Detection of Pro Angiogenic and Inflammatory Biomarkers in Patients With OPEN Detection of pro angiogenic and infammatory biomarkers in patients with CKD Diana Jalal1,2,3*, Bridget Sanford4, Brandon Renner5, Patrick Ten Eyck6, Jennifer Laskowski5, James Cooper5, Mingyao Sun1, Yousef Zakharia7, Douglas Spitz7,9, Ayotunde Dokun8, Massimo Attanasio1, Kenneth Jones10 & Joshua M. Thurman5 Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the most common cause of death in patients with native and post-transplant chronic kidney disease (CKD). To identify new biomarkers of vascular injury and infammation, we analyzed the proteome of plasma and circulating extracellular vesicles (EVs) in native and post-transplant CKD patients utilizing an aptamer-based assay. Proteins of angiogenesis were signifcantly higher in native and post-transplant CKD patients versus healthy controls. Ingenuity pathway analysis (IPA) indicated Ephrin receptor signaling, serine biosynthesis, and transforming growth factor-β as the top pathways activated in both CKD groups. Pro-infammatory proteins were signifcantly higher only in the EVs of native CKD patients. IPA indicated acute phase response signaling, insulin-like growth factor-1, tumor necrosis factor-α, and interleukin-6 pathway activation. These data indicate that pathways of angiogenesis and infammation are activated in CKD patients’ plasma and EVs, respectively. The pathways common in both native and post-transplant CKD may signal similar mechanisms of CVD. Approximately one in 10 individuals has chronic kidney disease (CKD) rendering CKD one of the most common diseases worldwide1. CKD is associated with a high burden of morbidity in the form of end stage kidney disease (ESKD) requiring dialysis or transplantation 2. Furthermore, patients with CKD are at signifcantly increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease (CVD)3,4.
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