The teaching or of .

Trinity believe in one in three parts, , and God the Holy Year 3 Spring 2 RE Spirit. A Christian ceremony where water is poured on someone’s head or they are immersed in water, Incarnation/God. as a sign that they have become a Christian. Christening A Christian ceremony in which a person is accepted into the Christian and is given a What is the ? name. To express your love and devotion to God or a By the end of the unit we will… god. Christian A based on the teachings of -Know what the Trinity is Christ. -Be able to identify the difference between a ‘Gospel’ which tells the story Christians believe that by praying, they can talk to God. of the life and teaching of Jesus and a letter. Christians believe the Holy Spirit is the part of - Be able to offer suggestions about what texts about baptism and Trinity God who is here on earth. Incarnation Jesus is God in the flesh, and that, in Jesus, God might mean. came to live among the humans. - Be able to give examples of what there texts mean to some Christians today. - Be able to describe how Christians show their beliefs about God the Trinity in worship and in the way they live. - Be able to make links between some texts studied and the idea of God in , expressing clearly some ideas of their own about what the God of Christianity is like.