philanthropischer Verein zur aktiven Entwicklungshilfe im Himalaja Königreich Bhutan Pro Bhutan e.V. 1 Harald N. Nestroy, Botschafter a.D. Geschäftsführer Burgermühl Str. 3 85368 Moosburg
[email protected] “Bhutan , the Himalayan Buddhist Kingdom sandwiched between India and China” Introduction Mr. Chairman, Members of the Royal Society for Asian Affaires, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is indeed a great pleasure and honour for me to present this lecture on Bhutan to you at the Royal Society for Asian Affairs. The pleasure is particularly great as it is exactly 100 years that Sir Fancis Younghusband, the founder of your Society, was in Lhasa with his expedition corps, accompanied by the future first King of Bhutan as his princely interpreter and mediator. I do thank you very much for this invitation. Bhutan, the Buddhist Kingdom in the Himalayas, on one side, deserves attention because of the beauty of its mountains and forests, its culture, religion and architecture, its sympathetic people, its exemplary dedication to the protection of its environment, etc. On the other side, because of the success of the diplomatic skill of its Kings and officials to maintain its independence as a sovereign state while being geo-politically sandwiched between 2 giants, the 2 largest countries in the world. If you allow, I will first give you a concise summery of the geography and the 1 Gemeinnütziger Verein anerkannt von FA Lörrach unter Nr. 11007/14978, SG:02/02 Spendenkonto Nr 20 548 681, SpKasse Lörrach-Rheinfelden, BLZ 683 500 48 Präsident : Dr. jur. Werner Haring Vereinssitz : Carl-Keller-Weg 1, 79539 Lörrach, web site : history, of the religious and cultural, as well as the economic and political aspects of Bhutan, and then show you a series of slides covering the more picturesque aspects of this wonderful Kingdom.