Tkb JMC HAH Qou Truman Blasts Reds in Fighting Speech on The

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Tkb JMC HAH Qou Truman Blasts Reds in Fighting Speech on The ntxDAT, ra m 9 ^ i t M jStanrl|[«0t«r lEv^nfng If^ralb Aranga Doily Nat Press Ran Tha Waathar Foroeoat ol D. S. Waothar Bwaaa was taken up by a short lecture due to the many varied table set­ Gem” portrayed the mining pro­ For the Meath of May, ItSa 'Stuart J. Wasley of 10 Academy on the care, use and purchase of ting styles beginning with the in­ cesses which are used in the locat­ ikreet is attending a aUak dinner Girls Guests sterling silver. Following this formal breakfast extending ing of diamonds and also the re­ Today fair to porUy cloudy; About Town at Brundage Acres at the Mansfield talk a question and answer period throughout the formal wedding re­ fining and sorting problems. And Join The American 9,924 continued warm; tonight thmidcr- Four Comers for the class reunion was held and a movie entitled ception table were shown. finally, tbe cutting and grading Ward Krausa o f Walnut atraat of 1910 of the University of Con­ Maiaher o f tfeo Audit ■tornis; Sunday clear aad cooler. O f Jewelers "Our Gracious -• Heritage” was A fter this another short ques­ problems. It was brought forth ilanripatpr lEupning Upralb waa m duatad with a Bachalor of necticut. Saturday there will be Boioua o f Oheolatlaus shown. The picture portrayed tion and answer period followed in this movie that a half carat Automobile Manchester——A City of Village Charm llusio dccraa at eominonceiiient a class luncheon at noon and a methods used in the manufactur­ and during this interim cokes and diamond ia mined onlly after hav­ aaaroiaM of the Jullua Hartt banquet at night. Mr. Wasley has Michaels Entertains 100 ing of sterling sliver Including de­ cup cakes were served to the grad­ ing gone through twenty-three Free Mechanical Servloe Free Travel Borvles School of Mudc in Hartford ye*- been appointed official photog­ signing. "Our Gracious Herit­ uating ladles. The staff at Mich­ tons of blue ground or kimberlite. Free Towing Free $84M BaB Beni (Ulaeeiaod Advortleing ea Page Id) MANCHESTER, CONN.. SATURDAY, JUNE 10. 19.50 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS tarday. Mr. Krause majored In rapher for the reunion. High School Graduates Most laymen would be amased to Free Tire Change Free Legal Bervlea VOL. LXIX, NO. 211 Music Education at the mualc age" ia a film produced by the aels were represented by Norman Gorham Silver Company and has read this fact. It la also well to Free Chains Pnt On FTee Onamatee A n e s l aehoai. William H. Podolny of 97 Del- —The Highlights Weil Mrs. Margaret Millkowskl, been a foremost instructive in­ Miss Alba Quaglla and Robert note that leas than ten per cent of mont street received the degree of FEME fie,Me DrSCBAHOB POUOT strument for many years. Wright. Following this delight­ the diamonds are of gem quality ■ Frank W. Ford, Jr., will ra- master of aeronautical engineering For the second year Michaels and can be used in mounting la­ Lawson and Trumbo Report at Court Chinese Reds The next part of the program ful interlude a short lecture on dia­ caiva the U U B. degree from at the commencement exerclaes Jewelers and Silversmith enter­ dies' and men’s diamond rings. For Further Information Call Your AAA Repreaentatlve QaoiFetown University Law held at Rensselaer Polytechnic In­ tained the graduating senior girls was devoted to the showing of monds was presented by Richard Senate Sets Test Michaels. A fine movie en­ Mra. Helen Skinner and Miss Truman Blasts Reds SchwL Washington. D. C., on stitute today. with two hours of Instniction on slides which were pro<luccd by the Mary McCarthy acted as chaper­ Incite Allies Monday. Mrs. Ford is the former sterling silver, table settings and Towle Silver Company, portraying titled "The Eternal Gem" was BOB TUCKER ones for the senior girls and Ray Ann Poatma, daughUr of Mr. and A food sale is being held by the diamonds. Approximately 100 at­ the many different st>!es of table shown. Thia movie ia available Dwyer assisted In showing the TEL. MANCHESTER 8712 Mrs. P.O . Postma, S3 Olcott drive. Study Group of the W. S. C. S. of settings. This portion of the pro­ to all groups and organizations tended. slides and movies. Vote for Monday Inside Japan The Fada now make their home the North Methodist church at the The first part of the program gram was of particular interest upon request. "The Eternal at Slid Valley drive, Alexandria, J. W. Hale store tomorrow morn­ In Fighting Speech Va. ing at 9:30. PripitiR Radio Exhorls A t tha racant graduation exer- Mrs. Elliabeth Lewis, chairman On Rent Controls Jap GommuniM Party of m tL School of Elec- of the Manchester Girl Scout camp ttonlea in Hartford Arthur E. Jen- committee, has announced that To Deal Counlerhlowfi no mow rej^litmtions for the day Action Follows Long On the Mississippi alnga. Jr, and Harry C. O Connell camp at Camp Merri-Wood can be Bares Photo of thia town both graduated with To IMaeArlhur'fi Purge accepted for Brownies and that no Night Session Which honors. Mr. Jennings took the more can be accepted for Inter­ oeurae In Advanced Radio and Sees Culmination of Tokyo. June 10 - iT) Life .