the commercial rental of an equal money and that could be motivated The interest in renting rental apartments, but a housing reads the study. apartment, points out the study. Plans to intensify the construction in some way to build commercial municipal apartments is high and 22% scarcity in general. The current situation in Furthermore, Slovakia lags of rental housing rental apartments,” Martin Lazík, potential tenants wait for such an “Support for rental housing Slovakia is a legacy of the 1990s. significantly behind the European The Igor Matovič government analyst of the National Association apartment for years. with regulated rent is one way to After the 1989 Velvet Revolution average in the number of dwellings promises in its programme of Real Estate Agencies in Slovakia “All rental apartments, after provide affordable housing to all toppled the communist regime, per 1,000 inhabitants. Based on statement to take all the necessary (NARKS) told the private TV being emptied by the previous ten- income groups,” wrote Jozef Kubala the housing stock was massively data from the latest 2011 census, steps to enable the massive 8.7% Markíza. ant, are reconstructed and rented and Vladimír Peciar of the think privatised. Due to the lack of the number of inhabited dwellings construction of quality state rental to a new tenant,” said Rajčanová, tank Institute for Financial Policy funds that obsolete housing stock per 1000 citizens was 329 units, apartments throughout Slovakia so Only 1 percent in Bratislava adding that the city registers (IFP), running under the Finance needed for repairs. A side effect while the EU average was around that the monthly rental is available Bratislava welcomes the a consistently high interest in rental Ministry, in their study of rental of this development is an above- 395 units. This means that Slovakia to the tenant and is significantly government plan to intensify the housing. 2018 E urostat housing published in November average share of overcrowded and lacks the almost 400,000 dwellings lower than the commercial 69.3% construction of rental housing, By Jana Liptáková 2019. multigenerational households needed to increase the housing rental. The purpose of state rental but it first needs to wait for the Spectator staff Source: 64 Real estate prices 2020 Real estate prices 2020 65

Residential properties - SALE Residential properties - RENT (Price in € per month) 5 or more Family house 5 or more Studio 1 - room 2 - room 3 - room 4 - room rooms Villa Family house plots Studio 1 - room 2 - room 3 - room 4 - room Villa Family house rooms Average Average Average Average Average Average price in € price in € price in € price in € price in € price in € Average Average Price Bratislava I 447 504 720 1,100 1,520 1,805 4,172 2,399 Price Price Price Price Price Price price in € price in € in €/m2 in €/m2 in €/m2 in €/m2 in €/m2 in €/m2 in €/m2 Bratislava II 361 428 580 690 950 1,235 2,816 1,064 108,900 151,800 201,000 309,000 420,000 489,300 Bratislava I 1,136,870 761,390 803 Bratislava III 399 428 580 740 1,045 1,330 2,399 2,086 4,219 3,639 3,189 3,020 3,241 3,060 75,900 105,600 148,500 183,000 241,500 260,400 Bratislava IV 342 390 550 660 903 1,330 3,129 2,086 Bratislava II 427,630 365,050 300 2,784 2,853 2,499 2,331 2,368 2,434 Bratislava V 428 428 580 650 713 1,425 3,025 1,773 92,400 117,700 152,500 197,000 280,350 362,250 Bratislava III 782,250 469,350 365 2,676 3,022 2,686 2,490 2,332 2,065 Banská Bystrica 257 333 500 600 855 1,425 NA 605 82,500 103,400 143,000 172,000 197,400 327,600 Košice I 333 399 580 750 950 1,378 NA 1,565 Bratislava IV 813,540 500,640 271 2,664 2,535 2,401 2,085 2,262 2,290 Košice II 333 361 570 640 570 NA NA 1,043 101,200 112,200 150,500 172,500 191,100 409,500 Bratislava V 584,080 333,760 224 2,926 3,008 2,642 2,205 2,158 2,885 Košice III NA NA 500 550 NA NA NA 834 48,400 62,700 99,500 123,500 177,450 294,000 Banská Bystrica 419,808 181,482 64 Košice IV NA 380 570 750 950 1,045 NA 939 2,325 1,723 1,538 1,430 1,613 1,296 70,400 78,100 106,000 129,500 183,750 263,550 Nitra 333 390 530 650 741 NA 3,233 1,043 Košice I 756,175 286,825 125 2,532 1,919 1,730 1,637 1,754 1,676 Prešov NA 304 570 500 950 NA NA 1,043 60,500 64,900 91,500 121,000 124,950 138,600 Košice II 677,950 276,395 91 2,011 2,150 1,874 1,705 1,528 1,691 Trenčín NA 380 440 570 903 NA NA NA 57,200 67,100 96,000 120,000 142,800 NA Košice III NA 205,471 65 Trnava 285 390 570 650 665 1,045 1,565 834 2,300 1,973 1,539 1,523 1,895 NA 68,200 79,200 98,500 124,000 123,900 261,450 Žilina 333 380 570 650 950 1,045 NA 1,147 Košice IV 359,835 252,406 146 2,080 1,937 1,620 1,632 1,559 1,717 60,500 80,300 93,000 107,000 130,200 199,500 Nitra 375,480 162,708 73 2,575 1,977 1,546 1,414 1,360 1,149 53,900 59,400 86,500 105,500 138,600 164,850 Prešov 239,890 141,848 37 2,073 1,442 1,417 1,374 1,264 1,282 Industry & storage, Office and Retail Space - RENT & SALE (Price in €) 44,000 59,400 83,500 97,500 144,900 241,500 Trenčín 719,670 137,676 57 1,750 1,568 1,271 1,270 1,400 2,110 Banská Bystrica Bratislava Košice Nitra Prešov Trenčín Trnava Žilina 62,700 75,900 100,500 120,500 141,750 149,100 Trnava 239,890 166,880 68 Offices/ Rent (price per m2/month) 2,763 2,085 1,758 1,629 1,616 1,264 15 (12-16 centre / 59,400 72,600 103,000 126,000 134,400 182,700 high standard 10 11 12 8 8 11 11 Žilina 448,490 191,912 73 8-13 city)* 2,602 1,951 1,727 1,608 1,547 1,500 mid standard 6 10 7 8 5 6 7 7

lower standard 4 6 5 4 3 4 5 4 FAQ: Renting an apartment in Slovakia Offices/ Sale (price per2 m ) Q: Do I need approval from my landlord in order to A: First, you should speak directly to the neighbour authority office. The office will issue a card with your high standard 1,751 3,142 2,266 2,318 1,545 1,751 1,957 1,854 record my permanent address in the apartment that I to try to reach an agreement or compromise. If the tax ID number (DIČ) that is delivered by post within a mid standard 1,288 1,803 1,442 1,648 876 927 1,236 1,339 am renting? situation persists, you should talk to the owner of the few weeks. If your total rental income does not exceed A: Yes, you need the approval of the property owner, apartment, who might have more influence on the €1,968.68 (this is a number based on data from 2019 lower standard 824 824 773 927 618 670 773 773 your landlord, to be able to state the address of the neighbour. If the noise at night is made by students, and is regularly updated by the tax authorities), you will Retail space/ Rent (price per m2/month) property as your official address. Your landlord can you can often place your complaint to the parents. If not have to pay taxes on this income. In such a case, you come in person to state their approval or can give it to problems persist, you can turn to the municipal police or will only need to submit a statement that the rental reve- high standard 12 23 14 15 11 12 14 12 you in writing. Please note that the landlord‘s signature the municipal office. nue for a particular year has not exceeded this amount. on the document needs to be verified by the notary Q: Someone broke into the apartment that I am ren- The income can be offset by expenses connected to the mid standard 7 12 9 8 6 7 8 8 public office. You will also need the deed of ownership, ting . Do I have to pay for the things that were broken rental of the apartment, such as agency commission, re- lower standard 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 which cannot be older than three months, to prove that or stolen, or is it paid by the landlord? novation and other expenses that are directly connected the landlord who signed the document actually owns A: Under the duration of a rental contract, the tenant is to the rental of the apartment. Industry & storage/ Rent (price per m2/month) the property. fully responsible for the equipment of the flat, even if it is Q: I want to share my apartment for short-term stays high standard 4.1 7.2 5.2 5.2 3.1 4.1 5.2 4.1 Q: How do I get hold of the deed of ownership? damaged or stolen. Therefore, it is crucial to have a signed with tourists . Do I need to report that anywhere? A: It can be obtained at any cadastre office. If your pr- insurance contract that covers damages that might occur A: If you are closing a rental contract with a tourist, you mid standard 3.1 4.6 4.1 4.1 2.1 3.1 4.1 3.1 operty is in Bratislava, you can obtain it at Ružová dolina not only to the building itself, but also to equipment and do not need to report this short-term rent to the tax lower standard 2.1 3.1 2.1 2.1 1 2.1 3.1 2.1 27, 821 09 Bratislava district II. Please be aware that you personal belongings found in the flat. Such insurance authorities. However, renting your apartment this way is might need more than one hour to get such a document often covers furniture and electronic equipment, as well as a business activity (running an accommodation facility) Industrial parks / Rent in high standard (price per m2/month)* because of long waiting lines, especially at the Bratislava personal belongings. Luxury items and art, or even cash, and, as such, requires that you have a business licence. It is Warehouse & office. The deed of ownership can be also collected at a can usually be insured with an extra fee. important that you have the right type of contract, which 3.90 - 4.50 3.35 - 4.90 3.80 - 4.35 3.85 - 4.30 3.95 - 4.40 3.50 - 4.00 3.20 - 4.25 3.90 - 4.40 post office. The fee for collecting it is €8. Q: I want to sublet my apartment while I am not in also defines the services that you provide to the tenant. assemly space Q: What if the owner of the property I am renting is Slovakia . Do I need to report anywhere? Are there any Q: Do I have to pay taxes from short-term renting? Office space - service 8 - 9.50 8.50 - 9 8.25 - 8.75 8.50 - 9.50 8.25 - 8.75 8 - 8.75 8.20 -9 8.50 - 9 not in Slovakia? legal or tax duties connected with that? A: Yes, if you are renting an apartment based on a charge excluded A: The owner of the property can provide the power of A: If you are renting out an apartment as a private contract for short-term rental, and not based on your attorney to another person, who can represent the real person, first you need to find out if you are entitled business licence, your income is taxable and needs Plots for industrial projects / Sale (price per m2) owner and sign on their behalf. In such cases, a verified to sublet the property you are renting. Usually rental to be reported on your tax return. If your total rental Industrial zones 52 69 - 112 (city) 83 50 NA 31 42 63 power of attorney, along with the notarised signature of agreements do not entitle you to sublet, unless you income does not exceed €1,968.68 (this is a number the landlord on the rental contract, have to be provided. have written confirmation from your landlord. In such based on data from 2019 and is regularly updated by Industrial parks* 40 - 60* 100 + 40 - 60* 40 - 60* 40 - 60* 40 - 60* 40 - 60* 40 - 60* Q: I am renting an apartment, and I have a problem with cases, if you do sublet, even for a short period of time, the tax authorities), you will not have to pay taxes on my neighbours . Is my landlord obliged to help me? you should register yourself as a landlord with the tax this revenue. NA- not available Source: Nehnutelnosti.sk, 2020; * Source: CBRE, 2020 66 developers real estate consulting 67

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2 2 Management consulting Financial & tax consulting poradenstvo Legal advice / Právne Human capital consulting Marketing & PR consulting I Real estate consulting Inspection and certification / Inšpekcie a certifikácia a dotácie and subsidy / Granty Grant Relocation / Relokácia E-mail Počet zamestnancov Krajina pôvodu spoločnosti Ostatné (m ) Ostatné (m ) Investor search Land search planning Project management Project RE management Other Prebiehajúce a ukončené stavby Residential Industrial & logistics Retail & entertainment Office Other / Iné E-mail Telefón Krajina pôvodu spoločnosti Počet krajín vo svete Ostatní zamestnanci Sectors, in which firm has the most clients 1 BESICO REAL ESTATE, s.r.o. premium listing 1 Cushman & Wakefield Property Services Slovakia, s.r.o. premium listing Štúrova 22 www.besico.eu Vladimír Vikor, Alex Hubrecht 38,000 89,700 Heineken Slovensko Distribúcia spol. s r.o.; Inter Pribinova 10 www.cushmanwakefield.sk Marián Fridrich 2005 40 real estate Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 09 +421(0)2 5920-9333 USA 1 / 70 26 Nitra 949 01 +421(0)37 314-1501 2017 38,000 87,000 Cars Slovenská republika s.r.o.; KraussMaffei l [email protected] - Belgicko/Slovensko 0 2,700 l l l l Technologies, spol. s r.o.; BESICO Martin, s.r.o l l l [email protected] 14 (Belgium/Slovakia) 2 CBRE s.r.o. 2 CEHIP s.r.o. Staromestská 3 www.cbre.sk Tomáš Hegedűš 2005 150 industry, trade, services Doležalova 1 www.cehip.eu Alex Hubrecht 80,000 0 Vráble: 7,000m² by CESAM; 15,500m² by Auria; Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 03 +421(0)2 3255-3300 USA 3 / 68 45 l Nitra 949 01 +421(0)917 702-356 2007 80,000 0 l 600 m² by Heller; 1,200m² by NordiQ l [email protected] 105 [email protected] - Belgicko (Belgium) 0 0 3 CORWIN SK a.s. 3 Colliers International spol. s r.o. Mlynské nivy 10 www.colliers.com Richard Urvay 2003 33 industry, real estate, trade Námestie Mateja Korvína 1 www.corwin.sk Marián Hlavačka 62,000 217,300 Guthaus, Blumental Offices, Blumental Rezidencia, Bratislava - Ružinov 821 09 +421(0)2 5998-0980 Kanada (Canada) 1 / 66 20 Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 07 +421(0)2 5441-6007 2010 0 0 l l l l l Einpark Offices, Einpark Rezidencia, Kvartet, l l l l [email protected] 13 [email protected] 115 Slovensko (Slovakia) 62,000 217,300 Dúbravy, Záhrady Devín, Rinzle 4 CRESCO REAL ESTATE, a.s. 4 Jones Lang LaSalle s. r. o. Poštová 3 www.cresco.sk Štefan Beleš 451,000 860,290 Slnečnice; Slnečnice Market; UNIQ Staromestská; Námestie Mateja Korvína 1 www.jll.sk Peter Nitschneider 2006 75 real estate Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 06 +421(0)2 2086-4321 1992 0 0 l l UNIQ Majakovského, UNIQ Tesla Praha, Mlynská l l l Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 07 +421(0)2 5920-9911 USA 1 / 85 35 l l l l [email protected] 60 Slovensko (Slovakia) 451,000 860,290 bašta Košice; III veže [email protected] 40 5 CTP Invest SK, spol. s.r.o. 5 MRE Management, k.s. Laurinska 18 www.ctp.eu Remon L. Vos 423,000 75,000 CTPark Bratislava; CTPark Trnava; CTPark Hviezdoslavovo námestie 7 www.modestagroup.com Peter Miščík 2005 2 industry, ICT, health care Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 01 +421(0)911 059-593 2007 423,000 75,000 Voderady; CTPark Žilina; Krásno nad Kysucou, l l l l l l l l Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 02 +421(0)2 3240-8888 Slovensko (Slovakia) 1 / 2 1 l [email protected] 24 Česko (Czechia) 0 0 Nové Město, CTPark Nitra, CTPark Prešov, [email protected] 1 CTPark Košice 6 Finep SK a.s. NA- not available Compiled by The Slovak Spectator Team Trnavská cesta 6/A www.finep.sk Borek Simandl 10,896 39,000 Jégého Alej, Premiére Bratislava - Ružinov 821 08 +421(0)902 207-207 2005 0 0 l l l l l [email protected] 8 Česko (Czechia) 10,896 39,000 advertisement 7 HB Reavis Group Mlynské nivy 16 www.hbreavis.com Marian Herman NA NA Stanica Nivy (mall & bus station); Nivy Tower; New DESCRIPTION Bratislava - Ružinov 821 09 +421(0)2 5830-3030 1993 NA NA l l l l l Apollo; Twin City; DSTRCT.Berlin (DE), Varso Place l l l Gansberg Koliba [email protected] 150 Slovensko (Slovakia) NA NA (PL), Agora (HU), One Waterloo (UK) Koliba‘s Gansberg district is an exclusive Location: Jeséniova 1A, 83101 Bratislava 8 Immocap Group, a.s. residential complex formed by three residential Completion date: 11/2019 Plynárenská 7/C www.immocap.sk Martin Šramko 312,500 NA Bergamon, Buda Square, BBC III., BBC IV., BBC villas stretching across the south-eastern Bratislava - Ružinov 821 09 +421(0)2 5822-2800 1996 0 NA l l l l l l V.; Central Bratislava; Underpass Trnavské mýto; l l l Website: www.gansberg.sk/en [email protected] 25 Slovensko (Slovakia) 312,500 NA Lakeside Park 2, The Mill, Nový Istropolis slopes with panoramic views of Bratislava . 9 ITB Development, a.s. This upscale complex offers successful people Mickiewiczova 9 www.itb.sk Igor Lichý 566,982 95,699 Čerešne fine living, Kolísky Záhorská Bystrica, Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 07 +421(0)2 3210-1721 2003 0 0 l l l l l Gansberg Koliba, Sokolská Residence, Business l l l luxury living in an upscale Koliba neighborhood . [email protected] 34 Slovensko (Slovakia) 566,982 95,699 centrum Wallenrod, Business Garden Štefánikova The exceptional apartments are categorically 10 J & T REAL ESTATE, a.s. designed to meet even the most demanding RIVER PARK, Dvořákovo nábrežie 10 www.jtre.sk Pavel Pelikán NA NA River Park; Panorama Towers; Grand Hotel Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 02 +421(0)2 5941-8200 1996 NA NA Kempinski; Landererova 12, Pribinova 19; requirements, perfectly suited for those who l l l l l l l l l l l [email protected] 136 Slovensko (Slovakia) NA NA Zuckermandel; Westend Plazza; Eperia Shopping Mall, Eurovea City enjoy the finer things in life . 11 Lucron Group a.s. STEINERKA Business Center, www.lucron.sk Zoltán Müller 170,556 210,108 Bratislava: Jaskový rad, Edenpark, Malé Krasňany, Legionárska 10 +421(0)910 980-717 2005 0 0 Urban Residence, Vydrica, Nesto, Trnava: Arboria l l l l l l l PROJECT TYPE Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 07 56 Luxembursko (Luxembourg) 170,556 210,108 [email protected] Residential  12 Penta Real Estate, s.r.o. Digital Park II, Einsteinova 25 www.pentarealestate.com Jozef Oravkin 167,000 327,000 Digital Park; Sky Park Residences; Sky Park Offices; Details Bratislava - Petržalka 851 01 +421(0)2 5778-8111 1994 0 0 l l l l l Bory; Bory Mall; Záhorské sady; Nová terasa; l l l l [email protected] 214 Slovensko (Slovakia) 167,000 327,000 Florentinum; Waltrovka; Rezidencie Pri Mýte Number of floors 4 13 Prologis Number of apartments 48 Diaľničná cesta 24 www.prologiscee.eu Martin Baláž 415,000 NA Prologis Park Bratislava; Prologis Park Žiar nad Size of apartments 43 - 210 m2 Senec 903 01 +421(0)2 3217-0105 2005 415,000 NA l l l l l Hronom l [email protected] 5 USA 0 NA Gross built area 9800 m2 14 VGP Suché mýto 6 www.vgpparks.eu Tomáš Bednár 90,000 300,000 Logistics and production premises for clients such Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 03 +421(0)908 110-002 1998 83,000 275,000 l l l l l l as Benteler, Tajco, Volkswagen AG, Ideal Automo- l l [email protected] 4 Česko (Czechia) 7,000 25,000 tive, Fromm Packaging Developer SP020070/001 15 YIT Slovakia a.s. ITB Development a .s . Račianska 153/A www.yit.sk Milan Murcko 41,000 185,000 Residential projects: ZWIRN, STEIN2, TAMMI, Mickiewiczova 9, 811 07 Bratislava Bratislava - Rača 831 54 +421(0)800 800-474 2010 0 0 l l l PARI, NUPPU, VILLINKI, TARJANNE, KIVIKKO; l l l [email protected] 203 Fínsko (Finland) 41,000 185,000 Offices: Pradiareň 1900 www .itb .sk NA- not available Compiled by The Slovak Spectator Team 68 construction firms real estate agencies 69

