Croydon High School Sixth Form Course Guide 2019-2021

Welcome to the Sixth Form at High

This is a very exciting time for you as you prepare to make choices that will help determine your future education and working life. You will no doubt be thinking hard about your own aspirations and I am delighted that you are taking a closer look at the Sixth Form at Croydon High School.

Our Sixth Formers are confident and engaged, compassionate and ambitious young women. These powerful traits are nurtured in their two years with us, through a careful balance of academic challenge and exceptional pastoral support. I witness this every day in my own dealings with the Sixth Form and my opinion is reinforced by the regular feedback I receive from staff and members of the wider community. Our girls set high expectations for themselves and they make the most of the wealth of opportunities available to them. They are the leaders of our school and demonstrate integrity and energy in all that they do.

At the heart of their sixth form experience lies a strong mentoring philosophy exemplified by the attitude and commitment of our teaching staff. This is the foundation of our Pathways Mentoring Programme; an innovative approach to careers’ education which we launched in September 2017. We believe each individual girl should be in the driving seat of her own sixth form experience. Through careful mentoring and guidance, each of our girls gain maximum benefit from the excellent opportunities available to her in the Sixth Form at Croydon High. Exceptional expertise and experience is channelled and readily available for each girl as and when she needs it. You can read more about this in the Pathways Guide included in your information pack.

On Open Evening, we aim to give you all the information you need to help you make those important decisions about your sixth form options. However, I would very much welcome the opportunity to meet with you and your parents to discuss your future aspirations in more detail.

My very best wishes.

Emma Pattison Headmistress

The Sixth Form at Croydon High School is an exceptional and intellectually rigorous place to study. At its core is an academic curriculum characterised by an interactive and exciting approach to teaching and learning. The goal is to inspire aspiration and independence in ‘every girl, every day’.

In Lower Sixth, most girls study three A levels alongside the Extended Project Qualification, an independent project which provides a fantastic opportunity to hone higher-order skills in research and communication in preparation for life at Sixth Form. Exceptionally, those students with strong GCSE profile, or those who are studying Further Maths, might choose four A levels.

Striking a balance between academic excellence and first-rate pastoral support, we seek to nurture the individual so she can be a confident, engaged, compassionate and ambitious future leader of society. Indeed we invest of a lot of time and effort in preparing girls for their future, placing importance on giving girls the tools and self-awareness they need to develop their own personal ‘brand’. Through careful monitoring and guidance, our innovative Careers and Pathways Mentoring Programmes, in tandem with the ability to draw on our extensive alumni network for advice and work experience, ensures that girls make informed choices and their future and leave us as confident, real-world ready, young women.

I look forward to meeting you at one of our open events and I would be delighted to meet with you and your parents to discuss your future plans in more detail.

Dr Philip Purvis Head of Sixth Form

3 Results and achievements – class of 2018 Croydon High’s Class of 2018 excel at A level against a backdrop of more challenging examinations

Headmistress Emma Pattison is particularly proud of this cohort who, she says, have faced the changes to the examination system head on and worked tenaciously to achieve their success: ‘I pass on my congratulations to every single girl in our outgoing Upper Sixth and my thanks to the incredibly committed teachers who have supported them throughout the past two years. This spirited and determined year group leaves us with far more than just their excellent academic results. They have contributed so much to the life of the school during their time here. They are ambitious, not only for their own future success, but also for their personal happiness. As they pursue a great variety of different pathways, they take with them a love of their school, which has grown over the years and also our very best wishes for every continued success and happiness. We are very proud of each and every one of them.’

One third of all A level 87% of all A level grades grades awarded A*A awarded A* C

88% of all pupils awarded Over half of the cohort A*A for the highly regarded head off to first-choice EPQ qualification destination

Over a third of the cohort are off to study at a Russell Group University

Morayo Adeagbo is a girl we will The very talented Charlotte never forget as her outstanding Clapperton who leaves us dramatic and musical talent and to read Operatic Studies at stunning artistic flair have often The Royal Academy of Music. been showcased at the school. It is rare that a school leaver We are sure her ambition to enter is invited onto this highly- the acting profession will be realised, competitive course. particularly given her A*AB grades in Art, Drama and English Literature.

HSBC Scholar Madalina Stremtan joined Croydon High for the Sixth Form and have certainly made their mark over the last two years. Madalina was recently awarded the GDST’s prestigious Lorna Cocking Scholarship in recognition of her academic potential. This has certainly been realised at Croydon High, with her A* A and B grades in Maths, Chemistry and Physics securing her place at Bath to read Physics.

4 Entry requirements There is a minimum requirement of six grade 6s or equivalent qualifications to enter the Sixth Form at Croydon High.


Art Grade 7 GCSE 3-D Design if taken, or personal portfolio approval by the Head of Art

Biology* Grade 7 in Biology GCSE

Business Grade 6 in Mathematics, grade 6 in English GCSE and grade 6 in another humanities subject

Chemistry* Grade 6 (B) in Chemistry GCSE and Grade 7 at GCSE Mathematics

Classical Civilisation Grade 6 in English Literature /Humanities GCSE

Computer Science Grade 6 in Computer Science and grade 7 in Mathematics

Economics Grade 6 in Mathematics, grade 6 in English GCSE and grade 6 in another humanities subject

English Language Grade 6 (B) in English and grade 6 (B) in English Literature GCSE

English Literature Grade 6 (B) in English and grade 6 (B) in English Literature GCSE

French Grade 7 in French GCSE

Geography Grade 6 in Geography GCSE where taken, or a grade 6 in an alternative humanities subject

German Grade 7 in German GCSE

Government & Politics Grade 6 in English or one of the humanities

History Grade 6 in History GCSE where taken, or a grade 6 in an alternative humanities subject

Latin Grade 7 in GCSE Latin

Mathematics* Grade 7 in Mathematics GCSE; a grade B or higher in AQA level 2 Further Mathematics

Further Mathematics* Grade 8 in Mathematics at GCSE or Grade 7 with teacher recommendation

Music Grade 7 in Music GCSE (where taken) or a sufficiently high level of musicianship determined by the Director of Music PE Grade 7 in P.E. GCSE where taken, or a grade 6 in GCSE Biology and English where PE was not taken Photography Grade 7 in GCSE Art if taken, or personal portfolio approval by the Head of Art and Grade 6 (B) in Chemistry GCSE Physics* Grade 7 in Physics GCSE and Grade 7 at GCSE Mathematics

Psychology Grade 6 in GCSE Mathematics, Biology and another humanities subject

R.S. Philosophy & Ethics Grade 6 in R.S. GCSE where taken, grade 6 in English or a grade 6 in an alternative humanities subject

Spanish Grade 7 in Spanish GCSE

Theatre Studies Grade 6 in Drama GCSE where taken, or grade B in English Literature where Drama was not taken Three Dimensional Design Grade 7 in GCSE Art if taken, or personal portfolio approval by the Head of Art

Girls can opt to take 3 or 4 A level subjects and will be offered clear advice regarding which combination of subjects best suits their aspirations for University or future careers. Girls are fully supported to help them transfer smoothly from Lower Sixth to Upper Sixth, with regular feedback to parents and an open door policy from the Head of Sixth Form to enable early resolution of any concerns. * The requirement is as stated (7/8), however, the new linear A levels are more challenging in terms of content and skills and GCSE is seen to be a poor predictor of success at A level in these subjects. In particular, any weaknesses identified at GCSE will be magnified at A level and so students should always discuss suitability for these subjects with their Head of Department/teacher.

5 Making the right choices for you

The reason you take a particular subject at A level will usually come down to one or more of these three scenarios:

1. It’s a subject you enjoy and are good at;

2. You need a particular subject to pursue a particular degree course or career;

3. It’s a subject you’ve not studied before, but after detailed research and discussion you think will suit you.

If you are unsure what you want to do after Sixth Form or you have many subjects that you could choose in response to one of the three scenarios above, we recommend that all students play to their academic strengths and interests since university and career ambitions can often change.

In 2013, the Russell Group (a body who represent 24 of the country’s leading universities) produced a list of ‘facilitating subjects’. This list was intended to encourage students, who had no fixed or career ideas, to study subjects that frequently appear as admissions prerequisites on numerous degree courses. Controversially, the list overlooked subjects such as the creative arts which are necessary for related university courses. In response, and as reported recently in the national press, the concept of ‘facilitating subjects’ is losing prominence and fast becoming a concept of the past. Instead, universities are responding to need from employers to boost creativity in their workforce.

Against this backdrop, our advice bears repetition. If you know what you want to do at university, make sure you are aware of any entry requirements. To help, at the back of this guide, we have put together a list of essential and useful A levels for a number of popular degree courses. If, however, you are unsure of what you want to do, do not be beholden to ‘facilitating subjects’ but instead choose subjects which you enjoy and are good at since these will typically lead to better results at the end of your Sixth Form career.

The Head of Sixth Form would be delighted to offer individual guidance at any point during the admissions process. The Croydon High Sixth Form experience is all about exposing you to ideas and opportunities that will combine and help you find your own path. That is why it is so important to take advantage of the wealth of expertise and support on offer here. We know it is second to none.

The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)

The Extended Project Qualification (or EPQ for short) is something that the majority of our Lower Sixth students chose to undertake. It’s a single extended piece of work which requires careful planning, preparation, research and independently study. Importantly, this piece of work can be in the form of a five-thousand-word research essay or something which the exam board call an artefact – a piece of creative writing, music, drama, art etc. The EPQ gives you the opportunity to research a topic of your interest; this does not have to be based on a subject that you are studying.

However, it is important that you show how the project is relevant to your educational aspirations. So, someone who wants to study English literature at university could examine the way class is portrayed in Victorian novels, for example, or potential lawyers could look at the ethical implications of a particular piece of law or case. For the purposes of UCAS, the EPQ is the equivalent of one AS grade; we have a fantastic track record of getting the very best results. Last year, 72% of EPQs were awarded either an A or A*.

The majority of students in our Sixth Form chose to complete the EPQ because it gives them a wide range of transferable skills such as the ability to write arguments, present publically, research, reference and so much more. Because it hones these skills, the EPQ serves as valuable preparation for higher education. In getting students to demonstrate creativity, initiative, motivation and commitment, the EPQ adds ‘something extra’ to CVs and/or university applications that is often picked up at interview.

Amongst the current Lower Sixth cohort, our students have completed EPQs on topics as diverse as: snakes, bedbugs, race in American literature, bitcoin, the fear of going to the dentist, murder, women in the tech industry, political correctness, flood management, and how Barbie can impact on young girls’ self-perceptions! The choice of subject matter is just as impressive as the results we get.

6 The Neligan Programme

Our Sixth Form experience at Croydon High School is brought together into one programme: The Neligan Programme. Miss Neligan was the school’s first headmistress when it opened in 1874. Miss Neligan was a formidable character who served with the Red Cross in France during the Franco-Prussian War. She remained Headmistress of Croydon High for twenty-seven years and after retirement she became a militant suffragette so incensed at the long delay in giving women the vote. On one occasion, she protested by refusing to pay her rates and, on another, she assaulted a policeman but escaped prison presumably because of her advancing age. Our Neligan programme seeks to engender the equality of opportunity which Miss Neligan fought for, although we always stress the importance of our students operating within the law!

Students complete The Neligan Programme by choosing four or more of the following activities in addition to their A level studies:

• Pursue the Extended Project Qualification;

• Complete a MOOC or Open University Module;

• Enter a competition related to one or more of their A level subjects;

• Attend two lectures or talks related to one or more of your A level subjects;

• Undertake a regular super curricular activity (e.g. Young Enterprise, playing in one of our orchestras etc);

• Take on responsibility or leadership in an academic venture or an extracurricular area of interest;

• Undertake agreed activities specialising in a subject area. These should be agreed with the Head of Sixth Form.

