The RenderX Tribune

RenderX News XSL 1.1 — New Features W3C News 2006-05-15 2006-05-29 XEP 4.6 with AFP output W3C Holds the Second released. RenderX has re- XSL 1.0 defines the features and these features, it is crucial that XSL WorkshoponInternation- leased XEP 4.6, a new ver- syntax for the Extensible Stylesheet 1.1 be developed in a timely manner. alizing SSML. Following sion of its XSL processor Language (XSL), a language for ex- It is important that added XSL 1.1 a successful Workshop in and accompanying tools. pressing stylesheets. It includes an features correspond to things that im- Beijing, China, W3C holds The new version intro- XML vocabulary for specifying for- plementors have implemented or a second Workshop on In- duces AFP backend (avail- matting semantics. An XSL things that can be implemented in a ternationalizingtheSpeech able with a special li- stylesheet specifies the presentation reasonable time frame. Synthesis Markup Lan- cense), improved line- of a class of XML documents by de- After research, requirements gather- guage (SSML) on 30-31 breaking algorithm confor- scribing how an instance of the class ing, and discussions with vendors May,hostedbytheFounda- mant to the Unicode Stan- is transformed into an XML docu- and within the working group, we tion for Research and dard Annex #14, and a ment that uses the formatting vocabu- developed the following set of poten- Technology - Hellas new implementation of lary. tial requirements for added features (FORTH) in Heraklion, XSL 1.1 change bars. to XSL 1.1: Crete, site of the W3C Of- XEPwin 2.0 has also been fice in Greece. Attendees — Change bars updated and includes XEP will identify and prioritize — Index improvements, especially 4.6. Requirements extensions to SSML to im- merging page numbers ince becoming a Recommenda- prove its use for rendering — Conditional graphic scaling, tion on 15 October 2001, XSL 1.0 non-English languages. e.g., "scale-down-to-fit" Shas enjoyed widespread support. Read about W3C Work- — Table of contents windows (aka Wikipedia However, the user community has shops and visit the Voice bookmarks) expressed requirements that have en- Browser home page. The Extensible — Folio-prefix and folio-suffix couraged various implementations to XML — Tablemarkersthatallowdynam- 2006-05-23 provide extensions to the language. (XML) is a W3C-recom- ically determined text to be put W3C Invites Public Dis- These extensions--especially those mended general-purpose into table headers or footers cussion of Current, Fu- implementedbymorethanoneimple- markup language for creat- — Support for a value of "only" ture Work at mentation--are clear candidates for ing special-purpose for the page-position property WWW2006. We invite standardization so as to maximize in- markup languages, capable — Support for a page-number-cita- you to attend the W3C teroperability. of describing many differ- tion-last formatting object (re- TrackoftheFifteenthInter- The XSL Working Group has sur- ent kinds of data. In other trieving the last page number of national World Wide Web veyed and analyzed various existing words: XML is a way of a section or document) Conference (WWW2006) extensions, user requirements, and describing data and an — Support for "flowmaps" and for discussion on Web features intentionally cut from XSL XML file can contain the other region/float extensions standards in media, health 1.0 due to lack of time. Using the re- data too, as in a database. sciences, and international sults of this research, the Working The working group is also maintain- It is a simplified subset of commerce, as well as op- Group is developing an XSL 1.1 ver- ing a list of other potential require- Standard Generalized portunities in the next sion that incorporates current errata ments to XSL [Post-XSL 1.1] that Markup Language wave of Internet and Web and includes a subset of relatively have already been deemed to be be- (SGML). Its primary pur- technical development. simple and upward compatible addi- yond the scope of XSL 1.1. pose is to facilitate the Come learn about the latest tions to XSL. sharing of data across dif- developmentsinaccessibil- Since there are already various non- ...continued on page 2 interoperable extensions for many of ...continued on page 2 ...continued on page 2