Provided services / Poskytované služby Active in sectors /Špecializácia na sektory

Company (Listed alphabetically) www Head representative Revenues 2019 Company (Listed alphabetically) www Head representative Minimum commision: purchase - sale Number of Address Phone Accounting year starts Revenues 2018 Address Phone Year of establishment Maximum commision: purchase - sale agents City, Postal code Company‘s country Profit/lost 2019 City, Postal code No. of branches in SR Commision for rent: one monthly rent (yes/no) E-mail of origin E-mail / Znalecký posudok / Pojektový manažment / Pojektový / Logistika a priemysel

Názov (v abecednom poradí) Vrcholový predstaviteľ Názov (v abecednom poradí) / Kúpa - predaj Minimálna výška provízie pri kúpe - predaji Adresa Účtovný rok začína Tržby v r. 2019 Adresa Vrcholový predstaviteľ Maximálna výška provízie pri kúpe - predaji Mesto PSČ www Krajina pôvodu Tržby v r. 2018 Major clients Quality certificates Mesto PSČ www Rok založenia v SR Je provízia pri prenájme vo výške jednomesačné- Počet / Obchodné priestory / Architektonické služby services / Architektonické rchitectural roject management roject Year of establishment / No. employees Year zamestnancov Rok založenia v SR / Počet Civil /Občianske Residential /Obytné Industrial /Priemyselné works /Vodné Water Pipelines /Potrubné /Dopravné Transport /Podzemné Underground /Ekologické Environmental /Rekonštrukcie Property renovation firm /Stavebná firma Construction materials /Stavebné materiály Construction /Koncesionár Concessionaire E-mail Telefón spoločnosti Zisk/strata 2019 Hlavní klienti Certifikát kvality E-mail Telefón Počet pobočiek v SR - sale Purchase Leasing agency / Lízingová spoločnosť (mkt. value) / Oceňovanie Valuation (RICS mkt. value) / Oceňovanie RICS Valuation (expert opinion) Valuation estate / OdkúpenieBuying real nehnut. A nehnuteľnosti / Správa Property & facility P t v oblasti realí RE consultancy / Poradenstvo Relocation services / Relokačné služby ho nájmu (áno/nie)? maklérov Residential / Rezidenčné objekty Office / Kancelárie Retail Logistics & industry / Hotely a voľný čas Hotels & leisure 1 DYNAMIK HOLDING a.s. premium listing 1 1. realitná a aukčná spoločnosť, s.r.o. Štúrova 22 www.dynamik.sk Vladimír Vikor 1990 95,120,026 EUR Jaguar Land Rover; Cresco Real Estate, a.s.; ISO 10006; ISO 9001; ISO Panská 27 www.realitna.sk Adriena Litomerická 3% Nitra 949 01 +421(0)37 314-1500 1. 1. 140 80,621,599 EUR Nemak Slovakia s.r.o.; Bekaert Hlohovec, a.s.; 14001; ISO 45001 Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 01 +421(0)903 473-113 1993 l l l l l l l l 3% 9 l l l l l [email protected] Slovensko (Slovakia) 3,162,460 EUR l l l l CEHIP s.r.o.; Muehlbauer Technologies s.r.o. l l [email protected] 1 áno (yes) 2 ADMS, s. r. o. Zámocká 67/5 www.adms.sk Stanislav Haviar 3% 2 Doprastav, a.s. Žilina 010 03 +421(0)903 711-394 1998 4% l l 3 Drieňová 27 www.doprastav.sk Dušan Mráz 1993 211,337,000 EUR Národná diaľničná spoločnosť; Železnice ISO 9001:2016; ISO [email protected] 1 áno (yes) l l l l Bratislava - Ružinov 826 56 +421(0)2 4827-1500 1. 1. 1,064 249,015,000 EUR l l l l l l l l l Slovenskej republiky; Slovenská správa ciest 14001:2016; OHSAS l [email protected] Slovensko (Slovakia) 4,650,000 EUR 18001:2009, EMAS 3 AGENT.SK, s. r. o. 3 PRORECO s.r.o. Pribinova 30 www.agent.sk Róbert Posolda 3% Trenčianske Stankovce 3068 www.proreco.sk Martin Holenda 1999 25,195,306 EUR Goldbeck; Takenaka Europe GmbH; CTP STN EN ISO 9001:2016; Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 09 +421(0)2 4444-1111 2006 l l 6% 10 l l Trenčianske Stankovce 913 11 +421(0)32 744-3957 1.1. 46 19,481,004 EUR Invest SK; ISG Deutschland GmbH; Hyundai STN EN ISO 14001:2016 [email protected] 9 áno (yes) l l [email protected] Slovensko (Slovakia) 1,121,870 EUR Engineering; STRABAG Pozemné a inžinierske 4 agreal.sk, spol. s r. o. staviteľstvo Pri Habánskom mlyne 38 www.agreal.sk Ilja Miškovič 3% 4 Skanska SK a.s. Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 04 +421(0)2 5262-3969 2003 3% l l l l l 3 Krajná 29 www.skanska.sk Miroslav Potoč 1999 119,522,545 EUR Národná diaľničná spoločnosť; Slovenská ISO 9001: 2016, ISO 14001: [email protected] 1 áno (yes) l l l l Bratislava - Ružinov 821 04 +421(0)2 4829-5111 1. 1. 785 111,634,061 EUR l l l l l l l l l správa ciest; Železnice Slovenskej republiky 2016, OHSAS 18001: l [email protected] Švédsko (Sweden) 2,677,847 EUR 2008, EMAS 5 Arthur Real Estate Company, spol. s.r.o. 5 STRABAG Pozemné a inžinierske staviteľstvo s. r. o. Zámocká 10 www.arec.sk Erik Mikurčík 2% Mlynské nivy 61/A www.strabag-pozemne.sk Juraj Hirner 1963 209,739,736 EUR J&T REAL ESTATE; Mondi SCP; Lucron; VW; ISO 9001:2015; ISO Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 01 +421(0)911 444-820 2000 3% l l l l l l l l l 19 Bratislava - Ružinov 820 15 +421(0)2 3262-1111 1. 1. 690 307,600,816 EUR Slovenské elektrárne; BROSE; INA; Gebrüder 14001:2015; ISO [email protected] 1 l l l l l l l l l l l l l áno (yes) [email protected] Rakúsko (Austria) 3,939,061 EUR Weiss; Národný futbalový štadión; Kaufland 10006:2017; ISO 45001:2018 6 AstonReal s.r.o. 6 Takenaka Europe GmbH, organizačná zložka Horná 32 www.AstonReal.sk Juraj Astaloš 3% Pivovarská 16 www.takenaka.eu Petr Urválek 2000 30,970,410 EUR Kia Motors Slovakia; Foxconn; Sejong; Jaguar ISO 9001; ISO 14001-Envi- Banská Bystrica 974 01 +421(0)905 222-055 2016 l l l 5% 24 l l Žilina 010 01 +421(0)41 507-7901 1.1. 50 - l l l l l l Land Rover; G-Tekt; Nitra Invest-Brezový Háj; ronment; ISO 45001 HSE l [email protected] 22 áno (yes) [email protected] Nemecko (Germany) - Amazon; Finep-Jégeho Alej Management 7 BALAŽI s.r.o. Obchodná 1321/6 www.balazi.sk Štefan Baláži 3% Topoľčany 955 01 +421(0)907 306-592 2014 l l l 10% 15 l l l l [email protected] 10 áno (yes) FAQ: Buying and selling a property in Slovakia 8 CENTURY 21 Slovakia Q: I want to purchase an apartment in Slovakia . Q: How do I go about entering real estate in the A: This depends on the agreement between the two Záhradnícka 16464/74 www.century21.sk Daniel Bílý 3% Bratislava - Ružinov 821 08 +421(0)918 812-001 2008 l l l l 3% 83 l l l Which authorities will help me with ownership land registry/cadastre office? parties . [email protected] 12 áno (yes) issues? A: The transfer can be proposed by either the buyer, Typically, the buyer pays the cadastre fees, but some 9 Direct Real, spol. s r.o. A: The only state office you will be dealing with as the seller, or both, based on the agreement between people choose to divide the costs equally between Žitná 1 www.directreal.sk Marian Patak 3% the buyer of real estate is the cadastre office, or land the two parties . They should then file the proposal themselves . If a real estate agency is involved, they Bratislava - Rača 831 05 +421(0)905 338-877 2007 l l l l l l 3% 160 l l l l registry office (Kataster or Katastrálny Úrad) in to enter the ownership rights at the cadastre office pay the fees . [email protected] 36 áno (yes) your respective district office . If you are buying your (Návrh na Vklad Vlastníckych Práv) . This needs to Q: Do I need to have permanent residence in 10 HALO reality s. r. o. T. Vansovej 509/15 www.haloreality.sk Ľubor Mäsiar NA apartment or house through a real estate agency, the be done in person at your respective cadastre office Slovakia in order to be eligible for a bank loan from Prievidza 971 01 +421(0)907 548-444 2012 NA l l 100 l l l l l agents usually handle this for you. (respective to where the transferred flat or house is a Slovak bank? [email protected] 24 áno (yes) Q: What should I pay attention to before I sign a located) . A: No, banks also provide mortgage loans to foreigners contract of purchase? Q: How much does it cost to get the paperwork who do not have permanent residence in Slovakia . 11 HERRYS s.r.o. A: The contracts must contain certain features as done? Some banks, however, might require a confirmation of Žilinská 7-9 www.herrys.sk Filip Žoldák 5% Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 05 +421(0)948 217-888 2011 5% l l l l l 16 stipulated by the law on cadastre (162/1995), A: If the transaction is facilitated by a real estate income from a company based in Slovakia . [email protected] 3 áno (yes) l l amended 212/2018 . The contract must clearly agency, these fees are usually included in the fee paid Q: What other conditions do I need to fulfil in order state: identification data of both parties of the to the real estate agent . The fee can be a fixed sum or to be eligible for a loan from a Slovak bank? 12 KARIN & PARTNERS, s.r.o contract, a detailed specification of the real estate a percentage of the purchasing price . If you choose A: The standard criteria for Slovak citizens also ap- Lazaretská 3/a www.karinpartners.sk Karin Zápalová 3% including description, location, square metres, not to use the services of a real estate agent, you need plies to foreigners . The bank will want to see your ID, Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 08 +421(0)918 971-554 2016 l l l l 3% 20 l l l equipment, and technical condition . If the cadastre to pay the fees for the cadastre proceeding (€66 for as well as any record of loan registry from your home [email protected] 1 áno (yes) office finds any mistakes in this, they will suspend regular proceeding within 30 working days or €266 in country . When deciding on granting a mortgage, 13 MAXFIN REAL s.r.o. the proceeding . a fast-tracked proceeding, within 15 working days - if banks look at a range of parametres, including age, Štefánikova 55 www.maxfinreal.sk Peter Komora 2% Nitra 949 01 +421(0)905 851-933 2009 l l l l 4% 20 l l l It should also clearly state the purchasing price, how submitted online, clients pay half price) . education, job, income, and number of children . It [email protected] 5 áno (yes) the money will be transferred from the buyer to the There is also a fee for the verification of the is not possible to guarantee your loan for real estate 14 RE/MAX Slovakia seller, and the deadline by when the transfer needs signatures of the sellers on the contract (price per located outside Slovakia . Cesta na Senec 2/A www.re-max.sk Richard Churý 3% to be completed . The details on how the apartment signature, at a notary office or your municipal office) . Q:How do I proceed at the cadastre office? Bratislava - Ružinov 821 04 +421(0)2 4924-4301 2006 l l 5% 250 l l l l l or house will be given over to the new owner, such as The price per signature may be around €3 or so . A: When paying for your real estate with a mortgage, [email protected] 45 áno (yes) keys or new locks, needs to be clear in the contract, as If you are buying real estate with a mortgage, you you need to file a proposal to enter the depository right 15 RIEŠIME BÝVANIE Svätoplukova 30 www.riesimebyvanie.sk Martin Čapo 3% well as the deadline by when it should be done . should also count on another fee at the cadastre office, to your property in favour of the bank (Návrh na Vklad Bratislava - Ružinov 821 09 +421(0)948 102-785 2004 l l l l l l l 5% 30 l l l l By law, the contract should include the name and €66, for entering the deposit contract with the bank Záložného Práva) . [email protected] 5 áno (yes) contact of the administrator of the apartment block in the registry . You can do this simultaneously when filing the proposal 16 XEMAR realitná spoločnosť s.r.o. and the sanctions for both parties if they fail to fulfil Q: Who usually covers the costs - the buyer or the to enter the property in the registry (Návrh na Vklad M. Rázusa 1509/22 www.xemar.sk Milan Mlčal 3% their duties as defined by the contract . seller? Vlastníckych Práv) . Banská Bystrica 974 01 +421(0)915 870-350 2016 l l l l l l 5% 43 l l l l l [email protected] 8 áno (yes) NA- not available Compiled by The Slovak Spectator Team Economically active population by education in 2Q/2020

High school with A grade Secondary without A grade 23.0%


27.3% University

Economically active population by education in 2Q/2020

High school with A grade Secondary Number of national holidays: 15 without A grade WORKING FROM HOME DURING 23.0% Paid holidays: 20 days (25 days for employees aged 33+) 4.9% Notice period: one month at44.8% least Labour Employment contracts:  pg 72 THE PANDEMIC – FAQ Minimum wage: €623 (as of 2021) 27.3% University Elementary and Average nominal monthly wage (2019): €1,092 orking from home during Under what conditions can an a decree issued by the competent performed at home, the employer is Average nominal monthly wage (2018): €1,013 the COVID-19 pandemic employee perform work at home authority is effective against the obliged to provide the employee with without education Monthly wage costs (2018): €1,598 in the regime known as during the pandemic? employer, home office cannot be a financial contribution for alimenta- market Social and health insurance: Employers pay for their „homeW office“, has become a new The employer may unilaterally unilaterally terminated or suspended tion. employees 10% health insurance and4.9% 25.2% social insurance trend. More and more employees are order that employees work in the home by the employer, regardless of as a % of their brutto wage. Elementary and gradually showing interest in home office regime if the following condi- whether it has been unilaterally Who is obliged to provide work- without education office, but the implementation of this tions are met: ordered by the employer or agreed place equipment when performing work regime brings up a) there persists: with the employee. The termination work from home at the employee’s & education a number of questions - an extraordinary of the home office must be the result home? for employers. The most situation declared by of an agreement with the employee, As we have mentioned above, Economically active population by education in 2Q/2020 Labour cost of producing €100 GDP (2019)*: EmploymentEmployment in sectors of economy in sectors in 2Q/2020 of economy in 2Q/2020common of these are a resolution of the because during a crisis situation, the an employee can perform work from Economically active population by education in 2Q/2020 answered by labour law government of the Slovak employee has the right to home office home on the basis of a unilateral order Poland €27 2. specialists from the law Republic under the Act and the employer is obliged to allow of the employer or on the basis of High school Hungary €27 3. 11.9% 9.2% with A grade Secondary Slovakia €31 2. firm SOUKENÍK – on Civil Protection of the it, unless serious operational reasons an agreement with the employer. In without A grade Czechia €31 7. 12.9% ŠTRPKA, s. r. o. – senior Population, or are preventing from doing so. the case of a unilateral order to work Employment in sectors of economy in 2Q/2020Manufacturing 23.0% Estonia €32 7. 8.6% Wholesale and retail trade; Repair of motor vehicles Construction associate, Andrej Guba - an emergency state In order for the employer not to from home, the employer is respon- Public administration, defence & social security United Kingdom €49 4. Health and social work Education and junior associate, declared by a resolution of become a hostage of the employee sible for equipping and adapting the Transport and storage 44.8% Austria €50 4. 7.6% Accommodation, food services Information & communication workplace for work in accordance Professional, scientific and technical activities Simona Horáková. Mgr. Andrej Guba, LL.M. the government of in case, when during the home Sweden €52 7. Other France €52 9. the Slovak Republic office agreement, the employer with the rules on occupational safety 7.7% 24.8% 27.3% University Italy €53 0. What possibilities of work or an exceptional state declared by the accrues an urgent need of work at and health (known as OSH), only if 11.9%Germany €53 3. 6.5% from home does the Labour Code president of the Slovak Republic under the employee’s usual place of work, it has not agreed with the employee provide? the Constitutional Act on State Secu- we recommend that the period for that the employee will use his or her 9.2% * based on statistics provided by OECD (GDP per If the type of work of the em- rity at a Time of War, State of War, Ex- which the home office own equipment (desk, office hour worked, current prices) and Eurostat (labour 3.8% 3.7% 3.3% costs per hour in euro, whole economy - excluding ployee agreed in his/her employment ceptional State and Emergency State, agreement is concluded, chair, etc.). The employee is 4.9% agriculture and public administration)12.9% contract allows it, the employee may or two months after their rescission is definite to the entitled to monetary com- Elementary and Manufacturing perform work from home in the (hereinafter collectively referred to shortest possible time. pensation for the use of own without education 8.6% Wholesale and retail trade; Repair of motor vehicles following regimes: as a „crisis situation“), and consecu- After this period, the equipment, facilities and Construction Note: First foreign language is compulsory starting from Public administration, defence & social security a) regularly in a domestic work tively employer can decide objects for workplace only the third grade; a second foreign language is compulsory regime, if agreed with the em- b) in regard to the employer, there whether to extend the if such compensation has from the seventh grade. English must be one of them. Health and social work Education ployer in the employment con- is an effective measure of the employee’s home office been agreed upon between Employment in sectors of economy in 2Q/2020 Transport and storage tract. A special type of domestic competent authority (Public or not. the employer and employee 7.6% Accommodation, food services work represents telework, i.e. Health Authority of the Slovak following a unilateral order Information & communication 11.9% Professional, scientific and technical activities work performed regularly at Republic, locally competent Is an employee of work from home. 9.2% Mgr. Simona Horáková Trade unions: Other home using information and regional public health office, working from home 12.9% entitled to alimenta- Manufacturing telecommunication technolo- government of the Slovak If the performance 8.6% Wholesale and retail trade; Repair of motor vehicles Unions in Slovakia work under theConstruction umbrella organisation Public administration, defence & social security gies (PC, laptop, internet, etc.); Republic, etc.) to prevent the tion? of work from home is the result of an Health and social work Education Transport and storage b) occasionally, irregularly or in emergence and spread of com- In order for an employee working agreement between the parties, a legiti- Confederation7.6% of Trade7.7% Unions (KOZ)Accommodation, food . servicesA revision to the law on Information & communication 24.8% Professional, scientific and technical activities exceptional circumstances, i.e. municable diseases or a decree from home to be entitled to alimenta- mate question arises as to whether the Other collective bargaining as of 2014 re-introduced the mandatory in the home office regime. Al- on public health protection, tion, the employee must work for at employee’s consent to work from home 7.7% 24.8% extension of higher-level collective agreements to all businesses though the Labour Code does which may, for example, restrict least four hours during the day. The can be interpreted as a declaration of 6.5% not directly use the term “home or prohibit the activities of Labour Code imposes an obligation the employee that he/she has created in a given industrial sector (even6.5% those that have not office”, it can be characterized the employer as a whole, or its on the employer to provide such an working conditions for working from 3.8% 3.7% 3.3% as occasional performance of specific business premises. It employee with meals in one of the home and that he/she also has suitable signed on individually) and thus boosted the power work at home. may also restrict or prohibit the following ways: workplace equipment. In our legal of unions . Observers have noted several times that While in the case of domestic operation of facilities through- a) in the employer’s own catering opinion, if working from home is the work, the employee’s regular (usual) out the territory (in the city, establishment, or result of an agreement, the employee KOZ is not a politically independent3.8% organisation3.7% 3.3% place of work is a place other than the municipality, etc.). b) in the catering establishment of assumes the obligation to equip the for its repeated support for the former ruling workplace (headquarters or business Working from home in the do- another employer, or workplace in accordance with OSH premises) of the employer (most often mestic work and home office regimes c) by arranging catering services rules with appropriate equipment, Smer party . In October 2018, five trade union the employee’s address of residence), based on an agreement or with the through a person authorized to unless the employer undertakes to fulfil in the home office regime, it is the consent of the employer does not provide catering services, i.e. by this obligation in the agreement. In organisations founded a new trade union workplace of the employer that is depend on whether the crisis situation providing a meal ticket. this case, however, it also applies that confederation called Spoločné Odbory stipulated as the regular place of work persists or not. Although the employee working the employee is entitled to monetary in the employment contract and the During a crisis situation, the from home schedules the beginning compensation for the use of his or her Slovenska or the Joint Trade Unions of employee performs work elsewhere employee is even entitled to demand and end of working time himself or own work resources only if he or she Slovakia in English (SOS) . They claim that only in exceptional cases. work from his or her household. The herself, the employer should provide a has agreed upon it with the employer. During the application of both employer is obliged to comply with the catering facility at a reasonable distance Under observance of all hygienic they do not want to compete with KOZ, but of these regimes, the employee is employee’s request, provided that there from the employee’s place of work. measures, the employer is entitled obliged to perform work to the extent are no serious operational reasons on The provision of meals in the catering to inspect the employee’s workplace rather act as its counterbalance in defending specified in his or her employment the part of the employer that prevent facility according to letter b) or c) with regard to compliance with the employees’ rights . contract and is entitled to the agreed the possibility of the home office. above, which is disproportionately far principle of prevention and protection salary for the work performed. The from the employee’s place of work, of the employee’s life and health and performance of domestic work and Can the employer unilaterally could be regarded as bullying by the OSH rules. Any non-compliance with home office is quantifiable primarily terminate or at least suspend the employer. If the employer is unable to the employee’s obligation to secure a Career & Employment Guide: through the employee’s work outputs, home office? provide meals in any of the above ways, workplace in accordance with OSH