In addition, students must:

• Complete the Pathways Mentoring Programme;

• Maintain attendance at Tutorial sessions;

• Help with providing academic support for younger students within the department of one of their A levels;

• Submit a 250-word summary statement of their achievements.

At the end of Lower Sixth students submit a 250-word summary statement of their achievements and are be given an interview by their Neligan mentor (their Form Tutor) which provides a catalyst for university application preparation.

The Pathways Mentoring Programme

The purpose of the Pathways Mentoring Programme is to support all Sixth Form students to choose the right options after A level and to bridge the gap between school and Higher Education/employment. It accomplishes these aims by: • Informing students already interested in particular industries and courses about existing opportunities; • Providing access to events with universities, employers and industry; • Recording learning experiences and achievements on our Unifrog platform; • Enhancing and creating an excellent personal statement; • Enabling staff to more effectively support and manage students’ careers journeys using expertise of specialist teachers and providing more effective and targeted feedback. Pathways sessions take place fortnightly for an hour during Lower Sixth. The Pathways which run in every given year respond to student demand. However, the following pathways feature most years: 1. Business & Finance 2. Creative Arts 3. Law 4. International Relations, Politics & Civil Service 5. Marketing 6. Medical, Veterinary & Bio-Chemistry 7. Open Pathways – for those students who are unsure about what they want to do 8. STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths

7 A powerful Network

When girls leave Croydon High they automatically become part of the Ivy Link Network – a fantastic, vibrant organisation which links alumnae, former staff and friends of the school. For some, this is purely a The means of keeping in touch with their school friends and teachers, hearing school news and attending the Ivy Link odd reunion. riends of he F ing t h S Link Croydon Hig chool For others it is a powerful network of like-minded women, all at different stages of their lives and careers, who share the common bond that is Croydon High School. The support these women can offer each other is invaluable. From career mentoring and presentations in school, to work placements, advice on applications and introductions to networking events, this ‘old girls’ network is really powerful and really working. The wider GDST Alumnae Network gives even more opportunities for Croydon High Sixth Formers to access wide and willing support, with over 67,000 former pupils forming a totally unique web of experience for girls to tap in to. That is the real strength of our Ivy Link Network. We are connected to girls like you, studying at university. They are willing to talk, to advise and in many cases, meet you at Open Days to give you a real insight in to their student lives. What other school can offer you this fantastic resource? They say “it is not what you know, it is who you know,” but when it comes to making the best choices for Life after school, we think it is probably both!

Charlotte Twomey (Frost) 1998 Following a successful career in the Chantal Henderson 1994 Alison Maguire 1994 City, Charlotte has now branched out to Head of Financial Planning for the Research Director for the Lily Foundation and GDST Alumna of become a lecturer in law. London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. the Year 2015.

Abigail Rokison 1993 Baroness Gabrielle Bertin 1996 Lecturer in Shakespeare and Theatre at Dr Fionna Moore MBE 1968 David Cameron’s Press Secretary. the University of Cambridge and the Chief of the London Ambulance Shakespeare Institute. Service Support.

8 Susie Ma 2007 Chloe Potter 2000 Sheena Morjaria 2000 Business partner with Lord Alan Sugar Director and Presenter Sky News, Film & Theatre Producer CEO & at Tropic Skin Care Ltd. The Apprentice Magic FM, Sky Arts Cofounder Middle Founder – Flick the Switch Ltd. runner up 2011. Table Productions.

Anita Panchmatia 2000 Farrah Jaufuraully 1996 JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs. Tutored at Over 10 years’ experience producing Sarah Nelson Smith 1998 Harvard. Now COO, Global Equities at a wide range of television programmes Legal Director at Yum! Restaurants. Bank of America, Merrill Lynch. for the BBC, Channel 4 and the Winner of UK In-House Lawyer 2010’s “35 Under 35” prize for high Discovery Channel. of the Year 2014. flying woman.

Hamida Ali 1994 Katriona Stanford 2000 Lily Rogers 2010 Labour Councillor for Woodside. Investigative Lawyer at Serious Selected to play for England at the Deputy Cabinet Member for Finance Fraud Office. and Treasury in 2015. Indoor World Netball Championship.

9 Fine Art

WHY CHOOSE FINE ART? The Art department has extensive facilities including two The study of Fine Art at this level aims of this course are to ceramic kilns, a glass kiln, and photographic dark room, painting develop an understanding of the nature of visual thinking and its studios, printing press, heat press, textile printing table, sewing appropriate language, a capacity for creative thought and action machines and an embellisher. Students are encouraged to utilise as well as to cultivate skills in drawing, painting, photography, the facilities on offer. Activities include visits to exhibitions at printing, sculpture and ceramics. the main London galleries as well as an option to go on study visits abroad to exciting places such as New York, Florence, GCSE REQUIREMENTS Venice and Rome. These visits enable candidates to relate Fine Art is the sixth form is a natural progression from GCSE their work to that of other artists and designers, both from the Fine Art; sixth formers embarking on the course have little present and past. We offer life drawing classes taught by tutors trouble in the transition from GCSE if they achieved a good from the Royal Academy of Arts and ‘Master Class Workshops’ grade. The requirements to start the A level linear Fine Art is a will fine tune your skills and understanding to even higher levels. grade 8 or above at GCSE in Fine Art. Workshops arranged with professional tutors over the years have COURSE DETAIL included Carolyn Genders, Caroline Kirton. Rosie James and The EDEXCEL Linear A level course comprises of two major Adele Wagstaff including textile and oil painting techniques. projects; one being coursework worth 60% of the overall mark FURTHER EDUCATION AND CAREER OPPORTUNITIES and one being set under 15 hour practical examination worth The study of Fine Art at A level is looked upon favourably by 40% of the overall mark. Both projects will build upon each admissions tutors for most university courses. For some girls other, during each project sketchbook work, research and it may lead to a future career in the Art and Design fields experimentation lead to a final piece or series of work. including Graphics, Fashion, Theatre, Textiles, 3D, Jewellery Coursework Project 1 & 2: 42% of overall mark, in year 1 you Design, Interior Design, Product Design, Photography, record, refine and develop ideas in workshop based lessons with Architecture, Advertising or Illustration in addition many people one 5 hour and one 10 hour mock. In year 2 you will follow working in Film, Television, Fashion Management and Journalism your practical journey with ideas, research and final outcomes were also students of Art and Design. resulting in one 15 hour mock. As well as the practical work In the past few years we have seen girls go on to study Law, you will be expected to write a minimum of 1000 words of medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary, Psychology, History, Fashion, continuous prose integrating critical analysis and contextual Journalism, Tailoring, Fashion Design, Art History, Acting, research with own ideas and practical investigations, this is worth Architecture and Civil Engineering. 18%. Therefore your coursework element is worth 60%. Whatever your choice of future direction, Art will encourage Externally set assignment: 40% of overall mark including eight you in approaches to study and thinking not always available week preparatory studies and a 15 hour practical examination. in other subjects at this level. Fine Art promotes creative and The core elements of the course provide opportunities to independent thinking, reflective learning and self- managing; it explore drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, mixed and fosters flexible approaches that are highly valued in today’s fast digital media. The first half term of the course is usually spent changing world. establishing an essential work ethic and building foundations All A level work is exhibited in the summer exhibition held in for the understanding and realisation of a visual language, the the school hall, all students and parents are invited, and it is a subsequent terms are spent on personal development and highlight of the year. investigation of materials & ideas.

10 Three-Dimensional Design

WHY CHOOSE 3D DESIGN? FURTHER EDUCATION AND CAREER OPPORTUNITIES By studying the A level Linear course you will understand the The study of Three-Dimensional Design at A level is looked upon circular nature of the design process from concept, research, favourably by admissions tutors for most university courses. For experimentation, formulation and analysis of a brief through to some girls it may lead to a future career in the Art and Design realisation of your finished piece. fields including Graphics, Fashion, Theatre, Jewellery Design, Interior Design, Product Design, Photography, Architecture, A CROYDON HIGH 3D DESIGN STUDENT SHOULD BE Advertising or Illustration. In addition many people working in • Passionate about Design Film, Television, Fashion Management, Engineering, Technology, • A keen observer, recorder and gatherer: making quick designs, Mathematics, Physics and Journalism were also students of taking photographs, making notes and diary notes, noting Three-Dimensional Design. Whatever your choice of future thoughts and drawing diagrams direction, Three-Dimensional Design will encourage you in your • A risk taker! Experimenting, taking controlled risks, evaluating approaches to study and thinking not always available in other and trying again….and again…. subjects at this level. GCSE REQUIREMENTS THE POWER OF 3D DESIGN Three-Dimensional Design in the Sixth Form is a natural Through teaching young people to design and create, we are able progression from GCSE Fine Art; sixth formers embarking on to empower them to see the world not as it is, but as it could be. the course have little trouble in the transition from GCSE if The modern world presents young people with the opportunity to they achieved a good grade. The requirement to start the A level make a difference, and through creativity 3D Design aims to help Linear Three-Dimensional Design is a grade 8 or above in GCSE girls realise their unique human ability to envisage what might be, Three-Dimensional Design. not simply accepting what is. COURSE DETAIL The EDEXCEL Linear A level course comprises of two major projects; one being coursework worth 60% of the overall mark and one being set under 15 hour practical examination worth 40% of the overall mark. Both projects will build upon each other, during each project sketchbook work, research and experimentation lead to a final piece or series of work. Coursework Project 1 & 2: 60% of overall mark. As well as the practical work you will be expected to write a minimum of 1000 words of continuous prose integrating critical analysis and contextual research with own ideas and practical investigations. Externally set assignment: 40% of overall mark includes eight weeks of preparatory study working towards a 15 hour practical examination. The Three-Dimensional Design course is primarily concerned with designing a product that meets a need in a functional and aesthetic manner. The course allows for more creativity and a broader spectrum of outcomes which include furniture design, interior design, CAD CAM, architecture, scenic design, lighting and jewellery. Activities include visits to Design museums at the main London galleries as well as an option to go on study visits abroad to exciting places such as Florence, Venice and Rome. These visits enable candidates to relate their work to that of other artists and designers, both from the present and past. Additionally, ‘Master Class Workshops’ will fine tune your skills and understanding to even higher levels.

