NO. 195 • SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2020 ILLINOIS COUNCIL 31 AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY ON THE AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES - AFL-CIO VOTE!MOVE OUR FUTURE IS UP TO US PAID AFSCME U.S. Postage U.S. Non-Profit Org Council 31 Ave. 21st Floor 205 N. Michigan 205 N. Michigan Chicago, IL 60601 Chicago, AFSCME THE NEW BACK-TO- AFSCME 2020 VOTING SAFETY IN STATE SCHOOL PAGES 5 & 14 GUIDE PAGES 8-9 PRISONS PAGES 10-11 2 On the Move September-October 2020 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT ON THE MOVE AFSCME Illinois On the Move is published six times annually by Illinois Public Employees Council 31 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Tax fairness is Employees, AFL-CIO. Send correspondence to:
[email protected] or: AFSCME, On the Move, in our hands 205 N. Michigan Ave., 21st Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Fair tax vote culminates years of groundwork Roberta Lynch, Executive Director Mike Newman, Deputy Director Nell McNamara, Editor Tom Greensfelder, Designer COUNCIL 31 EXECUTIVE BY ROBERTA BOARD OFFICERS nate them. And they definitely LYNCH don’t want to see the super-rich Executive Director o fully understand the critical importance pay their fair share in taxes. Roberta Lynch of the Fair Tax fight we’re in right now, it’s These opposition forces State Sector Executive don’t have good arguments Vice-President necessary to recall some recent history. A to win voters to their side, so Ralph Portwood, Local 1866 T they’re dead-set on confus- WHY SHOULD decade ago, AFSCME joined with other Illinois Private Sector Executive labor unions and advocacy groups to form the ing voters about what fair tax Vice-President MIDDLE CLASS reform will do.