Source: Adobe Stock Adobe Source: which the employee demonstrates If a crisis situation persists while or if such meals would be provided in rules is a breach of work discipline, More about the Slovak to the employer by a time snapshot the employee works from home and conflict with the nature of the work for which, depending on the degree of labour market can be found of the work shift (i.e. a specification intensity of the breach, the employer SP020092/003 of individual tasks as a part of could even terminate the employment in our Career & Employment Guide . the performance of work with an (termination by notice or immediate approximate duration). termination). SP020059/001 73 GENCIES YMENT A GENCIES Y EMPLO . talent human RUITMENT A REC BALANCED HR: www.balanced-hr.com DRAFTCOM: www.draftcom.com GoodCall Slovakia: www.goodcall.sk Grafton Slovakia: www.grafton.sk HRC Slovakia: www.hrconsulting.sk HRQ services SK: www.hrqgroup.com Lugera & Maklér: www.lugera.sk SK: www.manuvia.com Manuvia Expert Recruitment Neumann Consulting: www.neumannconsulting.sk SYNERGIE Slovakia: www.synergie.sk Trenkwalder: www.sk.trenkwalder.com Work Service Slovakia: www.workservice.eu.sk TEMPORAR ADECCO Slovakia: www.adecco.sk DEKRA kvalifikácia a poradenstvo: www.dekra.sk EUROPERSONAL & FABRIKA: www.e-personal.eu/sk INDEX NOSLUŠ: www.indexnoslus.sk ManpowerGroup Slovensko: www.manpower.sk Manuvia: www.manuvia.com Proact People Slovensko: www.proactpeople.sk PROPLUSCO: www.proplusco.sk STAFF AG: www.staffag.sk SYNERGIE TEMPORARY HELP: www.synergie.sk TRANSFER International Staff: www.transfer-personal.com e th ight r e nt advertiseme e olv v th e d s e e ITH US y ge a our an only with ga w ativ with y s assiv . e g t y p abour market Labour en cr c a t et’ essionals e in . a k of or ec er dustr n w . pr ditional m our mar O in int a ensur h er g ies do finally onn e tr c oder c ef a o o th cin t o e t ent t r d with d dustr y pr o t TES e an S sour us egies, ool, m E GIES T A ent ds us at anies V er in s 60 w th espon w en r TE str ecruitm w o r t tr video ’ OOL omp allo e d h allo ed in a c c than ASSI ecruitm w ALL r don y all oth th tion e TRA e TING E T a ods ANDID edia, c n or a V en an m or TES esent om elp . up This f tr eth e w m g E S h A TI e T C at m . wh epr ent V of 7 tin A C / o ak es wh es th es e r t app e 4 social TI V w set 2 am US ON SOURCING CHING P e o t t CH FIRMS et e unique use k didat TRA didat didat didat ecruitm k ANDID e OC obile or is T e’r lients ar can w F Our can of r m can REA C Our INNO W c can A CREA W mar S CRUITMENT W pose L TA pur elations Our r GOODC REDIFINE RE Job portalsJob Slovakia in companies & HR JOB POR www.profesia.sk www.kariera.zoznam.sk; www.job.sk; SEAR EXECUTIVE Amrop Jenewein: www.amrop.sk Arthur Hunt: www.arthur-hunt.com onsulting: www.blechovaconsulting.sk Blechova Management C HEADSCOUT: www.head-scout.com MATT Consulting: www.mattconsulting.sk anagement Consulting: www.menkyna.com Menkyna & Partners M Pedersen & Partners: www.pedersenandpartners.com SLÁVIK & STELL: www.slavikandstell.com TARGET Executive Search Slovakia: www.targetexecutivesearch.com Teamconsult SR: www.teamconsult.sk L CONSUL HUMAN CAPITA AuJob: www.aujob.eu CPL Jobs: www.cpljobs.sk FBE Bratislava: www.fbe.sk HRman: www.hrman.sk Human Dynamic Europe: www.humandynamic.sk Jenewein Group: www.jeneweingroup.com Libellius: www.libellius.com Maxman Consultants: www.maxman-consultants.com MENITY GROUP: www.menity-group.com Mercuri International: www.mercuri.sk TRIGON Consulting: www.trigon-consulting.sk

find it difficult

A: Slovak companies have Source: www.socpoist.sk www.socpoist.sk Source:

www.employment.gov.sk Immediate termination of termination Immediate is entitled The employer of the fixed- Termination - an employ Terminating is when an A mass layoff employer terminates an employee employee terminates an employer the on the basis of redundancy, to fill not allowed is employer thethe same position during two months. following relation. an employment was to do so if the employee a crimesentenced for committing violating working or for severely termi- can rules. An employee nate a contract immediately for if an personal health reasons, does not pay the salary, employer or health or if the employee’s life is at risk at work. contract is employment term automatic after the term passes if the contract is not extended. - ment contract in the proba tionary period can be done by either party for any reason. issues termination employer on the termi- notices or agrees relations nation of employment (or employees with 10 or more total of the or more 10 percent depending on the workforce of the company) withinsize a 30 day period. doing business in Slovakia? come a long way in respecting ethical standards in recent in recent come a long way in respecting standards ethical to is hard that damage to reputation They realise years. up with in business. Many companies have come repair codes of ethics. Companies do not tend to harm their and agreements. clients and keep contracts the specificsQ: What are of the Slovak labour market - fore might find surprising? A: Generally that foreigners The qualities they value satisfied here. are ign employers about and Slovaks include the willingness to work hard goodreturn On the other hand, they often have results. to cope with Slovaks’ lacking initiative and willingness to also note the have their say in business issues. Foreigners lack of openness in communication and willingness to take responsibility among Slovaks. Q: What should I expect Slovaks as employees? from and even friendly A: Slovaks tend to maintain informal They need with their colleagues at work. relationships good and they and interpersonal relations, atmosphere talk about This might affect at work. their private matters also the productivity of their work sometimes. They are and emotive when it comes to feedback, not to take critical feedback personally. On the other personally. not to take critical feedback if needed and to work long hours ready hand, they are goodreturn They tend to be results. less assertive and are for their employee rights. unlikely to fight

day, it is 55 day,


YMENT day of the leave, at 55 day of the leave, day. For the first three For day. th th ONSHIP ATI By mutual agreement mutual agreement By notice A termination In the event of a tempo- the event In The income substitute isThe income substitute between the employer and the the employer between employee. or either the employer from the case of In the employee. must the reason the employer, anbe stated in the notice. If rary sick leave, an employee israry employee an sick leave, entitled to sickness insurance frombenefits only beginning the 11 days, it is 25 percent of the dailydays, it is 25 percent theassessment basis and from fourth the 10 until G AN TERMINATIN EMPLO SICK LEAVE REL percent of the daily assessmentpercent the in- to receive order basis. In iscome substitute, the employee confirmation to provide required of temporary sick leave. percent of the daily assessmentpercent that point, the em- basis. Until to an income is entitled ployee by the law. substitute as defined the from the employer paid by first day until the end of the temporary up to sick leave, the 10 Most companies are struggling with struggling A: Most companies are abour market Labour Q: What are the specifics of corporate culture in Slovak the specifics culture Q: What are of corporate companies? introducing some official corporate culture, like clear vision culture, introducing some official corporate and many haven’t managed to and mission of the company, do so yet. Those tend to act ad hoc and spontaneously when the still companies where are There dealing with a problem. the specifics or some where of the is felt, culture pre-1989 1990s persist. have already But nowadays most companies respect and owners level where achieved a professional value their people and the employees in turn respect and value their customers. to while Q: What ethical principles do Slovaks adhere rules and be reliable partners. The typical Slovak features The typical Slovak features and be partners. rules reliable lower acceptance of risk, used to be low self-confidence, on content lack of a global dimension in business, focus and low flexibility to presentation than attractive rather now arriving the new generation business. With move for - no specific are traditi There to business, this is changing. or phases of business negotiations the ons about structure generally Asia. Slovak companies are way we know it from seen as producing good quality and being consistent in keeping agreements. to changes? A: The olderQ: How do Slovaks react or cautious and loyal to employers is more generation is much more while the young generation business partners, by changes. flexible, and not easily scared self-confident, In addition to these, two addition to these, In on An agreement on working An agreement on seasonal An agreement types ofThese three basic forms of employment basic forms of employment other are contract, there serve which can agreements as the basis for employment on in an agreement relations performing certain tasks; an activity; on working agreement seasonal on and an agreement for students. work certain can beperforming tasks and an employer signed between the a natural person, provided performance of the tasks stated in 350 the contract does not exceed hours in a year. activity can serve as a basis for 10 performing not exceeding work hours per week. for students can be work and employers signed between a natural person who is a student. This contract can be used for performing tasks that do not than more on average, require, weekly half of the standard hours and the agreement working proof must be accompanied by is a student. that the employee must be in written agreement to form and be signed in order become valid.

with at YMENT does not state a fixed does not state a fixed NTRACT YMENT CO

Q: Dealing with Slovaks The contract must contain Employment contract for Employment Fixed-term employment employment Fixed-term Slovak law allows employers employers law allows Slovak Working relations must relations Working

A F based on the responses of prepared were The answers Blechova Management Dana Blechová (managing partner, Consulting); Luboš (chairman of the board, McROY Sirota TRIGON (managing partner, Chrastina Marek Group); Adecco Duarte (country manager, Consulting); Sergio Balanced (managing partner, Slovakia); Martin Marek Profesia). (executive director, HR), and Ivana Molnárová Q: What should I expect when communicating with and maintain A: Slovaks want to create Slovak partners? good in the long partners, with their business relationship of coope years even friendship. But even after many run - especially if you should not expect complete loyalty, ration much lower price a your Slovak business partner is offered the competition. punctual for not always from Slovaks are meetings. Slovaks without international experience might an equal partner relationship, to create have problems and a global viewpoint, often lack healthy self-confidence not always or even communication skills. Slovaks are of not masters politically are and diplomatic, and correct small talk. Due to the specifics of the Slovak business en- localvironment, companies tend to be over-cautious and used They are new business partners. suspicious towards relying on- to dealing with their issues “unofficially”, perso nal contacts. They might take longer to build mutual trust. to adjust to the new ready Slovaks are however, In general, at least the following conditionsat least the following job description,and provisions: the startinglocation of the work, date, the amount of the salary and the date it is paid, the working hours, the number of days off and the notice period for the termination of the contract. least two signed copies – one forleast two signed copies – and one for thethe employer the the contract, In employee. himself or commits employee herself to performing the tasks and by the employer, defined commits to payingthe employer wages for the performed work. always be based on a written contract employment unlimited period for the contract’s validity. contract is limited to up to two contract The fixed-term years. or renewed, can be prolonged but only twice within two years. and employees to agree upon to agree and employees one of two basic types of job contracts:


Employment relations in Slovakia relations Employment EMPLO 72 74 Labour overview Labour overview 75

and challenged forms of the working which will support remote forms environment, like desk sharing. of work, education and training. Coronavirus comes with irreversible “The open space and office Labour mobility will likely life of banks, telecommunications decrease, not just due to formal operators, IT companies, shared restrictions, but also because people change to Slovakia’s labour market service centres (SSCs) and call will probably be more cautious he COVID-19 pandemic centres will look completely when making migration decisions. came down on the different after the pandemic,” said Industrial production Slovak labour market in Molnárová. companies will also consider TMarch 2020 after years marked bringing their suppliers closer and by a low unemployment rate, Expectations replacing the work of people with wages growing faster than labour One certainty of 2021 is an robots in integrated production productivity, and the constant increase in the jobless rate. The units, so that production goes

struggle of employers to find question remains how high it will uninterrupted even in the event of Statistics Office qualified people. climb. This also depends on the an epidemic. In the spring, pandemic development of economies of Source: measures closed not just Slovakia’s main trade partners and Crisis reins growth of wages statistically increased the average minimum wage for 2021, setting restaurants, hotels and services whether the government’s anti- While the labour force shortage wage in the country’s economy as it at €656. The increase of €76 re- providers, but also Slovakia’s four coronavirus measures will work. drove the growth of wages in the well as in individual sectors,” said flected the prosperous year of 2019. carmakers, sending their employees “The recovery in 2021 should Slovak economy even above labour Sadovská, as cited by the Nový Čas The Igor Matovič government into home isolation with reduced bring about an improvement, but productivity in the last few years, daily. heard out employers complaining salaries for weeks and months. it will take a couple of years until the COVID-19 pandemic will rein “Those who kept their jobs that the increase in the minimum Home office has become the new it reaches pre-COVID-19 levels,” in wage growth. hardly saw higher sums on their wage was too steep and changed normal for those who found a way said Slovenská Sporiteľňa analyst The average nominal monthly payslips,” she added. “During a re- the share for which the minimum to do their job from home. The Muchová. wage increased by 7.8 percent or cession when people are fighting wage should amount for 57 percent changes the coronavirus imposed HR specialists expect an €79 year-on-year, to €1,092 in the for their jobs, the room they have of the average wage from 2021 TASR on the labour market are here to easing in the shortage of qualified Slovak economy in 2019. This was for negotiating a higher wage is onward. Simultaneously, it also cut

stay, experts forecast. Source: workers, one of the biggest worries a growth of 1.6 percentage points quite limited.” surcharges for night and weekend “We had already been living in of businesses in pre-pandemic more than in 2018. The NBS esti- work from the minimum wage anticipation of some form of crisis Labour Ministry spokesperson data of the Central Office of companies found out that they can years. Nevertheless, there will still mates the average wage to increase Minimum wage up less and set them as lump sums. The or decline before the pandemic Veronika Pazičová. Labour, Social Affairs, and Family do many things remotely. be positions difficult to fill, either by 1.3 percent in 2020 and by 4.9 Minimum wage became a hot valorisation mechanism of six levels hit,” noted Igor Šulík, managing Candidates for job positions (ÚPSVaR) released in October. “The home office genie was let highly specialised ones in the IT percent in 2021. topic for employers hit by the of the minimum wage, depending leadership partner at Amrop had the upper hand and could In the meantime, companies out of the bottle and it will not go sector or in the health sector, which Eva Sadovská, analyst with coronavirus. In 2019, the Peter on how demanding a given job is, Jenewein. Experts now expect choose from several offers and imposed a recruitment freeze and back in,” said Ladislava Molnárová, has been suffering from a lack of WOOD & Company, points out Pellegrini government changed the changed too. increased unemployment, reduced negotiate excellent conditions with scrapped positions that were not Talent Acquisition Partner at medical workers for years. that even during the crisis, wages way the minimum wage is set to labour mobility and an increase in potential employers. Companies crucial to operation. Based on data Amrop Jenewein. “Home office has Martin Kahanec of the Central might not decrease statistically. This a formula attached to the average Wages versus labour productivity jobs that can be done from home. were ahead in offering the most the National Bank of Slovakia become the new norm overnight European Labour Studies Institute happened during the economic wage so that the minimum wage The favourable ratio of wage “The way people work will change; attractive benefits possible, (NBS) released in late September and has ceased to be seen just as an (CELSI) non-governmental think crisis 10 years ago when unemploy- accounts for 60 percent of the costs to labour productivity large open workplaces with lots especially greater work flexibility. 2020, the labour market lost employee benefit.” tank expects the COVID-19 ment rose as well as wages. average from two years previously. was attractive to new foreign of people will be limited. Digital Slovakia’s economy was set 45,000 work positions while it A survey conducted by pandemic to accelerate the “The reason was that people It was expected to be used for the investors in the past. The decline ways of communicating and for a good year until the novel adopted measures that prevented the Profesia job search website digitalisation of the labour market, with lower wages were ousted; this first time for the calculation of the in unemployment and the lack of collaborating will grow.” coronavirus outbreak paralysed a bigger loss. In its latest forecast, confirmed this trend. labour force have led to a more Europe with the first wave in the the NBS indicated that the Slovak “Many HR experts in significant increase in wages in Coronavirus deepens spring of 2020 and then with the coronavirus-hit economy may companies across Slovakia have the last few years, Miriam Filová, unemployment second one in the autumn. contract by 8.2 percent in 2020 found that their employees work spokesperson of the Federation of The Slovak labour market “Compared to the 2007-2008 with a jobless rate of 6.9 percent. more effectively from home than Employers’ Associations (AZZZ) remained tight in 2019, as the financial crisis, which saw industry expected,” said spokesperson pointed out. unemployment rate fell to a record being hit before the service sector, Home office the new normal Nikola Richterová. “The advantage of low labour low of 5.8 percent on average, services have received the first blow The coronavirus pandemic Companies can be expected to costs is thus gradually disappearing based on data of the Slovak now,” said Katarína Muchová, brought economic life to a halt extend the possibilities of working in the eastern European region,” Statistics Office. analyst with Slovenská Sporiteľňa. from one day to the next in March, from home for their employees she said, adding that it is now the “In 2019, Slovakia found The effects of the pandemic and companies had to cope with after the coronavirus crisis, and quality of the labour force, support itself in a situation where a high have shown up in jobless numbers, the new situation. They increased that the emphasis from where of R&D and innovations, the level unemployment rate was no longer when the registered unemployment the safety and health protection people work will be lower while of the business environment and a problem, but finding qualified rate, i.e. those ready to take a job of their employees, cancelled a greater stress will be placed on other factors that are gaining in employees to fill vacancies and immediately, increased to 7.43 in-person meetings and switched performance. importance in the eyes of investors. Statistics Office the adaptation of work to the percent in September, up 2.51 to online operations. People were The coronavirus has accelerated By Jana Liptáková

environment of the fourth percentage points from the end forced to be more independent, the digital transformation in many Source: Spectator staff industrial revolution was,” said of 2019, according to the latest universal and creative, while companies, changed office design 76 Labour Market Labour Market 77

to the same level as trade unions, lower with direct payments to the the share for which the minimum workforce, the government, among others. employee’s account as part of their wage should account to 57 percent inspired by Germany and Austria, Flexible Labour Code seen salary,” said Kahanec, adding that of the average wage from 2021 implemented the “kurzarbeit” More equality companies issuing meal vouchers onward. Simultaneously, it also cut or short-time work scheme. It is and inclusion demanded earn dozens of millions a year but surcharges for night and weekend a mechanism whereby the state as key in government’s plans Kahanec welcomes measures this burdens employers with un- work from the minimum wage pays part of a worker’s salary to that would help reduce differences necessary administration. and set them as lump sums. The ensure that they are not dismissed between men and women on the “The state should not use the valorisation mechanism of six levels by employers who decided or had labour market. As it stands, moth- law to create business for a narrow of the minimum wage, depending to, upon the government’s decision, ers in particular are penalised. group of service providers in any on how demanding a given job is, shut down their businesses due to “Care for children needs to field and afterwards force others, changes too. The revision, to be the pandemic. be divided more evenly,” said Ka- by law, to pay for them,” Kahanec valid as of 2021, was passed by the While the scheme is part of the hanec. This requires measures like added. parliament in 2020. first aid package of measures the paternity leave and the availability If parliament passes the change Páleník points to the enforce- government provides to the business of kindergartens. in the respective legislation, em- ability of the minimum wage when sector to help mitigate the impacts Michal Páleník of the Employ- ployees could opt for meal vouchers he estimates that about 5-10 per- of the coronavirus crisis, it plans to ment Institute and the Faculty or money as of March 1, 2021. cent of employees earn less than the make it a permanent instrument as of Management at Comenius minimum wage, such as jobseekers of 2022. The Labour Ministry or University would like to see the Minimum wage on activation work or those attend- the government have yet to say how programme statement provide will be altered again ing on-site training. the scheme will look. more concrete measures to include The minimum wage became “This doesn’t seem to bother The business sector supports disabled people and people from a hot topic for employers hit by anyone,” said Páleník. the plan to make the short- excluded environments, like the the coronavirus. In 2019, the Peter Increasing the minimum wage time work scheme a permanent Roma minority, in the labour Pellegrini government changed the to a level unacceptable for employ- instrument in Slovakia while the market. The coronavirus has shown way the minimum wage is set to ers would lead to exploitation. For form of its financing has not been just how inflexible the current pay- a formula attached to the average example, employers might push agreed upon. ) tasr ment system for the care of a family wage so that the minimum wage their employees into part-time “With the already excessive member (OČR) or sick leave is. accounts for 60 percent of the contracts, while expecting them to burden of health and social levies, “The current scheme does average from two years before. It work the same number of hours the RÚZ would advocate solutions not enable one parent to care for was expected to be used for the first as before, for a lower wage. Or that would not lead to an increase children on Monday, Wednesday time for the calculation of the min- employees might get paid only part of taxes or levies,” said Hošták, and Friday and the other one on imum wage for 2021, setting it at of their remuneration officially and proposing that the scheme should