11 Photography

WHY CHOOSE PHOTOGRAPHY? AS Photography A Level Photography Choosing photography will allow you to learn the operations and principles of creating a photographic image, including the use of Coursework: Coursework 1 & 2 including available and controlled light, lenses, cameras and light sensitive 50% of overall mark a 3000 word critical essay materials, including digital and non-digital. of extended prose: 60% Contexts for photography can be found in a wide range of Examination: 50% Examination: 40 % (15 hrs) sources; for example, from galleries and museums, photography of overall mark (ten hrs) exhibitions, web-based sources, films, architecture, music, literature and nature. Activities include visits to exhibitions at the main London galleries Students must consider the issues, opportunities and constraints as well as an option to go on study visits abroad to exciting places involved in image and content copyright. Students will become such as New York, Florence, Venice and Rome. These visits enable aware of the circumstances and conditions in which it is candidates to relate their work to that of other photographer, acceptable to incorporate images and content originated by designers and artists, both from the present and past. others and of the appropriate steps to take to ensure permission to reproduce your own work is suitably managed. FURTHER EDUCATION AND CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Students will become familiar with contemporary and emerging Admissions tutors for most university courses look upon concepts and learn how to analyse and critically evaluate Photography A level favourably for students wishing to take photography. degree courses in Art and Design subjects, including specialisms in Photography, Graphics, Fashion, Computing, Illustration, Film, GCSE REQUIREMENTS Architecture, Animation, Medical Illustration, Journalism and Photography in the Sixth Form is a natural progression from Publishing, Landscape and Wildlife Photography, Website Design, GCSE Fine Art or 3D Design; sixth formers embarking on the Interior Design and Advertising. course have little trouble in the transition from GCSE if they Photography develops a wide range of skills: analytical and critical achieved a good grade. The requirements to start the AS or A thinking, technical, networking and independent working and level linear photography is a grade 8 or above at GCSE in Fine problem solving; all useful at University and in future careers. Art or 3D Design and/or a portfolio of work shown to the Head of Photography offers a highly creative, hands-on alternative to Department along with an A grade in chemistry. other A level subjects and combines well for more specific career COURSE DETAIL choices, including in an Art or curating career. For example, The word photography could be taken to mean ‘a graphic Business (Commercial Photography), science (Dentistry) or representation with light’. In this way a photograph can take on drama (film industry) and computer science. English is also an the qualities of a drawing. In the context of this endorsed title, excellent complementary subject. In today’s media driven culture, drawing forms an essential element of both development and we are bombarded with imagery, ranging from the creative and final product. A camera can record the observed world, but is not alluring used in advertising to the hard-hitting world of editorial able – on its own – to explore ideas. Students must reflect on, photography. refine and apply the observations they make with a camera, and All A level and AS work is exhibited in the school’s summer determine which tools or techniques are most appropriate in their exhibition held which is a highlight of the academic year. exploration of ideas. Drawing methods such as pen or pencil on paper may enhance their development and understanding of photographic ideas, for example to plan shoots, analyse and deconstruct their own imagery, or record ways in which practitioners have used formal elements and visual language. Students should use a variety of tools and materials, as appropriate, for recording their surroundings and source materials. Photography includes works in film, video, digital imaging and light-sensitive materials. You will consider the application and implications of new and emerging technologies that can be used in conjunction with traditional and digital photography materials.

12 Biology

WHY CHOOSE BIOLOGY? COURSE DETAIL Biological Sciences are now at the forefront of human In the Lower Sixth the OCR course incorporates topics such achievement and the 21st Century is set to see a continuing as cell structure, biochemistry, biodiversity, transport systems explosion of biological knowledge. Many complex issues are and DNA. These important biological ideas are used to consider reported in the press such as the controversy over GM foods practical applications in modern society, particularly in regard to and cloning. Research is continuing into many issues that health and disease. affect millions of people around the world for example malaria, In the Upper Sixth, topics for study include further studies in reprogramming adult cells to become stem cells. These issues are physiology including nervous and hormonal communication, and all discussed in the A level specification. excretion, biochemistry including photosynthesis and respiration, WHAT ARE THE AIMS OF THE COURSE? WHAT SKILLS and genetics and gene technology. DO YOU NEED? Biology is a practical science and there will be plenty of Taking Biology at A level will equip you to discuss such material opportunities for students to engage in experimental work. This with insight. Your studies will enable you to learn about topics aspect of the course will be teacher assessed. Students also drawn from modern Biology, including Biodiversity, Forensics and undertake ecological investigations both in the school grounds Gene Technology, as well as from more traditional areas such as and on 2 day trips to the FSC at Juniper Hall. Records of Biochemistry, Physiology and Immunology. In addition you will student’s practical work will be submitted towards the Practical develop your skills in data handling, laboratory experimentation, Endorsement. application of biological principles and information retrieval. If FURTHER EDUCATION AND CAREER OPPORTUNITIES you are a curious about the world around you and how it works Biology combines well with the other Sciences and Mathematics. from a cellular level to whole organisms then Biology is for you It can also be taken as a supporting science with any other subject whether you intend to study it beyond A level or not. combination. Past students have said A good qualification in Biology is highly desirable in many “The syllabus is really varied so you get an overview of many fields and is an essential component of an application for entry different biological processes” to degree courses including Veterinary Science, Medicine, “It’s challenging yet fascinating. It helps you understand Physiotherapy and other Biomedical courses, Dentistry, Marine the environment around you, as well as your own body” “It’s Biology, Nursing, Optometry, Pharmacy and Teaching. fascinating to learn about the science behind what makes us Studying Biology does not restrict future employment to human and the complex processes which keep us alive scientific disciplines; it equips you with transferable skills, GCSE REQUIREMENTS increasing your career option to encompass many spheres of Grade 7 in Biology employment.

13 Business

WHY CHOOSE BUSINESS? written responses. The Business specification has mathematical Business is an ideal subject for students interested in the practical component, but does not require complex skills (it is mostly the realities of everyday business life. While watching The Apprentice application of theory in a numerical context). or Dragon’s Den is not required, if you are interested in how to GCSE REQUIREMENTS start, grow and manage a business and especially in how to make Grade 6 in Maths a profit, this will be the subject for you! There is a surprisingly Grade 6 in English large number of individual models and concepts throughout the course although, unlike the related subject of Economics, there Grade 6 in another Humanities subject e.g. History, Geography are no unifying theories. Rather these models can be applied to or Religious Studies individual areas such as deciding overall market positioning, how COURSE DETAIL – EDEXCEL BUSINESS 2015 to market and brand a product and how to set price. Students Themes covered in Year 1: will develop their skills of analysis, to be able to explain cause Theme 1: Marketing and people and effect and identify how and why outcomes arise, and also of Theme 2: Managing business activities evaluation (to assess the positives and negatives of a given course of action, to arrive at a reasoned judgement). As a social science, Themes covered in Year 2: Business combines well with a wide range of other subjects, such Theme 3: Business decisions and strategy as Psychology or Geography, but can also provide a contrast for Theme 4: Global business those with interests in Maths and sciences. Exam components: WHAT ARE THE AIMS OF THE COURSE? WHAT SKILLS Paper 1: Marketing, people and global business (drawing on DO YOU NEED? Themes 1 and 4). 2 hours You need to have a strong interest in the business world, in terms Paper 2: Business activities, decisions and strategy (drawing on both of ongoing experience as a customer and news-flow of Themes 2 and 3). 2 hours national and international developments. The course will arm you with the tools to analyse a range corporate actions, and to Paper 3: Investigating business in a competitive environment evaluate them, to identify the building blocks of corporate success (data response drawing on pre-release materials published in and about leadership of businesses. In parallel with the course November and unseen materials, covering all Themes). 2 hours our students are strongly encouraged to take part in the Young FURTHER EDUCATION AND CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Enterprise scheme that runs outside of school. Organised into Business is a good preparation both for a business career small groups, the students gain practical experience as producers immediately after school, or after further education, and can through which to make connections to their business theories, as also serve as a strong and broad grounding in commercial reality well as developing their problem-solving and teamwork skills. for those planning on careers in a wide-range of customer The course exposes students to a wide range of business contexts, facing areas such as medicine, engineering, design, technology, and in the final exam students need to extract important accountancy, marketing, human resources management and information about a given context to link back to their theories finance. Many students will want to study business at university to answer a range of questions up to and including longer level, after completing this A level.

14 Chemistry

WHY CHOOSE CHEMISTRY? IGCSE REQUIREMENTS A level Chemistry is an enjoyable multi-faceted course in The qualification builds on the knowledge, understanding and which students explore chemical behaviour building on their skills developed in IGCSE Chemistry. Therefore, students GCSE experience. We want our A level students to gain an should ideally have at least the equivalent of an IGCSE grade 7 understanding of general chemical principles based on ideas in Chemistry, and a GCSE grade 7 in Mathematics. At A level, of atomic structure, bonding theory and chemical energy. students should demonstrate effective communication skills, be These ideas are then extended into other areas such as organic able to carry out research, work independently and think critically chemistry, rates of chemical reactions and equilibria. Practical about problems. work is an integral part of the course and we expect our students COURSE DETAILS to enjoy the opportunity to develop their skills in the laboratory. These include manual dexterity and use of precision instruments We follow the AQA specification for A level Chemistry which is as well as planning and data analysis. a linear course. The girls will be taught topics covering Organic, Physical and Inorganic Chemistry building upon HIGHER EDUCATION AND CAREER OPPORTUNITIES their GCSE knowledge. Practicals will be completed throughout A level Chemistry is a necessary for students considering the course, to support learning and twelve of these will count careers in the health and clinical professions, including medicine, towards a separate practical certificate qualification. veterinary science, nursing, dentistry and forensic science. The girls will be provided with a lab folder to keep a record of Studying Chemistry will prepare students for careers within the these practical tasks. They will also be given question sheets, pharmaceutical or petrochemical sectors. It is appreciated by support material and extension material where required. Regular admissions tutors in many other subjects, including Law, due to examination style testing will take place at the end of each topic. its logical discipline. It is useful if you want to go on and study The Chemistry department is very experienced and keen to subjects such as Geology, Physical Geography, Engineering, or work alongside students, to enable them to reach their highest Material Science. academic potential. Due to the analytical skills needed to study Chemistry many graduates are being recruited by the financial companies in the City of London.

At the end of the two years the girls will sit three papers:

Paper 1 Paper 2 Paper 3 Physical Chemistry + Inorganic Chemistry + Physical Chemistry + Organic Chemistry + Any content and any practical skills relevant practical skills relevant practical skills 2 hour examination 2 hour examination 2 hour examination 35% of the A-level 35% of the A-level 30% of the A-level

15 Classical Civilisation

WHY CHOOSE CLASSICAL CIVILISATION? of undergraduate research and essay-writing. It complements many popular humanities subjects and provides excellent This subject is unique in the sense that it allows you the preparation for new subjects like anthropology. Classics students opportunity to study history, literature, philosophy and art history go on to a wide range of careers in areas such as the media, all in one course. Not only will this enhance your appreciation of publishing, the foreign office and advertising. other humanities subjects but the content is highly topical and thought-provoking in its own right. WHAT ARE THE AIMS OF THE COURSE? You will develop your critical faculties and ability to construct arguments, as well as crucially nurturing a keen sense of cultural empathy. The Greeks (and the Romans) laid down the markers for much of what we label ‘civilisation’, this course takes you right to the heart of being human. GCSE REQUIREMENTS At least a B grade in History/English Literature COURSE DETAIL • OCR A level Classical Civilisation • Component 1: The world of the Hero • Component 2: Greek Theatre/Art • Component 3: Love and Relationships The course will also include trips and visits to museums, theatres, lectures and events. FURTHER EDUCATION AND CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Classics is highly valued by universities and employers. The subject is intellectually rigorous and will prepare you well for the demands


WHY CHOOSE LATIN? Components 1 and 2: This subject has an unparalleled academic cachet and is highly • Translation and Comprehension valued by universities and employers not only for its analytical Component 3 and 4: and evaluative rigour but also as a facilitating subject for whatever degree or employment pathway you might embark upon. • Verse and Prose Literature: Virgil, Ovid, Cicero and Senecca WHAT ARE THE AIMS OF THE COURSE? • The course will also include trips and visits to museums, theatres, lectures and events. You will acquire the confidence to approach language sensitively and critically. You will be intellectually challenged by studying FURTHER EDUCATION AND CAREER OPPORTUNITIES linguistics, philosophy and history. You will read and appreciate Classics is highly valued by universities and employers. The subject some of the finest literature ever created. is intellectually rigorous and will prepare you well for the demands GCSE REQUIREMENTS of undergraduate research and essay-writing. It complements many popular humanities subjects and provides excellent At least a Grade A (7) in Latin preparation for new subjects like anthropology. Classics students COURSE DETAIL go on to a wide range of careers in areas such as the media, publishing, the foreign office and advertising. • OCR A level Latin

