THE TIBET FUND NEWS I S S U E 4 DECEMBER 2012 the Tibet Fund Pays Tribute to Lodi Gyaltsen Gyari in Annual Gala
THE TIBET FUND NEWS I S S U E 4 DECEMBER 2012 The Tibet Fund Pays Tribute to Lodi Gyaltsen Gyari in Annual Gala On Tuesday, October 2nd The cultural preservation, and eco- both Lodi Gyaltsen Gyari and the Tibet Fund held its annual gala at nomic development programs. people of Tibet. Words of Wisdom from Le Cirque, co-chaired by Richard His Holiness the Dalai Blum, Richard Gere, and Carey This was an incredible event that Lowell. The event was held in was made possible by our guests, Lama honor of Lodi Gyaltsen Gyari, the generous auction donors, Le “Whether one believes in a former special envoy of His Holi- Cirque and its staff, wine donors, religion or not, whether one ness the Dalai Lama, to celebrate The Newark Museum, GK Fram- believes in rebirth or not there his four decades of service to the ing, chef Ripert and his colleagues. isn’t anyone who doesn’t ap- Tibetan people and his dedication For more photos of the event visit to strengthening the relationship us at preciate kindness and compas- between the US and Tibet. Both sion.” Richard Gere, of the Gere Foun- dation, and House Democratic World-renowned chef Eric Leader Nancy Pelosi gave Ripert hosted the dinner along- speeches at the gala in tribute to side prestigious chef Alan Ash- The Tibet Fund is their longstanding friendship and kinaze, chef Laurent Manrique, collaboration with Lodi. chef Jeremy McMillan, chef a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organiza- Laurie Jon Moran, and chef tion established in 1981 under This year we were able to raise Olivier Reginensi, all of whom the guidance of His Holiness over $226,000 at the event for the donated their time to create an (Photos © Sonam Zoksang, Giles Clarke) the Dalai Lama.
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