Advanced Function Presentation

IBM's AFP platform drives simplicity into — Delivery of information in your image, graphics, process color, highlight output environments. As a published, ob- choice of format color and monochrome printing. ject-oriented, device-independent architec- — Workflow management With page-level print monitoring and er- ture, AFP can streamline: IBM's Advanced Function Presentation ror recovery, AFP has the ability to print — Creationandmanagementofpersonal- (AFP) platform is a published standard in on standard printing device and deliver ized content the print industry for printing variable data content via HTML, fax, e-mail or screen. — Integration with existing statement at very high speeds with complete integri- When it is combined with an Intelligent systems ty. AFP incorporates other industry for- Printer Data Stream (IPDS) printer, AFP — Use of color in high-speed production mats, including EPS, PDF, TIFF, GIF, also provides: printing JPEG, XML, XSL, PostScript, PCL and — Full page-level error recovery — Data control, security and integrity PPML - to cover the entire range of text, — Exceptional print integrity

...continued on page 4 RenderX Tribune, issue #1, May 32, 2006

Wikipedia (continued from page 1) XSL 1.1 — New Features (continued from page 1) ferent systems, particularly systems connected Design via the Internet. Languages based on XML (for The following chapters describe how each features is designed in XSL 1.1. example, Geography Markup Language (GML), RDF/XML, RSS, Atom, MathML, Change-bars XHTML, SVG, and MusicXML) are defined This feature introduces two new elements: fo:change-bar-begin and fo:change-bar-end. in a formal way, allowing programs to modify These elements may be placed virtually anywhere in the source document. and validate documents in these languages The fo:change-bar-begin is used to indicate the beginning of a "change region" that is without prior knowledge of their form. ended by the subsequent fo:change-bar-end whose change-bar-class property value matches that of the change-bar-class property on this fo:change-bar-begin and is at the The eXtensible Stylesheet Language same nesting level (relative to other fo:change-bar-begin/fo:change-bar-end pairs with XSL (XSL) is a family of languages which the same change-bar-class property value) of this fo:change-bar-begin. allows one to describe how files encoded in the The change region is decorated with a change bar down either the start or end edge of XML standard are to be formatted or trans- the column. That is, a change bar is generated along side of the areas generated within formed. The family contains three languages: the region-body's non-conditional reference area by the formatting objects "under the change bar influence". All formatting objects after (in document order) this fo:change- — XSL Transformations (XSLT): an XML bar-begin and up to the matching fo:change-bar-end (or end of document) are considered language for transforming XML docu- under the change bar influence of this fo:change-bar-begin. ments The position, thickness, style, and color of the generated change bar is determined by — XSL Formatting Objects (XSL-FO): an the respective properties. XML language for specifying the visual formatting of an XML document Bookmarks — the XML Path Language (XPath): a non- bookmark-tree = element fo:bookmark-tree { The fo:bookmark-tree formatting XML language used by XSLT, and also bookmark+ object is used to hold a list of ac- available for use in non-XSLT contexts, } cess points within the document for addressing the parts of an XML docu- bookmark = element fo:bookmark { accessibility-properties, such as a table of contents, a list of ment. (external-destination figures or tables, etc. Each access These three specifications are available in the | internal-destination), point is called a bookmark. starting-state, Thefo:bookmarkformattingobject form of W3C Recommendations. bookmark-title, bookmark* } is used to identify an access point, external-destination = by name, and to specify where that Extensible Stylesheet Language attribute external-destination { text } access point is within the current XSLT Transformations, or XSLT, is an internal-destination = attribute internal-destination { text } document or another external docu- XML-based language used for the transforma- starting-state = ment. A given bookmark may be tion of XML documents. The original docu- attribute starting-state { "show" further subdivided into a sequence ment is not changed; rather, a new document is | "hide" }? of (sub-)bookmarks to as many lev- created based on the content of an existing one. bookmark-title = element fo:bookmark-title { els as the authors desire. The new document may be serialized (output) accessibility-properties, The property "starting-state" deter- by the processor in standard XML syntax or in attribute color { text }?, mines whether any sub-list of another format, such as HTML or plain text. attribute font-style { "normal" | "italic" }?, bookmarks is initially displayed or XSLT is most often used to convert data be- attribute font-weight { "normal" is hidden. The value "show" means tween different XML schemas or to convert | "bold" }?, include the sub-list of bookmarks in XML data into web pages or PDF documents. text the presentation of this bookmark. } The value "hide" means show only XSL Formatting Objects, or XSL- this bookmark in the presentation. The fo:bookmark-title formatting object is used to XSL-FO FO, is an XML markup language identify, in human readable form, an access point. for document formatting. XSL-FO is part of flow-maps XSL, a set of W3C technologies designed for One or more fo:flow-map objects may be placed in fo:layout-master-set. An fo:simple- page-master is allowed to have more than one fo:region-body children. An fo:page-se- quence is allowed to have more than one fo:flow children. ...continued on page 3 ...continued on page 3