16 Economics

WHY CHOOSE ECONOMICS? GCSE REQUIREMENTS Economics is an entry-point for students into the adult world. Grade 6 in Maths It offers an opportunity to discover the meaning of mysterious Grade 6 in English terms such as inflation, quantitative easing and money supply, Grade 6 in another Humanities subject e.g. History, Geography to acquire the tools to understand events such as the Global or Religious Studies Financial Crisis and Brexit and to start to form your own opinions about government policy in key areas of the economy. Along COURSE DETAIL – EDEXCEL ECONOMICS ‘A’ 2015 the way you will develop the skills of analysis, to be able to Themes covered in Year 1: explain cause and effect between variable, and evaluation where judgements are reached about the advantages and disadvantages Theme 1: Introduction to markets and market failure (Micro) of courses of policy action. Theme 2: The UK economy – performance and policies (Macro, domestic) You will see clear links to areas you have covered in your GCSE courses in other subjects. From studying twentieth century Themes covered in Year 2: German history, you will have an understanding of some of the Theme 3: Business behaviour and the labour market (Micro) problems associated with inflation. From Geography, you will understand the consequence for countries that specialise in the Theme 4: A global perspective (Macro, international) Exam production of primary products such as gold or copper. components: A member of the social science family, Economics combines Paper 1: Markets and business behaviour (drawing on Themes 1 well with a wide range of other subjects. It can offer a framework and 3). 2 hours to understand the business and financial context of the world Paper 2: The national and global economy (drawing on Themes 2 around us for those planning a very different and specific career and 4). 2 hours path, such as medicine, engineering or science as well as preparing students for economics, management, business and finance Paper 3: Microeconomics and Macroeconomics (data response courses at university level. drawing on all Themes). 2 hours WHAT ARE THE AIMS OF THE COURSE? WHAT SKILLS FURTHER EDUCATION AND CAREER OPPORTUNITIES DO YOU NEED? Economics is a useful qualification for many careers, including You need to have a passion for current affairs and a strong law, the civil service and management. It is relevant to any career interest in following the daily news on national and international which requires an understanding of decision-making processes events, such a data releases and policy decisions and proposals. and the ability to reach judgements, including accountancy, It is an exciting subject in that events unfold in real time, but insurance and banking. European studies, politics and international circumstances can change rapidly. relations also have strong links to economics. The course aims to provide a conceptual understanding of both how markets and firms behave, and how the overall economic system functions at the national level, and in cross-border linkages. This is achieve through encountering economic models, simplified versions of reality, and by conducting comparative statics – comparing an initial situation, to a changed situation after one variable has been altered in the model. This usually involves drawing graphs, around which to build explanations. The contribution of great thinkers such as Smith, Keynes, Marx and Hayek to this body of knowledge, and more generally the evolution of economic thought, is also a feature of the course. The economics specification has mathematical component, but does not require complex skills (it is mostly the application of theory in a numerical context). The final papers combine a range of short and longer answers. The ability to construct a longer essay an essential requirement for success, but this is eminently coachable.

17 English Literature

WHY CHOOSE ENGLISH? breadth and enhancement of written and oral communication, for English is a vital subject in today’s rapidly changing world. It those studying mainly science subjects. empowers young people to become confident, critical and GCSE REQUIREMENTS creative communicators and discerning readers – particularly At least a grade B(6) in both English and English Literature important skills in our media-driven society. English Literature, GCSE. besides its academic value, also offers a uniquely rewarding and COURSE CONTENT enjoyable experience, which students take with them for life. For avid readers of fiction, the course offers the opportunity to • Across the course you will study two thematic units culminating explore a range of influential literature from across the ages, and in two examinations: ‘Love Through the Ages’ and ‘Modern to develop critical analysis skills in approaching this from a variety Times’. You will also produce a piece of comparative coursework of perspectives. Through prose, poetry and drama students will on two texts of your choice, linked thematically (word count learn to understand more about the cultural framework of the 2500 / 20% of total marks). world they in live today, and the way in which writers through the Set texts include: ages have sought to explore social issues via their work. • One Shakespeare play (Othello) WHAT STUDY SKILLS DO YOU NEED? • Pre-1900 poetry and prose (e.g. Tess of the D’Urbervilles) • A genuine interest in reading, exploring and analysing a range of • Three post-1945 texts including prose, drama and poetry (e.g. literary texts and critical perspectives, both within and beyond The Handmaid’s Tale; A Streetcar Named Desire) the course Theatre visits and study of filmed versions of the texts form part • Essays skills: writing critically and analytically and sustaining an of our course; opportunities to attend related academic lectures argument and educational trips are also offered. • A desire to explore texts in depth through discussion and to FURTHER EDUCATION AND CAREER OPPORTUNITIES undertake significant independent study to examine texts and English at A level, highly regarded by universities and employers, their contexts provides a valuable foundation for degree courses and a plethora WHAT ARE THE AIMS OF THE COURSES? of professions. An English degree traditionally leads to careers in You will develop your powers of expression, critical analysis and Law, Journalism, Teaching, Media, Advertising and Publishing, but imaginative creativity through reading, writing and discussion. in reality there are few career options where English will not be You will be able to communicate confidently in both speech and an asset. The analytical and communication skills that an English writing and develop as a sensitive and intuitive listener. qualification provides are fully ‘transferable’ and useful in almost You will appreciate great writing and its context, and explore any occupation. issues relevant to your own life and experience by undertaking What universities and future employers want most from their independent, as well as guided research, to prepare you for applicants is that they demonstrate motivation, intelligence tertiary study. and a proven ability to work and think independently and The English department offers two distinct courses at A level, interdependently. either of which will be stimulating and enjoyable for those Studying English will give you the opportunity to develop and use choosing predominantly Arts subjects, while providing interesting these skills within a stimulating and creative environment.

18 English Language

WHY CHOOSE ENGLISH LANGUAGE? COURSE CONTENT Two examinations (40% each) English is a vital subject in today’s rapidly changing world. It empowers young people to become confident, critical and Paper 1: Language, the Individual and Society. creative communicators and discerning readers – particularly This area of study introduces students to methods of language important skills in our media-driven society. English Language analysis to explore concepts of audience, purpose, genre, mode differs significantly from the text-based course in English and representation. It also introduces students to the study of Literature; instead of studying whole literary texts, students will children’s language development, exploring how children learn explore a wide range of (primarily non-fiction) written and spoken language and how they are able to understand and express texts. The course encourages students to develop their interest themselves through language. in and enjoyment of English through learning about its structures and its functions (including grammar), its development and its Paper 2: Language Diversity and Change. variations. Students study the full scope of English in all its spoken Students will study the key concepts of audience, purpose, and written forms, and are introduced to new methods of studying genre and mode and will explore language in its wider social, the language from a socio-linguistic perspective. geographical and temporal contexts. They will explore processes of language change. This part of the subject content also requires GCSE Requirements: B grade minimum in English Language students to study social attitudes to, and debates about, language and English Literature. diversity and change.

WHAT STUDY SKILLS DO YOU NEED? Non-exam assessment (20%): Language in Action. Students produce an extended language investigation on a topic of • A genuine fascination for how the English language works, not their choice. They also produce one creative piece and an just grammatically but also socially and culturally accompanying commentary. PROGRESSION • An independent work ethic and commitment to learning many new concepts, and exploring challenging ideas in depth and This subject is ideal preparation for higher education. It is researching contextual factors affecting texts also useful if students are interested in any career that values communication and analytical skills, including Journalism, • Strong skills in reading and writing, including analytical and Media, Public Relations, Law and Advertising. It is a creative and evaluative writing. stimulating course of great relevance in the modern world.

19 Computer Science

WHY CHOOSE COMPUTER SCIENCE? Unit 3: Advanced Theory – 25% Written Exam Unit 3: Further Computer Science is a practical subject, where invention and Problem-solving & Programming Skills – 25% resourcefulness are encouraged. Students are expected to apply Written Exam the academic principles they have learned to the understanding GCSE REQUIREMENTS of real-world systems, and to the creation of purposeful artefacts. Grade 6 in Computer Science and grade 7 in Mathematics. This combination of principles, practice, and invention makes it an Students who are beginning an A level course are likely to have extraordinarily useful and an intensely creative subject, suffused followed a Key Stage 4 programme of study in Computer with excitement, both visceral (“it works!”) and intellectual (“that Science. Students should be familiar with programming concepts is so beautiful”). and have some practical experience in programming in a text Computer Science is deeply concerned with how computers based language, for example Python or Javascript. and computer systems work, and how they are designed and FURTHER STUDY AND BEYOND programmed. Studying computer science offers insight into all computational systems, whether or not they include computers. This course will enable students to progress to higher study or to progress directly to employment. This qualification is suitable for Computational thinking is at the heart of Computer Science. those intending to pursue any career in which an understanding Computational thinking is a problem solving process that involves of technology is needed. The qualification is also suitable for decomposition (breaking down problems into smaller parts), any further study as part of a course of general education. It pattern recognition, abstraction (simplifying and modelling will provide students with a range of transferable skills which will a problem) and algorithm design (solving the problem). facilitate personal growth and foster cross curriculum links in areas Computational thinking is essential to the development of such as mathematics, science and design and technology. computer applications, but it can also be used to support problem solving across all disciplines, including the humanities, Computer Science can be studied further at university as a mathematics and science. stand-alone degree or combined with many other subjects like Philosophy and Mathematics. THE AIMS OF THE COURSE ARE You could also study more specialist areas such as networking, • To develop computational thinking. games design, robotics engineering and artificial intelligence to • To develop an understanding of the main principles of solving name a few related subjects. problems with computers. Computer Science is currently a sought after career with an • To develop an understanding that every computer system abundance of amazing employment opportunities. is made up of subsystems, which in turn consist of further subsystems. • To develop an understanding of the component parts of computer systems and how they interrelate, including software, data, hardware, communications and people. • To acquire the skills necessary to apply this understanding to develop computer-based solutions to problems. The syllabus aims to encourage the development of computational thinking, that is thinking about what can be computed and how. Learning computational thinking involves learning to program, by writing code, because this is the means by which computational thinking is expressed. COURSE STRUCTURE You will study the Cambridge International A level Computer Science (9608) course. The course is subject to linear assessment with all examinations taking place at the end of the second year. Unit 1: Theory Fundamentals – 25% Written Exam Unit 2: Fundamental Problem-solving & Programming Skills – 25% Written Exam

20 Geography

WHY CHOOSE GEOGRAPHY? There is fieldwork that strengthens GCSE geographical skills and By studying Geography you are entering into a understanding delves more deeply into contemporary issues and content. the natural and human processes which shape every aspect Further information is available in the Geography Department of our lives and our planet. You will draw on knowledge from for this course that aims to: the Arts and Sciences, providing excellent opportunities for • Reflect the dynamic nature of the world. Study contemporary cross-curricular links. Geography requires good analytical challenges and encourage independent investigation. skills, a systems approach, as well as an interest in international • Offer a more personalised choice – the 20% non-examined relations and politics. Geographers are researchers and are often assessment (project) is a great opportunity for you to involved in the cutting edge of science, policy making, finance, investigate an area of the specification that particularly epidemiology and management. Geography is often the ‘glue’ interests you. that links different disciplines together, enabling you to gain a FURTHER EDUCATION AND CAREER OPPORTUNITIES coherent understanding of our world. Geographers use their skills in a variety of careers, including WHAT ARE THE AIMS OF THE COURSE? finance, advertising; marketing; conservation; information Geography aims to develop a range of essential skills for Higher services; the media; civil service; planning; research; law; energy; Education and the world of work through content which is environmental agencies/consultancies. relevant to any citizen of the planet in the 21st century. Through ‘Employers rarely need narrow specialists. They need bright, exciting topics you will understand the nature of physical and committed, inquisitive individuals with the ability to draw on human geography whilst unpicking the debates surrounding what is happening elsewhere in the world. The best Geographers contemporary challenges facing the world today. You will be are stars in this respect.’ Professor David Rhind, Chief critical and reflective learners, able to articulate opinions, Executive, Ordnance Survey suggest relevant new ideas and provide evidenced argument in a range of situations (OCR). Graduates of geography have one of the highest employment rates of any discipline. GCSE REQUIREMENTS Geography can be studied as a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Grade 6 in Geography GCSE where taken or Grade 6 in an Science. There are also many geography degrees combined with alternative Humanities subject other subjects. COURSE DETAIL You will be studying the OCR course which builds on your GCSE studies.

