Robust Architectural Support for Transactional Memory in the Power Architecture Harold W. Cain∗ Brad Frey Derek Williams IBM Research IBM STG IBM STG Yorktown Heights, NY, USA Austin, TX, USA Austin, TX, USA
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Maged M. Michael Cathy May Hung Le IBM Research IBM Research (retired) IBM STG Yorktown Heights, NY, USA Yorktown Heights, NY, USA Austin, TX, USA
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT in current p795 systems, with 8 TB of DRAM), as well as On the twentieth anniversary of the original publication [10], strengths in RAS that differentiate it in the market, adding following ten years of intense activity in the research lit- TM must not compromise any of these virtues. A robust erature, hardware support for transactional memory (TM) system is one that is sturdy in construction, a trait that has finally become a commercial reality, with HTM-enabled does not usually come to mind in respect to HTM systems. chips currently or soon-to-be available from many hardware We structured TM to work in harmony with features that vendors. In this paper we describe architectural support for support the architecture's scalability. Our goal has been to TM provide a comprehensive programming environment includ- TM added to a future version of the Power ISA . Two im- ing support for simple system calls and debug aids, while peratives drove the development: the desire to complement providing a robust (in the sense of "no surprises") execu- our weakly-consistent memory model with a more friendly tion environment with reasonably consistent performance interface to simplify the development and porting of multi- and without unexpected transaction failures.2 TM must be threaded applications, and the need for robustness beyond usable throughout the system stack: in hypervisors, oper- that of some early implementations.