Year 10 Homeworking RE Tasks 8 : Please ensure you collate all work either in your RE book or together in a plastic wallet/folder for it to be checked and marked by your teacher

Title: Homeworking Tasks 8 : Shabbat Shabbat (or Sabbath) is the holy day – or special day of rest – for Jewish people. Lasting 25 hours, it Sources of Wisdom begins at sunset on Friday night and ends at sunset on Saturday night. It is a day of rest and 1. Recap your flash cards from Task 1 with the key terms – test yourself for five celebration. No work can be carried out on this day. • Exodus 20:8 states 'keep minutes. the Sabbath holy‘ Shabbat begins with cleaning the home and preparing food so rest is possible over the 25 hours. • Genesis 2:2 'for on the 6 2. Watch the below Youtube video and make a list of things that must happen before When the sun sets the women of the home lights the , circling them three times with days God created the and during Shabbat. her hands and covering her eyes to reflect bringing her soul inwards as a time of reflection begins. heavens and earth and on The father will bless the children asking God to give them peace and make them like the prophets, he the 7th he rested.‘ Youtube ‘What is Shabbat?’ and select this video… will also say the over win. Wine symbolises the sweetness and joy of the day. Before a meal is • The outlines the shared the family wash their hands three times reciting a blessing. Two loaves (plaited loaves 39 Melachot – things Jews of bread) are shared to remind Jews of the story of their ancestors in the wilderness when God cannot do on Shabbat provided the miracle of manna bread. There are two mitzvots (commandments) to honour the such as tear & destroy. Sabbath so two loaves remind them of this. During Shabbat it is common for Jews to go to synagogue • like Tear. Needs a link to worship God and pray. They may read the Genesis scripture that states God rested on the seventh from the Candles and day of creation reminding them too that they must rest. At the end of Shabbat a candle is lit mother -Creation and reminding Jews that God is the everlasting light of the world. A sweet smelling spice box is passed Shekinah. 3. Read page 61 of the revision guide on the website – the section titled ‘Jewish around to soothe the soul and “shavua tov” is said to each other meaning “have a good week”. Worship

4. How do these images link to Shabbat – explain and put them in order that they Reform on Shabbat Orthodox on Shabbat happen…. - May work if they choose to - Do not work - May attend synagogue or may just go - Attend synagogue during special festivals - Cannot be creative or destructive e.g. - May listen or participate in worship write, draw, clean etc., music at synagoge - Often won’t use electricity - Still uses electricity - Usually walk to synagogue - May spend time in prayer, reflection - Spends time with the family, in prayer or study or and reflecting - Complete the above Shabbat routine

• What is it? When is it? • Why is it celebrated? 5. Use this page, Youtube and further research to create a detailed spider diagram just • What happens during it? List at least 5 things like the example on the right (include all those questions) • How do Orthodox and Reform Jews differ on Shabbat? Shabbat Give 3 differences 6. Copy & Complete Exam Question B. Describe the importance of Shabbat (5m)~ Remember to define Shabbat and then give two justified and evidenced reasons for • Why may be it hard to follow Shabbat rules in Modern why it is a very important part of a Jew’s week Britain? Give 3 ways