21 Government and Politics


‘BREXIT’, the state of the NHS, Trump and North Korea…politics Government and Politics combines well with many A-level has never been out of the news, but now the problems it confronts subjects and is particularly relevant for those considering Arts (and gives rise to) seem more pressing than ever. degrees.

Politics A level gives students the opportunity to understand how The skills and knowledge acquired lead to a range of opportunities, far the political system is able to respond to these challenges, and both in higher education and professionally; many girls go on to why it seems to fail as often as it does. study politics at university, either on its own or in combination, and it gives an invaluable background for careers in law and the The subject is fascinating, relevant and contemporary and allows media to name just two. you to develop valuable transferable skills. If you enjoy are interested in the challenges of the 21st century, enjoy a debate and like to form your own opinions, Government and Politics is an excellent choice at A level.

The bi-annual trip to the US is a fantastic opportunity to put your studies into context, whilst there are also visits to the Houses of Parliament and the Supreme Court.


Grade 6 in English or one of the Humanities


The new linear course in Government and Politics started in September 2017 so you will be only the second group to take this exciting new course. In outline the course covers:

• the UK political system e.g. political parties, election systems, the functions of Parliament and Cabinet;

• the US political system e.g. the Republican and Democratic Parties, , the presidency, Congress and the Supreme Court;

• ideologies – the core ideologies of conservatism, liberalism and socialism.

The course is assessed solely through three examinations at the end of the second year and there is no coursework element.

22 History

WHY CHOOSE HISTORY? The Unit 2 examination is a ‘depth’ study focussing on English Revolution. This course examines what led to the breakdown of Why did the English behead their King? relations between King Charles I and Parliament resulting in his What made Russians shoot dead the Tsar, his wife and beheading. We will consider how the people of England set about children? Or Stalin murder more innocent people than Hitler? experimenting in new societies before restoring the King’s son to the throne. Why is it that police in America seem to shoot a disproportion number of black men? Our Non Examined Assessment will provide you with a broad sweep of African American history, from the death of slavery If you are interested in these questions; in the history of Britain, during the Civil War (1861-65) through to the re-election of Europe and the World – History is for you. If you are interested in Barack Obama as 44th President of the USA. You will write a why people and nations change, fight, revolt and make up – history 3,500 word essay examining either why this change happened or is for you. History is more than just an academic subject, you will the extent of the change taken place. learn about different cultures, peoples, races and responsibilities. If this interests you - history should be your choice. History at CHS LINKS WITH OTHER SUBJECTS AND CAREERS is not a subject stuck in the past. Far from it, we will show you how Studying GCE History gives you access to a wide range of historical events are what have shaped our society – History is your career and higher education opportunities. It is a subject that is route to the future! will regarded by both universities and employers alike. History Our History course is demanding and exciting, aiming to provide combines well with Mathematics and Science subjects to create you with an insight into both British, Russian and American history. an attractive portfolio of qualifications, enabling you to move on You will develop in the process, important transferable skills such to a university science-based course. Combined with English and a as analysis, evaluating information, summarising and organising modern foreign language it would provide a good basis for an arts or ideas, and constructing clear, logical arguments both verbally and language-based degree. in writing. These are vital skills for a range of careers, from areas of History provides an excellent foundation for a number of popular obvious relevance such as teaching, journalism, law and politics, to careers including journalism, law and business. In fact, the multi- fields such a medicine, banking and business leadership. disciplinary nature of History means that it offers a range of History is ideal for students who have an interest in the way the transferable skills useful for any job in the future. world has developed through the ages and who enjoy investigation Any job requiring research and analysis to generate an informed and discovery. We want students who wish to develop their skills judgement (which includes all of the top jobs you can think of) will of analysis and investigation and who enjoy debating and putting need a History qualification. forward a well-argued case. You will need to be prepared to utilise evidence in order to make up your own mind and be able to work on your own or as part of a research team on an historical investigative project.


A GCSE grade 6 or above in History or any other Humanities subject is needed for entry onto this course.


Our GCE History course from AQA is linear with all examinations completed at the end of Upper Sixth. In addition to the two examination modules the AQA GCE in History also comprises a Non-Examined Assessment accounting for 20% of the A level.

The Unit 1 examination is a ‘breath’ unit focusing on Russian History over a 100 year period. The specific focus of this examination charts the rise and fall of the Tsar and the setting up of consecutive communist governments. The course continues to explore the leaders of the Communist Party and the changes they made to society from Lenin, Stalin and Khrushchev.

23 Mathematics and Further Maths


For many different reasons. Some study Mathematics for the Paper 1: Pure Mathematics 1 love of it, or because they show a particular aptitude for it. Others Paper 2: Pure Mathematics 2 study Mathematics because they know that it will support one Paper 3: Statistics and Mechanics All examination papers of 2 or more of their other A level subjects. For example Physics, hour and 100 marks Edexcel Further Mathematics course detail: Chemistry, Biology, Economics, Psychology or Geography. Many universities require an A level in Mathematics to study Edexcel Further Mathematics qualifications are structured these subjects at degree level. If you are considering studying to allow the best range of opportunities for the students, as Mathematics at university you should study as much Mathematics well as bringing some flexibility. Both AS and A level Further at A level as possible i.e. Maths and Further Maths. Mathematics Mathematics have a simple 50:50 split between compulsory is a powerful subject which stimulates and fascinates people for and optional elements, with familiar option choices and defined centuries. We hope you choose to become more familiar with it. content. Further Mathematics can be delivered in parallel with Mathematics, and A level co-taught with AS. WHAT ARE THE AIMS OF THE COURSE? WHAT SKILLS DO YOU NEED? Further Mathematics Paper 1: Further Pure Mathematics 1 The study of Mathematics at A level provides an insight into one of the oldest and most fundamental languages in existence. As Paper 2: Further Pure Mathematics 2 a Mathematician you will learn to communicate with efficiency Paper 3: Further Mathematics Option 1 and elegance and learn to model the world around you in order to solve problems and make decisions. You will learn to think Further Pure, Further Statistics, Further Mechanics, Decision objectively and logically, be exact and specific and use your Maths imagination, along with your Mathematics to move beyond the Paper 4: Further Mathematics Option 2 world that we can experience. You will find the subject challenging yet rewarding, complex yet logical, and precise yet empowering. Further Pure, Further Statistics, Further Mechanics, Decision Maths GCSE REQUIREMENTS All the examination above papers of 1.5 hour and 75 marks

To study Mathematics at A level, you will need to extend the FURTHER EDUCATION AND CAREER study skills that you use at IGCSE e.g., logical thinking, attention OPPORTUNITIES? to detail, perseverance, self-motivation, a willingness to work hard. We advise that you take the extra examination AQA Further level Students who study Mathematics at A level often go on to pursue 2 Mathematics, offered at CHS. You will need to have a Grade 8 a wide range of careers. There are the obvious ones, e.g. careers at IGCSE/GCSE or a recommendation from your Mathematics in Mathematics, Medicine, Engineering, Sciences (of all types: teacher. Chemists, Physicists, Biologists, Bio-Chemists etc.) Actuary Finance, Accountancy, Computing, Statistics, Economics etc. Edexcel A level Mathematics course detail: However regardless of what career you pursue an A level in • Edexcel A level Mathematics qualification offers a simple three- Mathematics tells future employers that you have the ability to paper model, with defined content and calculator usage allowed succeed at a challenging subject, and that you have many life in all three papers. skills, such as logical thinking, tenacity, a high work ethic, the ability to absorb, condense and logically present vast amounts of • Co-teaching AS and A level is straightforward. AS paper 1 information that are transferable to any facet of life. assesses the same content as A level paper 1, but at an AS level of difficulty.

• Both A level and AS Mathematics have a simple 2:1 ratio of pure to applied content.

AS level Mathematics

Paper 1: Pure Mathematics 1 (2 hour and 100 marks) Paper 2: Statistics and Mechanics (1 hour and 50 marks)

24 Modern Foreign Languages

WHAT IS A-LEVEL LANGUAGES? day life in the country of their language of study. These trips The A level language courses build on and develop many of the have always proved incredibly popular with our 6th formers, skills learnt at GCSE. The girls may choose to study one or two with many non-linguists also taking part (‘Historical Berlin’, languages in combination with other disciplines. This last option ‘Unknown Paris’, ‘Winter in Madrid’) is becoming increasingly popular as universities offer more WHERE CAN YOU GO WITH MFL? courses in which the study of a Modern Foreign Language is one By studying a language in the Sixth Form, girls will become component: Sciences, Medicine, Law, Business, Management confident speakers and communicators, will be able to discuss Studies are examples. There is a huge demand for languages the issues of the day and current affairs and importantly, work in the work place; an A level in a Modern Foreign Language independently - all of which are invaluable transferable skills provides you with the opportunity to work or study in Europe highly sought-after at top universities and in the work place. and world-wide. The skills acquired by Modern Language graduates are extremely REQUIREMENTS desirable in today’s global markets, with linguists going on to In order to study a language at A level, we expect our students careers in law, business and fundraising – for example in the to be highly motivated and interested in the language and charitable sector of international organisations - as well as culture, as well as have a desire to develop their linguistic interesting careers in management, marketing, medicine and the abilities. A minimum of a grade 7 at GCSE is required to be Civil Service. accepted onto the A level course. Girls who are interested in taking a Modern Foreign Language as STRUCTURE OF THE COURSE an AS level should speak to the relevant Head of Department. Each language course comprises Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking components. During the course, the girls will be stimulated by discussions on current issues, learning more about the culture and literature of the target country and acquiring a deeper knowledge of the language itself. They will also further develop these skills by engaging in a more detailed study of various cultural aspects of the country (for example a piece of literary work, aspects of contemporary society or a film) Students will have 9 hours of teaching time a fortnight and be taught by two different teachers. In addition to this, they will have an individual 30-minute conversation session with our highly experienced language assistant. These sessions reinforce classroom learning but also provide the students with high-level debating skills and a wide range of specialist vocabulary. Our small class sizes offer a high level of individualised support with tailored and personalised learning, so that girls can reach their full potential here at Croydon High and beyond. We expect all of our students to undertake a certain amount of independent work and to do so, they will be equipped with the most up-to-date language learning technology and applications to support this. The students will have access to the language laboratory and the various online learning resources to which the school subscribes. They will also be encouraged to watch television news, films, and TV programmes in the target language, as well as to read books and make use of departmental monthly subscriptions to magazines such as Die Freundin, Phosphore and Muy Interesante. The girls will have the opportunity to attend theatre performances and engage in GDST and national competitions. There is also a wide variety of foreign trips on offer, in order to further broaden their horizons and give them a taste of day-to-

25 Music

WHY STUDY MUSIC? • A performing standard of Grade 6 or above is expected. Music A level is both a creative and academically rigorous • All students are expected to take lessons on a minimum of one course that teaches you core musical skills whilst equipping instrument and / or voice, and are encouraged to participate in you academically for entry to a wide-range of Russell Group the flourishing extra-curricular music programme at Croydon Universities or Conservatoires. It is a highly enjoyable course High (Senior and Chamber Choirs, Jazz Bands, Wind Band, which combines extremely well with all other subjects. Musicals, Chamber Groups, rock bands etc.) Music A level Students from Croydon High School have gone • Students in Year 11 may apply for the prestigious ‘Du Pré’ on to study a variety of disciplines at University, as well as Scholarship’. continuing their musical studies, and our A level results are of a consistently high standard. WHAT’S INVOLVED? You will have the opportunity to polish your performing to Music is a practical, intellectual and creative subject, which a professional level, compose your own music and have it involves skills in both performing and writing music as well as performed in public, as well as studying music in a broad range understanding and appreciating music of different historical of popular and classical styles. periods and ethnic backgrounds. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS This course develops practical skills by adopting specialist pathways in Performing and Composing. It also recognises • A minimum of Grade 7 in Music GCSE, or a similar that we live in an age of cultural diversity and the areas of study qualification, is expected although students with extensive therefore cover a wide range of music: Western Classical Music, performing experience in either an instrument or voice will Film Music, World Music, Popular Music and Jazz. also be considered. Grade 5 theory is an advantage although not essential.