The Igor Matovič government (Source: Tuesday and Thursday, while this €656. The increase of €76 reflected the rest in cash. be financed from the levies em- he Igor Matovič govern- Kahanec of the Central European modernised and more fields should “The reform of payroll taxes is exactly what many people now the prosperous year of 2019. ployees as well as employers already ment had to prepare the Labour Studies Institute (CELSI) be set where the adjustment of is an inevitable instrument for the working from home need,” said The Matovič government Kurzarbeit to turn contribute to the unemployment roadmap for its operation non-governmental think tank told relations between employer and creation of new workplaces and Páleník. heard out employers complaining into permanent instrument insurance fund. Tin the next four years amidst the The Slovak Spectator. He sees sev- employee could be based on an for the retention of existing ones,” Some people would be able about the very steep increase in To help companies hit by By Jana Liptáková fight against the COVID-19 pan- eral good ideas in the programme individual or a collective agreement said Filová. The coronavirus has to work some hours from home the minimum wage and changed the coronavirus keep their skilled Spectator staff demic. Observers believe the crisis statement, but it is questionable and not set by the law,” said Martin made the situation even worse, she even when they are sick, but the that is expected to follow will bring how many of them they will really Hošták, secretary of the RÚZ. added. law does not allow for working and challenges but also opportunities – be able to implement, he added. The Federation of Employers’ Nevertheless, businesses receiving sick pay simultaneously, including for the labour market. The business sector gener- Associations (AZZZ) welcomes question the extent of the goals, the analyst noted. In the area of work and ally takes a positive view of the any improvement in flexibility, given that the ruling coalition is employment, the government programme statement, pointing to adding that any easing that means composed of four rather different Meal vouchers to become voluntary that took office in March 2020 the plans to reform payroll taxes employees achieve a better work- parties. The government also promises promises to pursue measures to and to enhance the flexibility of life balance will lead to companies “I’m afraid these goals will end to give employees a choice between keep employment and create work- the Labour Code. Flexibility is pin- retaining a happier and more loyal up far from fulfilled, as it is clear meal vouchers and money for places while reducing payroll taxes pointed as key, particularly during workforce. that differences in opinions in the meals. At present, companies must as a means of increasing citizens’ the crisis and its aftermath. “Society as such has been government are too great and the provide meal vouchers to employ- incomes. Its programme statement changing, and keeping talent agreements are far from valid,” Pe- ees if there is no on-site canteen prioritises the improvement of the Flexibility is key in a crisis requires some flexibility on the side ter Serina, executive director of the serving hot meals at the workplace. business environment, the fight The National Union of Em- of companies,” said AZZZ spokes- Business Alliance of Slovakia (PAS), Experts and employers have heav- against corruption and red tape, ployers (RÚZ) points out that the person Miriam Filová. told The Slovak Spectator. ily criticised the voucher system. a prudent fiscal policy, and tackling coronavirus crisis has shown how In terms of wage costs, employ- The PAS finds the programme Employers represented by the PAS tax evasion. unbending are the labour legisla- ers have been complaining that statement lacking in terms of and the RÚZ support making meal “Paradoxically, the pandemic tion and the Labour Code. current health and social insurance a more detailed plan for the mod- vouchers voluntary. sme

could be helpful in forcing Slovakia “The labour legislation must premiums make the labour force ernisation of the Labour Code and “Employee benefits may be to focus on key measures,” Martin be thoroughly assessed. It must be expensive. elevating employees’ organisations higher and employer’s wage costs Source: 78 Labour market Labour market 79

Basic information about Slovakia’s regions Unemployment rate by education in 2Q/2020* Bratislava Trnava Trenčín Nitra Žilina B. Bystrica Prešov Košice Slovakia Slovakia Bratislava Region Trnava Region Trenčín Region Nitra Region Žilina Region B. Bystrica Region Prešov Region Košice Region Region Region Region Region Region Region Region Region Population as of 31.12.2019 5,457,873 669,592 564,917 584,569 674,306 691,509 645,276 826,244 801,460 Unemployed 177,800 (100%) 10,900 (100%) 14,200 (100%) 9,900 (100%) 16,400 (100%) 19,100 (100%) 27,500 (100%) 47,400 (100%) 32,400 (100%) Size (in square kilometres) 49,034 2,054 4,147 4,501 6,344 6,811 9,454 8,972 6,751 Elementary and without education 42,200 (23.7%) 2,500 (22.9%) 900 (6.3%) 1,100 (11.1%) 1,700 (10.4%) 1,100 (5.8%) 7,400 (26.9%) 20,500 (43.2%) 7,000 (21.6%) Share of Slovak GDP creation 2018 100% 28.37% 11.24% 8.98% 10.40% 10.84% 8.72% 9.54% 11.90% Secondary without A level 47,600 (26.8%) 2,000 (18.3%) 4,300 (30.3%) 2,500 (25.3%) 3,800 (23.2%) 6,800 (35.6%) 6,100 (22.2%) 13,700 (28.9%) 8,300 (25.6%) Source: Statistics Office of the Slovak Republic Secondary with A level 64,500 (36.3%) 4,300 (39.4%) 6,200 (43.7%) 4,200 (42.4%) 8,100 (49.4%) 9,400 (49.2%) 10,700 (38.9%) 8,000 (16.9%) 13,500 (41.7%) University 23,500 (13.2%) 2,100 (19.3%) 2,700 (19%) 1,900 (19.2%) 2,800 (17.1%) 1,800 (9.4%) 3,300 (12%) 5,100 (10.8%) 3,600 (11.1%) Wages & Labour Costs* * data based on a labour force sample survey (LFS) Source: Statistics Office of the Slovak Republic Slovakia Bratislava Region Trnava Region Trenčín Region Nitra Region Žilina Region B. Bystrica Region Prešov Region Košice Region Average nominal monthly wage for the first half of 2020 €1,087 €1,380 €1,009 €992 €903 €942 €938 €829 €990 Economically active population by education in 2Q/2020* Avg. nominal monthly wage 2019 €1,092 €1,359 €1,025 €1,015 €909 €981 €943 €844 €1,003 Bratislava Trnava Trenčín Nitra Žilina B. Bystrica Prešov Košice Slovakia Avg. nominal monthly wage 2018 €1,013 €1,272 €952 €951 €832 €911 €859 €775 €929 Region Region Region Region Region Region Region Region Economically active population 2,682,300 (100%) 352,800 (100%) 284,000 (100%) 292,200 (100%) 327,600 (100%) 340,600 (100%) 322,900 (100%) 396,600 (100%) 365,500 (100%) Monthly wage costs per employee 2018 €1,598 €1,997 €1,515 €1,490 €1,419 €1,461 €1,408 €1,243 €1,483 Elementary and without education 131,900 (4.9%) 9,000 (2.6%) 15,900 (5.6%) 5,400 (1.8%) 19,100 (5.8%) 7,700 (2.3%) 22,700 (7%) 34,800 (8.8%) 17,300 (4.7%) * data based on the statistical data for quarters (estimation of wages of self-employed included) Source: Statistics Office of the Slovak Republic Secondary without A level 616,800 (23%) 45,500 (12.9%) 78,200 (27.5%) 83,800 (28.7%) 80,900 (24.7%) 95,600 (28.1%) 71,400 (22.1%) 95,000 (24%) 66,500 (18.2%) Secondary with A level 1,200,900 (44.8%) 138,600 (39.3%) 126,500 (44.5%) 136,100 (46.6%) 156,600 (47.8%) 155,300 (45.6%) 149,200 (46.2%) 166,400 (42%) 172,500 (47.2%) Average monthly wage in 2019 based on the National Classification of Economic Activities (NACE)* University 732,500 (27.3%) 159,800 (45.3%) 63,500 (22.4%) 67,000 (22.9%) 71,000 (21.7%) 82,100 (24.1%) 79,700 (24.7%) 100,300 (25.3%) 109,300 (29.9%) Slovakia Bratislava Region Trnava Region Trenčín Region Nitra Region Žilina Region B. Bystrica Region Prešov Region Košice Region * data based on a labour force sample survey (LFS) Source: Statistics Office of the Slovak Republic Economy total €1,266 €1,646 €1,204 €1,186 €1,126 €1,180 €1,113 €1,025 €1,179 A Agriculture, fishing & forestry €1,043 €1,139 €1,152 €1,076 €1,118 €1,006 €1,014 €956 €927 B Mining and quarrying €1,238 NA €1,611 €1,161 NA €1,282 €1,210 €958 €1,146 Employment in sectors of economy in 2Q/2020 based on the National Classification of Economic Activities (NACE)* Bratislava Trnava Trenčín Nitra Žilina B. Bystrica Prešov Košice C Manufacturing €1,308 €1,864 €1,346 €1,287 €1,184 €1,290 €1,120 €1,001 €1,285 Slovakia Region Region Region Region Region Region Region Region D Electricity, gas, steam supply €1,884 €2,509 €1,922 €1,753 €1,977 €1,691 €1,629 €1,367 €1,635 Economy total 2,504,500 (100%) 341,900 (100%) 269,800 (100%) 282,300 (100%) 311,200 (100%) 321,500 (100%) 295,500 (100%) 349,100 (100%) 333,100 (100%) E Water supply and waste €1,097 NA €1,212 €1,064 NA €1,089 €972 €894 €1,087 A Agriculture, fishing & forestry 67,600 (2.7%) 400 (0.1%) 8,000 (3%) 5,900 (2.1%) 14,300 (4.6%) 6,000 (1.9%) 14,600 (4.9%) 10,700 (3.1%) 7,800 (2.3%) F Construction €1,125 €1,435 €1,071 €1,115 €970 €1,142 €951 €862 €1,157 B Mining and quarrying 7,700 (0.3%) 0 (0%) 400 (0.1%) 3,100 (1.1%) 0 (0%) 600 (0.2%) 2,500 (0.8%) 700 (0.2%) 400 (0.1%) €1,167 €1,517 €1,036 €1,076 €1,069 €1,038 €1,025 €953 €983 G Wholesale and retail trade; Repair of motor vehicles C Manufacturing 621,900 (24.8%) 41,500 (12.1%) 76,900 (28.5%) 123,000 (43.6%) 79,400 (25.5%) 96,800 (30.1%) 59,400 (20.1%) 77,400 (22.2%) 67,500 (20.3%) H Transport and storage €1,150 €1,437 €1,135 €1,017 €957 €1,053 €1,022 €1,024 €1,096 D Electricity, gas, steam supply 30,100 (1.2%) 7,400 (2.2%) 5,300 (2.0%) 1,200 (0.4%) 6,900 (2.2%) 1,300 (0.4%) 2,100 (0.7%) 900 (0.3%) 5,000 (1.5%) I Accommodation, food services €775 €867 €767 €740 €624 €733 €814 €726 €740 E Water supply and waste 24,400 (1%) 2,600 (0.8%) 3,300 (1.2%) 2,400 (0.9%) 3,000 (1%) 2,600 (0.8%) 3,400 (1.2%) 3,500 (1%) 3,600 (1.1%) €2,157 €2,518 €1,150 €1,547 €1,323 €1,734 €1,649 €1,588 €1,793 J Information & communication F Construction 229,500 (9.2%) 21,800 (6.4%) 22,500 (8.3%) 17,200 (6.1%) 27,000 (8.7%) 43,200 (13.4%) 21,200 (7.2%) 52,400 (15%) 24,100 (7.2%) K Financial & insurance act. €1,970 €2,204 €1,498 €1,533 €1,447 €1,535 €1,522 €1,379 €1,487 G Wholesale and retail trade; Repair of motor vehicles 296,800 (11.9%) 40,300 (11.8%) 34,400 (12.8%) 28,000 (9.9%) 38,100 (12.2%) 35,900 (11.2%) 38,400 (13%) 38,600 (11.1%) 43,000 (12.9%) L Real estate activities €1,140 €1,498 €1,103 €974 €897 €979 €1,024 €1,022 €972 H Transport and storage 164,000 (6.5%) 21,800 (6.4%) 18,300 (6.8%) 12,600 (4.5%) 29,100 (9.4%) 20,200 (6.3%) 20,800 (7%) 16,700 (4.8%) 24,600 (7.4%) M Professional, scientific and technical activities €1,579 €1,871 €1,408 €1,165 €1,289 €1,162 €1,041 €1,061 €1,342 I Accommodation, food services 94,200 (3.8%) 16,000 (4.7%) 11,900 (4.4%) 6,700 (2.4%) 10,500 (3.4%) 11,500 (3.6%) 10,500 (3.6%) 14,400 (4.1%) 12,700 (3.8%) N Administrative & support services €989 €1,225 €1,031 €867 €762 €895 €807 €752 €929 J Information & communication 92,900 (3.7%) 33,600 (9.8%) 8,400 (3.1%) 2,800 (1%) 7,000 (2.2%) 9,100 (2.8%) 6,400 (2.2%) 7,300 (2.1%) 18,400 (5.5%) O Public administration, defence & social security €1,405 €1,744 €1,307 €1,337 €1,292 €1,348 €1,338 €1,232 €1,298 K Financial & insurance activities 53,900 (2.2%) 18,000 (5.3%) 4,800 (1.8%) 5,100 (1.8%) 4,400 (1.4%) 4,400 (1.4%) 4,200 (1.4%) 7,800 (2.2%) 5,200 (1.6%) P Education €1,122 €1,193 €1,119 €1,047 €1,119 €1,068 €1,086 €1,117 €1,181 L Real estate activities 16,200 (0.6%) 4,100 (1.2%) 2,600 (1%) 1,000 (0.4%) 1,500 (0.5%) 2,400 (0.7%) 1,600 (0.5%) 1,800 (0.5%) 1,400 (0.4%) Q Health and social work €1,250 €1,508 €1,151 €1,183 €1,209 €1,259 €1,194 €1,121 €1,203 M Professional, scientific and technical activities 83,800 (3.3%) 25,500 (7.5%) 7,500 (2.8%) 9,200 (3.3%) 8,500 (2.7%) 8,200 (2.6%) 10,700 (3.6%) 5,400 (1.5%) 8,800 (2.6%) R Arts, entertainment, recreation €1,048 €1,232 €915 €945 €893 €995 €963 €987 €977 N Administrative & support services 52,200 (2.1%) 8,100 (2.4%) 5,900 (2.2%) 4,600 (1.6%) 9,200 (3%) 3,800 (1.2%) 6,700 (2.3%) 4,900 (1.4%) 8,900 (2.7%) S - U Other €931 €1,176 €936 €967 €713 €927 €812 €647 €845 O Public administration, defence & social security 215,500 (8.6%) 37,800 (11.1%) 17,900 (6.6%) 21,900 (7.8%) 20,600 (6.6%) 20,400 (6.3%) 33,900 (11.5%) 32,200 (9.2%) 30,800 (9.2%) P Education 192,400 (7.7%) 26,700 (7.8%) 17,200 (6.4%) 14,400 (5.1%) 21,300 (6.8%) 28,000 (8.7%) 20,600 (7%) 34,400 (9.9%) 29,700 (8.9%) * collected through workplace method (estimation of wages of self-employed not included) Source: Statistics Office of the Slovak Republic Q Health and social work 191,300 (7.6%) 22,500 (6.6%) 16,800 (6.2%) 16,800 (6%) 21,200 (6.8%) 22,600 (7%) 30,400 (10.3%) 32,200 (9.2%) 28,900 (8.7%) Unemployment & economic activity rate in Slovakia’s regions in 2Q/2020* R Arts, entertainment, recreation 34,700 (1.4%) 8,700 (2.5%) 2,800 (1%) 3,700 (1.3%) 5,300 (1.7%) 2,100 (0.7%) 5,600 (1.9%) 2,800 (0.8%) 3,700 (1.1%) Bratislava Trnava Trenčín Nitra Žilina B. Bystrica Prešov Košice S - U Other 35,900 (1.4%) 5,200 (1.5%) 5,100 (1.9%) 3,000 (1.1%) 3,900 (1.3%) 2,400 (0.7%) 2,500 (0.8%) 5,300 (1.5%) 8,400 (2.5%) Slovakia Region Region Region Region Region Region Region Region * data based on a labour force survey (LFS) Source: Statistics Office of the Slovak Republic Economically active population 2,682,300 352,800 284,000 292,200 327,600 340,600 322,900 396,600 365,500 Unemployment rate 6.6% 3.1% 5% 3.4% 5% 5.6% 8.5% 12% 8.9% Unemployed 177,800 10,900 14,200 9,900 16,400 19,100 27,500 47,400 32,400 Economic activity rate in % 58.4% 63.8% 58.9% 58% 56.3% 58.5% 58.7% 58.5% 55.1% * data based on a labour force sample survey (LFS) Source: Statistics Office of the Slovak Republic

Unemployment rate* Bratislava Trnava Trenčín Nitra Žilina B. Bystrica Prešov Košice Slovakia Region Region Region Region Region Region Region Region 2001 19.2% 8.3% 18.0% 13.4% 23.1% 18.9% 22.4% 22.7% 24.8% 2005 16.2% 5.2% 10.4% 8.1% 17.8% 15.2% 23.8% 21.5% 24.7% 2006 13.3% 4.3% 8.8% 7.1% 13.2% 11.8% 21.1% 18.1% 20.3% 2007 11.0% 4.2% 6.5% 5.7% 10.7% 10.1% 20.0% 13.8% 15.9% 2008 9.6% 3.6% 6.2% 4.7% 8.8% 7.7% 18.2% 13% 13.5% 2009 12.1% 4.7% 9.1% 7.3% 13% 10.6% 18.8% 16.2% 15.5% 2010 14.4% 6.1% 12% 10.2% 15.4% 14.5% 18.6% 18.6% 18.3% 2014 13.2% 6% 12.4% 8.6% 11.9% 13.6% 18.3% 17.5% 15.6% 2015 11.5% 5.7% 11.0% 7.2% 10.8% 10.3% 15.3% 16.8% 13% 2016 9.7% 5% 8.5% 5.8% 8.7% 8.6% 13% 14.8% 11.4% 2017 8.1% 4.2% 5.9% 4.1% 6.4% 6.7% 12.2% 12.9% 11.1% 2018 6.5% 2.9% 5.1% 3.0% 4.7% 5.5% 9.6% 10.0% 10.1% 2019 5.8% 2.3% 4.6% 2.9% 4.6% 4.5% 7.9% 10.1% 7.9% 2Q/2020 6.6% 3.1% 5% 3.4% 5% 5.6% 8.5% 12% 8.9%

