The Pipeline for the Exomars DREAMS Scientific Data Archiving
The pipeline for the ExoMars DREAMS scientific data archiving P. Schipani,1 L. Marty,1 M. Mannetta,1 F. Esposito,1 C. Molfese,1 A. Aboudan, 2 V. Apestigue-Palacio,3 I. Arruego-Rodriguez,3 C. Bettanini,2 G. Colombatti,2 S. Debei,2 M. Genzer,4 A-M. Harri,4 E. Marchetti,5 F. Montmessin,6 R. 5 5 7 Mugnuolo, S. Pirrotta, C. Wilson, 1INAF - Capodimonte Astronomical Observatory, I-80131 Naples, Italy; pietro.schipani@ 2CISAS, Via Venezia 15, I-35131 Padua, Italy 3Instituto Nacional de Tecnica Aeroespacial (INTA), Madrid, Spain 4Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Erik Palmenin aukio 1, FI-00560 Helsinki, Finland 5Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI), Via del Politecnico, I-00133 Roma, Italy 6LATMOS - CNRS, Quartier des Garennes, 11 bd d’Alembert, F-78280 Guyancourt, France 7Oxford University, Parks Road, Oxford, United Kingdom Abstract. DREAMS (Dust Characterisation, Risk Assessment, and Environment Analyser on the Martian Surface) is a payload accommodated on the Schiaparelli Entry and Descent Module (EDM) of ExoMars 2016, the ESA and Roscosmos mission to Mars (Esposito (2015), Bettanini et al. (2014)). It is a meteorological station with the additional capability to perform measure- ments of the atmospheric electric fields close to the surface of Mars. The instrument package will make the first measurements of electric fields on Mars, providing data that will be of value in planning the second ExoMars mission in 2020, as well as possible future human missions to the red planet. This paper describes the pipeline to convert the raw telemetries to the final data products for the archive, with associated metadata.
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