Unit Title Assessment Weighting Performing 8-10 minute recital 30% Composing 1 composition 30% 1 technical exercise Listening and Appraising 2 hour examination 40%


The arts and entertainment sector is currently the UKs largest export industry, and Music A level can lead to a career as a performer, composer, publicist, arts manager, radio broadcaster, live promoter, teacher or academic and much more.

Recent students have gone on to work with the BBC, in the recording industry, Arts Council, performing, teaching, music publishing, retail and librarianship.

However, Music A level equips you for other careers too – with a rigorous intellectual base, it’s no surprise that more Music graduates win places on Medical Postgraduate courses than students of any other subject.

There are also opportunities in music administration, managing orchestras and in music therapy.

26 Physical Education

WHY CHOOSE PHYSICAL EDUCATION? Much of the academic rigour is achieved by the breadth of skills required. Students will study anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, This A level course covers the elements that contribute to sports the history of sport and recreation, the sociology of sport, sport performance including aspects relating to physiology, psychology, organisation, skill acquisition, theories of learning and sports skill acquisition and socio-cultural aspects. Personal sporting psychology. expertise is an essential requirement to complete the practical component of the course which involves performing one chosen You will be required to demonstrate proficiency in one sport as a activity. performer. The essence of the course is that theoretical aspects are studied with direct reference to actual sporting situations, With the leisure industry rapidly growing A level Physical with the expectation that students will spend time improving their Education can be useful for those wishing to follow a career in own performances. This can be enhanced by the coaching and sport and recreation but will be just as stimulating and testing for observation of peer Students, improving understanding and giving those who have no desire to take it any further or who want to use relevance to the theory. it to develop their personal sports involvement. FURTHER EDUCATION AND CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Physical activity is essential when trying to lead a healthy active lifestyle. By the end of this course you should have increased A level PE can lead to University courses in: your physical competence, developed your involvement in Sports Science, Sports Studies, Leisure Management, physical activity and become better at making informed decisions Physiotherapy, Teaching, Osteopathy and Medicine Future career on your own and others’ involvement in physical activity options include: GCSE REQUIREMENTS Sports psychology, teaching, sports management or marketing, You will need to achieve a minimum of Grade 7 at GCSE and physical trainer, Physiotherapist / osteopath / chiropractor, actively train and compete in your chosen sport outside of school biomechanics, nutritionist / dietician, performance analyst, school in regular competitions. Your chosen sport must be one on the sport coordinator, sports development officer, professional athlete OCR list of activities. or medicine.



This A level course offers you a broad curriculum covering aspects relating to physiology, psychology, skill acquisition and sociocultural aspects.

27 Physics

WHY CHOOSE PHYSICS? COURSE DETAIL If you have an inquisitive mind and want to understand HOW We follow the OCR A course. The content is split into six modules the world works, the study of Physics will provide many of the • Development of practical skills in physics answers. This course will develop your essential scientific knowledge and understanding, as well as establish links between theory and • Foundations in physics experiment. • Forces and motion Some students may choose Physics simply because they enjoy it or • Electrons, waves and photons because they know that it is highly regarded by universities as a test • Newtonian world and astrophysics of problem-solving ability and logical thought. The ability to work in groups as well as independently is paramount in your development • Particles and medical physics during the course. FURTHER EDUCATION AND CAREER OPPORTUNITIES WHAT ARE THE AIMS OF THE COURSE? A level Physics, especially combined with Mathematics, is an Physics A level gives students a seamless transition from GCSE important qualification for many degree courses and future careers. to university courses in Physics and Physics-related disciplines. A level Physicists go on to work in Astrophysics, Engineering, It maintains students’ enthusiasm for Physics and develops their Astronomy and Meteorology, to name but a few areas. interest in the subject. The course offers practical and investigative The subject also complements careers in Medicine, Veterinary experience throughout the two years of study and many context- Science, Mathematics, Computing, Finance, Law, Accountancy, based applications. Geology. Combined with an Arts subject, Physics is useful for those GCSE REQUIREMENTS considering Architecture, Broadcasting, Journalism or Surveying. To take Physics A level you will be expected to achieve a minimum of a grade 7 at GCSE Physics and Mathematics.

28 Psychology

WHY CHOOSE PSYCHOLOGY? Attachment Psychology is the scientific study of people; how they think, Approaches in psychology including biopsychology how they react and how they interact. You will already be aware Psychopathology of many of the topics we study because you will have observed people behaving in a variety of different ways. You will also Research methods Themes covered in Year 2: have watched many news items, documentaries and even films Research methods which deal with issues such as memory recall, mental health, Debates in psychology childhood and social influence. Psychology will introduce you to many ground-breaking research studies which have provided Approaches in psychology including bi-psychology us with insight into areas such as, the diagnosis of schizophrenia Eating behaviour (Rosenhan) and explanations for conditioned human behaviour (Pavlov’s dogs). You will have the opportunity to test some of Forensic psychology these theories by designing your own studies and conducting your Cognition and development research in the manner of a professional psychologist. Psychology combines science with the humanities and works well combined Schizophrenia, aggression, relationships, addiction, gender and with both. The topics we study and the skills acquired make it stress valuable asset for all combinations. Psychology is also recognised Course: AQA Linear specification which is assessed through three as a Science subject at University. papers at the end of Upper Sixth: WHAT ARE THE AIMS OF THE COURSE? WHAT SKILLS Paper 1: Introductory topics in psychology DO YOU NEED? Paper 2: Psychology in context You will have the opportunity to design and pursue your own Paper 3: Issues and options in psychology experiments. This will involve writing and testing hypotheses, drawing conclusions and evaluating your own research. Previous FURTHER EDUCATION AND CAREER OPPORTUNITIES students have investigated areas such as whether word colour Psychology is a useful qualification for many careers, including effects recall of spellings and whether we rate familiar faces as the law, medicine, education and management. It is relevant to any most attractive. career which requires an understanding of research methodology You need to have enthusiasm for studying the world around and is useful in areas such as marketing and human resources. you. You will need to have an interest in areas such as the NHS and policing because this is where many of the topics we study are applied. You will learn about the contrasting explanations for human Behaviour. This includes biological explanations such as neuroanatomy and psychodynamic explanations, including Freud, who linked behaviour to early childhood experiences. The Psychology specification also has a strong mathematical component. You will learn to use descriptive statistics including means, modes and medians to describe research findings and you will use inferential statistics such as the Mann-Whitney test in order to draw conclusions from your findings. GCSE REQUIREMENTS • Grade 6 in Maths • Grade 6 in Biology • Grade 6 in a humanities subject COURSE DETAIL: Themes covered in Year 1: Social Influence Memory

29 RS, Philosophy and Ethics

WHY CHOOSE RS, PHILOSOPHY AND ETHICS? Computer Science and Philosophy, Mathematics and Philosophy, The Greek philosopher, Socrates, once said “the unexamined life Philosophy and History, Psychology and Philosophy etc. is not worth living.” A level RS, Philosophy and Ethics explores The Medical Ethics elements within the Ethics module also make selected topics providing students with the tools they need to it an excellent preparation for a Medical degree. critically examine their own lives as well as the world in which The breadth of professions into which students can gain entry is they live. perhaps demonstrated by the range of people who have studied It is one of the fastest growing academic subjects at A level this subject, which includes such diverse characters as Martin nationally; it complements many other A level courses as it Luther King Jr., Bruce Lee, Aung San Suu Kyi, Harrison Ford, T S analyses issues that relate to all subjects, as well as teaching Eliot, Angela Davis, Woody Allen and Bill Clinton. Perhaps martial students not what to think, but how to think. artist, acclaimed film director, or a historic president are rather wide-ranging careers, but they highlight the potential of a RS, WHAT ARE THE AIMS OF THE COURSE? WHAT SKILLS Philosophy/Ethics graduate. More commonly, though, you’ll find DO YOU NEED? graduates working as journalists, lawyers, teachers, civil servants, In studying this subject, students will acquire a range of skills diplomats, in the media or for NGOs. such as analysis, interpretation, critical thinking and the ability to Success in these vocations can be attributed to the ability to judge critique an argument as well as formulate an effective response to between a sound and unsound argument, and draw reasoned an argument. These are skills that will prepare students well for a views from difficult situations, enhanced by the exposure to the range of courses in higher education, and employment. challenging arguments students experience in the course of their GCSE REQUIREMENTS studies. Grade 6 in RS, where taken, or a grade B in an alternative Depending upon the religion chosen, an appropriate Religious humanities subject, and a 6 in English. The GCSE grade is not Studies A level trip will also be offered. necessarily a good indicator of aptitude at A level. The emphasis For a more detailed overview of the Religious Studies A-Level at A level is on the student’s ability to assess, evaluate and apply course please visit: different arguments and theories. specification-accredited-a-level-gce-religious-studies-h573.pdf COURSE DETAILS The RS, Philosophy and Ethics course is an exam based linear course and consists of three elements: The study of Philosophy, Ethics and Religion. Each component of the course is worth 33.3%. Students will sit three exams at the end of Upper Sixth. For the Religion aspect of the course, students will be able to decide as a group which of the six major world religions they would like to study; Philosophy topics include arguments for the Existence of God, challenges to religious belief and Religious Language; and Ethics topics include Ethical Language and Thought, a variety of ethical theories and their application to issues such as euthanasia, sex and business. FURTHER EDUCATION AND CAREER OPPORTUNITIES There is a wide range of University courses that offer Philosophy/ Religion degrees such as: • Religious Studies • Religion, Philosophy and Ethics • Theology • Philosophy There are also many joint course options such as Politics, Philosophy and Economics, Philosophy and Film, Philosophy and Languages, Philosophy and Art, Philosophy and English,

