The Story of Solarize Brooklyn

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The Story of Solarize Brooklyn THE STORY OF SOLARIZE BROOKLYN HOW A TEAM OF NEIGHBORS EXPANDED SOLAR HOMEOWNERSHIP IN NEW YORK CITY’S MOST POPULOUS BOROUGH NOVEMBER 2014 THE STORY OF SOLARIZE BROOKLYN CREDITS PAGE Author: Solarize Brooklyn Core Team Reena Shah, Writer/ Researcher Solar One Ellen Honigstock Max Joel Contributors: T.R. Ludwig Chris Neidl, Director of Here Comes Solar, Solar One Troy Martin Commissioned by: Solar Contractors Solar One Gregory Sachs, PE, Chief Operations Officer, EmPower Solar Mike Pagonis, Project Manager, EmPower Solar Sponsored by: Mat Layton, Service Manager, EmPower Solar NYSERDA Tara Bono, Marketing Manager, EmPower Solar Richard Klein, President, Quixotic Systems Acknowledgements: Bhagavathi Natarajan, Solar Engineer, Quixotic Systems Numerous individuals offered valuable time and input to support this study. These include: Solarize Brooklyn Homeowners John Adler Lorraine Cavanaugh Miles Green Chris Kreussling Daniel Power Jane Sanders Emily Schnee Paul Tainsh THE STORY OF SOLARIZE BROOKLYN TABLE OF CONTENTS Prologue.....................................................................................1 Overview....................................................................................1 What is a Solarize Campaign?....................................................3 Part I - Solarize Brooklyn..........................................................4 Working Group Formation - Pooling Resources to Launch a Campaign Request for Proposal & Installer Selection Process Outreach and Education Homeowner Spotlight - Miles Green - A Co-op Success Assessment and Contracting The Impact Looking Ahead Part II - Here Comes Solar.......................................................14 I. The Cost - Process Connection Homeowner Spotlight - Emily Schnee - The Labyrinthian Process The Art of Pre-Assessment Proposal Solicitation The Interconnection Red Tape II. The Power of Networks Homeowner Spotlight: Paul Tainsh - The Desire for Com- munity Homeowner Spotlight: Lorraine Cavanaugh - Off the Beaten Path Harnessing Web Tools III. Focus on Financing to Expand Participation IV. The Cooperative Housing Market Summary: Building a Solar New York....................................24 References................................................................................25 THE STORY OF SOLARIZE BROOKLYN PROLOGUE n a pristine July day in the Victorian Flatbush neighborhood of Brooklyn, OChris Kreussling was busy snapping photos of his steeply pitched, sun- drenched roof. What at first glance appeared to be acrobatic roof repair was actually three contractors from EmPower Solar installing a new 3.45 kilowatt solar photovoltaic system at an improbable angle. This system would come to generate all of Chris’s electricity needs, slashing his utility bill and making his home more sustainable. For Chris, a computer programmer and avid gardener who regularly opens his buzzing backyard filled with dozens of native plants to neighborhood tours, it was a momentous occasion as a homeowner. A set of ten jet black SunPower 345 watt solar photovoltaic modules sat in front of his garage, and as the installers unwrapped them Chris’s pride and excitement were palpable. “Wow, I own those,” he said as he clicked more photos and hesitantly posed for one with a panel. “This is cool. Really cool.” The day marked a milestone in Chris’s long journey to owning a solar system. As a participant in Solarize Brooklyn, the first of its kind grassroots effort to expand residential solar ownership in New York City’s most populous borough, Chris’s experience is part of a larger story about the campaign, its successes, and the important lessons that can be learned for future solar initiatives in the city. OVERVIEW The Solarize Brooklyn campaign began in the spring of 2013 all small solar systems (between 3–6.5 kW) currently installed as a volunteer driven partnership between Sustainable Flat- in Brooklyn.1 As of fall 2014, all of these homeowners had re- bush and Sustainable Kensington - Windsor Terrace with So- cently had their systems installed or were in the final permit- lar One, funded by NYSERDA, providing technical assistance. ting and installation phases. Spearheaded by Windsor Terrace resident and green architect Ellen Honigstock, the team modeled its venture on two previ- To achieve these results, Solarize Brooklyn conducted eight ous campaigns, Solarize Portland (Oregon) and Solarize Madi- education sessions over the course of three months across son County (New York State), employing signature solarize neighborhoods in south Brooklyn including Park Slope, Wind- elements to drive the program. In the end, the campaign ex- sor Terrace, Flatbush, and Kensington and implemented a com- ceeded its stated goal of installing 