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January 31, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 1173 such deference is inappropriate in the con- convicting a Libyan intelligence agent stan in 1980, the Soviet Union in 1981, firmation of Supreme Court justices. of murder in the 1988 bombing of Pan Argentina in 1983, Brazil in 1984, and I used this policy in evaluating Presi- Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie con- Belgium in 1985. The United Kingdom dential nominations throughout the cludes an exhaustive terrorism trial accused Libya of smuggling Chinese Bush Presidency and the subsequent that clearly exposed Libyan state spon- Scud missiles through Gatwick Airport Clinton Presidency, and will continue sorship of the mass murder of 270 indi- in 2000. The Pentagon believes China to use this standard to evaluate the viduals, including 189 Americans. A has provided missile technology train- nominations put forth by our current second Libyan charged with the same ing to Libyan workers. President. In order to determine a offense was acquitted. Although no ver- While I applaud the Lockerbie ver- nominee’s qualifications and capabili- dict can compensate the victims’ loved dict, I believe any consequent Amer- ties, I review the statements of nomi- ones for their loss, the life sentence ican policy changes toward Libya must nees, follow the hearings conducted on handed down to Libyan intelligence take into account its possession of a nominee, and listen to the opinions agent Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi rep- chemical and potentially nuclear weap- expressed by my colleagues. I have resents a first step for the families, the ons, its compliance with existing U.N done all of these in the case of this prosecution, and the Western nations Security Council mandates on the nomination and I am here today to ex- that supported bringing the Libyans to Lockerbie and UTA bombings, and any press my support for the confirmation justice. residual support for state terrorism. If of John Ashcroft to be the next United Nonetheless, the trial’s conclusion Libya truly wishes to enter the ranks States Attorney General. must not obscure the task ahead: hold- of law-abiding nations, with the eco- A review of Senator Ashcroft’s record ing Libya accountable for full compli- nomic and diplomatic benefits such shows that he is qualified to serve in ance with the U.N. Security Council status affords, it must satisfy the the position of United States Attorney resolutions governing the sanctions re- international community’s concerns on General. He has a long and distin- gime against that country. These reso- these issues. guished tenure in public service, serv- lutions mandate that, before sanctions f ing as Missouri’s Attorney General, can be lifted, Libya must (1) Cease all TRIBUTE TO WARREN RUDMAN Governor and Senator. During his forms of terrorism; (2) Disclose all in- Mr. SMITH of New Hampshire. Mr. terms as Governor, John Ashcroft formation about the Lockerbie bomb- President, I rise today to honor former served as Chairman of the Republican ing; (3) Accept responsibility for the United States Senator Warren Rudman Governors’ Association and as Chair- actions of Libyan officials; (4) Pay ap- of New Hampshire, whose dedication to man of the National Governors’ Asso- propriate compensation to the victims’ public service has earned him the re- ciation. In addition, during his tenure families; and (5) Cooperate with the spect and admiration of a grateful na- in the Senate he served on the Senate French investigation into the 1989 tion. On January 8th of this year, Sen- Judiciary Committee and chaired the bombing of UTA Flight 772 over Niger. ator Rudman was awarded the Presi- Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Full Libyan compliance with the dential Citizens Medal which recog- Constitution. U.N. resolutions must be the standard Senator Ashcroft is also capable of nizes exemplary service by a citizen of for terminating the sanctions, which performing the duties of United States the United States. The medal recog- are believed by many experts to be re- Attorney General as he is a fair and ju- nizes Senator Rudman for co- author- sponsible for the significant decline in dicious individual. Some have raised ing the Gramm–Rudman-Hollings def- Libya’s sponsorship of terrorism over- questions concerning his ability to en- icit reduction law that requires auto- seas. matic spending cuts if annual deficit force laws he has opposed in the past, Of perhaps more immediate impor- targets are missed. but during a meeting I had with him he tance to the United States is the ques- assured me that as Attorney General Senator Rudman served in the United tion of the separate U.S. sanctions cur- he would work to uphold the laws of States Army as a combat platoon lead- rently in place against Libya, pri- this nation, including those with which er and company commander during the marily as a consequence of its sponsor- he disagrees. I believe that these quali- Korean conflict. After graduating from ship of state terrorism. True, Libya did ties prove Senator Ashcroft to be capa- Boston College Law school, he returned hand over the Lockerbie defendants in ble of performing the duties of Attor- to New Hampshire to practice law and 1999 and expel the Abu Nidal terrorist ney General and will serve him well in was later appointed Attorney General organization from its territory in 1998. this role. of the State. As anyone can tell from our records, The Libyan government has also seem- Senator Rudman serves as Chairman Senator Ashcroft and I have very dif- ingly reduced its contacts with radical of the President’s Foreign Intelligence ferent opinions on many important Palestinian organizations espousing vi- Advisory Board and was also appointed issues, including abortion, civil and olence against Israel. In 1999, after the to serve as Vice Chairman of the Com- gay rights, and environmental protec- conviction in absentia of six Libyans mission on Roles and Capabilities of tion. I will continue in my role as a by a French court for the UTA 772 the United States Intelligence Commu- Senator from Vermont to support leg- bombing, Libya compensated the fami- nity. islation upholding the Roe v. Wade de- lies of the 171 victims. However, it has During his distinguished twelve years cision legalizing abortion, protecting not turned over the convicted individ- in the Senate, Senator Rudman estab- access to clinics that perform abortion uals for trial or acknowledged responsi- lished a record of independence. While services, combating employment dis- bility. a member of the Senate, he served on crimination and hate crimes based on In addition to the issue of terrorism, the Ethics Committee and the Senate sexual orientation, and protecting our the United States must consider Appropriations Committee, where he environment. I will also closely follow Libya’s covert and sometimes armed was active on the Subcommittees on the decisions Senator Ashcroft makes intervention in the affairs of other Af- Defense and Commerce, Justice, State, as Attorney General and speak out rican nations, including Chad, Sudan, and the Judiciary. when I feel those decisions are wrong. and Sierra Leone, as well as Libya’s Warren Rudman is an exemplary cit- However, while we may have different continuing development of weapons of izen who has dedicated himself to serv- opinions on many issues, in my mind mass destruction. Libya used chemical ing the people of New Hampshire and that alone is not enough to disqualify a weapons acquired from Iran against our country for over three decades. He nominee. Chad in 1986 and has constructed chem- continues to selflessly give of his time ical weapons facilities at Rabta and within the community and serves on f Tarhunah. According to the Congres- the Board of Trustees of Boston Col- THE LOCKERBIE VERDICT sional Research Service, Libya tried to lege, Valley Forge Military Academy, Mr. MCCAIN. Mr. President, today’s buy nuclear weapons or components the Brookings Institution and the unanimous verdict by a Scottish court from China in 1975, India in 1978, Paki- Aspen Institute. VerDate Aug 31 2005 11:26 Feb 28, 2007 Jkt 029102 PO 00000 Frm 00079 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR01\S31JA1.002 S31JA1 erjones on PRODPC74 with SENATE.