30 Theatre Studies

WHY CHOOSE THEATRE STUDIES? designer or director and your piece must be influenced by the work and methodologies of one prescribed practitioner. This is an A level for those who enjoy Theatre and Drama You will produce a working notebook as well as being marked and who want to be challenged. We work essentially through on your final performance, 30% of A level. practical experience and experimentation applying ideas, performance theories and techniques. 3. Making Theatre – this assesses a practical exploration and interpretation of three extracts each taken from a We welcome students with a range of talents and interests. different play and explores the methodology of a prescribed You should have a love of performing, a commitment to practitioner. Extract 3 is to be performed as a final assessed experimenting with the power of theatre and a lively interest in piece (students may contribute as performer, designer or the world around you – as well as a desire to articulate what you director), 30% of A level. see through drama. You also get the unique opportunity to take part in workshops Girls who take Theatre Studies know that there is nothing and performances by theatre companies visiting the school as ‘easy’ about the subject and that there is no bigger “buzz” than well as the department 5-day residential trip to the Edinburgh performing for an audience! Fringe Festival in August. This course is exciting and offers an enormous scope for you FURTHER EDUCATION AND CAREER OPPORTUNITIES to develop and explore the medium of dramatic performance. Theatre Studies is so much more than a folder full of notes! This subject is not just for those who are thinking about a career in the theatre. You will gain excellent communication and group GCSE REQUIREMENTS work skills which will be useful in all areas of your working life. Minimum grade 6 at GCSE Drama, or at least a B (6) at English You will undoubtedly grow in self-confidence and create pieces Literature if you haven’t taken GCSE Drama of drama you will never forget. COURSE DETAIL Employers will know that in you they are getting an employee AQA DRAMA AND THEATRE STUDIES who is able to work with others, approach tasks fearlessly with a ‘can do’ attitude and who can articulate views and present 1. Drama and Theatre – this assesses your knowledge and information creatively. Girls who take Theatre Studies A level go understanding of drama and theatre. You will study two set on to pursue careers in the law, the media, teaching and many plays as well as analysing and evaluation the work of live other spheres. theatre makers. A 3-hour open book exam, 40% of A level. And yes, some of them become professional actors too! 2. Creating Original Drama – this assesses the process of creating devised drama. You may contribute as a performer,

31 What makes our Sixth Form Special?

‘The family-like feel in the Sixth Form means that it has become my home.’ Current Upper Sixth student

‘Coming to Croydon High as a “new girl” I was apprehensive as to how I would fit in. However, a year on I can honestly say is that coming here is the best decision I have ever made. My peers made me feel welcome from day one and my teachers have been incredibly supportive.’ Current Lower Sixth student

When we ask our students what makes the Sixth Form special they tell us time and again it’s the family-like community. Because we invest considerable time and energy in getting to know each girl individually, we are sensitive to, and celebrate their diversity.

At lunch times and break times, especially, the Sixth Form Common Room reverberates with the sound of shared laughter, the celebration of the latest success and even raucous renditions of ‘Happy Birthday.’ Staff support girls, and crucially, they support each other through the twists and turns of an A level programme which is notoriously pressurised. But the sense of community and support here does make things manageable and enjoyable and we find that personal happiness leads to academic success.

Indeed, our Sixth Form is also characterised by a collective academic endeavour which pushes girls to do their very best. Small class sizes allow for an unrivalled level of personalisation and increased contact time. Outside of timetabled lessons, staff can frequently be found with students working together to consolidate learning and to go beyond the bounds of the A level curriculum, such is the shared sense of purpose and ambition.

Our inspirational enrichment programme seeks to provide opportunities for all. Whether they are performing in one of our numerous choirs, orchestras or ensembles, competing in one of our many sports’ teams, or debating with confidence and assertion, these leaders of our school community inspire with their talents and their determination whether it’s for fun or elite competition.

Finally, the expertise and energy of our Careers Department means that girls leave our Sixth Form armed with the information and skills they need to succeed at university and in their chosen career.

Why not come and see for yourself what makes us so special?

32 Frequently asked questions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions we receive from Year 11 girls…

Q How many A level subjects can I take?

A The message from all the top universities is clear; three good A levels are what they are looking for. However, some girls may wish (and be academically able enough) to take four A levels. As we always say, your targets are personalised – one size does not fit all.

My experience at 6th form has been fabulous – the small class sizes have given me such a close relationship with my teachers and means that the teaching is much more tailored to all of us and the family-like feel in the Sixth Form Centre means it has become my home. (Current Upper Sixth student)

Q What sort of universities do Croydon High girls go on to?

A All of the Russell Group universities, including Oxbridge, as well as a wide range of well-respected colleges for those who want to go on to artistic, musical or vocational courses.

For us, the most important factors were excellent teaching and the strong advice and support Sixth Form teachers provided in the university application process. Croydon High School encouraged our daughter to aim high and fully supported her in every way it could. (Parent of former sudent)

Q Can I apply for a scholarship?

A Yes. Academic Scholarships are open to both internal and external Year 11 applicants. Performance scholarships in Music, Drama, Art and PE are also available to girls studying these subjects at A level. Full details of all scholarships, bursaries and other awards are explained in our Scholarships leaflet included in your Open Evening pack.

Q What is the dress code in Sixth Form?

A Smart and business-like, tailored jackets, skirts and trousers or dresses. These don’t need to cost a fortune – the girls recommend H&M for the best range!

CHS taught me that being a girl does not stop me from being whatever I want to be in the future, and to appreciate that this is a privilege. And finally, I learnt that despite my protests, floral leggings are not, and will never be appropriate attire for Sixth Form. (Leaver: Class of 2014)

Q What kind of support will I get when applying for University?

A You will get outstanding, personal support from an extremely dedicated and experienced team. UCAS applications happen early in Upper Sixth, but the support will start in Lower Sixth as you complete your personal statement and produce draft applications by the end of the summer term. This is so your tutors can spend their time over the summer holiday collating all the information and writing your all-important reference. This is just one example of the level of support you can expect from our sixth form staff.

The support and guidance I am getting is second to none and makes me feel confident that not only will I achieve the best results but will also go on to achieve my ambitions. (Current Lower Sixth student)

Q Isn’t Sixth Form just like being at school – I think I might need a change?

A Lessons are very different with small class sizes and opportunities to really get to know your teachers and yourself – and how you learn. You do need a change at Sixth Form and you will find our Sixth Form to be very different from what you are used to in school. You are no longer children, but intelligent and informed young women and you will be treated as such. You will be given responsibilities and privileges in equal measure in an atmosphere where you are supported fully by staff and your peers.

I have been at Croydon High since Junior School, but my first few weeks in sixth form have been the best yet. The relationships built with teachers are great and extremely beneficial towards the type of learning that we take on. (Current Lower Sixth student)

Q I am considering joining from another school. Will I fit in?

A We are fortunate to have a Sixth Form that is big enough to accommodate many different ‘types’ and yet small enough to still feel like a family. Girls joining us in Lower Sixth always comment on the friendly atmosphere and on how quickly they settle in – just ask them!

Coming to Croydon High as a “new girl”, I was apprehensive as to how I would fit in. However, a year on I can honestly say that coming here is the best decision I’ve ever made. My peers made me feel welcome from day one, while my teachers have also been incredibly supportive. (Current Upper Sixth student)

33 Making the right choices for your future

DEGREE ESSENTIAL A-LEVELS USEFUL A-LEVELS Accountancy (also Banking/ Usually none, although one or two universities require Mathematics. Mathematics, Business Studies (AGCE, National and Diploma), and Finance/Insurance) Economics. Actuarial Science/Studies Mathematics Further Mathematics, Economics, Business Studies (AGCE, National and Diploma). Aeronautical Engineering Mathematics and Physics Further Mathematics, Design Technology, Computing/Computer Science American Studies Requirements vary but English and/or History are often asked for Politics Anthropology None A small number of courses like a science AS-level such as Biology. Sociology is also very relevant. Classics/Latin. Archaeology None Geography, History or science subjects can all be useful. Classics/Latin. Architecture Some courses say they want an arts/science mix. Some may require Art Art, Mathematics, Design Technology and Physics. AGCE or National Art and Design may also be useful at some universities. Do note that a portfolio of drawings and ideas may be asked for. Art and Design Art or Design Technology including AGCE/National (to give you the portfolio to get Design Technology, Art & Design. Do note that most entrants onto onto an Art Foundation Course, though sometimes AGCE/National Art and Design Art and Design degrees will have done a one-year Art Foundation applicants go straight onto a degree). Course after completing Year 13. Biochemistry Always Chemistry and some universities will say you must have Biology as well, Biology, Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Physics, Computing/ while some will say Chemistry plus one from Mathematics/Physics/ Biology. Doing Computer Science. Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics or Physics will keep all Biochemistry courses open to you Biology Biology, usually Chemistry. A few universities specify two sciences Mathematics or Physics, Computing/Computer Science. Biomedical Sciences (including Normally two from Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics. Chemistry is Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics. Medical Science) essential for some courses Business Studies None Mathematics, Business Studies (AGCE, National and Diploma) and Economics. Chemical Engineering Chemistry and Mathematics and sometimes Physics as well Physics, Biology, Further Mathematics, Computing/Computer Science. Computer Science For some courses, Mathematics. For some courses Computing/ Computer Science Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Computing/Computer Science, Physics, Philosophy, ICT. Chemistry Chemistry and occasionally Mathematics. Most courses require Chemistry and Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Computing/ would like Mathematics and one other science subject (for example, wPhysics or Computer Science. Biology) Childhood Studies None CACHE, Psychology, Sociology, AGCE/National/Diploma Health and Social Care. Civil Engineering Mathematics, in many cases Physics. Sometimes one of Physics or Chemistry Further Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Computing/Computer Science, Design Technology, Geography. Classical Studies For Classics courses Latin or Ancient Greek are required. For Classical Studies and Modern Foreign Language, English Literature, History, Classical Classical Civilisation courses most subjects will be considered Civilisation. Do note that there are some Classics courses which will allow you to start Latin and/or Classical Greek from scratch. Dentistry Chemistry and Biology for most courses, but some require Mathematics or Physics Mathematics, Physics, Further Mathematics. as well Dietetics Chemistry, Biology Mathematics Drama Some courses require English Literature and for a few courses English and/or English Literature, English Literature and Language, Theatre Studies, Theatre Studies Classics/Latin. Economics Usually Mathematics. For Economics joint honours degrees, Mathematics may not Economics, Computing/Computer Science, History, Business Studies. be required Electrical/Electronic Engineering Mathematics, usually Physics Further Mathematics, ICT, Design Technology, Computing/ Computer Science. Engineering (General) Mathematics and Physics. Further Mathematics, Design Technology, Computing/ Computer Science. English English Literature or combined English Language & Literature (some courses will History, Religious Studies, a foreign language, Classics/Latin. accept English Language). Environmental Science/Studies Many courses will ask for two from Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and Another facilitating subject, particularly a science. Geography European Studies A Modern Foreign Language Another Modern Foreign Language, English Literature, History, Politics. French French Another Modern Foreign Language, English Literature, History, Politics, Classics/Latin. Geography Most degrees require Geography Some Geography BSc (science) degrees prefer one from Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics or Physics. Geology/Earth Sciences Usually two from Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology Geography, Geology, Computing/Computer Science. German German (a handful of universities offer the opportunity to study German from Another Modern Foreign Language, English Literature, History, scratch, without German A-level) Politics, Classics/Latin. History Most degrees require History. Economics, English Literature, Philosophy, Politics, Sociology, Theology/ Religious Studies, a modern or classical language, Classics/Latin.

34 DEGREE ESSENTIAL A-LEVELS USEFUL A-LEVELS History of Art None Art, English Literature, History, Theology/Religious Studies, History of Art, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Classics/Latin. Italian Italian or another language such as French, German or Spanish. Another Modern Foreign Language, English Literature, History, Politics, Classics/Latin. Law Usually none, although a few universities require English. History; other facilitating subjects. There really are no essential subjects for Law. Maybe one choice should involve essay or report writing. History gives you good relevant skills for Law but is not essential. Management Studies Sometimes Mathematics. Mathematics, Economics, Business Studies (AGCE, National and Diploma). Materials Science (including Normally two from Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Biology (also Design Chemistry, Design and Technology, Further Mathematics, Biomedical Materials Science) Technology for some universities). Computing/ Computer Science. Mathematics Mathematics and sometimes Further Mathematics Further Mathematics, Physics, Computing/Computer Science.

