Deer Park Overflow ______Poljce .Use Gast- D.Ogs I.N Controjung ______·- Liquor Fueled Rioting on Main Street
;:;:;:: .;.;.::·:·:·: ;:;:;:;:; :.;.;.;.;.:.,.;.;.;.;. :;:;::::: .;.;.;.;.;.. ,. ,.,.,.,. Vol. 97 No. 12 Un1vers1ty of Delaware, Newark, Delaware Tuesday, March 12, 1974 Violence Erupts After ·Deer Park Overflow _________ Poljce .Use _Gast-_D.ogs i.n _ControJUng __ ____ _·- Liquor Fueled Rioting on Main Street By JONATHAN OATIS out and ordered him off. It was a wann and pleasant night. The driver then "really plowed The Deer Park was packed, as is usual through" the crowd, according to for a Thursday. And, on East Campus, Downey. This action apparantly a world-record breaking "streak-in" annoyed the crowd. For 20 to 30 minutes, according to was planned. The streakers, their audience, a Downey, people · had been "streaking" university administration, and Newark past the Deer Park and on the porch police never expected what happened. roof, while others stripped on top of At about 11 p.m. word was spread poles outlining the Rathskellar parking that there would be streakers in front lot. George Thompson, Deer Park of the Deer Park, according to Police owner, ordered the streakers off his Chief William Brierly. Deer Park porch roof. They complied. patrons picked up their drinks and Then, two police cars came down "spilled out into the street", Brierly Main Street toward the crowd. Dennis said. · Allshouse, manager of the Dependence And at this time, according to Bicycle shop, 17 New London Road, Brierly, there were 300 people in the said that these cars were "plastered" l!eneral area of the Deer Park. as they rolled to a stop. Freshman Maureen Downey, who was This "plastering," according to in the area from 10:30 p.m., said that Brierly, was accomplished with beer she saw ~veral cars try to get through bottles and gravel from nearby the crowd.
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