\rriisrs Russia in Bit­ mediates for the week of June 26 O f Lattimore tVlavision and Mr. O'Connell the grew incrra.-iingly complex today Ani|>iit<‘r Bridrgrooni through 30, but there is still op­ 12 Hour Filibuster terest Words Yet of oourae in Industrial Instrumenta­ portunity for a few Intermediates for Japan's Communists, already tion. to sign up for the week of July 3 , By Sen. Cain; Measure In Red China staggered by two purges of their Plotting World Wap through 7. ' Mrs, Meyer Tober of 38 Cone Now Believed Doomed lop stratcgi.-;l.-i. While Talking Peace; On one aide, the Chinese Red Street ia offering her home and A representative of the Blue Says They Turn Chil­ garden for a dessert tea for the Cross ^ill give a talk on surgery McCarthy Says Pic­ Prlping radio a link in the line H. M. O. Chapter of Hadassah Washington, June 10.— (A*) to Moscow urged tfiem to ‘deal at the meeting of the Bolton ture Was Taken at dren of East Germany Wednesday afternoon at one Grange at 8 o'clock tonight. He — A weary Senate agreed elTective counterblows" to the o'clock, rain or shine. Anyone de­ will be able to answer any ques­ early today to a test vote Communist Headquar­ purges ordered by General Mae- Into Pitiful Doomed siring to attend ia requested to tions members may wish to Monday on rent controls, aft­ Arthur. phone S437. ters With Jaffe There 0,n the other side, the gov Robots as Hitler Did him. All members are urged to er Senator Cain (R., Wash.), attend. nient cracked down wherever I Tlje V.F.W. Auxiliary county Mad pushed the chamber to a Washington. June 10— (/Pi — Communists ral.sed their voices in' St. Louis. .lune 10.—^/P)— public criticism of the U. S. occu­ dalagataa and members of the Children who participate in the .'^marathan session with a fili­ Senator McOarthy (R-Wls) haa Prp.sidrnt Truman ' bitterly auxiliary are invited to attend the exercises Sunday, Children’a day, buster lasting 12 hours. The pation. Cabinet members and botli meeting o f the Hartford County at the Second Congregational released a picture v’hich he says rural and Tokyo police otTieiala arrusotl Soviet Russia today agreement which brought met with Premier Shigeru Yo.shl- of preaching peace while Council Sunday afternoon at 1:30 church, will have a rehearaal to­ adjournment at 2:40 a. m. (e.s.t.) shows Owen Lattimore and Philip morrow morning at 9:30 sharp at da to consider stronger mea-sures. at the lltMJOtme, Wilson. Conn. The was for a vote at 11 a. m., Mon­ Jaffe together at Communist 'fomenting aggression and the church. Only one service Is Moanwliile, a new plot against new president. Elisabeth Mangan, day on a motion by Republican Headquarters in Yenan, China, in preparing for war." Talking planned for Simday, and that will MacArlhur's life the second in and her staff of officers will con­ Leader Wherry of Nebraska to 1937. be the children's day service et ten to days was reported and airly like a proseeuting attorney, duct tha meeting. A memorial aend the bill back to the Banking Both Lattimore, now a Johns service will ha held and other im­ o'clock. brushed aside by key American lie declared Russia’s leaders, committee— a move which, if Hopkins University professor, and officials. They called It another portant bueineas taken up. "with a cynical disregard for successful, almost certainly would Jaffe, one-time editor of the Amer- "fake" like the la.,t. Mr. end Mrs. Ralph O. Kauf­ kill the measure. asia Magazine, which no longer is the hopes of mankind," have been man of Parker street will attend Informants .said a letter was "an obslacle to peace." When the lawmakers finally published, have been key targeU intercepted two days ago. men­ the commencement exerciaei at closed up shop, they had been at Of McCarthy's charges that the At the same lime, he declared tioning vaguely a plan to kill the that Russia's threat of a ' third Middlebury Oollege this week-end work for 16 hours and 40 minutes government Is carrying Commun- and reunion of Mr. Kaufman's supreme commander.
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