Mechanical Engineering Mathematics, usually Physics Further Mathematics, Design Technology, Computing/Computer Science. Mechanical Engineering departments may have a preference for Mathematics A-levels with a strong mechanics component. Media Studies (including A few courses ask for English or Media Studies. English, Media Studies, Sociology, Psychology. Communication Studies) Medicine If you do Chemistry, Biology and one from Mathematics or Physics you will keep Further Mathematics or a contrasting (non-science) subject, all the medical schools open to you. If you do Chemistry and Biology you will Computing/ Computer Science. keep open the vast majority. If you do Chemistry and one from Mathematics and Physics you will limit your range of choices much more. Music For most traditional courses, Music and Grade VII/VIII, although some universities Some universities have a preference for at least one essay-based will consider candidates without A-level Music. subject. Nursing and Midwifery Usually Biology or another science. Biology, CACHE, Sociology, Psychology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics. Occupational Therapy Some courses ask for Biology. Psychology, Physical Education, Sociology or another science.

Optometry (Opthalmic Optics) Two from Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics or Physics (some courses prefer Further Mathematics, Computing/Computer Science. Biology as one of the choices). Orthoptics Biology Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Computing/Computer Science.

Pharmacy Chemistry and one from Biology, Mathematics and Physics keeps the vast Mathematics, Physics, Computing/Computer Science. majority of courses open to you. Some courses like to see Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics. Doing Chemistry and Biology keeps most courses open. Philosophy None Mathematics, Classical Civilisations, Philosophy and Religious Studies/Theology. Photography Photography or Art with a foundation Art, 3D Design.

Physics Mathematics, Physics. Further Mathematics, Chemistry, Computing/Computer Science.

Physiotherapy Most courses will consider you with just Biology. However, some also require a second Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Psychology science from Chemistry, Mathematics or Physics. Planning Sometimes Geography Geography, Mathematics, Economics.

Politics Usually none Politics, History, Philosophy, Law, Sociology, Economics, English Literature, Religious Studies, Business Studies, Classics/Latin. Psychology A few courses ask for one from Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics. Biology, Mathematics, Psychology, Sociology, Computing/ Computer Science. Religious Studies/Theology None Religious Studies/Theology, Philosophy, English Literature, History, Classics/Latin. Sociology None Sociology, Psychology, Geography, Computing/Computer Science.

Spanish Spanish (some degrees will also consider French, German or Italian). Another Modern Foreign Language, English Literature, History, Politics, Classics/Latin. Speech Therapy Some universities want a science such as Biology, Chemistry or Physics. Some specify A modern foreign language (for example, French, German, Spanish, Biology, but some degrees will consider candidates with none of these. Italian), English Language (and Literature), Psychology. Sports Science/Physical Education Many courses want to see one from Biology/Chemistry/Mathematics/ Physics Physical Education, Psychology. (some courses will treat Physical Education as a science equivalent). Surveying None For some types of Surveying e.g. Building Surveying, Mathematics and Physics could be helpful. For Estate Management (General Practice Surveying) most A-level combinations will be considered. Teacher Training At least one from Art, Biology, CACHE, Chemistry, Computing, Design and Another of the subjects listed as essential. (Primary and/or Secondary) Technology, Drama (Theatre Studies), English , French, Geography , German, History, ICT, Italian, Mathematics , Music , Physics , Physical Education , Religious Studies (Theology), Spanish. CACHE meets the entry requirements for early years Primary Teaching and a large number of Primary Education Teacher Training Degrees. Veterinary Science You should do Chemistry and Biology and one from Mathematics/Physics so that Further Mathematics. you have all universities open to you.

35 Destinations 2010-2018

This chart shows the wide range of subjects and university destinations reached by Croydon High girls over the last seven years. It is of course a fantastic resource made up of girls who may be studying the same subject you hope to study, or may be at (or have recently left) a university you may wish to apply to. They are ready to help! (Russell Group universities in bold type)

DESTINATION COURSE Aberystwyth University Film and Television Studies Anglia Ruskin University Biomedical Science Aston University Engineering, Marketing Bangor University Finance & Accounting, Psychology Bath Spa University Early Years Education, Graphic Communication Bath University International Management & Modern Languages, Spanish, Sport and Exercise Science, Physics with Research Placement Birkberk, University of London Law Birmingham University Business Management, Geography, Dentistry, English Literature & History (2), History,Geography & Economics (Joint Honours), Mathematics (3) Medicine (2), Archaeology & Ancient History, History & Philosophy, Political Economy, Philosophy, Chemistry with Industrial Experience, History, Pharmacy, Policy, Politics & Economics, Political Science Brighton University Biomedical Sciences, Business with Economics,Civil Engineering, Pharmaceutical & Chemical Sciences, Physiotherapy, Law with Business, Product Development, Marketing Management, Business, Interior Architecture, Economics, Anthropology and History Bristol University Law (2), Law & German LLB, Medicine, Dentistry, Maths, Economics (2), Politics and International Relations, Chemistry Brunel University Finance & Accounting, International Business, Maths Budapest, Hungary Dentistry, Medicine Cambridge University German & Russian, English (2), Medicine, Engineering, Philosophy Canterbury Christ Church University Paramedic Science Cardiff University Medicine (2), Biochemistry with a Professional Training Year Central St Martins (1 year), Foundation Art & Design then English Language & Literature then Newcastle University Charles University, Prague Medicine Chelsea Independent College English Literature Chester University Hazard Management & Geography City University Accounting & Finance, Speech and Language Therapy, Civil Engineering, Introduction to Optometry City & Guilds of London Art School Art Foundation Courtauld Institute of Art History of Art Coventry University French & Spanish, Midwifrey Art Foundation De Montfort University Advertising & Marketing Derby University Media Production Durham University Biological Sciences, Economics, Chemistry, Modern Languages and Culture, History, Education Studies (Mathematics), Politics, Theology, Anthropology and Archaeology, Natural Sciences (2), Philosophy, Politics and Economics East Anglia University English & American Literature, English Literature & Drama, Physiotherapy, Politics & Economics, History, Chemistry, Biological Sciecnes (with a foundation year), Chemistry (with a foundation year) Edinburgh University Economics Essex University Italian & Management, Economics, English & Spanish, Modern Languages (2), Maths, Politics (2), Philosophy & Economics, Economics, English, English Literature, History, History and Economics, Art History & Visual Culture and History, Psychology, Spanish & Italian, Human Biosciences, Natural Sciences, Medical Sciences Exeter University English & Spanish, Modern Languages (2), Maths, Politics, Philosophy & Economics, Economics, English, History, History and Economics, Psychology, Spanish & Italian, Human Biosciences, History & International Relations (with Year Abroad) Glasgow University Biochemistry, Gloucestershire University Philosophy & Religion Goldsmiths English Greenwich University Chemical Engineering Harper Adams Agriculture, Agriculture with Animal Science Hertfordshire University Physiotherapy, Paramedic Science, Pharmacology, Sport & Excercise Science, History, Nutrition, Business Economics Hull University Biomedical Science Hull York Medical School Medicine (2) Keele University Maths and Physics, Medicine, Chemistry, Financial Mathematics Kent University Accounting & Finance (with a year in industry), Applied Psychology with Clinical Psychology,Film Studies and English & American Literature, Law, Marketing, Psychology (2), Pharmacy

36 DESTINATION COURSE King's College, London Biochemistry, Dentistry, Medicine, Music, History, Geography Lancaster University English Literature Leeds Metropolitan University Art, Event Performance Leeds University Advanced Psychology, Design & Colour Technology, Economics, Economics & Spanish, English Language & Literature, Italian with Spanish, Midwifery, Music, History, Theology & R.S. Spanish, Portuguese & Latin American Studies, Sport & Exercise Science, Theatre and Performance, Politics, Philosophy, Politics & Economics Leicester University Biological Science, Chemistry with Forensic Science, Economics & Politics, History, Law, Medicine, Politics, Law, Economics (2), English Literature, Chemistry (with a foundation year) Liverpool University History (Social & Economic), Veterinary Science London Metropolitan Events Management London School of Economics Economics, Politics and International Relations London South Bank Adult Nursing Loughborough University Economics (2) English, English and Publishing, Geography (2), Geography with Economics, History and English, Sport & Excercise Science, Industrial Design and Technology, Economics with Geography Manchester University Accounting & Finance, Drama, Economics, Economics & Politics, History of Art, Mathematics with Business & Management, Physics, Spanish & Japanese, Biomedical Sciences, Medicine Medway School of Pharmacy Pharmacy, Pharmacology and Physiology Newcastle University Geography, Politics and Economics, Northumbria University Sport Management, Applied Sport & Excercise Science Nottingham Trent University Criminology, Pharmacology, Furniture Design, Philosophy and History, Ancient History, Psych with Crim Nottingham University Economics & International Economics, Civil Engineering, Animal Science, Business & Economics of Contemporary China (2), Economics, German & Abinitio Russian, History, Humanistic Counselling Practice, Law, Medicine, Modern Languages with Business, Portuguese & Spanish (2) Spanish & Abinitio Portugese, Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience, Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, Chemistry (2), Nutrition, Politics & American Studies Oxford Brookes University Biological Science, Business and Marketing Management, International Relations and Politics, Law Oxford University Mathematics, Spanish and Russian, History, English Language and Literature, Human Sciences, Chemistry, Law, French and German, French and Italian, Biochemistry Plymouth University Internet Design Portsmouth University Economics, Biomedical Science, English, Computer Animation and Visual Effects, Dental Hygiene, Film Studies, Human Resource Management with Psychology, Sociology & Criminology Prague University Medicine Queen Mary College, London Biomedical Sciences, Dentistry, Zoology Reading University Biological Sciences, Italian, Film, Chemistry, Quantity Surveying, Computer Science Roehampton University Primary Education with Maths, Drama and Theatre Studies, Primary Education KS1/KS2 Royal Academy of Music Opera Studies Royal Holloway College, London Economics, Music, Zoology, Psychology, Business and Management, Drama & Music Sheffield University Biology, Chemistry, Physics Royal Veterinary College, London Veterinary Medicine, Biological Sciences Sheffield University Biology,Biomedical Sciences Skidmore College, New York Psychology Southampton University Spanish & Latin American Studies, Biomedical Sciences (3), Applied Social Sciences, Economics and Management Sciences(2) English and Spanish, Law( 2), Psychology (2), Psychology & Education Studies, Spanish & Latin, Politics and International Relations, American Studies, English St Andrews Art History St George's Hospital, University Medicine (2), Biomedical Science (3), Radiography of London Surrey University Business & Retail Management, Economics (2), Law (2), Physics, Nursing, Modern Languages (French & Spanish), Veterinary Medicine & Science Sussex University Accounting & Finance, Anthropology, Chemistry, History, American Studies, Biosciences, Psychology with Education University of Amsterdam History of Art University of Breda (Netherlands) Game Design & Architecture University College, London Economics (4), MFL-French and Spanish, Neuroscience, Geography, Medicine, Applied Medical Sciences, Biochemical Engineering University for the Creative Arts, Art & Design Foundation Diploma Canterbury University of North Carolina, BS Chemistry Chapel Hill, USA Warwick University Biomedical Science, Economics (2), International Management, Mathematics (3), Psychology, Hispanic Studies & French, English Literature (2) West of England University, Bristol Geography, Accounting and Finance, Early Childhood Studies Westminster University English Literature & Spanish, International Relations, Digital Media & Communication, Digital Media Development, Journalism Winchester University Performing Arts York University Criminology, Economics & Economic History, English & Education, History (4), Management, Politics, Accounting, Business Finance & Management, Politics & International Relations

37 Notes


Croydon High School, Old Farleigh Road, , CR2 8YB [email protected] 020 8260 7500