Maryland Historical Magazine

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Maryland Historical Magazine )- i-5 5o Maryland 2 3 0. Historical Magazine 0 3. iE. CO 00 2 0 D. 3 Published Quarterly by the Museum and Library of Maryland History Maryland Historical Society Spring 1993 THE MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OFFICERS AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES, 1992-93 L. Patrick Deering, Chairman Jack S. Griswold, President Dorothy Mcllvain Scott, Vice President Bryson L. Cook, Counsel A. MacDonough Plant, Secretary William R. Amos, Treasurer Term expires 1993 Term Expires 1996 Clarence W. Blount Gary Black, Jr. E. Phillips Hathaway Louis G. Hecht Charles McC Mathias J. Jefferson Miller II Walter D. Pinkard, Sr. Howard R. Rawlings Orwin C. Talbott Jacques T Schlenger David Mel. Williams Trustees Representing Baltimore City and Counties Term Expires 1994 Baltimore City, Kurt L. Schmoke (Ex Officio) Forrest F. Bramble, Jr. Allegany Co.,J. Glenn Bealljr. (1993) Stiles T. Colwill Anne Arundel Co., Robert R. Neall (Ex Officio) George D. Edwards II Baltimore Co., Roger B. Hayden (Ex Officio) Bryden B. Hyde Calvert Co., Louis L. Goldstein (1995) Stanard T. Klinefelter Carroll Co., William B. Dulany (1995) Mrs. Timothy E. Parker Frederick Co., Richard R. Kline (1996) Richard H. Randall, Jr. Harford Co., Mignon Cameron (1995) Truman T Semans Kent Co., J. Hurst Purnell, Jr. (1995) M. David Testa Montgomery Co., George R. Tydings (1995) H. Mebane Turner Prince George's Co., John W Mitchell (1995) Term Expires 1995 Washington Co., E. Mason Hendrickson (1993) James C. Alban III Worcester Co., Mrs. Brice Phillips (1995) H. Furlong Baldwin Chairman Emeritus P. McEvoy Cromwell Samuel Hopkins Benjamin H. Griswold III J. Fife Symington, Jr. Arthur J. Gutman President Emeritus Mrs. Bradford McE. Jacobs Leonard C. Crewe, Jr. Mrs. Walter G.Lohr, Jr. E. Mason Hendrickson James O. Olfson John L. McShane Milton H. Miller, Sr. Brian B. Topping William T. Murray III Frank H.Weller, Jr. John D. Schapiro Bernard C. Trueschler COUNCIL, 1992-93 Phyllis Bailey, Education William E. Miller, Genealogy D. Randall Beirne, Addresses and Programs Mrs. Timothy E. Parker, Special Projects Robert J. Brugger, Publications Richard H. Randall, Jr., Gallery George D. Edwards, II, Membership Cynthia H. Requardt, Library Fred W. Hopkins, Maritime Collection M. David Testa, Finance Mrs. Carroll M. Berndt, Mrs. Charles T H. Mebane Turner, Building and Grounds Lyle, Mrs. Jay Katz, Antiques Show Mrs. Leslie E. Goldsborough, Jr., Women's James L. Nace, Annual Giving Committee STAFF Charles T Lyle, Director Penny Z. Catzen, Head Librarian Elizabeth B. Gordon, Registrar Jay A. DeFranco, Controller John J. McHale, Building Services/Security Paula A. Dozier, Public Relations Deborah A. Morris, Public Programs Barbara G. Gamse, Mtiseum Shop Manager Emily E. Parkhurst, Membership &f Development Jennifer F Goldsborough, Chief Curator Judith R. Van Dyke, Education Director Maryland Historical Magazi VOLUME 88 SPRING 1993 HALL OF RECORDS LIBRARY CONTENTS ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND "The Collapse of Equity": Catholic and Quaker Dissenters in Maryland, 1692-1720 5 by Michael]. Graham, S.J. Baltimore-Bahamian Trade before the Civil War: Samuel R. Keene, the James Power, Emily Ann Thompson, and Milton 26 by Peter T. Dalleo Research Notes & Maryland Miscellany 38 A View of Chestertown from White House Farm: New Insights from Old Kent, by Robert]. H.]anson-La Palme With a Schoolmaster Aboard the U.S. Frigate Constellation, 1829-1831, by Wallace Shugg Robert D'Unger and His Reminiscences of Edgar Allan Foe in Baltimore hy]ohn E. Reilly Dearest Braddie: Love and War in Maryland, 1860-1861, Part 1, edited hy Anna Bradford Agle and Sidney Hovey Wanzer Review Essays 89 Managing American Memories, hy]ohn Higham Why the Confederacy Lost: An Essay Review, by David Osher and Peter Wallenstein Book Reviews 109 Wennersten, Maryland's Eastern Shore: A]oumey in Time and Place, by George M. Radcliffe, Sr. Yardley, ed., H. L. Mencken, My Life as Author and Editor, by Arthur J. Gutman Smith, A Quaker Family through Six Generations: Passmores in America, by Robert Barnes Richey, Early American Methodism, by Raymond P. Cowan Presser, The Original Misunderstanding: The English, the Americans and the Dialectic of Federalist Jurisprudence, by James D. Rice Holt, Political parties and American Political Development from the Age of Jackson to the Age of Lincoln, by Jonathan Zimmerman Rable, Civil Wars: Women and the Crisis of Southern Nationalism by Diane Miller Sojnmerville Formisano, Boston Against Busing: Race, Class and Ethnicity in the 1960s and 1970s, by D. P. Munro • i?J - Books Received ' 122 • Notices 124 Maryland Picture Puzzle 127 Acting as an editorial board, the Publications Committee of the Maryland Historical Society oversees and supports the magazine staff. Members