50 kilowatts of photovoltaics prehensive online sign-up survey to gather data from potential and nearly met its goal of installing five solar thermal systems. participants. Through a rigorous Request for Proposal (RFP) With 22 participating households, Solarize Brooklyn added process, the program selected two experienced installers for just over 80 kW of solar electricity, 3 solar hot water (ther- mal) systems, and one hybrid electric-thermal system to New 1 For a full illustration of the data please see NYSERDA’s open enrollment solar York City’s energy landscape, accounting for roughly 10% of incentive programs/ Open NY data. 1 THE STORY OF SOLARIZE BROOKLYN photovoltaic and solar thermal installation respectively, offer- Our purpose in this paper, therefore, is twofold. In Part I we ing group pricing and discounts as well as free roof assess- will study Solarize Brooklyn in terms of the typical aims and ments for homeowners. achievements of what could be considered the conventional solarize model. How did Solarize Brooklyn meet its goals and Examining each stage of the process - working group forma- use the solarize framework to do this? In Part II we will iden- tion, RFP development, outreach and education, post-contract tify specific conditions that prevail in New York City that may permitting, installation and interconnection, and overall impact necessitate a programmatic departure from standard solarize - is essential to understanding both the sizable achievements of campaign approaches. We then introduce a new initiative to the program and potential learnings for future efforts. In addi- promote solar in New York City that builds on the experience tion to the hard numbers, input from homeowners, installers, of Solarize Brooklyn while incorporating elements that better and campaign organizers provides a nuanced account of how accord with the unique character and challenges of New York the program has affected the lives of various stakeholders, the City’s residential solar market with possible utility for areas tremendous power that volunteer communities can have, and outside the region as well. arenas for further opportunity. 2 THE STORY OF SOLARIZE BROOKLYN WHAT IS A “SOLARIZE” CAMPAIGN? A solarize campaign is a grassroots-style campaign methodology aimed at increasing the number of solar installations in a specific region by capitalizing on the collective purchasing power of a particular community to realize cost reductions for participating households. While there were many community-based solar initiatives that cropped up around the country at roughly the same time, the term ‘solarize’ has its origins in a volunteer-driven campaign that took place in Portland, Oregon in 2009. The objective was to overcome key market barriers to installing solar, including high upfront costs, inadequate consumer knowledge about so- lar, and customer inertia and ambivalence about engaging in a long, unknown process. According to “The Solarize Guidebook: A community guide to collective purchasing of residential PV systems,”† there are three essential elements to any solarize initiative: • Competitive contractor selection • Community-led outreach and education • A limited-time-offer scheme Solarize Brooklyn incorporated all three elements through it’s competitive RFP process, its partnerships with community orga- nizations and local public officials, and its effort to limit the sign-up period to four months. In addition, the Guidebook outlines a basic six-step process for any campaign, while emphasizing that different campaigns will and should adapt these to suit their particular neighborhoods or regions of focus: • awareness • education • enrollment • site assessment • decision • installation As participants move through each stage, the role of a solarize campaign shifts as the role of the installer becomes more cen- tral. The “Guidebook” emphasizes that the limited-time offer component fulfills a major design element of the solarize model - to “jump start the solar market and then step aside.” Post the site assessment phase a campaign shifts from being the primary point of contact for participants to monitoring progress through a customer service database in collaboration with the installer. The database enables “the contractor’s process [to be] transparent to the project organizer [the solarize core team], and if there are delays in implementation, the project organizer can see these and plan accordingly.” This kind of monitoring, however, is low intensity as participants communicate primarily with the installer and the campaign concludes, having met its goal of mobilizing solar adoption in the area. † Sponsored by DOE SunShot Initiative, the City of Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, and Energy Trust of Oregon. Co-authorized by key
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