* data based on a labour force sample survey (LFS) Source: Statistics Office of the Slovak Republic Fotolia Source: InflationInflation (9/2019):(9/2019):2.9%2.9% GDPGDP growth growth (2018): (2018):3.5%3.5% EconomyEconomy & & GDPGDP per per capita capita 2018 2018 (nominal): (nominal):USD20,670USD20,670 GDPGDP per per capita capita 2018 2018 (PPP): (PPP):USD31,326USD31,326

Inflation (9/2020): 1.4% GDP growth (2019): 2.3% BusinessBusinessEconomy GDP per capita 2019 (nominal): USD21,039 GDP per capita 2019 (PPP): USD32,793 Foreign trade (2019): Export: €80.61 billion, Keeping an eye on your investment abroad: Import: €79.28 billion EnvironmentEnvironment& business General government debt (2019): 48.5% of GDP Why a management report matters. ongratulations on your tables and large reports that, decision to start an unfortunately, may not even environment investment in Slovakia! be read. The main output is a MainMain economic economic activities activities CumulativeCumulative FDI FDI MainMain export export countries countries (2019): (2019): MainMain import import countries countries (2019): (2019): CNow that you have concluded well-prepared summary report byby gross gross added added value value (2017): (2017):Main economic byactivitiesby economic economic by gross added activityactivity value: (2016): (2016): Main export countries (2019) Main import countries (2019) that Slovakia is the best place to in the standard range of one Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2 .63% SHARESHARE OF OF GermanyGermany agriculturalagricultural land land 48.9%48.9% ECONOMICECONOMIC ACTIVITY ACTIVITY OtherOther GermanyGermany start a new subsidiary and you A4, a so-called dashboard Industry FDIFDI 25 .67% OtherOther 19.6%19.6% forestforest 41.1%41.1%Construction 7 .92% 21.9%21.9% have gone through the process with more detailed reports ManufacturingManufacturing 32.27%32.27% CzechCzech urbanurban areas areas 4.8%,4.8%,Trade,transport, accom ., food services 19 .49% RepublicRepublic of setting up the entity and have depending on your business FinancialFinancial and and insurance insurance 40.7%40.7% 12.2%12.2% 23.21%23.21% 40.6%40.6% waterwater 1.9%1.9%Information and communicationactivitiesactivities 4 .70% managed to get the production needs, where you can find Financial and insurance activities 3 .12% 11.0%11.0%CzechCzech running, the next important key business metrics. This will otherother 3.3%3.3% WholesaleWholesale and and retail retail 7.6%7.6% Real estate activities 9 .82% RepublicRepublic FinancialFinancial and and insurance insurance trade;trade; repair repair of of motor motor 9.13%9.13% ChinaChina question to ask yourself is: How give a quick, comprehensive 3.14%3.14%Professional, scientificvehiclesvehicles and technical and and motorcyclesactivities; motorcycles administrative and activitiesactivities support service activities 10 .15% do I keep an eye on this invest- and truthful picture of your 7.0%7.0% 6.7%6.7% RealReal estate estate activities activities 6.87%6.87%Public admin ., education,AdministrativeAdministrative health and and 14 .44% FranceFrance RussiaRussia ment abroad? You simply just company’s financial situation, Other 6.64%6.64%2 .07% 6.4%6.4% Professional,Professional, scientific scientific and and supportsupport service service activities activities 7.4%7.4% 5.6%5.6% 6.4%6.4% can’t be there all the time. performance and ability to HungaryHungary 6.9%6.9% SouthSouth Korea Korea technicaltechnical activities; activities; PolandPoland AustriaAustria PolandPoland When you don’t have a generate free cash. 9.07%9.07%Cumulative FDI RealbyReal economic estate estate activity: activities activities 6.31%6.31% administrativeadministrative and and support support foreign subsidiary, you want to With modern online tools serviceservice activities activities Manufacturing InformationInformation and and 32 .08% 4.50%4.50% PublicPublic admin., admin., education, education, Financial and insurancecommunicationcommunication activities 21 .63% ForeignForeign trade trade (2018) (2018) follow-up on how your business and the ability to link financial 14.75%14.75% healthhealth Wholesale and retailOther trade;Other repair of motor vehicles and 17.94%17.94% is doing. We can imagine data with all other sources of motorcycles 8 .56% ExportExport (2018): (2018):€79.14€79.14 billion billion OtherOther 3.37%3.37% that you regularly ask yourself Bart Waterloos, Partner at VGD SLOVAKIA information that come from Administrative and support service activities 6 .75% Cumulative FDI by country of origin: the€76.84 Netherlands€76.84 (26%), billion billion Real estate activities 7 .34% Czechia (13%),ImportImport Austria (12%), (2018): (2018): Germany (7%), Luxembourg (7%), questions like: the companies ERP system, Belgium (5%), Hungary (5%), Italy (5%), United Kingdom (3%) . Information and communication 4 .31% Why aren’t we meeting the such tailor-made management Note: several companies which have invested in Slovakia are why they often ask themselves these questions at regular and Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 6 .59% registered in the Netherlands, Luxembourg or , even though planned profits? Why does my reports can save you a lot of time the above mentioned questions. fixed intervals. Other 12 .74% their country of origin is different. company show high profits and in finding and analysing the UtilityUtility prices: prices: But not only in these cases can The main goal of SomeSome utility utility prices prices are are regulated regulated by by the the Regulatory Regulatory Office Office for for still has no funds to pay me the information you need to keep a management report be helpful management and control- NetworkNetwork Industries Industries (.RSO). (.RSO). It It issuesUtility issues new newprices: regulations regulations at at the the end end dividends? How is it possible an eye on your investment. It for you. You may just feel like oriented reporting is to gather ofof the the year year for for the the next next year. year. ElectricitySome Electricity utility prices pricesprices Electricity are Electricity regulated prices prices by the Regulatory Office for Network Industries (ÚRSO) . It issues that our company generates might even indicate when it is you need to relax and no longer information from all levels of forfor households households and and small small companies companiesnew regulations consist consist ofat of the several several end of parts partsthe year of of for the next year . free cash-flow but is also time for you to come and visit want to live with your business the company, evaluate it, look whichwhich some some are are regulated regulated by by theElectricity the Regulatory Regulatory prices Office Office for for NetworkNetwork experiencing a long-term loss? that foreign subsidiary personally stress every day, but at the same for unnecessary costs, look for IndustriesIndustries (.RSO). (.RSO). Electricity prices for households and small companies consist of several parts of which some Why are our sales not what we to take corrective steps. time you also want to keep track new profit opportunities, and ElectricityElectricity prices prices for for industrial industrialare consumers: consumers: regulated by €0.079 €0.079 the Regulatory per per kWh kWh Office for Network Industries (ÚRSO) . expected in our annual plan? If you are interested in of your results. A management discover critical points in the (2018,(2018, Eurostat) Eurostat) Electricity Electricity prices pricesElectricity for for businesses businesses prices for inindustrial in Slovakia Slovakia consumers: also also €0 .095 per kWh (Source: 2019, Thankfully, there is a managing your company report is also helpful if you have company. It closely monitors includeinclude regulated regulated portions portions of of theEurostat) the fee fee for for the the National National Nuclear Nuclear solution. A high quality through quality reporting, look recently invested into the capital the structure of sales, costs, FundFund (€3.27 (€3.27 per per MWh MWh as as of of Feb, Feb,Electricity 2019) 2019) and andprices the the for charge charge businesses for for in Slovakia also include regulated por- management report makes all no further than the team of of a new business and want to product margins, and customer operatingoperating the the national national grid grid (€25.99 (€25.99 per per MWh MWh as as of of the difference, which is why it is experienced VGD experts, who tions of the fee for the National Nuclear Fund (€3 .27 per MWh as of know where the invested money and order margins. JanuaryJanuary 1, 1, 2019). 2019). Water Water regulated regulated prices prices in in Bratislava Bratislava actually a good idea to invest in will tailor such a report to your Feb, 2019) and the charge for operating the national grid (€23 .62 is going to and how the result of Managerial reporting (water(water €1.1231 €1.1231 per per m3, m3, sewage sewage €1.1059 €1.1059 m3); m3); in in the set-up and maintenance of information needs. KošiceKošice (water (water €1.603 €1.603 per per m3, m3, sewageper sewage MWh €1.1844 €1.1844as of January per per 1, 2020) . this company develops. evaluates the company’s past such a report. By Bart Waterloos m3)m3) (Source: (Source: water water management managementWater companies companies in in What are your options? and present, but also looks into 3 Owners and representatives BratislavaBratislava and and eastern eastern Slovakia) Slovakia)Regulated prices in Bratislava (water €1 .2162 per m , sew- These series of analytical the future. It enables you to 3 3 of statutory bodies of companies age €1 .1982 m ); in Košice (water €1 .6034 per m , sewage questions and answers can be plan how financial indicators About the author: 3 are interested in how their TransportationTransportation costs: costs:€1 .1844 per m ) . Source: water management companies in completed by your company will behave in a few months or As a 25 year-old junior he left companies are doing and want AA united united motor motor vehicle vehicle tax tax Fuel FuelBratislava prices prices (Oct, (Oct,and eastern Slovakia. representatives personally, but years. Belgium to expand the audit to know the causes behind their 2018):2018): 98 98 octane octane petrol petrol €1.592 €1.592 per per litre, litre, LPG LPG it will require time, energy and The formal aspect and department for VGD in Prague. performance decline. That is €0.645,€0.645, diesel diesel €1.329 €1.329 Toll Toll rates: rates:Transportation €0.020- €0.020- costs: multiple contacts with and content of such a report Since 2004 he has lived in €0.246€0.246 / km/ km (www.emyto.sk) (www.emyto.sk) BankA Bank united motor vehicle tax paid by business entities only between the CFOs, accountants shall be consistent with the Bratislava, helping the company account:account: Opening Opening a a bank bank account accountFuel prices by by a a (Oct, 2020): 98 octane petrol €1 .368 per litre, LPG or other people within your information you wish to grow to become the 5th largest businessbusiness entity: entity: Slovensk. Slovensk. Sporiteľňa Sporiteľňa€0 .563, -diesel - €1 .003 company. Instead, you can submit. In our view, it is audit and consulting company in monthlymonthly fee fee from from €0-31.9; €0-31.9; V.B V.B - monthly- monthly fee fee

management SP020015/001 Toll rates: €0 032-€0. .253 / km (Source: www.emyto.sk) Stock Adobe Source: rely on a quality important – especially when Slovakia. He is currently one of fromfrom €7; €7; Tatra Tatra Banka Banka monthly monthly fee fee from from €7 €7 and control-oriented report it comes to reporting to the company’s four partners and Bank account: to provide your company with owners or top management is responsible for all international Opening a bank account by a business entity: Slovenská Sporiteľňa - monthly automated answers to most of – to avoid a large number of affairs. fee from €0-31 .9; VÚB - monthly fee from €7; Tatra Banka monthly fee from €7 82 Economy & business environment Economy & business environment 83

the more severe pandemic scenario vices. Even so, the recovery in the Real consumption of households (%y/y change in 2Q20) would likely shrink the economy eurozone is seen to slow down sig- 0.0% Uncertainties abound, yet recovery is in the final quarter of 2020 and nificantly in 4Q. In 2021, only one -5.0% early 2021. Employment will thus third of the fall in employment will decline for longer and not start re- be recovered even as the GDP of -10.0% likely forthcoming in 2021 covering in mid-2021 as expected the eurozone is seen to bounce by midst the surging recovering, however, were abruptly in the baseline scenario. a strong 6 percent. In the severest -15.0% GDP development (index, 4Q2019=100, seasonally adjusted, COVID-19 pandemic and washed away in early spring as pandemic scenario, Intesa Sanpaolo Eurozone also calendar adjusted) -20.0% threats of a lockdown in the COVID-19 pandemic made 100.0 Uncertainties abound also abroad foresees that the GDP in 4Q will theA coming months, the economic its way into Europe and the US. 95.0 All key trading partners of shrink again, the projected growth -25.0% outlook is extremely uncertain. Social distancing, the closures 90.0 Slovakia are suffering from the in 2021 halves, and a further 2 mil- Italy Spain Latvia Malta Turkey Cyprus 85.0 Serbia France United Greece Poland Croatia Austria Norway Ireland Czechia Estonia Iceland lion jobs are lost. Finland The first wave of the pandemic of factories, retail outlets, and second wave of the pandemic, by Sweden Hungary Belgium Portugal Slovakia Bulgaria Slovenia Germany Denmark Romania has already chopped off about 13 schools, and other unprecedented 80.0 varying degrees. The eurozone There is also lingering uncer- Luxembourg Netherlands

percent of the Slovak economy, public health measures to 75.0 especially is heading toward a dif- tainty related to the exit of the UK VUB Eurostat, Source: throwing it back five years. contain the spread of the virus 70.0 ficult autumn. The post-lockdown from the EU on January 1, 2021. eurozone, respectively. Clearly, rela- based on consumption boosted A post-pandemic rebound of the have crippled economies at an 65.0 recovery has been flattening since While most observers and espe- tive to the impact of COVID-19, by federal support to disposable economy, however, is likely in unprecedented scale. The worst 60.0 July and economic performance in cially the financial markets’ partici- these downsides are of lesser magni- income implemented through the 2021. In our baseline projection, hit countries in Europe, such as the remainder of the year is subject pants continue to believe that an tude, but in no way irrelevant. spring. Now a period of decelera-

the Slovak economy will grow Spain and the UK, lost nearly 2005-Q1 2005-Q4 2006-Q3 2007-Q2 2008-Q1 2008-Q4 2009-Q3 2010-Q2 2011-Q1 2011-Q4 2012-Q3 2013-Q2 2014-Q1 2014-Q4 2015-Q3 2016-Q2 2017-Q1 2017-Q4 2018-Q3 2019-Q2 2020-Q1 to significant uncertainty related agreement governing mutual trade Finally, an autumn full of tion is starting as renewed fiscal around 5 percent in 2021 and by a quarter of economic activity Eurozone Slovakia to the increase in contagions and relations will be ultimately reached uncertainty is ahead also in the US, stimulus is subject to political Source: Eurostat, VUB Eurostat, Source: mid-2022 return to pre-COVID in the first half of 2020. The possible tighter restrictive measures. by the end of 2020, the risk of an especially important market stalemate in Congress. And in- crisis levels of activity. Risks to the eurozone economy shrank back allowed for a faster rebound after Challenged resilience of consumers The reference scenario of col- the negotiations falling through for Slovak car exporters. The risks deed, the political risks appear to forecasts though are tilted toward to a level last seen in 2005. The the reopening of key European As we write this outlook leagues in Intesa Sanpaolo research cannot be ruled out. Economic are manifold. In the public health determine the outlook for 2021 in the downside, owing not only Slovak economy suffered relatively markets on lockdown since May. in October 2020, however, the is based on the more favourable models of our colleagues at Intesa dimension, the COVID-19 con- a particularly sizeable way, given to the unprecedented pandemic less but was still hit very hard: the Slovakia has weathered the first second wave of the pandemic hypothesis that the autumn wave of Sanpaolo research indicate that tagion curve in the US has never the outcome of the November elec- threat and its untested impact seasonally adjusted GDP plunged wave of the pandemic well, with has hit Europe and consumer the pandemic is not accompanied under a “no deal” scenario, GDP in really been under control and is tions and a possible institutional on global social behaviour and by 13 percent in the first half of the least human lives lost due to confidence is coming under attack by freezes on production or by 2021 would be lower relative to the currently bulging up again, for the crisis should there be a “contested consumer spending, but also to the year, to a level last seen in COVID in the EU. This may again. In Slovakia, the number obligatory stoppages in commercial baseline scenario by 0.6 percent in third time. In terms of econom- election”. By Zdenko Štefanides, political risks, including that of 2014. have contributed to the resilience of new COVID-19 cases and distribution and catering ser- the UK, and by 0.3 percent in the ics, the brief summer recovery was Chief Economist at VÚB Banka the UK leaving the EU in January of household confidence. Indeed, hospitalisations is rising fast (see without a deal. Thanks to the resilience in 2Q, Slovak households posted chart), following the alarming Basic statistical data - Slovakia & the European Union of consumers the smallest drop in their real trend of the neighbouring Czech Euro Area EU 27 Germany Slovakia Poland Czech Rep. Hungary Economic impact of the pandemic The relatively smaller impact consumption among the respective Republic, which in October Population 1.1.2020 (mil.) 342.81 447.71 83.17 5.46 37.96 10.69 9.77 has been relatively contained GDP Percentage change 2018 / 2019 1.3% 1.5% 0.6% 2.3% 4.5% 2.3% 4.6% of the pandemic appears to be due EU countries (see chart). became the worst pandemic-hit Unemployment (%) in September 2020, seasonally adjusted 8.3% 7.5% 4.5% 6.8% 3.1% 2.8% 4.4% A year ago, the outlook for primarily to the early containment Maintaining a healthy European country. To stop the ad- Annual inflation (%) in September 2020 -0.3% 0.3% -0.4% 1.4% 3.8% 3.3% 3.4% the Slovak economy foresaw slow measures. Schools and shops population and workforce also verse trend, in Slovakia nationwide Source: Eurostat but gradually improving growth in Slovakia were closed as soon allowed a smooth reopening of mass testing is being carried out GDP - Slovakia & the European Union in 2020 as previous drags on as the first case of COVID-19 export factories, especially those through November. This is seen Euro Area EU 27 Germany Slovakia Poland Czech Rep. Hungary global trade started to melt away was detected in the country in in the key automotive sector, by the government and epidemi- GDP per capita 2019 (€) 34,800 31,100 41,300 17,300 13,900 20,600 14,700 with the US and China beginning early March. Early containment catering to pent-up global demand ologists as the last means to stop GDP per inhabitant in PPS, 2018, EU 27 = 100% 106% 100% 123% 78% 71% 90% 70% GDP per inhabitant in PPS, 2019, EU 27 = 100% 106% 100% 121% 74% 73% 92% 73% for cars, the sales of which froze to sort their trade disputes. The measures may have worsened the the spread of the virus. Such an Source: Eurostat, World Bank, exchange rate USD/EUR used was the average of 2016 hopes of global and Slovak growth initial impact on the economy but during the spring lockdowns. By exercise, however, is untested in July, the output of automotive the developed world and its suc- Public finances & taxes - Slovakia & the European Union VÚB’s Slovakia Covid-19 Health Index (points) Euro Area EU 27 Germany Slovakia Poland Czech Rep. Hungary manufacturing was back to the cess is questionable in the current Government deficit in 2019 (%) -0.6% -0.5% 1.5% -1.4% -0.7% 0.3% -2.1% same levels of a year ago, a dramatic advanced stage of the pandemic, Government debt in 2019 (% of GDP) 84.0% 77.6% 59.6% 48.5% 45.7% 30.2% 65.4% recovery from running at a mere which has already overwhelmed Total general government revenue 2019 (% of GDP) 46.4% 46.1% 46.7% 41.4% 41.1% 41.6% 43.5% one fifth of year-on-year output healthcare capacities. Amidst Top statutory personal income tax rate (%) - - 47.5% 25% 32% 15% 15% in April. Helpful in sustaining the inevitably rising human toll, Corporate income tax rate (%) - - 29.9% 21% 19% 19% 9% both consumer confidence and the a lockdown – more severe and * arithmetic average (all members) Source: Eurostat, OECD readily available supply of workers longer lasting than in the spring – Labour Market - Slovakia & the European Union (Based on Labour Force Survey) Euro Area EU 27 Germany Slovakia Poland Czech Rep. Hungary has also been government support, seems increasingly probable. Such Employment rate 2019 (%) * 72.7% 73.1% 80.6% 73.4% 73.0% 80.3% 75.3% co-financing firms’ labour costs a scenario would severely under- Unemployment rate 2019 (%) 0.0% 0.0% 3.1% 5.8% 3.3% 2.0% 3.4% through the subsidised short- mine the confidence and spending Long-term unemployment rate 2019 (%) 3.3% 2.8% 1.2% 3.4% 0.7% 0.6% 1.1% Labour productivity in 2019 per person employed time work scheme. This helped power of Slovak households and 105.6% 100.0% 103.7% 76.2% 80.1% 85.3% 71.6% (EU 28 = 100, based on PPS series) put a cap on job losses by 2Q to thus ruin our baseline projection The hourly labour cost in the business economy in 2019 (€)** 31.4 27.7 35.6 12.5 10.7 13.5 9.9 approximately 60,000, much less of the Slovak economy avoiding The hourly labour cost in the business economy in 2018 (€)** 30.6 27.4 34.6 11.6 10.1 12.6 9.2 Total nominal hourly labour cost in second quarter 2020 4.2% 4.1% 5.1% 7.0% 5.5% 6.8% 12.2% than forecast at the onset of the a decline in the quarterly profile of % change compared with same quarter of previous year

