Comments&Controversies Cannabis confiscated by law enforce- 4. Morrison P. It’s the lack of balance in cannabis that does the harm. http://www.beckleyfoundation. ment in the United States between org/2010/10/its-the-lack-of-balance-in-cannabis- that-does-the-harm. Published October 21, 2010. 1993 and 2008, revealed that the mean Accessed July 26, 2014. THC content increased from 3.4% in 1993, to 8.8% in 2008.2 The THC con- Research for 'Rx: Cannabis' tent of Cannabis is responsible for most is needed of its psychoactive effects, so that the Regarding the essay by Drs. Gershan higher the THC content, the greater and Gangahar on decriminaliza- the adverse effects on mental health. tion of Cannabis, I want to comment July 2014 A major phytocannabinoid, can- on issues surrounding prescription nabidiol (CBD), also present in Cannabis. Cannabis abuse and THC Cannabis, appears to counteract the It is clear that Cannabis can exac- content are on the rise adverse effects of THC, particularly erbate psychosis, among other risks, The authors of the July 2014 Residents’ by means of its antipsychotic property. but its potential benefits remain Voices article (What we ought to Compared with the rising mean THC relatively unexplored. The authors talk about when we’re talking about content of Cannabis from 1993 to 2008, correctly point out that, among decriminalizing Cannabis, Current CBD content has remained relatively indications for Cannabis, none are Psychiatry, July 2014, p. 45-46 [http:// the same: a mean of 0.3% in 1993 and FDA-approved. Yet, because off-]) highlight the mental 0.4% in 2008.3,4 label prescribing is pervasive and health complications of Cannabis and Several factors have been pos- accepted in psychiatry, lack of FDA mention that, when Cannabis is juxta- tulated for the trend toward a high approval of indications for Cannabis posed with other illicit substances, it THC–low CBD profile in recent years: is not an especially compelling argu- appears innocuous.
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