The Secret History of the War on Cancer

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The Secret History of the War on Cancer Book review The secret history of the war on cancer Devra Davis Basic Books. New York, New York, USA. 2007. 528 pp. $27.95. ISBN: 978-0465015665 (hardcover). Reviewed by Raymond N. DuBois The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, USA. E-mail: In 2007, the American Cancer Society were never fully appreciated by the public. exposed to complex mixtures of these agents, reported 12 million new cancer cases world- Still, they weren’t necessarily kept secret. The yet testing is done on one chemical at a time. wide and 7.6 million cancer deaths. Given issues become confused as she bounces from These combinations, at low levels, may be far these staggering numbers, it’s no wonder that one to another, in no perceivable order, vent- more dangerous than exposure to a higher people are beginning to question why the ing outrage. For example, she describes the concentration of one agent alone. War on Cancer, declared by President Nixon human experimentation performed in Nazi One of the greatest unpreventable risk fac- in 1971, has not led to the elimination of this Germany that indicated a clear connection tors for cancer is age. With the tidal wave of disease. Epidemiologist Devra Davis, director between tobacco exposure and cancer. How- baby boomers fast approaching retirement of the Center for Environmental Oncology at ever, she deadens her point by expounding age, we will definitely see many more cases of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute on the numerous other atrocities carried out cancer over the next few decades. The key will and an environmental advisor to Newsweek, during the Third Reich. It has become clear be to lessen the impact of other risk factors argues in her new book, The secret history of the to those in the cancer field that the danger- that are preventable, such as obesity, seden- war on cancer, that this effort has not focused ous effects of tobacco have been known for tary lifestyle, poor diet, and environmental on the “right” battles. She insists that prog- quite some time, even while tobacco compa- exposures like UV light. Also, exposure to ress has been lost as governments placate and nies claimed that more research was needed tobacco is a huge risk factor, accounting cover up for industries that pollute and con- before any connection between tobacco and for about 25% of all cancers. Vast numbers taminate the environment with carcinogens cancer and consequent recommendations of cancer deaths could be avoided if we con- and that more attention should be focused could be made. Davis cites several examples vince patients to avoid tobacco and excess on environmental risks for this disease, such in which industry leaders and other power exposure to UV light, eat right, and exercise. as tobacco use, alcohol consumption, and brokers downplayed cancer prevention Prevention, Davis points out, should be a workplace carcinogen exposure. research and kept evidence of environmental new area of emphasis in cancer research. For This is familiar territory for Davis. Her hazards out of the public domain, and she example, with the recent introduction of a previous book, When smoke ran like water insinuates that suppression of potentially human papillomavirus vaccine (HPV), the (1), a 2002 finalist for the National Book key information still continues today. This incidence of cervical cancer, which is directly Award for Nonfiction, documented the may be true, but it is a damaging accusation related to HPV infection, should continue relationship between air pollution and a to make and one that would be helped with to decline. Davis raises important questions host of human diseases. In this new release, the support of more hard data. about the need to vaccinate girls, boys, and she concentrates on cancer as a by-product Clearly, some important observations gay men against HPV, instead of just focus- of industry greed and governmental neg- have been made linking cancer to workplace ing on the ongoing debate regarding the ligence. As a cancer researcher myself, I exposure in situations wherein corporate vaccination of young girls against this sexu- found the book to be informative and inter- greed played no part. For example, in the ally transmitted disease. esting, but the title is a misnomer. Most of 1770s, British chimney sweeps were noticed Aside from some unsupported claims the information Davis reveals is already to have a high incidence of testicular can- about the effectiveness of alternative treat- in the public domain and thus not really cer, traced to soot collected in the scrotum. ments to cancer such as yoga, meditation, a secret. Her historical references are valid Chimney sweeps who wore leather pants did massage, herbs, and acupuncture that reminders of associations made in the past not develop the disease. Research advocates detract from the scientific heft of this book, between environmental toxins and cancer- often use this classic case study to show how Davis presents a good discussion for the lay plagued populations; however, a problem focusing on specific populations can lead to public. However, cancer scientists may find with this book, at least from a scientist’s the prevention of certain cancers. Davis sup- it more frustrating than informative. perspective, is its tone of sensationalism. plies important details about how chemicals 1. Davis, D. 2002. When smoke ran like water: tales of Davis implies, often rightly so, that a num- are classified as carcinogens, but she does environmental deception and the battle against pollution. ber of known cases of carcinogen exposure not fully explore the point that the public is Basic Books. New York, New York, USA. 316 pp. 1978 The Journal of Clinical Investigation Volume 118 Number 6 June 2008.
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