Source: N CZI, VUB Source: crisis. the GDP going forward. Indeed, * rate is calculated by dividing the number of employed persons aged 20-64 years by the total population of the same age group , **estimation Source: Eurostat 84 Economy & business environment Economy & business environment 85

tion,” said Serina. “But this is not the reduction of the burden im- “It will be a number of use- a systemic approach, which is posed on entrepreneurs by income ful measures that will eliminate much required.” and payroll taxes, improvement of various nonsensical obligations Business sector pins hopes Businesses and analysts list law enforceability, red tape reduc- and significantly simplify the life the following among the measures tion, a more flexible Labour Code, of entrepreneurs,” said Katarína adopted within Lex Korona, which but also a more systemic intercon- Matejková, spokesperson of the on new government have the biggest impacts on compa- nection between education and the Economy Ministry. ive-star hotels no longer nies: the scrapping or reduction of labour market. During the summer, the need eight hangers in their several fines, banning the social se- “These fields have already been ministry collected hundreds of wardrobes in every room curity provider Sociálna Poisťovňa in bad shape for several years; they suggestions from entrepreneurs. It Fto meet the hotel-rating criteria. from requiring some documents are being addressed only partially then selected more than 900 of the The scrapping of the regulation it already has at its disposal, the and sporadically,” Miriam Filová, fastest-feasible initiatives with the

on the categorisation of accom- scrapping of the special bank levy, sme spokesperson of AZZZ told The least possible impact on the state

modation facilities, valid since the making public the procedure for Slovak Spectator. “Unpredict- budget. end of October 2020, is one of the the calculation of energy prices for Source: able measures, which have not “However, it is premature to 115 measures the Igor Matovič monopoly regulated entities, and enforcement, functionality of the been included in the programme talk about specific measures at this government adopted within the increasing the turnover of compa- judiciary system, functionality of statement and that have not been time, as their form is currently set of laws it passed in the summer nies for obligatory audits. the political system, and stability through a proper legislative process, being negotiated by the Economy ) tasr

in order to make doing business in of prices. excessively increasing the costs of Ministry with respective minis- Slovakia easier. Businesses more positive On the other hand, entre- entrepreneurs, are another negative tries,” said Matejková. Similar measures, which came The Economy Ministry believes preneurs praised the legislation feature.” The government pledges a shift to be dubbed “Lex Korona,” are the adopted legislation granting on trade relations and labour So far AZZZ has not received in its approach to red tape. reportedly in the pipeline. business entities savings of €25 laws, the stability and predict- any feedback from the ministry “We want to focus on two “This is a drop in the ocean,” million per year has already been ability of the euro exchange rate, on its measures. It considers good areas: the reduction of existing said Economy Minister Richard reflected in the latest survey by the environment-related activities preparation for successful reforms bureaucracy and setting up the Sulík when he introduced his Lex PAS, indicating an improvement in of companies, the openness and with an effect of many years to be system so that it prevents red tape Korona in parliament. It is also the the business environment. information provided to the public, essential. from increasing,” said Ján Oravec, first of many steps that he believes The Business Environment and the behaviour towards business In the meantime, the the state secretary at the Economy Slovakia needs to take to improve Index of PAS, which surveyed partners. Economy Ministry has begun to Ministry and the former head of

its business environment after the (Source: Lex Korona the approved Economy Minister Sulík celebrates entrepreneurs about the impact of Whether the Matovič govern- work on the second package of the Entrepreneurs Association of previous 12 years of deterioration. While the Doing Business the instability of the legislative improve the business environment. the state, other outer factors and ment fulfils its reform promises measures to improve the business Slovakia. By Jana Liptáková “I hope that there will be many ranking has recently faced criticism environment, and the slow judicial “The main precondition for the companies themselves on the and to what extent it improves the environment. Spectator staff more,” he added. as possibly specious, it does paint system. a successful economy and simul- business environment, dropped business environment remains to The Economy Ministry under a picture where Slovakia stands Peter Serina, executive director taneously a precondition for being 3.7 percent to 41.11 points (out of be seen. 10 measures from Lex Korona with the biggest Sulík aims to create a stable, pre- among its neighbours. Among the of the Business Alliance of Slovakia competitive is a favourable business 100 points) during the first half of “The verbal determination of positive impact on companies as selected by RÚZ dictable and competitive business Visegrad Group countries, Poland (PAS), echoed this opinion and environment with higher economic 2020, when compared to the same the new government is great, but • Publishes input data and the course of the price procedures for calculating environment that will be attractive and the Czech Republic scored bet- added that the previous govern- freedom and a lean and effective period last year. Compared to the they have been in power for too energy prices for regulated monopolies in the energy sector - transmission th st to entrepreneurs and investors. ter, 40 and 41 respectively, while ment did not handle the problems state administration,” reads its four- second half of 2019, it fell 1.08 short a period to forecast whether and electricity distribution, gas transmission and distribution, water and heat Hungary ended 52nd. Neighbour- faced by the business sector in the year plan. percent, 1.56 percent less than dur- the changes they make will be supply Ambitions to scale ing Austria came in 27th. Germany, long run. ing the second half of 2019. revolutionary,” said Vlachynský of • Removes the obligation to keep price records for non-regulated entities up in Doing Business the most important trade partner “It even changed the labour Lex Korona “Even though the index INESS. • Introduces the obligation of the Financial Administration to report to natural In 2016, when Robert Fico of Slovakia, ranked 22nd. market legislation for the worse On July 9, 2020 parliament dropped again, the decrease is persons the amount of their advance income tax payment became the country’s prime min- Behind the drop experts when it pushed through, for ex- passed the first package of measures milder, also considering the crisis New approach • Employers will be not fined for the failure to notify the Central Office of ister for the third time, within its see a faster improvement of the ample, significant increases in mini- to improve conditions for doing caused by COVID-19,” said Serina. The business sector asks the Labour, Social Affairs and Family (ÚPSVaR) about a vacancy four-year programme manifesto, business environment in other mum wage and work surcharges, business in Slovakia, reduce the red “It gives hope that the index could government to continue remov- • Eases the procedure for registering a regulated trade for authorised persons his government set up the goal countries as well as the policy of and introduced obligatory holiday tape burdening entrepreneurs and start to grow in the future.” ing unnecessary administrative, for regular inspection of heating and air conditioning systems to push Slovakia up the Doing the Smer-led governments towards vouchers,” Serina told The Slovak help them overcome the impacts The biggest barriers in doing financial and regulatory barriers in • Curbes the obligations of a large company after execution of a mandatory Business rating by 15 positions. the business sector. Even though it Spectator. of the coronavirus crisis. Some business in Slovakia in the first half doing business. energy audit so that it will not be obliged to provide to the monitoring operator system the e-set data for monitoring system and the summary They failed and saw Slovakia slip adopted some anti-red-tape pack- The Matovič government, in measures became effective just of 2020 included the comprehensi- “There is still huge room for information sheet down 16 positions, from 29th to ages, new duties and obligations office since March 2020, prom- weeks later. bility, the usability and the stability improvement of the business th • Adjusts the conditions for temporary allocation employees between the its current 45 in 2020, when the outweighed the benefits. ised in its programme statement It has not brought any sig- of legislation, the reliability and environment,” Martin Hošták, subsidiaries and the parent companies reforms implemented between May “The business environment has to improve Slovakia’s positions in nificant economic reforms, but has the financial discipline of busi- secretary of the National Union of • The criterion of representativeness of employee representatives will be taken 2018 and May 2019 were taken not changed significantly in recent international rankings, but failed to erased some of what the economy ness partners, and the legislation Employers (RÚZ), told The Slovak into consideration (in relation to trade unions) into consideration. These included years,” Martin Vlachynský of the specify into what position it wants minister called “bureaucratic concerning payroll levies. Next Spectator. • Creates a new model of reasonable responsibility of the consumer of the several changes that businesses criti- INESS non-governmental think to push Slovakia. The manifesto nonsense.” The business sector and comes bureaucracy, obstructions in The Federation of Employers’ work or service for illegal employment cised, like night and weekend work tank told The Slovak Spectator. reads that an improved ranking analysts welcomed the step. processes at offices, record keeping Associations (AZZZ) keeps sending • Adjusts obligations of the employer and the employee for home office in the surcharges or employers contribu- Slovakia continues having problems would result as the logical conse- “We perceive Lex Korona and performance, productivity, proposals for improvement to the field of occupational safety and health, fire protection, recording of working tion to holiday vouchers. with bureaucracy, e-government, quence of the government efforts to positively; a step in the right direc- profitability of a company, law Economy Ministry. They require hours and ergonomics in the workplace Source: RÚZ Source: 86 Economy & business environment Economy & business environment 87

150 registered exclusive patents. then easily scalable for cost-effective Battery challenges in 2023 will exceed the produc- It already provides solutions for serial production. The Slovak and European bat- tion capacity of all EU producers Slovakia is following trends car manufacturers such as BMW, “This accelerates battery per- tery industry faces a lack of afford- five-fold, including those currently Daimler Chrysler and other pre- formance improvements, reduces able batteries. While the share of under construction,” said Boček. mium brands. R&D costs, speeds up the intro- electric cars in passenger transport “At the same time, over 80 percent by producing electric car batteries “Slovakia provides many duction of the resulting products in 2025 is expected to reach at of such investments in the EU are years of experience in the qual- to market, as well as increases the least 10 percent in terms of new of Asian origin.” ity of industrial production and overall safety by optimising a multi- cars sold worldwide, more than 35 The Slovak Automotive In- a strong focus on the automotive variable system,” said Boček. percent of the price of an electric dustry Association (ZAP) pointed industry,” said Boček. “Together car is the price of its battery during out that there are several teams in with the central European region, For which carmakers? the time being. Slovakia working in some sectors it creates the best conditions for InoBat Auto has been holding “The battery is constantly of battery technologies, including the development of battery cell advanced discussions with several evolving and improving, creat- accumulator chemistry, construc- production.” potential offtakers. However, they ing a lucrative space for the newly tion and control of performance Wildcat Discovery Tech- are unable to disclose their names emerged huge battery industry with and charging. nologies has developed a technol- at this point. a special opportunity for Slovakia,” “As there are four carmakers in ogy that combines the power of Slovakia, the Czech Repub- said Smik. “From a European point Slovakia manufacturing more than a parallel high throughput platform lic and Hungary are among the of view, it is important to compete one million cars annually, Slovakia (HTP) and artificial intelligence. world’s top car-producing coun- with Asian producers, who have needs a producer or producers of Thanks to the HTP technolo- tries. Due to its prime location, started doing research much earlier.” batteries,” Pavol Prepiak, ZAP vice- gy, InoBat Auto can simultaneously CEE is a strategic hub between the Boček of InoBat Auto recalled chairman, told The Slovak Specta- test a large number of variations in East and West, having resulted in that the European Commission tor, adding that even though several the chemical composition of the the establishment of over 20 OEM estimates that in order to meet the world producers eyed Slovakia, battery. Utilising artificial intelli- (original equipment manufacturer) needs of the producers, approxi- their investments eventually ended gence, it can analyse the results and brands, such as Jaguar Land Rover, mately 20 to 30 “gigafactories” will up in neighbouring countries, cit- select the most optimal battery that PSA, Volkswagen, Audi, Fiat, have to be built in the EU. ing better conditions. meets the requirements of the car Škoda, Porsche, KIA, BMW, etc., “It is already known that the By Jana Liptáková manufacturer. This test battery is in just seven countries. demand of European automakers Spectator staff Source: SITA Source: he first factory producing Spectator. “This is mainly due to in western Slovakia will combine “Our vision to create the best electric car batteries in the fact that the project combines production with the research and batteries customised to meet the Slovakia will be located the innovative technology of development of battery cell proto- highest performance, safety and Tnear Trnava. Wildcat Discovery Technologies for types under one roof. cost needs of electric vehicles is Together with the renowned battery research and development. The construction of the facility today a reality,” said Boček. US company Wildcat Discovery At the same time, it is Slovak, so is expected to begin in the last Technologies, the Slovak InoBat mainly regional companies invest quarter of 2020, with the first bat- Trailblazers Auto firm aims to build a 100 in InoBat Auto and all intellectual teries ready for distribution towards InoBat Auto’s plan is to be the MWh demonstration production property remains here.” the end of 2021. first supplier of tailor-made car line, with plans to upscale to a 10 The SBaA, an independent InoBat Auto has already batteries. Today, manufacturers GWh battery mass production advocacy group composed of legal partnered with the global high- offer battery cells through catalogue facility that will serve automo- entities that operate as an industry tech engineering company Manz sales, and it is practically impos- tive manufacturers in central and cluster, believes that this project Ag, the Czech energy company sible to find a manufacturer with eastern Europe. will move Slovakia forward in one ČEZ and Matador Group, the a made-to-measure product, Boček The Slovak-US cooperation of the fastest growing areas – elec- Slovak renowned system supplier pointed out. envisages a combined research tromobility. of automotive and non-automotive “Car manufacturers have to and development centre and solutions. The latter will assist adapt the car design to the battery production line, which allows Work in progress InoBat Auto in the development supply on the market and not vice for the continuous development InoBat Auto clinched the phase of the pilot production line versa,” said Boček. “Ideally, the de- of proprietary batteries in close strategic alliance with Wildcat Dis- for batteries, as well as during its sign of the batteries should be tai- cooperation with electric vehicle covery Technologies in July 2019. construction. lored to the manufacturer’s needs.” manufacturers. In May 2020, it announced the In the meantime, Marián The goal of InoBat Auto “The InoBat Auto project will acquisition of a brownfield 27,000 Boček, InoBat Auto’s co-founder is to change the unsatisfactory not only be competitive, but also m2 in size in Voderady, 40km away and executive chairman, unveiled situation by transferring modern one of the best in the EU,” Marián from Bratislava, where it will build the world’s first ‘intelligent’ EV bat- technology and cooperating with Smik, chair of the Slovak Battery the 100 MWh pilot line for an es- tery at the GLOBSEC Tatra Sum- Wildcat Discovery Technologies,

Alliance (SBaA), told The Slovak timated €100 million. This facility mit 2020 in early October 2020. a company that has more than SP020089/001 88 Economy & business environment Economy & business environment 89

Chirana Medical from Stará Turá promised to deliver 300 Investment highlights new lung ventilators to Slovak n November 2019 improving by one position in the Slovakia: Oerlikon Balzers Coat- Slovakia. The transaction worth hospitals. American tech giant Facebook ranking. ing Slovakia from Veľká Ida near about €1 billion is expected to be acquired Prague-based virtual game Slovakia-based software com- Košice, the V+S Welding engineer- completed by the end of 2020. n May 2020 startup Beat Games, designed by pany Asseco Central Europe has ing plant in Bardejov, the Kamax Slovak company Aliter Tech- The Fitch agency has down- Slovak natives Ján Ilavský and acquired the Czech software firm screw factory in Bardejov, Visma nologies won a tender to supply graded the country’s rating from Vladimír Hrinčár in cooperation TurboConsult, which targets its Labs in Košice, and Sladovňa in information and communication A+ to A with a stable outlook. with Czech Jaroslav Beck. software business at financial and Michalovce. technologies for the Communica- The rating was altered shortly after The Slovak cybersecurity com- banking institutions. tions Gateway Shelters system in another agency, Moody’s, worsened pany and global IT security pro- Slovakia recorded a year-on- n February 2020 the NATO Communication and the outlook for the country’s bank- vider Eset will protect the Google year drop by seven places to 55th Slovakia did not fully make use Information Agency, worth €5.5 ing sector. Play Store on mobile phones, now out of 190 countries in the Tax of favourable economic times and million excluding VAT. The InoBat Auto company that it is a founding member of the Payment ranking compiled by the has failed to sufficiently imple- acquired lands in Voderady where App Defense Alliance. PwC consultancy and the World ment reforms, reduce its deficit n March 2020 its first factory for e-car batteries Bank Group. Its parameters did not and debt, and improve in areas key Slovakia ranked 60th of 180 will stand, combining the produc- n December 2019 worsen, but other countries made to economic growth, including countries surveyed in the Index of tion with R&D of the battery part Due to the continually weak significant progress. R&D, education, and innovation, Economic Freedom, published by prototypes (see pg 86). conditions on the European steel the European Commission stated The Heritage Foundation, up five The Bratislava-based Voltia

market, one of three blast furnaces n January 2020 in a report assessing the coun- spots compared with the previous and global automaker Nissan have sme Source: in the steelmaker U.S. Steel Košice More than 1.1 million vehicles try’s progress on structural reforms year. It improved its government partnered to bring to the market an n July 2020 n September 2020 the Eset software company in remained idle and dynamo line rolled off the production lines in and the prevention of macroeco- integrity score. expanded Nissan electric pick-up Standard & Poor’s rating 365.bank will replace most of Bratislava’s Patrónka. investment has been postponed, 2019, beating the country’s record nomic imbalances. Co-owner of the J&T Real truck optimised for urban last-mile agency kept Slovakia’s A+ rating, the branches currently operating New state software house U.S. Steel Corporation wrote in by about 7,000 vehicles. The Martin-based plant of Estate developer group, Peter delivery. but changed the outlook from under the Poštová Banka brand in Slovensko IT officially kicked off its its outlook report for the fourth Slovakia placed 41st in the the Volkswagen Slovakia car- Korbačka, bought a 10.71-percent stable to negative. 2021 and become the main bank of operation in Košice, with the aim quarter of 2019. recent 2020 Bloomberg Innova- maker announced a plan to make share in Immofinanz AG real estate n June 2020 The Immocap developer the group. The latter will be active of creating cheaper, more modern The Austrian chain of furni- tion Index, down two positions a €14.4-million investment to group from Austria. Slovakia placed 57th unveiled its plans for the Istropolis at post offices and workplaces and more flexible state IT systems. ture stores Kika announced the compared to the previous ranking. build new capacities to boost e- The Slovak University of Tech- in the recent IMD World culture and congress centre. The offering financial services. rebranding of all of its five stores It placed the worst in the Visegrad mobility development. The cabinet nology (STU) in Bratislava joined Competitiveness Yearbook 2020, new venue should consist of the The Vetropack company n October 2020 in Slovakia after being acquired by Group (V4) region. subsequently approved investment forces with the Matador Group down four positions compared culture and congress centre, shops, situated in Nemšová will invest €4 The Finance Ministry XXXLutz group. The Swedish furniture retailer stimuli of €5.035 million in the company to launch a research proj- with last year. offices, flats and public space. million to extend and modernise its published the draft plan of reforms, Slovakia was the 15th most IKEA opened a pop-up store in form of tax relief. ect to develop a lung ventilator pro- Employment impacts and Insufficient demand after plant to process waste glass. for which it should receive money complex country in the Econom- Košice. Austrian company Uniqa totype for helping people positively sales impacts are the strongest their products and services bothers Mahle Behr Senica, from the Next Generation EU ic Complexity Index. Compared The cabinet approved invest- won the fight over the branches diagnosed with the coronavirus. innovation dimensions, with German and Austrian investors in BHS-Sonthofen and Charvát recovery fund. It focuses on to a decade prior, its economy ment aid at €13.5 million in of French financial group Axa in HMC Invest announced an Slovakia performing above the EU Slovakia. Many of them have seen Strojárne will receive €3 million eight areas: fiscal reforms; green has become more complex, total for five companies in eastern the Czech Republic, Poland and investment of €42 million in the average, the European Innovation the already agreed orders being can- in investment aid in return for economy; labour market and social industrial park situated in the Scoreboard 2020 report suggests. celled, a survey carried out by the creating 175 jobs. sustainability; education, science, village of Vlkanová, near Banská Overall, Slovakia is among Slovak-German Chamber of Com- As much as 97 percent of research and innovations; health; Bystrica. Moderate Innovators, with a score merce among 123 firms showed. business service centres and public institutions and regulations; The Žilina-based carmaker below the EU average. The STU signed a memoran- shared service centres kept high and digitalisation. Kia Motors Slovakia has begun the Slovakia ended 22nd among dum with the representatives of labour productivity during Lidl retailer will invest €13 mil- manufacture of another plug-in the 28 EU member states in the Siemens, Mobility & Innovation the coronavirus crisis without lion in extending its logistics centre hybrid, XCeed. Digital Economy and Society Index and Slovakia Ring Agency, to significant restrictions. The sector in Sereď, recruiting 40 new people. 2020, published by the EC. Its collaborate on the R&D of smart keeps growing, with the number PPF group completed the n April 2020 rating slightly increased, thanks autonomous vehicles, alterna- of employees up by 3.5 percent takeover of the CME company, The Poprad-based Tatramat to improvement in the fields of tive drives and progressive vehicle annually, according to a poll which owns the private broadcaster company has rebranded to Stiebel connectedness, use of internet constructions. carried out by the Business Service Markíza in Slovakia. Eltron Slovakia. services and digital public services. Centre Forum and AmCham Slovakia lags behind the most The government approved the n August 2020 Slovakia. n November 2020 business-attractive countries in investment aid of €1.5 million in Porsche unveiled its plans to Volkswagen Slovakia launched Volkswagen Slovakia has won the world and is failing to catch the form of income tax relief for build a new body shop near Horná the production of a new derivate a new project. The Bratislava plant up, as indicated by the ranking the SWEP Slovakia company based Streda for €250 million,and create of its SUV vehicle, the Touareg R will thus produce the next gen- in Superindex PAS issued by the in the eastern-Slovak industrial jobs for 1,200 people. with the plug-in hybrid engine. erations of Volkswagen Passat and Business Alliance of Slovakia (PAS). park in Kechnec, which plans to The Koruna Finance group The Danish architecture Škoda Superb. It scored 82.1 points and ranked enhance its plant producing heat took control of the bankrupt studio Bjarke Ingels Group – BIG 38th in the 100-place ranking of exchangers and employ 40 more outlet in Voderady in a competitive has won the tender for the new By Radka Minarechová countries, down two spots annually. people by 2024. tendering. campus-style headquarters of Spectator staff Courtesy of Immocap 90 Accounting, AuDit & tax consulting – specialised 91

