The hero I chose was because he is funny and still a sort of good superhero. Wade Wilson aka deadpool didn’t always have superpowers it all started when Wade was a child. Wade and his dad had a great relationship then one day Wade’s dad left and never came back. This affected Wade’s mother and she started to drink and not take anything seriously. Wade couldn’t get a job so he did what any poor young man would have done, he joined the military. Wade used his skills he developed in the military to become a mercenary. He only did the missions he thought were morally right.

Then one day he got a letter from a hospital telling him he has cancer, so he went to a canadian experimental cancer treatment center. After his treatment his skin was like chewed up hamburger meat. The doctors did tests on his regenerating cells by shooting off his fingers and watching them regrow. He was held prisoner then escaped and went back to bounty hunting.

His superpower is regeneration sort of like . His cells regenerate fast to counteract the cancer, so fast that he is pretty much invincible. Also from being a mercenary he is quick to draw and very accurate. He doesn’t care about anyone because he doesn’t have anybody close to him.

His costume is mostly a red and a little black full body spandex suit with dual crossbody pistol holsters. He wears the full body suit to cover up his hideous skin. Some of his identifiable traits are being a giant smart alec and being absolutely crazy.

Deadpool’s weakness is the voices in his head, that vary from psychopath to insanely silly. Once deadpool was ripped in half by daredevil and thor who were hypnotized by the voice in deadpool’s head. One half regenerated into deadpool but, the second half regenerated into the body of the voice in his head. His enemies are every hero in New York because he is still a mercenary.

Deadpool’s goal is to have as much fun as possible and get a ton of money. He doesn’t really have a mission. Deadpool is essentially a smart alec who can’t die, great combination. ​ ​