W3C News (continued from page 1) ity, browser security, Semantic Read the press release. (Photo burgh, Scotland, UK. W3C credit: Kazuyuki Ashimura. Web applications, SVG graph- credit: Ian Jacobs. News Member organizations partici- News archive) ics, compound document for- archive) pate in two days of discussions 2006-05-18 mats and styling, Web ser- and strategic planning about 2006-05-20 W3C Workshop on a Device vices, XML tools, and the Mo- W3C Activities and future W3C Welcomes Members at Description Repository. W3C bile Web Initiative. The W3C work. Learn How to Become a Advisory Committee Meet- holds the International Work- Track runs from 24-26 May in W3C Member and join W3C ing. W3C holds its semiannu- shop on the Implementation of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. al Advisory Committee Meet- at the next Advisory Commit- aDeviceDescriptionReposito- ing on 21-22 May in Edin- tee Meeting on 29-30 Novem- ry on 12-13 July 2006, in ber in Tokyo, Japan. (Photo ...continued on page 3 page 2 RenderX Tribune, issue #1, May 32, 2006

XSL 1.1 — New Features (continued from page 2) Wikipedia (continued from page 2) The assignment of flows to re- flow-map = the transformation and formatting of XML da- gions on a page-master is deter- element fo:flow-map { ta. The other parts of XSL are XSLT and mined by a flow-map. The flow- attribute flow-map-name { text }, XPath. element fo:flow-assignment { map is an association between the element fo:flow-source-list { flow children of the fo:page-se- element fo:flow-name-specifier { XPath (XML Path Language) is a quence and regions defined within attribute flow-name-reference { XPath terse (non-XML) syntax for address- the page-masters referenced by text }, empty ing portions of an XML document. Originally that fo:page-sequence. }+ motivated by a desire to provide a common Flow-maps are specified by }, syntax and behavior model between XPointer fo:flow-map formatting objects. element fo:flow-target-list { element fo:region-name-specifier { and XSL, XPath has rapidly been adopted by An fo:page-sequence uses the attribute region-name-reference { developers as a small query language. flow-map indicated by its flow- text }, map-reference property when as- empty signing its flows to regions. If the }+ } The World Wide Web Consortium flow-map-referencepropertyisnot }+ W3C (W3C) is an international consortium specified for the page-sequence } where member organisations, a full-time staff, then the implicit flow-map is used and the public, work together to develop stan- for that page-sequence, as in version 1.0 of this Recommendation. The "flow-name" dards for the World Wide Web. W3C's mission property of a flow specifies to which region that flow is assigned. Each region has a is: "To lead the World Wide Web to its full po- "region-name" property. The flow-map assigns a flow to the region that has the same tential by developing protocols and guidelines name. that ensure long-term growth for the Web". W3C also engages in education and outreach, Folio-* develops software, and serves as an open forum Two new elements fo:folio-prefix and fo:folio-suffix may be placed in fo:page-se- for discussion about the Web. The Consortium quence specify a static prefix(suffix) for the folio numbers within a page-sequence. is headed by Tim Berners-Lee, the original The child areas of the inline-areas produced by fo:page-number, fo:page-number-cita- creator of the World Wide Web and primary tion and fo:page-number-citation-last are the same as the result of formatting a result- author of the URL (Uniform Resource Loca- tree fragment consisting of the content of any fo:folio-prefix child of the reference-page- tor), HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) and sequence, followed by fo:character flow objects; one for each character in the folio- HTML (HyperText Markup Language) specifi- number string and with only the "character" property specified, followed by the content cations, the principal technologies that form the of any fo:folio-suffix child of the reference-page-sequence. basis of the Web. page-position="only" The value "only" of the page-position attribute provides a mean to declare that a page- Advanced Function Printing (AFP) is master is eligible for selection if this is the only page (i.e. the page is both first and last) AFP anIBMarchitectureandfamilyofassoci- page in the page-sequence. ated printer software and hardware that pro- fo:page-number-citation-last vides document and information presentation The fo:page-number-citation-last is used to reference the page-number for the last page control independent of specific applications and containing an area that is (a) returned by the cited formatting object and (b) has an area- devices. class that is consistent with the specified page-citation-strategy. Using AFP, users can control formatting, the It may be used to provide the page-numbers in the table of contents, cross-references, form of paper output, whether a document is to and, when combined with fo:page-number-citation, for page range entries. be printed or viewed online, and manage docu- ment storage and access in a distributed net- Conditional graphic scaling work across multiple operating system plat- Conditional graphic scaling is designed with two new attributes, appliable to fo:exter- forms. AFP is primarily used in large enterpris- nal-graphic and fo:instream-foreign-object: allowed-height-scale and allowed-width- es with printer rooms and expensive high-speed scale. They are alike, so the further text describes the former one. printers. The value of allowed-height-scale attribute may be a sequence of percentage values or AFP applications allow users or print room the token "any". operators to distribute print jobs among a group of printers and to designate backup printers ...continued on page 4 ...continued on page 4

