Presidential Address “Barber Poles
Barber Poles, Battlefields, and Wounds That Will Not Heal Robert M. Byers, MD, Houston, Texas aving grown up playing baseball in a small town in became a despised and neglected practice. Much of this has Maryland, I was always reminded of the four base- been blamed on the church, which prohibited the practice H ball Hall of Famers who lived there: Babe Ruth, “Ecclesia abhorret a sanguine,” which means the church whom you might have heard of; Jlmmy Fox; Lefty Grove; abhors the “shedding of blood.” As civilization regained its Al Kaline; and, a future Hall of Famer, Cal Ripkin Jr., who hold upon the people, surgery revived. The most notable just broke the record for consecutive games played. I, too, and significant exception during this era was in the arena dreamed of some day playing in the Major Leagues. I didn’t of the battlefield. Surgery prospered with the bloody strife make it in baseball, but I certainly have played in the big of men, medicine did not.’ The barber’s identification with leagues of academic surgery w-ith the likes of Jay Ballantyne war produced the characteristic colors wrapped around a and Dick Jesse. For this, I am extremely privileged and pole: red for blood and white for bandages. Battlefield sur- grateful. gery was brutal, but so were the radical procedures per- I have chosen “Barber Poles, Battlefields, and Wounds formed by surgeons in the early 1900s to treat cancer. that Won’t Heal” as the title of my Presidential Address. Hippocrates said “war is the only proper school of the This reflects a personal flavor and, perhaps, requires a brief surgeon.
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