of the committee include: JOSEPH L. ARNOLD, University of Maryland, Baltimore County JEAN H. BAKER, Goucher College JAMES H. BREADY, Baltimore Lois GREEN CARR, St. Mary's City Commission RICHARD R. DUNCAN, Georgetown University JACK G. GOELLNER, Johns Hopkins University Press CHESTER W. GREGORY, Coppin State College GILBERT GUDE, Bethesda DAVID HEIN, Hood College JOHN HICHAM, Johns Hopkins University RONALD HOFFMAN, University of Maryland SAMUEL HOPKINS, Baltimore CHARLES MCC. MATHIAS, Chevy Chase ROLAND C. MCCONNELL, Morgan State University NORVELLE E. MILLER 111, Baltimore WILLIAM E. MILLER, JR., Bowie ROBERT T. OESTE, Johns Hopkins University Press EDWARD C. PAPENFUSE, Maryland State Archives ROSALYN M. TERBORG-PENN, Morgan State University ROBERT J. BRUCGER, Editor CHRISTINE BATEMAN, Managing Editor MARY ELLEN HAYWARD. Production Editor Assistant Editors ELIZABETH CADWALADER, ROBIN DONALDSON COBLENTZ, and JANE GUSHING LANGE Regional Editors JOHN B. WISEMAN JANE C. SWEEN LOULOURC ROSE JOHN R. WENNERSTEN Frostburg Montgomery Countyity Calvert (County University of Maryland State University Historical Society Historical Society Eastern Shore Cover Design: Detail from "A View of Chestertown from White House Farm," c. 1795, artist unknown. ISSN-0025-4258 Copyright 1993 by the Maryland Historical Society. Published in March, June, September, and December. Articles appearing in this journal are abstracted and indexed in HISTOR1CAL ABSTRACTS and/or AMERICA: HISTORY AND LIFE. Second Class postage paid at Baltimore, Maryland, and at additional mailing offices: POSTMASTER please send address changes to the Maryland Historical Society, 201 West Monument Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21201, which disclaims responsibihty for statements, whether of fact or opinion, made by contributors. Composed by Publishing Concepts, Baltimore, Maryland and printed by The Sheridan Press, Hanover, Pennsylvania 17331. The Johns Hopkins University Press congratulates Margaret Law Callcott on winning the 1992 Book Prize of the Maryland Historical Society for Mistress of Riversdale The Plantation Letters of Rosalie Stier Calvert, 1795-1821 edited and translated by Margaret Law Callcott "A richer reflection of life in early 19th-century Maryland and the Washington environs cannot be QiAdhtress of found.... These superb letters are enhanced by able editing, both in footnotes and excellent essays at the THE PLANTATION beginning and end." LETTERS 'OF —Washington Post Book World Ttfmlie m 4 .Stier "[The letters] are marvels of daily-grind detail ('we Cabmt could cross the Potomac on horseback' in a hard 1795-1821 winter) and upperclass attitudes." —Baltimore Sun Maryland Paperback Bookshelf 24 illustrations, $39.95 hardcover, $14.95 paperback also of interest. Landmarks of Prince George's County Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission Architectural Photographs by Jack E. Boucher with a foreword by Parris N. Glendening, County Executive Landmarks of Prince George's County brings together 125 photographs by Jack Boucher, chief photographer for the Interior Department's Historic American Buildings Survey, the nation's oldest federal preservation program and one long regarded as setting the standard for architectural documentation. Arranged chronologically, the photographs and captions offer a panoramic overview of the architectural and historical development of Prince George's County. 125 photos, $29.95 hardcover Available at your bookstore or from The Johns Hopkins University Press Hampden Station, Baltimore, Maryland 21211 Or call 1-800-537-5487 MARYLAND HISTORICAL MAGAZINE TH£ A C T S OF Dr. Brays VISITATION- HELD AT. ANNO POL IS I N M A R Y-L A N D. Moj S3, 24, 25. Aniu ijao. LONDON, Printed by W. 1)miin£ m StrtUlmtm<hft neat Weft'- SmithfitU, 1700. 1 '" Early in 1700, at the State House in Annapolis, the Reverend Thomas Bray presided over the first convocadon of Anglican priests in Maryland. The bishop of London's commissary for Maryland and founder of the Society for the Propagadon of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, the Reverend Bray played a prominent role in the establishment of the Anglican church in Maryland (achieved in 1702), which both Quakers and Catholics strongly opposed. The Annapolis meeting recounted in this booklet resolved, among other things, to support Christian education and encourage more frequent celebration of the Eucharist. "The Collapse of Equity": Catholic and Quaker Dissenters in Maryland, 1692-1720 MICHAEL J. GRAHAM, S.J. The attachment of Catholics and Quakers to Maryland's seventeenth-cen- tury tradition of religious toleration never appeared clearer than when that tradition ended as the eighteenth century began. An aftershock of Mary- land's "revolution of government" of 1689 and the consequent royalization of Maryland's government, the establishment
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