2019: Number of employees in fields of businnes 2019: Počet zamestnancov v jednotlivých oblastiach pôsobenia

Company (Listed alphabetically) www Head representative Languages Audit: Taxes: Accountants Business consulting Company (Listed alphabetically) www Head representative Year of establishment in SR No. of employees Address Phone Year of establishment in SR Company‘s country of origin Auditors Tax advisors Lawyers Shared service centrum Address Phone Company‘s country of origin No. of branches in SR / No. of advisors / Marketing a PR / Financie a dane / Ľudský kapitál

City, Postal code Other Other City, Postal code No. of countries worldwide Other employees / Manažment E-mail E-mail / Nehnuteľnosti

Názov (v abecednom poradí) Názov (v abecednom poradí) / IT Adresa Audit: Dane: Biznis poradenstvo Adresa Rok založenia v SR Počet zamestnancov Mesto PSČ www Vrcholový predstaviteľ Jazyky Audítori Daň. poradcovia Účtovníci Centrum zdieľaných Mesto PSČ www Vrcholový predstaviteľ Počet pobočiek v SR / Počet poradcov Sectors, in which firm has the most clients T consulting Management consulting Financial & tax consulting poradenstvo Legal advice / Právne Human capital consulting Marketing & PR consulting I Real estate consulting Inspection and certification / Inšpekcie a certifikácia a dotácie and subsidy / Granty Grant Relocation / Relokácia E-mail Telefón Rok založenia v SR Krajina pôvodu spoločnosti Ostatní Ostatní Právnici služieb Audit /Audit Accounting /Účtovníctvo /Dane Taxes Business consulting /Biznis poradenstvo poradenstvo Law advisory /Právne E-mail Telefón Krajina pôvodu spoločnosti Počet krajín vo svete Ostatní zamestnanci Odvetvia, v ktorých má firma najviac klientov 1 ACCEPT AUDIT premium listing Consulting - Grant and subsidy 1 EFA SK s. r. o. Baštová 38 www.acceptaudit.sk Ivan Bošela E, F, N, G, R, Pl 6 2 6 4 Slávičie údolie 41 www.thefundingalliance.com/sk/ Kvetoslava Papanová 2004 4 industry Prešov 080 01 +421(0)903 601-052 1995 Slovensko (Slovakia) 6 6 0 0 l l l l Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 02 +421(0)911 558-890 Slovensko (Slovakia) 1 / 25 3 l l l [email protected] [email protected] 1 2 EOS Innovazioni, a. s. 2 LeitnerLeitner premium listing Bajkalská 19B www.eosinnovazioni.sk Michal Hort 2009 15 industry, services, health care Bratislava - Ružinov 821 01 +421(0)905 756-205 Slovensko (Slovakia) 1 / 3 10 l l Staromestská 3 www.leitnerleitner.sk Anna Fábryová E, G 3 10 20 0 [email protected] 5 Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 03 +421(0)2 5910-1800 1996 Rakúsko (Austria) 3 12 0 0 [email protected] l l l 3 Grantexpert s. r. o. Záhradnícka 72 www.grantexpert.sk Tamás Szőke 2013 1 ICT, education, public administration Bratislava - Ružinov 821 08 +421(0)2 5010-9870 Slovensko (Slovakia) 1 / 1 0 l 3 Renaudit premium listing [email protected] 1 Jasná 13 www.renaudit.sk Paulína Paramonová E 3 3 5 0 Consulting - IT Nitra 949 01 +421(0)37 655-0281 1991 Slovensko (Slovakia) 2 0 1 1 1 gd - Team, a.s. [email protected] l l l l Moyzesova 4/A www.gd-team.sk Erik Gottschall 2005 90 industry, ICT Pezinok 902 01 +421(0)33 641-4173 Slovensko (Slovakia) 4 / 10 83 l [email protected] 7 4 Accace 2 itelligence Slovakia, s.r.o. Mlynské nivy 16 - Twin City C www.accace.sk Peter Pašek E, G 0 7 71 4 Prievozská 4/C www.itelligence.sk Martin Koníček 2013 26 industry, ICT Bratislava - Ružinov 821 09 +421(0)2 3255-3000 2002 Slovensko (Slovakia) 0 4 5 26 l l l l Bratislava - Ružinov 821 09 +421(0)2 2091-1111 Nemecko (Germany) 2 / 27 20 l l [email protected] [email protected] 6 5 auditorea Inspection and certification Dúbravská cesta 2 www.auditorea.sk Dominika Eliášová E, H, G 0 1 12 0 1 TÜV SÜD Slovakia s.r.o. Bratislava - Karlova Ves 841 04 +421(0)2 3211-6970 2006 Slovensko (Slovakia) 0 2 0 0 l l l l Jašíkova 6 www.tuvsud.com/sk Branislav Chmel 1993 150 industry, ICT, services [email protected] Bratislava - Ružinov 821 03 +421(0)2 4829-1200 Nemecko (Germany) 4 / 100 40 l l [email protected] 110 6 BDO Consulting - Management Pribinova 10 www.bdoslovakia.com Peter Gunda E, F, G 4 4 25 6 1 Civitta Slovakia, a. s. Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 09 +421(0)2 5710-6666 2002 Veľká Británia 20 24 20 7 l l l l l [email protected] (United Kingdom) Ilkovičova 2 www.civitta.sk Peter Kolesár 2007 13 industry, ICT, public administration Bratislava - Karlova Ves 842 16 +421(0)902 909-575 Estónsko (Estonia) 1 / 15 9 l l 7 Deloitte [email protected] 4 Digital Park II, Einsteinova 23 www.deloitte.sk Ivana Lorencovičová E, K, G 20 12 17 69 2 Fipra - Public Policy & Regulatory Advisers Bratislava - Petržalka 851 01 +421(0)2 5824-9111 1991 USA 96 61 16 0 l l l l l Štefanovičova 12 www.fipra.sk Patrik Zoltvány 2007 13 industry, ICT, health care [email protected] Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 04 +421(0)2 5443-6001 NA 1 / 50 10 l l l l [email protected] 3 8 Elanor 3 Jenewein Group Miletičova 23 www.elanor.eu Ivan Zizič E, H, G, R, Pl 0 0 25 10 Štefanovičova 12 www.jeneweingroup.com Martin Krekáč 1990 45 industry, financial sector, ICT Bratislava - Ružinov 821 09 +421(0)2 2081-2646 1991 Česko (Czechia) 0 0 0 0 l Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 04 +421(0)2 5443-6001 Rakúsko, SR, ČR 1 / 4 35 l l l l [email protected] [email protected] (Austria, SK, CZ) 10 9 Ernst & Young (EY) 4 Menkyna & Partners Management Consulting, s.r.o. Palisády 47 www.menkyna.com Lívia Resutíková 2006 16 industry, financial sector, health care Žižkova 9 www.ey.com/sk Marián Bíž E, G 12 26 8 80 Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 06 +421(0)2 5441-2718 Slovensko (Slovakia) - / 1 13 l l Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 02 +421(0)2 3333-9111 1991 Spojené kráľovstvo 91 55 12 0 l l l l l [email protected] 3 [email protected] (United Kingdom) 10 Grant Thornton Hodžovo námestie 1/A www.grantthornton.sk Wilfried Serles E, G 6 6 20 0 Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 06 +421(0)2 5930-0400 1993 Rakúsko (Austria) 7 7 0 0 l l l [email protected] 11 KPMG Slovak news you can trust - since 1995 Dvořákovo nábrežie 10 www.kpmg.sk Kenneth Ryan E, K, H, G, R 32 18 12 43 Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 02 +421(0)2 5998-4111 1991 Veľká Británia 139 21 8 0 l l l l l [email protected] (United Kingdom) 12 Mazars Europeum Business Center, Suché Mýto 1 www.mazars.sk Mickael Compagnon E, F, G 5 6 29 10 Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 03 +421(0)2 5920-4700 2000 Francúzsko (France) 24 17 0 21 l l l l l [email protected] 13 PwC Twin City Business Centre A, Karadžičova 2 www.pwc.com/sk Věra Výtvarová E 26 14 16 110 Bratislava - Staré Mesto 815 32 +421(0)2 5935-0111 1991 Veľká Británia, USA 268 95 15 119 l l l l l [email protected] (United Kingdom, USA) 14 Rödl & Partner Lazaretská 8 www.roedl.com/sk Maroš Tóth E, G 7 8 20 0 Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 08 +421(0)2 5720-0411 1997 Nemecko (Germany) 10 0 11 0 l l l l l [email protected] 15 TPA Slovakia Blumental Offices II, Námestie Mateja Korvína 1 www.tpa-group.sk Ivan Paule E, G 5 10 30 5 Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 07 +421(0)2 5735-1111 2001 Rakúsko (Austria) 10 10 0 0 l l l l l [email protected] 16 VGD Moskovská 13 www.vgd.eu Bart Waterloos E, F, D, G 12 8 75 3 Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 08 +421(0)2 5920-1112 2002 Belgicko (Belgium) 14 17 8 0 l l l l l [email protected] NA - not available, Ar-Arabic, Bul-Bulgarian, Cr-Croatian, D-Dutch, E-English, F-French, G-German, H-Hungarian, Chi-Chinese, I-Italian, J-Japanese, K-Korean, N-Norwegian, Pl-Polish, P-Portuguese, R-Russian, Sl-Slovenian, S-Spanish Compiled by The Slovak Spectator Team More information on subscription at: shop.spectator.sme.sk Foreigners in Slovakia 93 Foreigners in Slovakia Trade licences and doing As Slovakia is a member of the European Union and the Schengen Area, citizens of countries in the Schengen Area do not need a Slovak visa . Nationals of non-EU countries generally need a visa to stay in Slovakia while visa applications can be filed three months prior to the planned trip at the earliest, business in Slovakia he Slovak Spectator regarded as unauthorised activities of freelancers or activities Q: What type of residence and granting the visa may take between 15 and 60 days . brings you the most trading if you systematically, that require other authorisation permit do I need to be able to frequently asked independently, on your own than just a simple trade licence get a trade licence? Tquestions on obtaining a trade behalf, on your own responsibility, (like banking or health-care A: Neither EU/EEA and licence and other conditions a for the purpose of earning profits, services). Swiss citizens nor non-EU/EEA Spectacular Slovakia: foreigner needs to meet to be without holding a Trade Licence, citizens need a residence permit in Live your own story of Slovakia with our travel guides Spectacular Slovakia . able to do business in Slovakia. perform an activity subject to Q: As a foreigner, am I able to Slovakia to obtain a trade licence, We have answered these craft, regulated or unregulated obtain a trade licence in Slovakia? apart from regulated trades and We answer your questions: Why are there so many castles in Slovakia? Which wines can questions with the kind help trades. The fine for unauthorised A: A person can pursue a trade crafts trades, where residence in you taste only in Slovakia? What is special about mountain porters in the Tatras? of the Migration Information trading ranges from €1,659 up to in Slovakia in two different legal Slovakia is required. However, We have unexpected travel tips for you: Take a real natural bath, pet a bear, hike in the capital, take a ride Centre of the International €3,319. statuses – either as a Slovak person non-EU/EEA citizens need a Organisation for Migration - http://www.mic.iom.sk/en/ or as a foreign person. In general, residence permit in Slovakia to run on a tank, explore an unknown cave, wander around a car factory, and descend into a mine . MIC IOM. doing-business/trade-business. every foreign person can carry on a their business legally. Travel articles, podcasts and traveller‘s needs can all be found in our travel tips section at www .spectacularslovakia .sk . html trade under the same conditions as EU/EEA and Swiss citizens Q: What do I need to be every Slovak person. can start running a business able to pursue trade activities in Q: Which activities are immediately after obtaining a Slovakia? considered trade? Q: Can I do business in trade licence. A: If you intend to do A: A trade is a constant Slovakia on the basis of a trade Non-EU/EEA citizens can business in Slovakia, it is essential systematic activity pursued licence issued in another country? start operating their business only to be granted a residency status independently, on one’s own A: In general, no. Only based on permanent residence or which allows you to conduct responsibility, with the aim to citizens of EU/EEA member states temporary residence granted for business. This means not all types gain profits. or Switzerland can occasionally the purpose of doing business, of residency allow you to do The law does not define provide services on the basis of a family reunion, studies, research business in Slovakia. If you intend which activities it does recognise trade licence issued in another EU/ and development or temporary to conduct a trade, you need to as trades, but rather lists activities EEA member states. Occasional residence granted based on the notify the Trade Licencing Office that are NOT considered trades providing will be determined in status of a Slovak living abroad, and obtain a Trade Licence. and governed by the law on trade respect to quantity, regularity and or a person with long term Your activity would be licences. These are mostly the duration of services. residence in another EU member Source: TASR Source: 94 Foreigners in Slovakia Foreigners in Slovakia 95

your intention to pursue a trade. committing an economic crime, a personal information, residential Q: How much does it cost trade licence. This can be paid via You can do that in person at your crime against property or another address, place of business (if it to have a trade licence issued in e-tax stamp, cash, money order or district trade licencing office based deliberately committed crime is different from the residential Slovakia? bank transfer. In case of electronic on your permanent residence. linked to business. In the case of address), and the business name A: An applicant who goes to submission at www.slovensko. The addresses of the offices are legal persons, this relates to its of their health insurer. Natural the trade authorities in person sk, the certificate is issued for free available on the Interior Ministry’s statutory representatives. persons with permanent residence needs to pay €5 to be issued a concerning free trade licences, and website, search by region (in There are also some specific in Slovakia need to prove they certificate for a free trade licence for €7.50 in the case of craft and Slovak). It is now also possible to conditions applicants need are impeccable by handing in and €15 for the craft and fixed fixed trade licences. request your trade licence online to fulfil, based on the type of an abstract from the criminal on the www.slovensko.sk trade licence: for a craft trade records of the General Prosecutor’s E-government portal, but this licence applicants are required Office. In the case of foreigners, can only be done by those who to have a certificate issued by an they need the abstract from the have biometric ID cards. education facility stating they criminal records issued in their If a person does not have are professionally competent in home country. If their country permanent residence, they must a selected craft; for a fixed trade does not issue such a record, go to the Trade Licencing Office licence – applicants need to have applicants need to submit an in the region where their place of confirmation of their professional equivalent document issued by the business is located. competence acquired outside of respective court or administrative education. body. The documents cannot Q: What conditions do I be older than three months and need to fulfil in order to be Q: What documents do I must be translated into Slovak.

Source: TASR Source: eligible for a trade licence? need when applying for a trade Applicants also need to submit the state. In addition, foreigners from this registration the right to Q: Where do I request my A: An applicant needs to be licence? certificate authorising them to use EU/EEA and Switzerland or operate a business in Slovakia will trade licence? older than 18 years of age; have A: All applicants need to fill in the property at which they will do OECD member states are obliged not be permitted. Permanent or A: The Trade Licencing Office a legal capacity; be impeccable a form, either for natural persons business (if the address is different to register themselves in the temporary residence in Slovakia is issues trade licences. The first – which means that the person or legal persons. For natural from the address of permanent