W3C News (continued from page 2) Madrid, Spain. Application Workshops and about the Mo- ry Group to assist him in con- in distributed consensus-build- and database developers and bile Web Initiative. vening the Internet Gover- ing within this new internation- others are invited to discuss nance Forum (IGF), a new fo- alenvironmentforstandardiza- 2006-05-18 the design, implementation rumforamulti-stakeholderdia- tion. W3C to Participate in Advi- and use of a repository of de- logue on Internet governance." soryBoardofInternetGover- 2006-05-18 vice information for content DanielDardailler,W3C'sAsso- nance Forum. In a 17 May W3C Launches WebCGM and service providers. Position ciate Chair for Europe, will 2006 press release, United Na- Working Group. W3C is papers are due 31 May. Read tions Secretary-General Kofi represent W3C on the new Ad- pleased to announce the launch the press release, about W3C Annan established "an Adviso- visory Board. W3C looks for- of the Web CGM Working ward to sharing its experience ...continued on page 4 page 3 RenderX Tribune, issue #1, May 32, 2006

AFP (continued from page 1) XSL 1.1 — New Features (continued from page 3) Wikipedia (continued from — Resource manage- allowed-height-scale specifies a list fo:index-page-citation-range-separa- page 3) ment to support print- of constraints on the scale-factor val- tor. For a back-of-the-book index each when one fails. IBM con- ing at rated speeds ues that may be used when scaling a index term would have an index key siders AFP to be a "corner- — Full color capability graphic in the height direction. The that is used to identify each occurrence stone" of EDM applica- including support for list is unordered, except that an "any" of that term within the document. In the tions such as print-and- ICC-based color man- value is considered last and is only back-of-the-book index there would be view, archive and retrieval, agement used if the scaling constraints cannot at least one fo:index-key-reference for and Computer Output to — Dynamic, published be satisfied using any of the other each index key used. Laser Disk (COLD). architecturecapableof specified values. The structure and content of the AFP consists of evolving with technol- generated list of page numbers can be Indices MO:DCA-P and IPDS. ogy advances further controlled through the use of MO:DCA-P (Mixed Ob- The formatting objects and proper- index classes to distinguish different ject:DocumentContentAr- AFP is unique because it ties for indexing enable the genera- types of index entries or to distin- chitecture-Presentation), incorporates a presentation tion of lists of page numbers associat- guish entries present in different parts the Page Description Lan- model (Mixed Object Doc- ed with specific items in the format- of the document. For example, differ- guage fileformat that de- ument Content Architec- ting object tree, such as for use in ent classes could be used to distin- scribes the text and graph- ture or MO:DCA) and a back-of-the-book indexes. There are guish index entries for figures from ics on a page. The 'Mixed device model (Intelligent two kinds of such objects and proper- normal entries or to distinguish en- Object' moniker refers to Printer Data Stream or ties: those that associate index keys tries within one section, e.g. the pref- the fact that AFPDS can IPDS). with formatting objects throughout ace, of a document from entries from contain multiple types of MO:DCAisobject-orient- the tree and formatting objects that another section, e.g. the main body, objects, including text, im- ed, so applications can in- are used in the back-of-the-book in- in order to control the construction of ages and even objects clude text, image, graph- dex to assemble page references to page ranges. The fo:index-page-num- marked as 'barcodes'. An