Commercial Register. Without a vital condition for registration. step is to notify the office about has not been sentenced for persons it is necessary to state their residency). Sme) Slovakia (Source: in central Telgárt What foreigners ask before relocating to Slovakia? FAQ: EU citizens - dealing with immigration authorities Q: Is Slovakia safe? What are the safest and the for via public health insurance . Every employed Each of them has many branches around Q: Am I obliged to register with the authorities police issues a plastic card stating your residence residing in Slovakia and the residence permit of most dangerous places for living in Bratislava? foreigner in Slovakia is entitled to public health the country . To obtain a new number with as a citizen of another EU member state living in Slovakia (Pobytový preukaz občana EÚ). that relative. The documents need to be Slovak A: Slovakia ranked 25th out of 163 countries in insurance, however, he/she needs to register rechargeable credit foreigners need their in Slovakia? A: You are required to report your Q: Do I have to pay an administrative fee to be originals or official translations. the 2020 Global Peace Index, and 17th out of the with one of three health insurers who offer more passport or ID (applicable only for EU residents) . stay in Slovakia within 10 days of entering the registered? A: While the registration is officially Q: When can I ask for permanent residence in 36 countries in Europe . The crime, violence and information for foreigners in English on their Q: What conditions should I meet to get a bank country (if you are staying in a hotel, they report free of charge, you are required to pay to get Slovakia? A: If you reside in the country for at vandalism rate, based on data from Eurostat is web pages: www vszp. .sk, www .dovera .sk, www . account? for you). You can stay in Slovakia up to 90 days your residence card (Pobytový preukaz občana least five years without interruption. In specific one of the lowest in Europe . As in other bigger union .sk . The last one also provides special A: A person willing to get an account should be without requesting a residence permit at the EÚ) issued. The standard fee is €4.50. cases, also earlier. cities in Europe, also Bratislava has its small health insurance for those foreigners who are older than 18 (in the case of student accounts, the Foreign Police Department. Q: Do I need to ask for the residence card? Q: How do I register my family members living areas with poorer reputations the Stavbárska not entitled to public health insurance . Many age limit is reduced to 15) . Banks like VÚB, Tatra Q: Where do I register? Who issues the A: The document that you receive from the with me in Slovakia? A: You need to submit two street, referred to as Pentagon by locals, in public hospitals are outdated, English is still not banka, Slovenská sporiteľňa or ČSOB offer the residence permit in Slovakia? A: In Slovakia, foreign police department after they accept your pictures of the family member sized 3x3.5 cm, the Podunajské Biskupice borough and the common and it is why foreigners prefer to use easiest way to open an account: foreigners need the foreign police department acts as the registration request is sufficient for you in the a valid passport, and a document proving your Kopčianska street in the Petržalka district . The private clinics where most of the services are not only their passport or ID (the latter is applicable immigration authority and receives residence first five years of your stay in the country. The family relationship with the person you are regis- most dangerous places in Slovakia are Bratislava free of charge . only for EU residents) . Legal entities need to have permit requests. card is optional. tering (a birth certificate, a wedding certificate), II district, Košice, and Trnava, as well as Hlohovec Q: How much do I spend for food? an extract from the business register and an ID Q: Can I also register for residence prior to my Q: What documents do I need to apply for my as well as your residence permit document. and Piešťany, according to crime maps published A: The average Slovak spent €964 in year 2019 (in the case of companies), or the trade licence, arrival, outside Slovakia? A: No, you are only residence permit? A: To apply for a five-year Q: What are my duties as a foreigner with by the police in late October 2016 . to purchase food and non-alcoholic beverages concession license/application to assign company able to register with the respective foreign police residence permit you need to submit your valid a residence permit in Slovakia? A: You are Q: What is the average wage in Slovakia? (€867 food, €80 beverages), according to the ID and ID (in the case of self-employed), plus a department within the country. ID or passport, two pictures sized 3x3.5 cm, required to report any change in your personal A: €1,092 (according to the 2019 figures) . Statistics’ Office . minimum deposit . Q: How long does it take to obtain my residen- proof of address, and proof of your purpose of data: name, surname, civil state, state citizenship, Q: Where can my children study? Q: Where can I learn Slovak and how long does Q: When can I obtain Slovak citizenship? ce permit in Slovakia? A: You receive a docu- staying in Slovakia. data from your passport or your ID, within 10 A: Several international kindergartens and schools it take? A: Slovak is a bit easier for foreigners A: Foreigners can obtain Slovak citizenship by ment of registration for a residence permit on the The proof of your purpose of staying in days of the change taking place. If your passport are active in Slovakia (www .bis .sk, www .qsi .org, coming from the Slavic group of languages adoption (applies to children) or granting . The day when you submit your registration with the Slovakia may be a work contract, or promise or your address card is lost, stolen, or damaged, www .galileoschool sk,. www .cambridgeschool . as some words may be similar . Slovake .eu is latter means that the applicant has to meet foreign police department. Within 30 days, the of employment, or a document that you are you should report it within 10 days. eu, www .montessori-school .sk, www wonderland. . a multilingual free-of-charge website where several conditions, including having permanent self-employed, or a document that you have Q: What do I do if I need to prolong my sk, www .bbhill sk,. www .keis sk). . There is also a foreigners can learn Slovak . residency in the country for eight years (check sufficient resources and will not fall into material residence permit in Slovakia? A: You need to boarding school (www .leafacademy .eu) . Q: Where can I find job offers? A: There are www .mzv .sk for more details) . need during your stay in Slovakia plus proof of submit your expired residence card (Pobytový Q: What should I know about health care in several job portals with offers in Slovakia . The health insurance, or a confirmation from your preukaz občana EÚ), a valid travel document Slovakia? biggest is Profesia .sk . The questions were collected from the survey school that you are a student in Slovakia, or a (passport or ID), and a form filled out in Slovak. A: Emergency medical services are accessible Q: What should I do to make calls in Slovakia? carried out among the relocation companies Pro statutory declaration that you are continuously For more detailed questions and answers about to patients within 11 minutes across the whole A: There are four mobile operators in Slovakia: Relocation, Slovakia Invest, and AGS Bratislava looking for a job in Slovakia, or a document dealing with immigration authorities, go to that proves your family relationship to a person www.spectator.sk. country . Health care in public hospitals is paid Slovak Telekom, Orange, O2 and Swan (4ka) . International Movers. tasrSource: 96 Foreigners in Slovakia Foreigners in Slovakia 97

within eight working days preferences. The minimum rate for pay taxes in Slovakia? pandemic, some deadlines may be Slovakia for less than 183 days after this obligation arises, you sole traders is €76.44 in 2021. A: First, it is necessary to postponed. (without holding a permanent are obliged to inform your distinguish whether the taxpay- residence permit) are obligated to health insurer of the amount Q: Where do I register to ers are tax residents in Slovakia Q: What rules related to tax fill in tax returns for incomes in of advance payments. The pay my social insurance and or not. Tax residents in Slovakia payment are applicable when Slovakia. However, if a foreigner obligation to register at the how much should I pay? who need to pay taxes from all foreigners do not have perma- holds a temporary residence Social Insurance Agency does A: Your obligation to pay so- their incomes here are natural nent residency in Slovakia but permit for the purpose of business not arise during the first year of cial insurance depends on income people with permanent residency do business here? and wants to renew this permit, sole trading (the next years it earned in a particular calendar in Slovakia or those who usually Foreigners residing in he/she must prove taxed income depends on the amount of your year. This obligation arises the reside here. The law stipulates Slovakia for more than 183 days amounting to a specific sum of income). However, you have year following the calendar year that such people need to pay taxes (without holding a permanent money (depending on the statu- the right to register yourself in which your income reached the in Slovakia, from income received residence permit) are obligated tory life minimum). and pay the contribution required limit (€6,552 in 2021). both on the country’s territory to fill in tax returns in Slovakia Sources: MIC IOM, voluntarily. If your income in a particular and abroad. As the same person which include all sources of Interior Ministry website, calendar year reaches this limit, can be considered a tax resident income. Foreigners residing in Financial Administration Q: Where do I register to you are obliged to start paying the of another country as well (if pay my health insurance and social insurance from July 1, as said state has similar legislation),

Source: Pixabay Source: how much should I pay? of the next year, as well as register the international agreement on Q: What do I need to do and you have been granted and the tax office will be A: You can be registered yourself as self-employed in the preventing double taxation is ap- after I receive my trade licence? temporary residency or you do carried out directly by the in one of the public insurance Social Insurance Agency by July plied. Based on this deal, the tax A: Only foreign nationals not have residence in Slovakia, Trade Licence Office, if you companies by the Trade Licence 9. In case of the pandemic, some residency is set. with permanent residence you must register yourself in fill in also the attachments to Office directly. There are three deadlines may be postponed. outside EU/EEA/OECD the Commercial Register after the official application form. public health insurance companies Q: What deadlines must member states or Switzerland obtaining the trade license (or Your obligation to pay your in Slovakia (Všeobecná zdravotná Q: Do foreigners with per- taxpayers meet? are liable to register in the after obtaining the temporary health insurance contributions poisťovňa, Dôvera, Union zdra- manent residency in Slovakia A: Everybody needs to submit Commercial Register. If you residence). Your registration starts the first day of your votná poisťovňa) from which you who do business in Slovakia a tax return for the previous are a non-EU/EEA citizen with a public health insurer sole trading. Subsequently, can choose one according to your have to submit a tax return and year, by March 31. In case of the Source: Sme Source: FAQ: Non-EU citizens dealing with immigration authorities relocation companies Q: Can I request a residence permit outside Slova- to be apostilled or superlegalised. This does not apply of residence of the parent of the child in Slovakia, kia? A: Third country nationals who require a visa to to documents issued by authorities of France, Austria, an affidavit of the parent of the child that the child is be able to enter Slovakia may register for a residence and the Czech Republic. single, and the written consent of the second parent of permit at the Slovak embassy or consulate in their Q: I came to Slovakia to do business . What documents the child who has the right to meet with the child. For home country. Third country nationals who do not do I need to prove this is the purpose of my stay? a single parent of a foreigner living in Slovakia - birth need a visa to enter Slovakia can register either at the A:In the case of a temporary residence permit for the certificate of the child and proof of the child’s residen- Company (Listed alphabetically) www Head representative Year of establishment in SR No. of employees Slovak embassy in their home country or with the Fo- purpose of business, the purpose of the residence can ce in Slovakia, a document proving that the parent is Address Phone Company‘s country of origin No. of branches in SR / No. of advisors / Marketing a PR / Financie a dane / Ľudský kapitál

City, Postal code No. of countries worldwide Other employees / Manažment reign Police Department after their arrival to Slovakia. be documented by: 1. A business plan along with expec- single (e.g. death certificate of the late spouse) and E-mail / Nehnuteľnosti Q: What documents do I need to apply for my ted expenses related to the commencement of business, a document proving that the parent is dependent Názov (v abecednom poradí) / IT residence permit? A: Filled in application form, 2 2. Trade Registry Extract, 3. Articles of Incorporation on the child (e.g. medical certificate stating that the Adresa Rok založenia v SR Počet zamestnancov Mesto PSČ www Vrcholový predstaviteľ Počet pobočiek v SR / Počet poradcov T consulting Financial & tax consulting poradenstvo Legal advice / Právne Human capital consulting Marketing & PR consulting I Real estate consulting Inspection and certification / Inšpekcie a certifikácia a dotácie and subsidy / Granty Grant Relocation / Relokácia identical colour photos (3 x 3.5 cm), administrative fee signed by all the founders (the signatures of the foun- health condition of the parent necessarily requires the E-mail Telefón Krajina pôvodu spoločnosti Počet krajín vo svete Ostatní zamestnanci Management consulting Sectors, in which firm has the most clients (as required for the relevant type of residence), valid ders must be authenticated), 4. Foundation Agreement care of another person, and an affidavit stating that 1 4Expat, s.r.o. Bárdošova www.4expat.sk Katarína Ostatníková 2008 3 real estate, embassies, individuals passport, document proving the purpose of residence or a Foundation Deed, where the applicant is listed as in the country where they come from they receive no Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 09 +421(0)903 013-113 Slovensko (Slovakia) 1 / 1 2 l l (business, studies, employment, research and develo- an authorised representative, 5. Slovak Commercial appropriate family support). The documents shall not [email protected] 1 2 AGS Bratislava International Movers pment, official duty, family reunion, special activities, Registry Extract and notarially authenticated record do- be older than 90 days. Prístavná 10 www.agsmovers.com Justas Cemnolonskas 1999 15 embassies, NGOs, individuals Bratislava - Ružinov 821 09 +421(0)2 5341-9227 Francúzsko (France) 1 / 154 4 l l status of Slovaks living abroad), document proving cumenting that the applicant has become an authorised Q: How do I prove my integrity? What are the [email protected] 11 clear criminal record, documents on accommodation, representative, 6. Other documents proving business requirements of the criminal record? 3 Move One, s.r.o. Vajnorská 100/B www.moveoneinc.com Alica Kačmariková 2004 6 services documents proving financial coverage. activities in Slovakia (e.g. extract from the Register of A: You need to prove you have a clean criminal record. Bratislava - Nové Mesto 831 04 +421(0)2 6353-1303 Spojené arabské emiráty (United 1 / 47 3 l l l Q: Do the required documents need to be submitted Self-employed Farmers, or a license to operate private The documents you need are a Criminal Registry [email protected] Arab Emirates) 3 4 Pro Relocation s.r.o. in Slovak? A: Yes, all applications and documents you medical or legal practice). Documents must not be older Extract from your country of origin and a Criminal Mliekarenská 7 www.prorelo.com Ivona Demáčková 2004 15 ICT, trade, services submit need to be officially translated into Slovak by a than 90 days. Registry Extract from the country where you resided Bratislava - Ružinov 821 09 +421(0)2 2090-2020 Slovensko (Slovakia) 1 / 2 0 l l l [email protected] 15 translator who has official credentials. Only documents Q: I want to bring my family members to Slovakia . in the last 3 years for more than 90 days during 6 5 Santa Fe Relocation Services, s.r.o. in Czech do not need to be translated. Authorised What documents do I need to request temporary consecutive months. Mlynske nivy 77 www.santaferelo.com Anthony Heszberger 1995 3 industry, trade, embassies Bratislava - Ružinov 821 05 +421(0)2 2040-0844 Veľká Británia (United 1 / 47 3 l translation into Czech language is also valid, but needs residence for them? [email protected] Kingdom) 0 to be accompanied with a document issued by the A: For spouses - marriage certificate and spouse’s For more detailed questions and answers about 6 SlovakiaInvest Group s.r.o. consulate that confirms the translation has been made proof of residence in Slovakia. For single minors under dealing with immigration authorities in Slovakia, see Lazaretská 8 www.slovakiainvest.ru Milan Kurota 2009 30 ICT, trade, services Bratislava - Staré Mesto 811 01 +421(0)2 3214-4901 Slovensko (Slovakia) 1 / 1 20 by an authorised person. Also, the documents need 18 years of age - birth certificate of the child, proof www.spectator.sk. [email protected] 10 l l l l l l

NA- not available, Ar-Arabic, Bul-Bulgarian, Cr-Croatian, D-Dutch, E-English, F-French, G-German, H-Hungarian, Chi-Chinese, I-Italian, J-Japanese, K-Korean, N-Norwegian, Pl-Polish, P-Portuguese, R-Russian, Sl-Slovenian, S-Spanish Compiled by The Slovak Spectator Team Index of companies APPEARING IN THE investment advisory guide 2020/2021 A Civitta Slovakia...... 91 HB Reavis Group...... 66 HERRYS...... 69

Hillbridges...... 44 PRORECO...... 68 CLS Čavojský & Partners...... 44 Hispanic - Slovak Chamber of Commerce.27 RE/MAX Slovakia...... 69 CMS Slovakia...... 40, 46 HMG LEGAL...... 41 R 1. realitná a aukčná spoločnosť...... 69 COLAS Slovakia...... 68 i, J REN 4Expat...... 97 Colliers International...... 67 IKRÉNYI & REHÁK...... 41, 44 Accace...... 90 CORWIN SK...... 66 audit Immocap Group...... 66 Renaudit...... 90 CRESCO REAL ESTATE...... 66 Italian - Slovak Chamber of Commerce. 27 RIEŠIME BÝVANIE...... 69 CRH (Slovensko)...... 68 ITB Development...... 66 CTP Invest SK...... 66 itelligence Slovakia...... 91 Investment J & T REAL ESTATE...... 66 Rödl & Partner Advokáti...... 46 ACCEPT AUDIT & CONSULTING...... 90 Jenewein Group...... 91 Cushman & Wakefield Property Services Rödl & Partner Audit...... 90 Jones Lang LaSalle...... 67 Romantické chalupy...... 69 Slovakia...... 67 K, L ČECHOVÁ & PARTNERS...... 40, 44 KARIN & PARTNERS real...... 69 Support d ADMS...... 69 Kinstellar...... 41, 46 D4R7 Construction...... 68 KPMG Slovensko...... 90 Deloitte in Slovakia...... 90 RUŽIČKA AND PARTNERS...... 41, 45 Deloitte Legal...... 46 s, Š Advokátska kancelária MCL...... 40 Dentons Europe CS LLP...... 40, 46 Association Santa Fe Relocation Services...... 97 Advokátska kancelária RELEVANS..40, 44 DETVAI LUDIK MALY | DLMU...... 44 LeitnerLeitner...... 90 AGENT.SK...... 69 Direct Real...... 69 Your Support Base Since 2011 Doprastav...... 68 Lucron Group...... 66 M, n SEDLAČKO & PARTNERS...... 44 Malata, Pružinský, Skanska SK...... 68 agreal.sk...... 69 Hegedüš & Partners...... 45 Slovak - Polish Chamber DYNAMIK HOLDING...... 68 AGS Bratislava International Movers.....97 Masnyk Legal...... 45 of Commerce...... 27 ISA represents a group of renowned companies operating and providing services for foreign Allen & Overy Bratislava...... 40, 46 E, f MAXFIN REAL...... 69 Slovak Chamber of Commerce American Chamber of Commerce in the EFA SK...... 91 Mazars...... 90 and Industry...... 27 investors in Slovakia. The association operates as a “think-tank” or “support base” for the Slovak Republic...... 27 Elanor Slovakia...... 90 SlovakiaInvest Group...... 97

Arthur Real Estate Company...... 69 EOS Innovazioni...... 91 SLOVAKTUAL...... 68 needs of SARIO and its marketing and project activities at home and abroad. Directly and AstonReal...... 69 Ernst & Young...... 90 auditorea...... 90 Ernst & Young Law...... 46 through its partners ISA provides financial and organizational support for the presentation Austrian - Slovak Chamber of Commerce.27 MENKE LEGAL...... 44 EUROVIA SK...... 68 SOUKENÍK – ŠTRPKA...... 42, 44 B Menkyna & Partners Management of Slovakia and investment opportunities in all its regions. Fipra - Public Policy & Regulatory Squire Patton Boggs...... 42, 46 BALAŽI...... 69 Consulting...... 91 Advisers...... 91 STRABAG...... 68 Barger Prekop...... 44 Move One...... 97 French - Slovak Chamber of Commerce.27 STRABAG Pozemné a inžinierske MRE Management...... 67 g staviteľstvo...... 68 gd - Team...... 91 NECTEL...... 68 Swedish Chamber of Commerce in the Legal | Real Estate | Enviromental | Management Advisory Netherlands Chamber of Commerce in the Bartošík Šváby...... 40, 44 German - Slovak Chamber Slovak Republic...... 27 Slovak Republic...... 27 BBH advokátska kancelária...... 40, 44 of Industry and Commerce...... 27 Swiss - Slovak Chamber of Commerce...27 Quality Management | Development | Recruitment & HR | Project Management BDO...... 90 Goldbeck...... 68 Noerr...... 41, 46 Škubla & Partneri...... 42, 45 t, V BDO Legal...... 46 Takenaka Europe...... 68 Construction | Financial | Audit & Tax | Architecture | IT & Telecom TaylorWessing e/n/w/c advokáti.....42, 46 TPA AUDIT...... 90 GoodCall Slovakia...... 73 | BESICO REAL ESTATE...... 66 NOVICKÝ advokátska kancelária...... 45 TÜV SÜD Slovakia...... 91 Design Logistics Grant Thornton Audit...... 90 bnt attorneys-at-law...... 46 p, r Grantexpert...... 91 bpv Braun Partners...... 46 Partizánske Building Components-SK...68 GRANVIA...... 68 Brazilian - Slovak Chamber of Commerce.27 Paul Q...... 41, 45 British Chamber of Commerce in the Slovak H Penta Real Estate...... 66 Republic...... 27 VGD SLOVAKIA...... 90 HALO reality...... 69 PETERKA & PARTNERS advokátska Butterfly-reality...... 69 VGP...... 66 Hamala Kluch Víglaský...... 40, 44 kancelária...... 41, 46 c, Č W, X, Y Canadian Chamber of Commerce...... 27 PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)...... 90 White & Case...... 42, 46 CBRE...... 67 PRK Partners...... 41, 45 WOLF THEISS...... 46 CEHIP...... 66 Pro Relocation...... 97 XEMAR realitná spoločnosť...... 69 CENTURY 21 Slovakia...... 69 HAVEL & PARTNERS...... 41, 44 Prologis...... 66 YIT Slovakia...... 66

Investment Advisory Guide Publisher: Ján Pallo © 2020 The Rock, s.r.o. All rights reserved. Any reproduction in whole or in part without Editor-in-chief: permission is prohibited by the law. The authors of the articles published in this issue, rep- Michaela Terenzani resented by the publisher, reserve the right to give their approval for reproducing and public Contributors: Lenka Bartoňová, Nina Hrabovská-Francelová, Jana Liptáková, Radka transmission of articles marked © The Slovak Spectator/ Spectacular Slovakia as well as for the Minarechová, Zdenko Štefanides, Michaela Terenzani, Adam Valček public circulation of reproductionsof these articles in compliance with the 33rd article and 1st Copy editors: Anna Fay, Naomi Hužovičová, Francis Meija, Vicky Sheppard paragraph of the Copyright Law. Media Monitoring is provided by Newton Media, SITA, Cover page: AdobeStock Layout: Peter Malatinec and Slovakia Online with the approval of the publisher. Advertising material contained herein Sales executives: Martina Mišíková, Barbora Jančárová is the responsibility of the advertiser and is not written or implied sponsorship, endorsement SP020125/002 Table section manager: Radka Minarechová Table section assistant: Kristína Andreidesová or investigation of such commercial enterprises or ventures by The Slovak Spectator or The Printed in: Alfaprint Rock, s.r.o., Address: The Rock, s.r.o. Lazaretská 12, 811 08 Bratislava.

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