ics, bar codes and existing the pages where the areas from for- ber-prefix and fo:index-page-num- application can simply in- data in many formats. It al- matting objects with a particular in- ber-suffix specify additional text, e.g. clude a string of digits lows a programmer to dex key occur. Further formatting "[" and "]", to surround the page marked as a specific type thinkintermsofthepresen- properties and objects control the numbers in the index. of barcode, and the render- tation look - bill, policy, way in which these page references ing of bars will be done on label, report and so on - are grouped and arranged into ranges. Table markers the output platform (physi- and to write code accord- There are two properties for associat- The fo:retrieve-table-marker may be cal printer hardware or ingly. ing index keys with formatting ob- placed in a fo:table-header or fo:ta- software emulation). AF- IPDS allows devices, in- jects: "index-key" and "index-class". ble-footer and is used in conjunction PDS is comparable to PDF cluding IBM workgroup These two properties apply to almost with fo:marker to produce table- or PostScript, though printers that support color, all formatting objects. There are two headers and table-footers whose con- PostScript can also include to be driven at the highest formatting objects for associating ex- tent can change over different pages. job specific information possible speed and with plicit index key ranges, fo:index- Typical examples include: that drives printer options the greatest exploitation of range-begin and fo:index-range-end. — dictionary headers showing the such as input tray selec- its functions. IPDS con- Cited page items associated with a first and last word defined in the tion. sists of device commands particular index key are obtained us- part of the table on the current IPDS Intelligent Printer instead of MO:DCA's pre- ing the fo:index-key-reference. Its page. Data Stream. This is the sentation descriptions. parent, fo:index-page-citation-list, — subtotals e.g. that give a subto- bi-directional protocol groups and arranges these. In addi- tal of numbers in rows up to the used between the host and tion, the form of the generated page last row on the current page. the printer. It is used to number list can be defined and con- — table-continued captions that send the pagelevel data trolled using the formatting objects show if a table is continued after (AFPDS) and to signal er- fo:index-page-number-prefix, fo:in- the current page, or was a contin- rors and completion of dex-page-number-suffix, fo:index- uation from a previous page. jobs, as well as to query a page-citation-list-separator, and

W3C News (continued from page 3) Group. Lofton Henderson will Chair this 2006-05-18 vices. Visit the Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group, which is chartered Working Draft: Mobile Web Best Prac- Working Group home page. through 31 May 2007 to produce a W3C tices 1.0. The Mobile Web Best Practices 2006-05-18 Recommendation for version 2.0 of the Working Group has published an updated Working Draft of Mobile Web Best Prac- Last Call: Internationalization Tag Set. WebCGM 1.0 Recommendation. W3C The Internationalization Tag Set Working tices 1.0 that incorporates comments from Members may use this form to join the Group has published a Last Call Working their 18 April 2006 Last Call Working Working Group. Visit the WebCGM Draft of the Internationalization Tag Set Draft. This document aims to improve user Working Group home page. (ITS) Version 1.0, a First Public Working experience by describing how to produce Draft of Best Practices for XML Interna- Web content and Web sites intended for tionalization, and updated requirements. delivery to mobile and small-screen de-

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